Falling of Bhishma,

संजय उवाच एवं ते पाण्डवाः सर्वे पुरस्कृत्य शिखण्डिनम्। विव्यधुः समरे भीष्मं परिवार्य समन्ततः॥
Sanjaya said Thus all the Pandavas, placing Shikhandin before them and surrounding Bhishma on all sides began to pierce him in battle.

शतघ्नीभिः सुघोराभिः परिघैश्च परश्वधैः। मुद्गरैर्मुसलैः प्रासैः क्षेपणीयैश्च सर्वशः॥
Then with terrible Shataghnis, with bludgeons, battle-axes, maces, mallets, thick short clubs, and lances, and other missiles,

शरैः कनकपुबैश्च शक्तितोमरकम्पनैः। नाराचैर्वत्सदन्तैश्च भुशुण्डीभिश्च सर्वशः॥
With arrows furnished with golden wings, with dares, javelins and Kampanas, with Narachas, Vatsadantas, and Bhushundis,

अताडयन् रणे भीष्मं सहिताः सर्वसृञ्जयाः। स विशीर्णतनुत्राणः पीडितो बहुभिस्तदा॥
The Srinjayas united together began to wound Bhishma in battle. Then when his shattered and he himself overwhelmed with many arrows.

न विव्यथे तदा भीष्मो भिद्यमानेषु मर्मसु। संदीप्तशरचापाग्निरस्त्रप्रसृतमारुतः॥ नेमिनिदिसंतापो महास्त्रोदयपावकः। चित्रचापमहाज्वालो वीरक्षयमहेन्धनः॥ युगान्ताग्निसमप्रख्यः परेषां समपद्यत। विवृत्य रथसङ्घानामन्तरेण विनिःसृतः॥ दृश्यते स्म नरेन्द्राणां पुनर्मध्यगतश्चरन्। ततः पञ्चालराजं च धृष्टकेतुमचिन्त्य च॥
Bhishma experienced no pain pierced though he was to the very vitals. On the other hand Bhishma then appeared fearful to his enemies like the all destructive fire at the expiration of a Yuga, fire, whose flames were armour was constituted by his effulgent arrows and bow, whose (friendly) gale was constituted by the vibrations of air produced by the shafts shot by him, whose heat was constituted by the clatter of his car-wheel, whose splendor was constituted by his mighty weapons, tongues by his variegated bow and fuel by the destruction of heroes. Wheeling in the midst of those car divisions, he sometimes came out of the press, And sometimes again was seen to career rapidly through them. Thereafter without regarding the king of the Panchalas and Dhrishtaketu,

पाण्डवानीकिनीमध्यमाससाद विशाम्पते। ततः सात्यकिभीमौ च पाण्डवं च धनंजयम्॥ दुपदं च विराटं च धृष्टद्युम्नं च पार्षतम्। भीमघोषैर्महावेगैर्मर्मावरणभेदिभिः॥ षडेतान् निशितैर्भीष्मः प्रविव्याधोत्तमैः शरैः। तस्य ते निशितान् बाणान् संनिवार्य महारथाः॥
Bhishma, O ruler of men, penetrated into the very heart of the Pandava ranks. Then with arrows of excellent make and great sharpness, all capable of penetrating all kinds of armour and producing great whizz, and charged with great velocity, Bhishma pierced deeply the following six car-warriors, viz., Satyaki, Bhima, Dhananjaya the son of Pandu, Draupada, Virata and Dhrishtadyumna of Prishata's race. These mighty car-warriors also resisting those sharp arrows shot by Bhishma,

दशभिर्दशभिर्भीष्ममर्दयामासुरोजसा। शिखण्डी तु महाबाणान् यान् मुमोच महारथः॥ न चक्रुस्ते रुजं तस्य स्वर्णपङ्खाः शिलाशिताः। ततः किरीटी संरब्धो भीष्ममेवाभ्यधावत॥
Pierced him with force, each shooting ten arrows. Those dreadful arrows which that mighty car-warrior Shikhandin shot, and which were furnished with wings of gold and whetted on stone, quickly penetrated the body of Bhishma. Thereupon the diadem-decked Arjuna waxing worth rushed at Bhishma,

शिखण्डिनं पुरस्कृत्य धनुश्चास्य समाच्छिनत्। भीष्मस्य धनुपश्छेदं नामृष्यन्त महारथाः॥
And placing Shikhandin before him, he cut off the bow of the latter. Then the following seven mighty car-warriors did not brook that cutting off of Bhishma's bow, warriors namely,

द्रोणश्च कृतवर्मा च सैन्धवश्च जयद्रथः। भूरिश्रवाः शलः शल्यो भगदत्तस्तथैव च॥
Drona, Kritavarina, Jayadratha the ruler of the Sindhus, Bhurishravas, Sala, Shalya, and Bhagadatta.

