Honour of Bhishma and others by Yudhisthira

वैशम्पायन उवाच गीता सुगीता कर्तव्या किमन्यैः शास्त्रसंग्रहैः। या स्वयं पद्मनाभस्य मुखपद्माद् विनिःसृता॥
Vaishampayana said : O Janamejaya! What is the need to collect a pile of scriptures? Gita should be duly listened, recited, read, taught, understood and retained properly as it has emanated directly from the lotus lips of god Padmanabha himself.

सर्वशास्त्रमयी गीता सर्वदेवमयो हरिः। सर्वतीर्थमयी गङ्गा सर्ववेदमयो मनुः॥
Gita consists of all scriptures (viz. the vital essence of all scriptures is embedded within Gita). God Sri Hari is in the form of all gods. Ganga holds within her all holy places and Manu (His Manusmriti) holds within it, all Vedas.

गीता गङ्गा च गायत्री गोविन्देति हृदि स्थिते। चतुर्गकारसंयुक्ते पुनर्जन्म न विद्यते॥
A man enjoys freedom from the cycle of rebirth when the four names bearing "Ga" i.e. Gita, Gayatri, Govinda and Ganga are duly retained by him in his heart and mind.

षट्शतानि सविंशानि श्लोकानां प्राह केशवः। अर्जुन: सप्तपञ्चाशत् सप्तषष्टिं तु संजयः॥ धृतराष्ट्रः श्लोकमेकं गीताया मानमुच्यते।
God Krishna has chanted six hundred twenty hymns, Arjuna has chanted fifty seven hymns, Sanjaya has chanted sixty seven and a single hymn has been chanted by Dhritarashtra in this Gita. It is stated the dimension/ expansion of Gita.

भारतामृतसर्वस्वगीताया मथितस्य च। सारमुद्धृत्य कृष्णेन अर्जुनस्य मुखे हुतम्॥
God Krishna churned Gita, the sole essence of the nectar in form of Bharata and the vital essence so extracted has been inserted in the mouth (in mind and savvy through ears) of Arjuna by him.

संजय उवाच ततो धनंजयं दृष्ट्वा बाणगाण्डीवधारिणम्। पुनरेव महानादं व्यसृजन्त महारथाः॥
Sanjaya said Seeing Dhananjaya (Arjuna) take up once again his Gandiva and arrows, the great carwarriors (of the Pandava army) sent up a tremendous shout.

पाण्डवाः सोमकाश्चैव ये चैषामनुयायिनः। दध्मुश्च मुदिताः शङ्खान् वीराः सागरसम्भवान्॥
Those heroes, the Pandavas, and the Somakas, and those that followed them, blew their sea-born conchs in great delight.

ततो भेर्यश्च पेश्यश्च क्रकचा गोविषाणिकाः। सहसैवाभ्यहन्यन्त ततः शब्दो महानभूत्।॥
Drums and Peshis and Krakachas and cowhorns were beat and blown together and the uproar made was very loud.

तथा देवाः सगन्धर्वाः पितरच जनाधिप। सिद्धचारणसंघाश्च समीयुस्ते दिदृक्षया॥
O ruler of men, then there came the celestial, the Gandharvas, the Pitris, the Siddhas and the Charanas with the desire of witnessing (the battle).

ऋषयश्च महाभागाः पुरस्कृत्य शतक्रतुम्। समीयुस्तत्र सहिता द्रष्टुं तद् वैशसं महत्॥
The highly blessed Rishis came there in a body with Shatakratu (Indra) at their head, so that they might see the great slaughter.

ततो युधिष्ठिरो दृष्ट्वा युद्धाय समवस्थिते। ते सेने सागरप्रख्ये मुहुः प्रचलिते नृप॥ विमुच्य कवचं वीरो निक्षिष्य च वरायुधम्। अवरुह्य रथात् क्षिप्रं पद्भ्यामेव कृताञ्जलिः॥ पितामहमभिप्रेक्ष्य धर्मराजो युधिष्ठिरः। वाग्यतः प्रययौ येन प्राङ्मुखो रिपुवाहिनीम्॥
O king, seeing the two armies, which resembled two oceans, ready for the battle and marching continually forward, the brave king Yudhishthira, Dharmaraja, put off his Armour and cast aside his excellent weapons. Then soon alighting from his chariot, he proceeded with joined hands, and with restrained speech towards the direction where the hostile host stood loO king at the grand father and facing the east.

