The coloquies of the deities on the subject

भगवानुवाच असुरस्तारको नाम त्वया दत्तवरः प्रभो। सुरानृषीश्च क्लिश्नाति वधस्तस्य विधीयताम्॥
The Deities said The Asura named Taraka who has received boons from you, O powerful one, is assailing the celestials and the Rishis. Let his death be ordained by you.

तस्माद् भयं समुत्पन्नमस्माकं वै पितामह। परित्रायस्व नो देव न ह्यन्या गतिरस्ति नः॥
O Grandfather, we fear him greatly. O illustrious one, do you save us! We have no other refuge than you.

ब्राह्मोवाच समोऽहं सर्वभूतानामधर्मं नेह रोचये। हन्यतां तारकः क्षिप्रं सुरर्षिगणबाधिता॥
Brahman said I treat all creatures equally, I cannot however, approve of sin, Let Taraka, that enemy of the celestials and Rishis, be speedily destroyed.

वेदा धर्माश्च नोच्छेदं गच्छेयुः सुरसत्तमाः। विहितं पूर्वमेवात्र मया वै व्येतु वो ज्वरः॥
The Vedas and the eternal duties shall not be rooted out, you foremost of celestials, I have ordained what is proper, in this matter. Let the anxiety of your hearts be removed.

देवा ऊचुः वरदानाद् भगवतो दैतयो बलगर्वितः। दैवैर्न शक्यते हन्तुं स कथं प्रशमं व्रजेत्॥
The Celestials said For your having granted him boons, that son of Diti has been proud of his power. He is incapable of being killed by the deities. How then will his death be engendered?

स हि नैव स्म देवानां नासुराणां न रक्षसाम्। वध्य: स्यामिति जग्राह वरं त्वत्तः पितामह॥
The boon which, O Grandfather, he has obtained from you is that he should not be killed by celestials or Asuras or Rakshasas.

देवाश्च शप्ता रुद्राण्या प्रजोच्छेदे पुराकृते। न भविष्यति वोऽपत्यमिति सर्वे जगत्पते॥
The celestials have also been cursed by the wife of Rudra on account of their attempt of step propagation. The curse imprecated by her has been, O lord of the universe, this viz., that they are not to have any offspring.

ब्राह्मण उवाच हुताशनो न तत्रासीच्छापकाले सुरोत्तमाः। स उत्पदयितापत्यं वधाय त्रिदशद्विषाम्॥ तद् वै सर्वानतिक्रम्य देवदानवराक्षसान्। मानुषानथ गन्धर्वान् नागानथ च पक्षिणः॥ अस्त्रेणामोघपातेन शक्त्यां तं घातयिष्यति। यतो वो भयमुत्पन्नं ये चान्ये सुरशत्रवः॥
Brahman said You foremost of celestials, Agni was not there at the time the curse was given by the goddess. He will beget a child for the destruction of the enemies of the gods. Superior to all the deities, Danavas, Rakshasas, human beings, Gandharvas. Nagas and feathery creatures, the son of Agni with his dart, which in his hands, will be a weapon incapable of being baffled if once hurled at the enemy, will destroy Taraka whom you fear. Indeed, all other enemies of yours will also be killed by him.

सनातनो हि संकल्पः काम इत्यभिधीयते। रुद्रस्य तेजः प्रस्कन्नमग्नौ निपतितं च यत्॥
Will is eternal. That Will is known by the name of Kama and is at one with Rudra's seed a portion of which fell into the burning form of Agni.

तत्तेजोऽग्निर्महद्भूतं द्वितीयमिति पावकम्। वधार्थं देवशत्रूणां गङ्गायां जनयिष्यति॥
That energy, which is a powerful substance, and which resembles a second Agni, will be cast by Agni into Ganga for producing a child upon her in order to bring about the destruction of the enemies of the gods.

स तु नावाप तं शापं नष्टः स हुतभुक् तदा। तस्माद् वो भयहृद् देवाः समुत्पत्स्यति पावकिः॥१३
Agni did not come within the range of Uma's curse. The eater of sacrificial libations was not present there when the curse was imprecated.

अन्विष्यतां वै ज्वलनस्तथा चाद्य नियुज्यताम्। तारकस्य वधोपायः कथितो वै मयानघाः॥
Let the god of fire, therefore, be searched out. Let him now be set to this task. You sinless ones, I have told you the means for the destruction of Taraka.

न हि तेजस्विनां शापास्तेजःसु प्रभवन्ति वै। बलान्यतिबलं प्राप्य दुर्बलानि भवन्ति वै॥
The curses of the energetic cannot produce any effect upon the energetic. Forces, when they come into contact with a stronger force, become weakened.

हन्यादवध्यान् वरदानपि चैव तपस्विनः। संकल्पाभिरुचिः काम: सनातनतोऽभवत्॥
They who are endued with penances can destroy even the boongiving deities who are indestructible. Will, or Like, or Desire sprang in former times and is the most eternal of all creatures.

जगत्पतिरनिर्देश्यः सर्वगः सर्वभावनः। हृच्छयः सर्वभूतानां ज्येष्ठो रुद्रादपि प्रभुः॥
Agni is the Lord of the universe. He is incapable of being apprehended or described. Capable of going every where and present in all things he is the Creator of all beings. He lives in the hearts of all creatures, Gifted with great power, He is older than Rudra himself.

अन्विष्यतां स तु क्षिप्रं तेजोराशिर्हताशनः। स वो मनोगतं कामं देवः सम्पादयिष्यति॥ एतद् वाक्यमुपश्रुत्य ततो देवा महात्मनः। जग्मुः संसिद्धसंकल्पाः पर्येषन्तो विभावसुम्॥
Let that eater of sacrificial libations, who is mass of energy, be found out. That illustrious deity will fulfil this desire of your hearts, Hearing these word of the Grandfather, the great gods then proceeded to find out to the god of fire with cheerful hearts on account of their purpose having been crowned with success. possessed

ततस्त्रैलोक्यमृषयो व्यचिन्वन्त सुरैः सह। काङ्क्षन्तो दर्शनं वह्नः सर्वे तद्गतमानसाः॥
The gods and the Rishis then searched every portion of the three worlds their hearts being busy with the thought of Agni and eagerly desiring to see him.

परेण तपसा युक्ताः श्रीमन्तो लोकविश्रुताः। लोकानन्वचरन् सिद्धाः सर्व एव भृगूत्तम॥
Gifted with penances, of prosperity celebrated over all the worlds, those great ones, all crowned with ascetic success, sojourned over every part of the universe, O foremost one of Bhrigu's race.