सप्तैते परमक्रुद्धाः किरीटिनमभिद्रुताः। तत्र शस्त्राणि दिव्यानि दर्शयन्तो महारथाः॥
These seven car-warriors waxing irascible and displaying weapons of celestial make rushed against the diadem-decked Arjuna.

अभिपेतुर्भृशं क्रुद्धाश्छादयन्तश्च पाण्डवम्। तेषामापततां शब्दः शुश्रुवे फाल्गुनं प्रति॥ उद्वृत्तानां यथा शब्दः समुद्राणां युगक्षये। मतानयत गृह्णीत विद्ध्यध्वमवकर्तत॥ इत्यासीत् तुमुलः शब्दः फाल्गुनस्य रथं प्रति।
Indeed excited to the highest pitch of fury they fell upon that son of Pandu shrouding him (with those arrows). Great was the din that as they rushed against Phalguna's chariot. The challenges with loud voice of those warriors who attacked on Arjuna was heard like the roaring seas who violate the limits in devastation (Pralaya kala) and move forward to merge the entire universe with them. The dreadful words started making echo as-"Kill them", "Bring here", "trap soon", "pierce in pieces", "divide in small fractions" near the chariot of Arjuna.

तं शब्दं तुमुलं श्रुत्वा पाण्डवानां महारथाः॥ अभ्यधावन् परीप्सन्तः फाल्गुनं भरतर्षभ।
Hearing that dreadful din, the mighty carwarriors of the Pandava host rushed to battle desirous of rescuing that foremost of the Bharatas, viz., Phalguna.

सात्यकिर्भीमसेनश्च धृष्टद्युम्नश्च पार्षतः॥ विराटदुपदौ चोभौ राक्षसश्च घटोत्कचः।
arose Then Satyaki, Bhimasena, Prishata's son Dhrishtadyumna, both Virata and Draupada, the Rakshasa Ghatotkacha,

अभिमन्युश्च संक्रुद्धः सप्तैते क्रोधमूर्च्छिताः॥ समभ्यधावंस्त्वरिताश्चित्रकार्मुकधारिणः।
The enraged Abhimanyu, all these seven warriors seized with fury and wielding variegated bows rushed to battle, at the top of their speed.

तेषां समभवद् युद्धं तुमुलं लोमहर्षणम्॥ संग्रामे भरतश्रेष्ठ देवानां दानवैरिव।
Then, O foremost of the Bharatas, like the battle between the celestial and the Danavas, the battle between those seven car-warriors of each army raged fiercely causing the hair to stand erect.

शिखण्डी त रणे श्रेष्ठो रक्ष्यमाणः किरीटिना॥ अविध्यद् दशभिर्भीष्मं छिन्नधन्वानमाहवे।
In that battle, protected as he was by Dhananjaya, that excellent warrior Shikhandin, with ten shafts pierced Bhishma whose bow had been cut off.

सारथिं दशभिश्चास्य ध्वजं चैकेन चिच्छिदे॥ सोऽन्यत् कार्मुकमादाय गाङ्गेयो वेगवत्तरम्।
He then pierced the latter's charioteer with ten shafts and with another one shaft cut off his standard. Then Ganga's son took up another bow of superior toughness.

तदप्यस्य शितैर्बाणैस्त्रिभिश्चिच्छेद फाल्गुनः॥ एवं स पाण्डवः क्रुद्ध आत्तमात्तं पुनः पुनः। धनुश्चिच्छेद भीष्मस्य सव्यसाची परंतपः॥ स छिन्नधन्वा संक्रुद्धः सृक्किणी परिसंलिहन्।
But that again was cut off with three sharp shafts by Phalguna. 'Thus that scorcher of foes that son of Pandu namely Savyasachin, excited with wrath again and again cut off all the bows that Bhishma took up. Then excited with wrath in consequence of his bows being cut off and licking the corners of his mouth,

शक्ति जग्राह तरसा गिरीणामपि दारणीम्॥ तां च चिक्षेप संक्रुद्धः फाल्गुनस्य रथं प्रति।
Bhishma took up a lance with lightness, that was capable of rending even the breasts of mountains, and inflamed with rage he hurled that lance at the car of Phaiguna.

तामापतन्ती सम्प्रेक्ष्य ज्वलन्तीमशनीमिव॥ समादत्त शितान् भल्लान् पञ्च पाण्डवनन्दनः।
Beholding that lance course towards himself like the blazing bolt of Heaven, the son of Pandu took up five sharp broad headed arrows,

तस्य चिच्छेद तां शक्तिं पञ्चधा पञ्चभिः शरैः॥ संक्रुद्धो भरतश्रेष्ठ भीष्मबाहुप्रवेरिताम्।
Then, O foremost of the Bharatas, inflamed with rage, Arjuna with those five arrows, splintered into five fragments that lance hurled with strength of Bhishma's arms.

