The ordinance about the sacrifice

जनमेजय उवाच यज्ञो सक्ता नृपतयस्तप:सक्ता महर्षयः शान्तिव्यवस्थिता विप्राः शमे दम इति प्रभो॥
Janamejaya said O powerful Rishi, kings are attached to sacrifices. The great Rishis are attached to penances. Learned Brahmanas observe tranquillity of mind, peacefulness of conduct and self-control.

तस्माद् यज्ञफलैस्तुल्यं न किंचिदिह दृश्यते। इति मे वर्तते बुद्धिस्तथा चैतदसंशयम्॥
Hence it appears that nothing can be seen in this world which can compare with the fruits of sacrifices. This is my conviction. That conviction, again scems to be surely correct.

यज्ञैरिष्ट्वा तु बहवो राजानो द्विजसत्तमाः। इह कीर्ति परां प्राप्य प्रेत्य स्वर्गमवाप्नुयुः॥
Numberless kings, O best of twice-born persons, having adored the celestials in sacrifices, acquired high fame here and obtained the celestial region hercafter.

देवराजः सहस्राक्षः क्रतुभिर्भूरिदक्षिणैः। देवराज्यं महातेजाः प्राप्तवानखिलं विभुः॥
Gifted with great energy, the powerful king of the deities, viz., Indra of a thousand eyes, obtained the sovereignty over the deities through the many sacrifices he performed with gifts in profusion and attained to the fruition of all his desires.

यदा युधिष्ठिरो राजा भीमार्जुन पुरःसरः। सदृशो देवराजेन समृद्ध्या विक्रमेण च॥ अथ कस्मात् स नकुलो गर्हयामास तं क्रतुम्। अश्वमेधं महायज्ञं राज्ञस्तस्य महात्मनः॥
When king Yudhishthira, with Bhima and Arjuna by him, resembled the king of the deities himself in prosperity and prowess, why then did that mungoose depreciate that great Horse-Sacrifice of the great monarch.

वैशम्पायन उवाच यज्ञस्य विधिमग्र्यं वै फलं चापि नराधिपा गदतः शृणु मे राजन् यथावदिह भारत॥
Vaishampayana said Do you listen to me, O king, as I describe to you duly, O Bharata, the excellent ordinances about sacrifice and the fruits also, O king, that sacrifice yields.

पुरा शक्रस्य यजतः सर्व ऊचुर्महर्षयः। ऋत्विक्षु कर्मव्यग्रेषु वितते यज्ञकर्मणि॥
Formerly, occasion Shakra celebrated a particular sacrifice. While the limbs of the sacrifice were spread out, the Ritvijas became busy in performing the various rites ordained in the scriptures.

हूयमाने तथा वह्नौ होने गुणसमन्विते। देवेष्वाहूयमानेषु स्थितेषु परमर्षिषु॥ सुप्रतीतैस्तथा विप्रैः स्वागमैः सुस्वरैर्नृप। अश्रान्तैश्चापि लघुभिरध्वर्युवृषभैस्तथा॥
The pourer of libations, possessed of every qualification, becaine engaged in pouring libations of clarified butter. The great Rishis were seated around. The celestials were summoned by one by contented Brahmanas of great learning uttering scriptural Mantras in sweet voices. Those foremost of Adhvaryyus, not fatigued with what they did, recited the Mantras of the Yajurveda in soft account. on one one

आलम्भसमये तस्मिन् गृहीतेषु पशुष्वथा महर्पयो महाराज बभूवुः कृपयान्विताः॥
The time came for killing the animals. When the animals selected for sacrifice were seized, the great Rishis, O king, felt mercy for them.

ततो दीनान् पशून् दृष्ट्वा ऋषयस्ते तपोधनाः। ऊचुः शक्रं समागम्य नायं यज्ञविधिः शुभः॥
Seeing that the animals had all become dispirited, those Rishis, gifted with wealth of penances, approached Shakra and said to him, “This method of sacrifice is not auspicious.'

