Meeting of Bhishma and Karna

संजय उवाच ततस्ते पार्थिवाः सर्वे जग्मुः स्वानालयान् पुनः। तूष्णीभूते महाराज भीष्मे शान्तनुन्दने॥
Sanjaya said After Bhishma the son of Shantanu had ceased speaking, O mighty monarch, all the rulers of earth that had come there, went back to their respective quarters.

श्रुत्वा तु निहतं राधेयः पुरुषर्षभः। ईषदागतसंत्रासस्त्वरयोपजगाम ह॥
Hearing of the slaughter of Bhishma, that best of men, Vikarna's terrified to a certain extent, quickly to the spot where Bhishma lay.

स ददर्श महात्मानं शरतल्पगतं तदा। जन्मशय्यागतं वीरं कार्तिकेयमिव प्रभुम्॥
There he saw the illustrious hero lying on his arrowy bed, like the heroic lord Kartikeya lying after his birth on his bed of reeds.

निमीलिताक्षं तं वीरं साश्रुकण्ठस्तदा वृषः। भीष्म भीष्म महाबाहो इत्युवाच महाद्युतिः॥
Then the highly effulgent Vrisha (Karna), with voice with tears of grief, approaching that hero lying with his eyes shut, fell at his two feet.

राधेयोऽहं कुरुश्रेष्ठ नित्यमक्षिगतस्तव। द्वेष्योऽहं तव सर्वत्र इति चैनमुवाच ह॥
"I am Radha's son, O foremost of the Kurus, who whenever he became the object of your sight, looked upon with enmity by ." These were the words he then addressed to Bhishma.

तच्छ्रुत्वा कुरुवृद्धो हि बली संवृतलोचनः। शनैरुद्वीक्ष्य सस्नेहमिदं च रक्षिणः। पितेव पुत्रं गाड्यः परिरभ्यैकपाणिना॥
Hearing those words of his, the venerable Kuru grandsire, viz., the son of Ganga, slowly loO king at him with his eyes covered with film, and dismissing his guards and embracing Karna with one arm like a father embracing his son, thus affectionately addressed him saying.

एह्येहि मे विप्रतीप स्पर्धसे त्वं मया सह। यदि मां नाधिगच्छेथा न ते श्रेयो ध्रुवं भवेत्॥
Come, come you were ever my opponent, and ever tried to outvote me. Every think would not surely have well with you, had you not come here.

कौन्तेयस्त्वं न राधेयो न तवाधिस्थः पिता। सूर्यजस्त्वं महाबाहो विदितो नारदान्मया॥
You are the son of Kunti, and not that of Radha; Adhiratha is not you father; all this, O mighty-armed one, regarding you, I have heard from Narada,

कृष्णद्वैपायनाच्चैव तच्च सत्यं न संशयः। न च द्वेषोऽस्ति मे तात त्वयि सत्यं ब्रवीमि ते॥
As also from Vyasa. All this therefore can not but be true. I tell you, O son, forsooth, that I entertain no malice against you.

तेजोवधानिमित्तं तु परुषं त्वाहमब्रुवम्। अक्समात् पाण्डवान् सर्वानवाक्षिपसि सुब्रत।॥
I used to apply words to you only for reducing your prowess. O you of excellent vows, you abuse the Pandavas without any reason whatsoever.

येनासि बहुशो राज्ञा चोदितः सूतनन्दन। जातोऽसि धर्मलोपेन ततस्ते बुद्धिरीदृशी॥ नीचाश्रयान्मत्सरेण द्वेषिणी गुणिनामपि।
Your very birth attended with transgression of virtue. Therefore is your intellect thus (perverted). In consequence of your arrogance and also association with the mean, your heart harbors malice against even the meritorious.

