The words of Yudhishthira

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच भरद्वाजं कथं युद्धे युयुधानो न्यवारयत्। संजयाचक्ष्व तत्त्वेन परं कौतुहलं हि मे॥
Dhritarashtra said Tell me in detail, O Sanjaya, how did Yuyudhana oppose in battle the son of Bharadvaja? I feel a great curiosity for knowing what happened then. Sanjaya said

शृणु राजन् महाप्राज्ञ संग्राम लोमहर्षणम्। द्रोणस्य पाण्डवैः सार्धं युयुधानपुरोगमैः॥
Hear, 0 highly intelligent king, the description of that hair-stirring battle that then took place between Drona on the one hand and the Pandavas headed by Yuyudhana on the other.

वध्यमानं बलं दृष्ट्वा युयुधानेन मारिष। अभ्यद्रवत् स्वयं द्रोणः सात्यकिं सत्यविक्रमम्॥
Then, O sire, beholding the troops slaughtered by Yuyudhana, Drona himself assailed Satyaki of prowess incapable of being baffled.

तमापतन्तं सहसा भारद्वाजं महारथम्। सात्यकिः पञ्चविंशत्या क्षुद्रकाणां समार्पयत्॥
Thereupon Satyaki pierced with five and twenty short arrows that mighty car-warrior the son of Bharadvaja, who had been advancing furiously against him.

द्रोणोऽपि युधि विक्रान्तो युयुधानं समाहितः। अविध्यत् पञ्चभिस्तूर्णं हेमपुङ्खैः शरैः शितैः॥
Drona also, fighting heedfully and putting forth his prowess, quickly pierced Yuyudhana, with five sharp arrows furnished with wings of gold.

ते वर्म भित्त्वा सुदृढं द्विषत्पिशितभोजनाः। अभ्ययुर्धरणी राजश्वसन्त इव पन्नगाः॥
These arrows piercing through the tough armour of Satyaki, drank the blood of Drona's enemy; and, O king, they then penetrated into the earth like snakes breathing furiously.

दीर्घबाहुरभिक्रुद्धस्तोत्रादित इव द्विपः। द्रोणं पञ्चशताविध्यन्नाराचैरग्निसंनिभैः॥
Then the long-armed Satyaki, like an elephant struck with the hook, became filled with fury; and he then pierced Drona with fifty Narachas, all resembling fire itself.

भारद्वाजो रणे विद्धो युयुधानेन सत्वरम्। सात्यकि बहुभिर्बाणैर्यतमानमविध्यत॥
Pierced quickly by Yuyudhana in battle, the son of Bharadvaja, pierced Satyaki who had been fighting vigorously, with countless shafts.

ततः क्रुद्धो महेष्वासो भूय एव महाबलः। सात्वतं पीडयामास शरेणानतपर्वणा॥
Then again excited to the highest pitch of fury, that fierce bowman endued with great might, once more began to afflict him of the Satvata race, with arrows of depressed knots.

स वध्यमानः समरे भारद्वाजेन सात्यकिः। नान्वपद्यत कर्तव्यं किञ्चदेव विशाम्पते॥
Thus repeatedly wounded by Bharadvaja's son in battle, O ruler of men, Satyaki could not decide as to what he should then do.

विषण्णवदनश्चापि युयुधानोऽभवननृप। भारद्वाजं रणे दृष्ट्वा विसृजन्तं शिताशरान्॥
Then, O king Yuyudhana's face became cheerless, as he saw Drona discharge numerous sharp arrows in battle.

तं तु सम्प्रेक्ष्य ते पुत्राः सैनिकाश्च विशाम्पते। प्रहृष्टमनसो भूत्वा सिंहवद् व्यनदन् मुहुः॥
Beholding Satyaki then in that plight, your sons your troops, O ruler of men, became greatly delighted at heart and they began incessantly to roar like lions.

