First day's battle

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच श्वेते सेनापतौ तात संग्रामे निहते परैः। किमकुर्वन् महेष्वासाः पञ्चालाः पाण्डवैः सह॥
Dhritarashtra said O Sanjaya, when their general Shveta was killed by the foe in that battle, what did those great bowmen, the Panchalas and the Pandavas do?

सेनापतिं समाकर्ण्य श्वेतं युधि निपातितम्। तदर्थं यततां चापि परेषां प्रपलायिनाम्॥
When they heard that their general Shveta had been killed, what took place between those that fought to kill him and those that retreated before them.

मनः प्रीणाति मे वाक्यं जयं संजय शृण्वतः। प्रत्युपायं चिन्तयो लज्जां प्राप्नोति मे न हि॥
O Sanjaya, your words please me for they speck of our victory. My heart does not feel any shame in remembering our transgression.

स हि वीरोऽनुरक्तश्च वृद्धः कुरुपतिस्तदा। कृतं वैरं सदा तेन पितुः पुत्रेण धीमता॥ तस्योद्वेगभयाचापि संश्रितः पाण्डवान् पुरा। सर्वं वलं परित्यज्य दुर्ग संश्रित्य तिष्ठति॥
The old Kuru chief (Bhishma) is ever cheerful and devoted to us. Though he (Duryodhana) provoked hostilities with that intelligent son of his uncle, (Yudhishthira), yet he once sought the protection of the Pandavas. At that time abandoning every thing, he lived in misery.

पाण्डवानां प्रतापेन दुर्गं देशं निवेश्य च। सपत्नान् सततं बाधन्नार्यवृत्तिमनुष्ठितः॥ आश्चर्यं वै सदा तेषां पुरा राज्ञां सुदुर्मतिः। ततो युधिष्ठिरे भक्तः कथं संजय सूदितः॥
In consequence of the prowess of the Pandavas and in consequence of placing himself amid entanglement, Duryodhana had recourse (for sometime) to honourable behaviour. Once that wicked-minded prince had to seek their protection, why, therefore. O Sanjaya, had Shveta, who was devoted to Yudhishthira, been killed?

प्रक्षिप्तः सम्मतः क्षुद्रः पुत्रो मे पुरुषाधमः। न युद्धं रोचयेद् भीष्मो न चाचार्यः कथंचन॥
This narrow minded prince (Duryodhana) with all his prosperity has been hurled to the nether regions by a number of wretches. Bhishma did not like this war, nor did the preceptor (Drona).

न कृपो न च गान्धारी नाहं संजय रोचये। न वासुदेवो वार्ष्णेयो धर्मराजश्च पाण्डवः॥
Nor did Kripa, nor Gandhari, nor did I, O Sanjaya, like it. Nor did the Vrishni chief, Vasudeva (Krishna), nor that son of Pandu, Dharmaraja (Yudhishthira).

न भीमो नार्जुनश्चैव न यमौ पुरुषर्षभौ। वार्यमाणो मया नित्यं गान्धार्या विदुरेण च॥ जामदग्न्येन रामेण व्यासेन च महात्मना। दुर्योधनो युध्यमानो नित्यमेव हि संजय॥ कर्णस्य मतमास्थाय सौबलस्य च पापकृत्। दुःशासनस्य च तथा पाण्डवान् नान्वचिन्तयत्॥
Nor did Bhima, nor Arjuna, nor those two foremost of men, the twins Nakula and Sahadeva. Though always forbidden by me, by Gandhari, by Vidura, by Rama the son of Jamadagni, and by the illustrious Vyasa, yet, O Sanjaya, the wicked-minded and sinful Duryodhana with Dushasana always followed the evil counsels of Karna and Subala's son (Shakuni), and behaved maliciously with the Pandavas.

तस्याहं व्यसनं घोरं मन्ये प्राप्तं तु संजय। तस्य च विनाशेन भीष्मस्य विजयेन च॥ संक्रुद्धः कृष्णसहितः पार्थः किमकरोद् युधि। अर्जुनाद्धि भयं भूयस्तन्मे तात न शाम्यति॥
O Sanjaya, I think that he has fallen into great distress. After the death of Shveta and the victory of Bhishma, what did Partha, accompanied by Krishna, in anger do? O child, it is Arjuna whom I fear, and my that fear cannot be dispelled.

