Withdrawal of the forces in the eighth day's fight

संजय उवाच पुत्रं विनिहतं श्रुत्वा इरावन्तं धनंजयः। दुःखेन महताऽऽविष्टो निःश्वसन् पन्नगो यथा।॥
Sanjaya said Hearing his son Iravat slain, Dhananjaya, overwhelmed with grief and sighing like a snake.

अब्रवीत् समरे राजन् वासुदेवमिदं वचः। इदं नूनं महाप्राज्ञो विदुरो दृष्टवान् पुरा॥ कुरूणा पाण्डवानां च क्षयं घोरं महामतिः। स ततो निवारितवान् धृतराष्ट्र जनेश्ररम्॥
Spoke, O king, these words addressing the son of Vasudeva, even on the field of battle. "Surely the high-minded Vidura of great wisdom divined before hand this dreadful destruction of the Kurus and the Pandavas. It he was therefore that forbade king Dhritarashtra.

अन्ये च बहवो वीराः संग्रामे मधुसूदन। निहताः कौरवैः संख्ये तथास्माभिश्च कौरवाः॥
Innumerable other heroes, Oslayer of Madhu, have been slain by ourselves and the Kauravas in this sanguinary war.

अर्थहेतोर्नरश्रेष्ठ क्रियते कर्म कुत्सितम्। धिगर्थान् यत्कृते ह्येव क्रियते ज्ञातिसंक्षयः॥
For the sake of wealth, O foremost of men, vile deeds are being perpetrated. Fie on that wealth for the sake of which this destruction of kinsmen is being perpetrated.

अधनस्य मृतं श्रेयो न च ज्ञातिवधाद् धनम्। किं न प्राप्स्यामहे कृष्ण हत्वा ज्ञातीन् समागतान्॥
Death is preferable, for him who has no wealth, to the acquisition of wealth by the slaughter of his kinsmen. What good 0 Krishna, shall we reap, slaughtering these our kinsmen assembled together.

दुर्योधनापराधेन शकुनेः सौबलस्य च। क्षत्रिया निधनं यान्ति कर्णदुर्मन्त्रितेन च॥
In consequence of the faults of Duryodhana and those of Shakuni the son of Subala, and in consequence of the wicked counsels of Karna, the Kshatriyas are suffering destruction.

इदानीं च विजानामि सुकृतं मधुसूदन। कृतं राज्ञा महाबाहो याचता च सुयोधनम्॥
Now, O slayer of Madhu, do I realize what a great act of piety, O mighty-armed, one, did the king (Yudhishthira) do by begging of Suyodhana,

राज्याधु पञ्च वा ग्रामान् नाकार्षीत् स च दुर्मतिः। दृष्ट्वा हि क्षत्रियाशूराशयानान् धरणीतले॥
Either half of the kingdom or else five villages only. But the pervert Duryodhana turned deaf ears to our solicitations. Beholding these Kshatriyas, all brave warriors, prostrate on the surface of the earth.

निन्दामि भृशमात्मानं धिगस्तु क्षत्रजीविकाम्। अशक्तमिति मामेते ज्ञास्यन्ते क्षत्रिया रणे।॥
I can not but reproach myself. Fie on the life of a Kshatriya. These Kshatriyas may consider me incapable of batting any longer,

युद्धं तु मे न रुचितं ज्ञातिभिर्मधुसूदन। संचोदय हयाशीघ्रं धार्तराष्ट्रचमूं प्रति॥
But, O slayer of Madhu, this battle with my kinsmen does not at all please me. However, swiftly drive the horses towards the army of the sons of Dhritarashtra.

प्रतरिष्ये महापारं भुजाभ्यां समरोदधिम्। नायं यापयितुं कालो विद्यते माधव क्वचित्॥
I shall cross this ocean of battle incapable of being crossed by the strength of my arms. Surely, O Madhava, this is not the time for the display of feminine sentiments."

एवमुक्तस्तु पार्थेन केशवः परवीरहा। चोदयामास तानश्वान् पाण्डुरान् वातरंहसः॥
Thus spoken to by the son of Pritha that slayer of hostile heroes Keshava, urged on those cream colored steeds endued with the fleetness of the wind.

