Description of the troops

संजय उवाच यथा स भगवान् व्यासः कृष्णद्वैपायनोऽब्रवीत्। तथैव सहिताः सर्वे समाजग्मुर्महीक्षितः॥
Sanjaya said Just as the holy Rishi Krishna Dvaipayana Vyasa said, so exactly in that manner those rulers of earth who had assembled there met together.

मघाविषयगः सोमस्तद् दिनं प्रत्यपद्यत। दीप्यमानाश्च सम्पेतुर्दिवि सप्त महाग्रहाः॥
On the day on which the battle commenced the moon approached the constellation Magha. The seven large planets appeared in the sky like so many blazing fires.

द्विधाभूत इवादित्य उदये प्रत्यदृश्यत! ज्वलन्त्या शिखया भूयो भानुमानुदितो रविः॥
When the sun rose, he appeared as if he had been divided into two parts. When that luminary rose in the sky he appeared to blaze forth in flames.

ववाशिरे च दीप्तायां दिशि गोमायुवायसाः। लिप्समानाः शरीराणि मांसशोणितभोजनाः॥
Carnivorous animals, jacks and crows cried from all directions which appeared in a blaze expecting to feed on (dead) bodies.

अहन्यहनि पार्थानां वृद्धः कुरुपितामहः। भरद्वाजात्मजश्चैव प्रातरुत्थाय संयतौ॥ जयोऽस्तु पाण्डुपुत्राणामित्यूचतुररिंदम। युयुधाते तवार्थाय यथा स समयः कृतः॥
Every day the venerable grandfather of the Kuru (Bhishma) and the son of Bharadvaja (Drona) when they rose in the morning with concentrated mind, said “Victory to the Pandavas". Those chastisers of foes fought for your sake only because they had given the pledge.

सर्वधर्मविशेषज्ञः पिता देवव्रतस्तव। समानीय महीपालानिदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Your father Devavrata learned in the rules of war duly calling all the kings before him thus spoke to them these words.

इदं वः क्षत्रिया द्वारं स्वर्गायापावृतं महत्। गच्छध्वं तेन शक्रस्य ब्रह्मणः सहलोकताम्॥
"O Kshatriyas, this broad door is wide open for you to enter heaven. Go through it to the abodes of Indra and Brahma.

एष वः शाश्वतः पन्थाः पूर्वैः पूर्वतरैः कृतः। सम्भावयध्वमात्मानमव्यग्रमनसो युधि॥
The ancient Rishis have pointed out to you these eternal paths. However fight in the battle with all attention.

नाभागोऽथ ययातिश्च मान्धाता नहुषो नृगः। संसिद्धाः परमं स्थानं गताः कर्मभिरीदृशैः॥
Nabhaga, Yayati, Mandhata, Nahusha and Bhrigu all secured success and obtained the highest region of bliss by such feats.

अधर्मः क्षत्रियस्यैष यद् व्याधिमरणं गृहे। यदयोनिधनं याति सोऽस्य धर्मः सनातनः॥
In a Kshatriya to die of a disease is a sin. To die in the field of battle is his eternal duty.

एवमुक्ता महीपाला भीष्मेण भरतर्षभ। निर्ययुः स्वान्यनीकानि शोभयन्तो रथोत्तमैः॥
O best of the Bharata race having been thus addressed by Bhishma, the kings looked beautiful in their excellent cars. They then went to the hcads of their respective troops.

स त वैकर्तनः कर्णः सामात्यः सह बन्धुभिः। न्यासितः समरे शस्त्रं भीष्मेण भरतर्षभ॥
O best of the Bharata race, the son of Vikartana Karna, with his friends and relatives, however, laid aside his weapons of Bhishma.

अपेतकर्णाः पुत्रास्ते राजानश्चैव तावकाः। निर्ययुः सिंहनादेन नादयन्तो दिशो दश॥
Then your sons and all the kings that were on his side without Karna marched making the ten points of horizon resound with their war cries.

श्वेतैश्छत्रैः पताकाभिर्ध्वजवारणवाजिभिः। तान्यनीकानि शोभन्ते गजैरथ पदातिभिः॥
O king, their troops looked splendid with white umbrella, banners, standards elephants, horses, cars and foot-soldiers.

भेरीपणवशब्दैश्च दुन्दुभीनां च नि:स्वनैः। रथनेमिनिनादैश्च बभूवाकुलिता मही॥
The earth trembled with loud sounds of drums, tabors and cymbals and also with the clatter of the wheels of cars.

काञ्चनाङ्गदकेयूरैः कार्मुकैश्च महारथाः। भ्राजमाना व्यराजन्त साग्नयः पर्वता इव॥
The great car-warriors adorned with golden bracelets and armlets looked as effulgent as so many hills of fire.

तालेन महता भीष्मः पञ्चतारेण केतुना। विमलादित्यसंकाशस्तस्थौ कुरुचमुपरि॥
With his large palmyra standard with five stars, Bhishma, the Generalissimo of the Kuru army, looked as resplendent as the sun himself.

ये त्वदीया महेष्वासा राजानो भरतर्षभ। अवर्तन्त यथादेशं राजशान्तनवस्य ते॥
O best of the Bharata race, O king, according to the orders issued by the son of Shantanu, Bhishma, all the great bowmen of royal birth who were on your side took up their respective positions.

स तु गोवासनः शैव्यः सहितः सर्वराजभिः। ययौ मातङ्गराजेन राजाहेण पताकिना।
Shaivya, the ruler of the Govasanas accomplished by the chiefs marched on a great elephant worthy to be used by kings. It had a banner flying from its back.

