None: Chapter 104

The fierce-fight

संजय उवाच तावका हि समीक्ष्यैवं वृष्ण्यन्धककुरूत्तमौ। प्रागत्वरञ्जिघांसन्तस्तथैव विजयः परान्॥
Sanjaya said Your warriors, as soon as they saw those two foremost heroes of the Vrishni-Andhaka and the Kuru races, quickly advanced against them, each striving to be the first. So also, Vijaya rushed against those foe of his.

सुवर्णचित्रैर्वैयाप्रैः स्वनवद्भिर्महारथैः। दीपयन्तो दिशः सर्वा ज्वलद्भिरिव पावकैः॥
Mounted on their huge chariots adorned with gold, covered with tiger-skins, producing deep rattle their car-wheels and looking like blazing fires, they advanced, illumining the all points of the compass.

रुक्मपुबैश्च दुष्प्रेक्ष्यैः कार्मुकैः पृथिवीपते। कूजद्भिरतुलानादान् कोपितैस्तुरगैरिव॥
Armed, O monarch, with bows whose stave's were decked with gold and which, in consequence of their splendour were incapable of being looked at and settling up loud warcries' and being borne by mettled horses.

भूरिश्रवाः शलः कर्णो वृषसेनो जयद्रथः। कृपश्च मद्रराजश्च द्रौणिश्च रथिनां वरः॥
Bhurishravas, Sala, Karna Vrishasena Jayadratha, Kripa, the ruler of the Madras and that foremost of car-warriors viz., Drona's son.

ते पिबन्त इवाकाशमश्वैरष्टौ महारथाः। व्यराजयन् दश दिशो वैयाघेहेमचन्द्रकैः॥
These eight great car-warriors, as if devouring up the skies, illumined the ten quarters, with their excellent chariots covered with tiger-skins and decked with golden moons.

ते दंशिताः सुसंरब्धा स्थैर्मेघौघनिःस्वनैः। समावृण्वन् दश दिशः पार्थस्य निशितैः शरैः।।६।
Accoutered in coats of mail, inflamed with rage, riding upon those chariots the rattle of whose wheels resembled the rumble of the clouds, they covered Arjuna on every side, with shower of sharps shafts.

कौलूतका हयाचित्रा वहन्तस्तान् महारथान्। व्यशोभन्त तदा शीघ्रा दीपयन्तो दिशो दश॥
Steeds of best breed and variegated hue and endued with great fleetness, bearing those mighty car-warriors, appeared beautiful as they illumined the ten quarters of heaven.

आजानेवैर्महावेगैर्नानादेशसमुत्थितैः। पर्वतीयैर्नदीजैश्च सैन्धवैश्च हयोत्तमैः॥
Their chariots drawn by excellent horses of great fleetness born in various countries and of diverse species-some bred in hilly tracts, some in river-lands and some in the Sindhu country.

कुरुयोधवरा राजस्तव पुत्रं परीप्सवः। धनंजयरथं शीघ्रं सर्वतः समुपाद्रवन्॥
Many foremost of car-warriors among the Kuru, swiftly rushed towards Dhananjaya's car, desirous, Oking, of saving your son.

प्रगृह्य महाशलान् दध्मुः पुरुषसत्तमाः। पूरयन्तो दिवं राजन् पृथिवीं च ससागराम्॥
Those foremost of men taking up their huge conchs blew them and with blasts they filled the welkin and the earth with her all oceans.

ते तथैव दध्मतुः शङ्खौ वासुदेवधनंजयौ। प्रवरौ सर्वदेवानां सर्वशङ्खवरौ भुवि॥
Thereupon those two foremost of all gods, viz., Vasudeva and Dhananjaya also blew their conchs that were regarded as the best of all the conchs on the face of the earth.

देवदत्तं च कौन्तेयः पाञ्चजन्यं च केशवः। शब्दस्तु देवदत्तस्य धनंजयसमीरितः॥
Kunti's son blew his conch Devadatta and Keshava blew Panchajanya. The tremendous blare of the conch Devedatta, produced by Dhananjaya.

पृथिवीं चान्तरिक्षं च दिशश्चैव समावृणोत्। तथैव पाञ्चजन्योऽपि वासुदेवसमीरितः॥
Filled the earth, the skies and the ten points of the compass. So also the blast of the Panchajanya, blown by the son of Vasudeva.

सर्वशब्दानतिक्रम्य पूरयामास रोदसी। तस्मिंस्तथा वर्तमाने दारुणे नादसंकुले॥
Surpassing all other sounds filled the welkin and the earth. And when the fierce and dreadful sound was still continuing.

भीरूणां त्रासजनने शूराणां हर्षवर्धने। प्रवादितासु भेरीषु झर्झरेष्वानकेषु च॥
Sound that struck the hearts of the cowards with terror and enhanced the delight of the brave and while drums, Jarajhwaras and cymbals.

मृदङ्गेष्वपि राजेन्द्र वाद्यमानेष्वनेकशः। महारथाः समाख्याता दुर्योधनहितैषिणः॥
And Mridangas, O mighty monarch, were sounded by thousands, great car-warriors, befriending the Kurus and desirous of Duryodhana's good.

अमृष्यमाणास्तं शब्दं क्रुद्धाः परमधन्विनः। नानादेश्या महीपाला: स्वसैन्यपरिरक्षिणः॥
All great bow-men, inflamed with anger and unable to bear the loud blasts of Arjuna's and Krishna's conchs, those kings come from diverse countries and accompanied by their troops.

