Commencement of the seventh day's battle

संजय उवाच अथात्मजं तव पुनर्गाङ्गेयो ध्यानमास्थितम्। अब्रवीद् भरतश्रेष्ठः सम्प्रहर्षकरं वचः॥
Sanjaya said Then, O foremost of the Bharatas, the son of Ganga, seeing your son plunged in thought, once more addressed these delightful words to him.

अहं द्रोणश्च शल्यश्च कृतवर्मा च सात्वतः। अश्वत्थामा विकर्णश्च भगदत्तोऽथ सौबलः॥
“Myself, Drona, Shalya, Kritavarma, of the Satvata race, Ashvathama, Vikarna, Somadatta with Shindhus.

विन्दानुविन्दावावन्त्यौ बाह्रीकः सह बाह्निकैः। त्रिगर्तराजो बलवान् मागधश्च सुदुर्जयः॥
And Vinda and Anuvinda of Avanti, and Balhika with the Balhikas, and the mighty king of the Trigartas and the formidable sovereign of the Magadhas,

बृहद्बलश्च कौसल्यश्चित्रसेनो विविंशतिः। रथाश्च बहुसाहस्राः शोभनाश्च महाध्वजाः॥
Brihadabala the ruler of the Kosalas Chitrasena, Vivingshati, with many thousand of car-warriors, decorated with tall standards,

देशजाश्च हया राजन् स्वारूढा हयसादिभिः। गजेन्द्राश्च मदोवृत्ताः प्रभिन्नकरटामुखाः॥
And a large number of country-born steeds, O king, mounted with excellent horse soldiers and innumerable huge elephants infuriate with shedding temporal juice from their temples and mouth.

पादाताश्च तथा शूरा नानाप्रहरणध्वजाः। नानादेशसमुत्पन्नास्त्वदर्थे योद्धुमुद्यताः॥
And many heroic foot-soldiers accomplished in the use of various kinds of weapons, and born in various countries, are all prepared to fight for your sake.

एते चान्ये च बहवस्त्वदर्थे त्यक्तजीविताः। देवानपि रणे जेतुं समर्था इति मे मतिः॥
These and many others, prepared to lay down their very lives for your sake, are I consider, capable of obtaining victory even over the gods in battle.

अवश्यं हि मया राजंस्तव वाच्य हितं सदा। अशक्याः पाण्डवा जेतुं देवैरपि सवासवैः॥
It is my bounded duty, O king, to tell always what will be for your good. The Pandavas are incapable of being vanquished even by the very gods led by Vasava himself.

वासुदेवसहायाश्च महेन्द्रसमविक्रमाः। सर्वथाऽहं तु राजेन्द्र करिष्ये वचनं तव॥
They are supported by the son of Vasudeva himself in battle, and are endued with prowess equal to that of the great Indra himself. But, O foremost of kings, I will ever carry out your commands.

पाण्डवांश्च रणे जेष्ये मां वा जेष्यन्ति पाण्डवाः। एकमुक्त्वा ददावस्मै विशल्यकरणी शुभाम्॥
Either I will conquer the Pandavas in battle, or they will conquer my”. Having thus spoken, Bhishma gave to Duryodhana the excellent herb called Vishalya Karanee, (that which kills all pain).

ओषधीं वीर्यसम्पन्नां विशल्यश्चाभवत् तदा। ततः प्रभाते विमले स्वेन सैन्येन वीर्यवान्॥ अव्यूहत स्वयं व्यूह भीष्मो व्यूहविशारदः। मण्डलं मनुजश्रेष्ठो नानाशस्त्रसमाकुलम्॥
That most efficacious remedy for healing all wounds. Therewith your son cured himself of all his wounds. Then at the fair dawn, the most powerful Bhishma that foremost of men accomplished in the are of arraying troops, formed with his own troops, the array called Mandala, bristling with the glitter of various kings of weapons.

सम्पूर्णं योधमुख्यैश्च तथा दन्तिपदातिभिः। रथैरनेकसाहौः समन्तात् परिवारितम्॥
The array teemed with excellent warriors, as also with tuskers and infantry and it was surrounded on all sides with many thousand cars.

अश्ववृन्दैर्महद्भिश्च ऋष्टितोमरधारिभिः। नागे नागे रथाः सप्त सप्त चाश्वा रथे रथे॥
And with large division of cavalry armed with scimitars and lances. Near every elephants were stationed seven car-warriors, and near every car were placed seven horsemen,

अन्वश्वं दश धानुष्का धानुष्के दश चर्मिणः। एवं व्यूढं महाराज तव सैन्यं महारथैः॥
Behind every horsemen were stationed ten bowmen, and behind each bowman were placed seven foot-soldiers. Thus, O monarch, your troops urged by mighty and great carwarriors.

