The single combats,

संजय उवाच तथा प्रवृत्ते संग्रामे निवृत्ते च सुशर्मणि। भग्नेषु चापि वीरेषु पाण्डवेन महात्मना॥
Sanjaya said When the battle thus raged, when Susharma had turned away from the battle when the highsouled son of Pandu (Arjuna) had broken your ranks,

क्षुभ्यमाणे बले तूर्णं सागरप्रतिमे तव। प्रत्युद्याते च गाङ्गेये त्वरितं विजयं प्रति॥
When your army resembling the mighty main had been greatly agitated, and when the son of Ganga had swiftly advanced towards Vijaya,

दृष्ट्वा दुर्योधनो राजा रणे पार्थस्य विक्रमम्। त्वरमाणः समभ्येत्य सर्वांस्तानब्रवीनृपान्॥
King Duryodhana, beholding the prowess of the son of Pritha in that battle hastily approaching all those kings thus addressed them all:

तेषां तु प्रमुखे शूरं सुशर्माणं महाबलम्। मध्ये सर्वस्य सैन्यस्य भृशं संहर्षयन्निव॥
Also, addressing the heroic Susharma endued with great strength, and stationed at their head, Duryodhana said these words, amidst all the soldiers, impairing delight to them all.

एष भीष्मः शान्तनवो योद्धुकामो धनंजयम्। सर्वात्मना कुरुश्रेष्ठस्त्यक्त्वा जीवितमात्मनः॥
This Bhishma, this son of Shantanu, this foremost of the Kurus, has resolved to fight with Dhananjaya, heedless of his very life and to the best of his abilities,

तं प्रयान्तं रणे वीरं सर्वसैन्येन भारतम्। संयत्ताः समरे सर्वे पालयध्वं पितामहम्॥
Do you all, putting forth all your energies in battle, and supported by your respective division, protect the grandsire of the Bharatas, as he rushes against the army of the enemy.

बाढमित्येवमुक्त्वा तु तान्यनीकानि सर्वशः। नरेन्द्राणां महाराज समाजग्मुः पितामहम्॥
Saying 'Yea' all those divisions, let by foremost of kings, O mighty monarch moved near the grandsire.

ततः प्रयात: सहसा भीष्मः शान्तनवोऽर्जुनम्। रणे भारतयामायन्तमाससाद महाबलः॥
Thereupon the son of Shantanu viz., Bhishma, while thus advancing suddenly encountered the mighty Arjuna of the Bharata race, coming towards himself.

महाश्वेताश्वयुक्तेन भीमवानरकेतुना। महता मेघनादेन रथेनातिविराजता।॥ समरे सर्वसैन्यानामुपयान्तं धनंजयम्। अभवत् तुमुलो नादो भयादृष्ट्वा किरीटिनम्॥
Riding on his highly resplendent chariot that bore the standard marked with the emblem of the mighty ape to which were yoked mighty white steeds and that produced a clatter resembling the rumble of clouds. Beholding the diadem-decked Dhananjaya rush to battle, all your troops seized with panic, set up a dreadful uproar.

अभीषुहस्तं कृष्णं च दृष्ट्वाऽऽदित्यमिवापरम्। मध्यंदिनगतं संख्ये न शेकुः प्रतिवीक्षितुम्॥
Beholding Krishna resembling another Aditya and holding the reins in his hands, look like the sun in the meridian, your soldiers were unable to fix their eyes on him.

तथा शान्तनवं भीष्मं श्वेताश्वं श्वेतकार्मुकम्। न शेकुः पाण्डवा द्रष्टुं श्वेतं ग्रहमिवोदितम्॥
So also the troops of the Pandavas were unable to gaze at Bhishma the son of Shantanu, borne by white steeds, holding a white bow, and loO king like the white planet (Shukra) rising in the skies.