सा पपात तथा च्छिन्ना संक्रुद्धेन किरीटिना॥ मेघवृन्दपरिभ्रष्टा विच्छिन्नेव शतह्रदा।
Then shattered by the wrathful Arjuna decked with a diadem, that lance fell down like forks of lightning torn away from large masses of clouds.

छिन्नां तां शक्तिमालोक्य भीष्मः क्रोधसमन्वितः॥ अचिन्तयद् रणे वीरो बुद्ध्या परपुरंजयः।
Beholding his lance severed, Bhishma became inflamed with rage; and that hero that subduer of hostile cities began to think with the help of his understanding thus.

शक्तोऽहं धनुषैकेन निहन्तुं सर्वपाण्डवान्॥ यद्येषां न भवेद् गोप्ता विष्वक्सेनो महाबलः।
“I can slay even with a single bow all these Pandavas, if highly powerful Visaksena (Krishna) be not their protector.

कारणद्वयमास्थाय नाहं योत्स्यामि पाण्डवान्॥ अवध्यत्वाच्च पाण्डूनां स्त्रीभावाच्च शिखण्डिनः।
I shall not fight with the Pandavas for two reasons, viz., for the unslayableness of the Pandavas and for the femininity of Shikhandin.

पित्रा तुष्टेन मे पूर्व यदा कालीमुदावहम्॥ स्वच्छन्दमरणं दत्तमवध्यत्वं रणे तथा।
Formerly on the occasion of his marrying Kali, my father gratified with me, accorded me two boons, viz., death at my pleasure, and unslayableness in battle.

तस्मान्मृत्युमहं मन्ये प्राप्तकालमिवात्मनः॥ एवं ज्ञात्वा व्यवसितं भीष्मस्यामिततेजसः।
I now think that the proper time for my death has arrived." Ascertaining this to be the intention of Bhishma of immeasurable energy,

ऋषयो वसवश्चैव वियत्स्था भीष्ममब्रुवन्॥ यत् ते व्यवसितं तात तदस्माकमपि प्रियम्।
The Rishis and Vasus stationed in the firmament then thus addressed Bhishma saying "What you have resolved upon O sire, is also our dear will.

तत् कुरुष्व महाराज युद्धे बुद्धि निवर्तय॥ अस्य वाक्यस्य निधने प्रादुरासीच्छिवोऽनिलः।
Therefore, O monarch, follow up in action what you have resolved; and withdraw your heart from fight.” At the conclusion of these words there began to blow an auspicious breeze,

अनुलोमः सुगन्धी च पृषतैश्च समन्वितः॥ देवदुन्दुभयश्चैव सम्प्रणेदुर्महास्वनाः।
Fragrant and moistened with sprinkles of water, from all directions. Celestial drums were also sounded emitting great din.

पपात पुष्पवृष्टिश्च भीष्मस्योपरि मारिष॥ न च तच्छुश्रुवे कश्चित् तेषां संवदतां नृप।
And, O sire, over Bhishma fell a shower of blossoms. As those Rishis and Vasus spoke, O king, none heard then.

ऋते भीष्मं महाबाहुं मां चापि मुनितेजस॥ सम्भ्रमश्च महानासीत् त्रिदशानां विशाम्पते। पतिष्यति स्थाद् भीष्मे सर्वलोकप्रिये तदा॥ इति देवगणानां च वाक्यं श्रुत्वा महातपाः।
Save the mighty armed Bhishma and myself through the prowess of the sage (Vyasa). O ruler of men, great was the flurry that was then found among the Gods, As they thought of the fall of Bhishma, that favorite of all the worlds. Then hearing those words of the celestial, that hero of great ascetic wealth, viz.,

ततः शान्तनवो भीष्मो बीभत्सु नात्यवर्तत॥ भिद्यमानः शितैर्बाणैः सर्वावरणभेदिभिः।
Shantanu's son Bhishma assailed not Vibhatsu although he was then being pierced by sharp shafts capable of penetrating through all armours.

शिखण्डी तु महाराज भरताना पितामहम्॥ आजघानोरसि क्रुद्धो नवभिर्निशितैः शरैः।
Then, O mighty monarch, Shikhaindin inflamed with wrath struck the grandsire of the Bharatas on the breast with nine shafts of great sharpness.

स तेनाभिहत: संख्ये भीष्मः कुरुपितामहः॥ नाकम्पत महाराज क्षितिकम्पे यथाचलः।
Then, O mighty monarch, Shikhandin inflamed with wrath struck the grandsire of the Bharatas on the breast with nine shafts of great sharpness.