अमर्षिता महाशङ्खान् दध्मुर्वीरा महारथाः। कृते प्रतिकरिष्यन्तः केशवस्यार्जुनस्य च॥
Blew their huge conchs, desirous of answering with the blasts thus produced, the blasts produced by Keshava and Arjuna.

बभूव तव तत् सैन्यं शङ्खशब्दसमीरितम्। उद्विग्नथनागाश्वमस्वस्थमिव वा विभो॥
Then your army filled with the blasts of the conchs, had its car-warriors, elephants and horses filled with anxiety and O master, all who composed it, seemed to be ill.

तत् प्रविद्धमिवाकाशं शूरैः शङ्खविनादितम्। बभूव भृशमुद्विग्नं निर्घातैरिव नादितम्॥
Then that host filled with the blasts of conchs blown by heroic warriors, seemed to be like the welkin echoing with sounds of thunder and fallen down (through some natural cause).

स शब्दः सुमहान् राजन् दिशः सर्वा व्यनादयत्। त्रासयामास तत् सैन्यं युगान्त इव सम्भृतः॥
That loud sound, o king, filled all the quarters with its echoes. It frightened the troops as if the end of the Yuga had come.

ततो दुर्योधनोऽष्टौ च राजानस्ते महारथाः। जयद्रथस्य रक्षार्थे पाण्डवं पर्यवारयन्॥
Thereafter Duryodhana and the other eight sovereigns, all mighty car-warriors, surrounded Pandu's son for effecting the safety to Jayadratha.

ततो द्रौणिस्त्रिसप्तया वासुदेवमताडयत्। अर्जुनं च त्रिभिर्भल्लैर्ध्वजमश्वांश्च पञ्चभिः॥
Then the son of Drona pierced Vasudeva's son with seventy-three arrows and he also pierced Arjuna with three broad-headed shafts and the latter's steeds and standard with five arrows.

तमर्जुनः पृषत्कानां शतैः षड्भिरताडयत्। अत्यर्थमिव संक्रुद्धः प्रतिविद्धे जनार्दने॥
Then beholding Janardana pierced and excited to the highest pitch of fury, Arjuna struck his foe with six hundred arrows.

कर्णं च दशभिर्विद्ध्वा वृषसेनं त्रिभिस्तथा। शल्यस्य सशरं चापं मुष्टौ चिच्छेद वीर्यवान्॥
Piercing then Karna with ten and Vrishasena with three arrows, that highly puissant hero, cut-off Shalya's bow with arrows fixed on the string, near the grasp.

गृहीत्वा धनुरन्यत्तु शल्यो विव्याध पाण्डवम्। भूरिश्रवास्त्रिभिर्बाणैर्हेमपुङ्खः शिलाशितैः॥
Thereupon taking another bow Shalya began to pierce Pandu's son. Then Bhurishrava with three arrows furnished with golden wings and whetted on stone.

कर्णो द्वात्रिंशत चैव वृषसेनश्च सप्तभिः। जयद्रथस्त्रिसप्तत्या कृपश्च दशभिः शरैः॥ मद्रराजश्च दशभिर्विव्यधुः फाल्गुनं रणे।
Karna with thirty-two, Vrishasena, with seven, Jayadratha with seventy-three and Kripa with ten shafts and the king of the Madras with ten other shafts, pierced Phalguna in that battle.

ततः शराणां षष्ट्या तु द्रौणिः पार्थमवाकिरत्॥ वासुदेवं च विंशत्या पुनः पार्थं च पञ्चभिः।
Thereafter with a group of sixty arrows, Drona's son covered Partha. He then pierced Vasudeva with twenty and Partha again with five arrows.

प्रहसंस्तु नरव्याघ्रः श्वेताश्वः कृष्णसारथिः॥ प्रत्यविध्यत् स तान् सर्वान् दर्शयन् पाणिलाघवम्।
Thereupon that foremost of men, that owner of white steed, who had Krishna for his charioteer pierced them all in return displaying great lightness of hand.

कर्णं द्वादशभिर्विद्ध्वा वृषसेनं त्रिसिः शरैः॥ शल्यस्य सशरं चापं मुष्टिदेशे व्यकृन्तत।
Piercing Karna with twelve and Vrishasena with three shafts. He cut-off Shalya's bow, once more near the handle.

सौमदत्तिं त्रिभिर्विद्ध्वा शल्यं च दशभिः शरैः॥ शितैरग्निशिखाकारैौणिं विव्याध चाष्टभिः।
He piercing Somadatta's son with three and Shalya with ten arrows and pierced Drona's son with eight shafts, well-sharpened and resembling tongues of fire.

गौतमं पञ्चविंशत्या सैन्धवं च शतेन ह॥ पुनद्रौणिं च सप्तत्या शराणां सोऽभ्यताडयत्।
He struck the son of Gautama with twenty five and the ruler of the Sindhus with a hundred arrows, once more he pierced Drona's son with seventy shafts.

भूरिश्रवास्तु संक्रुद्धः प्रतोदं चिच्छिदे हरेः॥ अर्जुनं च त्रिसप्तत्या बाणानामाजघान ह॥
Bhurishrava then inflamed with rage, cutoff the whip that Hari held and he then pierced Arjuna with a group of seventy-three arrows.

ततः शरशतैस्तीक्ष्णैस्तानरीश्वेतवाहनः। प्रत्यषेधद् द्रुतं क्रुद्धो महावातो घनानिव॥
Thereat Dhananjaya owning white seeds and burning with rage, mangled those enemies of his with hundreds of shafts, like a raging tempest tearing away masses of clouds.