The death of the Kalinga king

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच तथा प्रतिसमादिष्टः कालिङ्गो वाहिनीपतिः। कथमद्भुतकर्माणं भीमसेनं महाबलम्॥ चरन्तं गदया वीरं दण्डहस्तमिवान्तकम्। योधयामास समरे कालिङ्गः सह सेनया॥
Dhritarashtra said How did the Kalinga king, that commander of a large army, having been asked by my son and supported by his troops, fight in battle with that doer of wonderful deeds, the mighty Bhimasena, that hero who roved over the field of battle with his club?

संजय उवाच पुत्रेण तव राजेन्द्र स तथोक्तो महाबलः। महत्या सेनया गुप्तः प्रायाद् भीमरथं प्रति॥
Sanjaya said O great king, thus asked by your son the mighty Kalinga king accompanied by large army, advanced towards the chariot of Bhima.

तामापतन्ती महती कलिङ्गानां महाचमूम्। स्थाश्वनागकलिलां प्रगृहीतमहायुधाम्॥ भीमसेनः कलिङ्गानामाझेद् भारत वाहिनीम्। केतुमन्तं च नैषादिमायान्तं सह चेदिभिः॥
Odescendant of Bharata, Bhimasena, then supported by the Chedis, rushed towards that large and mighty Kalinga army consisting of many cars, horses, and elephants. It was armed with great weapons. It was advancing towards him with Ketumat, the son of the Nishada king, at its head.

ततः श्रुतायुः संक्रुद्धो राज्ञा केतुमता सह। आससाद रणे भीमं व्यूढानीकेषु चेदिषु॥
Inflamed in anger, Shrutayu, clad in armour, followed by his troops in battle array and accompanied by king Ketumat, came in front of Bhima.

रथैरनेकसाहौः कलिङ्गानां नराधिप। अयुतेन गजानां च निषादैः स केतुमान्॥
The Kalinga king with many thousands cars, and Ketumat with ten thousand elephants and also the Nishadas.

भीमसेनं रणे राजन् समन्तात् पर्यवारयत्। चेदिमत्स्यकरूषाश्च भीमसेनपदानुगाः॥
All, O king, surrounded Bhimasena on all sides. Then the Chedis, the Matsyas, and the Karushas with Bhimasena at their head,

अभ्यधावन्त समरे निषादान् सह राजभिः। ततः प्रववृते युद्धं घोररूपं भयावहम्॥
And with many other kings, rushed with great force against the Nishadas. Then took place a fearful and terrible battle.

न प्राजानन्त योधाः स्वान् परस्परजिघांसया। घोरमासीत् ततो युद्धं भीमस्य सहसा परैः॥
Between the warriors of booth the sides, all rushing forward with the desire to kill one another. Fearful was the battle that was fought between Bhima and his adversaries.

यथेन्द्रस्य महाराज महत्या दैत्यसेनया। तस्य सैन्यस्य संग्रामे युध्यमानस्य भारत॥ बभूव सुमहान् शब्दः सागरस्येव गर्जतः। अन्योन्यं स्म तदा योधा विकर्षन्तो विशाम्पते॥ महीं चक्रुश्चितां सर्वां शशलोहितसंनिभाम्। योधांश्च स्वान् परान् वापि नाभ्यजानञ्जिघांसया॥
O great king, it resembled the battle that was fought between Indra and the great host of the Danavas. O descendant of Bharata, loud uproar rose from that mighty army fighting in that battle. It resembled the sound of the roaring ocean. O king, they cut down one another and made the whole field resemble a crematorium strewn with flesh and blood. Impelled by the desire to kill, they could not distinguish friends from foes.

स्वानप्याददते स्वाश्च शूराः परमदुर्जयाः। विमर्दः सुमहानासीदल्पानां बहुभिः सह॥
Those brave warriors who were incapable of being easily defeated, cut down even their own friends. Fierce was the struggle that took place between the few and the many.

कलिङ्गैः सह चेदीनां निषादैश्च विशाम्पते। कृत्वा पुरुषकारं तु यथाशक्ति महाबलाः॥
Between the Chedis and the Kalingas with the Nishadas, Displaying their prowess to the best of their power, the powerful.