तं प्रयान्तमभिप्रेक्ष्य कुन्तीपुत्रो धनंजयः। अवतीर्य रथात् तूर्णं भ्रातृभिः सहितोऽन्वयात्॥
Seeing him proceed, the son of Kunti, Dhananjaya, soon alighted from his car and followed him accompanied by all his brothers.

वासुदेवश्च भगवान् पृष्ठतोऽनुजगाम तम्। तथा मुख्याश्च राजानस्तच्चित्ता जग्मुरुत्सुकाः॥
The lord Vasudeva also followed him. The chief kings also (of Yudhisthira's army) followed him in great anxiety.

अर्जुन उवाच किं ते व्यवसितं राजन् यदस्मानपहाय वै। पद्भ्यामेव प्रयातोऽसि प्राङ्मुखो रिपुवाहिनीम्॥
Arjuna said O king, what is this you are doing that abandoning us you proceed on foot, face eastwards to the enemy's army.

भीमसेन उवाच क्व गमिष्यसि राजेन्द्र निक्षिप्तकवचायुधः। दंशितेष्वरिसैन्येषु भ्रातृनुत्सृज्य पार्थिव॥
Bhima said O great king, where are you going, O ruler of earth, putting aside your Armour and weapons, you go towards the enemy's warriors clad in Armour, thus abandoning your brothers,

नकुल उवाच एवं गते त्वयि ज्येष्ठ मम भ्रातरि भारत। भीमें दुनोति हृदयं ब्रूहि गन्ता भवान् क्व नु॥
Nakula said O descendant of Bharata, you are my eldest brother. Fear troubles my heart on account of your this proceeding (towards the enemy); Tell us where you are going.

सहदेव उवाच अस्मिन् रणसमूहे वै वर्तमाने महाभये। उत्सृज्य क्क नु गन्तासि शत्रूनभिमुखो नृप॥
Sahadeva said o kin, when these hostile troops, both numerous and terrible, stand here to fight with us, where do you go to their directions?

संजय उवाच एवमाभाष्यमाणोऽपि भ्रातृभिः कुरुनन्दनः। नोवाच वाग्यतः किंचिद् गच्छत्येव युधिष्ठिरः॥
Sanjaya said O descendant of Kuru, though he was thus addressed by his brothers, yet he continued to proceed without uttering a word.

तानुवाच महाप्राज्ञो वासुदेवो महामनाः। अभिप्रायोऽस्य विज्ञातो मयेति प्रहसन्निर॥
To them then the high-souled and the greatly wise Vasudeva thus smilingly spoke "His intention is known to me".

एष भीष्मं तथा द्रोणं गौतमं शल्यमेव च। अनुमान्य गुरून् सर्वान् योत्स्यते पार्थिवोऽरिभिः॥
Having (first) paid his respects to all the Gurus, such as Bhishma, Drona, Kripa and Shalya, he will fight with the enemy.

श्रूयते हि पुराकल्पे गुरूनननुमान्य यः। युध्यते स भवेद् व्यक्तमपध्यातो महत्तरैः॥ अनुमान्य यथाशास्त्रं यस्तु युध्येन्महत्तरैः। ध्रुवस्तस्य जयो युद्धे भवेदिति मतिर्मम॥ एवं ब्रुवति कृष्णेऽत्र धार्तराष्ट्रचमूं प्रति। हाहाकारो महानासीन्निःशब्दास्त्वपरेऽभवन्॥ दृष्ट्वा युधिष्ठिरं दूराद् धार्तराष्ट्रस्य सैनिकाः। मिथः संकथयाञ्चक्रुरेषो हि कुलपांसनः॥
It is heard in the old history that he, who, having paid his respects to the reverend preceptors and relatives, according to the Shastras, fights with those that are his superiors, is certain to win victory in battle. This is my opinion. When Krishna was saying this, a loud uproar of “Alas" and "Oh" rose in the ranks of the troops remained quiet. Seeing Yudhishthira, the heroic warriors of Dhritarashtra's son thus talked amongst themselves. “This fellow is an infamous wretch of his race. It is apparent that this king is coming in terror to Bhishma.

