Description of Malyavat

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच मेरोरथोत्तरं पार्श्व पूर्वं चाचक्ष्व संजय। निखिलेन महाबुद्धे माल्यवन्तं च पर्वतम्॥
Dhritarashtra said O Sanjaya, O greatly intelligent one, tell me in detail about the country on the north and the east of the Meru and also about the Malyavat mountain.

संजय उवाच दक्षिणेन तु नीलस्य मेरोः पार्श्वे तथोत्तरे। उत्तराः कुरवो राजन् पुण्याः सिद्धनिषेविताः॥
Sanjaya said O king, on the south of the Nila mountain and on the north of the Meru are the sacred Northern Kurus where dwell the Siddhas,

तत्र वृक्षा मधुफला नित्यपुष्पफलोपगाः। पुष्पाणि च सुगन्धीनि रसवन्ति फलानि च॥
The trees there bear sweet fruits, and are always covered with flowers and fruits. All the flowers are of the sweetest fragrance and all the fruits are of the best taste.

सर्वकामफलास्तत्र केचिद् वृक्षा जनाधिप। अपरे क्षीरिणो नाम वृक्षास्तत्र नराधिप॥
O king, some of the trees produce fruits as one desires to cat. There are some trees that are called "Milk-yielding".

ये क्षरन्ति सदा क्षीरं षड्रसं चामृतोपमम्। वस्त्राणि च प्रसूयन्ते फलेष्वाभरणानि च॥
They always produce milk and the six different kinds of food with the taste of ambrosia. They also produce cloths, and their fruits are ornaments.

सर्वा मणिमयी भूमिः सूक्ष्मकाञ्चनवालुका। सर्वर्तुसुखसंस्पर्शा निष्पङ्का च जनाधिप।
The whole ground is covered with gems and golden sands. A certain part of this region which is extremely delightful is seen to be as radiant as the ruby or the diamond or the Vaidurya gem or other jewels or of the hue of the lotus. O king, all the seasons there are charming, and no part of its ground ever for comes miry.

पुध्यकरिण्यः शुभास्तत्र सुखस्पर्शा मनोरमाः॥ देवलोकच्युताः सर्वे जायन्ते तत्र मानवाः।
Its tanks are charming, delicious and full of pure water. The men born there have all come down from the land of the celestial.

शुक्लाभिजनसम्पन्नाः सर्वे सुप्रियदर्शनाः॥ मिथुनानि च जायन्ते स्त्रियश्चाप्सरसोपमाः।
All are of pure birth and all are exceedingly handsome. Husband and wife are born there and women there are like the Apsaras in beauty.

तेषां ते क्षीरिणां क्षीरं पिबन्त्यमृतसंनिभम्॥ मिथुनं जायते काले समं तच्च प्रवर्धते।
They drink the milk of these “Milkyielding” trees which is as sweet as the ambrosia. The pair grow up there equally.

तुल्यरूपगुणोपेतं समवेषं तथैव च॥ एकैकमनुरक्तं च चक्रवाकसमं विभो।
O king, they, both possessing equal beauty, both possessing equal virtues, both wearing equal dresses, grow up in great love like a pair of Chakravakas (birds).

निरामयाश्च ते लोका नित्यं मुदितमानसाः॥ दश वर्षसहस्राणि दश वर्षशतानि च। जीवन्ति ते महाराज न चान्योन्यं जहत्युत॥ भारुण्डा नाम शकुनास्तीक्ष्णतुण्डा महाबलाः। तान् निर्हरन्तीह मृतान् दरीषु प्रक्षिपन्ति च॥ उत्तराः कुरवो राजन् व्याख्यातास्ते समासतः।
The dwellers of this region are free from diseases. They are ever happy. O king, they live ten thousand and ten hundred years and they never abandon one another. A kind of birds called Bharunda of sharp beaks and of great strength takes them up when dead and throws them into the mountain caves. O king, I have now described to you the northern Kuru.

मेरोः पार्श्वमहं पूर्वं वक्ष्याम्यथ यथातथम्॥ तस्य मूर्धाभिषेकस्तु भद्राश्वस्य विशाम्पते।
I shall now describe to you the eastern side of the mountain Meru. O king, of all the regions there, one called Bhadrashva is the foremost.

भद्रसालवनं यत्र कालाम्रश्च महाद्रुमः॥ कालाम्रस्तु महाराज नित्यपुष्पफलः शुभः।
There is a large forest of Bhadrashva and also a very big tree called Kalamra. O king, this Kalamra is always full of fruits and flowers.

दुमश्च योजनोत्सेधः सिद्धचारणसेवितः। तत्र ते पुरुषाः श्वेतास्तेजोयुक्ता महाबलाः।
It is a Yojana in height. It is adorned by the Siddhas and the Charanas. The men there are all while. They possess great energy and great strength.

