The news of Bhishma's death

वैशम्पायन उवाच अथ गावल्गणिविद्वान् संयुगादेत्य भारत। प्रत्यक्षदर्शी सर्वस्य भूतभव्यभविष्यवित्॥ ध्यायते धृतराष्ट्राय सहसोत्पत्य दुःखितः। आचष्ट निहतं भीष्मं भरतानां पितामहम्॥
Vaishampayana said O descendant of Bharata, possessing the knowledge of the past, present and future and seeing all present before his eyes, the learned son of Gavalgana came quickly from the field of battle, and rushing with grief to the presence of the king, told Dhritarashtra who was in great anxiety that the grandfather (of the Kurus) Bhishma was killed.

संजय उवाच संजयोऽहं महाराज नमस्ते भरतर्षभ। हतो भीष्मः शान्तनवो भरतानां पितामहः॥
Sanjaya said O great king, I am Sanjaya , O foremost of the Bharata race, I bow to you. The son of Shantanu, Bhishma, the grandfather of the Kurus, is killed.

ककुदं सर्वयोधानां धाम सर्वधनुष्मताम्। शरतल्पगतः सोऽद्य शेते कुरुपितामहः॥
The foremost of all warriors, that prowess personified of all bow-men, that grandfather of the Kurus, today lies on the bed of arrows.

यस्य वीर्यं समाश्रित्य द्यूतं पुत्रस्तवाकरोत्। सशेते निहतो राजन् संख्ये भीष्मः शिखण्डिना॥
O king, relaying on whose energy, your son played in that match at dice, that great Bhishma now lies in the field of battle killed by Shikhandin.

यः सर्वान् पृथिवीपालान् समवेतान् महामृधे। जिगायकरथेनैव काशिपुर्यां महारथः॥
That mighty car-warrior who on a single car had formerly defeated in a great battle all the kings of the earth assembled at Kashi.

जामदग्न्यं रणे रामं योऽयुध्यदपसम्भ्रमः। न हतो जामदग्न्येन स हतोऽद्य शिखण्डिना॥
He who fearlessly fought in battle with Rama the son of Jamadagni, he whom even Jaimadagni's son could not kill, even that great Bhishma has been today killed by Shikhandin.

महेन्द्रसदृशः शौर्ये स्थैर्ये च हिमवानिव। समुद्र इव गाम्भीर्ये सहिष्णुत्वे धरासमः॥
Resembling the great Indra in bravery, the carth herself in patience, the Himalayas in firinness, and the ocean in gravity.

शरदंष्ट्रो धनुर्वक्त्रः खङ्गजिह्वो दुरासदः। नरसिंहः पिता तेऽद्य पाञ्चाल्येन निपातितः॥
That invincible warrior who had arrows for his feet, the bow for his mouth and the sword for his tongue, that best of men, has today been killed by the prince of Panchala.

पाण्डवानां महासैन्यं यं दृष्ट्वोद्यतमाहवे। प्रावेपत भयोद्विग्नं सिंहं दृष्ट्वेव गोगणः॥
Seeing him ready for battle, the great army of the Pandavas trembled in fear like a herd of kine on seeing a lion.

परिरक्ष्य स सेनां ते दशरात्रमनीकहा। जगामास्तमिवादित्यः कृत्वा कर्म सुदुष्करम्॥
Alas (even that great Bhishma) the slayer of hostile heroes after having protected your army for ten nights and having achieved feats exceedingly difficult to be accomplished, today has set like the sun.

यः स शक्र इवाक्षोभ्यो वर्षन् बाणान् सहस्रशः। जघान युधि योधानामर्बुदं दशभिर्दिनैः॥
Scattering thousands of arrows with the greatest composure, he who like Indra, daily killed ten thousand warriors and that too (continually) for ten days.

स शेते निहतो भूमौ वातभग्न इव द्रुमः। तव दुर्मत्रिते राजन् यथा नाहः स भारत॥
O king, that descendant of Bharata even he, now killed by the enemy, lies, though he does not deserve it, on the bare ground like a large tree broken by the wind.