व्यक्ति भीत इवाभ्येति राजासौ भीष्ममन्तिकम्। युधिष्ठिरः ससोदर्यः शरणार्थं प्रयाचकः॥ धनंजये कथं नाथे पाण्डवे च वृकोदरे। नकुले सहदेवे च भीतिरभ्येति पाण्डवम्॥ न नूनं क्षत्रियकुले जातः सम्प्रथिते भुवि। यथाऽस्य हृदयं भीतमल्यसत्त्वस्य संयुगे॥
Yudhishthira with his brothers has become a sceker after Bhishma's protection. When Dhananjaya is protector and the sons of Pandu, Vrikodara (Bhima), Nakula and Sahadeva, why does this Pandavas (Yudhishthira) come (to Bhishma) in fear. Though celebrated in the world, this one could never have been born in the Kshatriya order, for he is weak and his heart is filled with fear of battle”. Then those warriors all praised the Kurus.

ततस्ते सैनिकाः सर्वे प्रशंसन्ति स्म कौरवान्। हृष्टाः सुमनसो भूत्वा चैलानि दुधुवुश्च ह॥ व्यनिन्दश्च तथा सर्वे योधास्तव विशाम्पते। युधिष्ठिरं ससोदर्यं सहितं केशवेन हि॥ ततस्तत् कौरवं सैन्यं धिक्कृत्वा तु युधिष्ठिरम्। निःशब्दमभवत् तूर्णं पुनरेव विशाम्पते॥
Becoming greatly pleased, all of them waved their garments with cheerful hearts, 0 king, all the warriors then blamed Yudhishthira with his brothers along with Keshava (Krishna), O king, then the Kuru army crying shame to Yudhishthira again became quiet. What will this king say? What will Bhishma say in reply?

किं नु वक्ष्यति राजासौ किं भीष्मः प्रतिवक्ष्यति। किं भीमः सपरश्लीघी किं नु कृष्णार्जुनाविति॥ विवक्षितं किमस्येति संशयः सुमहानभूत्। उभयोः सेनयो राजन् युधिष्ठिरकृते तदा।॥ सोऽवगाह्य चमूं शत्रोः शरशक्तिसमाकुलाम्। भीष्ममेवाभ्ययात् तूर्णं भ्रातृभिः परिवारितः॥ तमुवाच ततः पादौ कराभ्यां पीड्य पाण्डवः। भीष्मं शान्तनवं राजा युद्धाय समुपस्थितम्॥
What will Bhima who is ever boastful of his prowess in battle and what Krishna and Arjuna say? What has Yudhishthira to say? O great king, the curiosity of both the armies in respect of Yudhishthira was great. (In the mean time) the king entered the hostile army full of arrows and darts. He then quickly proceeded towards Bhishma, surrounded by his brothers. Seizing his feet with his two hands, the king (Yudhishthira), the son of Pandu, then thus spoke to Bhishma, the son of Shantanu, who was then ready for battle.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच आमन्त्रये त्वां दुर्धर्ष त्वया योत्स्यामहे सहा अनुजानीहि मां तात आशिषश्च प्रयोजय॥
Yudhishthira said O invincible one, I bow to you. We shall fight with you. Grant us your permission; give us your blessings.

भीष्म उवाच यद्येवं नाभिगच्छेथा युधि मां पृथिवीपते। शपेयं त्वां महाराज पराभावाय भारत॥
Bhishma said Oruler of earth, O great king, O descendant of Bharata, if you had not come to me in this battle, I would have cursed you for bringing about your defeat.

प्रीतोऽहं पुत्र युध्यस्व जयमाप्नुहि पाण्डव। यत् तेऽभिलषितं चान्यत् तदवाप्नुहि संयुगे॥
O son, I am pleased with you. O son of Pandu, fight and obtain victory. Whatever else you have desired to obtain, get them all in this battle.

वियतां च वरः पार्थ किमस्मत्तोऽभिकाडक्षसि। एवंगते महाराज न तवास्ति पराजयः॥
O son of Pritha, ask for a boon which you desire to get. O great king, if it so happens, then defeat will not be yours.

अर्थस्य पुरुषो दासो दासस्त्वर्थो न कस्यचित्। इति सत्यं महाराज बद्धोऽस्म्यर्थेन कौरवैः॥
O king, a man is the slave of wealth, but wealth is no one's slave. This is very true. I am bound to the Kurus by wealth.