तं श्रुत्वा निनदं घोरं पीड्यमानं च माधवम्। युधिष्ठिरोऽब्रवीद् राजा सर्वसैन्यानि भारत॥
Hearing that dreadful din and seeing that descendant of Madhu's race sorely afflicted, O Bharata, king Yudhishthira addressing his

एष वृष्णिवरो वीरः सात्यकिः सत्यविक्रमः। ग्रस्यते युधि वीरेण भानुमानिव राहुणा॥
"This foremost of the Vrishnis this hero Satyaki of indomitable prowess, is about to be destroyed in battle by the heroic Drona, like the sun by Rahu.

अभिद्रवत गच्छध्वं सात्यकिर्यत्र युध्यते। धृष्टद्युम्नं च पाञ्चाल्यमिदमाह जनाधिपः॥
Charge and rush to the spot where Satyaki is fighting.” Then that ruler of men, addressing the Panchala prince Dhrishtadyumna said-

अभिद्रव दुतं द्रोणं किमु तिष्ठसि पार्षत। न पश्यसि भयं द्रोणाद् घोरं नः समुपस्थितम्॥
"Why do you tarry Oson, of Prisata? Assail Drona quickly? Can you not see the great danger to ourselves that has arisen from Drona?

असौ द्रोणो महेष्वासो युयुधानेन संयुगे। क्रीडते सूत्रवद्धन पक्षिणा बालको यथा॥
This fierce bowman Drona is playing with Yuyudhana in battle, like a boy playing with a bird bound with a string.

तत्रैव सर्वे गच्छन्तु भीमसेनपुरोगमाः। तत्रैव सहिताः सर्वे युयुधानरथं प्रति॥
Let every one of my troops headed by Bhimasena and others and accompanied by yourself, rush to the spot where Yuyudhana's chariot is stationed.

पृष्ठतोऽनुगमिष्यामि त्वामहं सहसैनिकः। सात्यकिं मोक्षयस्वाद्य यमदंष्ट्रान्तरं गतम्॥
Supported by my divisions, I will follow behind you. Do you all rescue Satyaki today who is now within the very teeth of death."

एवमुक्त्वा ततो राजा सर्वसैन्येन भारत। अभ्यद्रवद् रणे द्रोणं युयुधानस्य कारणात्॥
Having thus spoken, the king, O Bharata, supported by all his troops, charged Drona in that battle, for the sake of rescuing Yuyudhana.

तत्रारावो महानासीद् द्रोणमेकं युयुत्सताम्। पाण्डवानां च भद्रं ते सृञ्जयानां च सर्वशः॥
May good betide you; the din that then arose there, when the Pandavas and the Srinjaya rushed against the single-handed Drona, was indeed very tremendous.

ते समेत्य नरव्याघ्रा भारद्वाजं महारथम्। अभ्यवर्षशरैस्तीक्ष्णैः कङ्कबर्हिणवाजितैः॥
Then, O foremost of men, encountering Drona that son of Bharadvaja, that mighty carwarrior, they began to pour upon him showers of sharp arrows furnished with wings of Kanka-feathers and the feathers of peacocks.

स्मयन्नेव तु तान् वीरान् द्रोणः प्रत्यग्रहीत् स्वयम्। अतीथीनागतान् यद्वत् सलिलेनासनेन च॥
Then Drona received all those heroes smilingly, even as a host receives his welcome guest with water and the offer of seats.

तर्पितास्ते शरैस्तस्य भारद्वाजस्य धन्विनः। अतिथेयं गृहं प्राप्य नृपतेऽतिथयो यथा॥
Then like the guests becoming gratified with hospitality of their hosts, those heroes were gratified with the shafts sped at them by that bowman viz., the son of Bharadvaja.

भारद्वाजं च ते सर्वे न शेकुः प्रतिवीक्षितुम्। मध्यंदिनमनुप्राप्तं सहस्रांशुमिव प्रभो॥
They could not then behold the son of Bharadvaja, even as men cannot look at the midday sun of thousand rays, O lord.

तांस्तु सर्वान् महेष्वासान् द्रोणः शस्त्रभृतांवरः। अतापयच्छरव्रातैर्गभस्तिभिरिवांशुमान्॥
Then that foremost of all wielders of weapons, viz., Drona afflicted all of them with his myriad shafts, even as the sun afflicts the objects of his earth with his myriad rays.

