The five sacrificing Pricsts

ब्राह्मण उवाच अत्राप्युदाहरन्तीममितिहासं पुरातनम्। सुभगे पञ्चहोतृणां विधानमिह यादृशम्॥
The Brahmana said Regarding it, О blessed lady, is cited the ancient story of what kind the institution is of the five sacrificing priests.

प्राणापानावुदानश्च समानो व्यान एव च। पञ्चहोतूंस्तथैतान् वै परं भावं विदुर्बुधाः॥
The learned know this to be a great principle that Prana and Apana and Udana and Şamana and Vyana are the five sacrificing priests.

ब्राह्मण्युवाच स्वभावात् सप्तहोतार इति मे पूर्विका मतिः। यथा वै पञ्चहोतारः परो भावस्तदुच्यताम्॥
The Brahmana's wife said I naturally believed that there are seven sacrificing priests. Let the great principle be declared to me as to how, indeed, the number is five of the sacrificing priests.

ब्राह्मण उवाच प्राणेन सम्भृतो वायुरपानो जायते ततः। अपाने सम्भृते वायुस्ततो व्यानः प्रवर्तते॥
The Brahmana said The wind nursed y Prana afterwards takes birth in Apana. The wind nursed in Apana then becomes developed into Vyana.

व्यानेन सम्भृतो वायुस्ततोदानः प्रवर्तते। उदाने सम्भृतो वायुः समानो नाम जायते॥
Nursed by Vyana, the wind is then developed into Udana. Nursed in Udana, the wind is then generated as Samana.

तेऽपृच्छन्त पुरा सन्तः पूर्वजातं पितामहम्। यो नः श्रेष्ठस्तमाचक्ष्व स नः श्रेष्ठो भविष्यतिः॥
Those good beings formerly asked the first born Grandfather, saying, Do you say who amongst us is the foremost. He alone will be our chief.

ब्रह्मोवाच यस्मिन् प्रलीने प्रलयं व्रजन्ति सर्वे प्राणाः प्राणभृतां शरीरे। यस्मिन् प्रचीर्णे च पुनश्चरन्ति स वै श्रेष्ठो गच्छत यत्र कामः॥
Brahman said He upon whose extinction all the vital airs become extinct in the bodies of living creatures, he upon whose moving they move, is, indeed, the foremost. Do you go where you like.

प्राण उवाच मयि प्रलीने प्रलयं व्रजन्ति सर्वे प्राणाः प्राणभृतां शरीरे। मयि प्रचीर्णे च पुनश्चरन्ति श्रेष्ठो ह्यहं पश्यत मां प्रलीनम्॥
Prana said Upon my extinction all the vital airs become extinct in the bodies of living creatures. Upon my moving they once more move. I am the foremost. Sce, I go into extinction.

ब्राह्मण उवाच प्राणः प्रालीयत तत: पुनश्च प्रचचार ह। समानश्चाप्युदानश्च वचोऽव्रतां पुनः शुभे॥ न त्वं सर्वमिदं व्याप्य तिष्ठसीह यथा वयम्। न त्वं श्रेष्ठो हि नः प्राण अपानो हि वशे तव। प्रचचार पुनः प्राणस्तमपानोऽभ्यभाषत॥
The Brahniana said Prana then became extinct and once more moved about. Then Saman and Udana also, O blessed one, said these words, You do not live here, pervading all this, as we do. You are not the foremost amongst us, O Prana! (Only) Apana is under your dominion! Prana then moved about, and to him Apana spoke.

अपान उवाच पयि प्रलीने प्रलयं व्रजन्ति सर्वे प्राणाः प्राणभृतां शरीरे। मयि प्रचीर्णे च पुनश्चरन्ति श्रेष्ठो ह्यहं पश्यत मां प्रलीनम्॥
When I become extinct, all the vital airs become extinct in the bodies of living creatures. When I move about, they again move about. I am, therefore, the foremost, See, I go into extinction.

ब्राह्मण उवाच व्यानश्च तमुदानश्च भाषमाणमथोचतुः। अपान न त्वं श्रेष्ठोऽसि प्राणो हि वशगस्तव॥
The Brahmana said To Apana who said so, both Vyana and Udana said, O Apana, you are not the foremost (Only) Prana is under your dominion.

