Slaughter of Iravat

संजय उवाच वर्तमाने तथा रौद्रे राजन् वीरवरक्षये। शकुनिः सौबलः श्रीमान् पाण्डवान् समुपाद्रवत्॥
Sanjaya said When, o king, that dreadful battle destructive of excellent heroes was thus raging, Subala's prosperous son Shakuni rushed against the Pandava hosts.

तथैव सात्वतो राजन् हार्दिक्यः परवीरहा। अभ्यद्रवत संग्रामे पाण्डवानां वरूथिनीम्॥
Also, O king, that slayer of foes, that son of Hridika, of the Satvata race, proceeded in battle against the Pandava divisions.

तत: काम्बोजमुख्यानां नदीजानां च वाजिनाम्। आरट्टानां महीजानां सिन्धुजानां च सर्वशः॥ वनायुजानां शुभ्राणां तथा पर्वतवासिनाम्। वाजिनां बहुभिः संख्ये समन्तात् परिवारयन्॥ ये चापरे तित्तिरिजा जवना वातरंहसः। सुवर्णालंकृतैरेतैर्वर्मवद्भिः सुकल्पितैः॥
Several warriors of your army, with a mighty division of horses consisting of best animals of the Kamboja breed, of those born in lands watered by many rivers, of those belonging to Aratta, Mahi, Sindhu, and Vanayu, of those that were white-hued, of those born in mountains tracts, and of those exceedingly swift and endued with the fleetness of wind, and of those of the Tittiri breed, surrounded on all sides the Pandava army. With many steeds duly clad in mail and decked with caparisons of gold,

हयैर्वातजवैर्मुख्यैः पाण्डवस्य सुतो बली। अभ्यवर्तत तत् सैन्यं हृष्टरूपः परंतपः॥
All best of their class, and fleet as the wind itself, the highly puissant son of the Pandava (Arjuna), of cheerful appearance and the slayer of his foes, rushed against that division of horses belonging to the enemy.

अर्जुनस्य सुतः श्रीमानिरावान् नाम वीर्यवान्। स्नुषायां नागराजस्य जातः पार्थेन धीमता॥
This prosperous son of Arjuna by name Iravat, endued with great prowess was begotten by the highly intelligent Partha (Arjuna) on the daughter of the sovereign of the Nagas.

ऐरावतेन सा दत्ता अनपत्या महात्मना। पतौ हते सुपर्णेन कृपणा दीनचेतना॥
Her husband having been slain by Suparna (Garuda), she was helpless and completely depressed in mind; she was then bestowed upon Arjuna by the illustrious Airavata.

भार्यार्थं तां च जग्राह पार्थः कामवशानुगाम्। एवमेष समुत्पन्नः परपक्षेऽर्जुनात्मजः॥
As she came to him under the influence of desire, the son of Pritha accepted her as his wife. Thus it was that Arjuna's son was begotten upon another's wife.

स नागलोके संवृद्धो मात्रा च परिरक्षितः। पितृव्येण परित्यक्तः पार्थद्वेषाद् दुरात्मना॥
This son of Arjuna was brought up in the regions of the Nagas, and was protected by his mother. He was abandoned by his wickedsouled uncle from his animosity for the son of Pritha.

रूपवान् बलसम्पन्नो गुणवान् सत्यविक्रमः। इन्द्रलोकं जगामाशु श्रुत्वा तत्रार्जुनं गतम्॥
Hearing that Arjuna Lad come to the regions of Indra, that handsome, highly puissant and accomplished Iravat of prowess that could not be baffled, hide to those regions.

सोऽभिगम्य महाबाहुः पितरं सत्यविक्रमः। अभ्यवादयदव्यग्रो विनयेन कृताञ्जलिः॥
That mighty-armed hero of infallible prowess, approaching his father did obeisance to him, duly folding his palms.

न्यवेदयत चात्मानमर्जुनस्य महात्मनः। इरावानस्मि भद्रं ते पुत्रश्चाहं तव प्रभो॥
He introduced himself to the illustrious Arjuna saying-'I am your son Iravat, O lord, may good betide you.'

