The descendants of Vishvamitra

भीष्म उवाच श्रूयतां पार्थ तत्त्वेन विश्वामित्रो यथा पुरा। ब्राह्मणत्वं गतस्तात ब्रह्मर्षित्वं तथैव च॥
Bhishma said Listen truly in full, O son of Pritha, how, in days of yore, Vishvamitra acquired the status of a Brahmana, as also of a Brahmana Rishi!

भरतस्यान्वये चैवाजमीढो नाम पार्थिवः। बभूव भरतश्रेष्ठ यज्वा धर्मभृतां वरः॥
There was O foremost of Bharata's descendants, in the family of Bharata, a king named Ajamida, who celebrated many sacrifices and was the best of all virtuous men.

तस्य पुत्रो महानासीज्जह्वर्नाम नरेश्वरः। दुहितृत्वमनुप्राप्ता गङ्गा यस्य महात्मनः॥
His son was the great king named Jahnu. Ganga was the daughter of this great prince.

तस्यात्मजस्तुल्यगुणः सिधुद्वीपो महायशाः। सिन्धुद्वीपाच्च राजर्षिर्बलाकाश्वो महाबलः॥
The far-fained and equally virtuous Sindhudvipa was the son of this prince. From Sindhudvipa sprang the great royal sage Valakashva.

वल्लभस्तस्य तनयः साक्षाद्धर्म इवापरः। कुशिकस्तस्य तनयः सहस्त्राक्षसमद्युतिः॥
His son was named Vallabha who was like a second Dharina incarnate. His son was Kushika who was illustrious like the thousandeyed Indra.

कुशिकस्यात्मजः श्रीमान् गाधिर्नाम जनेश्वरः। अपुत्रः प्रसवेनार्थी वनवासमुपावसत्॥
Kushika's son was the illustrious king Gadhi who, being childless and wishing to have a son born to him, went to the forest.

कन्या जज्ञे सुतात् तस्य वने निवसतः सतः। नाम्ना सत्यवती नाम रूपेणाप्रतिभा भुवि॥
While living there, a daughter was born to him. She was called Satyavati, and she was peerless in beauty on Earth.

तां वज्र भार्गवः श्रीमांश्च्यवनस्यात्मसम्भवः। ऋचीक इति विख्यातो विपुले तपसि स्थितः॥
The illustrious son of Chyavana, known by the name of Richika, of the family of Bhrigu, gifted with austere penance's, sought the hand of this lady.

स तां न प्रददौ तस्मै ऋचीकाय महात्मने। दरिद्र इति मत्वा वै गाधिः शत्रुनिबर्हणः॥
Thinking him to be poor, Gadhi, the destroyer of his enemies, did not bestow her in marriage upon the great Richika.

प्रत्याख्याय पुनर्यातमब्रवीद् राजसत्तमः। शुल्कं प्रदीयतां मह्यं ततो वत्स्यसि मे सुताम्॥
But when the latter, thus dismissed, was going away, the excellent king, addressing him, said If you can give me a marriage dower you will have my daughter as your wife!

ऋचीक उवाच किं प्रयच्छामि राजेन्द्र तुभ्यं शुल्कमहं नृप। दुहितुर्ब्रह्यसंसक्तो माऽभूत् तत्र विचारणा॥ चन्द्ररश्मिप्रकाशानां हयानां वातरंहसाम्। एकतः श्यामकर्णानां सहस्रं देहि भार्गव॥
Richika said What dower, O king, shall I offer you for the hand of your daughter? Tell me truly, without any hesitation whatsoever! Gadhi said, O Descendant of Bhrigu, give me a thousand horses quickcoursing as the wind, and possessing the colour of moonbeams, and each having one ear black.

भीष्म उवाच ततः स भृगुशार्दूलश्च्यवनस्यात्मजः प्रभुः। अब्रवीद् वरुणं देवमादित्यं पतिमम्भसाम्॥ एकतः श्यामकर्णानां हयानां चन्द्रवर्चसाम्। सहस्रं वातवेगानां भिक्षे त्वां देवसत्तम॥
Bhishma said Then that powerful son of Chyavana who was the foremost of Bhrigu's family, besought the god Varuna, the son of Aditi, who was the lord of all the waters. O best of gods, I pray to you io give me a thousand horses, all fleet like the wind and having complexion as effulgent as the moon's, but each having one ear black.

तथेति वरुणो देव आदित्यो भृगुसत्तमम्। उवाच यत्र ते च्छन्दस्तत्रोत्थास्यन्ति वाजिनः॥ ध्यातमात्र ऋचीकेन हयानां चन्द्रवर्चसाम्। गङ्गाजलात् समुत्तस्थौ सहस्रं विपुलौजसाम्॥
The god Varuna, the son of Aditi, said to that scion Bhrigu's race Be it so! Whenever you will seek, the horses shall come. As soon as Richika thought of them, there came from the waters of Ganga a thousand highborn horses, as effulgent as the moon.

