Various indications of the Jambukhanda

व्यास उवाच खरा गोषु प्रजायन्ते रमन्ते मातृभिः सुताः। अनार्तवं पुष्यफलं दर्शयन्ति वनदुमाः॥
Vyasa said Asses are being born of cows. Sons hold sexual intercourse with their mothers. The forest trees produce unseasonable flowers and fruits.

गर्भिण्योऽजातपुत्राश्च जनयन्ति विभीषणान्। क्रव्यादाः पक्षिभिश्चापि सहाश्नन्ति परस्परम्॥
Women who are pregnant and those that are not, are giving birth to monsters, Carnivorous beasts mingle with birds and are feeding together.

त्रिविषाणाश्चतुर्नेवाः पञ्चपादा द्विमेहनाः। द्विशीर्षाश्च द्विपुच्छाश्च दंष्ट्रिणः पशवोऽशिवाः॥
Inauspicious beasts, some having three horns, some having four eyes, some five legs, some two sexual organs, some two heads, some two tails, and some fearful teeth.

जायन्ते विवृतास्याश्च व्याहरन्तोऽशिवा गिरः। त्रिपदाः शिखिनस्तााश्चतुर्दष्ट्रा विषाणिनः॥
Are born with mounts wide open : they are emitting fearful cries. Horses with three legs, with crests, with four teeth and with horns are also born.

तथैवान्याश्च दृश्यन्ते स्त्रियो वै ब्रह्मवादिनाम्। वैनतेयान् मयूरांश्च जनयन्ति पुरे तव॥
O king, the wives of many Brahmavadins in your city are seen to give birth to Garuda's and pea-cocks.

गोवत्सं वडवा सूते श्वा शृगालं महीपते। कुक्कुरान् करभाश्चैव शुकाश्चाशुभवादिनः॥
O king, the mare gives birth to calves the bitch to jackals. Cooks, antelopes and parrots are all sending forth inauspicious notes.

स्त्रियः काश्चित्प्रजायन्ते चतस्रः पञ्चकन्यकाः। जातमात्राश्च नृत्यन्ति गायन्ति च हसन्ति च॥
Women give birth to four or five daughters all at a time, and these, as soon as born, dance, sing, and laugh.

पृथग्जनस्य सर्वस्य क्षुद्रकाः प्रहसन्ति च। नृत्यन्ति परिगायन्ति वेदयन्तो महद् भयम्॥
The men of the lowest castes laugh, and dance and sign and thus indicate fearful evils.

प्रतिमाश्चालिखन्त्येताः सशस्त्रा: कालचोदिताः। अन्योन्यमभिधावन्ति शिशवो दण्डपाणयः॥
Infants as if drawn by death are painting armed images. They are running against one another with maces in their hands.

अन्योन्यमभिमृद्नन्ति नगराणि युयुत्सवः। पद्मोत्पलानि वृक्षेषु जायन्ते कुमुदानि च॥
Being desirous of battle, they are breaking down the towns (they have made in sports). Lotuses and lilies are growing on trees.

विष्वग्वाताश्च वान्त्युग्रा रजो नाप्युपशाम्यति। अभीक्ष्णं कम्पते भूमिरर्कं राहुरुपैति च॥
Strong winds are fearfully blowing and the dust is unceasingly flying. The earth is often quaking and Rahu advances towards the sun.

श्वेतो ग्रहस्तथा चित्रां समतिक्रम्य तिष्ठति। अभावं हि विशेषेण कुरूणां तत्र पश्यति॥
Ketu (the white planet) stops on passing beyond the constellation Chitra. All this forebodes the total destruction of the Kurus.

धूमकेतुर्महाघोरः पुष्यं चाक्रम्य तिष्ठति। सेनयोरशिवं घोरं करिष्यति महाग्रहः॥
A fearful comet is rising, and is distressing the constellation Pushya. This great planet will cause terrible harm to both the armies.

