The counsel of Bhishma

संजय उवाच व्युष्टायां तु महाराज शर्वर्यां सर्वपार्थिवाः। पाण्डवा धार्तराष्ट्राश्च उपातिष्ठन् पितामहम्॥
Sanjaya said O monarch, after the night had passed away, all the kings belonging to the Pandava and Dhritarashtra hosts approached the grandsire.

तं वीरशयने वीरं शयानं कुरुसत्तम। अभिवाद्योपतस्थुर्वै क्षत्रियाः क्षत्रियर्षभम्॥
Then all the Kshatriyas, having saluted that foremost of the Kurus, that hero prostrate on a hero's bed, that chief of all; Kshatriyas, stood near him.

कन्याश्चन्दनचूर्णैश्च लाजैर्माल्यैश्च सर्वशः। अवाकिरज्छान्तनवं तत्र गत्वा सहस्रशः॥
Repairing there by thousands, maidens covered the son of Shantanu on all parts of his body, with pulverised sandal-wood. fieldpaddy, and garlands of flowers.

स्त्रियो वृद्धास्तथा बालाः प्रेक्षकाच पृथग्जनाः। समभ्ययुः शान्तनवं भूतानीव तमोनुदम्॥
Women, old and children, and numerous other, spectators approached the son of Shantanu, like the Bhutas approaching the iising .luminary of the day.

तूर्याणि शतसंख्यानि तथैव नटनर्तकाः। शिल्पिनश्च तथाऽऽजग्मुः कुरुवृद्धं पितामहम्॥
Trumpeters, courtesans, mimes, actors and dancers and artisans, in crowds repaired to that venerable grandsire of the Kurus.

उपारण्य च युद्धेभ्यः संनाहान् विप्रमुच्य ते। आयुधानि च निक्षिप्य सहिताः कुरुपाण्डवाः॥
Desisting from fight and doffing their armours and laying aside their weapons, the Kurus and the Pandavas together, men

अन्वासन्त दुराधर्षं देवव्रतमरिंदमम्। अन्योन्यं प्रीतिमन्तस्ते यथापूर्वं यथावयः॥
Approached the invincible Devavrata that subduer of foes. Then as in former days, they were friendly to one another, and addressed one another in agreeable words.

सा पार्थिवशताकीर्णा समितिर्भीष्मशोभिता। शुशुभे भारती दीप्ता दिवीवादित्यमण्डलम्॥
Then that assembly crowded with numerous Bharata kings, and ornamented by the presence of Bhishma, appeared beautiful like a conclave of the gods in the heavens.

विबभो च नृपाणां सा गङ्गासुतमुपासताम्। देवानामिव देवेशं पितामहमुपासताम्॥
And that assembly of kings paying their respects of the son of Ganga, appeared beautiful like that of the gods adoring their lord the venerable Grandsire (Brahma).

भीष्मस्तु वेदनां धैर्यानिगृह्य भरतर्षभ। अभितप्तः शरैश्चैव निःश्वसन्नुरगो यथा।॥
Then, O foremost of the Bharatas, Bhishma, having overcome his pain by his patience, and afflicted with many dares, breathed like a snake.

शराभितप्तकायोऽपि शस्त्रसम्पातमूर्छितः। पानीयमिति सम्प्रेक्ष्य राज्ञस्तान् प्रत्यभाषत॥
His body was burning with the pain caused by the arrow's struck therein, and he was being deprived of his senses in consequence of the weapons-cuts. Beholding those kings, he then said "Bring me water."

ततस्ते क्षत्रिया राजन्नुपुजङ्गः समन्ततः। भक्ष्यानुच्चावचान् राजन् वारिकुम्भांश्च शीतलान्॥
Thereat those Kshatriyas, O king, brought many excellent viands, and jars filled with cold water.

उपानीतं तु पानीयं दृष्ट्वा शान्तनवोऽब्रवीत्। नाद्यातीता मया शक्या भोगाः केचन मानुषाः॥
Thereupon Shantanu's son beholding water brought for him said "This day forward, O son, I will no longer use articles of human enjoyment.

अपक्रान्तो मनुष्येभ्यः शरशय्यां गतो ह्यहम्। प्रतीक्षमाणस्तिष्ठामि निवृत्तिं शशिसूर्ययोः॥
I have passed away from the society of men, and am now lying on this bed of arrows. I am lying here expectant of the change in the sun and moon."

एवमुक्त्वा शान्तनवो निन्दन् वाक्येन पार्थिवान्। अर्जुनं द्रष्टुमिच्छामीत्यभ्यभाषत भारत॥
Having thus spoken, and censuring those kings with (cruel) words, Bhishma said, O Bharata I desire to see Arjuna."