नष्टमात्मनि संलीनं नाधिजग्मुर्हताशनम्। ततः संजातसंत्रासानग्निदर्शनलालसान्॥ जलेचरः क्लान्तमनास्तेजसाग्नेः प्रदीपितः। उवाच देवान् मण्डूको रसातलतलोत्थितः॥ रसातलतले देवा वसत्यग्निरिति प्रभो। संतापादिह सम्प्राप्तः पावकप्रभवादहम्॥
They could not find out the eater of sacrificial libations who had concealed himself by merging his self into self. At this time, a frog, living in water, got on the surface from the nethermost regions, with cheerless heart on account of having been scorched by the energy of Agni. The little creature addressed the celestials who had become stricken with fear and who had became stricken with fear and who were all very eager to see the god of fire, saying, You gods, Agni is now living in the nethermost regions. Scorched by the energy of that god and unable to bear in longer, I have come here.

स संसुप्तो जले देवा भगवान् हव्यवाहनः । अपः संसृज्य तेजोभिस्तेन संतापिता वयम्॥
The illustrious bearer of sacrificial offerings ye gods, is now under the waters. He has created a mass of waters within which he is living. All of us have been scorched by his energy.

तस्य दर्शनमिष्टं वो यदि देवा विभावसोः। तत्रैवमधिगच्छध्वं कार्यं वो यदि वह्निना॥
If, ye gods, you wish to see himif you have any business with him, go to him there.

गम्यतां साधयिष्याप्तो वयं ह्यग्निभयात् सुराः। एतावदुक्त्वा मण्डूकस्त्वरितो जलमाविशत्॥
As regards ourselves, we shall fly from this place, O celestials, from fear of Agni! Having said this much, the frog dived into the water.

हुताशनस्तु बुबुधे मण्डूकस्य च पैशुनम्। शशाप स तमासाद्य न रसान् वेत्स्यसीति वै॥
The eater of sacrificial libations came to know of the treachery of the frog. Coming to that animal, he cursed the whole race, saying, You will be deprived of the organ of taste.

तं वै संयुज्य शापेन मण्डूकं त्वरितो ययौ। अन्यत्र वासाय विभुर्न चात्मानमदर्शयत्॥
Having made this curse on the frog, he left spot immediately for living else, where. Indeed the powerful celestial did not show himself.

देवास्त्वनुग्रहं चक्रुर्मण्डूकानां भृगूत्तम। यत्तच्छृणु महाबाहो गदतो मम सर्वशः॥
Seeing the condition to which the frogs were reduced for having done them a service, the celestials o best of the Bhrigus, showed favour to those creatures. I shall tell you everything about it. Do you hear me, O mightyarmed hero.

देवा ऊचुः अग्निशापादजिह्वापि रसज्ञानबहिष्कृताः। सरस्वती बहुविधां यूयमुच्चारयिष्यथ॥
The Deities said Though deprived of tongues through the curse of Agni and, therefore of the sensation of taste, you will be able to utter various kinds of words.

बिलवासं गतांश्चैव निराहारानचेतसः। गतासूनपि संशुष्कान् भूमिः संधारयिष्यति॥
Living within holes, deprived of food, shorn of consciousness, wasted and dried up, and more dead than alive, the Earth will yet hold you all.

तमोघनायामपि वै निशायां विचरिष्यथ। इत्युक्त्वा तांस्ततो देवाः पुनरेव महामिमाम्॥ परीयुर्व्वलनस्यार्थे न चाविन्दन् हुताशनम्।
You shall also be able to move about at nighttime when everything is covered with thick darkness! Having said this to the frogs, the celestials once more journeyed over every part of the Earth for finding out the god of fire. Despite all their endeavours however, they could not find him out.

अथ तान् द्विरदः कश्चित् सुरेन्द्रद्विरदोपमः॥ अश्वत्थस्थोऽग्निरित्येवमाह देवान् भृगूद्वह।
Then, O perpetuator of Bhrigu's race, an elephant, as large and powerful as the elephant of Shakra addressed the gods, sayingAgni is now living within this Ashvattha tree!

शशाप ज्वलनः सर्वान् द्विरदान् क्रोधमूच्छितः॥ प्रतीपा भवतां जिह्वा भवित्रीति भृगूद्वह।
Worked up with anger, Agni cursed all the elephants, O descendent of Bhrigu, sayingYour tongues will be bent back.

इत्युक्त्वा निःसृतोऽश्वत्थादग्निर्वारणसूचितः। प्रविवेश शमीगर्भमथ वह्निः सुषुप्सया॥
Having been pointed out by the elephants, the God of Fire cursed all elephants thus and then went away and entered the heart of the Shami tree for living within it for sometime.

अनुग्रहं तु नागानां यं चक्रुः शृणु तं प्रभो। देवा भृगुकुलश्रेष्ठ प्रीत्या सत्यपराक्रमाः॥
Listen now, O powerful hero, what favour was shown to the elephants, O foremost one of Bhrigu's race; by the celestials of unbaffled prowess who were all pleased with the service one of their representatives had rendered them.

देवा ऊचुः प्रतीपया जिह्वयापि सर्वाहारं करिष्यथ। वाचं चोच्चारयिष्यध्वमुच्चैरव्यञ्जिताक्षराम्॥
The Deities said With the help of even your tongues bent inwards you shall be able to eat all things, and with even those tongues you shall be able to utter cries which will only be indistinct. Having blessed the elephants thus, the inhabitants of the celestial region once more began to search Agni.

इत्युक्त्वा पुनरेवाग्निमनुसझुर्दिवौकसः। अश्वत्यान्निःसृतश्चाग्निः शमीगर्भमुपाविशत्॥
Indeed, having come out of the Ashvattha tree, the God of Fire had entered the heart of Shami,

शुकेन ख्यापितो विप्र तं देवाः समुपाद्रवन्। शशाप शुकमग्निस्तु वाग्विहीनो भविष्यसि॥
This new residence of Agni was made known by a parrot. The gods there upon went there. Enraged with the conduct of the parrot, the God of Fire cursed the whole parrot race, saying, You shall from this day be deprived of the power of speech.

जिह्वामावर्तयामास तस्यापि हुतभुक् तथा। दृष्ट्वा तु ज्वलनं देवाः शुकमूचुर्दयान्विताः॥ भविता न त्वमत्यन्तं शुकत्वे नष्टवागिति। आवृत्तजिह्वस्य सतो वाक्यं कान्तं भविष्यति॥
Indeed, the eater of sacrificial offerings turned up the tongues of all the parrots. Seeing Agni at the place pointed out by the parrot, and beholding the curse imprecated upon him, the gods, moved by mercy for the poor creature. blessed him, saying, on account of your being a parrot, you shall not be wholly deprived of the power of speech. Though your tongue has been turned backwards, yet you will only be able to speak the letter K.

बालस्येव प्रवृद्धस्य कलमव्यक्तमद्भुतम्। इत्युक्त्वा तं शमीगर्भे वह्निमालक्ष्य देवताः॥ तदेवायतनं चक्रुः पुण्यं सर्वक्रियास्वपि। ततः प्रभृति चाप्यग्निः शमीगर्भेषु दृश्यते॥
Like that of a child or an old man, your words shall be sweet and indistinct and wonderfulHaving said these words to the parrot, and seeing the god of fire within the heart of the Shami, the gods made Shami wood a sacred fuel fit for producing fire in all religious rites. It was from that time that fire is seen to live in the heart of the Shami.

