Death of Bhisma

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्त्वा कुरुन् सर्वान् भीष्मः शान्तनवस्तदा। तूष्णीं बभूव कौरव्यः स मुहूर्तमरिंदम॥
Vaishampayana said Having said so to all the Kurus, Bhishma, the son of Shantanu, remained silent for some time, O chastiscr of enemies.

धारयामास चात्मानं धरणासु यथाक्रमम्। तस्योर्ध्वमगमन् प्राणाः संनिरुद्धा महात्मनः॥
He then held forth his lifebreaths successively in those parts of his body which are indicated in Yoga. The vital airs of that great one, restrained duly, then rose up.

इदमाश्चर्यमासीच्च मध्ये तेषां महात्मनाम्। सहितैर्ऋषिभिः सर्वैस्तदा व्यासादिभिः प्रभो॥
Those parts of the body of Shantanu's son, on account of the adoption of Yoga from which the vital airs went up, became soreless one after another.

यद्ययन्मुञ्चति गात्रं हि स शान्तनुसुतस्तदा। तत् तद् विशल्यं भवति योगयुक्तस्य तस्य वै॥
In the midst of those great persons, including those great Rishis headed by Vyasa, the sight seemed to be a strange one, O king.

क्षणेन प्रेक्षतां तेषां विशल्यः सोऽभवत् तदा। तद् दृष्ट्वा विस्मिताः सर्वे वासुदेवपुरोगमाः॥ सह तैर्मुनिभिः सर्वैस्तदा व्यासादिभिर्नृप।
Within a short time, the eniire body of Bhishma became arrowless and soreless. Seeing it, all those great personages, headed by Vasudeva, and all the ascetics with Vyasa, became filled with wonder.

संनिरुद्धस्तु तेनात्मा सर्वेष्वायतनेषु च॥ जगाम भित्त्वा मूर्धानं दिवमभ्युत्पपात ह।
The vital airs, restrained and unable to escape through any of the outlets, at last passed through the crown of the head and proceeded upwards to Heaven.

देवदुन्दुभिनादश्च पुष्पवर्षेः सहाभवत्॥ सिद्धा ब्रह्मर्षयश्चैव साधु साध्विति हर्षिताः।
The celestial kettledrums began to play and floral showers were rained down. The Siddhas and regenerate Rishis, filled with delight, exclaimed, Excellent, Excellent.

महोल्केव च भीष्मस्य मूर्धदेशाज्जनाधिप।॥ निःसृत्याकाशमाविश्य क्षणेनान्तरधीयता
The vital airs of Bhishma, piercing through the crown of his head, shot up through the sky like a large metcor and soon became invisible.

एवं स राजशार्दूल नृपः शान्तनवस्तदा॥ समयुज्यत कालेन भरतानां कुलोद्वहः।
O great king, thus did Shantanu's son, that pillar of Bharata's race, unite himself with eternity.

ततस्त्वादाय दारुणि गन्यांश्च विविधान् बहून्॥ चितां चक्रुर्महात्मान पाण्डवा विदुरस्तथा।
Then the great Pandavas and Vidura, taking a large quantity of wood and various kinds of fragrant scents, made a funeral pyre.

युयुत्सुश्चपि कौरव्य प्रेक्षकास्त्वितरेऽभवन्॥ युधिष्ठिरच गाङ्गेयं विदुरश्च महामतिः। छादयामासतुरुभौ क्षौमैर्माल्यैश्च कौरवम्॥ धारयामास तस्याथ युयुत्सुच्छत्रमुत्तमम्।
Yuyutsu and others stood as spectators of the preparations. Then Yudhishthira and the great Vidura wrapped Bhishma body with silken cloth and floral garlands. Yuyutsu held an excellent uinbrella over it.

चामरव्यजने शुभ्रे भीमसेनार्जुनावुभौ॥ उष्णीषे परिगृहीतां माद्रीपुत्रावुभौ तथा।
Bhimasena and Arjuna both held in their hands a couple of pure white yaktails. The two sons of Madri held two headgears in their hands.

स्त्रियः कौरवनाथस्य भीष्मं कुरुकुलोद्वहम्॥ तालवृन्तान्युपादाय पर्यवीजन्त सर्वशः। ततोऽस्य विधिवच्चक्रुः पितृमेधं महात्मनः॥ यजनं बहुशश्चाग्नौ जगुः सामानि सामगाः।
Yudhishthira and Dhritarashtra stood at the feet of the body, taking up palmyra fans, the wives of the lord of the Kurus stood around the body and began to fan it softly. The Pitri sacrifice of the great Bhishma was then duly performed. Many libations were poured upon the sacred fire. The singers of Samans sang many Samans.

ततश्चन्दनकाष्ठैश्च तथा कालीयकैरपि।॥ कालागुरुप्रभृतिभिर्गन्धैश्चोच्वाचैस्तथा। समवच्छाद्य गाङ्गेयं सम्प्रज्वाल्य हुताशनम्॥ अपसव्यमकुर्वन्त धृतराष्ट्रमुखाश्चिताम्।
Then covering the body of Ganga's son with sandal wood and black aloe and the dark wood and other fragrant fuel, and setting ire to the same, the Kurus, with Dhritarashtra and others, stood on the right side of the funeral pyre.

संस्कृत्य च कुरुश्रेष्ठं गाङ्गेयं कुरुसत्तमाः॥ जग्मुर्भागीरथीं पुण्यामृषिजुष्टां कुरूद्वहाः।
Having thus cremated the body of the son of Ganga those foremost ones of Kuru's race proceeded the sacred Bhagirathi, accompanied by the Rishis.

