Third day's battle

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच प्रतिज्ञाते ततस्तस्मिन् युद्धे भीष्मेण दारुणे। क्रोधितो मम पुत्रेण दुःखितेन विशेषतः॥ भीष्मः किमकरोत् तत्र पाण्डवेयेषु संभारतगे। पितामहे वा पञ्चालास्तन्ममाचक्ष्व संजय॥
Dhritarashtra said When enraged by the words of my son, O Sanjaya, Bhishma took thai fearful vow in the battle, what did he do to the Pandavas, and what did the Panchalas do to the grandsire? O Sanjaya, tell me all this.

संजय उवाच गतपूर्वाह्नभूयिष्ठे तस्मिन्नहनि भारत। पश्चिमां दिशमास्थाय स्थिते चापि दिवाकरे॥
Sanjaya said O descendant of Bharata, when the morning of that day passed away and when the sun in his westward course had gone some portion of his path.

जयं प्राप्तेषु हृष्टेषु पाण्डवेषु महात्मसु। सर्वधर्मविशेषज्ञः पिता देवव्रतस्तव॥
And when the illustrious Pandava had won the victory, your father Devavrata learned in the precepts of morality.

अभ्यायज्जवनैरश्वैः पाण्डवानामनीकिनीम्। महत्या सेनया गुप्तस्तव पुत्रैश्च सर्वशः॥
Rushed on the fleetest steed towards the Pandava army, followed by a very large force and by all your sons.

प्रावर्तत ततो युद्धं तुमुलं लोमहर्षणम्। अस्माकं पाण्डवैः सार्धमनयात् तव भारत॥
Then O descendant of Bharata, a fearful and hair-stirring battle between ourselves and the Pandavas began in consequences of your sinful policy.

धनुषां कूजतां तत्र तलानां चाभिहन्यताम्। महान् समभवच्छब्दो गिरीणामिव दीर्यताम्॥
The twang of bows and the flapping of bowstrings mingling together, made a loud uproar which resembled the noise of splitting hills.

तिष्ठ स्थितोऽस्मि विद्ध्येनं निवर्तस्व स्थिरो भव। स्थिरोऽस्मि प्रहरस्वेति शब्दोऽश्रूयत सर्वशः॥
“Stay”, “Hear stand I”, “Turn back” “Stand” "O wait for you” “Strike" these were the words that were heard everywhere.

काञ्चनेषु तनुत्रेषु किरीटेषु ध्वजेषु च। शिलानामिव शैलेषु पतितानामभूद् ध्वनिः॥
The sound of the fall of armours, of crowns and diadems and of standards, resembled the sound of falling stones on hard founds.

पतितान्युत्तमाङ्गानि बाहवश्च विभूषिताः। व्यचेष्टन्त महीं प्राप्य शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः॥
Hundreds and thousands of heads and arms adorned with ornaments, feil on the ground and moved in convulsions.

हतोत्तमाङ्गाः केचित् तु तथैवोद्यतकार्मुकाः। प्रगृहीतायुधाश्चापि तस्थुः पुरुषसत्तमाः॥
Some brave combatants with heads cut off still stood with weapons in their grasp and with bows.

प्रावर्तत महावेगा नदी रुधिरवाहिनी। मातङ्गाङ्गशिला रौद्रा मांसशोणितकर्दमा॥
A fearful river of blood began to run there. It was of impetuous current, it was airy with flesh and blood and the dead bodies of elephants appeared in it like (sub-marine) rocks.

वराश्वनरनागानां शरीरप्रभवा तदा। परलोकार्णवमुखी गृध्रगोमायुमोदिनी॥
It flowed from the bodies of horses, men and elephants. It was delightful to vultures and jackals. It was delightful to vultures and jackals. It ran towards the ocean of after life.

न दृष्टं न श्रुतं वापि युद्धमेतादृशं नृप। यथा तव सुतानां च पाण्डवानां च भारत॥
O king, O descendant of Bharata, a battle like the one that was fought between your sons and the Pandavas was never before seen or heard of.

नासीद् रथपथस्तत्र योधैर्युधि निपातितैः। गजैश्च पतितैर्नीलैर्गिरिशृङ्गैरिवावृतः॥
Chariots could not makes their way, for the way was blocked by the bodies of combatants. The field of battle with the bodies of the killed elephants appeared to be strewn over with blew peaks of hills.

विकीर्णैः कवचैश्चित्रैः शिरस्त्राणैश्च मारिष। शुशुभे तद् रणस्थानं शरदीव नभस्तलम्॥
O sire, strewn with various coloured armours and turbans the battle field looked beautiful like the autumn sky.

विनिर्भिन्नाः शरैः केचिदन्त्रापीडप्रकर्षिणः। अभीताः समरे शत्रूनभ्यधावन्त
Though mortally wounded, some warriors were seen to rush upon the enemy in battle with cheerfulness and pride.

तात भ्रात: सखे बन्धो वयस्य मम मातुल। मा मां परित्यजेत्यन्ये चुक्रुशुः पतिता रणे॥ दर्पिताः॥
Many, fallen on the field of battle, cried aloud, “O father, O brother, O friend, O kinsman, O companion, O maternal uncle, do not abandon me".

अथाभ्येहित्वमागच्छ किं भीतोऽसि क्व यास्यसि। स्थितोऽहं समरे मा भैरिति चान्ये विचुक्रुशुः॥
Others cried, "Come, come to .his side why are you frightened? Where do you go? I stand in battle. Do not be afraid”.

तत्र भीष्मः शान्तनवो नित्यं मण्डलकार्मुकः। मुमोच बाणान् दीप्ताचानहीनाशीविषानिव॥
In that great battle, the son of Shantanu, Bhishma, with his bow drawn to a circle, shot arrows with blazing points which resembled snakes of virulent poison.

शरैरेकायनीकुर्वन् दिशः सर्वा यतव्रतः। जघान पाण्डवरथानादिश्य भरतर्षभ॥
O descendant of Bharata, showering continuous arrows in all directions, that hero of rigid vows (Bhishma) struck the Pandava warriors calling each by name.