वध्यमाना महाराज पाण्डवाः सृञ्जयास्तथा। त्रातारं नाध्यगच्छन्त पङ्कमग्ना इव द्विपाः॥
Slaughtered (ruthlessly), the Pandava and the Srinjayas, O mighty monarch, could not find a protector, like elephants sunk in mire.

द्रोणस्य च व्यदृश्यन्त विसर्पन्तो महाशराः। गभस्तय इवार्कस्य प्रतपन्तः समन्ततः॥
Like the burning rays of the sun scattering in all sides, the mighty arrows of Drona were then seen to scatter on all directions.

तस्मिन् द्रोणेन निहताः पञ्चालाः पञ्चविंशतिः। महारथाः समाख्याता धृष्टद्युम्नस्य सम्मताः॥
In that battle were slain twenty-five best Panchala heroes, all reckoned among Maharathas and all enjoying the favour of Dhrishtadyumna.

पाण्डूनां सर्वसैन्येषु पञ्चालानां तथैव च। द्रोणं स्म ददृशुः शूरं विनिघ्नन्तं वरान् वगन्।॥
People then beheld the heroic Drona slay in succession the best warriors among the Pandavas and the Panchalas.

केकयानां शतं हत्वा विद्राव्य च समन्ततः। द्रोणस्तस्थौ महाराज व्यादितास्य इवान्तकः॥
Slaying a hundred warriors from the Kekaya hosts and routing them completely, Drona stood on the field, O king, like the Destroyer with his mouth wide open.

पञ्चालान् सृञ्जयान् मत्स्यान् केकयांश्च नराधिप। द्रोणोऽजयन्महाबाहुः शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः॥
Then, O ruler of men, the mighty-armed Drona vanquished hundreds and thousands of the Panchalas, the Srinjayas, the Matsyas and the Kekayas.

तेषां समभवच्छब्दो विद्धानां द्रोणसायकैः। वनौकसामिवारण्ये व्याप्तानां धूम्रकेतुना॥
Pierced by the arrows of Drona, the roar they then uttered, resembled that sent up by the denizen of the woods when the forest is burnt down by a conflagration.

तत्र देवाः सगन्धर्वाः पितरश्चाब्रुवन् नृप। एते द्रवन्ति पञ्चलाः पाण्डवाश्च ससैनिकाः॥
Then, o king, all the celestials, the Gandharvas and the ancestral manes said-"Behold the Panchalas and the Pandavas, with their troops, fly away from the field of battle!"

तं तथा समरे द्रोणं निघ्नन्तं सोमकान् रणे। न चाप्यभिययुः केचिदपरे नैव विव्यधुः॥
Thus when Drona was slaying the Somakas in battle, none ventured to assail him and none was able to pierce him.

वर्तमाने तथा रौद्रे तस्मिन् वीरवरक्षये। अशृणोत् सहसा पार्थः पाञ्चजन्यस्य निःस्वनम्॥
When that fight destructive of best and foremost heroes was thus raging with fury, Pritha's son Yudhishthira, suddenly heard the blast of the conch Panchajanya.

पूरितो वासुदेवेन शङ्खराट् स्वनते भृशम्। युध्यमानेषु वीरेषु सैन्धवस्याभिरक्षिषु॥
That prince of conchs viz., the Panchajanya, filled with the breath of Vasudeva's son, yielded loud blasts. When those heroes engaged in protecting the Sindhu ruler were thus fighting.

नदत्सु धार्तराष्ट्रेषु विजयस्य रथं प्रति। गाण्डीवस्य च निषि विप्रणष्टे समन्ततः॥
And when the Dharitarashtra warriors were roaring before Vijaya's chariot, the din was so great that the twang of the Gandiva could not be heard.