मातुः समागमो यश्च तत् सर्वं प्रत्यवेदयत्। तच्च सर्वं यथावृत्तमनुसस्मार पाण्डवः॥
He also reminded Arjuna of the circumstances under which the latter met his mother. Then the of Pandu also remembered them a right.

परिष्वज्य सुतं चापि आत्मनः सदृशं गुणैः। प्रीतिमाननयत् पार्थो देवराजनिवेशन॥
Then in the mansion of the chief of the celestial, the son of Pritha embracing his son equal to him in his acquirements, was highly delighted.

सोऽर्जुनेन समाज्ञप्तो देवलोके तदा नृप। प्रीतिपूर्वं महाबाहुः स्वकार्यं प्रति भारत॥
Then that mighty-armed hero (Iravat), O king, was thus cheerfully commanded by Arjuna, in the celestial regions with regard to his own business (namely the impending war with the Kurus).

युद्धकाले त्वयाऽस्माकं साह्यं देयमिति प्रभो। बाढमित्येवमुक्त्वा तु युद्धकाल इहागतः॥
'O son, when the battle would take place, you should render us assistance. He then said 'yea' to the words of his father; and now that the hour has arrived, he also presented himself, Son

कामवर्णजवैरश्चैर्बहुभिः संवृतो नृप। ते हयाः काञ्चनापीडा नानावर्णा मनोजवाः॥
0 king, surrounded by parti-coloured horses, countless in number. Those horses caparisoned with trappings of gold and of diverse hues and great fleetness,

उत्पेतुः सहसा राजन् हंसा इव महोदधौ। ते त्वदीयान् समासाद्य हयसंघान् मनोजवान्॥
O king, suddenly appeared on the field like swans on the bosom of the mighty-main. Those horses encountering your division of fleetest steeds,

क्रोडैः क्रोडानभिनन्तो घोणाभिश्च परस्परम्। निपेतुः सहसा राजन् सुवेगाभिहता भुवि॥
Struck one another with their chests and noses. Overthrown by their own impetuosity, O king, they began to fall down suddenly on the earth.

निपतद्भिस्तथा तैश्च हयसंधैः परस्परम्। शुश्रुवे दारुणः शब्दः सुपर्णपतने यथा॥
When those two horse divisions thus clashed against one another (and some fell down), a terrible sound, resembling that of Suparna's swoop was heard there.

तथैव तावका राजन् समेत्यान्योन्यमाहवे। परस्परवधं घोरं चक्रुस्ते हयसादिनः॥
So also, O mighty monarch, those who rode on these steeds nearing one another in that dreadful battle, fell upon slaughtering one another mercilessly.

तस्मिंस्तथा वर्तमाने संकुले तुमुले भृशम्। उभयोरपि संशान्ता हयसङ्घाः समन्ततः॥
When that general and dreadful encounter regard fiercely, the chargers of the two hosts, seized with panic, coursed wildly all over the field.

प्रक्षीणसायकाः शूरा निहताश्वाः श्रमातुराः। विलयं समनुप्राप्तास्तक्षमाणाः परस्परम्॥
Warriors, mutilated with shafts, with their chargers slain, and themselves exhausted with was fatigue, began to perish, cutting one another with their swords.

ततः क्षीणे हयानीके किंचिच्छेषे च भारत। सौबलस्यानुजाः शूरा निर्गता रणमूर्धनि॥
Then when that horse-division considerably thinned and very few survived, O Bharata, the younger brothers of Subala's son (Shakuni), all endued with heroism, rode out in the van (of the hostile ranks).

वायुवेगसमस्पर्शाञ्जवे वायुसमांश्च ते। आरुह्य बलसम्पन्नान् वयःस्थांस्तुगोत्तमान्॥
On horses, the contract of whose dash was overthrowing like the vehemence of the wind, which were equal to the wind in fleetness, and which were all excellent chargers, well-broken and youthful.

