Breaking of Chitrasena's car

संजय उवाच त ताड्यमानस्तु शरैर्धनंजयः पदा हतो नाग इव श्वसन् बली। बाणेन बाणेन महारथानां चिच्छेद चापानि रणे प्रसा॥
Sanjaya said Then the highly powerful Dhananjaya wounded with those arrows, breathing like a trodden snake, forcibly cut off, in that battle, the bows bows to those mighty car-warriors, discharging shaft after shaft.

संछिद्य चापानि च तानि राज्ञां तेषां रणे वीर्यवतां क्षणेन। विव्याध बाणैर्युगपन्महात्मा नि:शेषतां तेष्वथ मन्यमानः॥
Within a moment having severed the bows of those highly powerful monarchs in the battle, O king, that illustrious hero setting his mind upon their destruction began to pierce them simultaneously with his arrows.

स्ते ताडिताः शक्रसुतेन राजन्। विभिन्नगात्रा: पतितोत्तमाङ्गा गतासवश्छिन्नतनुत्रकायाः॥
Wounded by the son of Shakra (Arjuna), O king, they rolled on the field weltering in their blood, with their bodies mutilated, their heads severed their armours shattered and their lives takes out of them.

महीं गताः पार्थबलाभिभूता विचित्ररूपा युगपद् विनेषुः। स्त्रिगर्तराजः प्रययौ रथेन॥
Many, of them afflicted with the arrows shot by the son of Pritha (Arjuna), fell down on the earth; and undergoing diverse contortions simultaneously gave up their lives. Beholding those princes slair in battle, the ruler of the Trigartas proceeded (to battle) riding on his own car.

तेषां रथानामथ पृष्ठगोपा द्वात्रिंशदन्येऽभ्यपतन्त पार्थम्। तथैव ते तं परिवार्य पार्थं विकृष्य चापानि महारवाणि॥
Then thirty two of those car-warriors, protecting his (Trigarta king's) rear, rushed at the son of Pritha. Thereafter those warriors encircled Pritha's son and drawing their bows emitting fierce twangs,

अवीवृषन् बाणमहौघवृष्ट्या यथा गिरि तोयधरा जलौघैः। सम्पीड्यमानस्तु शरौघवृष्ट्या धनंजयस्तान् युधि जातरोषः॥
Covered the latter with a thick shower of arrows, just as clouds charged with rain drench with showers of their contents the mountain breast. Afflicted with that shower of arrows, Dhananjaya inflamed with rage in that battle,

जघान तानप्यथ पृष्ठगोपान्। रथांश्च तांस्तानवजित्य संख्ये धनंजयः प्रीतमना यशस्वी॥
With sixty shafts, cleansed with oil, slew all those warriors protecting the rear of the Trigarta king. Vanquishing those sixty carwarriors in battle, filled with delight, the illustrious Dhananjaya,

अथात्वरद् बलानि राजन् समरे निहत्य। त्रिगर्तराजो निहतान् समीक्ष्य महात्मना तानथ बन्धुवर्गान्॥
Ever-attended with victory, hide to slay Bhishma, having slain that division of kings. The king of the Trigaretas beholding those mighty car-warriors, his friends slain,

रणे पुरस्कृत्य नराधिपांस्तान् जगाम पार्थं त्वरितो वधाय। अभिद्रुतं चास्त्रभृतां वरिष्ठ धनंजयं वीक्ष्य शिखण्डिमुख्या:॥
Speedily advanced towards the son of Pritha in order to slay him, placing in his front large number of kings. Beholding that foremost of those versed in the use of weapons, namely Dhananjaya, thus assailed, the Pandava warriors headed by Shikhandin,

अभ्युद्ययुस्ते शितशस्त्रहस्ता रिरक्षिषन्तो रथमर्जुनस्य। पार्थोऽपि तानापतत: समीक्ष्य त्रिगर्तराज्ञा सहितान् नृवीरान्॥
Grasping in their hand well-sharpened weapons, rushed in battle desirous of protecting the car of Arjuna. Beholding those king make towards himself, the son of Pritha,

