Encounter between Satyaki and Bhurishravas

संजय उवाच हते तस्मिन् गजानीके पुत्रो दुर्योधनस्तव। भीमसेनं नतेत्येवं सर्वसैन्यान्यचोदयत्॥
Sanjaya said When that division of elephants had been crushed, your son Duryodhana, commanded his whole force saying, Kill Bhimasena.

ततः सर्वाण्यनीकानि तव पुत्रस्य शासनात्। अभ्यद्रवन् भीमसेनं नदन्तं भैरवान् रवान्॥
Thereat, the entire army, at the command of your son, rushed against Bhimasena, setting up at the same time a dreadful uproar.

तं बलौघमपर्यन्तं देवैरपि सुदुःसहम्। आपतन्तं सुदुष्पारं समुद्रमिव पर्वणि॥ रथनागाश्वकलिलं शङ्खदुन्दुभिनादितम्। अनन्तरथपादातं रजसा सर्वतो वृतम्॥ तं भीमसेनः समरे महोदधिमिवापरम्। सेनासागरमक्षोभ्यं वेलेव समवारयत्॥
That infinite army, whose impetus it would have been impossible even for the gods to bear, that army which was incapable of being crossed like the sea on a Parva day, that army that swarmed with car-warriors, steeds and elephants and that resounded with the blare of conchs, the rattle of chariots, and the sound drums, that numbered numbered innumerable foot soldiers and car-warriors, that was shrouded in a cloud of dust-that veritable ocean of advancing hostile force that was incapable of being agitated, Bhimasena withstood in battle, like the banks resisting the surging sea.

तदाश्चर्यमपश्याम पाण्डवस्य महात्मनः। भीमसेनस्य समरे राजन् कर्मातिमानुषम्॥
The, O monarch, we beheld in that battle, the marvelous and super human feat achieved by the high-souled son of Pandu, namely Bhimasena.

उदीर्णान् पार्थिवान् सर्वान् साश्वान् सरथकुञ्जरान्। असम्भ्रमं भीमसेनो गदया समवारयत्॥
Undauntedly did Bhimasena check with his mace, the rulers of men who, excited with wrath, had been advancing towards him, on their steeds, chariots and Bhimasena.

स संवार्य बलौघांस्तानं गदया रथिनां वरः। अतिष्ठत् तुमुले भीमो गिरिर्मेरुरिवाचलः॥
Bhima, that foremost of those endued with might, having thus checked with his mace the career of the vast army, stood in that dreadful confusion, immovable as the mount Meru itself.

तस्मिन् सुतुमुले घोरे काले परमदारुणे। भ्रातरश्चैव पुत्राश्च धृष्टद्युम्नश्च पार्षतः॥
In that most terrific, fierce and ruthless encounter, his brothers, and and sons, and Dhrishtadyumna the son of Prishata.

द्रौपदेयाऽभिमन्युश्च शिखण्डी चापराजितः। न प्राजहन् भीमसेनं भये जाते महाबलम्॥
And the sons of Draupadi, and Abhimanyu and the ever-victorious Shikhandin, these mighty warriors did not forsake Bhimasena, as they all apprehended danger.

ततः शैक्यायसीं गुर्वी प्रगृह्य महतीं गदाम्। अधावत् तावकान् योधान् दण्डपाणिरिवान्तकः॥
Thereafter taking up his huge and heavy mace made of Shaikya iron, he (Bhimasena) rushed against your warriors, like the Destroyer himself wielding his club.

पोथयन् स्थवृन्दानि वाजिवृन्दानि चाभिभूः। कर्षयन् स्थवृन्दानि बाहुवेगेन पाण्डवः॥
Smashing down hosts of charioteers and also hosts of steeds, that mighty and heroic Bhima careered on the file like fire spreading at the end of a Yuga.

विनिनन् व्यचरत् संख्ये युगान्ते कालवद् विभुः। उरुवेगेन संकर्षन् रथजालानि पाण्डवः॥
Slaughtering in that battle numerous warriors, like Death himself destroying animals at the end of a Yuga, smashing with the impetus of his thighs hosts of cars, that son of Pandu,

बलानि सम्पमर्दाशु नड्वलानीव कुञ्जरः। मृनन् रथेभ्यो रथिनो गजेभ्यो गजयोधिनः॥
Began to crush your army with the greatest ease, like an elephant crushing a cluster of reeds. Dragging down warriors from the terraces of their respective cars, and felling elephant-riders from the back of the elephants on which they were fighting.

सादिनचाश्वपृष्ठेभ्यो भूमौ चापि पदातिनः। गदया व्यधमत् सर्वान् वातो वृक्षानिवौजसा॥
And horse-soldiers from the back of the steeds, and crushing foot-soldiers as they stood on the ground, Bhima killed all with his mace, like a tempest breaking down trees with its violence.

भीमसेनो महाबाहुस्तव पुत्रस्य वै बले। सापि मज्जावसामांसैः प्रदिग्धा रुधिरेण च॥
Bhimasena produced a fierce carnage in the force of your son. Smeared with fat, marrow, serum and flesh, and be spattered with blood,

अदृश्यत महारौद्रा गदा नागाश्वपातनी। तत्र तत्र हतैश्चापि मनुष्यगजवाजिभिः॥
His mace, that dealt death to steeds and elephants, appeared exceedingly terrible. With corpses and carcasses of steeds, men and elephants and horse-soldiers.