गजो गवाक्षो वृषभश्चर्मवानार्जवः शुकः। षडेते बलसम्पन्ना निर्ययुर्महतो बलात्॥
Gaja, Gavaksha, Vrishabha, Charmavan, Arjava and Shuka, these six highly puissant heroes rode out of the mighty ranks the Kauravas,

वार्यमाणाः शकुनिना तैश्च योधैर्महाबलैः। संनद्धा युद्धकुशला रौद्ररूपा महाबलाः॥
Supported by Shakuni and their respective mighty divisions consisting of highly powerful warriors, themselves covered with amours, accomplished in battle, fierce in aspect and possessed of great strength.

तदनीकं महाबाहो भित्तवा परमदुर्जयम्। बलेन महता युक्ताः स्वर्गाय विजयैषिणः॥
Breaking through that invincible cavalry division of Iravat, desirous of victory and longing for paradise and endued with great strength,

विविशुस्ते तदा हृष्टा गान्धारा युद्धदुर्मदाः। तान् प्रविष्टांस्तदा दृष्ट्वा इरावानपि वीर्यवान्॥
Those Gandhara heroes formidable in battle cheerfully penetrated into it. Thereupon the highly puissant Iravat, beholding them very delightful,

अब्रवीत् समरे योधान् विचित्रान् दारुणायुधान्। यथैते धार्तराष्ट्रस्य योधाः सानुगवाहनाः॥ हन्यन्ते समरे सर्वे तथा नीतिर्विधीयताम्। बाढमित्येवमुक्त्वा ते सर्वे योधा इरावतः॥
Thus commanded his own warriors adorned with wonderful ornaments and weapons, saying 'Adopt such measures by which these warriors of Dhritarashtra's son may all be destroyed with their weapons and vehicles. Saying 'Yes,' all those warriors belonging to Iravat,

जह्वस्तेषां बलानीकं दुर्जयं समरे परैः। तदनीकमनीकेन समरे वीक्ष्य पातितम्॥
Slew in battle that division of your army difficult of being conquered by the enemy. Beholding their division crushed by the division of Iravat,

अमृष्यमाणास्ते सर्वे सुबलस्यात्मजा रणे। इरावन्तमभिदुत्य सर्वतः पर्यवारयन्॥
The sons of Subala not tolerating it is battle, rushing at Iravat, surrounded him on sides.

तादडयन्तः शितैः परासैश्चोदयन्तः परस्परम्। ते शूराः पर्यधावन्त कुर्वन्तो महदाकुलम्॥
Piercing Iravat with sharp lances and urging their warriors against him, those heroes careered over the field creating a great confusion.

इरावानथ निर्भिन्नः प्रासैस्तीक्ष्णैर्महात्मभिः। स्रवता रुधिरेणाक्तस्तोत्रैविद्धं इव द्विपः॥
Then Iravat pierced with sharp lances by those high-souled warriors and covered with blood that was trickling down from his wounds, appeared like an elephant pierced with the hook.

पुरतोऽपि च पृष्ठे च पार्श्वयोश्च भृशाहतः। एको बहुभिरत्यर्थं धैर्याद् राजन् न विव्यथे॥
Single-handed as he was, he was smitten sore by many, on his chest, his back, and his flanks; but o king he flinched not in consequence of his great patience.

इरावानपि संकुद्धः सर्वांस्तान् निशितैः शरैः। मोहयामास समरे विद्ध्वा परपुरंजयः॥
Thereupon Iravat, conqueror of hostile cities, waxing worth, piercing all of them with whetted shafts, deprived them of their senses.

प्रासानुत्कृय तरसा स्वशरीरादरिंदमः। तैरेव ताडयमास सुबलस्यात्मजान् रणे॥
Then drawing out all those lances from his own body, that subduer of enemies wounded the sons of Subala in battle even with those very lances.

विकृष्य च शितं खङ्गं गृहीत्वा च शरावरम्। पदातिर्दृतमागच्छज्जिघांसुः सौबलान् युधि॥
Then drawing his sharp saber and holding his buckler, he (Iravat) quickly ran on foot desirous of slaying the sons of Subala, in that battle.