स सर्वतः परिवृतस्त्रिगर्तेः सुमहात्मभिः। भ्रातृभिः सह पुत्रैश्च तथान्यैश्च महारथैः॥
He was also surrounded on all sides by the Trigartas of high-soul, along with their brothers, sons, and many other car-warrior.

भारद्वाजस्तु समरे मत्स्यं विव्याध पत्रिणा। ध्वजं चास्य शरेणाजौ धनुश्चैकेन चिच्छिदे॥
Meanwhile the son of Bharadvaja in that conflict, pierced the king of the Matsyas with one winged arrow; and he cut down the bow and the standard of the latter with one shaft each.

तदपास्य धनुश्छिन्नं विराटो वाहिनीपतिः। अन्यदादत्त वेगेन धनुर्भारसहं दृढम्॥
Thereupon Virata the leader of a division leaving aside his served bow, hastily grasped another of tougher make and capable of bearing great stain.

शरांश्चाशीविषाकाराज्वलितान् पन्नगानिव। द्रोणं त्रिभिश्च विव्याध चतुर्भिश्चास्य वाजिनः॥
As also, arrows of the shape of snakes of virulent poison, and resembling blazing serpents. In return, he pierced Drona with three shafts, his steeds with four,

ध्वजमेकेन विव्याध सारथिं चास्य पञ्चभिः। धनुरेकेषुणाविध्यत् तत्राक्रुध्यद् द्विजर्षभः॥
His standard with one, and his charioteer with five. Virata also pierced the bow of Drona with one shaft. Thereupon the foremost of the regenerates, Drona, waxed irascible.

तस्य द्रोणोऽवधीदश्वाशरैः संनतपर्वभिः। अष्टाभिर्भरतश्रेष्ठ सूतमेकेन पत्रिणा॥
Thereafter with eight straight-knotted shaft, Drona slew Virata's steeds, and, O foremost of the Bharatas, his charioteer also with one shaft furnished with wings.

स हताश्वादवप्लुत्य स्यन्दनाद्धतसारथिः। आरुरोह रथं तूर्णं पुत्रस्य रथिनां वरः॥
Thereat that foremost of car-warrior viz., Virata, jumping down from his chariot of which the driver and the steeds had been slain, swiftly ascended the car of Sankha.

ततस्तु तौ पितापुत्रौ भारद्वाजं रथे स्थितौ। महता शरवर्षेण वारयामासतुर्बलात्॥
Then, the father and the son (Virata and Sankha) riding on the same car, putting forth all their energies, endeavored to check the son of Bharadvaja with a mighty shower of arrows.

भारद्वाजस्ततः क्रुद्धः शरमाशीविषोपमम्। चिक्षेप समरे तूर्णं शङ्ख प्रति जनेश्वर॥
Thereupon that highly-powerful son of Bharadvaja, waxing worth, with great lightness (of hand) hurled, in that battle, a shaft resembling a snake of virulent venom, at Sankha.

स तस्य हृदयं भित्त्वा पीत्वा शोणितमाहवे। जगाम धरणी बाणो लोहितार्द्रवरच्छदः॥
That arrow, penetrating through Shankha's heart and drinking his life, blood, struck on the ground with its body rocked in the crimson fluid.

स पपात रणे तूर्णं भारद्वाजशराहतः। धनुस्त्यक्त्वा शरांश्चैव पितुरेव समीपतः॥
Pierced by the shaft of Bharadvaja's son, Sankha quickly dropped down from his car, loosing hold of his bow and arrows and before the very presence of his father.

हतं तमात्मजं दृष्ट्वा विराट: प्राद्रवद् भयात्। उत्सृज्य समरे द्रोणं व्यात्ताननमिवान्तकम्॥
Beholding his own son slain, Virata, fled out of fear, leaving Drona in battle who then looked like Death himself with yawning jaws.