अत्स्त्वां क्लीबवद् वाक्यं ब्रवीमि कुरुनन्दन। भृतोऽस्म्यर्थेन कौरव्य युद्धादन्यत् किमिच्छसि॥
O descendant of Kuru, it is for this I am, like a eunuch, uttering these words that I am bound to the Kurus by wealth. Except battle, What do you desire?

युधिष्ठिर उवाच मन्त्रयस्व महाबाहो हितैषी मम नित्यशः। युध्यस्व कौरवस्यार्थे ममैष सततं वरः॥
Yudhishthira said O greatly wise one, desiring my welfare from day to day look after my interest. Fight for the sake of the Kurus, this is my prayer.

भीष्म उवाच राजन् किमत्र साह्यं ते करोमि कुरुनन्दन। कामं योत्स्ये परस्यार्थे ब्रूहि यत् ते विवक्षितम्॥
Bhishma said O king, O descendant of Kuru, what can I do for you. I shall of course fight on behalf of your enemies. Tell me what can I do for you?

युधिष्ठिर उवाच कथं जयेयं संग्रामे भवन्तभपराजितम्। एतन्मे मन्त्रय हितं यदि श्रेयः प्रपश्यसि॥
Yudhishthira said O sire, I bow to you. I ask you (tell us) how we shall be able to vanquish you who are invincible. Tell me this, it is for my benefit, if you see any good in it.

भीष्म उवाच नैनं पश्यामि कौन्तेय यो मां युध्यन्तमाहवे। विजयेत पुमान् कश्चित् साक्षादपि शतक्रतुः॥
Bhishma said O son of Kunti, I do not see the person who, even if he be the lord of the celestial-can defeat me in battle when I fight.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच हन्त पृच्छामि तस्मात् त्वां पितामह नमोऽस्तु ते। वधोपायं ब्रवीहि त्वमात्मनः समरे परैः॥
Yudhishthira said O grandfather, I bow to you. I ask you, tell us how your death might be caused by your enemy.

भीष्म उवाच न स्म तं तात पश्यामि समरे यो जयेत माम्। न तावन्मृत्युकालोऽपि पुनरागमनं कुरु॥
Bhishma said O sire, I do not find the man who can defeat me in battle. The time for my death is not yet come. (On some future occasion) come to me.

संजय उवाच ततो युधिष्ठिरो वाक्यं भीष्मस्य कुरुनन्दन। शिरसा प्रतिजग्राह भूयस्तमभिवाद्य च॥
Sanjaya said O descendant of Kuru, Yudhishthira then once more saluted him and accepted his words with bent head.

प्रायात् पुनर्महाबाहुराचार्यस्य रथं प्रति। पश्यतां सर्वसैन्यानां मध्येन भ्रातृभिः सह॥
That mighty-armed hero surrounded by his brother then went towards the chariot of the preceptor (Drona) through the fines of soldiers who all looked at him.

स द्रोणमभिवाद्याथ कृत्वा चाभिप्रदक्षिणम्। उवाच राजा दुर्धर्षमात्मनिःश्रेयसं वचः॥
Then bowing down to Drona and walking round him, he spoke these words to that invincible hero, words beneficial to him.

आमन्त्रये त्वां भगवन् योत्स्ये विगतकल्मषः। कथं जये रिपून् सर्वाननुज्ञातस्त्वया द्विज॥
Yudhishthira said "O invincible hero, I ask you, (tell me) how I may fight without incurring any sin, and how, O Brahmana, with your permission I may vanquish all my enemies".

द्रोण उवाच यदि मां नाभिगच्छेया युद्धाय कृतनिश्चयः। शपेयं त्वां महाराज पराभावाय सर्वशः॥
Drona said O king, if having resolved to fight, you filled to have come to me, I would have cursed you for bringing about your defeat.

तद् युधिष्ठिर तुष्टोऽस्मि पूजितश्च त्वयाऽनघ। अनुजानामि युध्यस्व विजयं समवाप्नुहि॥
O Yudhishthira, O sinless one, I am now pleased and honoured by you. I give you permission. Fight and win victory.

करवाणि च ते कामं ब्रूहि त्वमभिकाक्षितम्। एवंगते महाराज युद्धादन्यत् किमिच्छसि॥
I shall also fulfill your desire. Tell me what you have to say. Battle excepted tell me what you desire to get.