स हि शूरश्च कौन्तेयः क्षिप्रकारी धनंजयः। मन्ये शरैः शरीराणि शत्रूणां प्रमथिष्यति॥
The son of Kunti, Dhananjaya, is brave, and he possesses great activity. I have no doubt he will, with his arrows, cut into fragments the bodies of his enemies.

ऐन्द्रिमिन्द्रानुजसमं महेन्द्रसदृशं बले। अमोघक्रोधसंकल्पं दृष्ट्वा वः किमभून्मनः॥
Seeing that son of Indra, who is equal in battle to Upendra, the younger brother of Indra, who is a warrior whose wrath and purpose are never futile, what became the state of your mind?

तथैव वेदविच्छूरो ज्वलनार्कसमद्युतिः। इन्द्रास्त्रविदमेयात्मा प्रपतन् समितिजयः॥
He is brave, he is learned in the Vedas, he is as effulgent as the fire and the sun. He possesses the knowledge of Indra weapon; that high-souled warrior is ever victorious when he falls upon his foe.

वज्रसंस्पर्शरूपाणामस्त्राणां च प्रयोजकः। स खड्गाक्षेपहस्तस्तु घोषं चक्रे महारथः॥
His weapons always fall on the foe with the force of the thunder-bolt. His arms astonishingly quick to draw the bowstring. That son of Kunti is a great car-warrior.

स संजय महाप्राज्ञो द्रुपदस्यात्मजो बली। धृष्टद्युम्न: किमकरोच्छ्वेते युधि निपातिते॥
O Sanjaya, the invincible son of Drupada also is exceedingly wise. What did Dhrishtadyumna do when Shveta had been killed in battle.

पुरा चैवापराधेन वधेन च चमूपतेः। मन्ये मनः प्रजज्वाल पाण्डवानां महात्मनाम्॥
I have no doubt that in consequence of the wrongs they suffered before, and in consequence of the death of their general, the hearts of the Pandavas blazed up.

तेषां क्रोधं चिन्तयंस्तु अहःसु च निशासु च। न शान्तिमधिगच्छामि दुर्योधनकृतेन हि। कथं चाभून्महायुद्धं सवेमाचक्ष्व संजय॥
O Sanjaya, thinking of their anger, I never, by day or by night, enjoy any peace of mind on account of Duryodhana. How did the great battle take place? Tell me all about it.

संजय उवाच शृणु राजन् स्थिरो भूत्वा तवापनयनो महान्। न च दुर्योधने दोषमिममाधातुमर्हसि॥
Sanjaya said O king, hear about your great transgressions. You should not put all blame on Duryodhana.

गतोदके सेतुबन्धो यादृक् तादृड्मतिस्तव। संदीप्ते भवने यद्वत् कूपस्य खननं तथा॥
Your understanding is like building an embankment when the waters have escaped. It is like the digging of a well when the house is on fire.

गतपूर्वाह्नभूयिष्ठे तस्मिन्नहनि दारुणे। तावकानां परेषां च पुनर्युद्धमवर्तत॥ श्वेतं तु निहतं दृष्ट्वा विराटस्य चमूपतिम्।
0 descendant of Bharata, when the forenoon had passed away and the general Shveta had been killed by Bhishma in that great fearful battle.

कृतवर्मणा च सहितं दृष्ट्वा शल्यमवस्थितम्॥ शङ्खः क्रोधात् प्रजज्वाल हविषा हव्यवाडिव। स विस्फार्य महच्चापं शक्रचापोपमं बली।॥
That chastiser of foes, Shankha, the son of Virata, that hero who always took delight in battle, seeing Shalya stationed with Kritavarman. Blazed up in anger as fire with Ghee. That great car-warrior, having stretched his bow that resembled the bow of Indra himself.