भारद्वाजस्ततस्तूर्ण पाण्डवानां महाचमूम्। दारयामास समरे शतथोऽथ सहस्रशः॥ शिखण्डी तु महाराज द्रौणिमासाद्य संयुगे। आजधान भ्रुवोर्मध्ये नाराचैस्त्रिभिराशुगैः॥
Thereafter in that battle, the son of Bharadvaja resisted, by hundreds and by thousand the mighty army belonging to the sons of Pandu. Shikhandin also, O mighty sovereign encountering the son of Drona in the conflict, wounded him between the brows with three swift coursing long shafts.

स बभौ रथशार्दूलो ललाटे संस्थितैस्त्रिभिः। शिखरैः काञ्चनमयैर्मेरुस्त्रिभिरिवोच्छ्रितैः॥
With those three arrows stuck on his forehead, that foremost of men (Drona's son) appeared beautiful like the Meru mountain decked with three golden peaks towering high.

अश्वत्थामा ततः क्रुद्धो निमेषार्धाच्छिखण्डिनः। ध्वजं सूतमथो राजंस्तुरगानायुधानि च॥ शरैर्बहुभिराच्छिद्य पातयामास संयुगे। स हताश्वादवप्लुत्य रथाद् वै रथिनां वरः॥
Thereupon waxing worth, within half the lime taken up by the wink, Ashvathama cut off in that combat Shikhandin's Shikhandin's charioteer, standard, horses and weapons covering them, O king, with innumerable arrows, then that foremost of car-warriors jumped down from the car of which, the steeds had been slain.

खङ्गमादाय सुशितं विमलं च शरावरम्। श्येनवद् व्यचरत् क्रुद्धः शिखण्डी शत्रुतापनः॥
Grasping a whetted and effulgent sword and buckler. Then that afflicter of foes, namely Shikhandin, waxing wroth began to move about on the field of battle like a hawk.

सखड्गस्य महाराज चरतस्तस्य संयुगे। नान्तरं ददृशे द्रौणिस्तदद्भुतमिवाभवत्॥
As he (Shikhandin) whirled about on the field, O mighty monarch, Drona's son could not find any vulnerable point, and this seemed indeed very wonderful.

ततः शरसहस्राणि बहूनि भरतर्षभ। प्रेषयामास समरे द्रौणिः परमकोपनः॥
Then, O foremost of the Bharatas, Drona's son inflamed with rage, sped, in that battle many thousands of shafts (against Shikhandin).

तामापतन्ती समरे शरवृष्टिं सुदारुणाम्। असिना तीक्ष्णधारेण चिच्छेद बलिनां वरः॥
Then that foremost of those possessed of prowess (Shikhandin) cut off with his sharpedged sword the dreadful shower of arrows that was falling fast upon him.

ततोऽस्य विमलं द्रौणिः शतचन्द्रं मनोरमम्। चर्माच्छिनदसिं चास्य खण्डयामास संयुगे॥
Thereafter the son of Drona cut off Shikhandin's glittering shield charming with a hundred moon, then in that battle he also shattered into pieces the latter's sword.

शितैस्तु बहुशो राजंस्तं च विव्याध पत्रिभिः। शिखण्डी तु ततः खङ्गं खण्डितं तेन सायकैः॥ आविध्य व्यसृजत् तूर्णं ज्वलन्तमिव पन्नगम्। तमापतन्तं सहसा कालानलसमप्रभम्॥
The O monarch he (Drona's son) pierced Shikhandin with myriad's of shafts furnished with wings. Thereat Shikhandin whirling the fragment of his sword splintered by the arrows (of Drauni), hurled it at the latter, like a blazing serpent. Beholding that fragment of the sword that then resembled the all destructive fire (at the end of a Yuga) come swiftly toward himself.

चिच्छेद समरे द्रौणिर्दर्शयन् पाणिलाघवम्। शिखण्डिनं च विव्याध शरैर्बहुभिरायसैः॥
The son of Drona cut in off in the battle, displaying great lightness of hand then also he pierced Shikhandin with many shafts made wholly of iron.

