Dhritarashtra's queries

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच कथं कुरूणामृषभो हतो भीष्मः शिखण्डिना। कथं रथात् स न्यपतत् पिता मे वासवोपमः॥
Dhritarashtra said How has that foremost of all the Kurus Bhishma been killed by Shikhandi? How did my sire (Bhishma) who was like a second Indra fall down from his car?

कथमाचक्ष्व मे योधा हीना भीष्मेण संजय। बलिना देवकल्पेन गुर्वर्थे ब्रह्मचारिणा॥
O Sanjaya, what happened to my sons when they were deprived of the powerful Bhishma who was like a god and who led a life of celibacy for his father?

तस्मिन् हते महाप्राज्ञे महेष्वासे महाबले। महासत्त्वे नरव्याने किम आसीन्मनस्तव॥
On the fall of that foremost of men Bhishma who possessed great wisdom, great ability for action, great powers and great energy what did our warriors thinks in their ininds?

आर्ति परामाविशति मनः शंससि मे हतम्। कुरूणामृषभं वीरमकम्पं पुरुषर्षभम्॥
Hearing that the foremost of men, the best of the Kurus, the unwavering hero (Bhishma) is killed, my heart is possessed by great grief. sun

के तं यान्तमनुप्राप्ता के वास्यासन् पुरोगमाः। केऽतिष्ठन् के न्यवर्तन्त केऽन्ववर्तन्त संजय॥
When he advanced who followed him and who went in front? Who stood by his side and who advanced with him?

के शूरा रथशार्दूलमद्भुतं क्षत्रियर्षभम्। तथानीकं गाहमानं सहसा पृष्ठतोऽन्वयुः॥
Who arc those brave warriors that followed that foremost of all car-warriors, that great bowman, that best of the Kshatriya (Bhishma) when he penetrated into the ranks of the enemy?

यस्तमोऽर्क इवापोहन् परसैन्यममित्रहा। सहस्ररश्मिप्रतिमः परेषां भयमादधत्॥ अकरोद् दुष्करं कर्म रणे पाण्डुसुतेषु यः। ग्रसमानमनीकानि य एनं पर्यवारयन्॥
When he attacked the enemy's rank who were the warriors that opposed the chastiser of foes who resembled the and who, spreading terror among the foes destroyed their ranks as the sun destroys darkness, and who achieved exceedingly difficult feats amongst the ranks of the Pandavas?

कृतिनं तं दुराधर्षं संजयास्य त्वमन्तिके। कथं शान्तनवं युद्धे पाण्डवाः प्रत्यवारयन्॥
O Sanjaya, how did the Pandavas oppose in battle that invincible son of Shantanu that accomplished warrior when he attacked them?

निकृन्तन्तमनीकानि शरदंष्ट्र मनस्विनम्। चापव्यात्ताननं घोरमसिजिह्व दुरासदम्॥ अनर्ह पुरुषव्याघ्रं ह्रीमन्तमपराजितम्। पातयामास कौन्तेयः कथं तमजितं युधि॥ उग्रधन्वानमुग्रेषु वर्तमानं रथोत्तमे। परेषामुत्तमाङ्गानि प्रचिन्वन्तमथेषुभिः॥ पाण्डवानां महत् सैन्यं यं दृष्ट्वोद्यतमाहवे। कालाग्निमिव दुर्धर्षं समचेष्टत नित्यशः॥
How did Kunti's son overthrow in battle that unconquerable one, that fearful bowman scattering fearful arrows, and cutting off the enemies, heads, that invincible hero, modest in every thing, that foremost of all men, stationed on his chariot that hero, having arrows for his teeth, with bow for his wide open mouth, with the terrible sword for his tongue; how was be overthrown, who was never vanquished before and who did not deserve such a fate, that warrior who was as irresistible as the fire of dissolution and seeing whom in battle the great army of the Pandavas were ever filled with terror?

परिकृष्य स सेनां तु दशरात्रमनीकहा। जगामास्तमिवादित्यः कृत्वा कर्म सुदुष्करम्॥
Destroying the enemy's troops for ten days that slayer of heroes, having achieved most difficult feats, has now set like the sun.