उत्पादने तथोपायमभिजग्मुश्च मानवाः। आपो रसातले यास्तु संस्पृष्टाश्चित्रभानुना॥
Men began to consider the Shami as a proper means for producing fire (in sacrifices). The waters that are in the nether most regions had come into contact with the god of fire.

ताः पर्वतप्रस्रवणैरूष्मां मुञ्चन्ति भार्गव। पावकेनाधिशयता संतप्तास्तस्य तेजसा॥
Those heated waters, O you of Bhrigu's race, are vomited forth by the mountain springs. On account, of Agni's having lived in them for sometime, they became hot through his power.

अथाग्निर्देवता दृष्ट्वा बभूव व्यथितस्तदा। किमागमनमित्येवं तानपृच्छत पावकः॥
Meanwhile Agni, seeing the gods, became grieved. Addressing the celestials, he asked them, Why have you come here?

तमूचुर्विबुधाः सर्वे ते चैव परमर्षयः। त्वां नियोक्ष्यमहे कार्यं तद् भवान् कर्तुमर्हति॥ कृते च तस्मिन् भविता तवापि समुहान् गुणः॥
To him the celestials and the great Rishis said, We wish to engage you in a particular work. You should perform it. When done, it will redound greatly to your credit.

अग्निरुवाच ब्रूत यद् भवतां कार्यं कर्तास्मि तदहं सुराः। भवतां तु नियोज्योऽस्मि मा वोऽत्रास्तु विचारणा।।५०
Agni said Tell me what your business is. I shall, O gods accomplish it. I am always willing to do anything for you. Do not, hesitate, therefore, to command me.

देवा ऊचुः असुरस्तारको नाम ब्रह्मणो वरदर्पितः। अस्मान् प्रबाधते वीर्याद् वधस्तस्य विधीयताम्॥
The celestials said There is an Asura of the name of Taraka who has been filled with pride on account of the boon he has obtained from Brahman. By his power he is able to oppose and discomfit us. Do you bring about his destruction.

इमान् देवगणांस्तात प्रजापतिगणांस्तथा। ऋषींचापि महाभाग परित्रायस्व पावक॥
O sire, do you rescue these celestials, these Prajapatis, and these Rishis, O highly blessed Pavaka.

अपत्यं तेजसा युक्तं प्रवीरं जनय प्रभो। यद् भयं नोऽसुरात् तस्मान्नाशयेद्धव्यवाहन॥
O powerful one, do you beget a heroic son possessed of your power, who will remove, O bearer of sacrificial libations, our fears from that Asura.

शप्तानां नो महादेव्या नान्यदस्ति परायणम्। अन्यत्र भवतो वीर्यं तस्मात् त्रायस्व नः प्रभो॥
We have been cursed by the great goddess Uma. There is nothing else than your power which can be our refuge now. Do you, therefore, O powerful deity, rescue us all.

इत्युक्तः स तथेत्युक्त्वा भगवान् हव्यवाहनः। जगामाथ दुराधर्षो गङ्गां भागीरथी प्रति॥
Thus addressed, the illustrious and irresistible bearer of sacrificial libations answered, saying, Be it so! and he then proceeded towards Ganga otherwise called Bhagirathi.

तया चाप्यभवन्मिश्रो गर्भे चास्यादधे तदा। ववृधे स तदा गर्भः कक्षे कृष्णगतिर्यथा।॥
He knew her and caused her to conceive. Indeed, in the womb of Ganga the seed of Agni began to grow even as Agni himself grows.

तेजसा तस्य देवस्य गङ्गा विह्वलचेतना। संतापमगमत् तीव्र सोढुं सा न शशाक ह॥
With the energy of that god, Ganga became greatly moved at heart. Indeed, she suffered great distress and became unable to bear it.

आहिते ज्वलनेनाथ गर्भे तेजः समन्विते। गङ्गायामसुरः कश्चिद् भैरवं नादमानदत्॥
When the deity of fire cast his seed gifted with great energy into the womb of Ganga, a certain Asura uttered a terrific roar.

अबुद्धिपतितेनाथ नादेन विपुलेन सा। वित्रस्तोद्धान्तनयना गङ्गा विनुतलोचना॥
On account of that dreadful roar uttered by the Asura for purposes of his own, Ganga became very much terrified and her eyes rolled in fear and betrayed her agitation.

विसंज्ञा नाशकद् गर्भं वोढुमात्मानमेव च। सा तु तेजःपरीताङ्गी कम्पयन्तीव जाह्नवी॥
Shorn of consciousness, she could not bear her body and the seed within her womb. The daughter of Janhu, carrying the energy of the illustrious god, began to tremble.

उवाच ज्वलनं विप्र तदा गर्भबलोद्धता। ते न शक्तास्मि भगवंस्तेजसोऽस्य विधारणे॥
Overwhelmed with the energy of the seed she held in her womb, O learned Brahmana, she then addressed the god of fire, saying, I cannot any longer, O illustrious one, bear your seed in my womb.

विमूढास्मि कृतानेन न मे स्वास्थ्यं यथा पुरा। विह्वला चास्मि भगवंश्चेतो नष्टं च मेऽनघ॥
Indeed, I am overcome with weakness by this seed of yours. The health I had in days before, is no longer mine. I have been greatly agitated, O illustrious one, and my heart is dead within me, O sinless one.

धारणे नास्य शक्ताहं गर्भस्य तपतां वर। उत्स्रक्ष्येऽहमिमं दुःखान्न तु कामात् कथंचन॥
O foremost of all persons gifted with penances, I cannot bear your seed any longer. I shall throw it off, induced by the distress that has befallen me, and not by caprice.

न तेजसोऽस्ति संस्पर्शो मम देव विभावसो। आपदर्थे हि सम्बन्धः सुसूक्ष्मोऽपि महाद्युते॥
There has been no actual contact of my body with your seed, O illustrious deity of fire. Our union, having for its cause the distress that has befallen the celestials, has been subtile and not of the flesh, O highly effulgent one.

यदत्र गुणसम्पन्नमितरद् वा हुताशन। त्वय्येव तदहं मन्ये धर्माधर्मी च केवलौ॥
Whatever merit or otherwise they may be in this deed, O eater of sacrificial offerings, must belong to you. indeed, I think, you will be visited by virtue or sin of this deed.

तामुवाच ततो वह्निर्धार्यतां धार्यतामिति। गर्भो मत्तेजसा युक्तो महागुणफलोदयः ॥
To her the god of fire said, Do you carry the seed. Do, indeed, bear the foetus endued with my power. It will produce great results.