शिखण्डी तु भृशं राजस्ताङ्यमानः शितैः शरैः। आरुरोह रथं तूर्णं माधवस्य महात्मनः॥
Thus wounded sore with sharp arrows, Shikhandin quickly ascended, O monarch, the car of the high-souled Satyaki, that scion of the dynasty of Madhu.

सात्यकिश्चापि संक्रुद्धौ राक्षसं क्रूरमाहवे। अलम्बुषं शरैस्तीक्ष्णैर्विव्याध बलिना वरः॥
Then Satyaki, inflamed with wrath in that conflict, covered, on all sides, the ruthless Rakshasas Alambusha, with his dreadful arrows.

राक्षसेन्द्रस्ततस्तस्य धनुश्चिच्छेद भारत। अर्धचन्द्रेण समरे तं च विव्याध सायकैः॥
Thereat, O Bharata, that foremost of the Rakshasas cut off Satyaki's bow with a crescent-shaped arrow in that combat, and pierced the latter with numerous arrows.

मायां च राक्षसी कृत्वा शरवर्षैरवाकिरत्। तत्राद्भुतमपश्याम शैनेयस्य पराक्रमम्॥
Spreading an illusion through his Rakshasas prowess, he covered Satyaki with an arrow downpour. Then we did behold the wonderful prowess of the grandson of Shini.

असम्भ्रमस्तु समरे वध्यमानः शितैः शरैः। ऐन्द्रमस्त्रं च वार्ष्णेयो योजयामास भारत॥
In as much as though pierced in that battle, with those sharp arrows, he did not flinch in the least. Then that descendant of the Vrishni race, placed on his bow string the Indra weapon,

विजयाद् यदनुप्राप्तं माधवेन यशस्विना। तदस्त्रं भस्मसात् कृत्वा मायां तां राक्षसीं तदा॥
Which that renowned scion of Madhus race had obtained from Vijaya himself. That weapon then reducing into ashes the Rakshasis illusion,

अलम्बुषं शरैरन्यैरभ्याकिरत सर्वतः। पर्वतं वारिधाराभिः प्रावृषीव बलाहकः॥
Poured a shower of dreadful shafts of Alambusha from all sides, like clouds in the rainy season covering the mountain top with (thick showers of rain).

तत् तथा पीडितं तेन माधवेन यशस्विना। प्रदुद्राव भयाद् रक्षस्त्यक्त्वा सात्यकिमाहवे॥
Thus afflicted sore by that high souled scion of Madhu's race, the Rakshasa fled out of fear, leaving Satyaki (victorious) on the field.

तमजेयं राक्षसेन्द्रं संख्ये मघवता अपि। शैनेयः प्राणदज्जित्वा योधानां तव पश्यताम्॥
Then having vanquished that foremost of the Rakshasas who could not be vanquished even by Indra himself the grandson of Shini uttered a loud roar, even before the very eyes of your warriors.

न्यहनत् तावकांश्चापि सात्यकिः सत्यविक्रमः। निशितैर्बहुभिर्बाणैस्तेऽद्रवन्त भयार्दिताः॥
Then Satyaki of prowess incapable of being baffled, began to slaughter your warriors with many well-sharpened shafts; and afflicted with fear these latter began to break away.

एतस्मिन्नेव काले तु द्रुपदस्यात्मजो बलि। धृष्टद्युम्नो महाराज पुत्रं तव जनेश्वरम्॥ छादयामास समरे शरैः संनतपर्वभिः। स च्छाद्यमानो विशिखैद्धृष्टद्युम्नेन भारत॥
Meanwhile, that mighty son of Drupada, namely, Dhrishtadyumna, O king, in that battle covered your son, the ruler of men, with innumerable straight, knotted shafts. This covered with the shot by Dhrishtadyumna, O Bharata.