रणाङ्गणं समभवन्मृत्योरावाससंनिभम्। पिनाकमिव रुद्रस्य क्रुद्धस्याभिघ्नतः पशून्॥
The field of battle wore the appearance of the (gloomy) abode of Death. Like the Pinaka of the enraged Rudra engaged in slaughtering animals.

यमदण्डोपमामुग्रामिन्द्राशनिसमस्वनाम्। ददृशुर्भीमसेनस्य रौद्रीं विशसनीं गदाम्॥
Like the dreadful club of the destroyer himself, and like the effulgent thunderbolt of Indra himself, was seen the terrible-loO king and death-dealing club of Bhimasena.

आविद्ध्यतो गदां तस्य कौन्तेयस्य महात्मनः। बभौ रूपं महाघोरं कालस्येव युगक्षये॥
The appearance of that high-souled son of Kunti, as he whirled his mace, became as terrible as that of the Destroyer himself at the time of the universal destruction.

तं तथा महतीं सेनां द्रावयन्तं पुनः पुनः। दृष्ट्वा मृत्युमिवायान्तं सर्वे विमनसोऽभवन्॥
Beholding him repeatedly smash that mighty host and advance like Death himself, all the warriors became cheerless.

यतो यतः प्रेक्षते स्म गदामुद्यम्य पाण्डवः। तेन तेन स्म दीर्यन्ते सर्वसैन्यानि भारत॥
Uplifting his mace, in whichever direction the son of Pandu turned his eyes 0 Bharata, from that direction, all the soldiers fled (deserting their ranks).

प्रदारयन्तं सैन्यानि बलेनामितविक्रमम्। ग्रसमानमनीकानि व्यादितास्यमिवान्तकम्॥ तं तथा भीमकर्माणं प्रगृहीतमहागदम्। दृष्ट्वा वृकोदरं भीष्मः सहसैव समभ्ययात्॥
Beholding Vrikodara of fierce deeds armed with his mace and unconquered by the sea of soldiers and seeing him break the ranks and devour the hostile troops, like Death himself with his gaping mouth, Bhishma rushed at him with great impetuosity,

महता रथघोषेण रथेनादित्यवर्चसा। छादयशरवर्षेण पर्जन्य इव वृष्टिमान्॥
Riding on his car of great effulgence and of rattle as loud as the rumble of clouds, and covering the sky with the shower of his arrows, like Parjanya pouring down rain.

तमायान्तं तथा दृष्ट्वा व्यात्ताननमिवान्तकम्। भीष्मं भीमो महाबाहुः प्रत्युदीयादमर्षितः॥
Seeing him make towards himself like the Destroyer with wide upon mouth, the mightyarmed Bhimasena inflamed with rage, rushed towards him.

तस्मिन् क्षणे सात्यकिः सत्यसंध: शिनिप्रवीरोऽभ्यपतत्पितामहम्। निघ्नन्नमित्रान् धनुषा दृढेन संकम्पयंस्तव पुत्रस्य सैन्यम्॥
That very moment, the heroic grand son of Shini namely Satyaki fell upon the grand-sire (Bhishma), and he began to slay his enemies with his strong bow, agitating the army of your son the while.

तं यान्तमश्चै रजतप्रकाशैः शरान् वपन्तं निशितान् सुपुङ्खान्। नाशक्नुवन् धारयितुं तदानीं सर्वे गणा भारत ये त्वदीयाः॥
That at time, O Bharata, all the warriors of your ariny were unable to check him, as he advanced, borne by steeds of Argentine effulgence, discharging (right and left) his shafts well-whetted and furnished with beautiful wings.

रलम्बुषो राक्षसोऽसौ तदानीम्। शरैश्चतुर्भिः प्रतिविद्ध्य तं च नप्ता शिनेरभ्यपतद् रथेन॥
Then the Rakshasa Alambhusa pierced him with ten shafts only. Piercing him in return with fine arrows, the grandson of Shini, advanced on his car.

अन्वागतं वृष्णिवरं निशम्य तं शत्रुमध्ये परिवर्तमानम्। प्रद्रावयन्तं कुरुपुङ्गवांश्च पुनः पुनश्च प्रणदन्तमाजौ॥
Seeing that heroic warrior of the race of the Vrishnis thus advancing, and whirling in the midst of his enemies, and checking the foremost of the Kurus and uttering repeated war-cries in the battle,

योधास्त्वदीयाः शरवर्षैरवर्षन् मेघा यथा भूधरमम्बुवेगैः। मध्यन्दिने सूर्यमिवातपन्तम्॥
your warriors showered their arrow downpour on him, like rain clouds drenching the mountains with torrents of rain. They wear unable to check the carrier of that hero who appeared like the mid-day sun in his full glory.

दृते राजन् सोमदत्तस्य पुत्रात्। स वै समादाय धनुर्महात्मा भूरिश्रवा भारत सौमदत्तिः॥ दृष्ट्वा रथान् स्वान् व्यपनीयमानान् प्रत्युद्ययौ सात्यकिं योद्भुमिच्छन्॥
At that time, o king there was none (in your army) who was not cheerless, except the son of Somadatta, by namc Bhurishravas. This one seeing the car warriors of his side routed, Bharata grasping his bow of fierce impetus, rushed at Satyaki desirous of fighting with the latter.