कश्मलाभिहतो राजा चिन्तयामास पाण्डवः। न नूनं स्वस्ति पार्थाय यथा नदति शङ्खराट्॥
Then the royal of Pandu (Yudhishthira); overwhelmed with great anxiety, began to reflect thus-"Surely everything is not well with Arjuna, as this conch-blast indicates. son

कौरवाश्च यथा हृष्टा विनदन्ति मुहुर्मुहुः। एवं स चिन्तयित्वा तु व्याकुलेनान्तरात्मना॥
And as the Kurus are roaring out rapturously every moment.” Thus thinking and with a heart filled with anxiety.

अजातशत्रुः कौन्तेयः सात्वतं प्रत्यभाषत। वाष्पगद्गदया वाचा मुह्यमानो मुहुर्मुहुः। कृत्यस्यानन्तरापेक्षी शैनेयं शिनिपुङ्गवम्॥
Ajatasatru, the son of Kunti, addressing him of the Satvata race said these words. Though his voice was choked with the vapour of grief and though he was constantly overwhelmed with swoons, yet the king (Yudhishthira) then did not lose sight of what should be done next; and addressing that foremost of the Sinis he then spoke thus

युधिष्ठिर उवाच यः स धर्मः पुरा दृष्टः सद्भिः शैनेय शाश्वतः। साम्पराये सुहृत्कृत्ये तस्य कालोऽयमागतः॥
Yudhishthira said O grandson of Sini, the hour for that duty which sages of the past have enjoined to be done towards a friend by a friend in times of nced, has now arrived.

सर्वेष्वपि च योधेषु चिन्तयशिनिपुङ्गव। त्वत्तः सुहृत्तमं कञ्चिन्नाभिजानामि सात्यके॥
O foremost of the Sinis, thinking within inyself, I cannot find out any one, among all my troops, who is a greater well-wisher of ours than yourself, O Satyaki.

यो हि प्रीतमना नित्यं यश्च नित्यमनुव्रतः। स कार्ये साम्पराये तु नियोज्य इति मे मतिः॥
He that is always well-affected, ha that is always obedient, in my opinion, only he should be entrusted with the commission of a serious duty.

यथा च केशवो नित्यं पाण्डवानां परायणम्। तथा त्वमपि वार्ष्णेय कृष्णतुल्यपराक्रमः॥
Just as Keshava is ever devoted to the interests of the Pandavas, so also are you, O you of the Vrishni race, who are equal to Keshava himself in prowess.

सोऽहं भारं समाधास्ये त्वयि तं वोढुमर्हसि। अभिप्रायं च मे नित्यं न वृथा कर्तुमर्हसि॥
I am now going to place a heavy burden on you; and it befits you to bear that burden; it behoves you not to disappoint my hopes.

स त्वं भ्रातुर्वयस्यस्य गुरोरपि च संयुगे। कुरु कृच्छ्रे सहायार्थमर्जुनस्य नरर्षभ॥
O foremost of men, do you now assist Arjuna involved in great distress, who is your friend, brother and your preceptor.

त्वं हि सत्यव्रतः शूरो मित्राणामभयङ्करः। लोके विख्यायसे वीर कर्मभिः सत्यवागिति॥
You are ever true to your vows and are endued with heroism and the giver of assurances to you friends. In consequence of your feats, you are renowned in the worlds as one devoted to truthful speech.

यो हि शैनेय मित्रार्थे युध्यमानस्त्यजेत् तनुम्। पृथिवीं च द्विजातिभ्यो यो दद्यात् स समा भवेत्।।४९
O grandson of Sini, he that casts off this mortal frame in fighting for the cause of friends, becomes equal to him that gives away the earth as a gift to the twice born ones.

श्रुताश्च बहवोऽस्माभी राजानो ये दिवं गताः। दत्त्वेमां पृथिवीं कृत्स्नां ब्राह्मणेभ्यो यथाविधि॥
We have heard of numerous monarchs who attained to heaven having duly given away this earth as a gift to the Brahmanas.

एवं त्वामपि धर्मात्मन् प्रयाचेऽहं कृताञ्जलिः। पृथिवीदानतुल्यं स्यादधिकं वा फलं विभो॥
O virtuous-souled one, with folded palms, I do beg of you even this, viz., that you attain, O master, the merit of giving away the earth as a gift or of something better than that (by incurring the risk of being killed for the sake of Arjuna, you friend).

