Fight between Bhishma and Arjuna

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच एवं व्यूढेष्वनीकेषु मामकेष्वितरेषु च। कथं प्रहरतां श्रेष्ठाः सम्प्रहारं प्रचक्रिरे॥श।
Dhritarashtra said When my troops and the troops of our foe were thus placed in battle array, how did then the foremost of warriors Bhishma begin to strike?

संजय उवाच समं व्यूढेष्वनीकेषु संनद्धरुचिरध्वजम्। अपारमिव संदृश्य सागरप्रतिमं बलम्॥
Sanjaya said When all the troops were thus placed in battle array, the warriors all clad in armours waited with their excellent standards upraised.

तेषां मध्ये स्थितो राजन् पुत्रो दुर्योधनस्तव। अब्रवीत् तावकान् सर्वान् युद्ध्यध्वमिति दंशिताः॥
O king, seeing his army look like the infinite ocean, your son Duryodhana, who stood within it, spoke thus to all his troops “You are all clad in armour. Now begin the fight".

ते मनः क्रूरमाधाय समभित्यक्तजीविताः। पाण्डवानभ्यवर्तन्त सर्व एवोच्छ्रितध्वजाः॥
Then all the (Kuru) warriors, full of cruel intentions and devoid of the desire of living, rushed upon the Pandavas with their standards all upraised.

ततो युद्धं समभवत् तुमुलं लोमहर्षणम्। तावकानां परेषां च व्यतिषक्तरथद्विपम्॥
Then a fearful hair-stirring battle took place. The cars and elephants all go mixed up.

मुक्तास्तु रथिभिर्बाणा रुक्मपुङ्खाः सुतेजसः। संनिपेतुरकुण्ठाचा नागेषु च हयेषु च॥
Arrows with beautiful feathers and with sharp points shot by the car-warriors fell on the elephants and the horses.

तथा प्रवृत्ते संग्रामे धनुरुद्यम्य दंशितः। अभिपत्य महाबाहुर्भीष्मो भीमपराक्रमः॥ सौभद्रे भीमसेने च सात्यकौ च महारथे। कैकेये च विराटे च धृष्टद्युम्ने च पार्षते॥ एतेषु नरवीरेषु चेदिमत्स्येषु चाभिभूः। ववर्ष शरवर्षाणि वृद्धः कुरुपितामहः॥
When the battle thus began, the venerable Kuru grandfather, the mighty-armed and terribly powerful Bhishma, clad in armour, took up his bow and rushed upon them. He poured a shower of arrows on the heroic son of Subhadra, on Bhimasena, on the great carwarrior Arjuna, on the ruler of the Kaikeyas, Virata, Prishata prince Dhrishtadyumna and also on the Chedi and the Matsya warriors.

अभिद्यत ततो व्यूहस्तस्मिन् वीरसमागमे। सर्वेषामेव सैन्यानामासीद् व्यतिकरो महान्॥
The great (Pandava) Vyuha wavered at that great attack made by that (Kuru) hero. The battle that was then fought by the combatants was fearful.

सादिनो ध्वजिनश्चैव हताः प्रवरवाजिनः। विप्रद्रुतस्थानीकाः समपद्यन्त पाण्डवाः॥
Many horsemen and car warriors and best of horses fell in quick succession. Many carwarriors of the Pandava began to run away.

अर्जुनस्तु नरव्याघ्रो दृष्ट्वा भीष्मं महारथम्। वाळूमयब्रवीत् क्रुद्धो याहि यत्र पितामहः॥
Then that lion among the men, Arjuna, seeing the great car-warrior Bhishma (destroying the Pandava troops) thus angrily spoke to the Vrishni prince (Krishna his charioteer) "Go to the place where the grandfather is".

एष भीष्मः सुसंक्रुद्धो वार्ष्णेय मम वाहिनीम्। नाशयिष्यति सुव्यक्तं दुर्योधनहिते रतः॥
O descendant of Vrishni, it is apparent that Bhishma, in anger, will annihilate our troops for the good of Duryodhana.