स नृत्यन् वै रथोपस्थे दर्शयन् पाणिलाघवम्। अलातचक्रवद् राजंस्तत्र तत्र स्म दृश्यते॥
O king, displaying his great lightness of hands and dancing as it were along the track of his car, he appeared to be present everywhere like a circle of fire.

तमेकं समरे शूरं पाण्डवाः सुंजयैः सह। अनेकशतसाहस्रं समपश्यन्त लाघवात्॥
In consequence of his great lightness of hands, the Pandavas and the Srinjayas saw that hero in that battle multiplied to one thousand fold, though he was really alone.

मायाकृतात्मानमिव भीष्मं तत्र स्म मेनिरे। पूर्वस्यां दिशि तं दृष्ट्वा प्रतीच्यां ददृशुर्जनाः॥
Everyone present there considered Bhishma as having multiplied his self by illusion. They now saw him on the cast and on the very next moment, they saw him on the west.

उदीच्यां चैवमालोक्य दक्षिणस्यां पुनः प्रभो। एवं स समरे शूरो गाङ्गेयः प्रत्यदृश्यत॥
Now they beheld him on the North, and on the next moment they beheld him on the South. Thus the son of Ganga was seen to fight on all directions (simultaneously).

न चैवं पाण्डवेयानां कश्चिच्छक्नोति वीक्षितुम्। विशिखानेव पश्यन्ति भीष्मचापच्युतान् बहून्॥
There was none amongst the Pandavas who was able even to look at him. What they all saw were only innumerable arrows shot from his bow.

कुर्वाणं समरे कर्म सूदयानं च वाहिनीम्। व्याक्रोशन्त रणे तत्र नरा बहुविधा बहु॥
Having seen him achieve such great feats and slaughter their ranks, the heroic warriors (of the Pandava side) uttered many lamentations.

अमानुषेण रूपेण चरन्तं पितरं तव। शलभा इव राजानः पतन्ति विधिचोदिताः॥ भीष्माग्निमभिसंक्रुद्धं विनाशाय सहस्रशः। न हि मोघः शरः कश्चिदासीद् भीष्मस्य संयुगे॥ नरनागाश्वकायेषु बहुत्वाल्लघुयोधिनः। भिनत्त्येकेन बाणेन सुमुखेन पतत्त्रिणा॥ गजकण्टकसंनद्धं वज्रेणेव शिलोच्चयम्। द्वौ त्रीनपि गजारोहान् पिण्डितान् वर्मितानपि॥ नाराचेन सुमुक्तेन निजघान पिता तव। यो यो भीष्मं नरव्याघ्रमभ्येति युधि कश्चन॥ मुहूर्तदृष्टः स मया पतितो भुवि दृश्यते। एवं सा धर्मराजस्य वध्यमाना महाचमूः॥ भीष्मेणातुलवीर्येण व्यशीर्यत सहस्रधा। प्राकम्पत महासेना शरवर्षेण तापिता॥ पश्यतो वासुदेवस्य पार्थस्याथ शिखण्डिनः। वर्तमानाऽपि ते वीरा द्रवमाणान् महारथान्॥ नाशक्नुवन् वारयितुं भीष्मबाणप्रपीडितान्। महेन्द्रसमवीर्येण वध्यमाना महाचमूः॥
Thousands of kings came in contact with your father who was thus roving over the field in a super-human way. They fell into that fire Bhishma as flights of senseless insects fall on a blazing fire for their own destruction. Not a single arrow of that light-handed hero was futile. They cut down innumerable men, elephants and steeds. With one single straight arrow he felled down one big elephants, as a hill is brought down by the thunder-bolt. Your sire, with sharp arrows, pierced at a time two or three elephant riders clad in armour. Whoever came near that foremost of men Bhishina in that battle, was seen the very next moment to fall down on the ground. The vast army of Dharmaraja Yudhishthira, having been thus slaughtered by the greatly powerful Bhishma, gave way in one thousand directions. Thus afflicted by that shower of arrows, that vast army began to tremble even in the presence of Vasudeva (Krishna) and the illustrious Partha (Arjuna). Though the heroic leaders of the Pandu army tried their utmost, yet they could not prevent the great car-warriors of their side from running away. The prowess with which Bhishma routed that vast army was equal to that of the lord of the celestials himself.

अभज्यत महाराज न च द्वौ सह धावतः। आविद्धनरनागाश्वं पतितध्वजकूबरम्॥
O great king, that great army was so completely routed that no two persons were seen together; cars, elephants, and horses were pierced all over their bodies, and the standards and arrows were strewn over the field.

अनीकं पाण्डुपुत्राणां हाहाभूतमचेतनम्। जघानात्र पिता पुत्रं पुत्रश्च पितरं तथा॥ प्रियं सखायं चाक्रन्दे सखा दैवबलात्कृतः। विमुच्य कवचान्यन्ये पाण्डुपुत्रस्य सैनिकाः॥ विमुक्तकेशा धावन्तः प्रत्यदृश्यन्त भारत। तद् गोकुलमिवोद्धान्तमुद्घान्तरथयूथपम्॥ ददृशे पाण्डुपुत्रस्य सैन्यमार्तस्वरं तदा। प्रभज्यमानं सैन्यं तु दृष्ट्वा यादवनन्दनः॥ उवाच पार्थं बीभत्सु निगृह्य रथमुत्तमम्। अयं स कालः सम्प्राप्तः पार्थ यस्तऽभिकाक्षितः॥४२
The Pandava army cried “Oh” and “Alas”, and became deprived of its senses. Father struck the son and the son struck the father; friends fought with dearest friends as if all were under the influence of fate. O descendant of Bharata many men of the Pandava army were seen with disheveled hair to run away throwing aside their armours. The Pandava army uttered loud lamentations. Even the very leaders of their car-warriors were seen to be as confounded as a very herd of kinc. Having seen the army thus routed, that delighter of the Yudu race (Krishna) stopped that best of car (belonging to Arjuna) and thus spoke to Partha: "O son of Pritha, the hour has now come which was desired by you.