भीमसेनं परित्यज्य संन्यवर्तन्त चेदय। सर्वैः कलिङ्गैरासन्नः संनिवृत्तेषु चेदिषु॥ स्वबाहुबलमास्थाय संन्यवर्तत पाण्डवः। न चचाल रथोपस्थाद् भीमसेनो महाबलः॥
Chedis abandoned Bhimasena and turned back. When the Chedis turned back, that son of Pandu, Bhimsena met all the Kalingas. He did not turn back depending on the strength of his own arms. The greatly powerful Bhimasena did not move; from his car.

शितैरवाकिरद् बाणैः कलिङ्गानां वरूथिनीम्। कालिङ्गस्तु महेष्वासः पुत्रश्चास्य महारथः॥
He covered the Kalingas with showers of sharp arrows. Then that great bowman, the Kalinga king and that car-warriors, his son.

शक्रदेव इति ख्यातो जनतुः पाण्डवं शरैः। ततो भीमो महाबाहुर्विधुन्वन् रुचिरं धनुः॥
Named Shakradeva, both attacked the Pandava (Bhima) with ten arrows. But shaking his beautiful bow. the mighty armed Bhimasena.

योधयामास कालिङ्गं स्वबाहुबलमाश्रितः। शक्रदेवस्तु समरे विसृजन् सायकान् बहून्॥
Fought with the Kalinga king, depending only on his own prowess of arms. Shakradeva shot innumerable arrows in that battle.

अश्वाञ्जधान समरे भीमसेनस्य सायकैः। तं दृष्ट्वा विस्थं तत्र भीमसेनमरिंदमम्॥
And killed Bhimasena's horses with them. Seeing that chastiser of foes deprived of his car.

शक्रदेवोऽभिदुद्राव शरैरवकिरशितैः। भीमस्योपरि राजेन्द्र शक्रदेवो महाबलः॥ ववर्ष शरवर्षाणि तपान्ते जलदो यथा।
Shakradeva rushed upon him; and shot many sharp arrows, O great king, on Bhimasena; the mighty Shakradeva poured a shower of arrows as clouds pour rain after the summer is gone.

हताश्वे तु रथे तिष्ठन् भीमसेनो महाबलः॥ शक्रदेवाय चिक्षेप सर्वशैक्यायसीं गदाम्।
But the greatly strong Bhima stayed on that car, the horses of which had been killed. He hurled from it at Shakradeva a mace made of the hardest iron.

स तया निहतो राजन् कालिङ्गत्तनयो रथात्॥ सध्वजः सह सूतेन जगाम धरणीतलम्।
Killed by that fearful mace, O king, the son of the Kalinga king fell down with his standard and charioteer.

हतमात्मसुतं दृष्ट्वा कलिङ्गानां जनाधिपः॥ रथैरनेकसाहस्रीमस्यावारयद् दिशः। ततो भीमो महावेगां त्यक्त्वा गुर्वी महागदाम्॥ निस्त्रिंशमाददे घोरं चिकीर्षुः कर्म दारुणम्। चर्म चाप्रतिमं राजन्नार्षभं पुरुषर्षभ॥
Then that great car-warrior the Kalinga king, seeing his son killed. Surrounded Bhima on all sides with innumerable troops, then the greatly strong and mighty armed Bhima took up a sword with the desire of performing a great feat. O king, that foremost of men also took up a matchless shield made of the hide of a bull.

नक्षत्रैरर्धचन्दैश्च शातकुम्भमयैश्चितम्। कालिङ्गस्तु ततः क्रुद्धो धनुामवमृज्य च॥ प्रगृह्य च शरं घोरमेकं सर्पविषोपमम्। प्राहिणोद् भीमसेनाय वधाकाङ्क्षी जनेश्वरः॥
It was adorned with stars and crescents made of gold. The Kalinga king also in great anger rubbed his bow string and took up a poisoned Shakti. He shot it at Bhimasena with the desire of killing him.

तमापतन्तं वेगेन प्रेरितं निशितं शरम्। भीमसेनो द्विधा राजंश्चिच्छेद विपुलासिना॥
O king, Bhimsena however soon with his big sword cut down that sharp arrow which was rushing towards him with great impetuosity.

उदक्रोशच्च संहृष्टस्त्रासयानो वरूथिनीम्। कालिङ्गोऽथ ततः क्रुद्धो भीमसेनाय संयुगे॥
He then a great delight sent up a loud shout which filed the troops with terror. The Kalinga king, being very much enraged in fighting with Bhimasena.