एक एव सदा कृष्णो मित्राणामभयङ्करः। रणे संत्यजति प्राणान् द्वितीयस्त्वं च सात्यके॥
There is only one person, namely Krishna, that giver of assurances of safety to his friends, who is ever prepared to lay down his life for the sake of his friends. You, O Satyaki, are the second.

विक्रान्तस्य च वीरस्य युद्धे प्रार्थयतो यशः। शूर एव सहाय: स्यान्नेतरः प्रकृतो जनः॥
None but a hero volunteers to render help to another hero fighting courageously from a desire of winning fame. An ordinary man cannot do so.

ईदृशे तु परामर्दै वर्तमानस्य माधव। त्वदन्यो हि रणे गोप्ता विजयस्य न विद्यते॥
Odescendant of Madhu's race, when this is the course to be followed, I do not find any one else save yourself, who can become a help to Arjuna.

श्लाघन्नेव हि कर्माणि शतशस्तव पाण्डवः। मम संजनयन् हर्षं पुनः पुनरकीर्तयत्॥
On one occasion, Arjuna applauding your achievements and repeatedly reciting them afforded me great pleasure.

लघुहस्तश्चित्रयोधी तथा लघुपराक्रमः। प्राज्ञः सर्वास्त्रविच्छूरो मुह्यते न च संयुगे।॥
He said-"Satyaki is endued with great lightness of hands; he is versed in all modes of warfare; he is very agile, prudent, acquainted with the use of all weapons and downed with bravery. He is never confounded in the course of a fight.

महास्कन्धो महोरस्को महाबाहुर्महाहनुः। महाबलो महावीर्यः स महात्मा महारथः॥
That high-souled and mighty car-warriors possesses broad shoulders, bread chest, long arms, large jaws, great strength and unrivalled prowess.

शिष्यो मम सखा चैव प्रियोऽस्याहं प्रियश्च मे। युयुधानः सहायो मे प्रमथिष्यति कौरवान्॥
He is both my pupil and friend. I am dear to him and he is dear to me. And if Yuyudhana renders me help, I can then crush the whole Kuru host completely.

अस्मदर्थं च राजेन्द्र संनह्येद् यदि केशवः। रामो वाप्यनिरुद्धो वा प्रद्युम्नो वा महारथः॥ गदो वा सारणो वापि साम्यो वा सह वृष्णिभिः। सहायार्थं महाराज संग्रामोत्तममूर्धनि॥

तथाप्यहं नरव्याघ्रं शैनेयं सत्यविक्रमम्। साहाय्ये विनियोक्ष्यामि नास्ति मेऽन्यो हि तत्समः।।६१
O foremost of kings, even if Keshava dons the armour for rendering us aid or if Rama, Aniruddha the mighty car-warrior Pradyumna or Gada or Sarana or Samva with the Vrishnis does so, O mighty Inonarch, to assist us in battle. Yet I shall select that foremost of men, that grandson of Sini of unbaffled prowess to assist me, in exclusion of the others, for, there is none equal to him."

इति द्वैतवने तात मामुवाच धनंजयः। परोक्षे त्वद्गुणांस्तथ्यान् कथयन्नार्यसंसदि॥
This is what Dhananjaya said to me in your absence in the Dvaita forest while applauding your virtue's truly in an assembly of the righteous.

तस्य त्वमेवं संकल्पं न वृथा कर्तुमर्हसि। धनंजयस्य वार्ष्णेय मम भीमस्य चोभयोः॥
O descendant of the Vrishni race, it behoves you not to disappoint Dhananjaya and myself and Bhima.

यच्चापि तीर्थानि चरन्नगच्छं द्वारकां प्रति। तत्राहमपि ते भक्तिमर्जुनं प्रति दृष्टवान्॥
When, returning from a sojourn to all the sacred places, I went to Dvaraka, I saw your reverence for Arjuna.