प्रहरस्व नरव्याघ्र न चेन्मोहाद् विमुह्यसे। यत् त्वया कथितं वीर पुरा राज्ञां समागमे॥ भीष्मद्रोणमुखान् सर्वान् धार्तराष्ट्रस्य सैनिकान्। सानुबन्धान् हनिष्यामि ये मां योत्स्यन्ति संयुगे॥ इति तत् कुरु कौन्तेय सत्यं वाक्यमरिंदम। बीभत्सो पश्य सैन्यं स्वं भज्यमानं ततस्ततः॥
O foremost of men, strike Bhishma or else you will lose your senses. O hero, formerly in the assembly of the kings you said," I will kill all the warriors of the sons of Dhritarashtra, headed by Bhishma and Drona, all who will fight me in battle, O Vibhatsu, O son of Kunti, O chastiser of foes, make your words now true. Your army is routed on all sides.

द्रवतश्च महीपालान् पश्य यौधिष्ठिरे बले। दृष्ट्वा हि भीष्मं समरे व्यात्ताननमिवान्तकम्॥
Behold, all the kings of Yudhisthira's army are flying away, on seeing Bhishma in battle who looks like the destroyer himself with his wide open mouth.

भयार्ताः प्रपलायन्ते सिंहात् क्षुद्रमृगा इव। एवमुक्तः प्रत्युवाच वासुदेवं धनंजयः॥ नोदयाश्वान् यतो भीष्मो विगाहैतद् बलार्णवम्। पातयिष्यामि दुर्धर्षं वृद्धं कुरुपितामहम्॥
Having been afflicted with fear, they are running away, as do the small animals at the sight of the lion". Having been thus addressed, Dhananjaya thus spoke to Vasudeva. "Plunging through this sea of the hostile army, drive the horses to the spot where Bhishma is. I shall fell down (today) that invincible warriors, the revered Kuru grandsire.

संजय उवाच ततोऽश्वान् रजतप्रख्यान् नोदयाभास माधवः। यतो भीष्मरथो राजन् दुष्प्रेक्ष्यो रश्मिमवानिव॥
O king, then Madhava drove those silverwhite steeds to the place where the car of Bhishma was, the car which like the very sun was incapable of being gazed at.

ततस्तत् पुनरावृत्तं युधिष्ठिरबलं महत्। दृष्ट्वा पार्थं महाबाहुं भीष्मायोद्यतमाहवे॥
Having scen the mighty armed son of Pritha thus rush to fight with Bhishma, the great army of Yudhishthira rallied for battle.

ततो भीष्मः कुरुश्रेष्ठ सिंहवद् विनदन् मुहुः। धनंजयरथं शीघ्रं शरवर्षैरवाकिरत्॥
Then that foremost of Kuru warriors Bhishma again and again roared like a lion. He then covered the car of Dhananjaya with a shower of arrows.

क्षणेन स रथस्तस्य सहयः सहसारथिः। शरवर्षेण महता संछन्नो न प्रकाशते॥
In a moment (Arjuna's) car with its standard and charioteer became invisible having been covered with that shower of arrows.

वासुदेवस्त्वसम्भ्रान्तो धैर्यमास्थाय सत्त्ववान्। चोदयामास तानश्वान् विचितान् भीष्मसायकैः॥
The greatly powerful Vasudeva however, fearlessly and patiently drove the horses now wounded by Bhishma's arrow.

ततः पार्थो धनुर्गृह्य दिव्यं जलदनिःस्वनम्। पातयामास भीष्मस्य धनुश्छित्त्वा त्रिभिः शरैः॥
Then Partha took up his celestial bow whose twang resembled the roar of the clouds and cut down Bhishma's bow with his sharp arrows.

स च्छिन्नधन्वा कौरव्यः पुनरन्यन्महद् धनुः। निमिषान्तरमात्रेण सज्यं चक्रे पिता तव।॥
Your father, the Kuru hero, took up another bow when he saw the one in his hand cut down. He strung it within the twinkling of an eye.

विचकर्ष ततो दो• धनुर्जलदनि:स्वनम्। अथास्य तदपि क्रुद्धश्चिच्छेद धनुरर्जुनः॥
He drew that bow, the twang of which resembled the roar of the clouds, with his two hands. But Arjuna, now excited with anger, again cut down that bow.

तस्य तत् पूजयामास लाघवं शान्तनोः सुतः। साधु पार्थ महाबाहो साधु भोः पाण्डुनन्दन॥
Thereupon the son of Shantanu (Bhishma) praised his lightness of hand by saying, “O Partha. O son of Pandu, O mighty-armed hero, 'Excellent, Excellent'.

त्वय्येवैतद् युक्तरूपं महत् कर्म धनंजय। प्रीतोऽस्मि सुभृशं पुत्र कुरु युद्धं मया सह॥
O Dhananjaya, such a great feat is indeed worthy of you. I have been pleased with you. O son, fight hard with me”.

इति पार्थं प्रशस्याथ प्रगृह्यान्यन्महद् धनुः। मुमोच समरे वीरः शरान् पार्थरथं प्रति॥
Having thus praised Partha, and having taken up a large bow, that great hero hurled his arrows at Partha's car.

अदर्शयद् वासुदेवो हययाने परं बलम्। मोघान् कुर्वशरांस्तस्य मण्डलान्याचरल्लघु॥
Vasudeva then displayed his great skill in the guiding the horses. He baffled those arrows by driving the car in quick circles.

तथा भीष्मस्तु सुदृढं वासुदेवधनंजयौ। विव्याध निशितैर्बाणैः सर्वगात्रेषु भारत॥
Then, O sire, Bhishma with great force pierced both Vasudeva and Dhananjaya with keen arrows all over their bodies.

शुशुभाते नरव्याघ्रौ तौ भीष्मशरविक्षतौ। गोवृषाविव संरब्धौ विषाणैरिखितङ्कितौ॥
Wounded by those arrows of Bhishma those foremost of men looked like two roaring bulls with scratches of horns on their bodies.