शक्ता ह्यसि महीं कृत्स्नां वोढुं धारयितुं तथा। न हि ते किंचिदप्राप्यमन्यतो धारणादृते॥ सा वह्निना वार्यमाणा देवैरपि सरिद्वरा। समुत्ससर्ज तं गर्भं मेरौ गिरिवरे तदा॥
You are, indeed, capable of bearing the entire Earth. You will gain nothing by not holding this energy. That foremost of rivers, though thus dissuaded by the deity of fire as also by all the other celestials, cast off the seed on the breast of Meru, that foremost of all mountains.

समर्था धारणे चापि रुद्रतेजःप्रधर्षिता। नाशकत् तं तदा गर्भ संधारयितुमोजसा॥
Capable of bearing that seed, yet oppressed by the power of Rudra, she could not hold that seed longer on account of its burning energy.

सा समुत्सृज्य तं दुःखाद् दीप्तवैश्वाना, नम्। दर्शयामास चाग्निस्तं तदा गङ्गां भृगूद्वह॥ पप्रच्छ सरितां श्रेष्ठां कच्चिद् गर्भः सुखोदयः। कीदृग्वर्णोऽपि वा देवि कीदृग्रूपश्च दृश्यते। तेजसा केन वा युक्तः सर्वमेतद् ब्रवीहि मे॥
After she had cast it off, through sheer distress, that burning seed having the splendour of fire, O perpetuator of Bhrigu's race, Agni saw her, and asked that foremost of rivers, Is it all right with the foetus you have cast off? Of what complexion has it been, O goddess? Of what form does it look? With what energy does it seem to be gifted? Do you tell me all about it.

गङ्गा उवाच जातरूपः स गर्भो वै तेजसा त्वमिवानघ। सुवर्णो विमलो दीप्तः पर्वतं चावभासयत्॥
Ganga said The foetus is of goldhue. In energy it is like you, O sinless one! Of an excellent colour, perfectly stainless, and burning with splendour, it has lighted the entire mountain.

पद्मोत्पलविमिश्राणां ह्रदानामिव शीतलः। गन्धोऽस्य स कदम्बानां तुल्यो वै तपतां वर॥
O foremost of all persons gifted with penances, the fragrance of it resembles the cool perfume that is scattered by lakes adorned with lotuses.

तेजसा तस्य गर्भस्य भास्करस्येव रश्मिभिः। यद् द्रव्यं परिसंसृष्टं पृथिव्यां पर्वतेषु च॥ तत् सर्वं काञ्चनीभूतं समन्तात् प्रत्यदृश्यत। पर्यधावत शैलांश्च नदीः प्रस्रवणानि च॥
With the splendour of that foetus everything around it seemed to be changed into gold as all things on mountain and low land seem to be changed into gold by the rays of the Sun.

व्यादीपयंस्तेजसा च त्रैलोक्यं सचराचरम्। एवंरूपः स भगवान् पुत्रस्ते हव्यवाहन। सूर्यवैश्वानरसमः कान्त्या सोम इवापरः॥
The splendour of that foetus, spreading far and wide, falls upon mountains and rivers and springs. It seems that the three worlds, with all their mobile and immobile creatures, are being lighted up by it. Such is your child, O illustrious bearer of sacrificial offerings. Like the Sun or your blazing self, in beauty it is like second Soma!

एवमुक्त्वा तु सा देवी तत्रैवान्तरधीयता पावकश्चापि तेजस्वी कृत्वा कार्यं दिवौकसाम्॥ जगामेष्टं ततो देशं तदा भार्गवनन्दन।
Having said these words, the goddess-disappeared. The highly energetic god of fire also, having performed the business of the celestials, proceeded to the place he liked, O delighter of the Bhrigus.

एतैः कर्मगुणैर्लोके नामाग्नेः परिगीयते॥ हिरण्यरेता इति वै ऋषिभिर्विबुधैस्तथा। पृथिवी च तदा देवी ख्याता वसुमतीति वै॥
It was on account of the result of this act that the Rishis and the celestials bestowed the name of Hiranyaretas upon the gods of fire. . And because the Earth held that seed she also came to be called by the name of Vasumati.

स तु गर्भो महातेजा गाङ्गेयः पावकोद्भवः। दिव्यं शरवणं प्राप्य ववृधेऽद्भुतदर्शनः॥
Meanwhile, that foetus, which had originated from the god of fire and been held for a time by Ganga, having fallen on a forest of reeds, began to grow and at last assumed a wonderful form.

ददृशुः कृत्तिकास्तं तु बालार्कसदृशद्युतिम्। पुत्रं वै ताश्च तं बालं पुपुषुः स्तन्यविस्रवैः॥
The presiding goddess of the constellation Krittika saw that form resembling the rising Sun.

ततः स कार्तिकेयत्वमवाप परमद्युतिः। स्कन्नत्वात् स्कन्दतां चापि गुहावासाद् गुहोऽभवत्।।
She henceforth began to bring up that child as her son with the milk of her breast. For this reason that highly effulgent child came to be called Kartikeya after her name.

एवं सुवर्णमुत्पन्नमपत्यं जातवेदसः। तत्र जाम्बूनदं श्रेष्ठं देवानामपि भूषणम्॥
And because he grew from seed that fell out of Rudra's body, he came to be called Skanda. The incident also of his birth having taken place in the forest of reeds, concealed from every body's view, gave him the name of Guha. It was thus that gold came into existence as the offspring of the god of fire.

ततः प्रभृति चाप्येतज्जातरूपमुदाहृतम्। रत्नानामुत्तमं रत्नं भूषणानां तथैव च॥
Hence it is that gold came to be regarded as the foremost of all things and the ornament of the very gods. It was from this incident that gold came to be called by the name of Jatarupam.

पवित्रं च पवित्राणां मङ्गलानां च मङ्गलम्। यत् सुवर्णं स भगवानग्निरीशः प्रजापतिः॥
It is the foremost of all precious things, and among ornaments also it is the foremost. The purifier among all purifying things it is the most sacred of all sacred objects.

पवित्राणां पवित्रं हि कनकं द्विजसत्तमाः। अग्नीषोमात्मकं चैव जातरूपमुदाहृतम्॥
Gold is truly the illustrious Agni, the Lord of all things, and the foremost of all Prajapatis. The most sacred of all sacred things if gold, O foremost of twiceborn ones. Indeed, gold is said to have for its essence Agni and Soma.

वसिष्ठ उवाच अपि चेदं पुरा राम श्रुतं मे ब्रह्मदर्शनम्। पितामहस्य यद् वृत्तं ब्रह्मणः परमात्मनः॥
Vashishtha said Formerly I also heard this history, O Rama, called Brahmadarshana, about the achievement of the Grandfather Brahman who is at one with the Supreme Soul.