मघास्वङ्गारको वक्रः श्रवणे च बृहस्पतिः। भगं नक्षत्रमाक्रम्य सूर्यपुत्रेण पीड्यते॥
Mars advances towards Magha and Brihaspati towards Shravana. the sun's offspring (Shani) advances towards Phalguni and afflicts it.

शुक्रः प्रोष्ठपदे पूर्वे समारुह्य विरोचते। उत्तरे तु परिक्रम्य सहितः समुदीक्षते॥
The planet Shukra rises towards Purva Bhadra. Shining brilliantly and shooting towards the Uttara Bhadra, it looks towards it.

श्वेतो ग्रहः प्रज्वलित: सधूम इव पावकः। ऐन्द्रं तेजस्वि नक्षत्रं ज्येष्ठामाक्रम्य तिष्ठति॥
Ketu, blazing up like smoky fire, stops and afflicts the effulgent constellation of Indra.

ध्रुवं प्रज्वलितो घोरमपसव्यं प्रवर्तते। रोहिणी पीडयत्येवमुभौ च शशिभास्करौ। चित्रास्वात्यन्तरे चैव विष्ठितः परुषग्रहः॥
The constellation Dhruva, fearfully blazing, advances towards the right. Both the sun and the moon distress Rohini. The terrible planet Rahu has taken up its position between Chitra and Svati (constellations).

वक्रानुवनं कृत्वा च श्रवणं पावकप्रभः। ब्रह्मराशि समावृत्य लोहिताङ्गो व्यवस्थितः॥
Three-bodied planct, effulgent like fire passing in a round and round way stops encircling Shravana over ridden by Brihaspati.

सर्वसस्यपरिच्छन्ना पृथिवी सस्यमालिनी। पञ्चशीर्षा यवाश्चापि शतशीर्षाश्च शालयः॥
O great king, the earth that always produce particular crops at particular seasons is simultaneously being overgrown with crops of every season. Every stalk of barely has five years and every stalk of paddy has a hundred.

प्रधानाः सर्वलोकस्य यास्वायत्तमिदं जगत्। ता गाव: प्रस्तुता वत्सैः शोणितं प्रक्षरन्त्युत॥
Those animals that are the best of all creatures in the world and upon whom depends the preservation of the whole universe, namely kine, when milked after the calves have sucked them give only blood.

निश्चरुरर्चिषश्चापात् खङ्गाश्च ज्वलिता भृशम्। व्यक्तं पश्यन्ति शस्त्राणि संग्रामं समुपस्थितम्॥
Rays of light are coming out from bows and swords produce great luster. It is evident these weapons see before them the battle as if it has already begun.

अग्निवर्णा यथा भासः शस्त्राणामुदकस्य च। कवचानां ध्वजानां च भविष्यति महाक्षयः॥
The shine of weapons, of the water, of the armours and of the standards looks like fire. A great slaughter of men and beasts is sure to take place.

पृथिवी शोणितावर्ता ध्वजोडुपसमाकुला। कुरूणां वैशसे राजन् पाण्डवैः सह भारत॥
O descendant of Bharata, O king, in this battle of the Kurus and the Pandavas the earth will appear like a river of blood with the standards as so many rafts.

दिक्षु प्रज्वलितास्याश्च व्याहरन्ति मृगद्विजाः। अत्याहितं दर्शयन्तो वेदयन्ति महद् भयम्॥
Animals and birds, on all sides, utter harsh cries with their mouths burning like fire. This forebode fearful evils.

एकपक्षाक्षिचरणः शकुनिः खचरो निशि। रौद्रं वदति संरब्धः शोणितं छर्दयनिव॥
A bird, with only one wing, one eye and onc leg ranges in the sky in the night. It fearfully screamed in anger, as if it wants every body to vomit blood.

