Colloquy between Bhishma and Duryodhana,

संजय उवाच ततो दुर्योधनो राजा शकुनिश्चापि सौबलः। दुःशासनश्च पुत्रस्ते सूतपुत्रश्च दुर्जयः॥
Sanjaya said Then king Duryodhana, Shakuni the son of Subala, your son Dushasana and the invincible son of Suta,

समागम्य महाराज मन्त्रं चक्रुर्विवक्षितम्। कथं पाण्डुसुताः संख्ये जेतव्याः सगणा इति॥
These assembled together, O monarch, began to consult as to 'how could the sons of Pandu with their partisans be conquered in battle.'

ततो दुर्योधनो राजा सर्वांस्तानाह मन्त्रिणः। सूतपुत्रं समाभाष्य सौबलं च महाबलम्॥
Thereafter king Duryodhana, addressing the son of Suta and the highly powerful son of Subala, spoke to all his counselors thus

द्रोणो भीष्मः कृपः शल्यः सौमदत्तिश्च संयुगे। न पार्थान् प्रतिबाधन्ते न जाने तच्च कारणम्॥
“Even Drona, Bhishma, Kripa, Shalya, and the son of Somadatta cannot withstand the sons of Pritha in battle. I know not what the cause may be.

अवध्यमानास्ते चापि क्षपयन्ति बलं मम। सोऽस्मि क्षीणबलः कर्ण क्षीणशस्त्रश्च संयुगे॥ निकृतः पाण्डवैः शूरैरवध्यैर्दैवतैरपि।
Thus unslain, they (the Pandavas) are every day reducing my troops in great number. Therefore, O Karna, I am becoming weaker in strength, and my store of weapons is also being exhausted.

सोऽहं संशयमापन्नः प्रहरिष्ये कथं रणे॥ तमब्रवीन्महाराजं सूतपुत्रो नराधिपम्।
I am deceived by the warlike Pandavas, who cannot even be slain by the celestial themselves. I am doubtful of the means as to how to smile them down in battle.” To these words of the ruler of men, O king, Suta's son replied

कर्ण उवाच मा शोच भरतश्रेष्ठ करिष्येऽहं प्रियं तव।॥ भीष्मः शान्तवस्तूर्णमपयातु महारणात्।
Karna said "Grieve not, O foremost of the Bharatas, I will compass your pleasure. Let Bhishma the son of Shantanu be speedily withdrawn from the battle.

निवृत्ते युधि गाङ्गेये न्यस्तशस्त्रे च भारत॥ अहं पार्थान् हनिष्यामि सहितान् सर्वसोमकैः।
When, O scion of the Bharata race, the son of Ganga shall cease to fight, and when he shall lay aside his weapons, I will slay the sons of Pritha together with all the Somakas,

पश्यतो युधि भीष्मस्य शपे सत्येन ते नृप॥ पाण्डवेषु दयां नित्यं स हि भीष्मः करोति वै।
In the battle even before the eyes of Bhishma himself. O king, I pledge my troth for this. Bhishma always uses the Pandavas leniently.

अशक्तश्च रणे भीष्मो जेतुमेतान् महारथान्।॥ अभिमानी रणे भीष्मो नित्यं चापि रणप्रियः।
Bhishma also is incapable of conquering these mighty car-warriors (the Pandavas) in battle. Moreover Bhishma is proud in battle and is very fond of battle.

स कथं पाण्डवान् युद्धे जेष्यते तातं संगतान्॥ स त्वं शीघ्रमितो गत्वा भीष्मस्य शिबिरं प्रति।
How could he, O sire, then conquer the Pandavas who have mustered a mighty force. Therefore, without the least delay, haying yourself towards the tent of Bhishma.

अनुमान्य गुरुं वृद्धं शस्त्रं न्यासय भारत॥ न्यस्तशस्त्रे ततो भीष्मे निहतान् पश्य पाण्डवान्।
Persuade that venerable and old hero to lay aside weapons. Thus when Bhishma will lay aside his weapons, you shall see the Pandavas slain.