तोमरान् प्राहिणोच्छीघ्रं चतुर्दश शिलाशितान्। तानप्राप्तान् महाबाहुः खगतानेव पाण्डवः॥ चिच्छेद सहसा राजन्नसम्भ्रान्तो वरासिना। निकृत्य तु रणे भीमस्तोमरान् वै चतुर्दश॥
Soon hurled upon his fourteen darts with heads made of stone. The mighty armed Pandava (Bhima) soon cut them down into many fragments, O king, before they could reach him. Having cut down in that battle those fourteen arrows Bhima,

भानुन्मतं ततो भीमः प्राद्रवत् पुरुषर्षभः। भानुमांस्तु ततो भीमं शरवर्षेण च्छादयन्॥ ननाद बलवन्नादं नादयानो नभस्तलम्। न च तं ममृषे भीमः सिंहनादं महाहवे॥
That foremost of men, on seeing Bhanumat rushed upon him. Bhanumat thereupon covered Bhima with a shower of arrows. He set up a loud shout making the sky resound with it. Bhima however could not bear that lion-like shout in that battle.

ततः शब्देन महता विननाद महास्वनः। तेन नादेन वित्रस्ता कलिङ्गानां वरूथिनी॥
Possessing as he does a fearfully loud voice, he also sent up a very loud shout. At his fearful shouts, the Kalingas were filled with great alarm.

न भीमं समरे मेने मानुषं भरतर्षभ। ततो भीमो महाबाहुर्नर्दित्वा विपुलं स्वनम्॥
O best of men, they no longer considered Bhima as a human being. O king of kings, then setting up a loud shout, Bhima.

सासिर्वेगवदाप्लुत्य दन्ताभ्या वारणोत्तमम्। आरुरोह ततो मध्यं नागराजस्य मारिष॥ ततो मुमोच कालिङ्गः शक्तिं तामकरोद् द्विधा। खङ्गेन पृथुना मध्ये भानुमन्तमथाच्छिनत्॥
With a sword in his hand, jumped upon the excellent elephant (of Bhanumat); and with the help of the tusk of that great elephant, he got on its back. Then with his huge sword, he cut down Bhanumat in two distinct parts. Having killed the Kalinga prince, that chastiser of foes,

सोऽन्तरायुधिनं हत्वा राजपुत्रमरिंदमः। गुरुं भारसहं स्कन्धे नागस्यासिमपातयत्॥
made his huge sword, which was capable of bearing a great strain, descend on the neck of the elephant. His head thus cut off, that great elephant fell with a tremendous roar,

छिन्नस्कन्धः स विनदन् पपात गजयूथपः। आरुग्णः सिन्धुवेगेन सानुमानिव पर्वतः॥ ततस्तस्मादवप्लुत्य गजाद् भारत भारतः।
As a mountain peak falls when eaten up by (the waves of the) sea. O descendant of Bharata, jumping down from that falling elephant, that descendant of Bharata.

खड्गपाणिरदीनात्मा तस्थौ भूमौ सुदंशितः॥ स चचार बहून् मार्गानभितः पातयन् गजान्। अग्निचक्रमिवाविद्धं सर्वतः प्रत्यदृश्यत॥ अश्ववृन्देषु नागेषु रथानीकेषु चाभिभूः। पदातीनां च संघेषु विनिमशोणितोक्षितः॥ श्येनवद् व्यचरद् भीमो रणेऽरिषु बलोत्कटः। छिन्दस्तेषां शरीराणि शिरांसि च महाबलः॥ खड्गेन शितधारेण संयुगे गजयोधिनाम्।
Clad in armour, stood on the ground with his sword in his hand. Cutting down many elephants on all sides, he roved about making his way (through the troops of the enemy). He appeared to be like a moving wheel of fire. He slaughtered innumerable horsemen, elephants and car-warriors and foot soldiers. That foremost of men, the mighty Bhima was seen to move about the field with the speed of the hawk, cutting off with his sharp sword the bodies and heads of countless men (on foot) and also of those who were on elephant.

पदातिरेकः संक्रुद्धः शत्रूणां भयवर्धनः॥ सम्मोहयामास स तान् कालान्तकयमोपमः।
Thus fighting on foot in great rage like Yama himself at the universal dissolution, he struck terror into the hearts of his enemies. Those brave warriors all became confounded.

मूढाश्च ते तमेवाजौ विनदन्तः समाद्रवन्॥ सासिमुत्तमवेगेन विचरन्तं महारणे।
Only those that were foolish came rushing at him who was roving about that field of battle with sword in his hand.