पुनश्चापि सुसंरब्धः शरैः शतसहस्रशः। कृष्णयोर्युधि संरब्धो भीष्मोऽथावारयद् दिशः॥
Excited with wrath, Bhishma cover the two Krishna's on all sides with hundred and thousands of arrow.

वार्ष्णेयं च शरैस्तीक्ष्णैः कम्पयामास रोषित:। मुहुरभ्यर्दयन् भीष्मः प्रहस्य स्वनवत् तदा॥
With his sharp arrows the angry Bhishma made the Vrishni chief (Krishna) to shiver; laughing loudly also he made Krishna very much astonished.

ततस्तु कृष्णः समरे दृष्ट्वा भीष्मपराक्रमम्। सम्प्रेक्ष्य च महाबाहुः पार्थस्य मृदुयुद्धताम्॥ भीष्मं च शरवर्षाणि सृजन्तमनिशं युधि। प्रतपन्तमिवादित्यं मध्यमासाद्य सेनयोः॥
Then seeing the great prowess of Bhishma and the mildness with which Arjuna fought, and also seeing that Bhishma was showering a continuous shower of arrows in that battle and that he was appearing like the all consuming sun in the midst of the two arinies.

वरान् वरान् विनिघ्नन्तं पाण्डुपुत्रस्य सैनिकान्। युगान्तमिव कुर्वाणं भीष्मं यौधिष्ठिरे बले॥
And marking also that hero (Bhishma) was killing the foremost warriors of Yudhisthira's army and that he was making a great havoc amongst the troops as if the hour of dissolution had come.

अमृष्यमाणो भगवान् केशवः परवीरहा। अचिन्तयदमेयात्मा नास्ति यौधिष्ठिरं बलम्॥
The exalted Keshava, that slayer of hostile heroes, that high-souled one became unable to see what he saw. He thought that the army of Yudhishthira could not survive that slaughter.

एकाह्रा हि रणे भीष्मो नाशयेद् देवदानवान्। किं नु पाण्डुसुतान् युद्धे सबलान् सपदानुगान्॥
Bhishma was capable of destroying all the Daityas and Danavas in a single day; with how much ease then could he kill the Pandavas with all their soldiers and followers.

द्रवते च महासैन्यं पाण्डवस्य महात्मनः। एते च कौरवास्तूर्णं प्रभग्नान् वीक्ष्य सोमकान्॥ प्राद्रवन्ति रणे दृष्ट्वा हर्षयन्तः पितामहम्। सोऽहं भीष्मं निहन्म्यद्य पाण्डवार्थाय दंशितः॥
The vast army of the illustrious Pandava (Yudhishthira) again began to fly away. Having seen the Somakas routed the Kurus gladdening the heart of the grandsire rushed to battle with great cheerfulness. (Seeing) all this, Krishna reflected;-"Clad in armour I will kill Bhishma today for the sake of the Pandavas.

भारमेतं विनेष्यामि पाण्डवानां महात्मनाम्। अर्जुनो हि शरैस्तीक्ष्णैर्वध्यमानोऽपि संयुगे॥ कर्तव्यं नाभिजानाति रणे भीष्मस्य गौरवात्। तथा चिन्तयतस्तस्य भूय एव पितामहः। प्रेषयामास संक्रुद्धः शरान् पार्थरथं प्रति॥
I will lighten the burden of the Pandavas. Though struck with keen arrows in the battle, Arjuna does not what he should do, from respect for Bhishma.” While Krishna was thus reflecting the grandsire again hurled his arrows on Partha's car.

तेषां बहुत्वात् तु भृशं शराणां दिशश्च सर्वाः पिहिता बभूवुः। न भास्करोऽदृश्यत रश्ममाली।
In consequence of those various arrows flying in all directions, all sides completely enshrouded. Neither the sky, nor the directions, nor the earth, nor the brilliant sun could be seen. were

ववुश्च वात्सतुमुलाः सधूमा दिशश्च सर्वाः क्षुभिता बभूवुः॥ द्रोणो विकर्णोऽथ जयद्रथश्च भूरिश्रवाः कृतवर्मा कृपश्च। श्रुतायुरम्बष्ठपतिश्च राजा विन्दानुविन्दौ च मुदक्षिणश्च॥ प्राच्याश्च सौवीरगणाश्च सर्वे वसातयः क्षुद्रकमालवाश्च। निदेशगाः शान्तनवस्य राज्ञः॥ रनेकसाहस्रशतैर्ददर्श। किरीटिनं सम्परिवार्यमाणं शिनेर्नप्ता वारणयूथपैश्च॥ ततस्तु दृष्ट्वार्जुनवासुदेवौ पदातिनागाश्वरथैः समन्तात्। अभिद्रुतौ शस्त्रभृतां वरिष्ठौ शिनिप्रवीरोऽभिससार तूर्णम्॥ स तान्यनीकानि महाधनुष्माशिनिप्रवीरः सहसाभिपत्य। चकार साहाय्यमथार्जुनस्य विष्णुर्यथा वृत्रनिषूदनस्य॥ विशीर्णनागाश्वरथध्वजौघं भीष्मेण वित्रासितसर्वयोधम्। युधिष्ठिरानीकमभिद्रवन्तं प्रोवाच संदृश्य शिनिप्रवीरः॥ क्व क्षत्रिया यास्यथ नैष धर्मः सतां पुरस्तात् कथितः पुराणैः।
The winds that blew appeared to be mixed with smoke; all the directions seemed to be agitated. Drona, Vikarna, Jayadratha, Bhurishrava, Kritvarma, Kripa, Shrutayusha, the ruler of Ambashta, Vinda and Anuvinda, Sudakshina, the people of the western country, the various tribes of Souviras, the Vasatis, the Kshudrakas, and the Malavas, all these at the command of the Gautamas royal son soon came to Kiritin (Arjuna) for battle. The grandson of Shini saw that Kiritin was surrounded by many thousands of horse and foot soldiers and car-warriors and great elephants. Having seen Vasudeva and Arjuna thus surrounded by infantry and elephants and horses and cars on all sides that foremost of all wielders of arms, that chief of the Shini's, soon went to that place. That ioremost of bowmen, the Shini Chief quickly rushed upon those troops and soon came to Arjuna's aid, as cars Vishnu came to the slayer Vritra. That foremost of Shini warriors cheerfully thus addressed the troops of Yudhishthira who were all frightened by Bhishma, and whose elephants, horses and numberless standards had been mangled and broken into pieces and who were all flying away from the battle-field “O Kshatriyas, were do you go? This is not the duty of virtuous men as declared by the ancients.