अथ शब्दो महानासीत् तव सैन्यस्य भारत। मारुतोद्धतवेगस्य सागरस्येव पर्वणि॥
Thereupon a deafening uproar was set up by your troops. O Bharata, like that of the ocean lashed into fury by the wind in the day of the new moon or the full moon.

अपराह्ने महाराज संग्रामः समपद्यत। पर्जन्यसमनिर्घोषो भीष्मस्य सह पाण्डवैः॥
Then in the afternoon, O mighty monarch, the battle that was fought between Bhishma and the Pandavas, resembled in its din the rumble of the rain clouds Parjanya.

ततो राजंस्तव सुता भीमसेनमुपाद्रवन्। परिवार्य रणे द्रोणं वसवो वासवं यथा॥
Then your sons, O king, surrounding Drona like the Vasus encircling Vasava, assailed Bhimasena.

ततः शान्तनवो भीष्मः कृपश्च रथिनां वरः। भगदत्तः सुशर्मा च धनंजयमुपाद्रवन्।॥
Thereafter Bhishma the son of Shantanu, Kripa the foremost of car-warriors, Bhagadatta and Susharma rushed against Dhananjaya.

पुत्रास्तु तव कौन्तेयं हार्दिक्यो बाह्निकश्चैव सात्यकिं समभिद्रुतौ। अम्बष्ठकस्तु नृपतिरभिमन्युमवस्थितः॥
The son of Hridika and Balhika both assailed Satyaki. King Ambashtaka encountered Abhimanyu.

शेषास्त्वन्ये महाराज शेषानेव महारथान्। ततः प्रववृते युद्धं घोररूपं भयावहम्॥
The rest of the warriors, O mighty monarch, engaged with other great car-warriors of the hostile party. Then commenced an awful engagement whose aspect was indeed terrible.

भीमसेनस्तु सम्प्रेक्ष्य पुत्रांस्तव जनेश्वर। प्रजज्वाल रणे क्रुद्धो हविषा हव्यवाडिव॥
Bhimasena beholding your sons, O ruler of me, in battle, blazed forth in anger like the sacrificial fire blazing forth with clarified butter.

छादयाञ्चक्रिरे शरैः। प्रावृषीव महाराज जलदा इव पर्वतम्॥
Your sons, o king, covered that son of Kunti with a shower of arrows like clouds covering a mountain with torrents of rain during the rainy season.

स च्छाद्यमानो बहुधा पुत्रैस्तव विशाम्पते। क्किणी संलिहन् वीरः शार्दूल इव दर्पितः॥
Then, O ruler of men, when thus covered with arrows by your sons, that hero Bhima, agile as a tiger, began to lick the corners of his mouth.

व्यूढोरस्कं ततो भीमः पातयामास भारत। क्षुरप्रेण सुतीक्ष्णेन सोऽभवद् गतजीवितः॥
Thereafter, 0 Bharata, he felled Vyudoraska with a sharp arrow furnished with a head like that of a horse-shoe; and the letter was deprived of his life.

अपरेण तु भल्लेन पीतेन न निशितेन तु। अपातयत् कुण्डलिनं सिंहः क्षुद्रमृगं यथा॥
Then again with an well tempered and well sharpened broad-headed shaft, he felled Kundalin, like a lion felling a smell deer.

ततः सुनिशितान् पीतान् समादत्त शिलीमुखान्। ससर्ज त्वरया युक्तः पुत्रास्ते प्राप्य मारिष॥
Then Bhima fixed on his bow-string arrows well-tempered and of exceeding sharpness. Getting near your sons. O sire, he let these arrows go with great lightness and with good aim.

प्रेषिता भीमसेनेन शरास्ते दृढधन्वना। अपातयन्त पुत्रांस्ते रथेभ्यः सुमहारथान्॥
These arrows sped by that firm bowman Bhimasena began to overthrow your sons, all mighty car-warriors, from their seats.