अदूरे कान्यकुब्जस्य गङ्गायास्तीरमुत्तमम्। अश्वतीर्थे तदद्यापि मानवैः परिचक्ष्यते॥
Not far from Kanyakuvja, the sacred bank of Ganga is still famous among men as Ashvatirtha on account of the appearance of those horses.

ततो वै माधये तात सहस्रं वाजिनां शुभम्। ऋचीकः प्रददौ प्रीतः शुल्कार्थं तपतां वरः॥
Then Richika, that best of ascetics, pleased in mind, gave those thousand excellent horses to Gadhi as the marriage gift.

ततः स विस्मितो राजा गाधिः शापभयेन च। ददौ तां समलंकृत्य कन्यां भृगुसुताय वै॥
King Gadhi, stricken with wonder and fearing to be cursed, gave his daughter, adorned with jewels, to that son of Bhrigu.

जग्राह विधिवत् पाणिं तस्या ब्रह्मर्षिसत्तमः। सा च तं पतिमासाद्य परं हर्षमवाप ह॥
That foremost of twiceborn Rishis accepted her hand in marriage according to due rites. The princes too was wellpleased at seeing herself the wife of that Brahmana.

स तुतोष च ब्रह्मर्षिस्तस्या वृत्तेन भारत। छन्दयामास चैवैनां वरेण वरवर्णिनीम्॥
That foremost of twiceborn Rishis, O Bharata, was well pleased with her conduct and expressed a desire to grant her a boon.

मात्रे तत् सर्वमाचख्यौ सा कन्या राजसत्तम। अथ तामब्रवीन्माता सुतां किंचिदवाङ्मुखी॥ ममापि पुत्रि भर्ता ते प्रसादं कर्तुमर्हति। अपत्यस्य प्रदानेन समर्थश्च महातपाः॥
The princess, O excellent king, communicated this to her mother. The mother said to the daughter that stood before her with downcast eyes You should, O my daughter, secure a favour for me also from your husband. That sage of austere penances is competent to grant a boon to me, the boon, viz., of the birth of a son to mc.

ततः सा त्वरितं गत्वा तत् सर्वं प्रत्यवेदयत्। मातुश्चिकीर्षितं राजन् ऋचीकस्तामथाब्रवीत्॥
Then, O king, returning speedily to her husband Richika, the princess described to him all that had been wished for by her mother.

गुणवन्तमपत्यं सा अचिराज्जनयिष्यति। मम प्रसादात् कल्याणि माऽभूत् ते प्रणयोऽन्यथा॥२५
By my favour, O blessed one, she will soon give birth to a son gifted with every virtue! May your request be fulfilled!

तव चैव गुणश्लाघी पुत्र उत्पत्स्यते महान्। अस्मद्वंशकरः श्रीमान् सत्यमेतद् ब्रवीमि ते॥
Of you too shall be born a powerful and glorious son who, gifted with virtue, shall perpetuate my race. Truly do I say this to you.

ऋतुस्नाता च साऽश्वत्थं त्वं च वृक्षमुदुम्बरम्। परिष्वजेथाः कल्याणि तत एवमवाप्स्यथः॥
When you two shall bathe in your season, she shall embrace a pepul tree, and you, O excellent lady, shall embrace a fig tree, and by so doing you shall have the fruition of your desires.

चरुद्वयमिदं चैव मन्त्रपूतं शुचिस्मिते। त्वं च सा चोपभुञ्जीतं ततः पुत्राववाप्स्यथः॥
O sweetlysmiling lady, both she and you shall have to partake of these two sacrificial offerings (charu) consecrated with hymns, and then you shall get sons.

ततः सत्यवती हृष्टा मातरं प्रत्यभाषत। यदृचीकेन कथितं तच्चाचख्यौ चरुद्वयम्॥
Thereat, Satyavati, pleased at heart, told her mother all that had been said by Richika as also of the two balls of charu.

तामुवाच ततो माता सुतां सत्यवती तदा। पुत्रि पूर्वोपपन्नायाः कुरुष्व वचनं मम॥
Then the mother, addressing her daughter Satyavati, said: O daughter, as I deserve greater respect from you than your husband, do you obey my words.

भळ य एष दत्तस्ते चर्मन्त्रपुरस्कृतः। एनं प्रयच्छ मह्यं त्वं मदीयं त्वं गृहाण च॥
Do you give me the charu, duly consecrated with hymns, which your husband has given you, and yourself take, the one that has been intended for me.

