Display of illusion by Hidimba's son

संजय उवाच स्वसैन्यं निहतं दृष्ट्वा राजा दुर्योधनः स्वयम्। अभ्यधावत संक्रुद्धो भीमसेनमरिंदमम्॥
Sanjaya said There upon king Duryodhana, seeing his own troops slain inflamed with wrath, rushed against that subduer of foes namely Bhimasena.

प्रगृह्य सुमहच्चापमिन्द्राशनिसमस्वनम्। महता शरवर्षेण पाण्डवं समवाकिरत्॥
Grasping a huge bow effulgent like the thunder bolt of Indra himself, he covered the son of Pandu with a thick shower of arrows.

अर्धचन्द्रं च संधाय सुतीक्ष्ण लोमवाहिनम्। भीमसेनस्य चिच्छेद चापं क्रोधसमन्वितः॥
Fixing on his bow string a crescent shaped and exceedingly sharp arrow furnished with wings of down, and inflamed with rage, he burst asunder the bow of Bhimasena.

तदन्तरं च सम्प्रेक्ष्य त्वरमाणो महारथः। प्रसंदधे शितं बाणं गिरीणामपि दारणम्॥
At this opportunity, that mighty car-warrior Duryodhana without the least delay placed on his bow string another sharp arrow capable of penetrating even through the very mountains.

तेनोरसि महाराज भीमसेनमताडयत्। स गाढविद्धो व्यथितः सृक्किणी परिसंलिहन्॥
Then that mighty armed hero, with that arrow struck Bhimasena on the breast. The latter thus pierced deeply, smarting with pain, and licking the corners of his mouth,

समाललम्बे तेजस्वी ध्वजं हेमपरिष्कृतम्। तथा विमनसं दृष्ट्वा भीमसेनं घटोत्कचः॥
Caught hold of the staff of his standard decked with gold (for support). Thereupon Ghatotkacha seeing Bhimasena thus depressed.

क्रोधेनाभिप्रजज्वाल दिघक्षन्निव पावकः। अभिमन्युमुखाश्चापि पाण्डवानां महारथाः॥
Blazed up with rage, like a conflagration capable of consuming everything. The mighty car-warriors of the Pandava host headed by Abhimanyu,

समभ्यधावन् क्रोशन्तो राजानं जातसम्भ्रमाः। सम्प्रेक्ष्येतान् सम्पतत:संक्रुद्धाञ्जातसम्भ्रमान्॥
Now rushed impetuously at the king uttering their fierce war-cries. Beholding those enraged warriors rush with impetuosity.

भारद्वाजोऽब्रवीद् वाक्यं तावकानां महारथान्। क्षिप्रं गच्छत भद्रं वो राजानं परिरक्षत॥
The son of Bharadvaja spoke these words to the mighty car-warriors of your army "Good betide you all die yourselves and strive to rescue the king.

संशयं परमं प्राप्तं मज्जन्तं व्यसनार्णवे। एते क्रुद्धा महेष्वासाः पाण्डवानां महारथाः॥
Who is now involved in a great predicament and is being sunk into the sea of danger. These irate car-warriors of the Pandava army, these fierce bow-men,

भीमसेनं पुरस्कृत्य दुर्योधनमुपाद्रवन्। नानाविधानि शस्त्राणि विसृजन्तो जये धृताः॥
Placing Bhimasena at their head, are rushing at Duryodhana, hurling diverse kinds of weapons, determined to secure success,

नदन्तो भैरवान् नादांस्त्रासयन्तश्च भूमिपान्। तदाचार्यवचः श्रुत्वा सौमदत्तिपुरोगमाः॥
Roaring out their fierce war-cries and frightening thereby the rulers rulers of earth belonging to our party.” Hearing these words of the preceptor, your warriors headed by Somadatta,

तावकाः समवर्तन्त पाण्डवानामनीकिनीम्। कृपो भूरिश्रवाः शल्यो द्रोणपुत्रो विविंशतिः॥
Rushed against the ranks of the Pandavas, Kripa, Bhurishravas, Shalya, the son of Drona, Vivingshati,

चित्रसेनो विकर्णश्च सैन्धवोऽथ बृहद्बलः। आवन्त्यौ च महेष्वासौ कौरवं पर्यवारयन्॥
Chitrasena, Vikarna, the ruler of the Sindhus, Brihadbala and the two Avanti princes, both great bow-men, all in a body surrounded the Kuru ruler (for the aiding him).