यः स शक्र इवाक्षय्यं वर्ष शरमयं क्षिपन्। जघान युधि योधानामर्बुद दशभिर्दिनैः॥ स शेते निहतो भूमौ वातभुग्न इव दुमः। मम दुर्मन्त्रितेनाजौ यथा नार्हति भारत॥
As the result of my evil counsels, that scion of the Bharata race, scattering like Indra himself an inexhaustible shower of arrows, killed in battle one hundred millions of warriors in ten days. He now lies on the bare ground though he deserved it not on the field of battle deprived of life like a great tree uprooted by the wind.

कथं शान्तनवं दृष्ट्वा पाण्डवानामनीकिनी। प्रहर्तुमशकत् तत्र भीष्म भीमपराक्रमम्॥
Seeing the son of Shantanu, Bhishma, of fearful prowess, how could the army of the Panchalas strike him down?

कथं भीष्मेण संग्रामं प्राकुर्वन् पाण्डुनन्दनाः। कथं च नाजयद् भीष्मो द्रोणे जीवति संजय॥
How did the Pandavas fight with Bhishma? O Sanjaya, how is it that Bhishma could not conquer when Drona is still alive.

कृपे संनिहिते तत्र भरद्वाजात्मजे तथा। भीष्मः प्रहरतां श्रेष्ठः कथं स निधनं गतः॥
When Kripa was near him, when Drona was there, how could Bhishma that foremost of warriors be killed?

कथं चातिरथस्तेन पाञ्चाल्येन शिखण्डिना। भीष्मो विनिहतो युद्धे देवैरपि दुरासदः॥
How could Bhishma, who was an Atiratha and who could not be resisted even by the celestial be killed in battle by the Panchala Prince Shikhandin?

यः स्पर्धते रणे नित्यं जामदग्न्यं महाबलम्। अजितं जामदग्न्येन शक्रतुल्यपराक्रमम्॥ तं हतं समरे भीष्मं महारथकुलोदितम्। संजयाचक्ष्व मे वीरं येन शर्म न विद्महे॥
O Sanjaya, he who always considered himself equal to the mighty son of Jamadagni, he whom Jamadagni's son himself could not conquer, he who resembled Indra in prowess, tell me how such a hero, Bhishma, born as he was in the race of Maharathas, was killed in battle. Without knowing all the particulars, I cannot get rest.

मामकाः के महेष्वासा नाजहुः संजयाच्युतम्। दुर्योधनसमादिष्टाः के वीराः पर्यवारयन्॥
O Sanjaya, (tell me) what great bow men of my army, did not abandon that hero of unfading energy and what brave warriors at the command Duryodhana stood around that hero in order to protect him?

यच्छिखण्डिमुखाः सर्वे पाण्डवा भीष्ममभ्ययुः। कच्चित् ते कुरवः सर्वे नाजहुः संजयाच्युतम्॥
O Sanjaya, when all the Pandavas with Shikhandin at their head advanced against Bhishma, I hope the Kurus stood by the side of the great hero of immeasurable prowess.

अश्मसारमयं नूनं हृदयं सुदृढं मम। यच्छ्रुत्वा पुरुषव्याघ्रं हतं भीष्मं न दीर्यते॥
Hard as my heart is, it is surely made of stone that it does not break on hearing the death of the foremost of men, Bhishma.

यस्मिन् सत्यं च मेधा च नीतिश्च भरतर्षभे। अप्रमेयाणि दुर्धर्षे कथं स निहतो युधि॥
There were truth, intelligence and policy to an immeasurable extent in that irresistible chief of the Bharata race. How could he be killed in battle?

मौर्वीघोषस्तनयित्नुः पृषत्कपृषतो महान्। धनुर्हादमहाशब्दो महामेघ इवोन्नतः॥ योऽभ्यवर्षत कौन्तेयान् सपाञ्चालान् ससृजयान्। निघ्नन् पररथान् वीरो दानवानिव वज्रभृत्॥
He was like a mighty cloud, the twang of his bow was the roar of that clouds, the arrows were its showers of rains, and the sound of his bow was its thunder. That hero, showering his arrows on the sons of Kunti along with the Panchalas and Srinjayas who were on their side struck down the hostile car-warriors as the slayer of Bala (Indra) struck down the Danavas.