न तत् सोहृदमन्येषु मया शैनेय लक्षितम्। यथा त्वमस्मान् भजसे वर्तमानानुपप्लवे॥
When at Upaplava, O grandson of Sini, I did not mark any one else who showed us greater love and affection, than yourself.

सोऽभिजात्या च भक्त्या च सख्यस्याचार्यकस्य च। सौहृदस्य च वीर्यस्य कुलीनत्वस्य माधव॥ सत्यस्य च महाबाहो अनुकम्पार्थमेव च। अनुरूपं महेष्वास कर्म त्वं कर्तुमर्हसि॥
For showing kindness, therefore, to one who is your friend and preceptor, O mightyarmed hero, it behoves you, who are of noble lineage and who cherish reverence for us, to act in a way, O great bowman, worthy of your friendship, prowess, nobility of birth and devotion to truth, O descendant of Madhu's race.

सुयोधनो हि सहसा गतो द्रोणेन दंशितः। पूर्वमेवानुयातास्ते कौरवाणां महारथाः॥
Accoutered in armour by Drona himself, Suyodhana has suddenly gone behind Arjuna. Ere this, the other mighty car-warriors of the Kauravas have pursued Arjuna.

सुमहान् निनदश्चैव श्रूयते विजयं प्रति। स शैनेय जवेनाशु गन्तुमर्हसि मानद॥
We can also hear the defiant roars that the enemy is uttering against Arjuna. Therefore, O honoured hero, O grandson of Sini, it behoves you to hie yourself to Arjuna without delay.

भीमसेनो वयं चैव संयत्ताः सहसैनिकाः। द्रोणमावारयिष्यामो यदि त्वां प्रति यास्यति॥
Ourselves and Bhimasena supported by our troops, shall hold Drona in check if he tries to pursue you.

पश्य शैनेय सैन्यानि द्रवमाणानि संयुगे। महान्तं च रणे शब्दं दीर्यमाणां च भारतीम्॥
Behold, O grandson of Sini, the Bharata troops are broken and flying away; and as they fly, hear the loud wails they utter.

महामारुतवेगेन समुद्रमिव पर्वसु। धार्तराष्ट्रबलं तात विक्षिप्तं सव्यसाचिना॥
Like the very ocean in a Parva day agitated by a mighty tempest, the army of Dhritarashtra, O sire, is being agitated by Savyasachin.

रथैर्विपरिधावद्भिर्मनुष्यैश्च हयैश्च ह। सैन्यं रज:समुद्भूतमेतत् सम्परिवर्तते॥
The dust raised by the swiftly moving chariots, horses and foot soldiers, is gradually enveloping the entire army.

संवृतः सिन्धुसौवीरैर्नखरप्रासयोधिभिः। अत्यन्तोपचितैः शूरैः फाल्गुनः परवीरहा॥
Behold the mighty Phalguna that destroyer of hostile heroes surrounded by the SindhuSouviras armed with lances and javelins and numbering countless heroes among their ranks.

नैतद् बलमसंवार्य शक्यो जेतुं जयद्रथः। एते हि सैन्धवस्यार्थे सर्वे संत्यक्तजीविताः॥
Without defeating this army it will not be possible (for Arjuna) to vanquish the ruler of the Sindhus. All these warriors again are prepared to lay down their lives for the sake of the Sindhu king.

शरशक्तिध्वजवरं हयनागसमाकुलम्। पश्यैतद् धार्तराष्ट्राणामनीकं सुदुरासदम्॥
Behold the invincible army of the Dhartarashtras, teeming with lances, arrows, excellent standards, heroes and elephants!

शृणु दुन्दुभिनिर्घोषं शङ्खशब्दांश्च पुष्कलान्। सिंहनादरवांश्चैव रथनेमिस्वनांस्तथा॥
Hear the roar of their drums and the full blasts of their conchs, the uproar of war-cries and the rattle of their car-wheels!