ततः प्रहस्य बीभत्सुर्व्याक्षिपन् गाण्डिवं धनुः॥ गाङ्गेयं पञ्चविंशत्या क्षुद्रकाणां समार्पयत्।
Then smiling and stretching his bow Gandiva, Vibhatsu wounded Ganga's son with twenty-five short thick shafts.

पुनः पुनः शतैरेनं त्वरमाणो धनंजयः॥ सर्वगात्रेषु शंक्रुद्धः सर्वमर्मस्वताडयत्।
Then again under the influence of wrath, Dhananjaya pierced him quick on all parts of his body and to the vitals, with one hundred shafts more.

एवमन्यैरपि भृशं विद्ध्यमानः सहस्रशः॥ तानप्याशु शरैर्भीष्मः प्रविव्याध महारथः।
Thus pierced by many other warriors with thousands of arrows, the mighty car-warrior Bhishma pierced them all in return quickly with his own arrows.

तैश्च मुक्ताञ्छरान् भीष्मो युधि सत्यपराक्रमः॥ निवारयामास शरैः समं संनतपर्वभिः।
Then Bhishma of prowess unfailing, in battle, with his own shafts of depressed knots simultaneously baffled all these arrows shot by the hostile warriors.

शिखण्डी तु रणे बाणान् यान् मुमोच महारथः॥ न चक्रुस्ते रुजं तस्य रुक्मपुङ्खाः शिलाशिताः।
Those arrows furnished with golden wings and whetted on stone that Shikhandin the mighty car-warrior shot at him could not produce any the slightest pain to him.

ततः किरीटी संक्रुद्धो भीष्ममेवाभ्यवर्तत॥ शिखण्डिनं पुरस्कृत्य धनुश्चास्य समाच्छिनत्।
Thereupon inflamed with wrath the diademdecked Arjuna placing Shikhandin before him rushed at Bhishma and cut off the latter's bow.

अथैनं नवभिर्विद्ध्वा ध्वजमेकेन चिच्छिदे॥ सारथिं विशिखैश्चास्य दशभिः समकम्पयत्।
Then he pierced Bhishma with ten arrows and with another cut down the latter's standard; then with ten other arrows he caused Bhishma's charioteer to tremble.

सोऽन्यत् कार्मुकमादाय गाङ्गेयो बलवत्तरम्॥ तदप्यस्य शितैर्भल्लैस्त्रिधा त्रिभिरघातयत्। निमेषार्धन कौन्तेय आत्तमात्तं महारणे॥ एवमस्य धनूंष्याजौ चिच्छेद सुबहून्यथ।
Then that son of Ganga took up another bow of great toughness. Then in that battle, within a twinkling of the eye, Arjuna cut off with three sharp broad-headed arrows that bow as soon as it was taken up. Thus Arjuna cut off successively all the bows that the son of Ganga took up one after another.

ततः शान्तनवो भीष्मो बीभत्सु नात्यवर्तत॥ अथैनं पञ्चविंशत्या क्षुद्रकाणां समाप्रयत्।
Thereupon Bhishma the son of Shantanu did no longer assail Vibhatsu; then the latter pierced the former with twenty-five small arrows.

सोऽतिविद्धा महेष्वासो दुःशासनमभाषत॥ एष पार्थो रणे क्रुद्धः पाण्डवानां महारथः।
That mighty bowman thus deeply pierced addressing Dushasana said: 'This mighty carwarriot of the Pandava host, viz., Pritha's son Arjuna, inflamed with rage,

शरैरनेकसाहौर्मामेवाभ्यहनन् रणे॥ ३. न चैष समरे शक्यो जेतुं बज्रभृता अपि।
Is afflicting me in battle with many thousands of arrows. This one is incapable of being conquered even by the wielder of the thunder bolt.

न चापि सहिता वीरा देवदानवराक्षसाः॥ मां चापि शक्ता निर्जेतुं किमु मर्त्या महारथाः।
Regarding me, I may say that all the heroic celestial, Danavas and Rakshasas, united together, can not vanquish me in battle, what to speak of human car-warriors?"

एवं तयोः संवदतोः फाल्गुनो निशितैः शरैः॥ शिखण्डिनं पुरस्कृत्य भीष्मं विव्याध संयुगे।
Thus when they were conversing with one another, Arjuna, placing Shikhandin before him, began to pierce Bhishma in battle with shafts of great sharpness.

ततो दुःशासनं भूयः स्मयमान इवाब्रवीत्॥ अतिविद्धः शितैर्बाणैर्भृशं गाण्डीवधन्वना।
Thus pierced with sharp arrows by the wielder of the Gandiva, Bhishma once more addressing Dushasana smilingly said:

वज्राशनिसमस्पर्शा अर्जुनेन शरा युधि॥ मुक्ताः सर्वेऽव्यवच्छिन्ना नेमे बाणाः शिखण्डिनः।
These arrows of touch resembling that of the thunder bolt, coming in an unbroken line towards me have been discharged by Arjuna. Surely they are not Shikhandin's.