विध्वंसयित्वा समरे धनुष्मान् गाण्डीवमुक्तैर्निशितैः पृषत्कैः। भीष्मं यियासुर्युधि संददर्श दुर्योधनं सैन्धवादींश्च राज्ञः॥ संवारयिष्णूनभिवारयित्वा मुहूर्तमायोध्य बलेन वीरः।
That fierce bowman, destroyed them in battle, with arrows of exceeding sharpness shot from the Gandiva bow. Desirous of encountering Bhishma in battle, Dhananjaya then observed many kings including Duryodhana and the ruler of the Sindhus.

उत्सृज्य राजानमनन्तवीर्यो जयद्रथादींश्च नृपान् महौजाः॥ ययौ ततो भीमबलौ मनस्वी गाङ्गेयमाजौ शरचापपाणिः। युधिष्ठिरश्च प्रबलो महात्मा समाययौ त्वरितो जातकोपः॥
Then that highly powerful and wonderfullyintelligent hero of infinite prowess and great energy, fighting with them for a moment only and checking them, and then avoiding the king (Duryodhana) and Jayadratha and others, proceeded towards the son of Ganga, holding in his hands his bow and his arrows. Then the illustrious Yudhishthira of fierce prowess, excited with wrath speedily rushed to the battle.

मद्राधिपं समभित्यज्य संख्ये स्वभागमाप्तं तमनन्तकीर्तिः। भीष्मं ययौ शान्तनवं रणाय॥
Avoiding in battle the ruler of the Madras of infinite renown who was allotted to his share and who was his kinsmen, Yudhishthira accompanied by the sons Madri and also by Bhimasena, proceeded, desirous of battle, toward Bhishma the son of Shantanu.

तैः सम्प्रयुक्तैः स महारथाग्न्यै र्गङ्गासुतः समरे चित्रयोधी। न विव्यथे शान्तनवो महात्मा समागतैः पाण्डुसुतैः समस्तैः॥
Though assailed in battle by all the sons of Pandu, all mighty car-warriors united in a body, the son of Shantanu begotten upon Ganga, that high-souled warrior versed in all modes of warfare, flinched not in the least.

अथैत्य राजा युधि सत्यसंधो जयद्रथोऽत्युग्रबलो मनस्वी। चिच्छेद चापानि महारथानां प्रसह्य तेषां धनुषा वरेण॥
Then king Jayadratha, highly intelligent and endued with great strength, and never failing in his aims in battle, advancing upon those mighty car-warriors forcibly served their bows by means of his own excellent bow.

युधिष्ठिरं भीमसेनं यमौ च पार्थं कृष्णं युधि संजातकोपः। दुर्योधनः क्रोधविषो महात्मा जघान बाणैरनपलप्रकाशैः॥
Then the illustrious Duryodhana, having anger for his poison, waxing wrath in battle, wounded Yudhishthira, Bhima, Arjuna, and the twins (Nakula and Sahadeva) with arrows resplendent like fire itself.

कृपेण शल्येन शलेन चैव तथा विभो चित्रसेनेन चाजौ। देवा यथा दैत्यगणैः समेतैः॥
Pierced with arrows shot by Kripa, Shalya, Shala and Chitrasena, O master, the Pandava brothers excited to the highest pitch of fury, resembled the celestial wounded with arrows shot by the united hosts of the Daityas.

छिन्नायुधं शान्तनवेन राजा शिखण्डिनं प्रेक्ष्य च जातकोपः। अजातशत्रुः समरे महात्मा शिखण्डिनं क्रुद्ध उवाच वाक्यम्॥
Beholding Shikhandin with his bow severed by the royal son of Shantanu, the illustrious Ajatashatru (Yudhishthira) waxing worth, angrily said these words to the foriner.

महं हनिष्यामि महाव्रतं तम्। भीष्मं शरौधैर्विमलार्कवणैः सत्यं वदामीति कृता प्रतिज्ञा॥
Having said to me even before your father these words viz., 'I will slay with my showers of arrows of the effulgence of the resplendent sun, Bhishma of great vows. This I say you forsooth, you made a promise.'

