None: Chapter 103

The defeat of Duryodhana

संजय उवाच एवमुक्त्वार्जुनं राजा त्रिभिर्मर्मातिगैः शरैः। अभ्यविध्यन्महावेगैश्चतुर्भिश्चतुरो हयान्॥
Sanjaya said Having thus spoken, the king pierced Arjuna with three shafts capable of penetrating to the very vitals; and then with another four arrows of great velocity, he pierced the latter's four steeds.

वासुदेवं च दशभिः प्रत्यविध्यत् स्तनान्तरे। प्रतोदं चास्य भल्लेन छित्त्वा भूमावपातयत्॥
He also pierced the son of Vasudeva with ten arrows between his breasts. The cutting off the whip of the latter, he felled it on the ground.

तं चतुर्दशभिः पार्थश्चित्रपुजैः शिलाशितैः। अविध्यत् तूर्णमव्यग्रस्ते चाभ्रश्यन्त वर्मणि॥
Thereupon with perfect coolness, Pritha's son quickly sped at him four shafts of variegated wings and whetted on stone; but all these shafts were baffled by Duryodhana's armour.

तेषां नैष्फल्यमालोक्य पुनर्नव च पञ्च च। प्राहिणोनिशितान् बाणांस्ते चाभ्रश्यन्त वर्मणः॥
Beholding those shafts repelled, Partha once more struck Duryodhana with another nine and seven arrows of exceeding sharpness; but these also became baffled by Duryodhana's armour,

अष्टाविंशांस्तु तान् बाणानस्तान् विप्रेक्ष्य निष्फलान्। अब्रवीत् परवीरनः कृष्णोऽर्जुनमिदं वचः॥
Then seeing those twenty shafts of Arjuna repelled, that slayer of hostile warriors Krishna,

अदृष्टपूर्वं पश्यामि शिलानामिव सर्पणम्। त्वया सम्प्रेषिताः पार्थ नार्थं कुर्वन्ति पत्रिणः॥
O Partha, now I see a sight never before seen by me, which is as wonderful as the moving about of hills. Winged shafts shot by yourself, are becoming abortive!

कच्चिद् गाण्डीवजः प्राणस्तथैव भरतर्षभ। मुष्टिश्च ते यथापूर्वं भुजयोश्च बलं तव॥
Is everything right with the toughness of the Gandiva, O foremost of the Bharatas? Are your grasp and the prowess of arms, as firm and strong as before?

न वा कच्चिदयं कालः प्राप्तः स्यादद्य पश्चिमः। तव चैवास्य शत्रौश्च तन्ममाचक्ष्व पृच्छतः॥
Is not this to be the last time that you shall meet with Duryodhana your foe? Tell me all this; O son of Pritha, for I ask you.

विस्मयो मे महान् पार्थ तव दृष्ट्वा शरानिमान्। व्यर्थान् निपतितान् संख्ये दुर्योधनरर्थ प्रति॥
Seeing all these shafts of yours falling upon Duryodhana's chariots without producing the least effect, o Partha, I have been filled with great surprise.

वज्राशनिसमा घोराः परकायावभेदिनः। शराः कुर्वन्ति ते नार्थं पार्थ काऽद्य विडम्बना॥
O son of Pritha what misfortune is this that your arrows, dreadful like the bolt of Heaven and capable of piercing through the body of the enemy, produce no effect today?

अर्जुन उवाच द्रोणेनैषा मतिः कृष्ण धार्तराष्ट्र निवेशिता। अभेद्या हि मास्त्राणामेषा कवचधारणा॥
। Arjuna said I think, O Krishna, that Drona has donned this armour on Duryodhana. This armour, tied as it has been, in invulnerable by my weapons.

अस्मिन्नन्तर्हितं कृष्ण त्रैलोक्यमपि वर्मणि। एको द्रोणो हि वैदेतदहं तस्माच्च सत्तमात्॥
O Krishna, this armour contains in it the mighty of the three worlds. Drona only knows the mode of donning it and from that foremost of men, I also have learnt it.