व्यत्यासं वृक्षयोश्चापि करवाव शुचिस्मिते। यदि प्रमाणं वचनं मम मातुरनिन्दिते॥
O sweetlysmiling one of pure character, if you have any reverence for my word, let us change the trees respectively intended for us.

स्वमपत्यं विशिष्टं हि सर्व इच्छत्यनाविलम्। व्यक्तं भगवता चात्र कृतमेवं भविष्यति॥
Every one wishes to possess an excellent and pure son. The illustrious Richika too must have acted from the same motive in this matter as will appear in the long run.

ततो मे त्वच्चरौ भावः पादपे च सुमध्यमे। कथं विशिष्टो भ्राता मे भवेदित्येव चिन्तय॥
Therefore, O beautiful girl, my heart is bent upon your charu and tree, and you too should also try to secure an excellent brother for yourself.

तथा च कृतवत्यौ ते माता सत्यवती च सा। अथ गर्भावनप्राप्ते उभे ते वै युधिष्ठिर॥
The mother and the daughter Satyavati having acted thus, they both, O Yudhishthira, became big with child.

दृष्ट्वा गर्भमनुप्राप्तां भार्यो स च महानृषिः। उवाच तां सत्यवती दुर्मना भृगुसत्तमः॥
Finding his wife quick with child, that great Rishi, the descendant of Bhrigu, became pleased at heart, and addressing her, said:

व्यत्यासेनोपयुक्तस्ते चरुर्व्यक्तं भविष्यति। व्यत्यास: पादपे चापि सुव्यक्तं कृतः शुभे॥
O excellent lady, you have not done well in exchanging the charu as will soon be seen. It is also clear that you have changed the trees.

मया हि विश्वं यद्ब्रह्म त्वच्चरौ संनिवेशितम्। क्षत्रवीर्यं च सकलं चरौ तस्या निवेशितम्॥
I had put the entire accuinulated energy of Brahma in your charu and Kshatriya energy in the charu of your mother.

त्रैलोक्यविख्यातगुणं त्वं विप्रं जनयिष्यसि। सा च क्षत्रं विशिष्टं वै तत एतत् कृतं मया॥
I had so settled that you would give birth to a Brahmana whose virtues would be famous throughout the three worlds, and that she would give birth to an excellent Kshatriya.

व्यत्यासस्तु कृतो यस्मात् त्वया मात्रा च ते शुभे। तस्मात् ब्राह्मणं श्रेष्ठं माता ते जनयिष्यति॥ क्षत्रियं तूप्रकर्माणं त्वं भद्रे जनयिष्यसि। न हि ते तत् कृतं साधु मातृस्नेहेन भाविनि॥ ते
But now, O excellent lady, as you have changed the order (of the charu so), your mother give birth to an excellent Brahmana, and you too, O excellent lady, will give birth to a Kshatriya of dreadful deeds. You have not done well, O lady, by doing this out of affection for your mother.

सा श्रुत्वा शोकसंतप्ता पपात वरवर्णिनी। भूमौ सत्यवती राजन् छिन्नेव रुचिरा लता॥
Hearing this, O king, the excellent lady Satyavati, filled with sorrow, dropped upon the ground like a beautiful creeper cut in two parts.

प्रतिलभ्य च सा संज्ञां शिरसा प्रणिपत्य च। उवाच भार्या भर्तारं गाधेयी भार्गवर्षभम्॥ प्रसादयन्त्यां भार्यायां मयि ब्रह्मविदां वर। प्रसादं कुरु विप्रर्षे न मे स्यात् क्षत्रियः सुतः॥
Regaining her senses and bowing to her lord with head (bent), the daughter of Gadhi said to her husband, that foremost one of Bhrigu's race'O twiceborn Rishi, O you who are foremost amongst those versed in Brahma, have mercy on me, your wife, who is thus appeasing you and so order that a Kshatriya son may not be born to me.

कामं ममोग्रकर्मा वै पौत्रो भवितुमर्हति। स्यात् सुतो ब्रह्मन्नेष मे दायतां वरः॥
Let my grandson be such a one as will be farnous for his dreadful feats if it be your desire, but not my son, O Brahmana! Do you grant me this favour.

एवमस्त्विति होवाच स्वां भार्यो सुमहातपाः। ततः सा जनयामास जमदग्निं सुतं शुभम्॥
Be it so, said that Rishi of austere penances to his wife and then, O king, she gave birth to a blessed son named Jamadagni.

विश्वामित्रं चाजनयद् गाधिभार्या यशस्विनी। ऋषेः प्रसादाद् राजेन्द्र ब्रह्मर्षेब्रह्मवादिनम्॥
The famous wife of Gadhi too gave birth to the twiceborn Rishi Vishvamitra versed in the knowledge of Brahma, by favour of that Rishi.