शस्त्राणि चैव राजेन्द्र प्रज्वलन्तीव सम्प्रति। सप्तर्षीणामुदाराणां समवच्छाद्यते प्रभा॥
O king of kings, it appears that all weapons are now blazing in great brilliance. But the effulgence of the constellation of the seven Rishis has become dim.

संवत्सरस्थायिनौ च ग्रहौ प्रज्वलितावुभौ। विशाखायाः समीपस्थौ बृहस्पतिशनैश्चरौ॥
Those two burning planets namely Brihaspati and Shani have become fixed for a year.

चन्द्रादित्यावुभौ ग्रस्तावेकाह्रा हि त्रयोदशीम्। अपर्वणि ग्रहं यातौ प्रजासंक्षयमिच्छतः॥
Three lunation's, meeting twice or thrice in one and the same fortnight and on the thirteenth day, therefore, from the first luxation, according as it is the day of the fullmoon or the new-moon, the moon and the sun are devoured by Rahu. This forebodes a great slaughter (of creatures).

अशोभिता दिशः सर्वाः पांसुवर्षेः समन्ततः। उत्पातमेघा रौद्राश्च रात्रौ वर्षन्ति शोणितम्॥
All direction of the earth, covered by showers of dust appears greatly inauspicious. Fearful clouds, foreboding evil, pour showers of blood in the night.

कृत्तिकां पीड़यंस्तीक्ष्णैर्नक्षत्रं पृथिवीपते। अभीक्ष्णवाता वायन्ते धूमकेतुमवस्थिताः॥
O king, Rahu of terrible deeds also afflicts Krittika. Rough winds, foreboding terrible danger, are continually blowing.

विषमं जनयन्त्येत आक्रन्दजननं महत्। त्रिषु सर्वेषु नक्षत्रनक्षत्रेषु विशाम्पते। गृध्रः सम्पतते शीर्ष जनयन् भयमुत्तमम्॥
All these bring in a war, which is characterised by many weeping. The constellations are divided into three classes. Upon one or the other of each class evil planet has shed its influence. All this forebodes terrible consequences.

चतुर्दशी पञ्चदशी भूतपूर्वां च षोडशीम्। इमां तु नाभिजानेऽहममावास्यां त्रयोदशीम्। चन्द्रसूर्यावुभौ ग्रस्तावेकमासी त्रयोदशीम्॥
A lunar fortnight has hither to consisted of fourteen days, or fifteen days or sixteen days. But on the thirteenth day and in the course of the same month two eclipses have taken place.

अपर्वणि ग्रहेणैतौ प्रजाः संक्षपयिष्यतः। मांसवर्ष पुनस्तीव्रमासीत् कृष्णचतुर्दशीम्। शोणितैर्वक्त्रसम्पूर्णा अतृप्तास्तत्र राक्षसाः॥
The sun and the moon therefore undergoing eclipses on unusual days willing in a great slaughter of all creatures on earth. Even the Rakshasas drinking mouthful of blood are not satiated.

प्रतिस्रोतो महानद्यः सरितः शोणितोदकाः। फेनायमानाः कूपाश्च कूर्दन्ति वृषभा इव॥
The great rivers flow in opposite directions. The waters of rivers have turned into blood,

पतन्त्युल्का सनिर्घाताः शक्राशनिसमप्रभाः। अद्य चैव निशां व्युष्टामनयं समवाप्स्यथ॥
Meteors, as effulgent as Indra's thunder, fall on earth with loud sound. When this night passes away, a great danger will fall on you.

विनिःसृत्य महोल्काभिस्तिमिरं सर्वतोदिशम्। अन्योन्यमुपतिष्ठद्भिस्तत्र चोक्तं महर्षिभिः॥
Men with lighted torches in their hands will meet great difficulty to meet together, for a thick gloom will cover all space.

भूमिपालसहस्राणां भूमिः पास्यति शोणितम्। कैलासमन्दराभ्यां तु तथा हिमवता विभो॥
Great Rishis have said that in such circumstances, the earth drinks the blood of thousands of kings. From the mountains of Kailasa, Mandara and Himalayas.