निकृत्य रथिनां चाजौ रथेषाश्च युगानि च॥ जघान रथिनश्चापि बलवान् रिपुमर्दनः।
That mighty chastiser of foes, cut off the shafts and yokes of those warriors on their cars, and he then killed them.

भीमसेनश्चरन् मार्गान् सुबहून् प्रत्यदृश्यत॥ भ्रान्तमाविद्धमुद्धान्तमाप्लुतं प्रसृतं प्लुतम्।
O descendant of Bharata, Bhimasena was seen to display various kinds of motions. He wheeled about and whirled about on high. He made side-thrusts, jumped forward, ran above and leapt high.

सम्पातं समुदीर्णं च दर्शयामास पाण्डवः॥ केचिदचासिना छिन्नाः पाण्डवेन महात्मना।
O descendant of Bharata, he was seen to rush forward and rush upward. Some, mangled by that illustrious son of Pandu with his sword,

विनेदुर्भिन्नमर्माणो निपेतुश्च गतासवः॥ छिन्नदन्ताग्रहस्ताश्च भिन्नकुम्भास्तथा परे। वियोधाः स्वान्यनीकानि जघ्नुर्भारत वारणाः॥ निपेतुरुवा॒ च तथा विनदन्तो महारवान्।
Shrieked aloud; some mortally wounded, fell down and was killed. O descendant of Bharata, many elephants some with their trunks and the tusks cut off, others with their temporal globes cut open, fell down uttering fearful cries.

छिन्नांश्च तोमरान् राजन् महामात्यशिरांसि च॥ परिस्तोमान् विचित्रांश्च कक्ष्याश्च कनकोज्ज्वलाः। चैवेयाण्यथ शक्तीश्च पताकाः कणपांस्तथा॥ तूणीरानथ यन्त्राणि विचित्राणि धनूंषि च। भिन्दिपालानि शुभ्राणि तोत्राणि चाकुशैः सह॥ घण्टाश्च विविधा राजन् हेमग स्त्सरूनपि। पततः पातितांश्चैव पश्यामः सह सादिभिः॥ छिन्नगात्रावरकरैनिहतैश्चापि वारणैः। आसीद् भूमिः समास्तार्णा पतितैर्भूधरैरिव॥
O king, broken lances, heads of elephantsdrivers, beautiful housing of elephants, chords as shining as gold, collars darts, mallets, quivers, various kinds of machines, beautiful bows, short arrows with polished heads, hooks and screws various sorts of bells and belts decked with gold, these were seen falling or already fallen on the field of battle. With elephants having the fore parts and hind parts of their bodies and trunks cut off or entirely killed, the battle field appeared to be strewn with fallen cliffs.

विमृद्यैवं महानागान् ममर्दान्यान् महाबलः। अश्वारोहवरादंश्चैव पातयामास संयुगे॥
Having thus killed many huge elephants that foremost of men then began to destroy the horses. O descendant of Bharata, that hero felled many foremost of horse-men.

तद् घोरमभवद् युद्धं तस्य तेषां च भारत। खलीनान्यथ योक्त्राणि कक्ष्याश्च कनकोज्ज्वलाः॥ परिस्तोमाश्च प्रासाश्च ऋष्टयश्च महाधनाः। कवचान्यथ चर्माणि चित्राण्यास्तरणानि च॥ तत्र तत्रापविद्धानि व्यदृश्यन्त महाहवे।
O sire, that battle was fought between him and those soldiers was exceedingly fearful. Hilts, traces, golden saddles girths, covers for the horses, bearded darts costly swords, armours, shields, and beautiful ornaments, were seen by us strewn over the ground in that great battle.

प्रासैर्यन्त्रैविंचित्रैश्च शस्त्रैश्च विमलैस्तथा॥ स चक्रे वसुधां कीर्णां शबलैः कुसुमैरिव। आप्लुत्य रथिनः कांश्चित् परामृश्य महाबलः॥ पातयामास खड्ड्रेन सध्वजानपि पाण्डवः।
He caused the earth to be covered with blood, thus making her look as if she were variegated with lilies. The might Pandava, jumping high and dragging down some carwarriors, cut them down with their standards.