त्वया च नैनां सफलां करोषि देवव्रतं यन्न नहंसि युद्धे। मिथ्याप्रतिज्ञो भव माऽत्र वीर रक्ष स्वधर्मं स्वकुलं यशश्च॥
You have not redeemed that promise of yours, in as much as you have not yet slain Devavrata in battle. O hero, be not of a man of empty promises. Preserve your virtue, your race and your fame.

प्रेक्षस्व भीष्मं युधि भीमवेगं सर्वांस्तपन्त मम सैन्यसंघान्। शरौघजालैरतितिग्मवेगैः कालं यथा कालकृतं क्षणेन॥
Behold Bhishma of tremendous impetuosity falling upon my host of troops destroying it with a shower of arrows of excessive effulgence, like the Destroyer himself destroying everything in a moment,

निकृत्तचापः समरेऽनपेक्षः पराजितः शान्तनवेन चाजौ। विहाय बन्धूनथ सोदरांश्च क्व यास्यसे नानुरूपं तवेदम्॥
Having your bow severed, shunning the fight, vanquished by the royal son of Shantanu, whither are you going forsaking your friends and your uterine brothers? this does not befit you.

दृष्ट्वा हि भीष्मं तमनन्तवीर्य भग्नं च सैन्यं द्रवमाणमेवम्। भीतोऽसि नूनं दुपदस्य पुत्र तथा हि ते मुखवर्णोऽप्रहृष्टः॥
Beholding Bhishma of infinite prowess and seeing this army broken and routed, O son of Drupada, you are indeed seized with panic, in as much as your countenance has assumed a pallid hue.

अज्ञातमाने च धनंजयेऽपि महाहवे सम्प्रसक्ते नृवीरे। कथं हि भीष्मात् प्रथितः पृथिव्यां भयं त्वमद्य प्रकरोषि वीर॥
But, behold, O hero Dhananjaya has engaged in dreadful fight with Bhishma even without your knowledge. Celebrated through out the world, why today, O hero are you afraid to Bhishma?

स धर्मराजस्य वचो निशम्य रुक्षाक्षरं विप्रलापानुबद्धम्। प्रत्यादेशं मन्यमानो महात्मा प्रतत्वरे भीष्मवधाय राजन्।॥
Hearing this hard-worded speech full of instructions delivered by the very various king Yudhishthira, that high-souled hero Shikhandin considering it to be good counsel, hastened, O king, to bring about the slaughter of Bhishma.

तमापतन्तं महता जवेन शिखण्डिनं भीष्ममभिद्रवन्तम्। मस्त्रेण घोरेण सुदुर्जयेन॥
When Shikhandin had been thus advancing with great momentum to fall upon Bhishma, Shalya checked him with a weapon dreadful and difficult of being baffled.

मस्त्रं युगान्ताग्निसमप्रकाशम्। न सम्मुमोह द्रुपदस्य पुत्रो राजन् महेन्द्रप्रतिमप्रभावः॥
Beholding that weapon effulgent like the fire that appears at the Yuga's end (for destroying the world) shot at him, the son of Drupada, of prowess resembling that of the great Indra, was not at all confounded.

शरैस्तदस्त्रं प्रतिबाधमानः। अथाददे वारुणमन्यदस्त्रं शिखण्ड्यथोग्रं प्रतिघातमस्य॥
On the other hand, that fierce bowman stood there restating that weapon with numerous arrows. Thereafter Shikhandin fixed on his bow-string the Varuna weapon that was capable of counteracting (the fiery weapon of Shalya).

