Withdrawal of the troops at the end of the fourth day's combat

संजय उवाच ततो भूरिश्रवा राजन् सात्यकिं नवभिः शरैः। प्राविध्यद् भृशसंक्रुद्धस्तोत्रैरिव महाद्विपम्॥
Sanjaya said Then, O monarch, inflamed with wrath he pierced Satyaki with nine arrows, like an elephant-driver piercing the animal with the iron hook.

कौरवं सात्यकिश्चैव शरैः संनतपर्वभिः। अवारयदमेयात्मा सर्वलोकस्य पश्यतः॥
Thereat, before the very eyes of the spectators, Satyaki of immeasurable soul shrouded with his arrows of straight-joints, him of the Kaurava host.

ततो दुर्योधनो राजा सोदर्यैः परिवारितः। सौमदत्तिं रणे यत्तः समन्तात् पर्यवारयत्॥
Thereupon king Duryodhana, encircled by his uterine brothers, surrounded (for supporting him) the son of Somadatta, who had been striving hard in the encounter.

तं चैव पाण्डवाः सर्वे सात्यकिं रभसं रणे! परिवार्य स्थिताः संख्ये समन्तात् सुमहौजसः॥
In the same manner, the Pandavas endued with great might, speedily forming themselves in a circle round Satyaki, stood (ready) in that battle.

भीमसेनस्तु संक्रुद्धौ गदामुद्यम्य भारत। दुर्योधनमुखान् सर्वान् पुत्रांस्ते पर्यवारयत्॥
Then, O Bharata, Bhimasena wrought up with wrath, with his upraised mace, opposed your sons headed by Duryodnana himself.

रथैरनेकसाहौः क्रोधामर्षसमन्वितः नन्दकस्तव पुत्रस्तु भीमसेनं महाबलम्॥ विव्याध विशिखैः षड्भिः कङ्कपत्रैः शिलाशितैः। दुर्योधनश्च समरे भीमसेनं महारथम्॥ आजघानोरसि क्रुद्धो मार्गणैर्नवभिः शितैः। ततो भीमो महाबाहुः स्वरथं सुमहाबलः॥ आरुरोह रथश्रेष्ठं विशोकं चेदमब्रवीत्। एते महारथाः शूरा धार्तराष्ट्राः समागताः॥
Supported by many thousand of cars, and excited with rage and fury, your son Nandaka pierced Bhimasena of great might with keenpointed shafts whetted on stone and winged with the feathers of the Kanka bird. Then also, O monarch, Duryodhana excited with rage, in that fierce fight, struck Bhimasena on the breast with nine whetted shafts. Thereafter the mighty-armed Bhimasena endued with superior strength mounted on his own most excellent chariot and thus addressed his charioteer Vishoka. These heroic and mighty carwarriors, these sons of Dhritarashtra endued with prowess.

मामेव भृशसंक्रुद्धा हन्तुमभ्युद्यता युधि। मनोरथद्रुमोऽस्माकं चिन्तितो बहुवार्षिकः॥ सफल: सूत चायेह योऽहं पश्यामि सोदरान्। यत्राशोक समुक्षिप्ता रेणवो रथनेमिभिः॥ प्रयास्यन्त्यन्तरिक्षं हि शरवृन्दैदिगन्तरे। तत्र तिष्ठति संनद्धः स्वयं राजा सुयोधनः॥ भ्रातरश्चास्य संनद्धाः कुलपुत्रा मदोत्कटाः। एतानद्य हनिष्यामि पश्यतस्ते न संशयः॥ तस्मान्ममाश्वान् संग्रामे यत्तः संयच्छ सारथे।
Excited with anger, are all striving to slay me in battle. Beholding ihose brothers of Duryodhana, I see tree of my desirous so long is now fruitful. O deprived of sorrow, where the dusts of chariots spread with shafts into all directions of the sky, Duryodhana stays for fight. Them will I undoubtedly slay today before your very eyes. Therefore, a charioteer, do you drive iny steeds carefully in this encounter.

एवमुक्त्वा ततः पार्थस्तव पुत्रं विशाम्पते।॥ विव्याध दशभिस्तीक्ष्णैः शरैः कनकभूषणैः। नन्दकं च त्रिभिर्बाणैरभ्यविध्यत् स्तनान्तरे॥
Having thus spoken, O ruler of men, the pointed shafts ornamented with gold. He also pierced Nandaka in return, in the centre of his breast, with three arrows.