अपानः प्रचचाराथ व्यानस्तं पुनरब्रवीत्। श्रेष्ठोऽहमस्मि सर्वेषां श्रूयतां येन हेतुना॥
Then Apana began to move about, Vyana once more addressed him, saying I am the foremost of all. Listen, for what reason.

मयि प्रलीने प्रलयं व्रजन्ति सर्वे प्राणाः प्राणभृतां शरीरे। मयि प्रचीर्णे च पुनश्चरन्ति श्रेष्ठो ह्यहं पश्यत मां प्रलीनम्॥
When I become extinct, all the vital airs become extinct in the bodies of living creatures. When I move about, they once more move about. I am (therefore) the foremost. Sce, I go into extinction.

ब्राह्मण उवाच प्रालीयत ततो व्यान: पुनश्च प्रचचार ह। प्राणापानावुदानश्च समानश्च तमब्रुवन्। न त्वं श्रेष्ठोऽसि नो व्यान समानस्तु वशे तव॥ प्रचचार पुनर्व्यानः समानः पुनरब्रवीत्। श्रेष्ठोऽहमस्मि सर्वेषां श्रूयतां येन हेतुना॥ मयि प्रलीने प्रलयं व्रजन्ति सर्वे प्राणाः प्राणभृतां शरीरे। मयि प्रचीर्णे च पुनश्चरन्ति श्रेष्ठो ह्यहं पश्यत मां प्रलीनम्॥
Then Vyana became extinct and once more began to move about. At this, Prana and Apana and Udana and Samana Addressed him, saying. You are not the foremost among us, O Vyana! (Only) Samana is under your dominion. Vyana then began to move about and Saman said to him, I am the foremost of you all! Listen, for what reason. When I become extinct, all the vital airs become extinct in the bodies of living creatures. When I begin to move about, they once more move about. Hence, I am the forcmost. See, I become extinct.

समानः प्रचचाराथ उदानस्तमुवाच ह। श्रेष्ठाऽहमस्मि सर्वेषां श्रूयतां येन हेतुना॥
Then Samana began to inovc about. To him Udana said, I am the foremost of all the vital airs. Listen, for what reason.

मयि प्रलीने प्रलयं व्रजन्ति सर्वे प्राणा: प्राणभृतां शरीरे। मयि प्रचीर्णे च पुनश्चरन्ति श्रेष्ठो ह्यहं पश्यत मां प्रलीनम्॥
When I become extinct, all the vital airs become extinct in the bodies of living creatures. When I move about they once more move about. Hence, I am the foremost. Behold I become extinct.

ततः प्रालीयतोदान: पुनश्च प्रचचार ह। प्राणापानौ समानश्च व्यानश्चैव तमब्रुवन्।। उदान न त्वं श्रेष्ठोऽसि व्यान एव वशे तव।॥
Then Udana, after having become extinct, began to once more move about. Prana and Apana and Samana and Vyana said to him, O Udana, you are not the foremost one among us. (Only) Vyana is under your dominion.

व्राह्मण उवाच ततस्तानब्रवीद् ब्रह्मा समवेतान् प्रजापतिः। सर्वे श्रेष्ठा न वा श्रेष्ठाः सर्वे चान्योन्यधर्मिणः॥
The Brahmana said To them assembled together, the Lord of creatures, Brahman, said, You are all foremost and not foremost. You are all gified with the attributes of one another.

सर्वे स्वविषये श्रेष्ठाः सर्वे चान्योन्यधर्मिणः। इति तानब्रवीत् सर्वान् समवेतान् प्रजापति॥
All are foremost in their own spheres, and all possess the attributes of one another! The Lord of all creatures, thus said to them, that were assembled together.

एकः स्थिरश्चास्थिरश्च विशेषात् पञ्च वायवः। एक एव ममैवात्मा बहुधाप्युपचीयते॥
There is one that is unmoving, and one that is moving. On account of special attributes, there are five vital airs. My own self is one. That one accumulates into many forms.

परस्परस्य सुहृदो भावयन्तः परस्परम्। स्वस्ति ब्रजत भद्रं वो धारयध्वं परस्परम्॥
Becoming friendly to one another, and pleasing one another, depart in depart in peace. Blessings to you, do you up hold one another.