मयैकेन रणे राजन् ससुहृद्गणबान्धवान्॥ एवमुक्तस्तु कर्णेन पुत्रो दुर्योधनस्तव। अब्रवीद् भ्रातरं तत्र दुःशासनमिदं वचः॥
With all their kinsmen and allies, by my single self in battle" Sanjaya said Thus spoke spoken to by Karna, your son Duryodhana,

अनुयात्रं यथा सर्वं सज्जीभवति सर्वशः। दुःशासन तथा क्षिप्रं सर्वमेवोपपादय॥ एवमुक्त्वा ततो राजन् कर्णमाह जनेश्वरः। अनुमान्य रणे भीष्ममेषोऽहं द्विपदां वरम्॥
Then said these words addressing his brother Dushasana 'Look to it O Dushasana, that all my retinue may without delay be dressed and ready'. Having thus spoken, O king, to Dushasana, that ruler of men addressed Karna saying:

आगमिष्ये ततः क्षिप्रं त्वत्सकाशमरिंदम्। अपक्रान्ते ततो भीष्मे प्रहरिष्यसि संयुगे॥
“Having persuaded that foremost of men, Bhishma to withdraw himself from the battle, I shall soon come back to you, O redresser of foes.

निष्पपात ततस्तूर्णं पुत्रस्तव विशाम्पते। सहितो भ्रातृभिस्तैस्तु देवैरिव शतक्रतुः॥
When Bhishma will be withdrawn from the fight, you shall slay the Pandavas in battle." Then, O ruler of men your son, without any more loss of time, set out,

ततस्तं नृपशार्दूलं शार्दूलसमविक्रमम्। आरोहयद्धयं तूर्णं भ्राता दुःशासनस्तदा॥ अङ्गदी बद्धमुकुटो हस्ताभरणवान् नृप। धार्तराष्ट्रो महाराज विबभौ स पथि व्रजन्॥
Accompanied by his brothers, and loO king like Indra surrounded by the celestial. Thereafter, his brother Dushasana, helped that foremost of kings equal to a tiger in strength, to mount on his steed. Decked with bracelets, with a diadem on his head, and O king, his arms graced with other ornaments,

भण्डीपुष्पनिकाशेन तपनीयनिभेन च। अनुलिप्तः पराद्ध्यन चन्दनेन सुगन्धिना॥ अरजोऽम्बरसंवीतः सिंहखेलगतिर्नृप। शुशुभे विमलार्चिष्मान् नभसीव दिवाकरः॥ तं प्रयान्तं नरव्याघ्रं भीष्मस्य शिबिरं प्रति। अनुजग्मुर्महेष्वासाः सर्वलोकस्य धन्विनः॥
That son of yours, O monarch, shone brightly as he went towards Bhishma's tent. Smeared with fragrant sandal paste of the colour of Vandi flowers and of the effulgence of gold, and vested in dirtless raiment's, and proceeding with the playful gait of the lion, O king, Duryodhana appeared beautiful like the bright rayed orb of day in the skies. As that foremost of men (Duryodhana) proceeded towards the tent of Bhishma,

भ्रातरश्च महेष्वासास्त्रिदशा इव वासवम्। हयानन्ये समारुह्य गजानन्ये च भारत॥
Numerous fierce bowmen of worldwide fame with bows in hand, as also his brothers all mighty bowmen, followed him like the celestial following Vasava.

रथानन्ये नरश्रेष्ठं परिवः समन्ततः। आत्तशस्त्राश्च सुहृदो रक्षणार्थं महीपतेः॥
Mounted on other horses, elephants and chariots, other foremost of men, O Bharata, surrounded him on all sides.

प्रादुर्बभूवुः सहिताः शक्रस्येवामरा दिवि। स पूज्यमानः कुरुभिः कौरवाणां महाबलः॥
Many of his friends bearing weapons came there for protecting the king, and accompanying Indra in heaven.

प्रययौ सदनं राजा गाङ्गेयस्य यशस्विनः। अन्वीयमानः सततं सोदरैः परिवारितः॥
Thus honored by the Kurus, that highly puissant king of the Kurus repaired to the son of Ganga of illustrious fame.

दक्षिणं दक्षिणं काले सम्भृत्य स्वभुजं तदा। हस्तिहस्तोपमं शैक्षं सर्वशत्रुनिबर्हणम्॥ प्रगृह्णन्नञ्जलीन् नृणामुद्यतान् सर्वतो दिशः। शुश्राव मधुरा वाचो नानादेशनिवासिनाम्॥
Followed and surrounded by his uterine brother, he proceeded, raising his right arm sinewy like the trunk of the elephant and capable of crushing all his foes, and therewith accepting the homage's offered by men on all sides with their raised and folder palms.