तं तु दुर्योधनः षष्ट्या विद्ध्वा भीमं महाबलम्। त्रिभिरन्वैः सुनिशितैर्विशोकं प्रत्यविध्यत॥
Thereat Duryodhana, having pierced in return Bhima of superior strength with sin arrows, pierced Vishoka with another three well-sharpened shafts.

भीमस्य च रणे राजन् धनुश्चिच्छेद भासुरम्। मुष्टिदेशे भृशं तीक्ष्णैस्त्रिभिर्भल्लैर्हसन्निव॥
In that battle, O king, as if smiling, Duryodhana with these arrows cut off the effulgent bow of Bhima near the grasp.

समरे प्रेक्ष्य यन्तारं विशोकं तु वृकोदरः। पीडितं विशिखैस्तीक्ष्णैस्तव पुत्रेण धन्विना॥
Then in that battle, Bhima, beholding his charioteer Vishoka afflicted with shape shafts discharged by the mighty bowman, namely your son,

अमृष्यमाणः संरब्धो धनुर्दिव्यं परामृशत्। पुत्रस्य ते महाराज वधार्थं भरतर्षभ॥
And unable to brook it and inflamed with wrath, took up another bow of celestial make, in order, O mighty sovereign, O foremost of men, to encompass the death of your son.

समाधत्त सुसंक्रुद्धः क्षुरप्रं लोमवाहिनम्। तेन चिच्छेद नृपतेर्भीमः कार्मुकमुत्तमम्॥
Inflamed with wrath, he also took up an arrow with a horse-shoe head, furnished with feathery wings, and with it Bhima severed the excellent bow of the king (Duryodhana).

सोऽपविद्ध्य धनुश्छिन्नं पुत्रस्ते क्रोधमूर्छितः। अन्यत् कार्मुकमादत्त सत्वरं वेगवत्तरम्॥
Thereat your son overwhelmed with fury, throwing off that severed bow, swiftly took up another bow of tougher make.

संदधे विशिखं घोरं कालमृत्युसमप्रभम्। तेनाजघान संक्रुद्धो भीमसेनं स्तनान्तरे॥
O monarch placing on his bow-string a fierce Visokha shaft that resembled in effulgence the bludgeon of Death himself, your son excited to the highest pitch of fury struck Bhimasena with it, on the centre of his breast.

स गाढविद्धो व्यथितः स्यन्दनोपस्थ आविशत्। स निषण्णो रथोपस्थे मूर्छामभिजगाम ह॥
There-with struck home and afflicted sore, he (Bhima) squatted on the terrace of his car; and when he was thus seated, he was overwhelmed with a swoon.

तं दृष्ट्वा व्यथितं भीममभिमन्युपुरोगमाः। नामृष्यन्त महेष्वासाः पाण्डवानां महारथाः॥
Beholding Bhima thus afflicted, the mighty car-warriors of the Pandava host headed by Abhimanyu, all of excellent parts could not brook it.

ततस्तु तुमुलां वृष्टिं शस्त्राणां तिग्मतेजसाम्। पातयामासुरव्यग्राः पुत्रस्य तव मूर्धनि॥
Then these warriors, without the least flurry, poured on the head of your son a mighty shower of arrows of fierce velocity.

प्रतिलभ्य ततः संज्ञां भीमसेनो महाबलः। दुर्योधनं त्रिभिर्विद्ध्वा पुनर्विव्याध पञ्चभिः॥
Meanwhile Bhimasena of mighty prowess having regained consciousness, pierced Duryodhana with three shafts and again with another five.

शल्यं च पञ्चविंशत्या शरैर्विव्याध पाण्डवः। रुक्मपुङ्खैर्महेष्वासः सविद्धो व्यपयाद् रणात्॥
That fierce bowman, that son of Pandava then pierced Shalya with twenty-five shafts furnished with golden wings. Thus pierced, the latter fled from the field of battle.

प्रत्युद्ययुस्ततो भीमं तव पुत्राश्चतुर्दश। सेनापतिः सुषेणश्च जलसंधः सुलोचनः॥ उग्रो भीमरथो भीमो वीरबाहुरलोलुपः। दुर्मुखो दुष्प्रधर्षश्च विवित्सुर्विकटः समः॥
Thereat your fourteen sons namely, Senapati, Sushena, Jalasandha, Sulochana, Ugra, Bhimaratha, Bhima, Virabahu, Alolupa, Durmukha, Dushpradharsha, Vivitsu, Vikata and Soma, then encountered Bhima (in that battle).