सहस्रशो महाशब्दः शिखराणि पतन्ति च। महाभूता भूमिकम्पे चत्वारः सागराः पृथक्।
Thousands of sounds are heard thousands of mountain-summits are falling down. Earth trembles, and in consequence the four oceans.

वेलामुद्वर्तयन्तीव क्षोभयन्तो वसुंधराम्॥ वृक्षानुन्मथ्य वान्त्युग्रा वाताः शर्करकर्षिणः।
Having exceedingly swelled, seem ready to overflow their banks in order to afflict the earth. Fearful winds with stones are blowing crushing all the trees.

आभग्नाः सुमहावातैरशनीभिः समाहताः॥ वृक्षाः पतन्ति चैत्याश्च ग्रामेषु नगरेषु च।
Bcing crushed by the high wind and stuck by lightning, sacred and common trees in villages and towns are falling down.

नीललोहितपीतश्च भवत्यग्निर्हतो द्विजैः॥ वामाचिर्दुष्टगन्धश्च मुञ्चन् वै दारुणं स्वनम्।
When the Brahmanas pour sacrificial libations on fire, it now becomes blue or red or yellow. Its flame turns towards the left, and produces a bad odor accompanied by loud sounds.

स्पर्शा गन्धा रसाश्चैव विपरीता महीपते॥ धूम ध्वजाः प्रमुञ्चन्ति कम्पमाना मुहुर्मुहुः। मुञ्चन्त्यङ्गारवर्षं च भेर्यश्च पटहास्तथा॥
O kings, touch, smell and taste have become quite the contrary. The standards of the warriors often tremble and they send forth smoke. Drums and cymbals cast off showers of coat dust.

शिखराणां समृद्धानामुपरिष्टात् समन्ततः । वायसाश्च रुवन्त्युग्रं वामं मण्डलमाश्रिताः॥ पक्वापक्वेति सुभृशं वावाश्यन्ते वयांसि च।
From the top of tall trees crows fly away in circles from the left. They are ultering terrible cries. All of them are sending forth fearful cries of pakka, pakka.

निलीयन्ते ध्वजाग्रेषु क्षयाय पृथिवीक्षिताम्॥ ध्यायन्तः प्रकिरन्तश्च व्याला वेपथुसंयुताः। दीनास्तुरङ्गमा: सर्वे वारणा: सलिलाश्रयाः॥
They are sitting on the tops of standards foreboding the destruction of the kings. Poor elephants run hither and thither throwing off urine and excreta. The horses all melancholy, while the elephants are going into the water.

एतच्छ्रुत्वा भवानत्र प्राप्तकालं व्यवस्यताम्। यथा लोकः समुच्छेदं नायं गच्छेत भारत॥
Having heard all this, O descendant of Bharata, do what is proper, so that the world may not meet with extermination. are

वैशम्पायन उवाच पितुर्वचो निशम्यैतद् धृतराष्ट्रोऽब्रवीदिदम्। दिष्टमेतत् पुरा मन्ये भविष्यति नरक्षयः॥
Dhritarashtra said Having heard the words of father Dhritarashtra said: It is my belief that all this has been previously ordained.

राजानः क्षत्रधर्मेण यदि वध्यन्ति संयुगे। वीरलोकं समासाद्य सुखं प्राप्स्यन्ति केवलम्॥
If the kings according to the duties of Kshatriyas die in battle, they will then go to the regions reserved for heroes and thus obtain eternal happiness only.

इह कीर्ति परे लोके दीर्घकालं महत् सुखम्। प्राप्स्यन्ति पुरुषव्याघ्राः प्राणांस्त्यक्त्वा महाहवे॥
If these foremost of men abandon their lives in a great battle, they will acquire fame in this world and great and eternal happiness in the world ncxi.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्तो मुनिस्तत्त्वं कवीन्द्रो राजसत्तम। धृतराष्ट्रेण पुत्रेण ध्यानमन्वगमत् परम्॥
Vaishampayana said O foremost of kings, having been thus addressed by his son Dhritarashtra, that best of poets, that Rishi Vyasa, concentrated his mind in great meditation.