अर्थस्य पुरुषोदासो दासस्त्वर्थो न कस्यचित्। इति सत्यं महाराज बद्धोऽस्यर्थेन कौरवैः॥
A man is the slave of wealth, but wealth is the slave of none. O king, this is a great truth. I am bound to the Kurus by their wealth.

ब्रवीम्येतत् क्लीववत् त्वां युद्धादन्यत् किमिच्छसि। योत्स्येऽहं कौरवस्यार्थे तवाशास्यो जयो मया॥ जपमाशास्व ब्रह्मन् मन्त्रयस्व च यद्धितम्। युद्ध्यस्व कौरवस्यार्थे वर एष वृतो मया॥
It is for this like a cunuch I am telling you the following-“Battle excepted what do you wish to get” I shall fight on behalf of the Kurus; but I shall pray for your victory. O Brahmana, pray for my victory and advise me what is good to me. Fight for the Kurus. This is the boon I ask from you.

मे द्रोण उवाच ध्रुवस्ते विजयो राजन् यस्य मन्त्री हरिस्तव। अहं त्वामभिजानामि रणे शत्रून् विमोक्ष्यसे॥
Yudhishthira said O king, victory is certain to you-who have Krishna as your counselor. I wish that you will defeat your enemy in this battle.

यतो धर्मस्ततः कृष्णो यत: कृष्णस्ततो जयः। युद्ध्यस्व गच्छ कौन्तेये पृच्छं मां किं ब्रवीमि ते॥
Drona said Where there is righteousness there is Krishna. Where there is Krishna, victory is certain to be there. O son of Kunti, go and fight. Ask me, what shall I speak to you?

युधिष्ठिर उवाच पृच्छामि त्वा द्विजश्रेष्ठ शृणु यन्मेऽभिकाक्षितम्। कथं जयेयं संग्रामे भवन्तमपराजितम्॥
Yudhishthira said O foremost of Brahmanas, I ask you, hear what I have to say. How shall we in battle defeat you who are invincible?

द्रोण उवाच न तेऽस्ति विजयस्तावद् यावद् युद्ध्याम्यहं रणे। ममाशु निधने राजन् यतस्व सह सोदरैः॥
Drona said As long as I fight, so long victory cannot be yours. O king, therefore with the help of your brothers try to kill me soon.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच हन्त तस्मान्महाबाहो बधोपायं वदात्मनः। आचार्य प्रणिपत्यैष पृच्छामि त्वां नमोऽस्तु ते॥
Yudhishthira said O mighty-armed one, tell us the means of your death. O preceptor, prostrating myself to your feet I ask you this. I bow to you.

द्रोण उवाच न शत्रु तात पश्यामि यो मां हन्याद् रथे स्थितम्। युध्यमानं सुसंरब्धं शरवर्षांघवर्षिणम्॥
arms Drona said O son, I cannot see such an antagonist who may kill me when I stand in battle, when I fight with my anger excited and when I scatter incessantly shower of arrows.

ऋते प्रायगतं राजन्न्यस्तशस्त्रमचेतनम्। हन्यान्मां युधि योधानां सत्यमेतद् ब्रवीमि ते॥
O king, except when I shall be prepared for death, having abandoned my and withdrawing myself from all surrounding sights, none will be able to kill me. What I tell you in true.

शस्त्रं ग्राहं रणे जह्यां श्रुत्वा महदप्रियम्। श्रद्धेयवाक्यात् पुरुषादेतत् सत्यं ब्रवीमि ते॥
I tell you also that having heard something very disagreeable from some creditable source, I will abandon my arms in the battle.

संजय उवाच एतच्छ्रुत्वा महाराज भारद्वाजस्य धीमतः। अनुमान्य तमाचार्य प्रायाच्छारद्वतं प्रति॥
Sanjaya said O king, having heard these words of the wise son of Bharadvaja and also having honoured the preceptor, he (Yudhishthira) went towards the son of Sharadvata (Kripa).