नागानां शृणु शब्दं च पत्तीनां च सहस्रशः। सादिनां द्रवतां चैव शृणु कम्पयतां महीम्॥
Hear also the roars of elephants the yells of infantry and the cries of hoses-men, as they proceed causing the earth to tremble underneath their tread.

पुरस्तात् सैन्धवानीकं द्रोणानीकं च पृष्ठतः। बहुत्वाद्धि नरव्याघ्र देवेन्द्रमपि पीडयेत्॥
In the front of Arjuna is the division of the Sindhus and in his rear is the division of Drona. The foes are so strong in number, O foremost of men, that they can even afflict the lord of the celestials.

अपर्यन्ते बले मग्नो जह्यादपि च जीवितम्। तस्मिंश्च निहते युद्धे कथं जीवेत मादृशः॥
Sunk in his fathomless ocean of troops, Arjuna may be deprived of his life. And if he be slain in battle, how can I live?

सर्वथाहमनुप्राप्तः सुकृच्छं त्वयि जीवति। श्यामो युवा गुडाकेशो दर्शनीयश्च पाण्डवः॥
Is this great catastrophe, in the shape of Arjuna's death, to overtake me when you are alive? Of blue complexion, youthful in years, of curly locks and exceedingly beautiful is that son of Pandu.

लघ्वस्त्रश्चित्रयोधी च प्रविष्टस्तात भारतीम्। सूर्योदये महाबाहुर्दिवसश्चातिवर्तते॥
Light-handed in using the weapons, acquainted with various modes of warfare, that mighty armed hero, O sire, has entered into the ranks of the Bharata troops at the hour of sunrise; and the hour of sun-set is approaching fast.

तन्न जानामि वार्ष्णेय यदि जीवति वा न वा। कुरूणां चापि तत् सैन्यं सागरप्रतिमं महत्॥
0 you of Vrishni's race, I do not know whether he lives or not. The host of the Kurus is like the mighty ocean itself.

एक एव च बीभत्सुः प्रविष्टस्तात भारतीम्। अविषह्यां महाबाहुः सुरैरपि महाहवे॥
O sire, single-handed has the mighty-armed Vibhatsu entered into the Bharata army which cannot be encountered even by the celestials themselves in battle.

न हि मे वर्तते बुद्धिरद्य युद्धे कथंचन। द्रोणोऽपि रभसो युद्धे मम पीडयते बलम्॥
In this day's battle, my heart misgives me. Yonder also is Drona sorely afflicting my troops in battle.

प्रत्यक्षं ते महाबाहो यथाऽसौ चरति द्विजः। युगपच्च समेतानां कार्याणां त्वं विचक्षणः॥
You can see, O mighty-armed hero, how his twice-born one is careering in battle. When several tasks present themselves, you know perfectly which of them should be first attended to.

महार्थं लघुसंयुक्तं कर्तुमर्हसि मानद। तस्य मे सर्वकार्येषु कार्यमेतन्मतं महत्॥
O bestower of honour, it behoves you to accomplish first that task which is the most serious, with great activity. Of all these tasks therefore, I do think the task of aiding Arjuna should be accomplished first.

अर्जुनस्य परित्राणं कर्तव्यमिति संयुगे। नाहं शोचामि दाशार्ह गोप्तारं जगतः पतिम्॥
The rescue of Arjuna a therefore should be at first effected. I do not grieve for him of the Dasharha race, who is the protector and the Lord of the universe.

स हि शक्तो रणे तात त्रील्लोकानपि संगतान्। विजेतुं पुरुषव्याघ्रः सत्यमेतद् ब्रवीमि ते॥
I tell you truly that foremost men, is capable of vanquishing in battle all the three worlds united against him.

किं पुनर्धार्तराष्ट्रस्य बलमेतत् सुदुर्बलम्। अर्जुनस्त्वेष वार्ष्णेय पीडितो बहुभिर्युधि॥
What to speak of this weak host of the sons Dhritarashtra? But, O you of Vrishni's race, Arjuna is sorely pressed by numerous odds in battle.