स्त्रियः कुमुदवर्णाश्च सुन्दर्यः प्रियदर्शनाः॥ चन्द्रप्रभाश्चन्द्रवर्णाः पूर्णचन्द्रनिभाननाः।
The women possess the complexion like that of lillies. They are very beautiful and charming. They possess the radiance of the morn; they are as white as the morn. Their faces are like full moon.

चन्द्रशीतलगायश्च नृत्यगीतविशारदाः॥ दश वर्षसहस्राणि तत्रायुर्भरतर्षभ।
Their bodies are as cool as the rays of the moon, They are all highly accomplished in singing and dancing. O foremost of the Bharata race the length of life here is ten thousand years.

कालाम्ररसपीतास्ते नित्यं संस्थितयौवनाः॥ दक्षिणेन तु नीलस्य निषधस्योत्तरेण तु।
They remain young for ever by drinking the juice of the Kalamra tree. On the north of the Nishadha.

सुदर्शनो नाम महाञ्जम्बूवृक्षः सनातनः॥ सर्वकामफलः पुण्यः सिद्धचारणसेवितः।
There is a very large Jambu tree by name of Sudarshana which is eternal. When adorned by the Siddhas and Charanas, that sacred tree grants every desire.

तस्य नाम्ना समाख्यातो जम्बूद्वीप: सनातनः॥ योजनानां सहस्रं च शतं च भरतर्षभ। उत्सेधो वृक्षराजस्य दिवस्पृङ्मनुजेश्वरः॥ अरत्नीनां सहस्रं च शतानि दश पञ्च च। परिणाहस्तु वृक्षस्य फलानां रसभेदिनाम्॥ पतमानानि तान्युर्वी कुर्वन्ति विपुलं स्वनम्।
This country has been named Jambudvipa after the name of this tree. O best of the Bharata race, O ruler of men, this tree is in height one thousand and one hundred Yojanas. It touches the very heavens. The circumference of a fruit of that free which bursts by itself when ripe is eleven thousand and five hundred cubits. In falling on the ground, they make a very loud noise.

मुञ्चन्ति च रसं राजेस्तस्मिन् रजतसंनिभम्॥ तस्या जम्ब्वाः फलरसो नदी भूत्वा जनाधिप।
O king, then they pour out a silvery juice on the ground. O king, that juice of the Jambu, becoming a river.

मेरुं प्रदक्षिणं कृत्वा सम्प्रयात्युत्तरान् कुरून्।॥ तत्र तेषां मन:शान्तिन पिपासा जनाधिप। तस्मिन् फलरसे पीते न जरा बाधते च तान्॥ तत्र जाम्बूनदं नाम कनकं देवभूषणम्। इन्द्रगोपकसंकाशं जायते भास्वरं तु तत्॥ तरुणादित्यवर्णाश्च जायन्ते तत्र मानवाः।
Passing round the Meru mountains comes to the country of the northern Kurus. If that juice is drunk, it gives peace of mind. No thirst is ever after felt. O king, old age never comes. A kind of gold called Jambunada is also produced there. They are used in making celestial weapons. They are very shining and look like the Indragopaka insccts. The men born there possess the complexion of the morning sun.

तथा माल्यवतः शृङ्गे दृश्यते हव्यवाट् सदा॥ नाम्ना संवर्तको नाम कालग्निर्भरतर्षभ।
O best of the Bharata race on the summit of the Malyavan is always seen the fire called Samvartaka, the fire that blazes forth at the end of a Yoga to destroy the universe.

तथा माल्यवतः शृङ्गे पूर्वपूर्वानुगण्डिका॥ योजनानां सहस्राणि पञ्चषण्माल्यवानथ।
o summit of the Malyavat, small mountains. O king, the Malyavat measures eleven thousand Yojanas.

महारजतसंकाशा जायन्ते तत्र मानवाः॥ ब्रह्मलोकच्युताः सर्वे सर्वे सर्वेषु साधवः।
The men born there possess complexion like gold. They have all descendent from the abode of Brahma, and thcy are all utterers of the Vedas.

तपस्तप्यन्ति ते तीव्र भवन्ति झूर्ध्वरेतसः। रक्षणार्थं तु भूतानां प्रविशन्ते दिवाकरम्॥
The undergo severe asceticism. They have their passions under complete control. They all enter the sun for the protection of creation.

षष्टिस्तानि सहस्राणि षष्टिरेव शतानि च। अरुणस्याग्रतो यान्ति परिवार्य दिवाकरम्॥
They are sixty six thousand in number. They proceed in front of Aruna and surrounded the sun.

षष्टि वर्षसहस्राणि षष्टिमेव शतानि च। आदित्यतापतप्तास्ते विशन्ति शशिमण्डलम्॥
Having been heated with the sun's rays for sixty six thousand years, they then enter the solar disc.