ततः प्रत्यागतप्राणाः सर्वे ते सुबलात्मजाः। भूयः क्रोधसमाविष्टा इरावन्तमभिद्रुताः॥
Then all those sons of Subala regaining consciousness, possessed by rage, once more rushed towards Iravat.

इरावानपि खड्ड्रेन दर्शयन् पाणिलाघवम्। अभ्यवर्तत तान् सर्वान् सौबलान् बलदर्पितः।। :॥
Iravat also proud of his strength, and displaying the lightness of his hands by whirling his sword, rushed against all those sons of Subala.

लाघवेनाथ चरतः सर्वे ते सुबलात्मजाः। अन्तरं नाभ्यगच्छन्त चरन्तः शीघ्रगैर्हयैः॥
Those sons of Subala, riding on fleet chargers could find no opportunity for striking Iravat moving as he was with great agility.

भूमिष्ठमथ तं संख्ये सम्प्रदृश्य ततः पुनः। परिवार्य भृशं सर्वे ग्रहीतुमुपचक्रमुः:॥
Then beholding Iravat standing on foot on the ground, those warriors surrounding him close, endeavored to capture him.

अथाभ्याशगतानां स खड़ेनामित्रकर्शनः। असिहस्तापहस्ताभ्यः तेषां गात्राण्यकृन्तत॥
once more Then Iravat, that slayer of foes, beholding them very near to himself, with his sword, cut off their right and left arms (lit: with which they wielded their swords and their bows respectively), and also mutilated their bodies.

आयुधानि च सर्वेषां बाहुनपि विभूषितान्। अपतन्तः निकृत्ताङ्गा मृता भूमौ गतासवः॥
Their weapons and their hands furnished with these, fell down on earth, and they themselves deprived of life and with their bodies mangled, fell down dead.

वृषभस्तु महाराज बहुधा विपरिक्षतः। अमुच्यत महारौद्रात् तस्माद् वीरावकर्तनात्॥
Only Vrishabha, O mighty monarch, with his body mangled with wounds, escaped, with difficulty, alive from that most terrible combat destructive of heroes.

तान् सर्वान् पतितान् दृष्ट्वा भीतो दुर्योधनस्ततः। अभ्यधावत संक्रुद्धो राक्षसं घोरदर्शनम्॥
Then your son Duryodhana beholding all those heroes crushed, waxing worth, said these words unto the Rakshasa of fearful appearance,

आय॑शृङ्गि महेष्वासं मायाविनमरिंदमम्। वैरिणं भीमसेनस्य पूर्वं बकवधेन वै॥
That fierce bowman, that subduer of foes, that one of great illusive energies, viz., Alambusha the son of Rishyashringa, who was the enemy of Bhimasena, in consequence of the latter's slaughter of Vaka.

पश्य वीर यथा ह्येष फाल्गुनस्य सुतो बली। मायावी विप्रियं कर्तुमकार्षीन्मे बलक्षयम्॥
'Behold O hero, how this puissant son of Arjuna, versed in illusions, has done me this terrible wrong in the shape of destroying my forces?

त्वं च कामगमस्तात मायास्त्रे च विशारदः। कृतवैरश्च पार्थेन तस्मादेन रणे जहि॥
You are also, O sire, capable of going every where at your unrestrained will and are also versed in all weapons of illusion; you are moreover the sworn enemy of Pritha's son; so slay me this one in battle.' Sworn

बाढमित्येवमुक्त्वा तु राक्षसो घोरदर्शनः। प्रययौ सिंहनादेन यत्रार्जुनसुतो युवा॥
Saying 'yea' (to Duryodhana's words), that Rakshasas of terrible appearance rushed, uttering his war-cries, to the spot where the youthful son of Arjuna was.

आरूढैयुद्धकुशलैर्विमलप्रासयोधिभिः। वीरैः प्रहारिभिर्युक्तैः स्वैरनीकैः समावृतः॥
Alambusha was supported by the heroic lancers of his own division, all accomplished in smiting and well-mounted, skillful in fight, bearing resplendent lances.