निकृन्तमाना मर्माणि दृढावरणभेदिनः॥ मुसला इव मे नन्ति नेमे बाणाः शिखण्डिनः। वज्रदण्डसमस्पर्शा वज्रवेगदुरासदाः॥ मम प्राणानारुजन्ति नेमे बाणा: शिखण्डिनः।
Eating into my very vitals, and penetrating even through my invulnerable armour, these arrows are striking like so many bludgeons. Surely they are not Shikhandin's. Of the touch like that of a Brahmana's rod, of velocity like that of the thunder bolt and incapable of being repulsed, these arrows are sucking out my vital energies. Surely they are not Shikhandin's.

नाशयन्तीव मे प्राणान् यमदूता इवाहिताः॥ गदापरिघसंस्पर्शा नेमे बाणाः शिखण्डिनः।
Of touch heavy like that of a mace or a bludgeon these arrows are destroying my vital breaths like so many messengers of Death. Surely they are not Shikhandin's.

भुजगा इव संक्रुद्धा लेलिहाना विषोल्बणाः॥ समाविशन्ति मर्माणि नेमे बाणाः शिखण्डिनः।
Like infuriate snakes of virulent venom with their tongues protruding out these arrows are penetrating into my very vitals. Surely these are not Shikhandin's.

अर्जुनस्य इमे बाणा नेमे बाणाः शिखण्डिनः॥ कृन्तन्ति मम गात्राणि माघमां सेगवा इव।
These are the arrows of Arjuna and not of Shikhandin, arrows that are cutting me to the quick like the bleakness of winter cutting kine to the quick.

सर्वे ह्यपि न मे दुःखं कुर्युरन्ये नराधिपाः॥ वीरं गाण्डीवधन्वानमृते जिष्णुं कपिध्वजम्।
Save and except the heroic wielder of the Gandiva bow, that owner of the standard marked with the device of an ape, viz., the ever victorious Arjuna, all the other monarchs united together can not afflict me."

इति ब्रुवञ्छान्तनवो दिधक्षुरिव पाण्डवान्॥ शक्तिं भीष्मः स पार्थाय ततश्चिक्षेप भारत।
Having thus spoken, the highly powerful Bhishma, as if desirous of consuming the Pandavas, hurled at Pritha's son a (terrible) lance.

तामस्य विशिखैश्छित्त्वा त्रिधा त्रिभिरपातयत्॥ पश्यतां कुरुवीराणां सर्वेषां तव भारत।
Thereupon with three arrows cutting that lance into three pierces Arjuna felied it down on the ground, O Bharata, even before the very eyes of all the Kurus heroes.

चर्माथादत्त गाड्यो जातरूपपरिष्कृतम्॥ खङ्गं चान्यतप्रेप्सुर्मृत्योरगे जयाय वा।
Thereafter Ganga's son grasped a buckler of the polish of gold, as also a resplendent sword, desirous of reaping either victory or death.

तस्य तच्छतधा चर्म व्यधमत् सायकैस्तथा॥ रथादनवरूढस्य तदद्भुतमिवाभवत्।
But before he (Bhishma) could descend from his chariot, Arjuna with his shafts splintered that buckler into hundred fragments. Indeed that looked like something marvelous.

ततो युधिष्ठिरो राजा स्वान्यनीकान्यचोदयत्॥ अभिद्रवत गाङ्गेयं मा वोऽस्तु भयमण्वपि।
Thereupon, king Yudhishthira urged on his own division saying “Assail the son of Ganga. Entertain not the slightest fear."

अथ ते तोमरैः प्रासैर्वाणौधैश्च समन्ततः॥ पट्टिशैश्च सुनिस्त्रिशैर्नाराचैश्च तथा शितैः।
Thereupon from all sides, those troops, with dares, lances, arrows, battle-axes, excellent swords, long shafts of great sharpness,

वत्सदन्तैश्च भल्लैश्च तमेकमभिदुद्रुवुः॥ सिंहनादस्ततो घोरः पाण्डवानामभूत् तदा।
With Vatsadantas, and broad-headed arrows, rushed against that single warrior. Then loud was the sin of war-cries that rang through the Pandava ranks.

तथैव तव पुत्राश्च नेदुर्भीष्मजयैषिणः॥ तमेकमभ्यरक्षन्त सिंहनादांश्च चक्रिरे।
Similarly, O king, your sons all desirous of seeing Bhishma victorious rushed forward for rescuing that single hero, and they also set up a mighty uproar caused by their yells and warcries.