संस्तूयमानः सूतैश्च मागधैश्च महायशाः। पूजयानश्च तान् सर्वान् सर्वलोकेश्वरेश्वरः॥
He heard sweet words uttered by the assembled inhabitants of various countries. moon That illustrious one was applauded and eulogised by the bards and minstrels.

प्रदीपैः काञ्चनैस्त गन्धतैलावसेचितैः। परिवर्महाराज प्रज्वलद्भिः समन्ततः॥ स तैः परिवृतो राजा प्रदीपैः काञ्चनैर्व्वलन्। शुशुभे चन्द्रमा युक्तो दीप्तैरिव महाग्रहैः॥
That lord paramount of all men honorea all these men in return. Many high-souled persons then surrounded him on all sides with golden lamps, lighted and fed with fragrant oil. Thus surrounded by those lighted lamps made of gold, king Duryodhana,

काञ्चनोष्णीषिणस्तत्र वेत्रझर्झरपाणयः। प्रोत्सारयन्तः शनकैस्तं जनं सर्वतो दिशम्॥
Shone resplendent like the surrounded by blazing mighty planets. Then attendants, graced with golden turbans, and bearing canes and Jharjharas in their hands,

सम्प्राप्य तु ततो राजा भीष्मस्य सदनं शुभम्। अवतीर्य हयाच्चापि भीष्मं प्राप्य जनेश्वरः॥
Gradually cleared the crowd that surrounded the king on all sides. Thereafter, the king, reaching the beautiful tent of Bhishma.

अभिवाद्य ततो भीष्मं निषण्णः परमासने। काञ्चने सर्वतोभद्रे स्पास्तरणसंवृते॥
And then descending from his horse, that ruler of men approached Bhishma. Thereafter doing obeisance to Bhishma, he seated himself on a beautiful seat,

उवाच प्राञ्जलिर्भीष्मं बाष्पकण्ठोऽश्रुलोचनः। त्वां वयं हि समाश्रित्य संयुगे शत्रुसूदन॥
Made of gold, of exquisite workmanship and over-spread with an excellent coverlet. Then he thus spoke to Bhishma, with his palms folded, his voice choked in grief and his eyes bathed in tears.

उत्सहेम रणे जेतुं सेन्द्रानपि सुरासुरान्। किमु पाण्डुसुतान् वीरान् ससुहृद्गणबान्धवान्॥
"Reliving upon you, O slayer of foes, we are even capable of vanquishing in battle the celestials and the Asuras united together, with Indra at their head,

तस्मादर्हसि गाङ्गेय कृपां कर्तुं मयि प्रभो। जहि पाण्डुसुतान् वीरान् महेन्द्र इव दानवान्॥
What to speak of the sons of Pandu though they may be warlike and supported by their friends, allies and kinsmen. Therefore, O son of Ganga, O lord, it behold you to be merciful on me.

अहं सर्वान् महाराज निहनिष्यामि सोमकान्। पञ्चालान् केकयैः सार्धं करूषांश्चेति भारत॥
Do you slay the heroic sons of Pandu like the great Indra slaying the Danavas. 'O monarch, I shall slaughter all the Somakas,

त्वद्वचः सत्यमेवास्तु जहि पार्थान् समागतान्। सोमकांश्च महेष्वासान् सत्यवाग् भव भारत॥
The Panchalas, the Kauravas, O Bharata.' These were your words to me, verify them by slaying the assembled sons of Pritha,

दयया यदि वा राजन् द्वेष्यभावान्मम प्रभो। मन्दभाग्यतया वापि मम रक्षसि पाण्डवान्॥
As also the Somakas, all fierce bowmen. Prove, O Bharata, the truth of your words. But if out of mercy, or out of your hatred, O lord,

अनुजानीहि समरे कर्णमाहवशोभिनम्। स जेष्यति रणे पार्थान् ससुहृद्गणबान्धवान्॥
For my unfortunate self, you are inclined to spare the sons of Pandu, then permit Karna, that ornament of battle, to join the fight.

स एवमुक्त्वा नृपतिः पुत्रो दुर्योधनस्तव। नोवाच वचनं किञ्चिद् भीष्मं सत्यपराक्रमम्॥
He will conquer the sons of Pritha together with all their friends, allies and kinsmen." Having thus spoken, your royal son dreadful prowess. airunn