Slaughter of Adityaketu and others

संजय उवाच भीष्मं तु समरे क्रुद्धं प्रतपन्तं समन्ततः। न शेकुः पाण्डवा दुष्टुं तपन्तमिव भास्करम्॥
Sanjaya said The Pandavas were unable to look at Bhishma burning like the solar disc, when inflamed with wrath he rushed to the thick of the) fight.

ततः सर्वाणि सैन्यानि धर्मपुत्रस्य शासनात्। अभ्यद्रवन्त गाङ्गेयं मर्दयन्तं शितैः शरैः॥
Thereafter the whole army, by the order of the son of Dharma, rushed against the son of Ganga when the latter was wounding them with whetted shafts.

स तु भीष्मोरणश्लाघी सोमकान् सहसंजयान्। पञ्चालांश्च महेष्वासान् पातयामास सायकैः॥
But Bhishma ever proud in battle, began to fell with his shafts, the Somakas, the Srinjayas and the Panchalas, all mighty wielders of the bow.

ते वध्यमाना भीष्मेण पञ्चाला: भीष्ममेवाभ्ययुस्तूर्णं त्यक्त्वा मृत्युकृतं भयम्॥
Through thus slaughtered by Bhishma, the Panchalas with the Somakas impetuously rushed against Bhishma, abandoning all fear of death.

स तेषां रथिनां वीरो भीष्मः शान्तनवो युधि। चिच्छेद सहसा राजन् बाहूनथ शिरांसि च॥
Then that foremost of car-warriors namely Bhishma the son of Shantanu, in that battle, O king, cut off the arms and heads of all those combatants.

सोमकैः सह। विरथान् रथिनश्चक्रे पिता देवव्रतस्तव। पतितान्युत्तमाङ्गानि हयेभ्यो हयसादिनाम्॥
Your sire Devavrata deprived car-warriors of their car; and the heads of horse-soldiers fell fast as they rode on their chargers.

निर्मनुष्यांश्च मातङ्गाशयानान् पर्वतोपमान्। अपश्याम महाराज भीष्मास्त्रेण प्रमोहितान्॥
We also beheld, O mighty monarch elephants deprived of their riders and fallen on the filled like so many hills and also paralyzed by the weapons of Bhishma.

न तत्रासीत् पुमान् कश्चित् पाण्डवानां विशाम्पते। अन्यत्र रथिनां श्रेष्ठाद् भीमसेनान्महाबलात्॥
Not a single person of the Pandava host remained there on the field of battle, except, O ruler of men that foremost of car-warriors namely Bhimasena endued with great prowess.

स हि भीष्मं समासाद्य ताडयामास संयुगे। ततो निष्टानको घोरो भीष्मभीमसमागमे॥ बभूव सर्वसैन्यानां घोररूपो भयानकः। तथैव पाण्डवाः हृष्टाः सिंहनादमथानदन्॥
Encountering Bhishma in battle, Bhima began to resist the former; a dreadful, fierce and deafening uproar arose among all the troops when Bhima and Bhishma thus encountered each another. Thereupon the Pandavas greatly delighted roared out their war-cries.

ततो दुर्योधनो राजा सोदर्यैः परिवारितः। भीष्मं जुगोप समरे वर्तमाने जनक्षये॥
Thereupon king Duryodhana surrounded by his uterine brothers, protected Bhishma when that battle destructive of creatures was raging furiously.

भीमस्तु सारथिं हत्वा भीष्मस्य रथिनां वरः। प्रद्रुताश्वे रथे तस्मिन् द्रवमाणे समन्ततः॥
Then that foremost of car-warriors Bhima, slew the charioteer of Bhishma; thereupon the steeds having none to check them ran away dragging the chariot.

सुनाभस्य शरेणाशु शिरश्चिच्छेद भारत। क्षुरप्रेण सुतीक्ष्णेन स हतो न्यपतद् भुवि॥
Then that slayer of enemies, Bhima, with an arrow of the shape of horse-shoe and of exceeding sharpness, cut off quickly the head of Sunabha; and the latter fell down on the ground.

हते तस्मिन् महाराज तव पुत्रे महारथे। नामृष्यन्त रणे शूराः सोदराः सप्त संयुगे॥
When that mighty car-warrior that fierce bowman namely your son Sunabha was slain in battle, O Sire, his other seven uterine brothers, all brave heroic, could not brook it in battle.