पद्मवर्णस्त्वनीकानां सर्वेषामग्रतः स्थितः॥ अश्वत्थामा ययौ यत्तः सिंहलाङ्गलकेतुना।
The lotus-complexioned Ashvatthama ever ready for emergency marched at the very head of all the troops with his standard hat bore the device of a lion's tail.

श्रुतायुधश्चित्रसेनः पुरुमित्रो विविंशतिः॥ शल्यो भूरिश्रवाश्चैव विकर्णश्च महारथः। एते सप्त महेष्वासा द्रोणपुत्रपुरोगमाः ॥ स्यन्दनैर्वरवर्माणो भीष्मस्यासन् पुरोगमाः।
Shrutayudha, Chitrasena, Purumitra, Vivinshati, Shalya, Bhurishrava, and the carwarriors Vikarna. These seven great bowmen clad in excellent armour and riding on their excellent cars followed the son of Drona but marched in front of Bhishma.

तेषामपि महोत्सेधाः शोभयन्तो रथोत्तमान्॥ भ्राजमाना व्यरोचन्त जाम्बूनदमया ध्वजाः।
The golden standards of these warriors, beautifully placed at the flag-staff of thcir excellent cars looked highly effulgent.

जाम्बूनदमयी वेदी कमण्डलुविभूषिता॥ केतुराचार्यमुख्यस्य द्रोणस्य धनुषा सह।
The standard of Drona that foremost of preceptors, note the device of a golden altar, adorned with a water pot and a figure of a bow.

अनेकशतसाहस्रमनीकमनुकर्षतः॥ महान् दुर्योधनस्यासीन्नागो मणिमयो ध्वजः।
The standard of Duryodhana, that guided many hundred and thousands of troops bore the device of an elephant made in gems and jewels.

तस्य पौरवकालिङ्गौ काम्बोजश्च सुदक्षिणः॥ क्षेमधन्वा च शल्यश्च तस्थुः प्रमुखतो रथाः।
Paurava, the ruler of Kalingas, Sudakshina, the ruler of the Kombojas, Kshemadhanvan, and Sumitra, those great car-warriors took up their positions in front of Duryodhana.

स्यन्दनेन महार्हेण केतुना वृषभेण च। प्रकर्षन्नेव सेनाग्रं मागधस्य कृपो ययौ॥
Taking a position in the very front in a costly car with his standard that bore the device of a bull, the king of the Magadhas marched against the enemy.

तदङ्गपतिना गुप्तं कृपेण च मनस्विना। शारदाम्बुधरप्रख्यं प्राच्यानां सुमहद् बलम्॥
The large force of the people of the east which looked like the fleecy clouds of autumn was protected by the Anga prince and the greatly powerful Kripa.

अनीकप्रमुखे तिष्ठन् वराहेण महायशाः। शुशुभे केतुमुख्येन राजतेन जयद्रथः॥
Placing himself at the head of his troops with his beautiful silver standard which bore the device of the bore, the illustrious Jayadratha looked highly effulgent.

शतं रथसहस्राणां तस्यासन् वशवर्तिनः। अष्टौ नागसहस्राणि सादिनामयुतानि षट्॥
One hundred thousand cars, cight thousand elephants and sixty thousand horsemen were under his command,

तत्सिन्धुपतिना राज्ञा पालितं ध्वजिनीमुखम्। अनन्तरथनागाश्वमशोभत महद् बलम्॥
That large army with innumerable cars and elephants and horse under the command of the kings of the Sindhus looked very grant.

षष्ट्या रथसहस्रेस्तु नागानामयुतेन च। पतिः सर्वकलिङ्गानां ययौ केतुमता सह॥
With sixty thousand cars and ten thousand clephants the kings of the Kalingas with Ketuman marched.

तस्य पर्वतसंकाशा व्यरोचन्त महागजाः यन्त्रतोमरतूणीरैः पताकाभिः सुशोभिताः॥
His clephants cach loO king like a hill adorned with machines, lances, and standards looked very beautiful.

शुशुभे केतुमुख्येन पावकेन कलिङ्गकः। श्वेतच्छत्रेण निष्केण चामरव्यजनेन च॥
The king of the Kalingas with his high firelike effulgent standard, with his white umbrella and Chamaras looked exceedingly beautiful.

केतुमानपि मातङ्गं विचित्रपरमाङ्कुशम्। आस्थितः समरे राजन् मेघस्थ इव भानुमान्॥
Ketumat also, O king, riding an elephant with a highly excellent and beautiful hook stood in the battle like the sun amidst the clouds.

तेजसा दीप्यमानस्तु वारणोत्तममास्थितः। भगदत्तो ययौ राजा यथा वज्रधरस्तथा॥
King Bhagadatta, blazing in his own effulgence, marched on an elephant like the wielder of thunder (Indra).

गजस्कन्धगतावास्तां भगदत्तेन सम्मितौ। विन्दानुविन्दावावन्त्यौ केतुमन्तमनुव्रतौ॥
The two princes of Avanti, named Vinda and Anuvinda who were considered as equal to Bhagadatta followed Ketuman on two elephants.

स रथानीकवान् व्यूहो हस्त्यङ्गो नृपशीर्षवान्। वाजिपक्षः पतत्युग्रः प्रहसन् सर्वतोमुखः॥ द्रोणेन विहितो राजन् राज्ञा शान्तनवेन च। तथैवाचार्यपुत्रेण बाह्नीकेन कृपेण च॥
O king, Vyuhas (particular formation), consisting of many cars were arrayed by Drona, and the royal son of Shantanu and Drona's son and Balhika and Kripa; the elephants formed the bodies, the wing, the heads and the horses the kings. With face towards all sides, that fearful Vyuha seemed to smile. It appeared to be ready to leap forward.