अथोपेत्य महाबाहुरभिवाद्य पितामहम्। अतिष्ठत् प्राञ्जलिः प्रह्वः किं करोमीति चाब्रवीत्॥
Thereupon that mighty-armed hero Arjuna approaching and saluting the grandsire stood there with palms folded, and said “What shall I do."

तं दृष्ट्वा पाण्डवं राजन्नभिवाद्याग्रतः स्थितम्। अभ्यभाषत धर्मात्मा भीष्मः प्रीतो धनंजयम्॥
Beholding that son of Pandu stand before him with folded palms, the virtuous-souled Bhishma highly pleased, said these words of Dhananjaya.

दह्यतीव शरीरं मे संवृतस्य तवेषुभिः। मर्माणि परिदूयन्ते मुखं च परिशुष्यति॥
“My body is burning, and I am covered with your sorrows. All the vital parts of my body are suffering extreme pain and my mouth is becoming dry.

वेदनार्तशरीरस्य प्रयच्छापो ममार्जुन। त्वं हि शक्तो महेष्वास दातुमापो यथाविधि॥
Afflicted as my body is with extreme pain, give me water, O Arjuna, to drink. It is you alone, O mighty bowman, that are capable of supplying me with proper drink now."

अर्जुनस्तु तथेत्युक्त्वा रथमारुह्य वीयवान्। अधिज्यं बलवत् कृत्वा गाण्डीवं व्याक्षिपद् धनुः॥
Thereupon the highly puissant Arjuna saying "yea" to Bhishma's words, mounted on his chariot. Then fixing the string to his mighty bow Gandiva, he began to stretch it.

तस्य ज्यातलनिर्घोषं विस्फूर्जितमिवाशनेः। वित्रेसुः सर्वभूतानि सर्वे श्रुत्वा च पार्थिवाः॥
Then hearing the twang of his bow and the slap of his arms that resembled the rumble of thunder, the troops and kings there, were inspired with terror.

ततः प्रदक्षिणं कृत्वा रथेन रथिनां वरः। शयानं भरतश्रेष्ठं सर्वशस्त्रभृतां वरम्॥
Thereafter that foremost of car-warriors (Arjuna) circumambulating that prostrate chief of the Bharatas, that foremost of all wielders of weapons, viz., Bhishma,

संधाय च शरं दीप्तमभिमत्र्य स पाण्डवः। पर्जन्यास्त्रेण संजोज्य सर्वलोकस्य पश्यतः॥
And fixing on his bowstring an effulgent arrow inspired with aphorisms and identified with the Parjanya weapon, before the very eyes of all the people present,

अविध्यत् पृथिवीं पार्थः पार्श्वे भीष्मस्य दक्षिणे। उत्पपात ततो धारा वारिणो विमला शुभा॥
Penetrated the earth a little to the right of the spot where Bhishma lay. Thereupon, there gushed out a jet of water pure and auspicious,

शीतस्यामृतकल्पस्य दिव्यगन्धरसस्य च। अतर्पयत् ततः पार्थः शीतया जलधारया।॥
And cool and nectar-like an fraught with celestial fragrance and tastefulness. Then with that cool jet of water did the son of Pritha gratify.

भीष्मं कुरूणामृषभं दिव्यकर्मपराक्रमम्। कर्मणा तेन पार्थस्य शक्रस्येव विकुर्वतः॥
That foremost of the Kurus, viz., Bhishma of god-like achievements and prowess. Then seeing that feat of Pritha son, that resembled that of Indra himself,

विस्मयं परमं जग्मुस्ततस्ते वसुधाधिपाः। तत् कर्म प्रेक्ष्य बीभत्सोरतिमानुषविक्रमम्॥
All the rulers of the earth present there, were filled with wonder. Then beholding that feat of Vibhatsu that indicated his superhuman prowess,

सम्प्रावेपन्त कुरवो गावः शीतार्दिता इव। विस्मयोच्चोत्तरीयाणि व्याविध्यन् सर्वतो नृपाः॥
The Kurus began to shiver like kine afflicted with the chill of winter. Out of amazement the kings then began to waive their garments;

शङ्खदुन्दुभिनिर्घोषस्तुमुल: सर्वतोऽभवत्। तृप्तः शान्तनवश्चापि राजन् बीभत्सुमब्रवीत्॥
And the sound of drums and the blare of conchs on all sides became deafening. Then, O king, Shantanu's son, being greatly gratified, thus addressed Vibhatsu,

सर्वपार्थिववीराणां संनिधौ पूजयन्निव। नैतच्चित्रं महाबाहो त्वयि कौरवनन्दन।॥
Applauding him before all the heroic rulers of earth. “O mighty-armed hero, this feat is not a marvel in respect to you, O delighter of the Kurus.