मुहुरुत्पततो दिक्षु धावतश्च यशस्विनः॥ मार्गाश्च चरतश्चित्रं व्यस्मयन्त रणे जनाः। स जघान पदा कांश्चिद् व्याक्षिप्यान्यानपोथयत्॥
Often jumping up and frequently rushing on all sides, that greatly powerful hero roved about and filled all the troops with wonder. Some he killed by his legs, some he dragged down and pressed them into the earth,

खङ्गेनान्यांश्च चिच्छेद नादेनान्यांश्च भीषयन्। उरुवेगेन चाप्यन्यान् पातयामास भूतले॥
Others he cut down with his sword, others again he frightened with his terrible roars. Others he threw down by the force of his thighs.

अपरे चैनमालोक्य भायत् पञ्चत्वमागताः। एवं सा बहुला सेना कलिङ्गानां तरस्विनाम्॥ परिवार्य रणे भीष्मं भीमसेनमुपाद्रवत्। तत: कालिङ्गसैन्यानां प्रमुखे भरतर्षभ।६७॥ श्रुतायुषमभिप्रेक्ष्य भीमसेनः समभ्ययात्। तमायान्तमभिप्रेक्ष्य कालिङ्गो नवभिः शरैः॥ भीमसेनममेयात्मा प्रत्यविध्यत् स्तनान्तरे। कालिङ्गबाणाभिहतस्तोत्रादित इव द्विपः॥
Others again fled away on simply seeing him. It was thus that the great and powerful army of the Kalingas surrounded Bhimasena and rushed upon him. O best of the Bharata race, seeing, the Shrutayu at the head of the Kalinga troops, Bhimasena rushed at him. Seeing Shrutayu at the head of the Kalinga troops Bhimsena rushed at him. Seeing him come, the Kalinga king wounded Bhimasena with nine arrows. Wounded by those arrows shot by the Kalinga king, like an elephant pierced by the hook.

भीमसेनः प्रजज्वाल क्रोधेनाग्निरिवैधितः। अथाशोकः समादाय रथं हेमपरिष्कृतम्॥ भीमं सम्पादयामास रथेन रथसारथिः। तमारुह्य रथं तूर्णं कौन्तेयः शत्रुसूदनः॥
Bhimsena blazed up in wrath like a fire fed with fuels. Then that best of charioteers, Ashoka, soon brought a car decked with gold, and he caused Bhima to mount upon it. Thereupon that chastiser of foes, the son of Kunti (Bhima) soon mounted on that car.

कालिङ्गमभिदुद्राव तिष्ठ तिष्ठेति चाब्रवीत्। ततः श्रुतायुर्बलवान् भीमाय निशिताशरान्॥ प्रेषयामास संक्रुद्धो दर्शयन् पाणिलाघवम्। स कार्मुकवरोत्सृष्टैर्नवभिर्निशितैः शरैः॥ समाहतो महाराज कालिङ्गेन महात्मना। संचुक्रुशे भृशं भीमो दण्डाहत इवोरगः॥
Then he rushed towards the Kalinga king, shouting “Wait” “Wait”. Then the greatly powerful Shrutayu, in great anger, shot at Bhima many sharp arrows and thus displayed his great lightness of hands. O king, thus wounded by those nine sharp arrows shot by the Kalinga king from his excellent bow, that great warrior Bhima blazed up in anger like a snake struck with a rod.

क्रुद्धश्च चापमायम्य बलवद् बलिनां वरः। कालिङ्गमवधीत् पार्थो भीमः सप्तभिरायसैः॥
Then that foremost of powerful men, that son of Pritha, Bhima in great anger drew his bow to its highest stretch, and killed the Kalinga king with seven iron arrows.

क्षुराभ्यां चक्ररक्षौ च कालिङ्गस्य महाबलौ। सत्यदेवं च सत्यं च प्राहिणोद् यमसादनम्॥
With two arrows he killed the two powerful protectors of his car-wheels; he also killed Satyadeva and Satya.

ततः पुरमेयात्मा नाराचैर्निशितैस्त्रिभिः। केतुमन्तं रणे भीमोऽगमयद् यमसादनम्॥
Thereupon high-souled Bhima then with many sharp arrows caused the destruction of Ketumat.

ततः कलिङ्गाः संनद्धा भीमसेनममर्षणम्। अनीकैर्बहुसाहस्रैः क्षत्रियाः समवारयन्॥
Thereupon the Kalinga warriors in great anger met the angry Bhimasena in battle backed by many thousands of combatants.