ततो ब्राह्मणतां यातो विश्वामित्रो महातपाः। न तु मे तथर्षिः सैन्धवायनः॥ क्षत्रियः सोऽप्यथ तथा ब्रह्मवंशस्य कारकः॥
The highly pious Vishvamitra, though a Kshatriya, gained the dignity of a Brahmana and became the founder of a race of Brahmanas.

तस्य पुत्रा महात्मानो ब्रह्मवंशविवर्धनाः। तपस्विनो ब्रह्मविदो गोत्रकार एव च॥
His sons became great progenitors of many race of Brahmanas who were given to austere penances, learned in the Vedas, and founders of many clans.

मधुच्छन्दश्च भगवान् देवरातश्च वीर्यवान्। अक्षीणश्च शकुन्तश्च भ्रुः कालपथस्तथा॥ याज्ञवल्क्यश्च विख्यातस्तथा स्थूणो महाव्रतः। उलूको यमदूतश्च वल्गुजङ्घश्च भगवान् गालवश्च महानृषिः। ऋषिर्वज्रस्तथा ख्यातः सालंकायन एव च॥ लीलाढ्यो नारदश्चैव तथा कूर्चामुखः स्मृतः। वादुलिर्मुसलश्चैव वक्षोग्रीवस्तथैव च॥
The worshipful Madhuchchhanda and the powerful Devrat, Akshina, Shakunta, Vabhru, Kalapatha, the celebrated Yajnavalkya, Sthuna of great vows, Uluka, Mudgala, and the sage Saindhavayana, the illustrious Valgujangha and the great Rishi Galava, Ruchi, the celebrated Vajra, as also Salankayana, Liladhya, and Narada, the one known as Kurchamukha, and Vahuli Mushala as also Vakshogriva.

आंघ्रिको नैकदृक् चैव शिलायूपः शितः शुचिः। चक्रको मारुतन्तव्यो वातमोऽथाश्वलायनः॥ श्यामायनोऽश्च गार्यश्च जाबालिः सुश्रुतस्तथा। कारीषिरथ संश्रुत्यः परपौरवतन्तवः॥ महानृषिश्च कपिलस्तथर्षिस्ताडकायनः। तथैव चोपगहनस्तथर्षिश्चासुरायणः॥ मार्दमर्षिर्हिरण्याक्षो जङ्गारिर्बाभ्रवायणिः। भूतिर्विभूतिः सूतश्च सुरकृत् तु तथैव च॥ अरालि चिकाचैव चाम्पेयोज्जयनौ तथा। नवतन्तुर्बकनखः सेयनो यतिरेव च॥ अम्भोरुहश्चास्मत्स्यः शिरीषी चाथ गार्दभिः। उर्जयोनिरुदापेक्षी नारदी च महानृषिः॥ विश्वामित्रात्मजाः सर्वे मुनयो ब्रह्मवादिनः। तथैव क्षत्रियो राजन् विश्वामित्रो महातपाः॥ ऋचीकेनाहितं ब्रह्म परमेतद् युधिष्ठिर। एतत् ते सर्वमाख्यातं तत्त्वेन भरतर्षभ॥ विश्वामित्रस्य वै जन्म सोमसूर्याग्नितेजसः।
Anghrika, Naikadrik, Shilayupa, Shita, Suchi, Chakraka, Marutantavya, Vataghna, Ashvalayana and Shyamayana, Gargya, and Javali, as also Sushruta, Karishi, Sangshrutya, and Par Paurava, and Tantu, the great sage Kapila, Tarakayana, Upagahana, Asurayani, Margama, Hiranyaksha, Janghari, Bhavravayani, and Suti, Bibhuti, Suta, Surakrit, Arani, Nachika, Champeya, Ujjayana, Navatantu, Vakanakhs, Sayana, Vati, Ambhoruha, Amatsyhin, Shirishin, Gardhavi, Urjjayoni, Udapekshin, and the great Rishi Naradin these ascetics were all sons of Vishvamitra and were versed in the knowledge of Brahma. O king Yudhishthira, the greatly austere and pious Vishvamitra, although a Kshatriya, became a Brahmana for Richika having placed the energy of supreme Brahma (in the charu), O foremost prince of Bharata's family! I have now described to you, in full, the story of the birth of Vishvamitra who was gifted with the birth of Vishvamitra who was gifted with the energy of the sun, the moon, and the firegod.

यत्र यत्र च संदेहो भूयस्ते राजसत्तम। तत्र तत्र च मां ब्रूहि च्छेत्तास्मि तव संशयम्॥
0 best of kings, if you have any doubt about any other subject, please let me know it, so that I may remove it.