मा स्वां प्रतिज्ञां त्यजत प्रवीराः स्वं वीरधर्म परिपालयध्वम्॥ तान् वासवानन्तरजो निशाम्य नरेन्द्रमुख्यान् द्रवतः समन्तात्। पार्थस्य दृष्ट्वा मृदुयुद्धतां च भीष्मं च संख्ये समुदीर्यमाणम्।।८२। अमृष्यमाणः स ततो महात्मा यशस्विनं सर्वदशाहभर्ता। उवाच शैनेयमभिप्रशंसन् दृष्ट्वा कुरूनापततः समग्रान्॥ ये यान्ति ते यान्तु शिनिप्रवीर येऽपि स्थिताः सात्वत तेऽपि यान्तु।
O foremost of heroes, do not violate your pledges; observe your own duties as heroes." Having seen that the foremost of kings were flying away from the field of battle and having also marked the mildness with which Partha fought and seeing also that Bhishma was exerting himself with all his powers and that the Kurus were rushing from all sides, the younger brother of Vasava, the illustrious protector of all the Dasharnas become unable to bear it all. He thus spoke to the famous grandson of Shini and praised him much; “O hero of the Shini race, those that are retreating are ended retreating. O Satvata chief those that are still staying, let them also go away.

भीष्मं रथात् पश्य निपात्यमानं द्रोणं च संख्ये सगणं मयाद्य॥ न मे रथी सात्वत कौरवाणां क्रुद्धस्य मुच्येत रणेऽद्य कश्चित्।
Behold, I shall soon fell Bhishma down from his car and also Drona in this battle with all their followers. O Satvata chief, there is none in the Kuru army who can escape me when I am angry.

तस्मादहं गृह्य रथाङ्गमुग्रं प्राणं हरिष्यामि महाव्रतस्य॥ निहत्य भीष्मं सगणं तथाऽऽजौ द्रोणं च शेनेय रथप्रवीरौ। प्रीतिं करिष्यामि धनंजयस्य राज्ञश्च भीमस्य तथाऽिश्वनोच॥ स्तत्पक्षिणो ये च नरेन्द्रमुख्याः। राज्येन राजानमजातशत्रु सम्पादयिष्याम्यहमद्य हृष्टः॥
Therefore taking up my fearful discus I shall (today) kill Bhishma of rigid vows. O grandson of Shini, killing in battle these two foremost of car-warriors, namely Bhishma and Drona with all their followers, I shall gladden the heart of Dhananjaya and the king (Yudhishthira) and also of Bhima and the twin Ashvins. Killing all the sons of Dhritarashtra and all those foremost of kings who have taken their side, I will with great joy secure a kingdom today for Ajatashatru.”

ततः सुनाभं वसुदेवपुत्रः सूर्यप्रभं वज्रसमप्रभावम्। क्षुरान्तमुद्यम्य भुजेन चक्र रथादवप्लुत्य विसृज्य वाहान्॥ संकम्पयन् गां चरणैर्महात्मा वेगेन कृष्णः प्रससार भीष्मम्।
Having said this, the son of Vasudeva threw off the reins of the horses and jumped down from the car. Whirling with his right arm his discus with a beautiful shape and with sharpness as that of a razors, which was as effulgent as the sun and possessed the force of one thousand thunderbolts, the high-souled Krishna rushed with great force towards Bhishma making the earth tremble under his feet.

मदान्धमाजौ समुदीर्णदर्प सिंहो जिघांसन्निव वारणेन्द्रम्॥ सोऽभिद्रवन् भीष्ममनीकमध्ये क्रुद्धो महेन्द्रावरजः प्रमाथी।
That chastiser of foes, the younger brother of the chief of the celestial, angrily rushed towards Bhishma who stood in the midst of his troops, as a lion, from the desire of killing a large elephant, rushes towards it.

व्यालम्बिपीतान्तपटश्चकाशे घनो यथा खे तडितावनद्धः॥ स्तच्चक्रपद्यं सुभुजोरुनालम्। यथादिपद्मं तरुणार्कवर्ण रराज नारायणनाभिजातम्॥ तत् कृष्णकोपोदयसूर्यबुद्धं क्षुरान्ततीक्ष्णाग्रसुजातपत्रम्। तस्यैव देहोरुसर:प्ररूढं रराज नारायणबाहुनालम्॥ तमात्तचक्रं प्रणदन्तमुच्चैः क्रुद्ध महेन्द्रावरजं समीक्ष्य। सर्वाणि भूतानि भृशं विनेदुः क्षयं कुरूणामिव चिन्तयित्वा॥ स वासुदेवः प्रगृहीतचक्रः संवर्तयिष्यन्निव सर्वलोकम्।
The end of his yellow garments waving in the air looked like a cloud charge with lighting. That lotus of a discus, the Sudarshana, having for its stalk the beautiful arms of Shaurin (Krishna) looked as beautiful as the primeval lotus, which was a bright as the morning sun which caused that lotus to bloom. The beautiful leaves of that lotus were as shape as the edge of a razor. Krishna's body was the beautiful lake, his arms where the stalk upon which shone the lotus. Seeing the younger brother of Mahendra excited with anger and hat he was loudly roaring, that he was armed with discus, all creatures uttered loud wails. They thought the destruction of the Kurus was near at hand. Armed with his discus, Vasudeva looked like the Samvarta fire that appears at the end of a Yuga for consuming the world.