सोऽभिवाद्य कृपं राजा कृत्वा चापि प्रदक्षिणम्। उवाच दुर्धर्षतमं वाक्यं वाक्यविदां वरः॥
Bowing down to Kripa and walking round him, O king, Yudhishthira, accomplished in speech, thus spoke to that greatly brave warrior.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच अनुमानये त्वां योत्स्येऽहं गुरो विगतकल्मषः। जयेयं च रिपून् सर्वाननुज्ञातस्त्वयाऽनघ॥
Yudhishthira said "O preceptor, with your permission I will fight without incurring sin. O sinless one, if I get your permission, I shall (certainly) defeat my enemy.

कृप उवाच यदि मां नाभिगच्छेथा युद्धाय कृतनिश्चयः। शपेयं त्वां महाराज पराभावाय सर्वशः॥
Kripa said "If having resolved to fight, you failed to have come to me, I would have cursed you, O king, for bringing about your defeat.

अर्थस्य पुरुषो दासो दासस्त्वर्थो न कस्यचित्। इति सत्यं महाराज बद्धोऽस्म्यर्थेन कौरवैः॥
A man is the slave of wealth, but wealth is the slave of none. O king, this is the truth. I am bound to the Kurus by wealth.

तेषामर्थे महाराज योद्धव्यमिति मे मतिः। अतस्त्वां क्लीबवद् ब्रूयां युद्धादन्यत् किमिच्छसि॥
O king, I must fight for them. I therefore speck like a eunuch in telling you, “Battle excepted, what do you desire to get?"

युधिष्ठिर उवाच हन्त पृच्छामि ते तस्मादाचार्य शृणु मे वचः।
Yudhishthira said O preceptor, I ask you therefore, listen to me.

इत्युक्त्वा व्यथितो राजा नोवाच गतचेतनः॥ संजय उवाच तं गौतमः प्रत्युवाच विज्ञायास्य विवक्षितम्। अवध्योऽहं महीपाल युद्ध्यस्व जयमाप्नुहि॥
Sanjaya said Saying this, the king became greatly agitated. Being deprived of his sense, he stood silent. knowing however what he desired to say, the son of Gautama (Kripa) thus spoke to him, "O king, I am incapable of being killed. Fight and win victory.

प्रीतस्तेऽभिगमेनाहं जयं तव नराधिप। आशासिष्ये सदोत्थाय सत्यमेतद् ब्रवीमि ते॥
I am pleased by your coming. O king, rising every day (from my bed), I shall pray for your victory. I truly speak this to you.

एतच्छ्रुत्वा महाराज गौतमस्य विशाम्पते। अनुमान्य कृपं राजा प्रययौ येन मद्रराट्॥
O king, having heard these words of Gautama (Kripa) and after having paid him due respect, the king went to the place where the Madra king was.

स शल्यमभिवाद्याथ कृत्वा चाभिप्रदक्षिणम्। उवाच राजा दुर्धर्शमात्मनिःश्रेयसं वचः॥
Bowing to Shalya and walking round him, the king spoke to that invincible warrior these words beneficial to him.

अनुमानये त्वां दुर्धर्ष योत्स्ये विगतकल्मषः। जयेयं नु परान् राजन्ननुज्ञातस्त्वया रिपून्॥
Yudhishthira said O invincible hero, if I fight with your perinission, I will not incur sin. With your permission I shall defeat my enemies.

शल्य उवाच यदि मां नाधिगच्छेथा युद्धाय कृतनिश्चयः। शपेयं त्वां महाराज पराभावाय वै रणे॥
Shalya said If having resolved to fight, O king, you failed to have come to me, I would have then cursed you for brining about your defeat.

तुष्टोऽस्मि पूजितश्चास्मि यत् काङ्क्षसि तदस्तु ते। अनुजानामि चैव त्वां युध्यस्व जयमाप्नुहि॥
I am very much pleased with you. I am much honoured by you. Let it be as you desire, I give you permission, fight and win victory.

ब्रूहि चैव परं वीरं केनार्थः किं ददामि ते। एवंगते महाराज युद्धादन्यत् किमिच्छसि॥
O hero, speck, what do you want? What shall I give you. O king, battle excepted, what do you desire to get?

अर्थस्य पुरुषो दासो दासस्त्वर्थो न कस्यचित्। इति सत्यं महाराज बद्धोऽस्म्यर्थन कौरवैः॥
A man is the slave of wealth, but wealth is the slave of none, O king, this is the truth. I am bound to the Kurus by wealth.