तत्रासीत् तुमुलं युद्धं तावकानां परैः सह॥ दशमेऽहनि राजेन्द्र भीष्मार्जुनसमागमे।
Then on that the tenth day when Bhishma and Arjuna contested with one another, fierce was the fight that regard between your soldiers and those of the enemy.

आसीद् गाङ्ग इवावर्तो मुहूर्तमुदधेरिव॥ सैन्यानां युध्यमानानां निघ्नतामितरेतरम्।
Then at the spot where the hostile troops clashed and smote down one another an eddy seemed to stare up into existence like that occurring at the spot where Ganga meets the Ocean.

असौम्यरूपा पृथिवी शोणिताक्ताभवत् तदा॥ समं च विषमं चैव न प्राज्ञायत किंचन।
Deluged with blood the earth then assumed a hideous aspect, and her undulations were lost to sight.

योधानामयुतं हत्वा तस्मिन् स दशमेऽहनि॥ अतिष्ठदाहवे भीष्मो भिद्यमानेषु मर्मसु।
Having slain ten thousand warriors on that the tenth day of the fight, Bhishma stood on the field while his vitals were being pierced into by Arjuna.

ततः सेनामुखे तस्मिन् स्थितः पार्थो धनुर्धरः॥ मध्येन कुरुसैन्यानां द्रावयामास वाहिनीम्।
Then Partha, holding his bow and standing at the head of his divisions broke the Kuru ranks in the very centre of their array.

वयं श्वेतहयाद् भीताः कुन्तीपुत्राद् धनंजयात्॥ पीड्यमानाः शितैः शस्त्रैः प्रद्रवाम रणे तदा।
Then afraid of that son of Kunti viz., Dhananjaya the owner of cream-coloured steeds and afflicted with his sharp arrows, we then began to fly away from the field of battle.

सौवीराः कितवाः प्राच्याः प्रतीच्योदीच्यमालवाः॥ अभीषाहाः शूरसेनाः शिवयोऽथ वसातयः।
Then the Souviras, the Kitavas, the Westerners, the Northermers and the Malavas, the Abhishahas, the Shurasenas, the Shinis, the Vasatis,

शाल्वाश्रयास्त्रिगर्ताश्च अम्बष्ठाः केकयैः सह॥ सर्व एते महात्मानः शरार्ता व्रणपीडिताः।
The Shalvas, Shakas, the Trigartas, the Ambashta, the Kaikeyas, all these illustrious warriors, afflicted with shafts, and pained with thcir cuts,

संग्रामे न जहुर्भीष्मं युध्यमानं किरीटिना॥ ततस्तमेकं बहवः परिवार्य समन्ततः।
Did not abandon Bhishma in battle who had been fighting with the diadem-decked Arjuna. Then surrounding the single car-warrior *Bhishma, large numbers of the enemy,

परिकाल्य कुरून् सर्वाशरवर्षैरवाकिरन्॥ निपातयत गृह्णीत युध्यध्वमवकृन्तत।
Covered him with arrows showers, having at first defeated the rest of the Kuru warriors. “Slay” “Seize” “Fight” “Cut into pieces,"

इत्यासीत् तुमुल: शब्दो राजन् भीष्मरथं प्रति॥ निहत्य समरे राजशतशोऽथ सहस्रशः।
Such were the cries, O king, that were then heard round Bhishma's chariot. Bhishma then slaughtered his foes by hundreds and thousands.

न तस्यासीदनिर्भिन्नं गात्रे व्यङ्गुलमन्तरम्॥ एवंभूतस्तव पिता शरैर्विशकलीकृतः। शिताचैः फाल्गुनेनाजौ प्राक्शिराः प्रापतद् रथात्॥ किंचिच्छेषे दिनकरे पुत्राणां तव पश्यताम्।
But then there was not even a space of two fingers in all his body that was not mangled with shafts. Thus then your father, mangled with keep-pointed dares shot by Phalguna, fail down from his car on the field with his head laid towards the East, a little before sunset before the very eyes of your sons.

हाहेति दिवि देवानां पार्थिवानां च भारत॥ पतमाने बभूव सुमहास्वनः।
Then at the overthrow of Bhishma loud lamentations of “Alas" and "Oh" were heard,O Bharata, among the kings, and the celestial in the heaven.

सम्पतन्तमभिप्रेक्ष्य महात्मानं पितामहम्॥ सह भीष्मेण सर्वेषां प्रापतन् हृदयानि नः।
Beholding the illustrious grandsire fall, we all became dejected and depressed at heart.

स पपात महाबाहुर्वसुधामनुनादयन्॥ इन्द्रध्वज इवोत्सृष्टः केतुः सर्वधनुष्मताम्।
That foremost of all bowmen, that mightyarmed hero fell like an uprooted standard in honour of Indra, causing the earth tremble for the while.