ऊभ्युत्पतल्लोकगुरुर्बभासे भूतानि धक्ष्यन्निव धूमकेतुः॥ तमाद्रवन्तं प्रगृहीतचक्रं दृष्ट्वा देवं शान्तनवस्तदानीम्। असम्भ्रमं तद् विचकर्ष दोभ्यां महाधनुर्गाण्डिवतुल्यघोषम्॥ उवाच भीष्मस्तमनन्तपौरुषं गोविन्दमाजावविमूढचेताः। एह्येहि देवेश जगनिवास नमोऽस्तु ते माधव चक्रपाणे॥
The preceptor of the universe blazed up like a fearful cometrisen for consuming all creatures. Having seen that foremost of men, that divine personage advancing armed with discus, Shantanu's son (Bhishma) who stood on his car with his bow and arrow in hand thus fearlessly spoke “Come, come, O lord of the gods, O deity that had the universe for your abode, O god armed with mace, sword and Sarnga, I bow to you.

प्रसह्य मां पातय लोकनाथ रथोत्तमात् सर्वशरण्य संख्ये॥ त्वया हतस्यापि ममाघ कृष्ण श्रेयः परस्मिन्निह चैव लोके।
O lord of the universe, forcibly fell me dc wn from this excellent car. O refuge of all creates, O Krishna, in this battle, if I be killed by you, great will be my good fortune both in this world and in the next.

सम्भावितोऽस्म्यन्धकवृष्णिनाथ लोकैस्त्रिभिर्वीर तवाभियानात्॥ रथादवप्लुत्य ततस्त्वरावान् पार्थोऽप्यनुदुत्य यदुप्रवीरम्। जग्राह पीनोत्तमलम्बबाहुँ बाह्वोर्हरिं व्यायतपीनबाहुः॥
O Vrishni and Andhaka chief, you give me the greatest respect. My dignity will be celebrated all over the three worlds. Meanwhile, jumping from his car, Partha of mighty and long arms himself soon ran after that Yadu chief possessing massive and long arms. He soon came to him and seized him by his two arms.

निगृह्यमाणश्च तदाऽऽदिदेवो भृशं सरोषः किल चात्मयोगी। र्जिष्णु महावात इवैकवृक्षम्।।१००।
That first of all gods, Krishna was excited with rage. Therefore, though thus seized, Vishnu (Krishna) forcibly dragged Vishnu (Arjuna) after him, like a tempest carrying away a tree.

पार्थस्तु विष्टभ्य बलेन पादौ भीष्मान्तिकं तूर्णमभिद्रवन्तम्। बलान्निजग्राह हरि किरीटी पदेऽथ राजन् दशमे कथञ्चित्॥
The high-souled Partha, however, seized with great force his legs as he was rushing towards Bhishma; O king, he succeeded in stopping him with great difficulty on the tenth step.

अवस्थितं च प्रणिपत्य कृष्णं प्रीतोऽर्जुनः काञ्चनचित्रमाली। उवाच कोपं प्रतिसंहरेति गतिर्भवान् केशव पाण्डवानाम्॥
When Krishna stopped, Arjuna, adorned with a beautiful golden garland cheerful, bowed to him and he then thus spoke to him “Quell our wrath o Keshava, you are the refuge of the Pandavas.

ह हास्यते कर्म यथाप्रतिज्ञं पुत्रैः शपे केशव सोदरैश्च। अन्तं करिष्यामि यथा कुरूणां त्वयाऽहमिन्द्रनुज सम्प्रयुक्तः॥ ततः प्रतिज्ञां समयं च तस्य जनार्दनः प्रीतमना निशम्य। स्थित: प्रिये कौरवसत्तमस्य रथं सचक्रः पुनरारुरोह॥
O Keshava, I swear by my sons and brothers that I will not withdrawn from the acts to which I have pledged myself. O younger brother of Indra, at your command. I will certainly annihilate the Kurus." Having heard that promise and pledged by Arjuna, Janardana became gratified. He was ever engaged in doing what is agreeable to that foremost of the Kurus, Arjuna. He therefore, discus on arms, once more mounted on the car.

स तानभीषून् पुनराददानः प्रगृह्य शङ्ख द्विषतां निहन्ता। विनादयामास ततो दिशश्च स पाञ्चजन्यस्य रवेण शौरिः॥
That chastiser of foes once more took up the reins. Then taking up his couch called Panchajanya, Shaurin (Krishna) filled the sky and all the directions with its sounds.

व्याविद्धनिष्काङ्गदकुण्डलं तं रजोविकीर्णाञ्चितपद्मनेत्रम्। विशुद्धदंष्ट्रं प्रगृहीतशङ्ख विचुक्रुशुः प्रेक्ष्य कुरुप्रवीराः॥
Thereupon when the Kuru heroes saw Krishna adorned with necklace and Angada and ear-ring, with carved eye-lashes smeared with dust and with milk white teeth take up his couch, they sent up a loud cry.

मृदङ्गभेरीपणवप्रणादा नेमिस्वना दुन्दुभिनि:स्वनाश्च। ससिंहनादाश्च बभूवुरुचाः सर्वेष्वनीकेषु ततः कुरूणाम्॥
The sounds of cymbals, drums and kettledrums and the rattle of car-wheels and also those of smaller drums, mingling with those lion-like shouts sent up by all the Kuru troops became a fearful uproar.

गाण्डीवघोषः स्तनयित्नुकल्पो जगाम पार्थस्य नभो दिशश्च। जग्मुश्च बाणा विमलाः प्रसन्नाः सर्वा दिशः पाण्डवचापमुक्ताः॥
The twang of Partha's Gandiva which resembled the roaring of thunder filled the sky and all the directions. Shot from the bow of the Pandava, bright and blazing arrows flew in all directions.