हतशेषैर्महाराज द्विसाहौर्हयोत्तमैः। निहन्तुकामः समरे इरावन्तं महाबलम्॥
He was desirous, O king, of slaying in battle the highly puissant Iravat, along with the two thousands excellent cavalry that survived the recent conflict.

इरावानपि संक्रुद्धस्त्वरमाणः पराक्रमी। हन्तुकामममित्रघ्नो राक्षसं प्रत्यवारयत्॥
The most agile and puissant Iravat also, that slayer of enemies, waxing worth began to resist the Rakshasa who was desirous of slaying him.

तमापतन्तं सम्प्रेक्ष्य राक्षसः सुमहाबलः। त्वरमाणस्ततो मायां प्रयोक्तुमुपचक्रमे॥
That Rakshasa (Alambusha) endued with great strength, beholding Iravat make towards himself, speedily began to put forth his illusions.

तेन मायामयाः सृष्टा हयास्तावन्त एव हि। स्वारूढा राक्षसैोरैः शूलपट्टिशधारिभिः॥
He then created, as many illusive chargers, all mounted by fierce Rakshasas, bearing in their hands lances and battle axes.

ते संरब्धाः समागम्य द्विसाहस्राः प्रहारिणः। अचिराद् गमयामासुः प्रेतलोकं परस्परम्॥
These two thousand well-disciplined smiters, advancing with wrath. and encountering Iravat's division, were both speedily dispatched to the regions of the departed.

तस्मिंस्तु निहते सैन्ये तावुभो युद्धदुर्मदौ। संग्रामे समतिष्ठेतां यथा वै वृत्रवासवौ॥
When both the divisions of Iravat and Alambusha were slain in battle, those two heroes, both formidable in battle, encountered each other like Indra and Vritra.

आद्रवन्तमभिप्रेक्ष्य राक्षसं युद्धदुर्मदम्। इरावानथ संरब्धः प्रत्यधावन्महाबलः॥
Seeing that Rakshasa invincible in battle make towards himself, the highly puissant Iravat, exited with wrath, began to resist him;

समभ्याशगतस्याजौ तस्य खङ्गेन दुर्मतेः। चिच्छेद कार्मुकं दीप्तं शरावापं च सत्वरम्॥
And when the former had come very near to him, with his sword he cut off that wicked one's bow and shafts into five fragments each.

स निकृत्तं धनुर्दृष्ट्वा खं जवेन समाविशत्। इरावन्तमभिक्रुद्धं मोहयन्निव मायया॥
Seeing his bow severed, he speedily mounted on the sky, confounding as it were with his illusive powers Iravat who was greatly excited with rage.

ततोऽन्तरिक्षमुत्पत्य इरावानपि राक्षसम्। विमोहयित्वा मायाभिस्तस्य गात्राणि सायकैः॥ चिच्छेद सर्वमर्मज्ञः कामरूपो दुरासदः। तथा स राक्षसश्रेष्ठः शरैः कृत्तः पुनः पुनः॥
Thereupon mounting on the sky, that unapproachable hero Iravat, versed in all duty and capable of assuming any from at will, confounding with his illusive powers that Rakshasa, cut off the latter's limbs in that battle. Thus was that foremost of Rakshasas cut into pieces again and again.

सम्बभूव महाराज समवाप च यौवनम्। माया हि सहजा तेषां वयो रूपं च कामजम्॥
But, O mighty monarch, Alambusha was again born anew, in the fullness of his youth. Illusion is natural with them (the Rakshasas) and their age and appearance are the result of their will. son

एवं तद् राक्षसस्याङ्गं छिन्नं छिन्नं बभूव ह। इरावानपि संक्रुद्धो राक्षसं तं महाबलम्॥ परश्वधेन तीक्ष्णेन चिच्छेद च पुनः पुनः। स तेन बलिना वीरश्छिद्यमान इरावता॥
Thus the limbs of the Rakshasa again and again cut to pieces, appeared very beautiful. Thereupon the enraged Iravat repeatedly cut that Rakshasa endued with great strength with his battle axe of exceeding sharpness. Cut like a tree by that powerful Iravat, that heroic.