अनुगम्यमाना व्यासेन नारदेनासितेन च॥ कृष्णेन भरतस्त्रीभिर्ये च पौरा: सभागताः।
They were followed by Vyasa, Narada, Asita, Krishna, by the ladies of the Bharata family, as also by such of the citizens of Hastinapur as had come to the place.

उदकं चक्रिरे चैव गाङ्गेयस्य महात्मनः॥ विधिवत् क्षत्रियश्रेष्ठाः स च सर्वो जनस्तदा।
to All of them, the foremost of the Kshatriyas, arrived at the sacred river, duly offered Oblations of water to the great son of Ganga.

ततो भगीरथी देवी तनयस्योदके कृते॥ उत्थाय सलिलात् तस्माद् रूदती शोकविहला।
After those oblations of water had been offered by them to her son the goddess Bhagirathi, rose up from the river, weeping and distracted by sorrow.

परिदेवयती नत्र कौरवानभ्यभाषत॥ निबोधत यथावृत्तमुच्यमानं मयाऽनघाः।
In the midst of her lamentations, she addressed the Kurus, saying, You sinless ones, listen to me as I say to you all that took place.

राजवृत्तेन सम्पन्नः प्रज्ञयाऽभिजनेन च॥ सत्कर्ता कुरुवृद्धानां पितृभक्तो महाव्रतः।
Gitted with royal conduct and disposition, and endued with wisdom and high birth, my Son was the benefactor of all the elders of his family. He was devoted to his father and was of high vows.

जामदग्न्येन रामेण यः पुरा न पराजितः॥ दिव्यैरस्त्रैर्महावीर्यः स हतोऽद्य शिखण्डिना।
He could not be defeated by even Rama of Jamadagni's race with his highly powerful celestial weapons; alas, that hero has been killed by Shikhandin.

अश्मसारमयं नूनं हृदयं मम पार्थिवाः॥ अपश्यन्त्याः प्रियं पुत्रं यन्न दीर्यति मेऽद्य वै।
You kings, forsooth, my heart is made of adamant, for it does not break even at the disappearance of that son from my view.

समेतं पार्थिवं क्षत्रं काशिपुर्या स्वयंवरे॥ विजित्यैकरथेनैव कन्याश्चायं जहार ह।
At the Svayamvara at Kashi, he defeated on a single car the assembled Kshatriyas and carried away the three princesses.

यस्य नास्ति बले तुल्यः पृथिव्यामपि कश्चन॥ हतं शिखण्डिना श्रुत्वा न विदीर्येत यन्मनः। जामदग्न्यः कुरुक्षेत्रे युधि येन महात्मना॥ पीडितो नातियत्नेन स हतोऽद्य शिखण्डिना।
There was no one on Earth who equalled him in power; alas, my heart does not break upon hearing the slaughter of that son of mine by Shikhandin. Who, high souled one, afflicted the son of Jamadagni, in the field of Kuru with very little exertion, is slain today by Shikhandin.

एवंविधं बहु तदा विलपन्तीं महानदीम्॥ आश्वासयामास तदा गङ्गां दामोदरो विभुः। समाश्वसिहि भद्रे त्वं मा शुचः शुभदर्शने।॥ गतः स परमं लोकं तव पुत्रो न संशयः।
Hearing the goddess of the great river thus bewail the powerful Krishna consoled her with many soothing words. Krishna said, “O amiable one, be comforted. Do not give way to sorrow, O you of beautiful features. Forsooth, your son has gone to the highest region of happiness.

वसुरेष महातेजाः शापदोषेण शोभने॥ मानुषत्वमनुप्राप्तो नैनं शोचितुमर्हसि।
O nice lady! He was ihe great effulgent Vasu compaled to take birth as a man on account of the curse of the sage Vasistha. Hence, it is not fair to wail for him.

स एष क्षत्रधर्मेण अयुध्यत रणाजिरे॥ धनञ्जयेन निहतो नैष देवि शिखण्डिना।
According to Kshatriya duties, he was killed by Dhananjaya on the field of battle while engaged in battle. He has not been killed, O goddess, by Shikhandin.

भीष्मं हि कुरुशार्दूलमुद्यतेषु महारणे॥ न शक्त: संयुगे हन्तुं साक्षादपि शतक्रतुः।
The very king of the celestials himself could not kill Bhishma in battle when he stood with stretched bow in hand.

स्वच्छन्दतस्तव सुतो गतः स्वर्गं शुभानने॥ न शक्ता विनिहन्तुं हि रणे तं सर्वदेवताः।
(you of beautiful face, your son has happily gone to to Heaven. All the gods assembled together could not kill him in battle.

तस्मान्मा त्यं सरिच्छ्रेष्ठे शोचस्व कुरुनन्दनम्। वसूनेष गतो देवि पुत्रस्ते विज्वरा भव॥
Do not, therefore, O goddess Ganga, grieve for that son of Kuru's race. He was one of the Vasus, O goddess, your son has gone to Heaven. Let the fever of your heart be removed."

वैशम्पायन उवाच इत्युक्ता सा तु कृष्णेन व्यासेन तु सरिद्वरा। त्यक्त्वा शोकं महाराज स्वं वार्यवततार हा॥
Vaishampayana said Thus addressed by Krishna that foremost of all rivers cast off her grief, O great king, and became consoled.

सत्कृत्य ते तां सरितं ततः कृष्णमुखा नृप। अनुज्ञातास्तया सर्वे न्यवर्तन्त जनाधिपाः॥
O monarch, having honoured that goddess duly all the kings there present, headed by Krishna, received her permission to go away from her banks.