करिष्यामि हि ते कामं भागिनेय यथेप्सितम्। ब्रवीम्यतः क्लीबवत् त्वां युद्धादन्यत् किमिच्छसि।।८३।
O nephew, it is for this I am speaking to you like a eunuch. I shall do as you desire. Battle excepted, what do you wise to get?

युधिष्ठिर उवाच मन्त्रयस्व महाराज नित्यं मद्धितमुत्तमम्। कामं युद्ध्य परस्यार्थे वरमेतं वृणोम्यहम्॥
Yudhishthira said O king, think daily of what is beneficial to me. Fight as you please with the focs. This is the boon I ask from you.

शल्य उवाच किमत्र ब्रूहि साह्यं ते करोमि नृपसत्तम। कामं योत्स्ये परस्यार्थे बद्धोऽस्म्यर्थेन कौरवैः॥
Shalya said O fire of kings, in the present circumstances what help can I render to you? I shall of course fight on behalf of your enemy, for I have been made one of their party by the Kurus with their wealth.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच स एव मे वरः शल्य उद्योगे यस्त्वया कृतः। सूतपुत्रस्य संग्रामे कार्यस्तेजोवधस्त्वया॥
Yudhishthira said O Shalya, this was the boon I asked during the preparations for this battle. The prowess of the Suta's son (Karna) should be weakened by you in battle.

शल्य उवाच सम्पत्स्यत्येष ते कामः कुन्तीपुत्र यथेप्सितम्। गच्छ युध्यस्व विश्रब्धः प्रतिजाने वचस्तव॥
Shalya said O Yudhishthira, O son of Kunti, your this desire will be fulfilled. Go, fight as you please. I shall pray for your victory.

संजय उवाच अनुमान्याथ कौन्तेयो मातुलं मद्रकेश्वरम्। निर्जगाम महासैन्याद् भ्रातृभिः परिवारितः॥
Sanjaya said Having received the permission of his maternal uncle (Shalya) the king of the Madra, the son of Kunti (Yudhishthira), surrounded by his brothers, came out of the vast (Kuru) army.

वासुदेवस्तु राधेयमाहवेऽभिजगाम वै। तत एनमुवाचेदं पाण्डवार्थे गदाग्रजः॥
Vasudeva (Krishna) then went to Radha's son (Karna) on the field of battle for the sake of the Pandavas, the eldest brother of Gada, then thus spoke to Karna.

श्रुतं मे कर्ण भीष्मस्य द्वेषात् किल न योत्स्यसे। अस्मान् वरय राधेय यावद् भीष्मो न हन्यते॥
"O Karna, I have heard that from the hatred you bear for Bhishma you will not fight. O son of Radha, come to our side, so long Bhishma is not killed.

हते तु भीष्मे राधेय पुनरेष्यसि संयुगम्। धार्तराष्ट्रस्य साहाय्यं यदि पश्यसि चेत् समम्॥
O son of Radha, when Bhishma will be killed, you may come back and fight on Duryodhana's side, if you have no particular lcaning for any party.

कर्ण उवाच वचनं कृष्णः न विप्रियं करिष्यामि धार्तराष्ट्रस्य केशव। त्यक्तप्राणं हि मां विद्धि दुर्योधनहितैषिणम्॥
Karna said O Keshava, I shall not do anything that is disagreeable to Dhritarashtra's son (Duryodhana), I am ever devoted to him, know, that my life has been cast off for him.

संजय उवाच तच्छ्रुत्वा सन्यवर्तत भारत। युधिष्ठिरपुरोगैश्च पाण्डवैः सह संगतः॥
Sanjaya said Having heard these words, Krishna stopped. O descendant of Bharata, he then returned to the Pandavas headed by Yudhishthira.

अथ सैन्यस्य मध्ये तु प्राक्रोशत् पाण्डवाग्रजः। योऽस्मान् वृणोति तमहं वरये साह्यकारणात्॥
Then, in the midst of all the warriors the eldest Pandava thus loudly exclaimed "He, who will choose us, will be considered by us as our ally".

अथ तान् समभिप्रेक्ष्य युयुत्सुरिदमब्रवीत्। प्रीतात्मा धर्मराजाः कुन्तीपुत्रं युधिष्ठिरम्॥
Thereupon Yuyutsu thus spoke with a cheerful heart to the son of Kunti, Dharamraja Yudhishthira.