देवस्य महतस्तात वारुणीं बिभ्रतस्तनुम्। ऐश्वर्ये वारुणे राम रुद्रस्येशस्य वै प्रभो॥ आजग्मुर्मुनयः सर्वे देवाश्चाग्निपुरोगमाः। यज्ञाङ्गानि च सर्वाणि वषट्कारश्च मूर्तिमान्॥
To a sacrifice performed formerly by that foremost of gods, viz., the Lord of Rudra, O you of great power, who on that occasion had assumed the form of Varuna, there came the ascetics and all the celestials headed by Agni. There also came to that sacrifice all the sacrificial limbs (in their embodied forms), and the Mantra called Vashat in his embodied forin.

मूर्तिमन्ति च सामानि यजूंषि च सहस्रशः। ऋग्वेदश्चागमत् तत्र पदक्रमविभूषितः॥
All the Samans also and all the Yajushas, in thousands and in their embodied forms, came there. The Rig Veda also came there, adorned with the rules of orthoepy.

लक्षणानि स्वराः स्तोभा निरुक्तं सुरपतयः। ओङ्कारश्चावसन्नेत्रे निग्रहप्रग्रहौ तथा॥
The Lakshnanas, the Svaras, the stotras, the Niruktas, the Notes arranged in rows, and the syllable Om, as also Nigraha and Pragraha, all came there and lived in the eye of Mahadeva.

वेदाश्च सोपनिषदो विद्या सावित्र्यथापि च। भूतं भव्यं भविष्यं च दधार भगवान् शिवः॥
The Vedas with the Upanishads, Vidya, and Savitri, as also, the Past, the Present, and the Future, all came there and were held by the illustrious Shiva.

संजुहावात्मनाऽऽत्मानं स्वयमेव तदा प्रभो। यज्ञं च शोभयामास बहुरूपं पिनाकधृत्॥
The powerful Lord of All then poured libations himself into his own self. Indeed, the holder of Pinaka caused that Sacrifice of multifarious form to look highly beautiful.

द्यौर्नभः पृथिवी खं च तथा चैवैष भूपतिः। सर्वविद्येश्वरः श्रीमानेष चापि विभावसुः॥
He is Heaven, Sky, Earth, and the Welkin. He is called the Lord of the Earth. He is the Lord whose rule is acknowledged by all obstacles. He is gifted with Shree and He is at one with the God of Fire.

एष ब्रह्मा शिवो रुद्रो वरुणोऽग्निः प्रजापतिः। कीर्त्यते भगवान् देवः सर्वभूतपतिः शिवः॥
That illustrious god is called by various names. He is Brahman, Shiva, Rudra, Varuna, Agni and Prajapati, He is the auspicious Lord of all creatures.

तस्य यज्ञः पशुपतेस्तपः क्रतव एव च। दीक्षा दीप्तव्रता देवी दिशश्च सदिगीश्वराः॥ देवपत्न्यश्च कन्याश्च देवानां चैव मातरः। आजग्मुः सहितास्तत्र तदा भृगुकुलोद्वह॥
Sacrifice, Penance, all the rites, the goddess Diksha burning with rigid observances, the several Points with the presiding deities, the consorts of all the deities, their daughters, and the celestials mothers, all came to Pashupati, O perpetuator of Bhrigu's race, together in a body.

यज्ञं पशुपतेः प्रीता वरुणस्य महात्मनः। स्वयम्भुवस्तु ता दृष्ट्वा रेतः समपतद् भुवि॥
Seeing that sacrifice of the great Mahadeva who had assumed the form of Varuna, all of them became highly pleased. Seeing the celestial ladies of great beauty, the seed of Brahman came out and dropped upon the Earth.

तस्य शुक्रस्य विस्पन्दान् पांसून् संगृह्य भूमितः। प्रास्यत् पूषा कराभ्यां वै तस्मिन्नेव हुताशने॥
On account of the seed having fallen on the dust, the Sun took up that dust mixed with the particles of seed from the Earth with his hands and cast it into the sacrificial fire.

ततस्तस्मिन् सम्प्रवृत्ते सत्रे ज्वलितपावके। ब्रह्मणो जुह्वतस्तत्र प्रादुर्भावो बभूव ह॥
Meanwhile, the sacrifice with the sacred fire of burning flames was commenced and it is went on. Brahman was pouring libations on the fire. While thus engaged, the Grandfather became worked up with desire.

स्कन्नमात्रं च तच्छुक्रं स्रवेण परिवृज्ञ सः। आज्यवन्मन्त्रतश्चापि सोऽजूहांद् भृगुनन्दन॥
As soon as the seed came out, he took it up with the sacrificial ladle and poured it as a libation of clarified butter, O delighter of the Bhrigus with the necessary Mantras, on the burning fire.

ततः स जनयामास भूतग्रामं च वीर्यवान्। तस्य तत् तेजसस्तस्माज्जज्ञे लोकेषु तैजसम्॥
From that seed, Brahman of great power caused the four orders of creatures to come into being. That seed of the Grandfather was endued with the three qualities of Goodness, Darkness, and Ignorance. From that element in it which represented the quality of Goodness, sprang all mobile creatures gifted with the principle of action.

तमसस्तामसा भावा व्यापि सत्त्वं तथोभयम्। स गुणस्तेजसो नित्यस्तस्य चाकाशमेव च॥
From the element of Ignorance in it. sprang all immobile creatures. The quality of Goodness, however, which lived in that seed, entered both kinds of existence. That quality of Goodness is of the nature of Light. It is eternal and of it is unending Space.

सर्वभूतेषु च तथा सत्त्वं तेजस्तथोत्तमम्। शुक्रे हुतेऽग्नौ तस्मिंस्तु प्रादुरासंस्त्रयः प्रभो॥
In all the creatures the quality of Goodness is present and is at one with that light which shows what is right and what is wrong. When the seed of Brahman was thus poured as a libation on that sacrificial fire, there came from it, O powerful one, three beings into existence.

पुरुषा वपुषा युक्ताः स्वैः स्वैः प्रसवजैर्गुणैः। भृगित्येव भृगुः पूर्वमङ्गारेभ्योऽङ्गिराभवत्॥
They were three male persons, gifted with bodies that partook of the nature of the circumstances from which they respectively originated. One arose first from the fire (called Bhrik) and hence he passed by the name of Bhrigu. A second came from the burning charcoals and hence he passed the name of Angirasa.

अङ्गारसंश्रयाच्चैव कविरित्यपरोऽभवत्। सह ज्वालाभिरुत्पन्नो भृगुस्तस्माद् भृगुः स्मृतः।।१०६
The third originated from a heap of extinguished charcoals and he passed by the name of Kavi. It has been already said that the first came out with flames issuing from his body and hence he was called Bhrigu,

मरीचिभ्यो मरीचिस्तु मारीचः कश्यपो ह्यभूत्। अङ्गारेभ्योऽङ्गिरास्तात वालखिल्याः कुशोच्चयात्।।
From the rays of the sacrificial fire originated another called Marichi. From Marichi (afterwards) sprang Kashyapa. It has been already said that from the (burning) charcoals originated Angiras. The dwarf Rishis called Valikhillyas originated from the blades of Kusha grass spread out in that sacrifice.