राक्षसोऽप्यनदद् घोरं स शब्दस्तुमुलोऽभवत्। परश्वधक्षतं रक्षः सुस्राव बहु शोणितम्॥
Rakshasa uttered a dreadful roar; that created a terrible sound. Cut with the strokes of the battle-axes, the Rakshasa shed blood profusely.

ततश्चक्रोध बलवांश्चक्रे वेगं च संयुगे। आर्थ्यशृङ्गिस्तथा दृष्ट्वा समरे शत्रुमूर्जितम्॥
Thereafter that of Rishyashringa possessed of great strength, beholding his puissant antagonist blaze forth in that battle, became inflamed with fury and put forth his own powers in that battle.

कृत्वा घोरं महद् रूपं ग्रहीतुमुपचक्रमे। अर्जुनस्य सुतं वीरमिरावन्तं यशस्विनम्॥
Assuming a dreadful and prodigious form he tried to capture the son of Arjuna, namely the illustrious Iravat.

संग्रामशिरसो मध्ये सर्वेषां तत्र पश्यताम्। तां दृष्ट्वा तादृशीं मायां राक्षसस्य दुरात्मनः॥
In the very thick of the fright, before the very eyes of all the combatants, seeing that; illusion forth by that wicked-souled Rakshasa,

इरावानपि संक्रुद्धो मायां स्रष्टुं प्रचक्रमे। तस्य क्रोधाभिभूतस्य समरेष्वनिवर्तिनः॥
Iravat, highly excited with rage, himself began to create great illusions. Then when that unreceding hero was over-whelmed with rage in that battle,

योऽन्वयो मातृकस्तस्य स एनमभिपेदिवान्। स नागैर्बहुभी राजन्निरावान् संवृतो रणे॥
A Naga related to him through his mother came to his support; surrounded on all side by numerous Nagas, O king, in that battle,

दधार सुमहद् रूपमनन्त इव भोगवान्। ततो बहुविधैर्नागेश्छादयामास राक्षसम्॥
That Naga, assumed a prodigious form mighty like that of Ananta himself. Thereafter with those innumerable and diverse kinds of Nagas, he covered the Rakshasa.

छाद्यमानस्तु नागैः स ध्यात्वा राक्षसपुङ्गवः। सौपर्ण रूपमास्थाय भक्षयामास पन्नगान्॥
Thus surrounded by the Nagas, that foremost of the Rakshasas, reflecting for a while, assumed the form of Garuda and devoured all those serpents.

मायया भक्षिते तस्मिन्नन्वये तस्य मातृके। विमोहितमिरावन्तं न्यहनद् राक्षसोऽसिना॥
What that Naga, related to him through his mother's side had been thus devoured through the illusive powers of Alambusha, Iravat became confounded and the Rakshasa slew him with his sword.

सकुण्डलं समुकुटं पद्मेन्दुसदृशप्रभम्। इरावत: शिरो रक्षः पातयामास भूतले॥
Then that Rakshasa felled on the earth the head of Iravat graced with earrings and a diadem, and effulgent like the moon or the lotus.

तस्मिंस्तु विहते वीरे राक्षसेनार्जुनात्मजे। विशोकाः समपद्यन्त धार्तराष्ट्राः सराजकाः॥
When that heroic son of Arjuna had been slain by the Rakshasa, the sons of Dhritarashtra with all their partisan kings, were relieved of their anxiety.

तस्मिन् महति संग्रामे तादृशे भैरवे पुनः। महान् व्यतिकरो घोरः सेनयोः समपद्यत॥
In that great and dreadful battle between those two armics, awful was the carnage that then took place.

गजा हयाः पदाताश्च विमिश्रा दन्तिभिर्हताः। रथाश्वाः दन्तिनश्चैव पत्तिभिस्तत्र सूदिताः॥
Horses and elephants, and foot-soldiers, mixing with one another, was siain by the tuskers; and car-warriors, and horse-soldiers, and tuskers were also slain in that battle by foot-soldiers.