विसृजन्तो बहून् बाणान् क्रोधसंरक्तलोचनाः। भीमसेनमभिद्रुत्य विव्यधुः सहिता भृशम्॥
With their eyes coppery in rage, and shooting myriads of shafts, they rushed against Bhimasena, piercing him simultaneously.

पुत्रांस्तु तव सम्प्रेक्ष्य भीमसेनो महाबलः। सृक्किणी विलिहन् वीरः पशुमध्ये यथा वृकः॥
Then the heroic Bhimasena of superior might, beholding your sons, began to lick the corners of his mouth like a wolf in the midst of inferior beasts.

अभिपत्य महाबाहुर्गरुत्मानिव वेगितः। सेनापतेः क्षुरप्रेण शिरश्चिच्छेद पाण्डवः॥
Then that mighty-armed son of Pandu, swooping down with great violence like Garuda himself, cut off with a horse shoe headed shaft the head of Senapati.

सम्प्रहस्य च हृष्टात्मा त्रिभिर्वाणैर्महाभुजः। जलसंधं विनिर्भिद्य सोऽनयद् यमसादनम्॥
Then with a cheerful soul, laughing all the while, that one of strong arms, piercing Jarasandha with three shafts, transported him to the abode of Death.

सुषेण च ततो हत्वा प्रेषयामास मृत्यवे। उग्रस्य सशिरस्त्राणं शिरश्चन्द्रोपमं भुवि॥ पातयामास भल्लेन कुण्डलाभ्यां विभूषितम्। वीरबाहुं च सप्तत्याः साश्वकेतुं ससारथिम्॥ निनाये समरे वीरः परलोकाय पाण्डवः। भीमभीमरथौ चोभौ भीमसेनो हसन्निव॥ पुत्रौ ते दुर्मदौ राजन्ननयद् यमसादनम्। ततः सुलोचनं भीमः क्षुरप्रेण महामृधे॥ मिषतां सर्वसैन्यानामनयद् यमसादनम्।
Then slaying Sushena also, he dispatched him to Death. With a broad headed arrow he felled on the ground the head of Ugra furnished with a helmet and graced with a couple of Kundalas, and loO king like the (charming) moon itself. Thereafter Bhima the son of Pandu, piercing in that battle Virabahu, along with his steeds, standards and charioteer with seventy arrows, dispatched him to the other world. Then as if smiling, Bhimasena, O monarch, conveyed to the abodes of Death the two brothers Bhima and Bhimaratha. Then in that fierce contest, with an arrow furnished with a horse-shoe head, Bhima, dispatched Sulochana to the regions of Death, before the eyes of all the soldiers.

पुत्रास्तु तव तं दृष्ट्वा भीमसेनपराक्रमम्॥ शेषा येऽन्यऽभवंस्तत्र ते भीमस्य भयार्दिताः। विप्रद्रुता दिशो राजन् वध्यमाना महात्मना॥
Then the rest of your sons who were there, beholding in the field the prowess of Bhimasena, and while being thus struck by that high-souled warrior, all ran away from the filed of battle afraid of Bhima.

ततोऽब्रवीच्छान्तनवः सर्वानेव महारथान्। एष भीमो रणे क्रुद्धो धार्तराष्ट्रान् महारथान्॥ यथा प्राच्यान् यथा ज्येष्ठान् यथा शूरांश्च संगतान्। निपातयत्युग्रधन्वा तं प्रगृह्णीतं माचिरम्॥
Thereupon the son of Shantanu thus addressed the mighty car-warriors of his army, This fierce bowman, Bhima, inflamed with wrath, is slaughtering in battle the mighty sons of Dhritarashtra, accomplished in weapons, heroic, courageous and united though they are. Do you all receive that son of Pandu in battle”.

एवमुक्तास्तत: सर्वे धार्तराष्ट्रस्य सैनिकाः। अभ्यद्रवन्त संक्रुद्धा भीमसेन महाबलम्॥
Thus spoken to, all the warriors belonging to the army of Dhritarashtra's son, furious in at Bhimasena endued with superhuman strength.

भगदत्तः प्रभिन्नेन कुञ्जरेण विशाम्पते। अभ्ययात् सहसा तत्र यत्र भीमो व्यवस्थितः॥
Suddenly, O ruler of men, Bhagadatta, mounted on an elephants with rent temples, rushed towards the spot where Bhima was stationed.