न शक्यमेतत् कवचं बाणैर्भेत्तुं कथंचन। अपि वज्रेण गोविन्द स्वयं मघवता युधि॥
This armour cannot be penetrated by arrows. Even, O Govinda, Maghavat himself cannot penetrate it in battle with his thunderbolt.

आनंस्त्वमपि वै कृष्ण मां विमोहयसे कथम्। यद् वृत्तं त्रिषु लोकेषु यच्च केशव वर्तते॥
Knowing all this, O Krishna, why do you confound me. That which happened in the three world, that which now happens.

तथा भविष्यद् यच्चैव तत् सर्वं विदितं तव। न त्विदं वेद वै कश्चिद् यथा त्वं मधुसूदन॥
And that which will happen in the future, are all known to yourself. Indeed O slayer of Madhu, no one knows this better than yourself.

एष दुर्योधनः कृष्ण द्रोणेन विहितामिमाम्। तिष्ठत्यभीतवत् संख्ये बिभ्रत् कवचधारणाम्॥
This Duryodhana, O Krishna, accoutered in this armour by Drona, is standing dauntlessly in battle, cased in this coat of mail.

यत्त्वत्र विहितं कार्ये नैष तद् वेत्ति माधव। स्त्रीवदेष बिभ]तां युक्तां कवचधारणाम्॥
But he knows not what is to be done with this armour, O Madhava, but wears this coat of mail even like a woman.

पश्य बाह्वोश्च मे वीर्यं धनुषश्च जनार्दन। पराजयिष्ये कौरव्यं कवचेनापि रक्षितम्॥
Behold, O Janardana, the prowess of my arms and the strength of my bow, in as much as I will vanquish the Kuru king, protected though he is with this coat of mail.

इदमङ्गिरसे प्रादाद् देवेशो वर्म भास्वरम्। तस्माद् बृहस्पतिः प्राप ततः प्राप पुरंदरः॥
The lord of the celestials gave this effulgent armour to Angiras; from him Brihaspati obtained it; and from him again Purandara got it.

पुनर्ददौ सुरपतिर्मह्यं वर्म ससंग्रहम्। दैवं यद्यस्य वर्मैतद् ब्रह्मणा वा स्वयं कृतम्॥ नैनं गोप्स्यति दुर्बुद्धिमद्य बाणहतं मया।
The lord of the celestials once more presented it to me with mantras to be uttered in donning it. Even if this armour were of celestial make or were forged by Brahma himself, yet it will not protect this wickedminded wretch from the stroke of my arrows.

संजय उवाच एवमुक्त्वार्जुनो बाणमभिमन्त्र्य व्यकर्षयत्॥ मानवास्त्रेण मानार्हस्तीक्ष्णावरणभेदिना!
Sanjaya said Having thus spoken, Arjuna inspired some shafts with mantras and then began to draw them on the bow-string.

विकृष्यमाणांस्तेनैव धनुर्मध्यगताञ्छरान्॥ तानस्यास्त्रेण चिच्छेद द्रौणिः सर्वास्त्रघातिना।
But while he was thus drawing those arrows placed on the centre of his bow-string, the son of Drona cut them off with a weapon capable of baffling all other weapons.

तान् निकृत्तानिषून् दृष्ट्वा दूरतो ब्रह्मवादिना॥ न्यवेदयत् केशवाय विस्मितः श्वेतवाहनः।
Beholding those shafts severed from a distance by that reciter of the Vedas (Ashvatthaman) the owner of the creamcoloured steeds (Arjuna), filled with surprise, addressing Keshava thus spoke

नैतदस्त्रं मया शक्यं द्विः प्रयोक्तुं जनार्दन॥ अस्त्रं मामेव हन्याद्धि हन्याच्चापि बलं मम।
0 Janardana! these arrows I cannot use twice; then they will slay me and my own troops.