तथा पत्तिरथौघाश्च हयाश्च बहवो रणे। रथिभिनिहता राजंस्तव तेषां च संकुले॥
Then, O king, in that dreadful engagement, divisions of foot-soldiers and car-warriors and numerous horses, belonging to your as well as their (Pandavas) host, were slain by carwarriors.

अजानन्नर्जुनश्चापि निहतं पुत्रमौरसम्। जघान समरे शूरान् राज्ञस्तान् भीष्मरक्षिणः॥
Meanwhile Arjuna also unaware the fate of the son of his lions, slew that battle those heroic kings who were engaged in supporting Bhishma.

तथैव तावका राजन् संजयाश्च सहस्रशः। जुह्वतः समरे प्राणान् निजत्रुरितरेतरम्॥
Thereafter, O monarch, your warriors and the Srinjayas, by thousands, gave up their lives in battle slaying one another.

मुक्तकेशा विकवचा विस्थाश्छिन्नकार्मुकाः। बाहुभिः समयुध्यन्त समवेताः परस्परम्॥
Car-warrior, with disheveled hair, with their arrows, swords, and bows severed, fought on with their naked arms meeting one another.

तथा मर्मातिगैर्भीष्मो निजघान महारथान्। कम्पयन् समरे सेनां पाण्डवानां परंतपः॥
The highly powerful Bhishma also show in that battle mighty car-warriors with shafts capable of penetrating into the very vitals, agitating the whole host of the Pandavas.

तेन यौधिष्ठिरे सैन्ये बहवो मानवा हताः। दन्तिनः सादिनश्चैव रथिनोऽथ हयास्तथा॥
By him (Bhishma) many warriors and tuskers, and horse-soldiers and car-warriors and steeds of Yudhisthira's army, were slain.

तत्र भारत भीष्मस्य रणे दृष्ट्वा पराक्रमम्। अत्यद्भुतमपश्याम शक्रस्येव पराक्रमम्॥ तथैव भीमसेनस्य पार्षतस्य च भारत। रौद्रमासीद् रणे युद्ध सात्यकस्य च धन्विनः॥
In that battle, O Bharata, we beheld the prowess of Bhishma, of Bhimasena and also, O Bharata, of the son of Prishata. The battle that mighty bowmen of the Satvata race namely Satyaki, fought, was indeed very fierce.

दृष्ट्वा द्रोणस्य विक्रान्तं पाण्डवान् भयमाविशत्। एक एव रणे शक्तो निहन्तु सर्वसैनिकान्॥ किं पुनः पृथिवीशूर्योधव्रातः समावृतः।
Beholding the prowess of Drona, the Pandavas were seized with terror. Singlehanded can this Drona slay us in battle with all our soldiers; what to speak of him when he is supported by a large body of warriors of worldspread renown.

इत्युब्रुवन् महाराज रणे द्रोणेन पीडिताः॥ वर्तमाने तथा रौद्रे संग्रामे भरतर्षभ।
Even these were the words that the sons of Pritha said, O monarch, when o foremost of the Bharatas, they were greatly afflicted by him in that fierce fight.

उभयोः सेनयोः शूरा नामृष्यन्त परस्परम्॥ आविष्टा इव युध्यन्ते रक्षोभूता महाबलाः।
All the heroes endued with great strength, of those two armies, did not give or take quarter; they fought on as if possessed by Rakshasas or evil spirits.

तावकाः पाण्डवेयाश्च संरब्धास्तात धन्विनः॥ न स्म पश्यामहे कंचितं प्राणान् यः परिरक्षति। संग्रामे दैत्यसंकाशे तस्मिन् वीरवरक्षये॥
And, O sire, the bowmen of your army and those belonging to the army of the Pandavas, were all excited to the highest pitch of fury. We indeed did not then find any one pay the least heed to his life in that battle destructive of heroes, and that resembled the fight of the Daityas themselves.