तदस्त्रमस्त्रेण विदार्यमाणं खस्थाः सुरा ददृशुःपार्थिवाश्च। भीष्मस्तु राजन् समरे महात्मा धनुश्च चित्रं ध्वजमेव चापि॥ छित्त्वाऽनदत् पाण्डुसुतस्य वीरो युधिष्ठिरस्याजमीढस्य राज्ञः। ततः समुत्सृज्य धनुः सबाण युधिष्ठिरं वीक्ष्य भयाभिभूतम्॥
The celestial in the heavens and the rulers of the earth, all beheld that weapon (fiery darc of Shalya) baffled by Shikhandin's (Varuna) arrow. In that battle, O king, the high-souled and heroic Bhishma also uttered his war-cry having cut off the bow and wonderfully variegated standard of the royal son of Pandu viz., Yudhishthira of the Ajamida race. Thereupon seeing Yudhishthira overwhelmed with fear, leaving aside his bow and his arrows,

गदां प्रगृह्याभिपपात संख्ये जयद्रथं भीमसेनः पदातिः। तमापतन्तं सहसा जवेन जयद्रथः सगदं भीमसेनम्॥ विव्याध घोरैर्यमदण्डकल्पैः शितैः शरैः पञ्चशतैः समन्तात्। अचिन्तयित्वा स शरांस्तरस्वी वृकोदरः क्रोधपरीतचेताः॥
And grasping a mace, Bhimasena rushed on foot against Jayadratha in that battle. Then Jayadratha simultaneously pierced Bhimasena who was thus furiously rushing at him with a mace in hand with five hundred sharp-pointed terrible shafts, each resembling the mace of the Destroyer himself. Without paying the least heed to those arrows, the highly active Vrikodara with heart burning in wrath,

जघान वाहान् समरे समन्तात् पारावतान् सिन्धुराजस्य संख्ये। स्तवात्मजस्त्वरमाणो रथेन॥ अभ्याययौ भीमसेनं निहन्तुं समुद्यतास्त्रोः सुरराजकल्पः। भीमोऽप्यथैनं सहसा विनद्य प्रत्युद्ययौ गदया तर्जयानः॥
Slew in that battle all the steeds of the king of the Shindhus, steeds that resembled (in speed) pegions themselves. Then your son Chitrasena of unequaled prowess and resembling the sovereign of the celestial himself, beholding, Bhimasena, rushed to battle with a view to slay the latter, riding swift on his car and with weapons raised over head Bhimasena also, roaring and uttering his warcry, rushed against him mace in hand.

समुद्यतां तां यमदण्डकल्पां दृष्ट्वा गदां ते कुरवः समन्तात्। विहाय सर्वे तव पुत्रमुग्रं पातं गदायाः परिहर्तुकामाः॥
Beholding that mace, resembling the mace of Death himself, thus raised overhead (by Bhishma), every one of the Kuru warriors, eager to avoid its fall, deserting the van of your son,

अपक्रान्तास्तुमुले सम्प्रमर्दे सुदारुणे भारत मोहनीये। अमूढचेतास्त्वथ चित्रसेनो महागदामापतन्तीं निरीक्ष्य॥
Fled in all directions, in that confounding dreadful and ruthless crush of combatants. O Bharata, your son Chitrasena beholding that mighty mace course towards him, was not confounded at heart.

रथं स्वमुत्सृज्य पदातिराजौ प्रगृह्य खङ्गं विपुलं च चर्म। ज्जगामान्यं भूमिप भूमिदेशम्॥
Grasping a resplendent sword and a buckler, Chitrasena leaving his car and jumping down from the crest of a cliff, stood on his legs on the field of the battle.

गदाऽपि सा प्राप्य रथं सुचित्रं सावं ससूतं विनिहत्य संख्ये। जगाम भूमिं ज्वलिता महोल्का भ्रष्टाम्बराद् गामिव सम्पतन्ती॥
Meanwhile that mace falling upon that beautiful car with its steeds and elephants, crushed it in battle, and fell on the ground like a blazing and fierce meteor dropping down from the skies.

आश्चर्यभूतं सुमहत् त्वदीया दृष्ट्वैव तद् भारत सम्प्रहृष्टाः। सर्वे विनेदुः सहिताः समन्तात् पुपूजिरे तव पुत्रस्य शौर्यम्॥
Seeing that very wonderful feat achieved by your son), your warriors, O Bharata, were filled with delight; and they untidily uttered their war-cries and began to praise your son.