अनाधृष्टिं कुण्डभेदिं वैराटं दीर्घलोचनम्। दीर्घबाहुं सुबाहुं च तथैव कनकध्वजम्॥
Bhima felled Anadhrishti, Kundabheda, Vairata, Deerghalochana, Deerghabhau and Kanakdhvaja.

प्रपतन्त स्म वीरास्ते विरेजुर्भरतर्षभ। वसन्ते पुष्पशबलाश्शूताः प्रपतिता इव॥
When falling, these heroes, O scion of the Bharata race, appeared beautiful like blossoming mango trees falling down in the spring.

ततः प्रदुद्रुवुः शेषास्तव पुत्रा महाहवे। तं कालमिव मन्यन्तो भीमसेनं महाबलम्॥
Then considering the highly puissant Bhima to be the Destroyer incarnate, the rest of your sons, O ruler of men fled with haste.

द्रोणस्तु समरे वीरं निर्दहन्तं सुतांस्तव। यथाद्रिं वारिधाराभिः समन्ताद् व्यकिरच्छरैः। :॥
Then Drona covered that hero (Bhima) who had been consuming your sons, with a shower of shafts, like showers of rain covering the mountain breast.

तत्राद्भुतमपश्याम कुन्तीपुत्रस्य पौरुषम्। द्रोणेन वार्यमाणोऽपिनजघ्ने यत् सुतांस्तव॥
Then indeed we beheld the wonderful prowess of the son of Kunti, in as much as, though opposed by Drona himself, he succeeded in slaughtering your sons.

यथा गोवृषभो वर्ष संधारयति खात् पतत्। भीमस्तथा द्रोणमुक्तं शरवर्षमदीधरत्॥
Just as a heifer bears the shower of rain falling from the skies, so did Bhima bear the arrowy downpour discharged by Drona, like one undaunted.

अद्भुतं च महाराज तत्र चक्रे वृकोदरः। यत् पुत्रास्तेऽवधीत् संख्ये द्रोणं चैव न्यवारयत्॥
Really, O mighty monarch, Vrikodara achieved marvellous feats, in as much as he succeeded in slaying your sons and opposing Drona simultaneously.

पुत्रेषु तव वीरेषु चिक्रीडार्जुनपूर्वजः। मृगेष्विव महाराज चरन् व्याघ्रो महाबलः॥
Then the elder brother of Arjuna played amidst your heroic sons like, O monarch, a powerful tiger roving amidst a herd of deer.

यथा हि पशुमध्यस्थो दारयेत पशून् वृकः। वृकोदरस्तव सुतांस्तथा व्यद्रावयद् रणे॥
Just a wolf, remaining inside a herd of cattle, chases and terrifies them, so, in that battle, did Vrikodara crush and frighten your sons.

गाङ्गेयो भगदत्तश्च गौतमश्च महारथाः। पाण्डवं रभसं युद्धे वारयामासुरर्जुनम्॥
The son of Ganga, Bhagadatta, the mighty car-warrior Gautami's son, all opposed in battle Arjuna himself the son of Pandu.

अस्त्रैरस्त्राणि संवार्य तेषां सोऽतिरथो रणे। प्रवीरांस्तव सैन्येषु प्रेषयामास मृत्यवे॥
Then that Atiratha checking the enemies weapons with his own weapons, dispatched many mighty heroes of the hostile rank to the regions of Death.

अभिमन्युस्तु राजानमम्बष्ठं लोकविश्रुतम्। विरथं रथिनां श्रेष्ठं वारयामास सायकैः॥
Then Abhimanyu with his shafts, deprived that foremost of car-warriors, viz., king Ambashta of world-wide fame, of his car.

विरथो वध्यमानस्तु सौभद्रेण यशस्विना। अवप्लुत्य रथात् तूर्णमम्बष्ठो वसुधाधिपः॥
Deprived of his car and wondered by the illustrious son of Subhadra, he quickly jumped down from his car in shame and O lord of men.