आपतन्नेव च रणे. भीमसेन शिलीमुखैः। अदृष्यं समरे चक्रे जीमूत इव भास्करम्॥
rage, rushed Rushing to the encounter, he, in that battle, intercepted Bhimasena from the view, (covering him) with shafts whetted on stone like clouds intercepting the sun from the view.

अभिमन्युमुखास्तत् तु नामृष्यन्त महारथाः। भीमस्याच्छादनं संख्ये स्वबाहुबलमाश्रिताः॥
Then the mighty car-warriors headed by Abhimanyu, who all relied on the strength of their arms, could not brook this interception of Bhima.

त एनं शरवर्षेण समन्तात् पर्यवारयन्। गजं च शरवृष्ट्या तु बिभिदुस्ते समन्ततः॥
So, all those heroes opposed Bhagadatta on all sides with a showier of arrows, and they also began to pierce the elephants from all sides with an arrow down pour.

स शस्त्रवृष्ट्याऽभिहतः समस्तैस्तैर्महारथैः। प्राग्ज्योतिषगजो राजन् नानालिङ्गैः सुतेजनैः॥
That elephants of the ruler of the Pragjyotishas, O king, being struck by all those mighty warriors, with sharers of weapons of diverse description.

संजातरुधिरोत्पीडः प्रेक्षणीयोऽभवद् रणे। गभस्तिभिरिवार्कस्य संस्यूतो जलदो महान्॥ संचोदितो मदस्रावी भगदत्तेन वारणः। अभ्यधावत तान् सर्वान् कालोत्सृष्ट इवान्तकः॥
And with blood spattered on its body became, in that battle, woryour of being looked at, like masses of rain-clouds tinged with the rays of the sun. That elephant, shedding temporal juice, being goaded by Bhagadatta, rushed against all those (heroes), like Death incarnate urged on by the Destroyer himself.

द्विगुणं जवमास्थाय कम्पयंश्चरणैर्महीम्। तस्य तत् सुमहद् रूपं दृष्ट्वा सर्वे महारथाः॥
It doubled its speed and shook the earth under death its tread. Then all those mighty car-warriors, seeing that dreadful aspect of the animal,

असह्यं मन्यमानाश्च नातिप्रमनसोऽभवन्। ततस्तु नृपतिः क्रुद्धो भीमसेनं स्तनान्तरे॥ आजघान महाराज शरेणानतपर्वणा। सोऽतिविद्धो महेष्वासस्तेन राज्ञा महारथः॥ मूर्च्छयाऽभिपरीतात्मा ध्वजयष्टिं समाश्रयत्। तांस्तु भीतान् समालक्ष्य भीमसेनं च मूर्च्छितम्॥
And considering it irresistible, lost their heart. Then that king the foremost of men, excited with wrath, struck Bhimasena on the centre of his chest, with a straight shaft. That mighty car-warrior and bowman, being pierced by that monarch, with his limbs stiffened in consequence of a swoon, caught hold of his flat staff. Beholding them terrified, and seeing Bhima overwhelmed with a swoon.

ननाद बलवन्नादं भगदत्तः प्रतापवान्। ततो घटोत्कचो राजन् प्रेक्ष्य भीमं तथागतम्॥ संक्रुद्धो राक्षसो घोरस्तत्रैवान्तरधीयत। स कृत्वा दारुणां मायां भीरूणां भयवर्धिनीम्॥ अदृश्यत निमेषार्धाद् घोररूपं समास्थितः। ऐरावणं समारूढः स वै मायाकृतं स्वयम्॥
The powerful Bhagadatta endued with great prowess uttered a loud roar. Then O monarch, the Rakshasa Ghatotkacha of dreadful appearance seeing Bhima ir that plight became inflamed with fury, and even there disappeared from the sight. And spreading a terrible illusion capable of enhancing the apprehension of the cowards, hc reappeared with a moment assuming a dreadful form, and riding on an Airavata the creation of his own illusive powers.

तस्य चान्येऽपि दिङ्नागा बभूवुरनुयायिनः। अञ्जनो वामनश्चैव महापद्मश्च सुप्रभः॥
Other elephants guarding the points of the compass, namely, Anjana, Vamana Mahapadma, followed it, all effulgence.