एष द्रोणः कृपः शल्यो विकर्णश्च जनार्दन। धार्तराष्ट्राश्च सहिता दुर्योधनपुरोगमाः॥ पञ्चालान् निहनिष्यन्ति रक्षिता दृढधन्वना। सोऽहं भीष्मं वधिष्यामि सैन्यहेतोर्जनार्दन॥
O Janardana, Drona, Kripa, Shalya, Vikarna with the sons of Dhritarashtra headed by Duryodhana and protected by this great bowman (Bhishma) will destroy the Panchalas. OJanardana, I shall, therefore, kill Bhishma for the good of my troops.

तमब्रवीद् वासुदेवो यत्तो भव धनंजय। एष त्वां प्रापयिष्यामि पितामहरथं प्रति॥
To him thus spoke Vamdeva, "O Dhananjaya, O hero, be careful, for I shall soon take you near the grandfather's car".

एवमुक्त्वा ततः शौरी रथं तं लोकविश्रुतम्। प्रापयामास भीष्मस्य रथं प्रति जनेश्वर॥
O king, having said this, Shaurin (Krishna) took that world-renowned chariot in front of Bhishma's car.

चलद्बहुपताकेन बलाकावर्णवाजिना। समुच्छ्रितमहाभीमनदद्वानरकेतुना॥ महता मेघनादेन रथेनामिततेजसा। विनिघ्नं कौरवानीकं शूरसेनांश्च पाण्डवः॥
With countless banners flying, with horses as handsome as a flight of cranes, with the standard upraised; with the ape (on that standard) roaring fearfully, that son of Pandu (Arjuna) came slaughtering the Kurus and the Shurasenas on his large car as effulgent as the sun; the rattle of the car-wheel of which resembled that of the clouds.

प्रायाच्छरणदः शीघ्रं सुहृदां हर्षवर्धनः। तमापतन्तं वेगेन प्रभिन्नमिव वारणम्॥ त्रासयन्तं रणे शूरान् मर्दयन्तं च सायकैः। सैन्धवप्रमुखैर्गुप्तः प्राच्यसौवीरकेकयैः॥ सहसा प्रत्युदीयाय भीष्मः शान्तनवोऽर्जुनम्। को हि गाण्डीवधन्वानमन्य: कुरुपितामहात्॥ द्रोणवैकर्तनाभ्यां वा रथी संयातुमर्हति। ततो भीष्मो महाराज सर्वलोकमहारथः॥
That enhancer of the joy of his friends soon came to the fight. The son of Shantanu, Bhishma, protected the warriors headed by the Sindhu king and by the warriors of the east and also by the Kaikeyas impetuously met him who was rushing like a mad elephant, thus frightening the brave warriors and destroying the troops with his sharp arrows. Except the Kuru grandsire, and those car-warriors, Drona and Vikartana's son, who else was able to withstand in battle the wielder of Gandiva? O king of kings, Bhishma, the grandfather of the Kurus.

अर्जुनं सप्तसप्तत्या नाराचानां समाचिनोत्। द्रोणश्च पञ्चविंशत्या कृपः पञ्चाशता शरैः॥
Struck Arjuna with seventy-seven arrows, Drona struck him with twenty-five, Kripa with fifty,

दुर्योधनश्चतुःषष्ट्या शल्यश्च नवभिः शरैः। सैन्धवो नवभिश्चैव शकुनिश्चापि पञ्चभिः॥ विकर्णो दशभिर्भल्लैः राजन् विव्याध पाण्डवम्। तं तैर्विद्धो महेष्वासः समन्तानिशितैः शरैः॥
Duryodhana with sixty-four, Shalya with nine, Drona's son (Ashvathama) that foremost of men, with sixty, Vikarna with three, the Sindhu king with nine, and Shakuni with five; O king, Vikarna then struck the Pandava with ten broad-headed arrows. Though struck on all sides, with sharp arrows, that great bowman,