तं कौरवाणामधिपो जवेन भीष्मेण भूरिश्रवसा च सार्धम्। अभ्युद्ययावुद्यतवाणपाणिः कक्षं दिधक्षन्निव धूमकेतुः॥
Then the Kuru king with a large force and with Bhishma and Bhurishrava's son with arrows in their hands resembling a comet risen for consuming a constellation rushed again him.

अथार्जुनाय प्रजिघाय भल्लान् भूरिश्रवाः सप्त सुवर्णपुडान्। दुर्योधनस्तोमरमुग्रवेगं शल्यो गदां शान्तनवश्च शक्तिम्॥
Bhurishrava hurled at Arjuna seven javelins with wings of gold, Duryodhana hurled a fearful lance, Shalva a mace and Shantanu's son (Bhishma) a dart.

स सप्तभिः सप्त शरप्रवेकान् संवार्य भूरिश्रवसा विसृष्टान्। शितेन दुर्योधनबाहुमुक्तं क्षुरेण तत् तोमरमुन्ममाथ॥
Thereupon baffling the seven javelins with seven arrows, which were as fleet as arrows, shot by Bhurishrava, Arjuna cut off with his sharp arrow the lance hurled by Duryodhana.

तत: शुभामापतती स शक्तिं विद्युत्प्रभा शान्तनवेन मुक्ताम्। गदां च मद्राधिपबाहुमुक्तां द्वाभ्यां शराभ्यां निचकर्त वीरः॥
That hero cut down with two arrows the blazing dart, as effulgent as lightning that came towards him hurled by Shantanu's son and the mace hurled by the Madra king.

ततो भुजाभ्यां बलवद् विकृष्य चित्रं धनुर्गाण्डिवमप्रमेयम्। माहेन्द्रमस्त्रं विधिवत् सुघोरं प्रादुश्चकाराद्भुतमन्तरिक्षे॥
Then drawing with his two hands and with great force his beautiful and irrisisting powerful bow Gandiva he invoked with proper mantras the exceedingly wonderful and fearful weapon named Mahendra. He made it appear in the sky.

तेनोत्तमास्त्रेण ततो महात्मा सर्वाण्यनीकानि महाधनुष्मान्। निवारयामास किरीटमाली॥ शिलीमुखाः पार्थधनुःप्रमुक्ता रथान् ध्वजाग्राणि धनूंषि बाहून्। निकृत्य देहान् विविशुः परेषां नरेन्द्रनागेन्द्रतुरङ्गमाणाम्॥
With that great weapon which was as effulgent as the blazing fire, that illustrious great bowmen, adorned with diadem and garland of gold checked the entire Kuru army.

ततो दिशः सोऽनुदिशश्च पार्थः शरैः सुधारैः समरे वितत्य। गाण्डीवशब्देन मनांसि तेषां किरीटमाली व्यथयाञ्चकार॥
Those arrows from Partha's bow cut off the arins, bows, standard-tops and cars, penetrated into the ranks of the kings and of the huge elephants and horses of the enemy.

तस्मिंस्तथा घोरतमे प्रवृत्ते शङ्खस्वना दुन्दुभिनिःस्वनाश्चा अन्तर्हिता गाण्डिवनिःस्वनेन बभूवुरुचाश्वरथप्रणादाः॥
Having filled all directions with those sharp and terrible arrows Partha adorned with diadem and garland of gold agitated the hearts of his foes by the fearful twang of his Gandiva.

गाण्डीवशब्दं तमथो विदित्वा विराटराजप्रमुखाः प्रवीराः। स्तं देशमाजग्मुरदीनसत्त्वाः॥
In that fierce battle, the sounds of conchs and beat of drums and the deep rattle of cars were all silenced by the twang of the Gandiva.

सर्वाणि सैन्यानि त तावकानि यतो यतो गाण्डिवजः प्रणादः। ततस्ततः संनतिमेव जग्मुन तं प्रतीपोऽभिससार कश्चित्॥
Having known that twang t have been produced by the Gandiva, king Virata, and the foremost of men, and the brave Panchala king Drupada all went to the place with unrepressed hearts.

तस्मिन् सुघोरे नृपसम्प्रहारे हताः प्रवीराः सरथाश्वसूताः। गजाश्च नाराचनिपाततप्ता महापताकाः शुभरुक्मकक्ष्याः॥
All the troops stood struck with fear each at the spot where he heard that twang of the Gandiva. None dared to go to the place whence rose that sound.

परीतसत्त्वाः सहसा निपेतुः किरीटिना भिन्नतनुत्रकायाः। दृढं हताः पत्रिभिरुचवेगैः पार्थेन भल्लैर्विमलैः शिताचैः॥ निकृत्तयन्त्रा निहतेन्द्रकीला ध्वजा महान्तो ध्वजिनीमुखेषु। पदातिसङ्घाश्च रथाश्च संख्ये हयाश्च नागाश्च धनंजयेन॥ बाणाहतास्तूर्णमपेतसत्त्वा विष्टभ्य गात्राणि निपेतुरुक्म्। ऐन्द्रेण तेनास्त्रवरेण राजन् महाहवे भिन्नतनुत्रदेहाः॥
In that fearful, slaughter of the kings, heroic warriors as well as car-warriors with their charioteers were killed. elephants with bright golden housings and gorgeous standards wounded with broad headed arrows that fell upon them suddenly fell down dead with their bodies mangled by Kiritin. Forcibly struck by or Partha with his winged arrows and sharp broad headed arrows, the yantras and indragalas of the standards of innumerable kings were cut down. Innumerable foot soldiers, car-warriors, steeds and elephants fell fast on the filed, their limbs paralysed themselves speedily deprived of life afflicted by Dhananjaya with those arrows. O king, many were the warriors who in that terrible fight had their armours and bodies cut through, by that weapon named after Indra.

ततः शरौधैर्निशितैः किरीटिना नृदेहशस्त्रक्षतलोहितोदा। नदी सुघोरा नरमेदफेना प्रवर्तिता तत्र रणाजिरे॥
With those fearful and sharp arrows, Kiritin (Arjuna) made a river of blood to flow on the field of battle, its blood was supplied from the mangled bodies of the soldiers. Its forth was made by their feet.