असिं चिक्षेप समरे सौभद्रस्य महात्मनः। आरुरोह रथं चैव हार्दिक्यस्य महाबलः॥
Hurled his sword at the high-souled son of Subhadra. Thereafter that highly-powerful hero ascended the car of the son of Hridika.

आपतन्तं तु निस्त्रिंशं युद्धमार्गविशारदः। लाघवाद् व्यंसयामास सौभद्रः परवीरहा॥
Then that slayer of hostile hero, namely Abhimanyu, versed in all the modes, of warfare, beholding the swiftly advancing sword, evaded its strike by the agility of his movements.

व्यंसितं वीक्ष्य निस्त्रिंशं सौभद्रेण रणे तदा। साधु साध्विति सैन्यानां प्रणादोऽभूद् विशाम्पते॥
Beholding the sword thus baffled by the son of Subhadra, in that battle, the troops, O ruler of men, set up an uproar crying 'well-done' 'well-done'.

धृष्टद्युम्नमुखास्त्वन्ये तव सैन्यमयोधयन्। तथैव तावकाः सर्वे पाण्डुसैन्यमयोधयन्॥
Other warriors of the Pandava host headed by Dhrishtadyumna himself, engaged with your warriors; so also your warriors fought against the troops of the Pandavas.

तत्राक्रन्दो महानासीत् तव तेषां च भारत। निघ्नतां दृढमन्योन्यं कुर्वतां कर्म दुष्करम्॥
Then when they were thus slaughtering one another mercilessly and achieving feats difficult of being accomplished, fierce was the battle that raged between your and their warriors.

अन्योन्यं हि रणे शूराः केशेष्वाक्षिप्यमानिनः। नखदन्तैरयुध्यन्त मुष्टिभिर्जानुभिस्तथा॥
In that battle the warriors, O sire, dragging one another by the hair, fought on striking one another with their finger-nails, their teeth, their blows and thighs,

तलैश्चैवाथ निस्त्रिंशैर्बाहुभिश्च सुसंस्थितैः। विवरं प्राप्य चान्योन्यमनयन् यमसादनम्॥
Their sabers and palms and sinewy arms. Availing themselves of another's one weaknesses, they dispatched one another to the regions of Death.

न्यहनच्च पिता पुत्रं पुत्रश्च पितरं तथा। व्याकुलीकृतसर्वाङ्गा युयुधुस्तत्र मानवा॥
Father slew son and son slew father in that battle men fought on making the best use of all limbs.

रणे चारूणि चापानि हेमपृष्ठानि मारिष। हतानामपविद्धानि कलापाश्च महाधनाः॥
Beautiful bows with their staves decked with gold, O Bharata, loosened from the hold of slain warriors, and precious ornaments,

जातरूपमयैः पुखैः राजतैर्निशिताः शराः। तैलधौता व्यराजन्त निर्मुक्तभुजगोपमाः॥
And whetted shafts furnished with golden or Argentine wings and cleansed with oil and resembling snakes that have recently cast of their slough, bone on the field (as they lay scattered thereon).

हस्तिदन्तत्सरून् खङ्गाञ्जातरूपपरिष्कृतान्। चर्माणि चापविद्धानि रुक्मचित्राणि धन्विनाम्॥
Swords with hilts made of ivory and decked with gold, and bucklers, belonging to bowmen, embossed with gold, lay scattered on the field, loosened from the grasp of their wielders.

सुवर्णविकृतप्रासान् पट्टिशान् हेमभूषितान्। जातरूपमयाश्च : शक्तीश्च कनकोज्ज्वलाः॥
Lances and dares and battle-axes, and javelins, all decked with gold and of golden hue,

सुसंनाहाश्च पतिता मुसलानि गुरूणि च। परिधान् पट्टिशांश्चैव भिन्दिपालांश्च मारिष॥
And, O sire, beautiful coats of mail, heavy and light bludgeons, inaces, battle-axes and small arrows,

पतितान् विविधांश्चापाश्चित्रान् हेमपरिष्कृतान्। कुथा बहुविधाकाराश्चामरान् व्यजनानि च॥
And diverse-sharped, capricious for elephants, and chamaras and fans and numerous bows variegated and decorated with gold, lay scattered on the field.