आदित्यकेतुर्बह्वाशी कुण्डधारो महोदरः। अपराजितः पण्डितको विशालाक्षः सुदुर्जयः॥
Adityaketu, Bahvashin, Kundadhara, Mahodara, Aparajita, Panditaka, and Vishalaksha, all difficult of being conquered in battle,

पाण्डवं चित्रसंनाहा विचित्रकवचध्वजाः। अभ्यद्रवन्त संग्रामे योद्धकामारिमर्दनाः॥
These seven grinders of foes, clad in coats of mail and owning wonderful armours and weapons, rushed to battle against the son of Pandu, desirous of fighting with him.

महोदरस्तु समरे भीमं विव्याध पत्रिभिः। नवभिर्वज्रसंकाशैनमुचिं वृत्रहा यथा॥
Then in that battle, Mahendra pierced Bhima with nine winged shafts resembling the thunder bolt itself, like the slayer of Vritra piercing Namuchi (in the days of yore).

आदित्यकेतुः सप्तत्या बह्वाशी चापि पञ्चभिः। नवत्या कुण्डधारच विशालाक्षश्च पञ्चभिः॥
Adityaketu pierced Bhima with seventy shafts, Bahvashin with five, Kundadhara with ninety and Vishalaksha with seven.

अपराजितो महाराज पराजिष्णुर्महारथम्। शरैर्बहुभिरान द् भीमसेनं महाबलम्॥
That conqueror of foes, namely Aparajita himself, O mighty monarch, that mighty carwarrior, pierced the highly powerful Bhimasena, with innumerable shafts.

रणे पण्डितकश्चैनं त्रिभिर्बाणैः समार्पयत्। स तन्न ममृषे भीमः शत्रुभिर्वधमाहवे॥
Panditaka pierced Bhima with three shafts in that battle. But Bhima did not tolerate these wounds inflicted by his enemies in that battle.

धनुः प्रपड्य वामेन करेणामित्रकर्शनः। शिरश्चिच्छेद समरे शरेणानतपर्वणा॥
Then that grinder of foes (Bhima) pressing his bow with his left hand, with a straight knotted shaft cut off in that battle, the head of,

अपराजितस्य सुनसं तव पुत्रस्य संयुगे। पराजितस्य भीमेन निपपात शिरो महीम्॥
Your son Aparajita, graced with a well formed nose. When he was thus conquered by Bhima, his head fell down on the ground.

अथापरेण भल्लेन कुण्डधारं महारथम्। प्राहिणोन्मृत्युलोकाय सर्वलोकस्य पश्यतः॥
Then the former, with another broad headed shaft, dispatched the mighty car-warrior Kundadhara to the region of Dead even before the very eyes of the troops.

ततः पुनरमेयात्मा प्रसंधाय शिलीमुखम्। प्रेषयामास समरे पण्डितं प्रति भारत॥
Then that one of immeasurable soul (Bhima), placing on his bow-string another shaft, sped it, O Bharata, against Panditaka in that battle.

स शरः पण्डितं हत्वा विवेश धरणीतलम्। यथा नरं निहत्याशु भुजग: कालचोदितः॥
That shaft slaying Panditaka penetrated into the earth, even as a serpent urged by fate, enters the earth having bitten a person whose hour has come.

विशालाक्षशिरश्छित्त्वा पातयामास भूतले। त्रिभिः शरैरदीनात्मा स्मरन् क्लेशं पुरातनम्॥
Thereafter that generous-hearted hero, O ruler of earth remembering the woe he (with his brothers) had to undergo, cutting off with three shafts the head of Vishalaksha felled it on the ground.

महोदरं महेष्वासं नाराचेन स्तनान्तरे। विव्याध समरे राजन् स हतो न्यपतद् भुवि॥
He also pierced the mighty car-warrior Mahendra with a long shaft between his breasts, and O king, (thus stricken), the latter fell down dead on the ground.

आदित्यकेतोः केतुं च छित्त्वा बाणेन संयुगे। भल्लेन भृशतीक्ष्णेन शिरश्चिच्छेद भारत॥
Severing the umbrella of Adityaketu with a shaft, Bhima cut down the former's head, O Bharata, with a broad-headed arrow of exceeding sharpness.

बह्वाशिनं ततो भीमः शरेणानतपर्वणा। प्रेषयामास संक्रुद्धो यमस्य सदनं प्रति॥
Thereafter inflamed with rage, with a straight knotted shaft Bhima dispatched Bahvashin to the abode of Death.