ततः शक्तिगदाखङ्गत्तोमरष्टिंपरश्वधैः। कलिङ्गाश्च ततो राजन् भीमसेनमवाकिरन्॥
O king, armed with darts and maces and swords and lances and scimitars and battleaxes, the Kalingas by hundreds and thousands surrounded Bhimasena.

संनिवार्य स तां घोरां शरवृष्टिं समुत्थिताम्। गदामादाय तरसा संनिपत्य महाबलः॥
Resisting that shower of arrows, that great warrior (Bhima) then took up his fearful mace. He then jumped down from his car in great speed.

भीमः सप्त शतान् वीराननयद् यमसादनम्। पुनश्चैव द्विसाहस्रान् कलिङ्गानरिमर्दनः॥ प्राहिणोन्मृत्युलोकाय तदद्भुतमिवाभवत्। एवं स तान्यनीकानि कलिङ्गानां पुनः पुनः॥ बिभेद समरे तूर्णं प्रेक्ष्य भीष्मं महारथम्। हतारोहाश्च मातङ्गाः पाण्डवेन कृता रणे॥ विप्रजग्मुरनीकेषु मेघा वातहता इव। मृद्गन्तः स्वान्यनीकानि विनदन्तः शरातुराः॥
Bhima then killed seven hundred heroes; that chastiser of foes then sent two thousand Kalingas to the region of Death. It was a wonderful feat; it was thus that the heroic and the fearfully strong Bhima again and again killed in that battle a very large number of the Kalingas. Elephants were deprived of their riders by that son of Pandu. Afflicted with arrows they roved about the field, treading down innumerable troops and uttering roars like those of the clouds.

ततो भीमो महाबाहुः खड्गहस्तो महाभुजः। सम्प्रहृष्टो महाघोषं शङ्ख प्राध्यापयद् बली॥
Then the mighty-armed Bhima with his sword in his hand blew in great delight his fearfully roaring conch.

सर्वकालिङ्गसैन्यानां मनांसि समकम्पयत्। मोहश्चापि कलिङ्गानामाविवेश परंतप॥
With that tremendous sound the hearts of the Kalinga troops began to tremble in fear. O chastiser of foes, the Kalingas appeared to have lost all consciousness.

प्राकम्पन्त च सैन्यानि वाहनानि च सर्वशः। भीमेन समरे राजन् गजेन्द्रेणेव सर्वशः॥ मार्गान् बहून् विचरता धावता च ततस्ततः। मुहुरुत्पतता चैव सम्मोहः समपद्यत॥ भीमसेनभयत्रस्तं सैन्यं च समकम्पत। क्षोभ्यमाणमसम्बाधं ग्राहेणेव महत् सरः॥
All the combatants and all the animals trembled in fear. By Bhimasena's roving about over the field of battle like an infuriated elephant, and by his frequent jumping up, a short of trance came over the foe. The whole Kalinga army trembled in fear like a large lake agitated by an alligator.

त्रासितेषु च सर्वेषु भीमेनाद्भुतकर्मणा। पुनरावर्तमानेषु विद्रवत्सु च सङ्घशः॥ सर्वकालिङ्गयोधेषु पाण्डूनां ध्वजिनीपतिः। अब्रवीत् स्वान्यनीकानि युध्यध्वमिति पार्षतः॥
Struck with panic, the Kalingas, fled away in all directions. When they were rallied again, the commander of the Pandava army (Dhrishtadyumna) then ordered his troops, exclaiming “fight”.

सेनापतिवचः श्रुत्वा शिखण्डिप्रमुखा गणाः। भीममेवाभ्यवर्तन्त रथानीकैः प्रहारिभिः॥
Having heard the word of their commander, many heroes headed by Shikhandin came to the help of Bhima, supported by many wellskilled car-warriors.

धर्मराजश्च तान् सर्वानुपजग्राह पाण्डवः। महता मेघवर्णेन नागानीकेन पृष्ठतः॥
The Pandava, king Yudhishthira Dharmaraja followed all of them behind with a large force of elephants, each of the colour of clouds.

एवं संनोद्य सर्वाणि स्वान्यनीकानि पार्षतः। भीमसेनस्य जग्राह पाणिं सत्पुरुषैर्वृतः ॥
Thus urging all his troops, the Prishata prince surrounded by many great warriors went to protect one of the wings of Bhima's troops.

न हि पञ्चालराजस्य लोके कश्चन विद्यते। भीमसात्यकयोरन्यः प्राणेभ्यः प्रियकृत्तमः॥
To the Panchala prince, there was none dearer than life on earth except Satyaki and Bhima.