नानाविधानि शस्त्राणि प्रगृह्य पतिता नराः। जीवन्त इव दृश्यन्ते गतसत्त्वा महारथाः॥
Men lying on the field with diverse weapons in grasp looked as if alive, though those mighty car-warriors were all deprived of the vital breaths.

गदाविमथितैर्गात्रैर्मुसलैभिन्नमस्तकाः। गजवाजिरथक्षुण्णाः शेरते स्म नराः क्षितौ॥
With their bodies crushed with strokes of maces, their heads smashed with the blows of bludgeons, and thoroughly mangled by the cars and elephants and steed, men lay on the field.

तथैवाश्वनृनागानां शरीरैर्विबभौ तदा। संछन्ना वसुधा राजन् पर्वतैरिव सर्वशः॥
Then the surface of the earth covered over with carcasses and corpses of men and elephants and steeds, appeared, O king, as if covered with hillocks.

समरे पतितैश्चैव शक्त्यष्टिशरतोमरैः। निस्त्रिशैः पट्टिशैः प्रासैरयस्कुन्तैः परश्वधैः॥ परिचैर्भिन्दिपालैश्च शतघ्नीभिश्च मारिष। शरीरैः शस्त्रनिर्भिन्नैः समास्तीर्यत मेदिनी॥
The field of battle was strewn over with fallen dares, swords, arrows, lances, sabers, axes, piked stakes, iron crows, battle-axes, clubs and bludgeons, and Shataghnees and bodies mutilated with weapons.

विशब्दरल्पशब्दैश्च शोणितौघपरिप्लुतैः। गतासुभिरमित्रघ्न विबभौ निचिता मही॥
O slayer of enemies, the earth covered with some warriors silent in death, with others weltering in their blood and with some again moaning feebly, became highly beautiful.

सतलत्रैः सकेयूरैर्बाहूभिश्चन्दनोक्षितैः। हस्तिहस्तोपमैश्छिरूरुभिश्च तरस्विनाम्॥ बद्धचूडामणिवरैः शिरोभिश्च सकुण्डलैः। पातितैर्ऋषभाक्षाणां बभौ भारत मेदिनी॥
O Bharata, the field of battle assumed a beautiful aspect, being strewn over with arms of mighty warriors smeared with sandal paste and adorned with leather fences and bracelets, as also with well snapped thighs resembling the trunks of elephants, and with severed heads of large-eyed combatants, graced with gems and car-rings.

कवचैः शोणितादिग्धैविप्रकीर्णश्च काञ्चनैः। रराज सुभृशं भूमिः शान्तार्चिभिरिवानलैः॥
Covered over with blood-soiled amours and golden ornaments, the field of battle appeared most beautiful as of scattered over with fires of mild flames.

विप्रविद्धैः कलापैश्च पतितैश्च शरासनैः। विप्रकीर्णैः शरैश्चैव रुक्मपुखैः समन्ततः॥
With ornaments of various kinds loosened from their places, with bows fallen about, with shafts of golden wings lying about,

रथैश्च सर्वतो भग्नैः किङ्किणीजालभूषितैः। वाजिभिश्च हतैर्बाणैः स्रस्तजिह्वः सशोणितैः॥
With many broken cars decked with rows of bells, with numerous slain steeds bespattered with gore and their tongues protruding,

अनुकर्णैः पताकाभिरुपासङ्गैर्ध्वजैरपि। प्रवीराणां महाशङ्कुर्विप्रकीर्णैश्च पाण्डुरैः॥
With car-bottons, and standards quivers, pennons, huge milk white conchs, belonging to mighty warrior,

स्रस्तहस्तैश्च मातङ्गैः शयानैर्विबभौ मही। नानारूपैरलंकारैः प्रमदैवाभ्यलकृता॥
With trunkless elephants, scattered on the field, the earth appeared charming like a damsel adorned with various of ornaments.