अत्रैवानेति च विभो जातमत्रिं वदन्त्यपि। तथा भस्मव्यपोहेभ्यो ब्रह्मर्षिगणसम्मताः॥ वैखानसाः समुत्पन्नास्तप:श्रुतगुणेप्सवः। अश्रुतोऽस्य समुत्पन्नावश्विनौ रूपसम्मतौ॥ शेषाः प्रजानां पतयः स्रोतोभ्यस्तस्य जज्ञिरे।
From the same blades of Kusha grass, O you of great power originated Atri. From the ashes of the fire originated the twiceborn Rishis, viz., the Vaikhanashas, endued with penances and given to Vedic learning and all of excellent qualities. From the eyes of Agni originated the twin Ashvins endued with great beauty. At last, from his ears, originated the Prajapatis.

ऋषयो रोमकूपेभ्यः स्वेदाच्छन्दो बलान्मनः॥ एतस्मात् कारणादाहरग्निः सर्वास्तु देवताः। ऋषयः श्रुतसम्पन्ना देवप्रामाण्यदर्शनात्॥ यानि दारुणि निर्यासास्ते मासाः पक्षसंज्ञिताः। अहोरात्रा मुहूर्ताश्च पित्तं ज्योतिश्च दारुणम्॥ रौद्रं लोहितमित्याहुलॊहितात् कनकं स्मृतम्। तन्मैत्रमिति विज्ञेयं धूमाच्च वसवः स्मृताः॥ अर्चिषो याच ते रुद्रास्तथाऽऽदित्या महाप्रभाः। उद्दिष्टास्ते तथाङ्गारा ये धिष्ण्येषु दिवि स्थिताः।।११४
The Rishis originated the pores of Agni's body. From his sweat originated Chhandas, and from his strength originated Mind. Therefore Agni has been said to be all the celestials in his individual self, by Rishis endued with Vedic learning, guided by the authority of the Vedas. The pieces of wood that keep alive the flumes of Agni are considered as the Months. The juices the fuel yields form the Fortnights. . The liver of Agni is called the Day and Night, and his fierce light is called the Muhurtas, The blood of Agni is considered as the source of the Rudras. From his blood originated the goldhued celestials called the Maitradevatas. . From his smoke originated the Vasus. From his flames originated the Rudras as also the (twelve) Adityas of great effulgence. . The Planets and Constellations and other stars that have been set in their respective orbits in the sky, are considered as the (burning) charcoals of Agni.

आदिकर्ता च लोकस्य तत्परं ब्रह्म तध्रुवम्। सर्वकामदमित्याहुस्तद्रहस्यमुवाच ह॥ ततोऽब्रबीन्महादेवो वरुणः पवनात्मकः। मम सत्रमिदं दिव्यमहं गृहपतिस्त्विह॥ त्रीणि पूर्वाण्यपत्यानि मम तानि न संशयः। इति जानीत खगमा मम यज्ञफलं हि तत्॥
The first Creator of the universe declared Agni to be Supreme Brahma and Eternal, and the giver of all desires. This is indeed, a mystery, After all these births had taken place, Mahadeva who had assumed the form of Varuna (for his sacrifice) and who had Pavana for his soul, said, This excellent Sacrifice is minc. I am the Grahapati in it. The three beings that first originated from the sacrificial fire are mine! Forsooth, they should be considered as my children. Know this, you gods who range through the skies! They are the fruits of this Sacrifice.

मदङ्गेभ्यः प्रसूतानि मदाश्रयकृतानि च। ममैव तान्यपत्यानि वरुणो दवद्यात्मकः॥
"Agni said, These children have originated from my limbs. They have all depended upon me as the cause of their being. They should, therefore, be considered as my children. Mahadeva in the form of Varuna has erred in this matter.

अथाब्रवील्लोकगुरुर्ब्रह्मा लोकपितामहः। ममैव तान्यपत्यानि मम शुक्र हुतं हि तत्॥
After this, the Master of all the worlds, the Grandfather of all creatures, viz., Brahman, then said, These children are mine! The seed which I poured upon the sacrificial fire was mine.

अहं कर्ता हि सत्रस्य होता शुक्रस्य चैव ह। यस्य बीजं फलं तस्य शुक्रं चेत् कारणं मतम्।।१२०
I am the performer of this Sacrifice. I poured on the sacrificial fire, the seed that came out of myself. He who has planted the seed always enjoys the fruit. The principal cause of these births is my seed.

ततोऽब्रुवन् देवगणाः पितामहमुपेत्य वै। कृताञ्जलिपुटाः सर्वे शिरोभिरभिवन्द्य च॥ वयं च भगवन् सर्वे जगच्च सचराचरम्। तवैव प्रसवाः सर्वे तस्मादग्निर्विभावसुः॥ तरुणश्चेश्वरो देवो लभतां काममीप्सितम्। निसर्गाद् ब्रह्मणश्चापि वरुणो यादसाम्पतिः॥ जग्रह वै भृगु पूर्वमपत्यं सूर्यवर्चसम्। ईश्वरोऽङ्गिरसं चाग्नेरपत्यार्थमकल्पयत्॥
The celestial went to the Grandfather and having bowed their heads to him and jointed hands in respect, they said to him, All of us, O illustrious one, and the entire universe of mobile and immobilc creatures, are your offspring, O sire, let Agni of burning flames, and the illustrious and powerful Mahadeva who has, for this sacrifice, assumed the form of Varuna, have their wish. At these words, although bom of Brahman, the powerful Mahadeva in the form of Varuna, the king of all aquatic creatures received the firstborn one, viz., Bhrigu effulgent as the Sun, as his own child. The Grandfather then intended that Angirasa should become the son of Agni.

पितामहस्त्वपत्यं वै कविं जग्राह तत्त्ववित्। तदा स वारुणः ख्यातो भृगुः प्रसवकर्मवित्॥
Knowing the truth, the Grandfather then took Kavi as his own son. Busy with procreating creatures for peopling the Earth, Bhrigu who is considered as a Prajapati thence came to be called as Varuna's offspring.

आग्नेयस्त्वङ्गिराः श्रीमान् कविाह्मो महायशाः। भार्गवाङ्गिरसौ लोके लोकसंतानलक्षणौ॥
Gifted with every prosperity, Angirasa passed as the offspring of Agni, and the celebrated Kavi came to be known as the child of Brahman himself. Bhrigu and Angirasa, who had originated from the fire and the charcoals of Agni respectively, became the procreators of extensive races and tribes in the world,

एते हि प्रस्रवाः सर्वे प्रजानां पतयस्त्रयः। सर्वं संतानमेतेषामिढमित्युपधारय॥
Indeed, these three, viz., Bhrigu and Angirasa and Kavi, considered as Prajapati, are the progenitors of many races and tribes. All are the children of these three. Know this, o powerful hero.