न विव्यथे महाबाहुर्भिद्यमान इवाचलः। स भीष्मं पञ्चविंशत्या कृपं च नवभिः शरैः॥ द्रोणंषष्ट्या नरव्याघ्रो विकर्णं च त्रिभिः शरैः। शल्यं चैव त्रिभिर्बाणै राजानं चैव पञ्चभिः॥ प्रत्यविध्यदमेयात्मा किरीटी भरतर्षभ। तं सात्यकिविराटश्च धृष्टद्युम्नश्च पार्षतः॥ द्रौपदेयाऽभिमन्युश्च परिवQर्धनंजयम्। ततो द्रोणं महेष्वासं गाङ्गेयस्य प्रिये रतम्॥ अभ्यवर्ततं पाञ्चाल्यः संयुक्तः सह सोमकैः। भीष्मस्तु रथिनां श्रेष्ठो राजन् विव्याध पाण्डवम्॥
That mighty-armed one, stood unmoved as a mountain. Thereupon, that greatly powerful hero (Arjuna), of immeasurable strength, pierced Bhishma with twenty five, Kripa with nine, Drona with sixty, Vikarna with three, Artayani with three and also the king (Duryodhana) with five arrows. Then Satyaki, Virata, Prishata prince Dhrishtadyumna, the sons of Draupadi, and Abhimanyu all came there to help him. Then the Panchala prince, supported by the Somakas, rushed upon the great bowman Drona who was aiding the son of Ganga (Bhishma). Then Bhishma, that best of all car-warriors, soon wounded that son of Pandu.

अशीत्या निशितैर्बाणैस्ततोऽक्रोशन्त तावकाः। तेषां तु निनदं श्रुत्वा सहितानां प्रहृष्टवत्॥ प्रविवेश ततो मध्यं नरसिंहः प्रतापवान्। तेषां महारथानां स मध्यं प्राप्य धनंजयः॥ चिक्रीड धनुषा राजैल्लक्षं कृत्वा महारथान्। ततो दुर्योधनो राजा भीष्ममाह जनेश्वरः॥ पीड्यमानं स्वकं सैन्यं दृष्ट्वा पार्थेन संयुगे। एष पाण्डुसुतस्तात कृष्णेन सहितो बली॥ यततां सर्वसैन्यानां मूलं नः परिकृन्तति। त्वयि जीवति गाङ्गेय द्रोणे च रथिनां वरे॥
With eighty sharp arrows, on seeing which your warriors were all very much delighted. Having heard the joyous shouts of the warriors, that foremost of car-warriors. O king, he sported with his bow aiming (with success) his arrows at those great car-warriors. Then, that ruler of men, Duryodhana, seeing his troops much afflicted by that son of Pandu, spoke thus to Bhishma, “O sire, O son of Ganga, this mighty Pandava, accompanied by Krishna, cuts down our roots by destroying our troops though you and that foremost of car-warriors, Drona, are alive.

त्वत्कृते चैव कर्णोऽपि न्यस्तशस्त्रो विशाम्पते। न युध्यति रणे पार्थं हितकाम: सदा मम॥
O king, it is only for you that Karna has laid aside his weapons and does not fight with the son of Pritha, though he is a great friend of mine.

स तथा कुरु गाङ्गेय यथा हन्येत फाल्गुनः। एवमुक्तस्ततो राजन् पिता देवव्रतस्तव।॥
O son of Ganga, therefore do that by which this Phalguna (Arjuna) might be killed”. O king, having been thus addressed, your father Devavrata.

धिक् क्षात्रं धर्ममित्युक्त्वा प्रायात् पार्थरथं प्रति। उभौ श्वेतहयौ राजन् संसक्तौ प्रेक्ष्य पार्थिवाः॥ सिंहनादान् भृशं चक्रुः शङ्खान् दध्मुश्च मारिष। द्रौणिर्दुर्योधनश्चैव विकर्णश्च तवात्मजः॥
Said “Fie to Kshatriya usage” and then he went towards the car of Partha. O king, all the chiefs, then seeing both those two warriors face to face for fight with white horses yoked to their chariots, sent up a lion-like roar. They also blew their conchs. Then Drona's son and your son, Duryodhana and Vikarna.

परिवार्य रणे भीष्मं स्थिता युद्धाय मारिष। तथैव पाण्डवाः सर्वे परिवार्य धनंजयम्॥ स्थिता युद्धाय महते ततो युद्धमवर्तत। गाङ्गेयस्तु रणे पार्थमानछेत्रवभिः शरैः॥
All stood, O sire, surrounding Bhishma in that great battle. So did the Pandavas also stand surrounding Dhananjaya in that fearful battle. The fight then began. The son of Ganga wounded Partha with nine arrows.