धरणी न स पस्पर्श शरसंधैः समावृतः॥ रथाद् भीष्मे शरतल्पे महेष्वासं शयानं पुरुषर्षभम्।
Covered closely with arrows he did not then touch the earth's surface. Then as that mighty bowman, that foremost of all male beings lay prostrate on his arrows bed,

रथात् प्रपतितं चैनं दिवियो भावः समाविशत्॥ अभ्यवर्षच्च पर्जन्यः प्राकम्पत च मेदिनी।
Being overthrown from his car, a divine inspiration took possession of him. The raincloud Parjanya then poured down its contents and the earth waked.

पतन् स ददृशे चापि दक्षिणेन दिवाकरम्॥ संज्ञां चोपालभद् वीरः कालं संचिन्त्य भारत।
When falling Bhishma had marked the sun to be then on the Southern solstice and that hero considering that hour to be inauspicious for paying his debt to nature did not allow his senses to depart.

अन्तरिक्षे च शुश्राव दिव्या वाचः समन्ततः॥ कथं महात्मा गाङ्गेयः सर्वशस्त्रभृतां वरः।
He then also heard divine utterance in the heaven, viz., “Why should that foremost of all wielders of weapons, Oh, why should the illustrious son of Ganga,

कालकर्ता नरव्याघ्रः सम्प्राप्ते दक्षिणायने॥ स्थितोऽस्मीति च गाङ्गेयस्तच्छ्रुत्वा वाक्यमब्रवीत्।
Why should that foremost of men give up his life when the sun is in the Southern solstice?" Hearing those words Ganga's son said "I am still alive."

धारयामास च प्राणान् पतितोऽपि महीतले॥ उत्तरायणमन्विच्छन् भीष्मः कुरुपितामहः।
Then desirous of yielding his life up during the Northern solstice, the grandsire of the Kurus, viz., Bhishma though fallen on earth still retained his vital breaths.

तस्य तन्मतमाज्ञाय गङ्गा हिमवतः सुता॥ महर्षीन् हंसरूपेण प्रेषयामास तत्र वै।
Ascertaining that to be his intention, Ganga, the daughter of the Himalayas sent great sages under the disguise of swans then to Bhishma. one,

ततः सम्पातिनो हंसास्त्वरिता मानसौकसः॥ आजग्मुः सहिता द्रष्टुं भीष्मं कुरुपितामहम्।
Then those sages disguised under the forms of swans inhabiting the Manasa lake flew to the sky, and in a line came to see Bhishma, the grandsire of the Kurus,

यत्र शेते नरश्रेष्ठः शरतल्पे पितामहः॥ ते तु भीष्मं समासाद्य ऋषयो हंसरूपिणः।
At the spot where that foremost of men was lying on his arrowy bed. Then coming to Bhishma those sages under the forms of swans,

अपश्यञ्छरतल्पस्थं भीष्मं कुरुकुलोद्वहम्॥ ते तं दृष्ट्वा महात्मानं कृत्वा चापि प्रदक्षिणम्।
Beheld that perpetuator of the Kuru race, viz., Bhishma laid on his bed of arrows. Then beholding that illustrious and circumbulating.

गाङ्गेयं भरतश्रेष्ठं दक्षिणेन च भास्करम्॥ इतरेतरमामन्त्र्य प्राहुस्तत्र मनीषिणः।
That foremost of the Bharatas, that son of Ganga, the sages, knowing the sun to be then in the Southern solstice addressing one another said

भीष्मः कथं महात्मा सन् संस्थाता दक्षिणायने॥ इत्युक्त्वा प्रस्थिता हंसा दक्षिणामभितो दिशम्।
“Why should the high-souled Bhishma pass away when the sun is in the Southern solstice." Having thus spoken, the swans flew towards the Southern directions.

सम्प्रेक्ष्य वै महाबुद्धिश्चिन्तयित्वा च भारत॥ तानब्रवीच्छान्तनवो नहां गन्ता कथंचन।
Then that highly intelligent Bhishma beholding them and reflecting for a while said to them, "I shall not yield up my life,

दक्षिणावर्त आदित्ये एतन्मे मनसि स्थितम्॥ गमिष्यामि स्वकं स्थानमासीद् यन्मे पुरातनम्।
As long as the sun will remain in the Southern solstice. This indeed is my determination, I shall repair to my own former abode,

उदगायन आदित्ये हंसाः सत्यं ब्रवीमि वः॥ धारयिष्याम्यहं प्राणानुत्तरायणकाक्षया।
When the sun will be in the Northern solstice; this, O Swans. I tell you forsooth. I shall retain my vital breaths loO king anxiously forward for the Northern' solstice.

ऐश्वर्यभूतः प्राणानामुत्सर्गो हि यतो मम॥ तस्मात् प्राणान् धारयिष्ये मुमूर्षुरदगायने।
In as much as my giving up of my life is under my thorough control, therefore shall I retain it desirous of dying during the Northern solstice.