इष्वस्त्रसागरं घोरं बाणग्राहं दुरासदम्। कार्मुकोर्मिणमक्षय्यमद्वीपं चलमप्लवम्॥ गदासिमकरावासं हयावर्तं गजाकुलम्। पदातिमत्स्यकलिलं शङ्खदुन्दुभिनि:स्वनम्॥ हयान् गजपदातींश्च रथांश्च तरसा बहून्। जिमज्जयन्तं समरे परवीरापहारिणम्॥ विदह्यमानं कोपेन तेजसा च परंतयम्। वेलेव मकरावासं के वीराः पर्यवारयन्॥
Who were the heroes that opposed, as the shore resists the surging sea, that chastiser of foes, who was a fearful ocean of arrows and weapons, an ocean in which arrows were the terrible crocodiles, bows were the waves, maces and swords were the sharks, steeds and elephants were the eddies,, the foot soldiers were like so many thousands fishes, and the sounds of conchs and drums its roars, an inexhaustible and agitated ocean without an island and without a raft to cross it, an ocean that swallowed up horses and elephants and foot soldiers by millions, an ocean that drowned all hostile heroes, and that consumed in wrath, the wrath which was its ocean fire?

भीष्मो यदकरोत् कर्म समरे संजयारिहा। दुर्योधनहितार्थाय के तस्यास्य पुरोऽभवन्॥
Who were in his front when that chastiser of foes Bhishma achieved great feats in battle for the good of Duryodhana?

पुरस्तादवर्तन्त केऽरक्षन् दक्षिणं चक्र भीष्मस्यामिततेजसः। पृष्ठतः के परान् वीरानपासेधन् यतव्रताः॥
Who were they that protected the right of that immeasurably powerful warrior? Who were they that resisted the enemy's warriors from his rear with patience and energy?

के रक्षन्तो भीष्ममन्तिके। केऽरक्षन्नुत्तरं चक्रं वीरा वीरस्य युध्यतः॥
Who placed themselves just in front of him to protect him? Who were the heroes that protected the front of that brave warrior when he fought?

वामे चक्रे वर्तमाना: केऽध्न संजय सुंजयान्। अग्रतोऽग्र्यमनीकेषु केऽभ्यरक्षन् दुरासदम्॥
Who were they that placed themselves on his left and attacked the Srinjayas? Who were they that protected the irresistible ranks of his advanced guard?

पार्श्वत: केऽभ्यरक्षन्त गच्छन्तो दुर्गमां गतिम्। समूहे के परान् वीरान् प्रत्ययुध्यन्त संजय॥
Who protected the wings of that warrior who has gone away to his last journey? O Sanjaya, who were they that fought with the enemy's warriors in general engagement?

रक्ष्यमाणः कथं वीरैर्गोप्यमानाच तेन ते। दुर्जयानामनीकानि नाजयंस्तरसा युधि॥
If he was protected by our warriors and if they protected by him, how is it that he could not defeat in battle the Pandava army, invincible though it was?

सर्वलोकेश्वरस्येव परमेष्ठीप्रजापतेः। कथं प्रहर्तुमपि ते शेकुः संजय पाण्डवाः॥
O Sanjaya, how could the Pandavas succeed in striking Bhishma who was like Parameshti himself, that lord and creator of all creatures.

यस्मिन् द्वीपे समाश्वस्य युध्यन्ते कुरवः परैः। तं निमग्नं नरव्याघ्र भीष्मं शंससि संजय॥
O Sanjaya, you tell me of the disappearance of Bhishma, that foremost of men who was our main stay and relying on whom, the Kurus were fighting with their enemies.

