The battle between Arjuna and Gandhara king

वैशम्पायन उवाच शकुनेस्तनयो वीरो गान्धराणां महारथः। प्रत्युद्ययौ गुडाकेशं सैन्येन महता वृतः॥ हस्त्यश्वरथयुक्तेन पताकाध्वजमालिना।
Vaishmpayana said The heroic son of Shakuni, who was a powerful car-warrior among the Gandharas, accompanied by a large army, proceeded against the Kuru hero of curly hair. That force contained elephants, horses and cars, and was adorned with many flags and banners.

अमृष्यमाणास्ते योधा नृपस्य शकुनेर्वधम्॥ अभ्ययुः सहिताः पार्थं प्रगृहीतशरासनाः।
Unable to bear, and, therefore, burning to avenge, the destruction of their kin Shakuni. those warriors, armed with bows, rushed together at Partha.

स तानुवाच धर्मात्मा बीभत्सुरपराजिताः॥ युधिष्ठिरस्य वचनं न च ते जगृहुर्हितम्।
The unvanquished Bibhatsu of virtuous soul addressed them peacefully, but they were reluctant to accept the beneficial words of Yudhishthira.

वार्यमाणाऽपि पार्थेन सान्त्वपूर्वममर्पिताः॥ परिवार्य हयं जग्मुस्ततश्चक्रोध पाण्डवः।
Though forbidden by Partha with sweet words, they still gave themselves up to anger and surrounded the sacrificial horse. At this, the son of Pandu became filled with rage.

ततः शिरांसि दीप्तायैस्तेषां चिच्छेद पाण्डवः॥ क्षुरैर्गाण्डपवनिर्मुक्तैर्नातियत्नादिवार्जुनः।
Then Arjuna, carelessly shooting from Gandiva many arrows with razor-like heads that blazed with splendour, cut off the heads of many Gandhara warriors.

वध्यमानाः पार्थेन हयमुत्सृज्य सम्भ्रमात्॥ न्यवर्तन्त महाराज शरवर्षार्दिता भृशम्।
While thus killed by Partha, the Gandharas, O king, exceedingly afflicted, liberated the horse, moved by fear and desisted from battle.

निरुध्यमानस्तैश्चापि गान्धारैः पाण्डुनन्दनः॥ आदिश्यादिश्य तेजस्वी शिरांस्येषां न्यपातयत्।
Resisted, however, by those Gandhara combatant who still surrounded him on all sides, the son of Pandu, gifted with great energy, cut off the heads of many, previously naming those whom he thus killed.

वध्यमानेषु तेष्वाजौ गान्धारेषु समन्ततः॥ स राजा शकुनेः पुत्रः पाण्डवं प्रत्यवारयत्।
When the Gandhara warriors were thus being killed all around him in battle, the royal son of Shakuni came forward to resist the son of Pandu.

तं युध्यमानं राजानं क्षत्रधर्मे व्यवस्थितम्॥ पार्थोऽब्रवीन मे वध्या राजानो राजशासनात्। अलं युद्धेन ते वीर न तेऽस्त्वद्य पराजयः॥
To the Gandhara king who was fighting with him, moved by Kshatriya duty, Arjuna said, I do not intend to kill the kings who fight with me, on account of the commands of Yudhishthira. O hero, Cease to fight with me. Do not scek defeat today.

इत्युक्तस्तदनादृत्य वाक्यमज्ञानमोहितः। स शक्रसमकर्माणं समवाकिरदाशुगैः॥
Thus addressed, the son of Shakuni, stupefied by folly, disregarded that advice and covered with many swift shafts the Kuru hero who resembled Shakra hiinself in the feats he performed in battle.

तस्य पार्थः शिरस्त्राणमर्धचन्द्रेण पत्रिणा। अपाहरदमेयात्मा जयद्रथशिरो यथा॥
Then Parhta, with a crescent-shaped arrow, cut off the head-gear of his enemies. Of immeasurable soul, he also caused that headgear to be borne along a great distance like the head of Jayadratha.

तं दृष्ट्वा विस्मयं जग्मुर्गान्धाराः सर्व एव ते। इच्छता तेन न हतो राजेत्यसि च तं विदुः॥
Seeing this feat, all the Gandhara warriors became stricken with wonder. They full well understood that Arjuna voluntarily spared their king.