विव्यथे न च राजेन्द्र तव पुत्रो जनेश्वर। धृष्टद्युम्नं च समरे तूर्णं विव्याध पत्रिभिः॥ षष्ट्या च त्रिंशता चैव तदद्भुतमिवाभवत्। तस्य सेनापतिः क्रुद्धो धनुश्चिच्छेद मारिष॥
Your son, that lord of men, neither wavered nor was agitated with fear, on the other hand, he quickly pierced Dhrishtadyumna with arrows in that conflict. Numbering sixty (first) and thirty (next). all this seemed highly wonderful. Thereupon the generalissimo of the Pandavas, waxing wroth, O Bharata, cut off Duryodhana's bow.

हयांश्च चतुरः शीघ्रं निजघान महाबलः। शरैश्चैनं सुनिशितैः क्षिप्रं विव्याध सप्तभिः॥
Also that mighty car-warrior slew the four steeds of the latter in battle, and quickly pierced his person with seven shafts of exceeding sharpness. arrows

स हताश्वान्महाबाहुरवप्लुत्य रथाद् बली। पदातिरसिमुद्यम्य प्राद्रवत् पार्षतं प्रति॥
Thereupon that mighty-armed Duryodhana endued with great strength jumping down from his car the steeds of which were slain, rushed on foot towards Prishata's son with sword uplifted.

शकुनिस्तं समभ्येत्य राजगृद्धी महाबलः। राजानं सर्वलोकस्य रथमारोपयत् स्वकम्॥
At that moment the highly powerful Shakuni desirous of rescuing the king, approached the spot and placed the monarch on his car before the presence of all warriors.

ततो नृपं पराजित्य पार्षतः परवीरहा। न्यहनत् तावकं सैन्यं वज्रपाणिरिवासुरान्॥
Then vanquishing the Kuru king, Prishata's son that slayer of hostile heroes, began to slaughter your troops like the wielder of the thunder-bolt slaying the Asuras.

कृतवर्मा रणे भीमं शरैरार्छन्महारथः। प्रच्छादयामास च तं महामेघो रविं यथा।॥
Then in that battle, Kritavarma afflicted the inighty car-warrior Bhima, virtually covering the latter (with arrows), like masses of clouds covering the sun.

ततः प्रहस्य समरे भीमसेनः परंतपः। प्रेषयामास संक्रुद्धः सायकान् कृतवर्मणे॥
Thereupon that scorcher of foes Bhimasena, waxing irascible and smiling the while, shot, in that combat, myriad's of shafts towards Kritavarma.

तैरर्चमानोऽतिरथः सात्वतः सत्यकोविदः। नाकम्पत महाराज भीमं चार्मोच्छितैः शरैः॥
Wounded with those arrows that Atiratha of the Satvata race swelling with all prowess, quaked not, O mighty monarch but, on the other hand, pierced Bhima with many keen pointed arrows.

तस्याश्वांश्चतुरो हत्वा भीमसेनो महारथः। सारथिं पातयामास सध्वजं सुपरिष्कृतम्॥
Thereat the highly powerful Bhimasena slaying Kritavarma's four steeds felled his charioteer and his well cleansed standard.

शरैर्बहुविधैश्चैनमाचिनोत् परवीरहा। शकलीकृतसर्वाङ्गो हताश्वः प्रत्यदृश्यत॥
Then that slayer of hostile heroes (Bhima) pierced Kritavarma with arrows of diverse sorts; thus mangled and mutilated with arrows, the latter looked like a porcupine.

हताश्वश्च ततस्तूर्णं वृषकस्य रथं ययौ। श्यालस्य ते महाराज तव पुत्रस्य पश्यतः॥
Thereafter leaving his chariot of which the steeds were slain, Kritavarma ascended the car of your brother-in-law Vrishka, O monarch, before the yes of your son.

भीमसेनोऽपि संक्रुद्धस्तव सैन्यमुपाद्रवत्। निजधान च संक्रुद्धो दम्डपाणिरिवान्तकः॥
Bhimasena also, inflamed with wrath rushed at your troops; and excited to the highest pitch of fury he began to slaughter them like the god of Death himself wiclding his mace in his hands.