तमर्जुनः प्रत्यविध्यद् दशभिर्मर्मभेदिभिः। ततः शरसहस्रेण सुप्रयुक्तेन पाण्डवः॥ अर्जुनः समरश्लाघी भीष्मस्यावारयद् दिशः। शरजालं ततस्तत् तु शरजालेन मारिष॥ वारयामास पार्थस्य भीष्मः शान्तनवस्तदा। उभौ परमसंहृष्टावुभौ युद्धाभिनन्दिनौ॥ निर्विशेषमयुध्येतां कृतप्रतिकृतैषिणौ। भीष्मचापविमुक्तानि शरजालानि संघसः॥ शीर्यमाणान्यदृश्यन्त भिन्नान्यर्जुनसायकैः। तथैवार्जुनमुक्तानि शरजालानि सर्वशः॥ गाङ्गेयशरनुन्नानि प्रापतन्त महीतले। अर्जुनः पञ्चविंशत्या भीष्ममाछैच्छितैः शरैः॥ भीष्मोऽपि समरे पार्थं विव्याध निशितैः शरैः।
Arjuna wounded him in return with ten arrows. Then with one thousand arrows wellshot, the Pandava Arjuna, ever celebrated for his skill in arms, covered Bhishma on all sides. That net of arrow of Partha, O king, was soon dispelled by another counter net of arrows shot by the son of Shantanu, Bhishma. Both being well pleased and both taking delight in battle fought with each other, none of them gaining any advantage over the other. The continuous downpour of arrows shot from Bhishma's bow were all baffled by those shot from the bow of Arjuna. So also the shower of arrows shot by Arjuna, was all cut down to the ground by the Ganga's son. Arjuna then wounded Bhishma with twenty five sharp arrows Bhishma also in that battle wounded Partha in return with very sharp arrows.

अन्योन्यस्य हयान् विद्ध्वा ध्वजौ च सुमहाबलौ॥ रथेषां रथचक्रे च चिक्रीडतुररिंदमौ। ततः क्रुद्धो महाराज भीष्मः प्रहरतां वरः॥ वासुदेवं त्रिभिर्बाणैराजघान स्तनान्तरे। भीष्मचापच्युतैस्तैस्तु निर्विद्धो मधुसूदनः॥ विरराज रणे राजन् सुपष्प इव किंशुकः।
Those two great warriors, those two chastisers of foes, wounded each other's horses, and cut down each other's car-wheels and shafts. Then, O king, Bhishma, that best of heroes, struck Vasudeva on his breast with three arrows. O king, struck with three arrows the slayer of Madhu (Krishna) shone like a budded Kinshuka tree.

ततोऽर्जुनो भृशं क्रुद्धो निर्विद्धं प्रेक्ष्य माधवम्॥ सारथिं कुरुवृद्धस्य निर्बिभेद शितैः शरैः। यतमानौ त तौ वीरावन्योन्यस्य वधं प्रति॥ न शक्नुतां तदाऽन्योन्यमभिसंधातुमाहवे। तौ मण्डलानि चित्राणि गतप्रत्यागतानि च॥ अदर्शयेतां बहुधा सूतसामर्थ्यलाघवात्। अन्तरं च प्रहारेषु तर्कयन्तौ परस्परम्॥ राजन्नन्तरमार्गस्थौ स्थितावास्तां मुहुर्मुहुः। उभौ सिंहरवोन्मित्रं शङ्खशब्दं च चक्रतुः॥
Then seeing Madhava thus pierced, Arjuna wounded the charioteer of the son of Ganga with three arrows. Trying to strike each other's charioteers, they could not take aim at each other in that fight. O king, for the great ability and dexterity of the charioteers of both those warriors, their cars made beautiful circle by advancing and retreating. O king, seeking opportunity to strike each other, they often changed their positions to take aim at each other. Both of them blew their conchs and often sent forth lion-like roars.

तथैव चापनिर्घोषं चक्रतुस्तौ महारथौ। तयोः शङ्खनिनादेन रथनेमिस्वनेन च॥ दारिता सहसा भूमिश्चकम्पे च ननाद च। नोभयोरन्तरं कश्चिद् ददृशे भरतर्षभ।५८।।
With the sound of their conchs and the rattle of their car-wheels, the very earth appeared to be rent asunder. She began to tremble. Subterranean noise was heard. O foremost of the Bharata race, none could detect any defect in any of them.