यस्य वीर्यं समाश्रित्य मम पुत्रो बृहद्बलः। न पाण्डवानगणयत् कथं स निहतः परैः॥
Alas, how has that greatly powerful warrior, relying on whose prowess my son never cared for the Pandavas, been (today) killed by the enemy?

यः पुरा विबुधैः सर्वैः सहाये युद्धदुर्मदः। काक्षितो दानवान् उद्भिः पिता मम महाव्रतः॥
In the day of yore when the celestials were fighting with the Danavas, they sought the help of that invincible hero, my great vowobserving father.

यस्मिञ्जाते महावीर्ये शान्तनुर्लोकविश्रुतः। शोकं दैन्य च दुःखं च प्राजहात् पुत्रलक्ष्मणि॥ प्रोक्तं परायणं प्राज्ञं स्वधर्मनिरतं शुचिम्। वेदवेदाङ्गत्तत्त्वज्ञं कथं शंससि मे हतम्॥
O Sanjaya, how can you tell me that Bhishma that foremost of all mighty men, that renowned warrior, that great refuge of all, that wise and virtuous man ever devoted to the duties of his order and learned in all the Vedas and their branches, the hero in whose birth Shantanu was freed from all grief, melancholy and sorrow, has been killed?

सर्वास्त्रविनयोपेतं शान्तं दान्तं मनस्विनम्। हतं शान्तनवं श्रुत्वा मन्ये शेषं हतं बलम्॥
Skilled in every weapon, possessing himself gentleness, and great energy with passions under complete control, hearing that such son of Shantanu (Bhishma) is killed, I consider that rest of my army as already slain.

धर्मादधर्मो बलवान् सम्प्राप्त इति मे मतिः। यत्र वृद्धं गुरुं हत्वा राज्यमिच्छन्ति पाण्डवाः॥
In my opinion, impiety has now become stronger than piety, for the Pandavas desire sovereignty even killed their venerable Guru.

जामदग्न्यः पुरा रामः सर्वास्त्रविदनुत्तमः। अम्बार्थमुद्यतः संख्ये भीष्मेण युधि निर्जितः॥
In the days of yore. Rama, the son of Jamadagni, skilled in every weapon and whom none excelled, was vanquished by Bhishma in battle when fighting on behalf of Amba.

तमिन्द्रसमकर्माणं ककुदं सर्वधन्विनाम्। हत शंससि मे भीष्मं किं नु दुःखमतः परम्॥
You tell me that Bhishma who is the foremost of all warriors and who is equal to Indra in the great deeds he has performed has been killed, what can be a greater grief to me than this?

असकृत् क्षत्रियवाताः संख्ये येन विनिर्जिताः। जामदग्न्येन वीरेण परवीरनिघातिना॥
That great intelligent one, who was not killed even by that slayer of hostile heroes, that Rama, the son of Jamadagni who defeated in battle all Kshatriyas, has now been killed by Shikhandin,.

न हतो यो महाबुद्धिः सहतोऽद्य शिखण्डिना। तस्मानूनं महावीर्याद्भार्गवाद् युद्धदुर्मदात्॥ तेजोवीर्यबलैर्भूयान् शिखण्डी द्रुपदात्मजः। यः शूरं कृतिनं युद्धे सर्वशास्त्रविशारदम्॥ परमास्त्रविदं वीरं जघान भरतर्षभम्। के वीरास्तममित्रघ्नमन्वयुः शस्त्रसंसदि॥
There is no doubt the son of Drupada Shikhandin, who has killed in battle that best of the Bharata race, that hero skilled in the greatest of weapons, that brave and accomplished warrior learned in every weapon, is therefore superior to the invincible and greatly powerful son of Bhrigu (Parashuram) in energy, prowess and might. (Now tell me) who were the warriors that followed the chastiser of focs in that great battle?

शंस मे तद् यथा चासीद् युद्धं भीष्मस्य पाण्डवैः। योषेव हतवीरा मे सेना पुत्रस्य संजय॥
Tell me how the battle was fought between the Pandavas and Bhishma? O Sanjaya, my army, deprived of its hero, is now like a woman without a protector.