ततो दुर्योधनः कृष्णौ नवभिनवभिः शरैः॥ अविध्यत रणे राजञ्छरैराशीविषोपमैः।
O king, thereafter king Duryodhana, pierced the two Krishnas, each with none shafts. Resembling snakes of virulent poison.

भूय एवाभ्यवर्षच्च समरे कृष्णपाण्डवौ॥ शरवर्षेण महता ततोऽहष्यन्त तावकाः। चक्रुर्वादिनिनदान् सिंहनादरवांस्तथा॥
Once more he poured upon Krishna and the son of Pandu in that battle a mighty shower of arrows; upon this all your troops became filled with joy and they struck up musical instruments and uttered their war-cries.

ततः क्रुद्धो रणे पार्थः सृक्किणी परिसंलिहन्। नापश्यच्च ततोऽस्याङ्गं यन्न स्याद् वर्मरक्षितम्॥
Thereat filled with fury, Pritha's son began to lick the corners of his mouth. He could then find no part of Duryodhana's body that was not covered by that armour.

ततोऽस्य निशितैर्बाणैः सुमुक्तैरन्तकोपमैः। हयांश्चकार निर्देहानुभौ च पार्णिसारथी॥
Then with sharp arrows, resembling Death and duly discharged, Arjuna cut to pieces Duryodhana's horses and his two Parshni. drivers.

धनुरुयाच्छिनत् तूर्णं हस्तावापं च वीर्यवान्। रथं च शकलीकर्तुं सव्यसाची प्रचक्रमे।॥
Then that highly powerful hero cut-off the latter's bow and the leathern gloves quickly. Savyasachin then began to cut his car into fragments.

दुर्योधनं च बाणाभ्यां तीक्ष्णाभ्यां विरथीकृतम्। आविध्यद्धस्ततलयोरुभ्योरर्जुनस्तदा॥
Thereafter Arjuna pierced with two sharp arrows, the two palms of Duryodhana who had been deprived of the use of his car.

प्रयत्नज्ञो हि कौन्तेयो नखमांसान्तरेषुभिः। स वेदनाभिराविग्नः पलायनपरायणः॥
Then your warriors, beholding Duryodhana that foremost of bowmen, involved in great danger and afflicted with the arrows of Dhananjaya, rushed to his rescue.

तं कृच्छ्रामापदं प्राप्तं दृष्ट्वा परमधन्विनः। समापेतुः परीप्सन्तो धनंजयशरादितम्॥
Then they surrounded Dhananjaya with thousands of duly equipped chariots and elephants and horses and numerous divisions of infantry, all inspired with wrath.

तं रथैर्बहुसाहस्रैः कल्पितैः कुञ्जरैर्हयैः। पदात्योपैश्च संरब्धैः परिबर्धनंजयम्॥
Thereupon, neither Govinda nor Arjuna nor their car could be seen; for they were then covered with thick showers of weapons and surrounded with large bodies of troops.

अथ नार्जुनगोविन्दौ न रथो वा व्यदृश्यता अस्त्रवर्षेण महता जनौधैश्चापि संवृतौ॥
Arjuna, Sri Krishna and their chariot all had become invisible due to a dense cover from all sides of arrows and the crowd of soldiers.

ततोऽर्जुनोऽस्त्रवीर्येण निजघ्ने तां वरूथिनीम्। तत्र व्यङ्गीकृताः पेतुः शतशोऽथ रथद्विपाः॥
Then with the force of his weapons, Arjuna began to slaughter that host of your carwarriors and elephants, by hundreds. With their limbs cut-off, they began to fall fast on the field of battle.

ते हता हन्यमानाश्च न्यगृहंस्तं रथोत्तमम्। स रथस्तम्भितस्तस्थौ क्रोशमात्रे समन्ततः॥
Slain or in the act of being stain, they succeeded not in reaching that excellent car of Arjuna, which stood immovable full two miles away from the besieging troops on all sides.