त्रय एते महानागा राक्षसैः समधिष्ठिताः। महाकायास्त्रिधा राजन् प्रस्रवन्तो मदं बहु॥
All these three mighty elephants ridden by Rakshsasa were possessed of prodigious bodies with the temporal juice profusely exuding from their temples. of pure

तेजोवीर्यबलोपेता महाबलपराक्रमाः। घटोत्कचस्तु स्वं नागं चोदयामास तं तदा॥
And they were endued with prowess strength and might and great fleetness and courage. Then Ghatotkacha goaded his own elephants in battle,

सगजं भगदत्तं तु हन्तुकामः परंतपः। ते चान्ये चोदिता नागा राक्षसैस्तैर्महाबलैः॥
Being desirous, O afflicter of your foes, of slaying Bhagadatta along with his elephants. Goaded by the Rakshasas, of great strength, the other elephants.

परिपेतुः सुसंरब्धाश्चतुर्दष्ट्राश्चतुर्दिशम्। भगदत्तस्य तं नागं विषाणैरभ्यपीडयन्॥
Each possessed of four tusks, fell from all sides, with fury, upon the elephants of Bhagadatta, striking the latter at the same time with their tusks.

स पीड्यमानस्तै गैर्वेदनातः शराहतः। अनदत् सुमहानादमिन्द्राशनिसमस्वनम्॥
Wounded with arrows, and afflicted by those elephants, and smearing with pain, the elephants, of Bhagadatta set up a mighty roar that resembled the rumble of the thunderbolt of Indra.

तस्य तं नदतो नादं सुघोरं भीमनिःस्वनम्। श्रुत्वा भीष्मोऽब्रवीद् द्रोणं राजानं च सुयोधनम्॥
Hearing those deep and dreadful cries the roaring elephants, Bhishma thus spoke to Drona and king Suyodhana,

एष युध्यति संग्रामे हैडिम्बेन दुरात्मना। भगदत्तो महेष्वासः कृच्छ्रे च परिवर्तते॥
“This mighty bowman Bhagadatta fighting in his battle with the wicked souled son of Hidimba, is involved in a great peril.

राक्षसश्च महाकायः स च राजाऽतिकोपनः। एतौ समेतौ समरे कालमृत्युसमावुभौ॥
This Rakshasa is of prodigious stature, and king Bhagadatta also is very wrathful. Surely encountering each other in the fight they both will prove like the Death and the Destroyer.

श्रूयते चैव हृष्टानां पाण्डवानां महास्वनः। हस्तिनश्चैव सुमहान् भीतस्य रुदितध्वनिः॥
Even now do we hear the mighty uproar of the enraptured Pandavas, as also the distressful and loud cries of the frightened elephants (of Bhagadatta).

तत्र गच्छाम भद्रं वो राजानं परिरक्षितुम्। अरक्ष्यमाणः समरे क्षिप्रं प्राणान् विमोक्ष्यति॥
Good betide you, we shall now proceed to protect the king; unprotected, in battle, he will soon be deprived of his life.

ते त्वरध्वं महावीर्याः किं चिरेण प्रयामहे। महान् हि वर्तते रौद्रः संग्रामो लोमहर्षणः॥
Therefore, warriors of extraordinary prowess, make havee; O sinless ones, do not delay. This hair stirring and ruthless combat is deepening more and more.

भक्तश्च कुलपुत्रश्च शूरश्च पृतनापतिः। युक्तं तस्य परित्राणं कर्तुमस्माभिरच्युत॥
This leader of a division is devoted to us, is the son of an illustrious dynasty and is endued with bravery. O you of unfading renown, it is proper that his rescue should be effected by us."

भीष्मस्य तद् वचः श्रुत्वा सर्व एव महारथाः। द्रोणभीष्मौ पुरस्कृत्य भगदत्तपरीप्सया॥
Listening to those words of Bhishma all the monarchs forming in serried files and headed by the son Bharadvaja, with a desire for rescuing Bhagadatta.

उत्तमं जवमास्थाय प्रययुर्यत्र सोऽभवत्। तान् प्रयातान् समालोक्य युधिष्ठिरपुरोगमाः॥ पञ्चालाः पाण्डवैः सार्धं पृष्ठतोऽनुययुः परान्। तान्यनकान्यथालोक्य राक्षसेन्द्रः प्रतापवान्॥
Proceeded in all have to the spot where the later was. Beholding them advance, the Panchalas together with the Pandavas headed by Yudhishthira himself pursued the enemy from behind. Beholding that mighty host, the foremost of the Rakshasa endued with prowess.

ननाद सुमहानादं विस्फोटमशनेरिव। तस्य तं निनदं श्रुत्वा दृष्ट्वा नागांश्च युध्यतः॥
Uttered a deafening roar, that resembled the roar of thunder. Hearing his roar and seeing those fighting elephants.