दन्तिभिश्चापरैस्तत्र सप्रसैर्गाढवैदनैः। करैः शब्दं विमुञ्चद्भिः शीकरं च मुमुर्मुहुः॥ विबभौ तद् रणस्थानं स्यन्दमानैरिवाचलैः। नानारागैः कम्बलैश्च परिस्तोमैश्च दन्तिनाम्॥
Then also with other elephants pierced with lances and pained to the extreme, and repeatedly uttering shrinks of agony with their trunks, the field of battle appeared beautiful as if covered with moving mountains. With blankets of various colors, and caparisons of elephants, sorts

वैदूर्यमणिदण्डैश्च पतितैरङ्कुशैः शुभैः। घण्डाभिश्च गजेन्द्राणां पतिताभिः समन्ततः॥
With well-shaped hooks having their handles decked with lapses, with bells of huge elephants scattered here and there.

विपाटितविचित्राभिः कुथाभिरङ्कुशैस्तथा। ग्रैवेयश्चित्ररूपैश्च रुक्मकक्ष्याभिरेव च॥
With clean housing of wonderful workmanship, with the skins of Ranku deer, with beautiful neck-laces and golden girths,

यन्त्रैश्च बहुधाच्छिन्नस्तोमरैश्चापि काञ्चनैः। अश्वानां रेणुकपिलै रुक्मच्छन्नैरुरश्छदैः॥
With many broken implements of war, with golden dares, with many gold fringed breast plates of steeds soiled with dust,

सादिनां भुजगैश्छिन्नैः पतितैः साङ्गदैस्तथा। प्रासैश्च विमलैस्तीक्ष्णैर्विमलाभिस्तथर्टिभिः॥
With served arms of horse soldiers, adorned with bracelets and scattered about, with well polished lances of keep points and with resplendent swords,

उष्णीषैश्च तथा चित्रैविप्रविब्रैस्ततस्ततः। विचित्रैर्बाणवर्धेश्च जातरूपपरिष्कृतैः॥
With variegated turbans fallen off and lying about, with wonderful crescent shaped arrows of golden effulgence,

अश्वास्तरपरिस्तोमै राङ्कवैर्मुदितैस्तथा। नरेन्द्रचूडामणिभिर्विचित्रैश्च महाधनैः॥
With housings of steeds with skins of Ranku deer, torn and soiled, with beautiful and precious gems that had graced the turbans of the kings,

छत्रैस्तथापविद्धैश्च चामरैर्व्यजनैरपि। पोन्दुद्युतिभिश्चैव वदनैश्चारुकुण्डलैः॥
With umbrellas, and chamaras and fans scattered about, with moon-like or lotus-like faces of warriors conspicuous with charming ear-rings,

क्लप्तश्मश्रुभिरत्यर्थं वीराणां समलंकृतैः। अपविद्धैर्महाराज सुवर्णोज्ज्वकुण्डलैः॥
And graced with well clipped beards and beautified, O king, with Kundalas of golden effulgence,

ग्रहनक्षत्रशबला द्यौरिवासीद् वसुन्धरा। एवमेते महासेने मृदृिते तत्र भारत॥
The earth looked like the sky be-spangled with the stars and the planets. Thus, O Bharata, the two mighty armies crushed one another,

परस्परं समासाद्य तव तेषां च संयुगे। तेषु श्रान्तेषु भग्नेषु मृदितेषु च भारत॥
Encountering one another in battle. When, O Bharata, the two armies were crushed and exhausted and completely broken,

रात्रिः समभवत् तत्र नापश्याम ततोऽनुगान्। ततोऽवहारं सैन्यानां प्रचक्रुः कुरुपाण्डवाः॥
The hideous pall of night fell over the earth and the fight could no longer be discerned. Then the Kurus and the Pandavas withdrew their forces from the field.

रजनीमुखे सुरौद्रे तु वर्तमाने महाभये। अवहारं ततः कृत्वा सहिताः कुरुपाण्डवाः। न्यविशन्त यथाकालं गत्वा स्वशिबिरं तदा॥
When that hideous night, fierce and dreadful, set in, both the Kurus and the Pandavas, having withdrawn their forces, entered their encampments and retired to their respective tents.