स्थितं रणाय महते भीष्मेण युधि पालितम्। दशाश्वानां सहस्राणि दन्तिनां च तथैव च॥
Stood ready for the fierce encounter being protected by Bhishma. Then a thousand horseman, and as many tuskers. on

रथानामयुतं चापि पुत्राश्च तव दंशिताः। चित्रसेनादयः शूरा अभ्यरक्षन् पितामहम्॥
And ten thousand chariots, along with your heroic sons, all accounted in mail, headed by Chitrasena, supported the grandsire.

रक्ष्यमाणः स तैः शूरैर्गोप्यमानाश्च तेन ते। संनद्धाः समदृश्यन्त राजानश्च महाबलाः॥
It was seen that as Bhishma was supported by those heroic warriors themselves endued with great strength and clad in mail they were in their turn protect by the grandsire.

दुर्योधनस्तु समरे दंशितो रथमास्थितः। व्यराजत श्रिया जुष्टो यथा शक्रस्त्रिविष्टपे॥
Duryodhana also that battlefield, occupying his car and clad in mail, and endued with all grace, looked beautiful like Indra himself in paradise.

ततः शब्दो महानासीत् पुत्राणां तव भारत। रथघोषश्च विपुलो वादित्राणां च निस्वनः॥
Then, O Bharata, loud were the war cries uttered by your sons, and defending was clatter of chariots and the sound of the musical instruments.

भीष्मेण धार्तराष्ट्राणां व्यूढः प्रत्युङ्मुखो युधि। मण्डलः स महाव्यूहो दुर्भेद्योऽमित्रघातनः॥
Then that mighty and impenetrable Mandala, array of those slayers of enemies viz., the sons of Dhritarashtra, formed by Bhishma himself, began to march forward facing the west.

सर्वतः शुशुभे राजन् रणेऽरीणां दुरासदः। मण्डलं तु समालोक्य व्यूहं परमदुर्जयम्॥
Invulnerable in battle by the enemies, O monarch, that array appeared beautiful in every pare. Then beholding that formidable Mandala, array.

स्वयं युधिष्ठिरो राजा वज्रं व्यूहमथाकरोत्। तथा व्यूढेष्वनीकेषु यथास्थानमवस्थिताः॥
King Yudhishthira himself formed his troops in the array known as Vajra. Thus when the troops were thus formed into battle array, and were stationed in proper ranks.

रथिनः सादिनः सर्वे सिंहनादमथानदन्। बिभित्सवस्ततो व्यूहं निर्ययुयुद्धकाक्षिणः॥
The car-warriors and cavalry soldiers uttered their war-cries (resembling leonine roars). Then, desirous of battle fierce warriors began to leave their ranks.

इतरेतरतः शूराः सहसैन्याः प्रहारिणः। भारद्वाजो ययौ मत्स्यं द्रौणिश्चापि शिखण्डिनम्॥
And those heroes supported by their respective division, began to smite down one another. The son of Bharadvaja encoun the ruler of the Matsyas, and the son of Drona engaged Shikhandin.

स्वयं दुर्योधनो राजा पार्षतं समुपाद्रवत्। नकुलः सहदेवश्च मद्रराजनमीयतुः॥
King Duryodhana, himself rushed against the son of Prishata; the twins Nakula and Sahadeva proceeded against the king of the Madras.

विन्दानुविन्दावावन्त्याविरावन्तमभिद्रुतौ। सर्वे नृपास्तु समरे धनंजयमयोधयन्॥
Vinda and Anuvinda from Avanti went against king Iravat. All the other monarchs engaged Dhananjaya in battle.

भीमसेनो रणे यान्तं हार्दिक्यं समवारयत्। चित्रसेनं विकर्णं च तथा दुर्मर्षणं विभुः॥ आर्जुनिः समरे राजंस्तव पुत्रानयोधयत्। प्राग्ज्योतिषोमहेष्वासोहैडिम्बं राक्षसोत्तमम्॥
Putting forth all his exertions Bhimasena checked the son of Hridika in battle. Endued with great prowess Arjuna's son, O king engaged in battle, your sons viz., Chitrasena Vikarna, and Durmarshana. Against that fierce bow-man, viz., the ruler of the Pragjyotishas, Hidimba, the ruler of the Rakshasas.

अभिदुद्राव वेगेन मत्तो मत्तमिव द्विपम्। अलम्बुषस्तदा राजन् सात्यकिं युद्धदुर्मदम्॥ ससैन्यं समरे क्रुद्धो राक्षस: समुपाद्रवत्। भूरिश्रवा रणे यत्तो धृष्टकेतुमयोधयत्॥
Rushed with impetuosity, like an infuriate elephants mecting a compeer in the same state. Then O monarch, the Rakshasa Alambusha excited with wrath rushed in that battle, against Satyaki invincible in battle surrounded though he was with his own division. Exerting himself well, Bhurishravas engaged in that conflict Dhrishtaketu.