अपरिज्ञानमेतत् ते महान्तं धर्ममिच्छतः। न हि यज्ञे पशुगण विधिदृष्टाः पुरंदर॥
Desirous of winning great merit as you are, this is, indeed, a mark of your ignorance of the rites of sacrifice. O Purandara, animals have not been ordained to be killed in sacrifices,

धर्मोपघातकस्त्वेष समारम्भस्तव प्रभो। नायं धर्मकृतो यज्ञो न हिंसा धर्म उच्यते॥
O powerful one, these preparations of yours are destructive of merit! This sacrifice is not consistent with virtue. The destruction of creatures can never be said to be an act of virtue!

आगमेनैव ते यज्ञं कुर्वन्तु यदि चेच्छसि॥ विधिदृष्टेन यज्ञेन धर्मस्ते सुमहान् भवेत्।
If you wish it, let your priests perform your sacrifice according to the Agama. By performing a sacrifice according to the scriptural ordinance, great will be the merit acquired by you.

यज बीजैः सहस्राक्ष त्रिवर्षपरमोषितैः॥ एष धर्मो महान् शक्र महागुणफलोदयः।
you of a hundred eyes do you perform the sacrifice with seeds of grain which have been kept for three years. This, O Shakra, would be fraught with great virtue and productive of fruits of high efficacy.

शतक्रतुस्तु तद् वाक्यमृषिभिस्तत्त्वदर्शिभिः॥ उक्तं न प्रतिजग्राह मानान्मोहवशं गतः।
were The deity of a hundred sacrifices, however, moved by pride and overwhelmed by stupefaction, did not accept these words uttered by the Rishis.

तेषां विवादः सुमहाशक्रयज्ञे तपस्विनाम्॥ जङ्गमैः स्थावरैर्वापि यष्टव्यमिति भारत। ते तु खिन्ना विवादेन ऋषयस्तत्त्वदर्शिनः॥
Then, O Bharata, a great dispute arose in that sacrifice of Shakra between the ascetics as to how sacrifices should be performed, that is, should they be performed, with mobile creatures or with immobile objects.

तदा संधाय शक्रेण पप्रच्छर्नृपतिं वसुम्। धर्मसंशयमापन्नान् सत्यं ब्रूहि महामते॥
All of them exhausted with disputation. The Rishis, then, those beholders of truth, having made a compact with Shakra, asked king Vasu.

महाभाग कथं यज्ञेष्वागमो नृपसत्तम। यष्टव्यं पशुभिर्मुख्यैरथो बीजै रसैरिति॥
O highly blessed one, what is the Vedic declaration about sacrifices? Is it preferable to perform sacrifices with animals or with seeds and juices.

तच्छ्रुत्वा तु वसुस्तेषामविचार्य बलाबलम्। यथोपनीतैर्यष्टव्यमिति प्रोवाच पार्थिवः॥
Hearing the question, king Vasu, without at all judging the merits of the arguments advanced on both sides, at once answered, saying, 'Sacrifices may be performed with any of the two kinds of objects ready.'

एवमुक्त्वा स नृपतिः प्रविवेश रसातलम्। उक्त्वाथ वितथं प्रश्नं चेदीनामीश्वरः प्रभुः॥
Having answered the question thus, he had to enter the nether regions. Indeed, the powerful king of the Chedis had to undergo that misery for having answered falsely.

तस्मान्न वाच्यं ह्येकेन बहुज्ञेनापि संशये। प्रजापतिमपाहाय स्वयम्भुवमृते प्रभुम्॥
Therefore, when a doubt arises, no person, however wise, should singly decide the matter, unless he be the powerful and self-born Lord himself of creatures,

तेन दत्तानि दानानि पापेनाशुद्धबुद्धिना। तानि सर्वानादृत्य नश्यन्ति विपुलान्यपि।॥
Gifts made by a sinner with an impure heart, for this, when very large, become lost. Such gifts go for nothing.