तेनासि बहुशो रूक्षं श्रावितः कुरुसंसदि॥ जानामि समरे वीर्यं शत्रुभिर्दुःसहं भुवि।
For this reason did I use harsh language against you in the assembly of the Kurus. I know your prowess in battle incapable of being borne by the foe, was

ब्रह्मण्यतां शौर्यं च दाने परमां स्थितिम्॥ न त्वया सदृशः कश्चित् पुरुषेष्वमरोपम।
Your devotion to the Brahman, your bravery, and your great love for deeds of benevolence. Among men there is none capable of rivaling you, O you resembling an immortal.

कुलभेदभयाच्चाहं सदा परुषमुक्तवान्॥ इष्वस्त्रे चास्त्रसंधाने लाघवेऽस्त्रबले तथा।
Apprehending intestine quarrels, I always applied harsh words to you. In archery, in fixing the arrows on the string, in lightness of hands, in the force of your weapons,

सदृशः फाल्गुनेनासि कृष्णेन च महात्मना॥ कर्ण काशिपुरं गत्वा त्वयैकेन धनुष्मता।
You are equal to Phalguna or the illustrious Krishna. In the city of the Kashis, O Karna, holding the bow single-headed.

कन्यार्थे कुरुराजस्य राजानो मृदिता युधि॥ तथा च बलवान् राजा जरासंधो दुरासदः।
You humiliated in battle all the other kings, for securing the bride for the king of the Kurus. Even the invincible king Jarasandha endued with might,

समरे समरश्लाघिन् न त्वया सदृशोऽभवत्॥ ब्रह्मण्यः सत्त्वयोधी च तेजसा च बलेन च।
Ever boastful in battle, could never cope with you in fight. You are devoted to the Brahmanas, you always love fair fight. In prowess and in might,

देवगर्भसमः संख्ये मनुष्यैरधिको युधि॥ व्यपनीतोऽद्य मन्युर्मे यस्त्वा प्रति पुरा कृतः।
You certainly are equal to a celestial child, and are far-superior to men. I relinquish today the wrath I formerly harbored against you.

दैवं पुरुषकारेण न शक्यमतिवर्तितुम्॥२० सोदर्याः पाण्डवा वीरा भ्रातरस्तेऽरिसूदन।
Human effort can never overcome Destiny. O slayer of your foes, the Pandavas are your uterine brothers.

संगच्छ तैर्महाबाहो मम चेदिच्छसि प्रियम्॥ मया भवतु निर्वृत्तं वैरमादित्यनन्दन। पृथिव्यां सर्वराजानो भवन्त्वद्य निरामयाः॥
O mighty-armed hero, if you desire to do what is agreeable to me, then be reconciled to them. O son of the Sun, let hostilities see their end at my fall. Let all kings of the earth be relieved of their burden of anxiety and dangers.

कर्ण उवाच जानाम्येव महाबाहो सर्वमेतन्न संशयः। यथा वदसि मे भीष्म कौन्तेयोऽहं न सूतजः॥
Karna said I know all this, O mighty-armed her; there is nothing to be doubted in what you have spoken. You speak truly, O Bhishma. I am Kunti's son, and not that of a charioteer.

अवकीर्णस्त्वहं कुन्त्या सूतेन च विवर्धितः। भुक्त्वा दुर्योधनैश्वर्यं न मिथ्याकर्तुमुत्सहे॥
I was however disowned by Kunti, and I have been brought up by a charioteer. Having enjoyed the wealth of Duryodhana so long, I can not venture to disappoint his hopes.

वसुदेवसुतो यद्वत् पाण्डवाय दृढव्रतः। वसु चैव शरीरं च पुत्रदारं तथा यशः॥ सर्वं दुर्योधनस्यार्थे त्यक्त मे भूरिदक्षिण। मा चैतद् व्याधिमरणं क्षत्रं स्यादिति कौरव॥
Like the son of Vasudeva who is firmly resolved to do good to the Pandavas, I also, have set at naught, you that bestow profuse gifts to the Brahmanas, my wealth, my sons, my wife and even my own body and honour. Death resulting from disease is not, indeed, a meet end for a Kshatriya, O you of Kuru's race.