कथितो नारदेनासि पूर्वर्षिरमितद्युते। वासुदेवसहायस्त्वं महत् कर्म करिष्यसि॥
You have been spoken of by Narada as an ancient sage, O you of dazzling effulgence. Having the son of Vasudeva for your helpmate, you shall achieve great feats,

यन्त्रोत्सहति देवेन्द्रः सह देवैरपि ध्रुवम्। विदुस्त्वां निधनं पार्थं सर्वक्षत्रस्य तद्विदः॥ धनुर्धराणामेकस्त्वं पृथिव्यां प्रवरो नृषु॥
That even the lord of the celestial with his heavenly host dare not accomplish. Those that are conversant with the knowledge of every thing, regard you, O Arjuna, to be the foremost bowman among all the Kshatriyas.

मनुष्या जगति श्रेष्ठाः पक्षिणां पतगेश्वरः। सरितां सागरः श्रेष्ठो गौर्वरिष्ठा चतुष्पदाम्॥
Among all human wielders of bows, you are unrivaled; you are the foremost of all men. As man is the foremost of all created beings of this world, as Garuda is the chief of all winged creatures,

आदित्यस्तेजसां श्रेष्ठो गिरीणां हिमवान् वरः। जातीनां ब्राह्मणः श्रेष्ठः श्रेष्ठस्त्वमसि धन्विनाम्॥
As the Ocean is the chief of all reservoirs of water, as the cow is the best of all quadruped animals, as the Himavat is the chief of all mountains, as the Brahmana is the foremost of all castes, so are you the foremost of all wielders of bows.

न वै श्रुतं धार्तराष्ट्रेण वाक्यं मयोच्यमानं विदुरेण चैव। द्रोणेन रामेण जनार्दनेन मुहुर्मुहुः संजयेनापि चोक्तम्॥
The son of Dhritarashtra paid no heed to the (salutary) counsel repeatedly offered by myself, by Vidura, Drona, Rama, Janardana and Sanjaya.

परीतबुद्धिर्हि विसंज्ञकल्पो दुर्योधनो न च तच्छ्रद्दधाति। स शेष्यते वै निहतश्चिराय शास्त्रातिगो भीमवलाभिभूतः॥
Raft of his reason, and like one senseless, Duryodhana then disregarded our words. Past all counsel, he shall have soon to lie on the field crushed by the might of Bhishma.”

एतच्छ्रुत्वा तद्वचः कौरवेन्द्रो दुर्योधनो दीनमना बभूव। तमब्रवीच्छान्तनवोऽभिवीक्ष्य निबोध राजन् भव वीतमन्युः॥
Hearing these words of Bhishma, Duryodhana, the lord of the Kurus, became depressed at heart. Then the son of Shantanu, casting his eyes on him once more said "Hear me, O king, renounce your wrath.

दृष्टं दुर्योधनैतत् ते यथा पार्थेन धीमता। जलस्य धारा जनिता शीतस्यामृतगन्धिनः॥
You have seen, even now, O Duryodhana, how the intelligent Partha created that jet of water, cool and fraught with nectarious fragrance.

एतस्य कर्ता लोकेऽस्मिन् नान्यः कश्चन विद्यते। आग्नेयं वारुणं सौम्यं वायव्यमथ वैष्णवम्॥
There is none in the universe who can achieve the self-same feat. The weapons of are which the presiding deities respectively are Agni, Varuna, Soma Vayu, Vishnu,

ऐन्द्रं पाशुपत ब्राह्मं पारमेष्ठ्यं प्रजापतेः। धातुस्त्वष्टुश्च सवितुर्वैवस्वतमथापि वा॥
Indra, Pashupati, Paramesthi, Prajapati, Dhata, Tvashtra, Savita, and Vaivasvata,

सर्वस्मिन् मानुषे लोके वेत्त्येको हि धनंजयः। कृष्णो वा देवकीपुत्रो नान्यो वेदेह कश्चन॥
Alll these weapons known to Dhananjaya only, as also to Krishna, the son of Devaki, and not to any one else.

अशक्यः पाण्डवस्तात युद्धो जेतुं कथंचन। अमानुषाणि कर्माणि यस्यैतानि महात्मनः॥
This son of Pandu, O sire, is incapable of being defeated in battle, by the celestial and the Asuras united together. These are the superhuman feats achieved by this illustrious hero.

तेन सत्त्ववता संख्ये शूरेणाहवशोभिना। कृतिना समरे राजन् संधिर्मवतु मा चिरम्॥
Therefore, O monarch, let peace be soon concluded with that truthful hero that ornament of the fled, accomplished in all modes of warfare.