प्रजह्यात् समरे प्राणांस्तस्माद् विन्दामि कश्मलम्। तस्य त्वं पदवीं गच्छ गच्छेयुस्त्वादृशा यथा॥
He may lose his life. For this reason it is that I am so cheerless. Therefore do you follow in his track, even as men like you should do.

तादृशस्येदृशे काले कादृशेनाभिनोदितः। रणे वृष्णिप्रवीराणां द्वावेवातिरथौ स्मृतौ॥
For men like Arjuna, being urged on by men like myself. Of all the Vrishni heroes, two are reckoned as Atirathas in battle.

प्रद्युम्नश्च महाबाहुस्त्वं च सात्वत विश्रुतः। अस्त्रे नारायणसम: संकर्षणसमो बले॥
One among them is the mighty armed Pradyumna and the other is yourself, O Satvata hero, who both are well-known in the world. Equal to Narayana himself in the use of weapons, so Samkarshana in physical strength.

वीरतायां नरव्याघ्र धनंजयसमो ह्यसि। भीष्मद्रोणावतिक्रम्य सर्वयुद्धविशारदम्॥
You are equal, O foremost of men, to Dhananjaya in bravery. You surpass Bhishma and Drona and others versed in all modes of warfare.

त्वामेव पुरुषव्याघ्रं लोके सन्तः प्रचक्षते। नाशक्यं विद्यते लोके सात्यकेरिति माधव॥
The wise speak of you, O foremost of all male beings, saying-There is nothing unachievable by Satyaki, O descendant of Madhu's race.

तत् त्वां यदभिवक्ष्यामि तत् कुरुष्व महाबल। सम्भावना हि लोकस्य मम पार्थस्य चोभयोः॥
Thereupon, O mighty hero, do you perform what I say to you, viz., carry out the wishes of myself and of Arjuna and of all present here.

नान्यथा तां महाबाहो सम्प्रकर्तुमिहार्हसि। परित्यज्य प्रियान् प्राणान् रणे चर विभीतवत्॥
O mighty-armed one, it behoves you not to falsify our expectations. Disregardful of your dear life, do you begin to career like a hero in battle.

न हि शैनेय दाशार्हा रणे रक्षन्ति जीवितम्। अयुद्धमनवस्थानं संग्रामे च पलायनम्॥
O grandson of Sini, the descendants of the Dasharha race never care for their lives in the course of fight. Avoidance of fight, indecision or hesitation to fight and flying away from fight.

भीरूणामसतां मार्गो नैष दाशार्हसेवितः। तवार्जुनो गुरुस्तात धर्मात्मा शिनिपुङ्गव॥
These practices of the coward and the mean, are never resorted to by the scions of the Dasharaha race. O foremost of the Shinis, the illustrious Arjuna is your preceptor, O sire.

वासुदेवो गुस्श्चापि तव पार्थस्य धीमतः। कारणद्वयमेतद्धि जानंस्त्वामहमब्रुवम्॥
Vasudeva again is superior both to yourself and to Arjuna of great intelligence. Knowing this, I speak to you these words.

मावमंस्था वचो मह्यं गुरुस्तव गुरोर्बाहम्। वासुदेवमतं चैव मम चैवार्जुनस्य च॥
Do not disregard iny words, for I am superior to all your superiors. Whatever I say to you, know that to be approved of by Vasudeva and by Arjuna.

सत्यमेतन्मयोक्तं ते याहि यत्र धनंजयः। एतद् वचनमाज्ञाय मम सत्यपराक्रम॥
All this I have spoken to you in right earnestness. Proceed where Dhananjaya is, 0 you of prowess incapable of being baffled, following these words of command uttered by me.

प्रविशैतद् बलं तात धार्तराष्ट्रस्य दुर्मतेः। प्रविश्य च यथान्यायं संगम्य च महारथैः। यथार्हमात्मनः कर्म रणे सात्वत दर्शय॥
Do you, O sire, penetrate into this army of the wicked-minded sons of Dhritarashtra. Entering into it and meeting duly with mighty car-warrior in. battle, display ( you of the Satvata race, the feats that you are capable of achieving and that are worthy of yourself.