अभ्यधावज्जिघांसन् वै शल्यं मद्राधिपं युधि। महता रथसंघेन समन्तात् परिरक्षितः॥
Rushed upon the Madra king with the intention of killing him. He was supported on all sides by innumerable car-warriors.

सृजन् बाणमयं वर्ष प्रायाच्छल्यरथं प्रति। तमापतन्तं सम्प्रेक्ष्य मत्तवारणविक्रमम्॥ तावकानां रथाः सप्त समन्तात् पर्यवारयन्। मद्रराजं परीप्सन्तो मृत्योर्दष्ट्रान्तरं गतम्॥
Pouring a shower of arrows. Shankha rushed towards the car of Shalya. Seeing him advance like a mad elephant, seven great carwarriors on your side surrounded him in order to rescue the Madra king who was almost within the jaws of death.

बृहद्बलश्च कौसल्यो जयत्सेनश्च मागधः। तथा रुक्मरथो राजन् पुत्रः शल्यस्य मानितः॥ विन्दानुविन्दावावन्त्यौ काम्बोजश्च सुदक्षिणः। बृहत्क्षत्रस्य दायादः सैन्धवश्च जयद्रथः॥
O king! The names of those chariot holders are-Brihadbala, the king of Kosala, Jayatsena the king of Magadha, Rukinaratha the valorous son of Shalya, Vinda and Anuvinda (the princes of Avanti), Sudakshina, the king of Kamboja and Jayadratha, the king of Sindhu and son of Brihatkshatra.

नानाधातुविचित्राणि कार्मुकाणि महात्मनाम्। विस्फारितान्यदृश्यन्त तोयदेष्विव विद्युतः॥
The excellent bows stretched by these great warriors were of different colour and shapes. Those were appeared as if lightening in the clouds.

ते तु बाणमयं वर्षं शङ्खमूर्षि न्यपातयन्। निदाघान्तेऽनिलोद्धृता मेघा इव नगे जलम्॥
These all started shooting volley of arrows targeted the head of Shankha. It seerned that scenario as if the clouds rain on the mountain when they are pushed by the strong wind in the end of summer.

ततः क्रुद्धो महेष्वासः सप्तभल्लैः सुतेजनैः। धनूंषि तेषामाच्छिद्य ननर्द पृतनापतिः॥
The great archer and army commander Shankha furiated on this. He shot seven bhalla arrows duly sharpened which cut-off the bows of those seven chariot holders. He then challenged them for another attack.

ततो भीष्मो महाबाहुर्विनद्य जलदो यथा। तालमात्रं धनुर्गृह्य शङ्खमभ्यद्रवद् रणे॥
The long armed Bhishma challenged in reciprocation with his voice thundering like clouds, picked up a bow measuring four hands length and attacked on Shankha in the battlefield.

तमुद्यन्तमुदीक्ष्याथ महेष्वासं महाबलम्। संत्रस्ता पाण्डवी सेना वातवेगहतेव नौः॥
The Pandavas' army shivered like a boat dwindling due to strong wind when it saw mighty archer Bhishma ready to fight fiercely. Seeing that great car-warrior and great bowman thus rush (towards) Shankha, the Pandava army began to tremble like a boat tossed by the tempest.

ततोऽर्जुनः संत्वरितः शङ्खस्यासीत् पुरःसरः। भीष्माद् रक्ष्योऽयमद्येति ततो युद्धमवर्तत॥ (हाहाकारो महानासीद् योधानां युधि युध्यताम्। तेजस्तेजसि सम्पृक्तमित्येवं विस्मयं ययुः॥)
Then Arjuna quickly advanced and placed himself in front of Shankha in order to protect him from Bhishma. Then a great battle was fought between Bhishma and Arjuna.

अथ शल्यो गदापाणिरवतीर्य महारथात्। शङ्खस्य चतुरो वाहानहनद् भरतर्षभ॥
O best of the Bharata race, then Shalya jumped down from his large car with his mace in hand, and killed the four horses of Shankha's car.