ततोऽर्जुनं वृष्णिवीरस्त्वरितो वाक्यमब्रवीत्। धनुर्विस्फारयात्यर्थमहं ध्यास्यामि चाम्बुजम्॥
Thereafter, the Vrishni Vrishni hero quickly addressed Arjuna saying "Do you tremendously stretch your bow for I will blow this conch of mine.

ततो विस्फार्य बलवद् गाण्डीवं जनिवान् रिपून्। महता शरवर्षेण तलशब्देन चार्जुनः॥
Then stretching his toughest bow Gandiva, Arjuna went on slaughtering his foes, shooting arrowy showers and producing loud din with his palm-strokes.

पाञ्चजन्यं च बलवान् दध्मौ तारेण केशवः। रजसा ध्वस्तपक्ष्मान्तः प्रस्विन्नवदनो भृशम्॥
Then the mighty Keshava loudly blew his conch Panchajanya, with his eye lashes covered with dust and countenance shedding drops of perspiration.

तस्य शङ्खस्य नादेन धनुषो निःस्वनेन च। निःसत्त्वाश्च ससत्त्वाश्च क्षितौ पेतुस्तदा जनाः॥
In consequence of that twang of the Gandiva and the blast of that conch, all the Kuru-people, strong or weak, fell down on the Earth.

तैर्विमुक्तो रथो रेजे वाय्वीरित इवाम्बुदः। जयद्रथस्य गोप्तारस्ततः क्षुब्धाः सहानुगाः॥
The chariot of Arjuna, thus freed from that press, looked like a cloud driven a head by the wind. Then the protectors of Jayadratha and their followers, beholding Arjuna became filled rage.

ते दृष्ट्वा सहसा पार्थे गोप्तारः सैन्धवस्य तु। चक्रुर्नादान् महेष्वासाः कम्पयन्तो वसुंधराम्॥
Then suddenly seeing Partha before them, those guards of Jayadratha the Sindnu-king, all mighty bowmen, uttered a fierce shout, causing the earth to tremble therewith.

बाणशब्दरवांश्चोग्रान् विमिश्राशङ्खनिःस्वनैः। प्रादुश्चक्रुर्महात्मानः सिंहनादरवानपि॥
The fierce whizz of arrows became mingled with the blast of conchs and other loud noises; the illustrious soldiers your army then also uttered their war-cries resembling leonine roars.

तं श्रुत्वा निनदं घोरं तावकानां समुत्थितम्। प्रदध्मतुः शङ्खवरौ वासुदेवधनंजयौ॥
Hearing that dreadful din raised by your troops, Dhananjaya and the son of Vasudeva blew their two best of conchs.

तेन शब्देन महता पूरितेयं वसुंधरा। सशैला सार्णवद्वीपा सपाताला विशाम्पते॥
Then, O ruler of men, with that loud sound, the earth seemed to be filled, with its mountains, seas, islands and the subterranean regions.

स शब्दो भरतश्रेष्ठ व्याप्य सर्वा दिशो दश। प्रतिसस्वान तत्रैव कुरुपाण्डवयोर्बले॥
Indeed, O foremost of the Bharatas, that sound filling the ten points of the compass, reverberated through the armies of the Kuru and the Pandavas.

तावका रथिनस्तत्र दृष्ट्वा कृष्णधनंजयौ सम्भ्रमं परमं प्राप्तास्त्वरमाणा महारथाः॥
Warriors of your host then, beholding Krishna and Dhananjaya, were very much terrified. Soon however those mighty carwarriors recovered and put forth their activity and prowess.

अथ कृष्णौ महाभागौ तावका वीक्ष्य दंशितौ। अभ्यद्रवन्त संक्रुद्धास्तदद्भुतमिवाभवत्॥
Then your warriors beholding the two Krishnas cased in mair became excited with rage; and they rushed upon them both. All this looked wonderful.