यावत् कृष्णो महाबाहुः स्वाधीनः कुरुसत्तम। तावत् पार्थेन शूरेण संधिस्ते तात युज्यताम्॥
As long as the mighty-armed Krishna is under his own control let, O sire, O foremost the Kurus, peace be made with this heroic sons of Pritha.

यावन्न ते चमूः चमूः सर्वाः शरैः संनतपर्वभिः। नाशयत्यर्जुनस्तावत् संधिस्ते तात युज्यताम्॥
O son! Your alliance with Arjuna is must to be made unless he destroys your whole army by hitting hard through the arrows having bent knots.

यावत् तिष्ठन्ति समरे हतशेषाः सहोदराः। नृपाश्च बहवो राजस्तावत् संधिः प्रयुज्यताम्॥
As still, O king, these your uterine brothers and these myriad kings here survive the battle, let peace be concluded.

न निर्दहति ते यावत् क्रोधदीप्तेक्षणश्चमूम्। युधिष्ठिरो रणे तावत् संधिस्ते तात युज्यताम्॥ नकुलः सहदेवश्च भीमसेनश्च पाण्डवः। यावच्चमू महाराज नाशयन्ति न सर्वशः॥
As long as Yudhishthira does not burn down your army with his eyes flashing the fire of wrath, let peace by concluded with him, O sire. As long as Nakula, Sahadeva, and Pandu's son Bhimasena, do not totally crush your army down, let peace be made with them.

तावत् ते पाण्डवैवीरैः सौहार्द मम रोचते। युद्धं मदन्तमेवास्तु तात संशाम्य पाण्डवैः॥
It likes me best to see amity established between you and the heroic Pandavas. Let, O sire, peace by concluded with the Pandavas.

एतत् तु रोचतां वाक्यं यदुक्तोऽसि मयानघ। एतत् क्षेममहं मन्ये तव चैव कुलस्य च॥
Let these words, O sinless one, uttered by me, be agreeable to you. This conclusion of peace do I consider to be beneficial to you and to your dynasty.

त्यक्त्वा मन्युं व्युपशाम्यस्व पार्थैः पर्याप्तमेतद् यत् कृतं फाल्गुनेन। भीष्मस्यान्तादस्तु वः सौहृदं च जीवन्तु शेषाः साधु राजन् प्रसीद॥
Renouncing your wrath, do you conclude peace with the sons of Pritha. Enough has already been accomplished by Phalguna. Let amity be established among you with the death of Bhishma. Let the rest (of the warriors) live! Relent, reient, O monarch!

मिन्द्रप्रस्थं धर्मराजोऽभियातु। मा मित्रचक् पार्थिवानां जघन्यः "पापां कीर्ति प्राप्स्यसे कौरवेन्द्र॥
Give half of your kingdom to the Pandavas. Let Yudhishthira repair to Indraprastha. Be not despised by the rulers of the earth for having brewed in testine broils. Do not, O foremost of the Kurus, attain a sinful notoriety.

ममावसानाच्छान्तिरस्तु प्रजानां संगच्छन्तां पार्थिवाः प्रीतिमन्तः। पिता पुत्रं मातुलं भागिनेयो भ्राता चैव भ्रातरं प्रैतु राजन्॥
With my passing away, let peace be enjoyed by the people; let these kings embrace one another out of friendship. Let father be reconciled to his son, let nephew be reconciled to his uncle; let brother he reconciled to his brother, O king.

न चेदेवं प्राप्तकालं वचो मे मोहाविष्टः प्रतिपत्स्यस्यबुद्ध्या। तप्स्यन्ते एतदन्ताः स्थ सर्वे सत्यामेतां भारतीमीरयामि॥
If through perverted understanding, and possessed by folly, you do not listen to these reasonable words of mine, then-this I tell you for certain-you shall have to rue your folly hereinafter. Therefore let the war end here."

एतद् वाक्यं सौहृदादापगेयो मध्ये राज्ञां भारतं श्रावयित्वा। तूष्णीमासीच्छल्यसंतप्तमर्मा योज्यात्मानं वेदनां संनियम्य॥
Having out of affection spoken these words of Duryodhana among all those kings, the son of Ganga remained silent; though his vital parts were then being consumed by those arrowwounds, he, overcoming his agony, kept himself tranquil.

संजय उवाच धर्मार्थसहितं वाक्यं श्रुत्वा हितमनामयम्। नारोचयत् पुत्रस्ते मुमूर्षुरिव भेषजम्॥
Sanjaya said Hearing these salutary and peaceful words of counsel, fraught with virtue and worldly profit, your son refused to act up to them, like a dying man refusing to take medicine.