स मुहूर्त तथा ध्यात्वा पुनरेवाब्रवीद् वचः। असंशयं पार्थिवेन्द्र कालः संक्षियते जगत्॥
Having meditated for a moment, Vyasa thus again spoke, O king of kings, “there is no doubt that Time destroys the Universe.

सृजते च पुनर्लोकान् नेह विद्यति शाश्वतम्। ज्ञातीनां वै कुरूणां च सम्बन्धिसुहृदां तथा॥ धयं देशय पन्थानं समर्थो ह्यसि वारणे। क्षुद्रं जातिवधं प्राहुर्मा कुरुष्व ममाप्रियम्॥
It is Time also which creates the worlds. There is nothing here on earth which is everlasting. Therefore show the path of virtue। to the Kurus, to your relations, your kinsmen and friends. You are the proper person to restrain them. It is said that slaughter of kinsmen is sinful. Do not act in a way which would be disagreeable to me.

कालोऽयं पुत्ररूपेण तव जातो विशाम्पते। न वधः पूज्यते वेदे हितं नैव कथंचन॥
O king, Death himself, has taken birth in the form of your son. Slaughter is never spoken high of in the Vedas. It can never produce any good.

हन्यात् स एनं यो हन्यात् कुलधर्मं स्विकां तनुम्। कालेनोत्पथगन्ताऽसि शक्ये सति यथाऽऽपदि॥ कुलस्यास्य विनाशाय तथैव च महीक्षिताम्। अनर्थो राज्यरूपेण तव जातो विशाम्पते॥
The custom of a family brings about his own ruin who destroys it resembling his own body. For the destruction of this race as well as that of kings, it is (no doubt). Time that leads you to this wrong path although you are capable to withstand it. O king, in the shape of a kingdom, a great calamity has befallen you.

लुप्तधर्मा परेणासि धर्मं दर्शय वै सुतान्। किं ते राज्येन दुर्धर्ष येन प्राप्तोऽसि किल्बिषम्॥
Your virtue suffers a great diminution. Show to your son what is virtuous. O invincible hero, of what value is a kingdom that brings in sin?

यशो धर्मं च कीर्तिं च पालयन् स्वर्गमाप्स्यसि। लभन्तां पाण्डवा राज्यं शमं गच्छन्तु
Protect your good name, your virtue and your fame. You will then be able to obtain heaven. Let the Pandavas have their kingdom and let the entire Kuru race have the peace.”

एवं ब्रुवति विप्रेन्द्र धृतराष्ट्रोऽम्बिकासुतः। आक्षिप्य वाक्यं वाक्यज्ञो वाक्यं चैवाब्रवीत् पुनः॥
When that foremost of Brahmanas (Vyasa) was thus speaking in a sorrowful tone, the son of Ambika, accomplished in speech, king Dhritarashtra, thus spoke to him.

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच यथा भवान् वेत्ति तथैव वेत्ता भावाभावौ विदितौ मे यथार्थो। कौरवाः॥ स्वार्थे हि सम्मुह्यति तात लोको मां चापि लोकात्मकमेव विद्धि॥
Dhritarashtra said My knowledge of life and death is the same as yours. The truth of this is well known to me. But men lose (good) judgement in things which concern their interest. O sire, know me to be an ordinary man.