वेगेन साऽतीव पृथुप्रवाहा परेतनागाश्वशरीररोधा। नरेन्द्रमज्जोच्छ्रितमांसपङ्का प्रभूतरक्षोगणभूतसेविता॥
Its current was broad and it ran fearfully. The bodies of dead elephants and horses formed its bangs. Its mire consisted of the entail, the marrow and the flesh of human beings and of the huge Rakshasas.

शिरःकपालाकुलकेशशाद्वला शरीरसङ्घातसहस्रवाहिनी। विशीर्णनानाकवचोर्मिसंकुला नराश्वनागास्थिनिकृत्तशर्करा॥
Innumerable crowns of human heads covered with hair formed its floating moss, and heaps of human bodies formed its sand banks. They caused that river to flow in one thousand directions, armours strewn all over it formed its waves, and the bones of human beings and elephants and horses formed its stones and pebbles.

श्वकङ्कशालावृकगृध्रकाकैः क्रव्यादसङ्घश्च तरक्षुभिश्च। उपेतकूलां ददृशुर्मनुष्याः क्रूरां महावैतरणीप्रकाशाम्॥ मैदोवसासृक्प्रवहां सुभीमाम्। हतप्रवीरां च तथैव दृष्ट्वा सेनां कुरूणामथ फाल्गुनेन॥ ते चेदिपाञ्चालकरूषमत्स्याः पार्थाश्च सर्वे सहिताः प्रणेदुः। जयप्रगल्भाः पुरुषप्रवीराः संत्रासयन्तः कुरुवीरयोधान्॥
Its banks were infested by large numbers of jackals and wolves and cranes, and vultures and crowds of Rakshasas and herds of hydras. Those that were alive saw that fearful rivers of fat, marrow and blood caused by the showers of arrows shot by Arjuna; it resembled the great Vaitarani (river). Having seen the foremost of warriors thus killed by Phalguna (Arjuna), the Chedis, the Panchalas, the Karushas, the Matsyas, and all the Pandava warriors, those foremost of men, all highly elated with victory sent up loud shouts that frightened the Kuru warriors.

हतप्रवीराणि बलानि दृष्ट्वा किरीटिना शत्रुभयावहेन। वित्रास्य सेनां ध्वजिनीपतीनां सिंहो मृगाणामिव यूथसङ्घान्॥
They sent forth that shout indicative of victory on seeing the foremost warriors of the Kuru army, the very combatants who were protected by the (Kuru) leaders thus killed by Kiritin (Arjuna) that terror foes, who frightened them all as a lion frightens a herd of sinall animals.

विनेदतुस्तावतिहर्षयुक्ती गाण्डीवधन्वा च जनार्दनश्च। ततो रविं संवृतरश्मिजालं दृष्ट्वा भृशं शस्त्रपरिक्षताङ्गाः॥ मसह्यमुद्वीक्ष्य युगान्तकल्पम्। अथापयानं कुरवः सभीष्माः सद्रोणदुर्योधनबाह्निकाच॥ चक्रुर्निशां संधिगतां समीक्ष्य विभावसोर्लोहितरागयुक्ताम्। अवाप्य कीर्तिं च यशश्च लोके विजित्य शंत्रूश्च धनंजयोऽपि।।१३३ ययौ नरेन्द्रैः सह सौदरैश्च समाप्तकर्मा शिबिरं निशायाम्। ततः प्रजज्ञे तुमुलः कुरूणां निशामुखे घोरतमः प्रणादः॥
Then the wielder of Gandiva and Janardana, with great delight attacked loud shouts. The Kurus with Bhishma and Drona and Duryodhana and Balhịka all mortally wounded by the weapons (of Arjuna) then saw the sun withdraw his rays. Seeing also the Mahendra weapon spread out and causing as it were the end of the Yuga, they withdrew their force for the night's rests. Thus having achieved a great feat and won great renown and having seen the sun assume a red colour and the evening twilight set in and having completed his work (for that day), Arjuna retired with his brothers to the camp for the night's rest. Then when darkness set in, a fearful and great uproar was made by the Kuru troops.

रणे रथानामयुतं निहत्य हता गजा: सप्तशतार्जुनेन। प्राच्याश्च सौवीरगणाश्च सर्वे निपातिताः क्षुद्रकमालवाश्च॥
All said: "In today's battle, Arjuna has killed ten thousand car-warriors and seven hundred elephants. All the people of the western country, the various tribes of the Souviras, the Kshudrakas and the Malavas have all been killed.

महत् कृतं कर्म धनंजयेन कर्तुं यथा नार्हति कश्चिदन्यः। श्रुतायुरम्बष्ठपतिश्च राजा तथैव दुर्मर्षणचित्रसेनौ॥ द्रोणः कृपः सैन्धवबाह्निकौ च भूरिश्रवाः शल्यशलौ च राजन्। अन्ये च योधाः शतश: समेताः क्रुद्धेन पार्थेन रणस्य मध्ये॥ स्वबाहुवीर्येण जिताः सभीष्माः किरीटिना लोकमहारथेन। इति ब्रुवन्तः शिबिराणि जग्मुः सर्वे गणा भारत ये त्वदीयाः॥
The feat achieved today by Dhananjaya is indeed a very great one! None else is capable of doing it. The king of the Ambashtha, Shrutayu, Durmarshana, Chitrasena, Drona, Kripa, the Sindhu king, Balhika, Bhurishravas, Shalya, Shala, a hundreds of others warriors with Bhishma at their head have today been defeated by the wrathful son of Pritha, Kiritin, the great car-warrior of the world". O descendant of Bharata, talking thus, all the troops of your army went to their tents from the field of battle.

विभ्राजमानैश्च तथा प्रदीपैः। किरीटिवित्रासितसर्वयोधा चक्रे निवेशं ध्वजिनी कुरूणाम्॥
All the troops of the Kuru army frightened by Kiritin then went into their tents illuminated by thousands of torches and by innumerable lamps.