भृगोस्तु पुत्राः सप्तासन् सर्वे तुल्या भृगोर्गुणैः। च्यवनो वज्रशीर्षश्च शुचिरौर्वस्तथैव च॥ शुक्रो वरेण्यश्च विभुः सवनश्चेति सप्त ते। भार्गवा वारुणाः सर्वे येषां वंशे भवानपि॥
Bhrigu beget seven sons all whom became equal to him in merits and qualities. Their names are Chyavana, Vajrashirshan, Suchi, Urva, Shukra, that giver of boons, Vibhu and Savana. These are the seven. They are children of Bhrigu and are hence Bhargavas. They are also called Varunas on account of their ancestor Bhrigu having been adopted by Mahadeva in the form of Varuna. You belong to the race of Bhrigu.

अष्टौ चाङ्गिरसः पुत्रा वारुणास्तेऽप्युदाहताः। बृहस्पतिरुतथ्यश्च पयस्यः शान्तिरेव च॥ घोरो विरूपः संवर्तः सुधन्वा चाष्टमः स्मृतः। एतेऽष्टौ वह्रिजाः सर्वे ज्ञाननिष्ठा निरामयाः॥
Angirasa begot eight sons. They also are known as Varunas. Their names are Brihaspati, Utatthya, Payasya, Shanti, Dhira, Virupa, Samvarta, and Sudhanvan the eighth. These eight are considered also as the children of Agni. Freed from every evil, they are devoted to knowledge only.

ब्रह्मणस्तु कवेः पुत्रा वारुणास्तेऽप्युदाहृताः। अष्टौ प्रसवजैर्युक्ता गुणैर्ब्रह्मविदः शुभाः॥
The sons of Kavi who was adopted by Brahman himself are also known as Varunas. Eight in number all of them became progenitors of races and tribes. Auspicious by nature, they all knew Brahma.

कविः काव्यश्च घृष्णुश्च बुद्धिमानूशना तथा। भृगुश्च विरजाश्चैव काशी चोग्रश्च धर्मवित्॥
The names of the eight sons of Kavi are Kavi, Kavya, Dhrishnu, Ushanas endued with great intelligence, Bhrigu, Viraja, Kashi, and Ugra knowing every duty.

अष्टौ कविसुता ह्येते सर्वमेभिर्जगत् ततम्। प्रजापतय एते हि प्रजाभागैरिह प्रजाः॥
These are the eight sons of Kavi. By them the whole world has been peopled. They are all called Prajapatis, and they have procreated many offspring.

एवमङ्गिरसश्चैव कवेश्च प्रसवान्वयैः। भृगोश्च भृगुशार्दूल वंशजैः सततं जगत्॥
Thus, O chief of Bhrigu's race, has the whole world been peopled with the children of Angirasa, and Kavi and Bhrigu,

वरुणश्चादितो विप्र जग्राह प्रभुरीश्वरः। कविं तात भृगुं चापि तस्मात् तौ वारुणो स्मृतौ।।
The powerful and supreme Lord Mahadeva in the form of Varuna which he had assumed for this sacrifice had first, О learned Brahmana, adopted both Kavi and Angirasa. Hence, these two are considered as of Varuna.

जग्राहाङ्गिरसं देवः शिखी तस्माद्हताशनः। तस्मादाङ्गिरसा ज्ञेयाः सर्व एव तदन्वयाः॥
After that the eater of sacrificial libations, viz., the god of fire, adopted of Angirasa. Hence, all the children of Angirasa are known as belonging to the race of Agni.

ब्रह्मा पितामहः पूर्वं देवताभिः प्रसादितः। इमे नः संतरिष्यन्ति प्रजाभिर्जगतीश्वराः॥
The Grandfather Brahman was, formerly propitiated by all the deities who said to him, Let these lords of the universe save us all.

सर्वे प्रजानां पतयः सर्वे चातितपस्विनः। त्वत्प्रसादादिमं लोकं तारयिष्यन्ति साम्प्रतम्॥
Let all of them become progenitors of offspring. Let all of them become endued with penances. Through your favour, let all these rescue the world.

तथैव वंशकर्तारस्तव तेजोविवर्धनाः। भवेयुर्वेदविदुषः सर्वे च कृतिनस्तथा॥
Let them become procreators and extenders of races and tribes and let them increase your power. Let all of them become thorough masters of the Vedas and let them be performers of great deeds.

देवपक्षचराः सौम्याः प्रजापत्या महर्षयः। आप्नुवन्ति तपश्चैव ब्रह्मचर्ये परं तथा॥
Let all of them be friends to the divine cause. Indeed, let all of them become gifted with auspiciousness. Let become founders of extensive races and tribes and let them be great Rishis. Let all of them be gifted with great penances and let all of them be devoted to high celibacy'.

सर्वे हि वयमेते च तवैव प्रसवः प्रभो। देवानां ब्राह्मणानां च त्वं हि कर्ता पितामह॥
All of us, as also all these, are your offspring, O you of great power. You, O Grandfather, are the Creator of both the celestials and the Brahmanas.

मारीचमादितः कृत्वा सर्वे चैवाथ भार्गवाः। अपत्यानीति सम्प्रेक्ष्य क्षमयाम पितामह॥
Marichi is your first offspring. All these also that are called Bhargavas are your progeny. LoO king at this fact, O Grandfather, we shall all help and support one another.

ते त्वनेनैव रूपेण प्रजनिष्यन्ति वै प्रजाः। स्थापयिष्यन्ति चात्मानं युगादिनिधने तथा॥ इत्युक्तः स तदा तैस्तु ब्रह्मा लोकपितामहः। तथेत्येवाब्रवीत् प्रीतस्तेऽपि जग्मुर्यथागतम्॥
All these shall, thus, multiply their progeny and establish yourself at the beginning of each one after the universal destruction. Thus addressed by them, Brahman, the grandfather of all the worlds, said to them, So be it! I am pleased with you all! Having said so to the celestials, he proceeded to the place he had come from.

एवमेतत् पुरा वृत्तं तस्य यज्ञे महात्मनः। देवश्रेष्ठस्य लोकादौ वारुणीं बिभ्रतस्तनुम्॥
This is what took place in days of your in that sacrifice of the great Mahadeva, that foremost, one of all the celestials, in the beginning of creation, when he for the purposes of his sacrifice had assumed the form of Varuna.

अग्निर्ब्रह्मा पशुपतिः शर्वो रुद्रः प्रजापतिः। अग्नेरपत्यमेतद् वै सुवर्णमिति धारणा॥
Agni is Brahman. He is Pashupati. He is Sarva. He is Rudra. He is Prajapati. It is wellknown that gold is the offspring of Agni.

अग्न्यभावे च कुरुते वह्निस्थानेषु काञ्चनम्। जामदग्न्य प्रमाणज्ञो वेदश्रुतिनिदर्शनात्॥
When fire is not to be had, gold is used as a substitute. Guided by the marks of the auditions of the Veda, one who is conversant with authorities and who knows the identity of gold with fire, acts thus.