ते विंशतिपदं गत्वा सम्प्रहारं प्रचक्रिरे। पाण्डवा धार्तराष्ट्राश्च परस्परजिघांसवः॥
Proceeding only twenty steps, the Pandavas and the Dhritarashtra's began to strike one another, out of a desire for slaying one another.

एवमुक्त्वा महाबाहुर्महद् विस्फार्ये कार्मुकम्। भारद्वाजस्ततो भीमं षड्विंशत्या समार्पयत्॥
The mighty-armed son of Bharadvaja also, having spoken the above words, stretched his mighty bow and afflicted Bhima with twenty ! six shafts.

भूयश्चैनं महाबाहुः शरैः शीघ्रमवाकिरत्। पर्वतं वारिधाराभिः प्रावृषीव बलाहकः॥
Then again that hero of mighty-arms speedily covered him with a shower of arrows, like clouds covering the mountains with rains in the rainy season.

तं प्रत्यविध्यद् दशभिर्भीमसेनः शिलीमुखैः। त्वरमाणो महेष्वासः सव्ये पार्श्वे महाबलः॥
But the highly puissant Bhimasena, that fierce bow-man, without the least delay, pierced Drona in return in his left side with ten shafts of great sharpness.

स गाढविद्धो व्यथितो वयोवृद्धश्च भारत। प्रणष्टसंज्ञः सहसा रथोपस्थ उपाविशत्॥
Thus deeply pierced and overwhelmed with pain, the preceptor worn out as he was with age, squatted down on the terrace of his chariot being deprived of his consciousness.

गुरुं प्रव्यथितं दृष्ट्वा राजा दुर्योधनः स्वयम्। द्रौणायनिश्च संक्रुद्धौ भीमसेनमभिद्रुतौ॥
Beholding him (Drona) highly pained, king Duryodhana himself and the irate son of na.

तावापतन्तौ सम्प्रेक्ष्य कालान्तकयमोपमौ। भीमसेनो महाबाहुर्गदामादाय सत्वरम्॥
Seeing them both rush against himself like the Destroyer him at the end of a Yuga, the mighty-armed Bhimasena speedily took up a mace;

अवप्लुत्य रथात् तूर्णं तस्थौ गिरिरिवाचलः। समुद्यम्य गदां गुर्वी यमदण्डोपमां रणे॥
And jumping down from his car he stood fixed like the immovable hills, uplifting his heavy mace that resembled the bludgeon of Death himself.

तमुद्यतगदं दृष्ट्वा कैलासमिव शृङ्गिणम्। कौरवो द्रोणपुत्रश्च सहितावभ्यधावताम्॥
Beholding him stand with his uplifted mace like the crested Kailasa mountain, the Kuru king and the son of Drona, united together, rushed against him.

तावापतन्तौ सहितौ त्वरितौ बलिनां वरौ। अभ्यधावत वेगेन त्वरमाणो वृकोदरः॥
Thereupon the highly puissant Bhimasena also rushed with impetuosity against those two foremost of powerful heroes who were rushing united against himself.

तमापतन्तं सम्प्रेक्ष्य संक्रुद्धं भीमदर्शनम्। समभ्यधावंस्त्वरिताः कौरवाणां महारथाः॥
Beholding the engaged Bhima of terrible expression thus fall upon them, the mighty carwarriors of the Kaurava host proceeded to meet him without delay.