अहं योत्स्यामि भवतः संयुगे धृतराष्ट्रजान्। युष्मदर्थं महाराज यदि मां वृणुषेऽनघ॥
I shall fight under you in this battle. O sinless one. I shall fight on your side, if you accept me.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच एह्येहि सर्वे योत्स्यामस्तव भ्रातूनपण्डितान्। युयुत्सो वासुदेवश्च वयं च ब्रूम सर्वशः॥
Yudhishthira said Come, come, all of us will fight with your foolish brothers. O Yuyutsu, both Vasudeva and all of us say.

वृणोमि त्वां महाबाहो युद्ध्यस्व मम कारणात्। त्वयि पिण्डश्च तन्तुश्च धृतराष्ट्रस्य दृश्यते॥
I accept you, O mighty-armed hero, fight for my cause. It appears the thread of Dhritarashtra's line, as well as his funeral cake, will rest on you.

भजस्वास्मान् राजपुत्र भजमानान् महाद्युते। न भविष्यति दुर्बुद्धिर्धार्तराष्ट्रोऽत्यमर्षणः॥
O prince, O effulgent one, accept us that accept you; the wrathful and foolish Duryodhana will not live.

संजय उवाच ततो युयुत्सुः कौरव्यान् परित्यज्यसुतांस्तव। जगाम पाण्डुपुत्राणां सेनां विश्राव्य दुन्दुभिम्॥
Sanjaya said Then abandoning the Kurus, your son, Yuyutsu, went over to the army of the Pandavas with the best of drums and cymbals.

ततो युधिष्ठिरो राजा सम्प्रहृष्टः सहानुजः। जग्राह कवचं भूयो दीप्तिमत् कनकोज्ज्वम्॥ प्रत्यपद्यन्त ते सर्वे स्वस्थान् पुरुषर्षभाः। ततो व्यूहं यथापूर्वं प्रत्यव्यूहन्त ते पुनः॥
Those foremost of men then all ascended their respective chariots. They placed their troops in battle-array,

अवादयन् दुन्दुभीश्च शतशश्चैव पुष्करान्। सिंहनादांश्च विविधान् विनेदुः पुरुषर्षभाः॥
They ordered thousands of drums and cymbals to be played. Those foremost of men themselves also sent up lion-like roars.

रथस्थान् पुरुषव्याघ्रान् पाण्डवान् प्रेक्ष्य पार्थिवाः। धृष्टद्युम्नादयः सर्वे पुनर्जहृषिरे तदा॥
¡Seeing those foremost of men, the Pandavas, seated on their cars, the kings with Dhrishtadyumna and other once more sent up shouts of joy.

गौरवं पाण्डुपुत्राणां मान्यान् मानयतां च तान्। दृष्ट्वा महीक्षितस्तत्र पूजयाञ्चक्रिरे भृशम्॥
Seeing the nobleness of the Pandavas, who had paid due honour to those that deserved it, all the kings highly praised them.

सौहृदं च कृपां चैव प्राप्तकालं महात्मनाम्। दयां च ज्ञातिषु परां कथयाञ्चक्रिरे नृपाः॥
They talked amongst themselves about the friendship, compassion and kindness kinsmen displayed on every occasion by those high-minded men.

साधु साध्विति सर्वत्र निश्चेरुः स्तुतिसंहिताः। वाचः पुण्याः कीर्तिमतां मनोहृदयहर्षणाः॥
"Excellent", Excellent" were the words shouted everywhere. Eulogistic hymns for those illustrious men were chanted by all. The minds and hearts of every one were attracted towards them.

म्लेच्छाश्चार्याश्च ये तत्र ददृशुः शुश्रुवुस्तथा। वृत्तं तत् पाण्डुपुत्राणां रुरुदुस्ते सगद्गदाः॥
Both the Aryas and the Mlecchas that saw or heard of this conduct of the Pandavas all wept with their voice choked with tears.

ततो जघ्नुर्महाभेरीः शतशश्च सहस्रशः। शङ्खाश्च गोक्षीरनिभान् दध्मुर्हष्टा मनस्विनः॥
to Those greatly powerful also ordered hundreds and hundreds of large drums and Pushkaras to be sounded and thousands and thousands of conchs all as white as the milk of the cows to be loudly blown.