कुशस्तम्बे जुहोत्यग्निं सुवर्णे तत्र च स्थिते। बल्मीकस्य वपायां च कर्णे वाजस्य दक्षिणे॥ शकटो। परस्याप्सु ब्राह्मणस्य करे तथा। हते प्रीतिकरीमृद्धिं भगवांस्तत्र मन्यते॥
Putting a piece of gold on some blades of Kusha grass spread out on the ground, the sacrificer pours libations upon it. If libations are poured upon also the pores of an anthill, upon the right ear of a goat, upon a piece of level earth, upon the waters of a Tirtha, or on the hand of a Brahmana, the illustrious god of fire becomes pleased and considers it as a source of his own advancement as also that of the celestials through his.

तस्मादग्निपराः सर्वे देवता इति शुश्रुम। ब्रह्मणो हि प्रभूतोऽग्निरग्नेरपि च काञ्चनम्॥
Hence, it is that we have heard that all the celestials consider Agni as their refuge and are devoted to him. Agni originated from Brahman, and from, Agni originated gold.

तस्माद् ये वै प्रयच्छन्ति सुवर्णे धर्मदर्शिनः। देवतास्ते प्रयच्छन्ति समस्ता इति नः श्रुतम्॥
Hence, we have heard that those virtuous persons who make gifts of gold are considered as giving away all the deities.

तस्य चातमसो लोका गच्छतः परमां गतिम्। स्वलॊके राजराज्येन सोऽभिषिच्येत भार्गव॥
The man who makes gifts of gold acquires a very high end. Regions of burning effulgence are his. Indeed, O Bhargava, he becomes installed as the king of kings in the celestial region.

आदित्योदयसम्प्राप्ते विधिमन्त्रपुरस्कृतम्। ददाति काञ्चनं यो वै दुःस्वप्नं प्रतिहन्ति सः॥
That person who, at sunrise, makes a gift of gold according to the ordinance and with proper Mantras, succeeds in warding off the evils foreshadowed by ominous dreams.

ददात्युदितमात्रे यस्तस्य पाप्मा विधूयते। मध्याह्ने ददतो रुक्मं हन्ति पापमनागतम्॥
The man who, as soon as the Sun has risen, makes a gift of gold becomes purged of all his sins. He who makes a gift of gold at midday destroys all his future sins.

ददाति पश्चिमां संध्या यः सुवर्णे यतव्रतः। ब्रह्मवाय्वग्निसोमानां सालोक्यमुपयाति सः॥
He who, with controlled soul, makes a gift of gold at the second twilight succeeds in living with Brahman and the god of wind and Agni and Soma in their respective regions.

सेन्द्रेषु चैव लोकेषु प्रतिष्ठां विन्दते शुभाम्। इह लोके यशः प्राप्य शान्तपाप्मा च मोदते॥
Such a man acquires fame in regions of great happiness that belong to Indra himself. Acquiring great fame in this world also, and purged of all his sins, he sports on joy and happiness.

ततः सम्पद्यतेऽन्येषु लोकेष्वप्रतिमः सदा। अनावृतगतिश्चैव कामचारो भवत्युत॥
Such a man acquires many other regions of happiness and becomes peerless for glory and fame. His course perfectly unobstructed he succeeds in going every where at will.

न च क्षरति तेभ्यश्च यशैश्चैवाप्नुते महत्। सुवर्णमक्षयं दत्त्वा लोकांश्चाप्नोति पुष्कलान्॥
He has never to fall down from the regions which he acquires, and the glory he attains to, becomes very great. Indeed, by making gifts of gold one acquires numberless regions of a happiness all of which he enjoys for good.

यस्तु संजनयित्वाग्निमादित्योदयनं प्रति। दद्याद् वै व्रतमुद्दिश्य सर्वकामान् समश्नुते॥
That man who, having lighted a fire at sunrise, makes gifts of gold in view of the observance of a particular vow, succeeds in acquiring the fruition of all his desires.

अग्निमित्येव तत् प्राहुः प्रदानं च सुखावहम्। यथेष्टगुणसंवृत्तं प्रवर्तकमिति स्मृतम्॥
It has been said that gold is at one with Agni. The gift of gold, therefore, yields great happiness. The gift of gold leads to the possession of those merits and qualities that are desired, and purifies the heart.

एषा सुवर्णस्योत्पत्तिः कथिता ते मयानघ। कार्तिकेयस्य च विभो तद् विद्धि भृगुनन्दन॥
I have thus told you, O sinless one, the origin of gold. O you of power, know how Kartikeya grew up, O delighter of Bhrigu's race.

कार्तिकेयस्तु संवृद्धः कालेन महता तदा। देवैः सेनापतित्वेन वृतः सैन् गूद्वह॥
After a long time Kartikeya grew up. He was then, O perpetuator of Bhrigu's race, chosen by all the celestials with Indra at their head, as the commanderinchief of the celestial forces.

जघान तारकं चापि दैत्यमन्यांस्तथासुरान्। त्रिदशेन्द्राज्ञया ब्राँल्लोकानां हितकाम्यया॥
He killed the Daitya Taraka as also many other Asuras, at the command of the king of the celestials, O Brahmana, and moved also by the desire of benefiting all the worlds.

सुवर्णदाने च मया कथितास्ते गुणा विभो। तस्मात् सुवर्णे विप्रेभ्यः प्रयच्छ ददतां वर॥
I have also, O you of great power, described to you the merits of making gifts of gold. Do you, therefore, O foremost of all speakers, make gifts of gold.

भीष्म उवाच इत्युक्तः स वसिष्ठेन जामदग्न्यः प्रतापवान्। ददौ सुवर्णे विप्रेभ्यो व्यमुच्यत च किल्बिषात्॥१६६
Bhishma said Thus addressed by Vashishtha, Jamadagni's son of great power then made gifts of gold to the Brahmanas and became cleansed of his sins.

एतत् ते सर्वमाख्यातं सुवर्णस्य महीपते। प्रदानस्य फलं चैव जन्म चास्य युधिष्ठिर॥
I have thus, told you, O king, everything about the merits of the gifts of gold and about its origin also, O Yudhishthira.

तस्मात् त्वमपि विप्रेभ्यः प्रयच्छ कनकं बहु। ददत्सुवर्णे नृपते किल्बिषाद् विप्रमोक्ष्यसि॥
Do you also, therefore, make profuse gift of gold to the Brahmanas. Indeed, O king, by making such gifts of gold, you will surely be purged of all you sins.

तस्मात् त्वमपि विप्रेभ्यः प्रयच्छ कनकं बहु। ददत्सुवर्णे नृपते किल्बिषाद् विप्रमोक्ष्यसि॥
Do you also, therefore, make profuse gift of gold to the Brahmanas. Indeed, O king, by making such gifts of gold, you will surely be purged of all you sins.