भारद्वाजमुखाः सर्वे भीमसेनजिघांसया। नानाविधानि शस्त्राणि भीमस्योरस्यपातयन्॥
Headed by the son of Bharadvaja, those heroes, out of a desire for slaying Bhimasena, hurled at the latter's breast weapons of diverse descriptions.

सहिताः पाण्डवं सर्वे पीडयन्तः समन्ततः। तं दृष्ट्वा संशयं प्राप्तं पीड्यमानं महारथम्॥
Thus united together, they sorely pressed that son of Pandu (Bhima) on all sides. Beholding that mighty car-warrior thus involved in a predicament and thus afflicted,

अभिमन्युप्रभृतयः पाण्डवानां महारथाः। अभ्यधावन् परीप्सन्तः प्राणांस्त्यक्त्वा सुदुस्त्यजान्।।२८।
The mighty car-warriors of the Pandava host, such as Abhimanyu and others, rushed, forward desirous of rescuing him, setting their own dear lives at naught.

अनूपाधिपतिः शूरो भीमस्य दयितः सखा। नालो नीलाम्बुदप्रख्यः संक्रुद्धो द्रौणिमभ्ययात्॥
The heroic ruler of the low countries, that dear-loved friend of Bhima, by name Nila, of complexion blue like the clouds, excited with wrath, rushed at the son of Drona.

स्पर्धते हि महेष्वासो नित्यं द्रोणसुतेन सः। स विस्फार्य महच्चापं द्रौणिं विव्याध पत्रिणा॥
That fierce bowmen (Nila) ever longed for an encounter with the son of Drona. Now stretching his mighty bow he pierced with many a winged shaft the son of Drona,

यथा शक्रो महाराज पुरा विप्रचित्तिं दुराधर्षं देवतानां भयंकरम्॥
Just as, O mighty monarch, in the days of yore, Shakra pierced the Danava Viprachitti, invincible in battle and the terror of the celestial,

येन लोकत्रयं क्रोधात् त्रासितं स्वेन तेजसा। तथा नीलेन निर्भिन्नः सुमुक्तेन पतत्त्रिणा॥
Who, possessed by rage, struck terror into the three worlds by the display of his energy. Thus pierced by Nila with well-directed shafts,

संजातरुधिरोत्पीडो द्रौणिः क्रोधसमन्वितः। स विस्फार्य धनुश्चित्रमिन्द्राशनिसमस्वनम्॥ विव्याध दानवम्।
Drona's son, shedding blood profusely became possessed with wrath; then drawing his wonderful bow whose twang resembled Indra's thunder,

दने नीलविनाशाय मति मतिमतां वरः। ततः संधाय विमलान् भल्लान् कर्मारमार्जितान्॥
That foremost of intelligent heroes resolved to slay Nila in battle. Thereafter fixing on the bowstring broaded-headed shafts, resplendent and variegated by the forger himself,

जधान चतुरो वाहान् सारथिं ध्वजमेव च। सप्तमेन च भल्लेन नीलं विव्याध वक्षसि॥
He (Drona's son) slew with these the four horses of Nila and cut down his standard too. With the seventh arrow, he pierced Nila himself on the chest.

स गाढविद्धो व्यथितो रथोपस्थ उपाविशत्। मोहितं वीक्ष्य राजानं नीलमध्चयोपमम्॥
Thus deeply pierced and sorely pained, Nila squatted down on the terrace of his car. Beholding king Nila, of appearance like a mass of blue clouds, thus confounded,

घटोत्कचोऽभिसंक्रुद्धो ज्ञातिभिः परिवारितः। अभिदुद्राव वेगेन द्रौणिमाहवशोभिनम्॥
Ghatotkacha excited with wrath and surrounded by his kinsmen, impetuously rushed against Drona's son that ornament of battle.