अगोपमिव चोद्भ्रान्तं गोकुलं तद् बलं मम। पौरुषं सर्वलोकस्य परं यस्मिन् महाहवे॥ परासक्ते च वस्तस्मिन् कथमासीन्मनस्तदा। जीवितेऽप्यद्य सामर्थ्य किमिवास्मासु संजय॥
That army is now like a panic-stricken herd of kine deprived of its herdsman. When he who possessed prowess superior to that of every man, has fallen in the field of battle, (I guess) what is the mind of my army. O Sanjaya, what power is there in our life.

घातयित्वा महावीर्यं पितरं लोकधार्मिकम्। अगाधे सलिले मग्नां नावं दृष्ट्व पारगाः॥
When we have caused our greatly powerful father, that foremost of all virtuous men in the world to be killed? Like a man who, when desirous of crossing the sea, sees the boat sunk down in fathomless water.

भीष्मे हते भृशं दुःखान्मन्ये शोचन्ति पुत्रकाः। अद्रिसारमयं नूनं हृदयं मम संजय॥
I am sure, my sons are bewailing in grief for the death of Bhishma. O Sanjaya, my heart is surely made of stone.

यच्छ्रुत्वा पुरुषव्याघ्रं हतं भीष्मं न दीर्यते। यस्मिन्नस्त्राणि मेधा च नीतिश्च पुरुषर्षभे॥
For it does not burst even on hearing the death of Bhishma that foremost of all men, in whom were intelligence and policy and skill in arms.

अप्रमेयाणि दुर्धर्षे कथं स निहतो युधि। न चास्त्रेण न शौर्येण तपसा मेधया न च॥
How has that invincible warrior been killed in battle? Neither by weapons, nor by courage, nor by ascetic merit, nor by intelligence.

न धृत्या न पुनस्त्यागान्मृत्योः कश्चिद् विमुच्यते। कालो नूनं महावीर्यः सर्वलोकदुरत्ययः॥
Nor by firmness, nor by gift, can a man free himself from death. The greatly powerful Time cannot be transgressed by any thing in the world.

यत्र शान्तनवं भीष्मं हतं शंससि संजय। पुत्रशोकाभिसंतप्तो महद् दुःखमचिन्तयम्॥ आशंसेऽहं परंत्राणं भीष्माच्छान्तनुनन्दनात्। यदाऽऽदित्यमिवापश्यत् पतितं भुवि संजय॥ दुर्योधनः शान्तनवं किं तदा प्रत्यपद्यत। नाहं स्वेषां परेषां वा बुद्ध्या संजय चिन्तयन्॥ शेषं किंचित् प्रपश्यामि प्रत्यनीके महीक्षिताम्। दारुणः क्षत्रधर्मोऽयमृषिभिः सम्प्रदर्शितः॥ यत्र शान्तनवं हत्वा राज्यमिच्छन्ति पाण्डवाः। वयं वा राज्यमिच्छामो घातयित्वा महाव्रतम्॥
When, O Sanjaya, as you tell me the son of Shantanu Bhishma is dead. Burning with grief for my sons, nay overwhelmed with great sorrow I hoped for relief from the son of Shantanu, Bhishma. O Sanjaya when he saw Shantanu's son lying dead on the ground like a sun (dropped from the sky) whom did Duryodhana make his refuge? O Sanjaya, reflecting (all I can) with the help of my understanding, I do not see what the end will be of all those kings who are on my side and those who are on the side of the enemy, those that have joined the opposite parties of the battle. Alas, cruel are the Kshatriya duties as fixed by the Rishis, for the Pandavas desire to obtain the sovereignty by even causing the death of Shantanu's son and we too desire to obtain sovereignty by offering that great vowobserving hero as a sacrifice.

क्षत्रधर्मे स्थिताः पार्था नापराध्यन्ति पुत्रकाः। एतदार्येण कर्तव्यः कृच्छ्रास्वापत्सु संजय॥
The sons of Pritha, as well as my sons are all performing the duties of Kshatriyas. Therefore none of them incurs any sin, O Sanjaya, even a very virtuous man should do it when a great calamity comes.