तस्याधर्मप्रवृत्तस्य हिंसकस्य दुरात्मनः। दानेन कीर्तिर्भवति न प्रेत्येह च दुर्मतेः॥
By the gifts made by a person of unrighteous conduct, one, that is, who is of sinful soul and who is a destroyer, just fame never acquired either in this world or in the next.

अन्यायोपगतं द्रव्यमभीक्ष्णं यो हपण्डितः। धर्माभिशंकी यजते न स धर्मफलं लभेत्॥
That person of little intelligence, who, from desire of acquiring merit, celebrates sacrifices with wealth acquired by unfair means, never succeeds in acquiring merit.

धर्मवैतंसिको यस्तु पापात्मा पुरुषाधमः। ददाति दानं विप्रेभ्यो लोकविश्वासकारणम्॥
That low wretch of sin who hypocritically assuming a garb of virtue makes gifts to Brahmanas, only created the conviction in men about his own virtue.

पापेन कर्मणा विप्रो धनं प्राप्य निरङ्कुशः। रागमोहान्वितः सोऽन्ते कलुषां गतिमश्नुते॥
That Brahmana of uncontrolled conduct, who acquires wealth by sinful deeds, overwhelmed by passion and stupefaction, attains at last to the goal of the sinful.

अपि संचयबुद्धिर्हि लोभमोहवशंगतः। उद्वेजयति भूतानि पापेनाशुद्धबुद्धिना॥
Some one, overwhelmed by cupidity and stupefaction, becomes bent on storing riches. He is seen to persecute all creatures, urged by a sinful and impure understanding.

एवं लब्ध्वा धनं मोहाद् यो हि दद्याद् न तस्य स फलं प्रेत्य भुङ्क्ते पापधनागमात्॥ यजेत वा।
He who, having acquired riches by such means, makes gifts or performs sacrifices therewith, never enjoys the fruits of those gifts or sacrifices in the other world on account of the wealth having been acquired by unfair means.

उञ्छं मूलं फलं शाकमुदपात्रं तपोधनाः। दानं विभवतो दत्त्वा नरा: स्वयन्ति धार्मिकाः॥
Men having wealth of penances, by giving away, to the best of their power, grains of corn picked up from the fields or roots or fruits or potherbs or water or leaves, acquire great merit and proceed to the celestial region.

एष धर्मो महायोगो दानं भूतदया तथा! ब्रह्मचर्ये तथा सत्यमनुक्रोशो धृतिः क्षमा॥ सनातनस्य धर्मस्य मूलमेतत् सनातनम्। श्रूयन्ते हि पुरा वृत्ता विश्वामित्रादयो नृपाः॥
Such gifts are fraught with virtue and equal to high austerities. Such gifts, as also mercy to all creatures, and Brahmacharya, truthfulness of speech, and kindness, and fortitude, and forgiveness, form the eternal foundations of virtue which itself is eternal. We hear of Vishvamitra and other kings of ancient times.

विश्वामित्रोऽसितश्चैव जनकश्च महीपति। कक्षसेनार्टिसेनौ च सिन्धुद्वीपश्च पार्थिवः॥ एते चान्ये च बहवः सिद्धि परमिकां गताः। नृपाः सत्यैश्च दानैश्च न्यायलब्धैस्तपोधनाः॥
Indeed, Vishmvamitra, and Asita, and king Janaka, and Kakshasena and Arshtisena and king Sindhudvipa, these and many other kings, gifted with wealth of penances, having made gifts of articles acquired by fairness, having attained to high success.

ब्राह्मणाः क्षत्रिया वैश्याः शूद्रा ये चाश्रितास्तपः। दानधर्माग्निना शुद्धास्ते स्वर्ग यान्ति भारत॥
Those amongst Brahmanas and Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras, who perforin penances, O Bharata, and who purify themselves, by gifts and other deeds of righteousness, proceed to the celestial region.