तथेतरे चाभ्यधावन् राक्षसा युद्धदुर्मदाः। तमापतन्तं सम्प्रेक्ष्य राक्षसं घोरदर्शनम्॥
Other inferior Rakshasas invincible in battle also rushed to the fight. Seeing that Rakshasa of dreadful aspect make towards himself,

अभ्यधावत तेजस्वी भारद्वाजात्मजस्त्वरन्। निजघान च संक्रुद्धो राक्षसान् भीमदर्शनान्॥
The highly puissant son of Bharadvaja, without the least delay rushed against the former and excited with wrath he slew many Rakshasas of dreadful visage,

येऽभवन्नग्रतः क्रुद्धा राक्षसस्य पुरःसराः। विमुखांश्चैव तान् दृष्ट्वा द्रौणिचापच्युतैः शरैः॥
Who were stationed in the front of in Ghatotkacha; beholding his own troops turn faces away from the field of battle, in consequence of the shafts shot from the bow of Drona,

अक्रुद्ध्यत महाकायो भीमसेनिर्घटोत्कचः। प्रादुश्चक्रे ततो माया घोररूपां सुदारुणाम्॥
The huge-bodied Ghatotkacha, the son of Bhimasena became wrought up with rage, and brought into existence an awful and terrible illusion.

मोहयन् समरे द्रौणि मायावी राक्षसाधिपः। ततस्ते तावकाः सर्वे मायया विमुखीकृताः॥
Then therewith that ruler of the Rakshasas of potent illusive powers, confounded in battle Drona's son. Then all your warriors were repulsed through the illusion of the Rakshasa.

अन्योन्यं समपश्यन्त निकृत्ता मेदिनीतले। विचेष्टमानाः कृपणाः शोणितेन परिप्लुताः॥
They (your warriors) saw one another mangled and lying on the surface of the battle field, writhing in convulsions, distressed and weltering their own blood.

द्रोणं दुर्योधनं शल्यमश्वत्थामानमेव च। प्रायशश्च महेष्वासा ये प्रधानाः स्म कौरवाः॥
Drona, Duryodhana, Shalya Ashvathama, and other foremost bowmen of the Kaurava host were seen to fly away from the field of battle.

विध्वस्ता रथिनः सर्वे राजानश्च निपातिताः। हयाश्चैव हयारोहाः संनिकृत्ताः सहस्रशः॥
All the car-warriors appeared to be smashed, the kings fells, the horses and cavalry hacked to pieces by thousands.

तद् दृष्ट्वा तावकं सैन्यं विद्रुतं शिबिरं प्रति। मम प्राक्रोशतो राजंस्तथा देवव्रतस्य च॥
Beholding this (illusive) your warriors, 0 king, ran towards the encampments, although myself and Devavrata cried at the top of our voice saying, O king,

युध्यध्वं मा पलायध्वं मायैषा राक्षसी रणे। घटोत्कचप्रमुक्तेति नातिष्ठन्त विमोहिताः॥
scene "Go on fighting, fly not, this illusion has been set forth by Ghatotkacha?" But confounded as they were, they did not stop;

नैव ते श्रद्दधुर्मीता वदतोरावयोर्वचः। तांश्च प्रद्रवतो दृष्ट्वा जयं प्राप्ताश्च पाण्डवाः॥
They also did not believe the words we uttered, as they were inspired with terror. Beholding them fly, the Pandavas winning victory.

घटोत्कचेन सहिताः सिंहनादान् प्रचक्रिरे। शङ्खदुन्दुभिनिर्घोषैः समन्तान्नेदिरे भृशम्॥
Began to shout their war-cries, being joined by Ghatotkacha himself. They uttered continued yells of triumph, which became mixed with the blare of conchs and sound of drums.

एवं तव बलं सर्वं हैडिम्बेन दुरात्मना। सूर्यास्तमनवेलायां प्रभग्नं विद्रुतं दिशः॥
Thus it was that your whole army was broken and routed in all directions by the wicked-souled son of Hidimba at the time when the sun set.