सोऽपश्यच्च कलिङ्गेषु चरन्तमरिसूदनः । भीमसेनं महाबाहुं पार्षतः परवीरहा॥
That slayer of hostile heroes, the Prishata prince saw that chastiser of foes the mightyarmed Bhimasena fighting among the Kalingas.

ननर्द बहुधा राजन् हृष्टश्चासीत् परंतपः। शङ्ख दध्मौ च समरे सिंहनादं ननाद च॥
O chastiser of foes, O king. He sent forth many loud shouts and filled all his troops with delight. He blew his conch and uttered a lion like roar.

स च पारावताश्वस्य रथे हेमपरिष्कृते। कोविदारध्वजं दृष्ट्वा भीमसेनः समाश्वसत्॥
Seeing the red standard of Dhrishtadyumna's car decked with gold and yoked with milk white steeds, Bhimasena became much encouraged.

धृष्टद्युम्नस्तु तं दृष्ट्वा कलिङ्गैः समभिद्रुतम्। भीमसेनममेयात्मा त्राणायाजो समभ्ययात्॥
The high-souled, Dhrishtadyumna, seeing Bhimasena attacked by the innumerable Kalingas rushed to his rescue.

तौ दृष्ट्वा दृष्टद्युम्नवृकोदरौ। कलिङ्गान् समरे वीरौ योधयेतां मनस्विनौ॥
Seeing Satyaki at a distance, those two greatly powerful heroes Dhrishtadyumna and Vrikodara furiously fell upon the Kalingas.

स तत्र गत्वा शैनेयो जवेन जयतां वरः। पार्थपार्षतयोः पाणिं जग्राह पुरुषर्षभः॥ दूरात् सात्यकि
The foremost of men, the descendant of (Shini), that best of all warriors (Satyaki) also soon came to the spot and defended the wings of both Bhima and the Prishata prince.

स कृत्वा दारुणं कर्म प्रगृहीतशरासनः। आस्थितो रौद्रमात्मानं कलिङ्गानन्ववैक्षत॥
With his big bow in his hand, he created a great havoc. Making himself fierce in the extreme, he began to kill the enemy.

कलिङ्गप्रभवां चैव मांसशोणितकर्दमाम्। रुधिरस्यन्दिनीं तत्र भीमः प्रावर्तयन्नदीम्॥
Bhima caused a river of blood to flow, it was made of the flesh and blood of the Kalingas.

अन्तरेण कलिङ्गानां पाण्डवानां च वाहिनीम्। तां संततार दुस्तारां भीमसेनो महाबलः॥
Bhimasena crossed the inaccessible blood river flowing between Kalinga and arıny of Pandavas by virtue of his unique valour.

भीमसेनं तथा दृष्ट्वा प्राक्रोशंस्तावका नृप। कालोऽयं भीमरूपेण कलिङ्गैः सह युध्यते॥
O king, seeing Bhima in this fearful fight, all the troops exclaimed, “This one who is fighting in Bhima's shape with the Kalingas is Yama himself".

ततः शान्तनवो भीष्मः श्रुत्वा तं निनदं रणे। अभ्ययात् त्वरितो भीमं व्यूढानीकः समन्ततः॥
Having heard their cries, the son of Shantanu, Bhishma, surrounded on all sides by many warriors, soon came to Bhima.

तं सात्यकिर्भीमसेनो धृष्टद्युम्नश्च पार्षतः। अभ्यद्रवन्त भीष्मस्य रथं हेमपरिष्कृतम्॥
Thereupon Satyaki, Bhima, and the Prishata prince Dhrishtadyumna all rushed towards Bhishma's car decked with gold.

परिवार्य तु ते सर्वे गाडेयं तरसा रणे। त्रिभिस्त्रिभिः शरैोरैर्भीष्ममान रोजसा॥
All of them soon surrounded the son of Ganga. Without losing a moment they wounded Bhishma each with three fearful arrows.

प्रत्यविध्यत तान् सर्वान् पिता देवव्रतस्तव। यतमानान् महेष्वासांस्त्रिभिस्त्रिभिरजिह्मगैः॥
Your father Devavrata, wounded each of these mighty bowmen with three straight arrows in return.

ततः शरसहस्रेण संनिवार्य महारथान्। हयान् काञ्चनसंनाहान् भीमस्य न्यहनच्छरैः॥
Having checked those mighty car-warriors with thousands of arrows, he killed with his arrows the horses of Bhima clad in golden armour.