गान्धारराजपुत्रस्तु पलायनकृतक्षणः। ययौ तैरेव सहितस्त्रस्तैः क्षुद्रमृगरिव॥
The prince of the Gandharas then began to fly away from the field, followed by all his warriors who resembled a flock of frightened deer.

तेषां तु तरसा पार्थस्तत्रैव परिधावताम्। प्रजहारोत्तमाङ्गानि भल्लैः संनतपर्वभिः॥
The Gandharas, through fear, lost their senses and wandered over the field, unable to escape. Arjuna, with his broadheaded arrows, cut off the heads of many.

उच्छ्रितांस्तु भुजान् केचिन्नाबुध्यन्त शरैर्हतान्। शरैर्गाण्डीवनिर्मुक्तैः पृथुभिः पार्थचोदितैः॥
Many there were who lost their arins on account of Arjuna's arrows, but so stupefied were they with fear that they were not aware of the loss of that limb. Indeed, the Gandhara army was greatly afflicted with those large arrows which Partha discharged from Gandiva.

सम्भ्रान्तनरनागाश्वप्रपतद् विद्रुतं बलम्। हतविध्वस्तभूयिष्ठमावर्तत मुहुर्मुहुः॥
That army, which then consisted of frightened men and elephants and horse, which lost many warriors and animals, and which had been disordered and routed, began to wander and wheel about the field again and again.

नाभ्यदृश्यन्त वीरस्य केचिदग्रेऽग्यकर्मणः। रिपव: पात्यमाना वै ये सहेयुर्धञ्जयम्॥
Among those enemies who were thus being killed, none could be seen standing in front of the Kuru hero fained for foreinost of feats. No one could be seen who was able to bear the prowess of Dhananjaya.

ततो गान्धारराजस्य मन्त्रिवृद्धपुरःसरा! जननी निर्ययौ भीता पुरस्कृत्यार्धमुत्तमम्॥
Then the mother of the king of the Gandharas, filled with fear, and with all the aged ministers of state, came out of her city, taking an excellent Arghya for Arjuna.

सा न्यवारदव्यग्रं तं पुत्र युद्ध दुर्मदम्। प्रसादयामास च तं जिष्णुमक्लिष्टकारिणम्॥
She forbade her brave son of steady heart from fighting any longer, and pleased Jishnu who was never fatigued with toil.

तां पूजयित्वा बीभत्सुः प्रसादमकरोत् प्रभुः। शकुनेश्चापि तनयं सान्त्वयन्निदमब्रवीत्॥ न मे प्रियं महाबाहो यत्ते बुद्धिरियं कृता। प्रतियोद्धुममित्रघ्न भ्रातैव त्वं ममानघ॥
The powerful Bibhatsu adored her and became inclined to show mercy towards the Gandharas. Comforting the son of Shakuni, he said, You have not, O mightyarmed hero, done what is agreeable to me by adopting these hostile measures! O destroyer of heroes, you are my brother, O sinless one.

गान्धारी मातरं स्मृत्वा धृतराष्ट्रकृतेन च। तेन जीवसि राजंस्त्वं निहतास्त्वनुगास्तव॥
Recollecting my mother Gandhari, and for the sake of Dhritarashtra also, I have not taken your life. It is for this, o king, that you live still, Many of your followers, however, have been killed by me.

मैवं भूः शाम्यतां वैरं मा ते भूद् बुद्धिरीदृशी। गच्छेयास्त्वं परां चैत्रीमश्वमेधे नृपस्य नः॥
Let not such a thing happen again. Let hostilities cease. Let not your understanding again go wrong. You should go to the HorseSacrifice of our king which takes place on the day of full moon of the month of Chaitra. still, Many of your followers, however, have been killed by me.

मैवं भूः शाम्यतां वैरं मा ते भूद् बुद्धिरीदृशी। गच्छेयास्त्वं परां चैत्रीमश्वमेधे नृपस्य नः॥
Let not such a thing happen again. Let hostilities cease. Let not your understanding again go wrong. You should go to the HorseSacrifice of our king which takes place on the day of full moon of the month of Chaitra.