श्रुतागुषं च राजानं धर्मपुत्रो युधिष्ठिरः। चेकितानश्च समरे कृपमेवान्वयोधयत्॥
Yudhishthira, the son of Dharma, engaged king Shrutayush; and in that battle Chekitana fought with Kripa.

शेषाः प्रतियुर्यत्ता भीष्ममेव महारथम्। ततो राजसमूहास्ते परिवQर्धनंजयम्॥
The rest putting forth all their endeavors advanced against the mighty car-warrior Bhima. Thereafter thousand of monarchs surrounded Dhananjaya on all sides.

शक्तितोमरनाराचगदापरिघपाणयः। अर्जुनोऽथ भृशं क्रुद्धो वार्ष्णेयमिदमब्रवीत्॥
Wielding in their hands dares, lances arrows, maces, and bludgeons; threat, highly enraged, Arjuna addressed the descendant of the Vrishni race (Krishna) saying:

पश्य माधव सैन्यानि धार्तराष्ट्रस्य संयुगे। व्यूढानि व्यूहविदुषा गाङ्गेयेन महात्मना॥
"Behold, O Madhava, the troops of the sons of Dhritarashtra formed in battle array by the high-souled son of Ganga, who is versed in all the modes of forming soldiers in battle array,

युद्धाभिकामाशूरांश्च पश्य माधव दंशितान्। त्रिगर्तराजं सहितं भ्रातृभिः पश्य केशव।॥
Behold also, O Madhava, innumerable heroes all ardently longing for battle. Behold also, O Keshava, the king of the Trigartas supported by his brothers.

अद्यैतान् नाशयिष्यामि पश्यतस्ते जनार्दन। य इमे मां यदुश्रेष्ठ योद्धुकामा रणाजिरे॥
Today, before your very eyes, I will O Janardana, slay all these, O foremost of the Yadus, who are desirous of fighting with me in the battle".

एतदुक्त्वा तु कौन्तेयो धनुर्ध्यामवमृज्य च। ववर्ष शरवर्षाणि नराधिपगणान् प्रति॥
Having thus spoken, the on of Kunti, rubbing his bow-string poured an arrow downpour on those hosts of kings.

तेऽपि तं परमेष्वासाः शरवर्षैरपूरयन्। तडागं वारिधाराभिर्यथा प्रावृषि तोयदाः॥
Those fierce bowmen also covered him in return with showers of shafts, just as clouds, in the season of rain, fill the tanks with showers of rain.

हाहाकारो महानासीत् तव सैन्ये विशाम्पते। छाद्यमानौ रणे कृष्णौ शरैर्दृष्ट्वा महारणे॥
Then, O ruler of men, when in that great battle the two Krishna's were seen to be covered with fast-falling arrows, loud shouts of "Oh!” “Oh!” were heard in your troops.

देवा देवर्षयश्चैव गन्धर्वाश्च सहोरगैः। विस्मयं परमं जग्मुर्दृष्ट्वा कृष्णो तथागतौ॥
The celestial, the divine divine sages, the Gandharvas, and the mighty reptiles, were all overwhelmed with amazement beholding Krishna and Arjuna thus situated.

ततः क्रुद्धोऽर्जुनो राजन्नन्द्रमस्त्रमुदैरयत्। तत्राद्भुतमपश्याम विजयस्य पराक्रमम्॥
Thereafter waxing worth, Arjuna invoked, O king, the weapon called Indra: then wonderful was the prowess that we beheld of Vijaya.

शस्त्रवृष्टिं परैर्मुक्ता शरौधैर्यदवारयत्। न च तत्राप्यनिर्भिन्नः कश्चिदासीद् विशाम्पते॥
In as much as he baffled the thick shower of arrows discharged by his enemies with myriad of shafts shot by himself. There was none, O ruler of men, that was not wounded.

तेषां राजसहस्राणां हयानां दन्तिनां तथा। द्वाभ्यां त्रिभिः शरैश्चान्यान् पार्थो विव्याध मारिष॥
Among those thousands of kings, steeds and tuskers. The rest, O sire, the son Pritha pierced, each with two or three shafts.

ते हन्यमानः पार्थेन भीष्मं शान्तनवं ययुः। अगाधे मज्जमानानां भीष्मः पोतोऽभवत् तदा॥
While being thus slaughtered by the son of Pritha, they sought protection from the son of Shantanu, and then Bhishma became the rescuer of those warriors who resembled men sinking in the fathomless deep.

आपतद्भिस्तु तैस्तत्र प्रमग्नं तावकं बलम्। संचुक्षुभे महाराज वातैरिव महार्णवः॥
Then those flying and broken ranks of your arniy, moving and falling back upon the division of Bhima, created a great confusion in the latter ranks, like the raging tempest agitating the mighty main.