प्रदुद्रुवुस्ततस्तेऽन्य पुत्रास्तव विशाम्पते। मन्यमाना हि तत् सत्यं सभायां तस्य भाषितम्॥
Then O ruler of men, the rest of your sons fled away in all directions, considering that the words he had uttered in the assembly hall to be true.

ततो दुर्योधनो राजा भ्रातृव्यसनकर्शितः। अब्रवीत् तावकान् योधान् भीमोऽयं युधि वध्यताम्।।३१।
Thereupon king Duryodhana, afflicted with the calamity that had befallen hill brothers, commanded his troops saying "Slay this Bhima."

एवमेते महेष्वासाः पुत्रास्तव विशाम्पते। भ्रातृन् संदृश्य निहतान् प्रास्मरंस्ते हि तद् वच॥
Thus, O ruler of men, your sons, excellent bowmen, beholding their brothers slain, remembered the words,

यदुक्तवान् महाप्राज्ञः क्षत्ता हितमनामयम्। तदिदं समनुप्राप्तं वचनं दिव्यदर्शिनः॥
Salutary and whole some, that the wonderfully wise Kshatriya had said. Those words of that true speaking one has now been realised,

लोभमोहसमाविष्टः पुत्रप्रीत्या जनाधिप। न बुध्यसे पुरा यत् तत् तथ्यमुक्तं वचो महत्॥
Words, beneficial and true, to which you paid no heed in past days, being possessed by covetousness and folly, as also, O lord of wealth, by the affection for your sons.

तथैव च वधार्थाय पुत्राणां पाण्डवो बली। नूनं जातो महाबाहुर्यथा हन्ति स्म कौरवान्॥
From the in thich that hero (Bhima) of longaiiii, . . .....nungine Kauravas, it may be asserted that mighty son of Pandu has surely taken his birth for the destruction of your sons.

ततो दुर्योधनो राजा भीष्ममासाद्य संयुगे। दुःखेन महताऽऽविष्टो विललाप सुदुःखितः॥
Thereafter king Duryodhana possessed with overwhelming grief, approached Bhishma, and O Sire, began to lament before him in great sorrow.

निहता भ्रातरः शूरा भीमसेनेन मे युधि। यतमानास्तथान्येऽपि हन्यन्ते सर्वसैनिकाः॥
“My heroic brothers have all been slain in battle by Bhimasena; and other soldiers, through striving their best of resist him, are all being slain and slaughtered.

भवांश्च मध्यस्थतया नित्यमस्मानुपेक्षते। सोऽहं कुपथमारूढः पश्य दैवमिदं मम॥
Though you are always in our midst, yet always neglect us. Alas! what a wrong course have I taken! Behold my evil Destiny!”

एतच्छ्रुत्वा वचः क्रूरं पिता देवव्रतस्तव। दुर्योधनमिदं वाक्यमब्रवीत् साश्रुलोचनः॥
Sanjaya said Hearing this, your father Devavrata, inflamed with rage, said these words in Suyodhana, with his eyes overflowing with tears.

उक्तमेतन्मया पूर्वं द्रोणेन विदुरेण च। गान्धार्या च यशस्विन्या तत् त्वं तात न बुद्धवान्॥
Bhishma said Even this had been said before by myself, by Drona, by Vidura and by the illustrious lady Gandhari. But then, O Sire, you did not pay any heed to it.

समयश्च मया पूर्वं कृतो वै शत्रुकर्शन। नाहं युधि नियोक्तव्यो नाप्याचार्यः कथंचन॥
O Grinder of foes, I have made arrangements with you that, neither myself nor the preceptor Drona shall survive this war.

यं यं हि धार्तराष्ट्राणां भीमो द्रक्ष्यति संयुगे। हनिष्यति रणे नित्यं सत्यमेतद् ब्रवीमि ते॥
I tell you truly that, every one of ihe host of Dhritarashtra whom Bhima will deer in battle, he will slay in fight.

स त्वं राजन् स्थिरो भूत्वा रणे कृत्वा दृढां मतिम्। योधयस्व रणे पार्थान् स्वर्गं परायणम्॥
Therefore, O king, with all your patience, and forming a firm resolution for battle, do you fight with the sons of Pritha, loO king upon paradise as your final goal.

न शक्याः पाण्डवा जेतुं सेन्ट्रैरपि सुरासुरैः। तस्माद् युद्धे स्थिरां कृत्वा मतिं युद्ध्यस्व भारत॥
The sons of Pandu cannot be vanquished even by the celestial headed by Indra himself. Therefore, o Bharata, forming a firm determination for fight, do you fight on (with the Pandavas).