यश्च दत्तो वरो मह्यं पित्रा तेन महात्मना॥ छन्दतो मृत्युरित्येवं तस्य चास्तु वरस्तथा।
The boon that my illustrious father accorded me. viz.,; that I shall die at my own pleasure, let that boon be true.

धारयिष्ये ततः प्राणानुस्सर्गे नियते सति॥ इत्युक्त्वा तांस्दा हंसान् स शेते शरतल्पगः।
As the yielding up of my vital breaths lies entirely with me, I shall retain them.” Having then thus spoken to the swans, he remained (motionless) on his arrowy bed.

एवं कुरूणां पतिते शृङ्गे भीष्मे महौजसि॥ पाण्डवाः सुंजयाश्चैव सिंहनादं प्रचक्रिरे।
Thus when the crest of the Kurus, viz., the highly puissant Bhishma was over thrown the Pandavas and the Srinjayas set up a loud warcry.

तस्मिन् हते महासत्त्वे भरतानां पितामहे॥ न किंचित् प्रत्यपद्यन्त पुत्रास्ते भरतर्षभ।
When that grandsire of the Bharatas, possessed of great strength was overthrown, O foremost of the Bharatas, your sons knew not what to do.

सम्मोहश्चैव तुमुलः कुरूणामभवत् तदा॥ कृपदुर्योधनमुखा निःश्वस्य रुरुदुस्ततः।
Then the Kurus were totally confounded; and Kripa and Duryodhana and others began to wail aloud drawing long and heavy signs.

विषादाच्च चिरं कालमतिष्ठन् विगतेन्द्रियाः॥ दध्युश्चैव महाराज न युद्धे दधिरे मनः।
With their senses deprived of their powers in consequence of grief, they remained inert and reflected for long and did not think of fighting.

ऊरुग्राहगृहीताश्च नाभ्यधावन्त पाण्डवान्॥ अवध्ये शन्तनोः पुत्रे हते भीष्मे महौजसि।
They could not then rush against the Pandavas as if their thighs were locked and seized in a vice. When that unslayable son of Shantanu. viz., Bhishma endued with great prowess was overthrown,

अभावः सहसा राजन् कुरुराजस्य तर्कितः॥ हतप्रवीरास्तु वयं निकृत्ताश्च शितैः शरैः।
O king, the destruction of the Kuru monarch became apparent. Mangled with sharp shafts and with our foremost heroes slain,

कर्तव्यं नाभिजानीमो निर्जिताः सव्यसाचिना॥ पाण्डवाश्च जयं लब्ध्वा परत्र च परां गतिम्।
And crushed completely by Savyasachin (Arjuna), we did not then know what to do. Then obtaining victory, and a highly blessed state of existence (hereafter), the Pandavas,

सर्वे दध्मुर्महाशङ्खाशूराः परिघबाहवः॥ सोमकाश्च सपञ्चालाः प्राहृष्यन्त जनेश्वर।
All endued with heroism and possessed of bludgeon-like arms, blew their mighty conchs and, O ruler of men, the Somakas together with the Panchalas then were filled with great delight.

ततस्तूर्यसहस्रेषु नदत्सु स महाबलः॥ आस्फोटयामास भृशं भीमसेनो ननाद च।
Then when thousands of drums were struck up, the highly powerful Bhimasena uttered his fierce war-cries and slapped his arms.

सेनयोरुभयोश्चापि गाङ्गेये निहते विभौ॥ संन्यस्य वीराः शस्त्राणि प्राध्यायन्त समन्ततः।
On the fall of that illustrious son of Ganga, the heroic combatants of the two armies laying down their weapons, fell to thinking.

प्राक्रोशन् प्राद्रवंश्चान्ये जग्मुर्मोहः तथापरे॥ क्षत्रं चान्येऽभ्यनिन्दन्त भीष्मं चान्येऽभ्यपूजयन्।
Some wept aloud, some ran wildly, some were overwhelmed with swoon; some then censured the life of a Kshatriya and some worshipped Bhishma.

ऋषयः पितरश्चैव प्रशशंसुर्महाव्रतम्।१२०॥ भरतानां च ये पूर्वे ते चैनं प्रशशंसिरे।
The sages and the Patriarchs all applauded Bhishma. The ancestral manes of the Bharata race also began to praise him.

महोपनिषदं चैव योगमास्थाय वीर्यवान्॥ जपशान्तनवो धीमान् कालाकाक्षी स्थितोऽभवत्।।
Then the highly intelligent son of Shantanu, viz., Bhishma endued with great prowess, be taking himself to the Yoga taught in the Upanishadas and reiterating prayers in his mind, remained quite, anxiously loO king forward for his last hour.