स हताश्वाद् स्थात् तूर्णं खड्गमादाय विद्रुतः। बीभत्सोश्च रथं प्राप्य पुनः शान्तिमविन्दत॥
Shankha leaped down from his car thus deprived of its horses, and taking a sword, he ran towards the car of Vibhatsu. He then got on it and once more was at his ease.

ततो भीष्मरथात् तूर्णमुत्पतन्ति पतत्रिणः। यैरन्तरिक्षं भूमिश्च सर्वतः समवस्तृता॥
There was shot from Bhishma's innumerable arrows with which both the sky and the earth were covered.

पञ्चालानथ मत्स्यांश्च केकयांश्च प्रभद्रकान्। भीष्मः प्रहरतां श्रेष्ठः पातयामास पत्रिभिः॥
That foremost of heroes, Bhishma killed with his arrows innumerable troops of the Panchalas, the Matasya's, the Kaikeyas and the Prabhadraka hosts.

उत्सृज्य समरे राजन् पाण्डवं सव्यसाचिनम्। अभ्यद्रवत पाञ्चाल्यं दुपदं सेनया वृतम्॥ प्रियं सम्बन्धिनं राजशरानवकिरन् बहून्।
Abandoning the battle with the son of Pandu viz., Savyasachin (Arjuna), Bhishima rushed towards Drupada, the Panchala king, who stood surrounded by his troops.

अग्निनेव प्रदग्धानि वनानि शिशिरात्यये॥ शरदग्धान्यदृश्यन्त सैन्यानि द्रुपदस्य ह। अत्यतिष्ठद् रणे भीष्मो विधूम इव पावकः॥ मध्यंदिने यथाऽऽदित्यं तपन्तमिव तेजसा। न शेकुः पाण्डवेयस्य योधा भीष्मं निरीक्षितुम्॥
As a forest in consumed by fire at the end of winter, so were the troops of Drupada scen to be consumed (by Bhishma). Bhishina stood in that battle like a blazing fire without smoke, or like the sun at mid-day, scorching every thing around. The Pandava troops could not even look at Bhishma.

वीक्षांचक्रुः समन्तात् ते पाण्डवा भयपीडिताः। त्रातारं नाध्यगच्छन्त गावः शीतार्दिता इव॥
Afflicted with fear, the Pandava troops looked around, and not finding any protector, they appeared like a herd of kine afflicted with cold.

सा तु यौधिष्ठिरी सेना गाड्नेयशरपीडिता। सिंहेनेव विनिर्भिन्ना शुक्ला गौरिव गोपते॥
Afflicted with the arrows of son of Ganga (Bhishma) the army of Yudhishthira appeared like a kine of white colour afflicted by lion.

हते विप्रदुते सैन्ये निरुत्साहे विमर्दिते। हाहाकारो महानासीत् पाण्डुसैन्येषु भारत॥
O descendant of Bharata, being slaughtered in great numbers and crushed when retreating, the Pandava troops cried “Oh” and “Alas”.

ततो भीष्मः शान्तनवो नित्यं मण्डलकार्मुकः। मुमोच बाणान् दीप्ताचानहीनाशीविषानिव॥ शरैरेकायनीकुर्वन् दिशः सर्वा यतव्रतः। जघान पाण्डवरथानादिश्यादिश्य भारत।॥
Then the son of Shantanu, Bhishma, with his bow always drawn to a circle, poured a continuous shower of arrows that resembled so many poisonous snakes. Creating continuous lines of arrows in all directions, that vowobserving hero killed innumerable car-warriors of the Pandava's.

ततः सैन्येषु भग्नेषु मथितेषु च सर्वशः। प्राप्ते चास्तं दिनकरे न प्राज्ञायत किंचन॥
When the Pandava troops were thus routed and crushed all over the field, the sun set, the night came, and nothing could be seen.

भीष्मं च समुदीर्यन्तं दृष्ट्वा पार्थ महाहवे। अवहारमकुर्वन्त सैन्यानां भरतर्षभ॥
O best of the Bharata race, seeing Bhishma still proudly standing in battle, the sons of Pritha withdrew their forces.