कोपिताः पाण्डवा नित्यं समाश्रित्य सुयोधनम्। अवश्यभावी ह्यर्थोऽयं योन शक्यो निवर्तितुम्॥
For the interests of Duryodhana, I have hitherto always incited the Pandavas against me; the result is inevitable and none possibly can prevent it.

दैवं पुरुषकारेण को निवर्तितुमुत्सहेत्। पृथिवीक्षयशंसीनि निमित्तानि पितामह॥
What person ever ventures to overcome Destiny by human endeavor? Numerous protects, O grandsire, indicating the destruction of the earth,

भवद्भिपलब्धानि कथितानि च संसदि। पाण्डवा वासुदेवश्च विदिता मम सर्वशः॥
Were seen and declared in the assembly by you. I perfectly know that the Pandavas and the son of Vasudeva.

अजेयाः पुरुषैरन्यैरिति तांश्चोत्सहामहे। विजयिष्ये रणे पाण्डुनिति मे निश्चितं मनः॥
Are invincible by other men. Even with them do I propose to fight. I have firmly set my heart upon vanquishing the sons of Pandu on battle.

न च शक्यमवस्रष्टुं वैरमेतत् सुदारुणम्। धनंजयेन योत्स्येऽहं स्वधर्मप्रीतमानसः॥
I can not, on the other hand, renounce this fierce hostility that I cherish for the Pandavas. With a joyful heart performing the duties of my order, I will fight with Dhananjaya.

अनुजानीष्व मां तात युद्धाय कृतनिश्चयम्। अनुज्ञातस्त्वया वीर युद्ध्येयमिति मे मतिः॥
Determined as I am to fight, it behaves you, O sire, to accord me your permission. With your permission, O hero, I intend to fight.

दुरुक्तं विप्रतीपं वा रभसाच्चापलात् तथा। यन्मयेह कृतं किंचित् तन्मे त्वं क्षन्तुमर्हसि॥
It also befits you, to forgive me any cruel word I might have uttered against you at any time, as also any act injurious to you, that I might have done, through malice or fickleness.

भीष्म उवाच न चेच्छक्यमवस्रष्टुं वैरमेतत् सुदारुणम्। अनुजानामि कर्ण त्वां युद्ध्यस्व स्वर्गकाम्यया॥
Bhishma said If indeed you can not cast off the fierce hostility you have imbibed against the Pandavas, then O Karna, I accord you my permission. Fight, actuated by a desire for attaining paradise.

निर्मन्युर्गतसंरम्भः कृतकर्मा रणे स्म ह। यथाशक्ति यथोत्साहं सतां वृत्तेषु वृत्तवान्।॥
Free from wrath and malice, do you carry out the commissions of the king, to the best of your abilities and energies, and observant of the conduct of the righteous.

अहं त्वामनुजानामि यदिच्छसि तदाप्नुहि। क्षत्रधर्मजिताल्लोकानवाप्स्यसि धनंजयात्॥
I do accord you my unqualified permission; attain what you desire to attain. Through the instrumentality of Dhananjaya, you shall attain to those (posthumous) regions that are secured by the observance of a Kshatriya's duties.

युध्यस्व निरहङ्कारो बलवीर्यव्यपाश्रयः। धाद्धि युद्धाच्छ्रेयोऽन्यत् क्षत्रियस्य न विद्यते॥
Casting off arrogance and depending on your own prowess and strength, engage yourself in the fight; for what is there more desirable to a Kshatriya than a righteous battle?

प्रशमे हि कृतो यत्नः सुमहान् सुचिरं मया। न चैव शकितः कर्तुं कर्ण सत्यं ब्रवीमि ते॥
For long and strenuously, did I strive to bring about peace. But I failed to accomplish the task; this, O Karna, I tell you forsooth.

संजय उवाच इत्युक्तवति गाङ्गेये अभिवाद्योपमन्त्र्य च। राधेयो रथमारुह्य प्रायात् तव सुतं प्रति॥
Sanjaya said When Ganga's son had thus spoken, the son of Radha, having saluted and propitiated the former, mounted his chariot and drove towards the pavilion of your son.