भीष्मः शान्तनवो भूयो भारद्वाजमभाषत। न रोचते मे संग्रामो हैडिम्बेन दुरात्मना॥
The son of Shantanu, namely, Bhishma again addressed the son of Bharadvaja saying:I do not like to fight with the wicked-souled son of Hidimba.

बलवीर्यसमाविष्टः ससहायश्च साम्प्रतम्। नैष शक्यो युधा जेतुमपि वज्रभृता स्वयम्॥
At present he is surcharged with strength and prowess and is well supported. He is now incapable of being defeated even by the wielder of the thunderbolt himself.

लब्धलक्षयः प्रहारी च वयं च श्रान्तवाहनाः। पाञ्चालैः पाण्डवेयैश्च दिवसं क्षतविक्षताः॥
He is sure in his aims and can strike home; our vehicles are all fatigued and we have been wounded and lacerated in our fight with the Pandavas and the Panchalas.

तन्न मे रोचते युद्धं पाण्डवैर्जितकाशिभिः। घुष्यतामवाहारोऽद्य श्वो योत्स्यामः परैः सह॥
Therefore we do not like to fight any longer with the Pandavas. Proclaim there fore, the withdraw of our divisions for this day. Tomorrow shall we again battle with the enemy".

पितामहवचः श्रुत्वा तथा चक्रुः स्म कौरवाः। उपायेनापयानं ते घटोत्कचमयार्दिताः॥
Hearing these words of the grandsire, and afflicted as they were with the fear of Ghatotkacha, they (the Kauravas) delightedly did what the former said availing themselves of the pretest advent of night.

कौरवेषु निवृत्तेषु पाण्डवा जितकाशिनः। सिंहनादान् भृशं चक्रुः शङ्खान् दध्मुश्च भारत॥
Upon the withdrawal of the Kurus, the victorious Pandavas sent up their war cries accompanied with the blare of conchs and cornets.

एवं तदभवद् युद्ध दिवसं भरतर्षभ। पाण्डवानां कुरूणां च पुरस्कृत्य घटोत्कचम्॥
Thus, O foremost of the Bharata race, did the battle rage that day, between the Kurus and the Pandavas headed by Ghatotkacha.

कौरवास्तु ततो राजन् प्रययुः शिबिरं स्वकम्। वीडमाना निशाकाले पाण्डवेयैः पराजिताः॥
Thereafter, the Kauravas, at night fall haveily repaired to their own encampments, being ashamed and being vanquished by the Pandavas.

शरविक्षतगात्रास्तु पाण्डुपुत्रा महारथाः। युद्धे सुमनसो भूत्वा जग्मुः स्वशिबिरं प्रति॥
Those mighty car-warriors, the sons of Pandu, with their bodies mangled with shafts in battle. O king retired to their camps with heares over flowing with joy.

पुरस्कृत्य महाराज भीमसेनघटोत्कचौ। पूजयन्तस्तदाऽन्योन्यं मुदा परमया युताः॥
And, O mighty monarch, they proceeded placing Bhimasena and Ghatotkacha at their van, and 0 mighty sovereign, worshipping them out of great delight.

नदन्तो विविधान् नादांस्तूर्यस्वनविमिश्रितान्। सिंहनादांश्च कुर्वन्तो विमिश्रीशङ्खनिःस्वनैः॥
They uttered diverse cries that became mingled with sounds of the tabors, and they uttered also their war-cries which again were mingled with the blare of their conchs.

विनदन्तो महात्मानः कम्पयन्तश्च मेदिनीम्। घट्टयन्तश्च मर्माणि तव पुत्रस्य मारिष॥
Those high-souled warriors, uttering leonine roars and shaking the earth with their tread, O sire, agitated the heares of your sons.

प्रयाताः शिबिरायैव निशाकाले परंतप। दुर्योधनस्तु नृपतिर्दीनो भ्रातृवधेन च॥
Then those repressors of their foes retired to their camps at the advent of night. King Duryodhana, on the other hand, distressed in consequence of the slaughter of his brothers. some

मुहूर्तं चिन्तयामास बाष्पशोकसमाकुलः। ततः कृत्वा विधिं सर्वं शिविरस्य यथाविधि। प्रदध्यौ शोकसंतप्तो भ्रातृव्यसनकर्शितः॥
Reflected for moments, whelmed with tears and grief. Then making all the necessary arrangements for his camp according to the rules of military sciences he began to mediate, afflicted (as he was with) the death of his brother and overcome with poignant grief on their account.