बलिनौ युद्धदुर्धर्षावन्योन्यसदृशावुभौ। चिह्नमात्रेण भीष्मं तु प्रजजुस्तत्र कौरवाः॥
Both of them possessed great prowess and great courage in battle. Each was other's match. Seeing his (Bhishma's) standard alone, the Kurus could come near him.

तथा पाण्डुसुताः पार्थं चिह्नमात्रेण जज्ञिरे। तयोवरयोदृष्ट्वा तादृशं तं पराक्रमम्॥ विस्मयं सर्वभूतानि जग्मुर्भारत संयुगे। न तयोविवरं कश्चिद् रणे पश्यति भारत॥ धर्मेस्थितस्य हि यथा न कश्चिद् वृजिनं क्वचित्। उभौ च शरजालेन तावदृश्यौ बभूवतुः॥
So could the Pandavas also come to Partha by recognising his standard alone. O king, seeing the prowess thus displayed by those two foremost of men, O descendant of Bharata, all persons in that great battle were filled with wonder. None marked any difference between the two. Both of them were perfectly invisible by their continuous showers of arrows.

प्रकाशौ च पुनस्तूर्णं बभूवतुरुभौ रणे। तत्र देवाः सगन्धर्वाश्चारणाश्चर्षिभिः सह॥ अन्योन्यं प्रत्यभाषन्त तयोर्दृष्ट्वा पराक्रमम्। न शक्यौ युधि संरब्धौ जेतुमेतौ कथञ्चन॥ सदेवासुरगन्धर्वैर्लोकैरपि महारथौ। आश्चर्यभूतं लोकेषु युद्धमेतन्महाद्भुतम्॥
Soon again both of them became visible. Seeing their great prowess, the Gandharvas, the Charanas, the great Rishis and the celestials thus spoke to one another, “Those (two) great car-warriors, when angry, are incapable of being vanquished cven by all the worlds including the celestials, the Gandharvas and the Asuras. This exceedingly wonderful battle will be considered wonderful by all the worlds”.

नेतादृशानि युद्धानि भविष्यन्ति कथश्चन। न हि शक्यो रणे जेतुं भीष्मः पार्थेन धीमता॥ सधनुः सरथः साश्वः प्रवपन् सायकान् रणे। तथैव पाण्डवं युद्धे देवैरपि दुरासदम्॥ न विजेतुं रणे भीष्म उत्सहेत धनुर्धरम्। आलोकादपि युद्धं हि सममेतद् भविष्यति॥
Such a battle as this will never take place again. Bhishma is incapable of being vanquished in battle by the greatly wise Partha though he showers his arrows on the bow, car and steed of the forms. So also is that great bowman, the Pandava (Arjuna), incapable of being vanquished in battle by even the celestials. Bhishma is not competent to defeat him. As long as the world would last, so long would this battle be fought equally on both the sides.

इति स्म वाचोऽश्रूयन्त प्रोच्चरन्त्यस्ततस्ततः। गाङ्गेयार्जुनयोः संख्ये स्तवयुक्ता विशाम्पते॥
O king, we heard these words full of praise of both the son of Ganga and the son of Pritha.

त्वदीयास्तु तदा योधाः पाण्डवेयाश्च भारत। अन्योन्यं समरे जनुस्तयोस्तत्र पराक्रमे॥ शितधारैस्तथा खड्नेविमलैश्च परश्वधैः। शरैरन्यैश्च बहुभिः शस्त्रैर्नानाविधैरपि॥
O descendant of Bharata, when these two were fighting with each other warriors of your side and of that of the Pandavas killed one another with sharp swords and polished battleaxes, with innumerable arrows and various kinds of other weapons.

उभयोः सेनयोः शूरा न्यकृन्तन्त परस्परम्। वर्तमाने तथा घोरे तस्मिन् युद्धे सुदारुणे। द्रोणपाञ्चाल्ययो राजन् महानासीत् समागमः॥
So long that fearful battle continued, heroic warriors of both sides cut one another down. O king, the battle that was fought between Drona and the Panchala prince was also very fearful.