पराक्रमः परा शक्त्या तत् तु तस्मिन् प्रतिष्ठितम्। अनीकानि विनिघ्नन्तं ह्रीमन्तमपराजितम्॥ कथं शान्तनवं तात पाण्डुपुत्रा न्यवारयन्। कथं युक्तान्यनीकानि कथं युद्धं महात्मभिः॥
The display of prowess and the great strength has been considered to be the duty of a Kshatriya. How did the Pandavas oppose my father Bhishma, the son of Shantanu, that invincible but modest hero when he was destroying the troops of the enemy? How were the troops arranged and how did he fight with the illustrious enemies?

कथं वा निहतो भीष्मः पिता संजय मे परैः। दुर्योधनश्च कर्णश्च शकुनिश्चापि सौबलः॥
O Sanjaya, how was my father Bhishma killed in battle? Duryodhana, Karna and the great skillful Shakuni, the son of Subala.

दुःशासनश्च कितवो हते भीष्मे किमब्रुवन्। यच्छरीरैरुपास्तीर्णां नरवारणवाजिनाम्॥ शरशक्तिमहाखड्गतोमराक्षां महाभयाम्। प्राविशन् कितवा मन्दाः सभां युद्धदुरासदाम्॥ प्राणद्यूते प्रतिभये केऽदीव्यन्त नरर्षभाः। के जीयन्ते जितास्तत्र कृतलक्ष्या निपातिताः॥ अन्ये भीष्माच्छान्तनवात् तन्ममाचक्ष्व संजय। न हि मे शान्तिरस्तीह श्रुत्वा देवव्रतं हतम्॥ पितरं भीमकर्माणं भीष्ममाहवशोभिनम्। आति मे हृदये रूढां महती पुत्रहानिजाम्॥
And the wily Dushasana, what did they say when Bhishma was killed? Entering that fearful abode of destructive battles play in which the balls have been made by the men, elephants and horses, in which arrows and javelins and swords and darts have formed the dice, who were those notched gamblers that gamble, by taking their very lives who won, who lost who cast the dice with success and who else have been killed besides the son of Shantanu, Bhishma. Tell me all, O Sanjaya, for hearing that Devavrata (of his men) that father of mine, that hero of fearful deeds, that ornament of battle, Bhishma is killed, peace cannot come to me. Thinking that all my sons would be killed, I am affected with the greatest anguish.

त्वं हि मे सर्पिषेवाग्निमुद्दीपयसि संजय। महान्तं भारमुद्यम्य विश्रुतं सार्वलौकिकम्॥ दृष्ट्वा विनिहतं भीष्मं मन्ये शोचन्ति पुत्रकाः। श्रोष्यामि तानि दुःखानि दुर्योधनकृतान्यहम्॥
O Sanjaya, you make my that grief blaze forth as fire with Ghee. Sceing Bhishma, celebrated in all the worlds, who undertook a great task, killed, I am sure my sons are lamenting. I desire to hear all their sorrows that have been produced by Duryodhana's act.

तस्मान्मे सर्वमाचक्ष्व यद् वृत्तं तत्र संजय। यद् वृत्तं तत्र संग्रामे मन्दस्याबुद्धिसम्भवम्॥
Therefore, O Sanjaya, tell me all that had happened in the battle, the result of my wicked son's folly.

अपनीतं सुनीतं यत् तन्ममाचक्ष्व संजय। यत् कृतं तत्र संग्रामे भीष्मेण जयमिच्छता॥ तेजोयुक्तं कृतास्त्रेण शंस तच्चाप्यशेषतः। तथा तदभवद् युद्धं कुरुपाण्डवसेनयोः॥ क्रमेण येन यस्मिंश्च काले यच्च यथाऽभवत्॥
O Sanjaya, ill or well, tell me every thing. Tell me all in full and in detail, all that was achieved in the battle of Bhishma ever desirous of victory, by that great warrior skilled in all weapons. How did the battle take place between the armies of the Kurus and the Pandavas and in what manner was the battle fought?