प्रसादये त्वामतुलप्रभावं त्वं नो गतिर्दर्शयिता च धीरः। न चापि ते मद्वशगा महर्षे न चाधर्मं कर्तुमर्हा हि मे मतिः॥ त्वं हि धर्मप्रवृत्तिश्च यशः कीर्तिश्च भारती। कुरूणां पाण्डवानां च मान्यश्चापि पितामहः॥
O Rishi of immeasurable power. I pray to you to extend your power towards us. You have your soul under complete control, you are my preceptor and guide. O great Rishi, my sons do not obey me. My mind is not inclined to commit sin. You are the instrument of the fame, the achievements and virtue of the Bharata race. You are the respected grandfather of both the Kurus and the Pandavas.

व्यास उवाच वैचित्रवीर्य नृपते यत् ते मनसि वर्तते। अभिधत्स्व यथाकामं छेत्ताऽस्मि तव संशयम्॥
Vyasa said O son of Vichitravirya, tell me openly what is in your mind. I shall remove your doubts.

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच यानि लिङ्गानि संग्रामे भवन्ति विजयिष्यताम्। तानि सर्वाणि भगवञ्छ्रोतुमिच्छामि तत्त्वतः॥
Dhritarashtra said O reverend sir, I desire to hear from you all those signs that happier before those that become victorious in battle.

व्यास उवाच प्रसन्नभाः पावक ऊर्ध्वरश्मिः प्रदक्षिणावर्तशिखो विधूमः। पुण्या गन्धाश्चाहुतीनां प्रवान्ति जयस्यैतद् भाविनो रूपमाहुः॥
Vyasa said The sacred fire assumes a cheerful luster. Its light rises upwards. Its flames bend towards the right. It blazes forth without any smoke. The libations poured in it produce sweet fragrance. These are said to be the indications of future success.

गम्भीरघोषाश्च महास्वनाश्च शङ्खा मृदङ्गाश्च नदन्ति यत्र। विशुद्धरश्मिस्तपनः शशी च जयस्यैतद् भाविनो रूपमाहुः॥
The conchs and cymbals produce deep and loud sounds, the sun and the moon give forth pure rays. These are said to be the indications of future success.

इष्टा वाचः प्रसृता वायसानां सम्प्रस्थितानां च गमिष्यतां च। ये पृष्ठतस्ते त्वरयन्ति राजन् ये चाग्रतस्ते प्रतिषेधयन्ति॥
Flying or sitting crows utter agreeable cries. Those warriors that are behind urge those that are in front to advance.

कल्याणवाचः शकुना राजहंसाः शुकाः क्रौञ्चा: शतपत्राश्च यत्र। प्रदक्षिणाश्चैव भवन्ति संख्ये ध्रुवं जयस्तत्र वदन्ति विप्राः॥
When vultures, swans, parrots, cranes, and woodpeckers utter delightful cries and go towards the right, the Brahmanas say that victory in such cases is certain.

अलङ्कारैः कवचैः केतुभिश्च सुखप्रणादैहेषितैर्वा हयानाम्। भ्राजिष्मती दुष्प्रतिवीक्षणीया येषां चमूस्ते विजयन्ति शत्रून्॥
Those, whose ornaments, armours and standards and their bright shields become incapable of being stared at, always conquei their enemies.

हृष्टा वाचस्तथा सत्त्वं योधानां यत्र भारत। न म्लायन्ति सजश्चैव ते तरन्ति रणोदधिम्॥
Those, that send forth cheerful shouts, o descendant of Bharata, those warriors, whose courage is not damped and whose garlands do not fade, always cross the ocean of battle.

इष्टा वाचः प्रविष्टस्य दक्षिणाः प्रविविक्षतः। पश्चात् संधारयन्त्यर्थमग्रे च प्रतिषेधिका:॥
Those who wishing to enter into the ranks of the foe, utter even kind words and those who warn the foe before striking always obtain victory.

शब्दरूपरसस्पर्शगन्धाश्चाविकृताः शुभाः। सदा हर्षश्च योधानां जयतामिह लक्षणम्॥
When the objects of hearing, seeing, tasting, touching and smelling do not undergo any change and become auspicious and if there is joy amongst the warriors at all time, it indicates victory.

