Colloquy between Arjuna and Yudhishthira

संजय उवाच वृहती धार्तराष्ट्रस्य सेनां दृष्ट्वा समुद्यताम्। विषादमगमद् राजा कुन्तीपुत्रो युधिष्ठिरः॥
Sanjaya said Seeing the vast army of Dhritarashtra's son, the son of Kunti, king Yudhishthira, was filled with grief.

व्यूह भीष्मेण चाभेद्यं कल्पितं प्रेक्ष्य पाण्डवः। अभेद्यमिव सम्प्रेक्ष्य विवर्णोऽर्जुनमब्रवीत्॥
Having seen the impenetrable Vyuha formed by Bhishma and having concluded it to be really impenetrable, the king became pale and he thus spoke to Arjuna.

धनंजय कथं शक्यमस्माभिर्यो माहवे। धार्तराष्टैर्महाबाहो येषां योद्धा पितामहः॥
"O mighty armed hero, O Dhananjaya, how shall be able to fight with the Dhritarashtra's son's army when the grandfather himself commands it.

अक्षोभ्योऽयमभेद्यश्च भीष्मेणामित्रकर्षिणा। कल्पितः शास्त्रदृष्टेन विधिना भूरिवर्चसा॥
Immovable and impenetrable in this Vyuha, formed according to the rules of the Shastras, by that chastiser of foes, Bhishma of unfading glory.

ते वयं संशयं प्राप्ताः ससैन्याः शत्रुकर्षण। कथमस्मान्महाव्यूहादुस्थानं नो भविष्यति॥
O chastiser of foes, we are doubtful of success. How can victory be ours in the face of this (Kuru) army?

अथार्जुनोऽब्रवीत् पार्थं युधिष्ठिरममित्रहा। विषण्णमिव सम्प्रेक्ष्य तव राजन्ननीकिनीम्॥
O king, that chastiser of foes, Arjuna, thus spoke of your army to the son of Pritha, Yudhishthira, who was in great grief.

प्रज्ञयाभ्यधिकाञ्शूरान् गुणयुक्तान् बहूनपि। जयन्त्यल्पतरा येन तन्निबोध विशाम्पते॥
we O majesty! I tell you the manner by which handful warriors conquer the wiser and meritorious majority of warriors. Please, listen to it carefully.

तत्र ते कारणं राजन् प्रवक्ष्याम्यनसूयवे। नारदस्तमृषिर्वेद भीष्मद्रोणौ च पाण्डव॥
O king, you are without malice. I shall therefore tell you of the means. The Rishi Narada as well as Bhishma and Drona know it.

एनमेवार्थमाश्रित्य युद्धे देवासुरेऽब्रवीत्। पितामहः किल पुरा महेन्द्रादीन् दिवौकसः॥
In the days of yore, at the battle between the celestial and the Danavas, the Grandfather himself said (the following) to Indra and the other celestial.

न तथा बलवीर्याभ्यां जयन्ति विजिगीषवः। यथा सत्यानृशंस्याभ्यां धर्मेणैवोद्यमेन च॥
They that are desirous of victory do not so much conquer by might and prowess as by truth, compassion, piety and virtue

त्यक्त्वाधर्मं च लोभं च मोहं चोद्यममास्थिताः। युद्ध्यध्वमनहंकारा यतो धर्मस्ततो जयः॥
Therefore knowing the difference between piety and impiety and understanding what is meant by covetousness and having recourse to only be exertion, fight without any arrogance, for victory is certain to be there, where righteousness is.

एवं राजन् विजानीहि ध्रुवोऽस्माकं रणे जयः। यथा तु नारदः प्राह यतः कृष्णस्ततो जयः॥
O king, for this reason, know that victory is certain to us in this battle. Narada said, "Victory is certainly there where Krishna is".

गुणभूतो जयः कृष्णे पृष्ठतोऽभ्येति माधवम्। तद् यथा विजयश्चास्य सन्नतिश्चापरो गुणः॥
Victory is inherent to Krishna; it follows Madhava (Krishna); victory is one of his attributes, so is humility.

अनन्ततेजा गोविन्दः शत्रुपूगेषु निर्व्यथः। पुरुषः सनातनमयो यतः कृष्णस्ततो जयः॥
Govinda (Krishna) possess might which is infinite. Even in the midst of countless foes, he is without any beyond all pains. He is the most eternal Purusha. Victory is certainly there where Krishna is.

पुरा ह्येष हरिभूत्वा विकुण्ठोऽकुण्ठसायकः। सुरासुरानवस्फूर्णन्नब्रवीत् के जयन्त्विति॥ कथं कृष्णं जयेमेति यैरुक्तं तत्र तैर्जितम्। तत् प्रसादाद्धि त्रैलोक्यं प्राप्तं शक्रादिभिः सुरैः॥
In the days of yore, indestructible and invincible. Hari appeared and thus spoke loudly to the celestial and the Asuras, “who amongst you would be victorious?” The conquered (the celestial) said, “With Krishna in front we shall win victory”. It was through the grace of Hari that the celestial headed by Indra obtained (the sovereignty) of the three worlds.

तस्य ते न व्यथां काञ्चिदिह पश्यामि भारत। यस्य ते जयमाशास्ते विश्वभुक् त्रिदिवेश्वरः॥
Therefore I do not find any cause for sorrow., You have the lord of the universe and the lord of the celestial to which victory to you.