हताश्वे स रथे तिष्ठन् भीमसेनः प्रतापवान्। शक्तिं चिक्षेप तरसा गाङ्गेयस्य रं प्रति॥
The greatly strong Bhima however stood on the car, the horses of which were killed. He then with great force hurled a dart at Bhishma.

अप्राप्तामथ तां शक्तिं पिता देवव्रतस्तव। त्रिधा चिच्छेद समरे सा पृथिव्यामशीर्यत॥
Your father Devavrata cut off in that battle that dart before it could reach his car. It then fell in fragments on the grounds.

ततः शैक्यायसी गुर्वी प्रगृह्य बलवान् गदाम्। भीमसेनस्ततस्तूर्णं पुप्लुवे मनुजर्षभ॥
Then that foremost of men, Bhimasena took up a heavy and might mace made of Saikya iron. He then jumped down from his car.

सात्यकोऽपि ततस्तूर्णं भीमस्य प्रियकाम्यया। गाङ्गेयसारथिं तूर्णं पातयामास सायकैः॥
Satyaki however, in order to do what is agreeable to Bhima, cut down with his arrows the charioteer of the revered Kuru grandfather.

भीष्मस्तु निहते तस्मिन् सारथौ रथिनां वरः। वातायमानैस्तैरश्वैरपनीतो रणाजिरात्॥
When his charioteer was thus killed, that foremost of car-warriors Bhishma was borne away from the battle field by his horses which ran with the speed of wind.

भीमसेनस्ततो राजन्नपयाते महाव्रते। प्रजज्वाल यथा वह्निर्दहन् कक्षमिवैधित॥
O king, when that great car-warrior was thus carried away from the field of battle, Bhima blazed up like a great fire when it consumes dry grass.

स हत्वा सर्वकालिङ्गान् सेनामध्ये व्यतिष्ठता नैनमभ्युत्सहन् केचित् तावका भरतर्षभ॥
Having killed all the Kalingas, O best of the Bharata race, he stood in the midst of the troops, and none dared to withstand him.

धृष्टद्युम्नस्तमारोप्य स्वरथे रथिनां वरः। पश्यतां सर्वसैन्यानामपोवाह यशस्विनम्॥
But Dhrishtadyumna soon took up that foremost of car warriors on his own car. He then took away that illustrious hero in the sight of all the warriors.

सम्पूज्यमानः पाञ्चाल्यैर्मत्स्यैश्च भरतर्षभ। धृष्टद्युम्नं परिष्वज्य समेयादथ सात्यकिम्॥
O best of the Bharata race, praised by the Pandavas and the Matsyas, he embraced Dhrishtadyumna and then went to Satyaki.

अथाब्रवीद् भीमसेनं सात्यकिः सत्यविक्रमः। प्रहर्षयन् यदुव्याघ्रो धृष्टद्युम्नस्य पश्यतः॥
That foremost of the Yadus, that irresistible hero Satyaki then thus spoke to Bhimasena in the presence of Dhrishtadyumna.

दिष्ट्या कलिङ्गराजश्च राजपुत्रश्च केतुमान्। शक्रदेवश्च कालिङ्गः कलिङ्गाश्च मृधे हताः॥
By good luck the Kalinga king, also the Kalinga prince Ketumat and also Shakradeva of that country and also all the Kalingas have been killed, you in this battle.

स्वबाहुबलवीर्येण नागाश्वरथसंकुलः। महापुरुषभूयिष्ठो धीरयोधनिषेवितः॥ महाव्यूहः कलिङ्गानामेकेन मृदितस्त्वया।
The army of the Kalingas, consisting of many thousands of cars, elephants, horses, noble warriors and heroic combatants, has been destroyed by your prowess of arm alone.

एवमुक्त्वा शिनेर्नप्ता दीर्घबाहुररिंदम्॥ रथाद् रथमभिद्रुत्य पर्यष्वजत पाण्डवम्। ततः स्वरथमास्थाय पुनरेव महारथः। तावकानवधीत् क्रुद्धो भीमस्य बलमादधत्॥
Having said this, the mighty-armed grandson of Shini the chastiser of foes embraced the son of Pandu (Bhima). He then quickly got upon his car. Then that great carwarrior began to kill the troops in anger, thus strengthening the hands of Bhima.