अनुगा वायवो वान्ति तथाऽभ्राणि वयांसि च। अनुप्लवन्ति मेघाश्च तथैवेन्द्रधनूंषि च॥
O king, these are the indications of victory, namely the winds, the clouds and the birds all become favourable, and the clouds and rainbows that pour beneficial showers.

एतानि जयमानानां लक्षणानि विशाम्पते। भवन्ति विपरीतानि मुमूर्पूणा जनाधिप॥
O king, these are the indications that armies would secure success, while, O king, all these become quite the conirary in the case of those that are on the point of death.

अल्पायां वा महत्यां वा सेनायामिति निश्चयः। हर्षो योधगणस्यैको जयलक्षणमुच्यते॥
Whether the army be small or large cheerfulness of its soldiers is said to be a certain sign of its winning victory.

एको दीर्णो दारयति सेनां सुमहतीमपि। तां दीर्णामनुदीर्यन्ते योधाः शूरतरा
One soldier, struck with panic, can cause a large army to be alarmed and to take to flight, it causes even the bravest of warriors to be frightened.

अपि॥ शक्या समाधातुं संनिपाते दुर्निवा तदा चैव प्रभग्ना महती चमूः। अपामिव महावेगास्त्रस्ता मृगगणा इव॥
If a large ariny is once broken up and rouled, it cannot be easily rallied like a herd of deer in a fright or a mighty current of waters (in rains).

नैव महाचमूः। दीर्णामित्येव दीर्यन्ते सुविद्वांसोऽपि भारत॥
O descendant of Bharata, if a large army is once routed, it is incapable of being rallied; on the other hand, seeing it dispersed, even wellskilled warriors become confounded.

भीतान् भग्नांश्च सम्प्रेक्ष्य भयं भूयोऽभिवर्धते। प्रभग्ना सहसा राजन् दिशो विद्रवते चमूः॥
Secing soldiers struck with panic and flying, the panic spreads also in other directions. O king, in such cases the whole army is soon broken up and all fly in all directions.

नैव स्थापयितुं शक्या शूरैरपि महाचमूः। सत्कृत्य महतीं सेनां चतुरङ्गां महीपतिः।
O king, when an army is routed, even brave leaders at the head of large divisions of the army consisting of four kinds of troops can not rally them.

उपायपूर्वं मेधावी यतेत सततोत्थितः॥ उपायविजयं श्रेष्ठमाहुर्भेदन मध्यमम्। जघन्य एष विजयो यो युद्धेन विशाम्पते॥
It is said that the success that is obtained by negotiations and other means is the best. That which is secured by creating disunion (amongst the enemy) is but indifferent. O king, the success that is secured by battle is the worst.

महादोष: संनिपातस्तस्याद्यः क्षय उच्यते। परस्परज्ञाः संहृष्टा व्यवधूताः सुनिश्चिताः॥ पञ्चाशदपि ये शूरा मृद्नन्ति महतीं चमूम्। अपि वा पञ्च षट् सप्त विजयन्त्यनिवर्तिनः॥
There are many evils in battle; the first and the foremost is slaughter. Even fifty brave men who know one another, who are not dispirited, who are free from family ties and who are firmly resolved can defeat a large ariny. Even fire, six or seven, who do not retreat can obtain victory.

न वैनतेयो गरुडः प्रशंसति महाजनम्। दृष्ट्वा सुपर्णोऽपचितिं महत्या अपि भारत॥
O descendant of Bharata, Vinata's son Garuda never asks the assistance of many followers when he sees even a large number of birds.

न बाहुल्येन सेनाया जयो भवति नित्यशः। अध्रुवो हि जयो नाम दैवं चात्र परायणम्। जयवन्तो हि संग्रामे कृतकृत्या भवन्ति हि॥
Therefore the strength of number of an army is not always the cause of victory. Victory is always uncertain. It depends on chance. Even those that obtain victory have to suffer loss.