The prowess of Bhishma

संजय उवाच समं व्यूढेष्वनीकेषु भूयिष्ठेष्वनिवर्तिनः। ब्रह्मलोकपराः सर्वे समपद्यन्त भारत॥ न ह्यनीकमनीकेन समसज्जत संकुले। रथा न रथिभिः सार्ध पादाता न पदातिभिः॥
Sanjaya said When the division of the two armies strong in numbers and arranged in order of battle, met one another, all the unretreating heroes, O Bharata, then rushed to battle keeping in view the regions of Brahma. In that pell-mell fight, neither similar divisions fought with their similar, not car-warriors with car-warriors, nor foot-soldier with their foot-soldiers.

अश्वा नाश्वैरयुध्यन्त गजा न गजयोधिभिः। उन्मत्तवन्महाराज युध्यन्ते तत्र भारत॥ महान् व्यतिकरो रौद्रः सेनयोः समपद्यता नरनागगणेष्वेव विकीर्णेषु च सर्वशः॥
Horsemen then fought not with horsemen and elephant-riders fought not with other elephant-riders. But like men seized with fury, O Bharata, they indiscriminately slaughtered men one another, O monarch, in that battle. Fierce and great was the carnage that then spread itself among the ranks of the two armies, as and elephants, by hundreds, were scattered slain in all directions.

क्षये तस्मिन् महारौद्रे निर्विशेषमजायत। ततः शल्यः कृपश्चैव चित्रसेनश्च भारत॥ दुःशासनो विकर्णश्च रथानास्थाय भास्वरान्। पाण्डवानां रणे शूरा ध्वजिनीं समकम्पयन्॥
In that fierce battle the slaughter was indiscriminate. Then, 0 Bharata, Shalya, Kripa, Chitrasena, Dushasana and Vikarna, all riding on resplendent chariots, and all mighty heroes, made the host of the Pandavas tremble in battle before them.

सा वध्यमाना समरे पाण्डुसेना महात्मभिः। भ्राम्यते बहुधा राजन् मारुतेनेव नौर्जले॥
The army of the Pandavas thus slaughtered by those high-souled warriors, was caused to wheels in various motions, like a bark tossed by the wind on the waters (of the sea).

यता हि शैशिरः कालो गवां मर्माणि कृन्तति। तथा पाण्डुसुतानां वै भीष्मो मर्माणि कृन्तति॥ तथैव तव सैन्यस्य पार्थेन च महात्मना। नवमेघप्रतीकाशा: पातिता बहुधा गजाः॥
Just as bleak wintry cold penetrates into the very vitals of the kine, so did then Bhishma cut the army of the sons of the Pandu to the very quick. Then many elephants of your army loO king like newly formed clouds, were felled by the high-souled son of Pritha in that battle.

मृद्यमानाश्च दृश्यन्ते पार्थेन नरयूथपाः। इषुभिस्ताङ्यमानाश्च नाराचैश्च सहस्रशः॥
The leaders of hosts of combatants were then seen to be crushed and mangled by the son of Pritha with his arrows and lances shot by thousands.

पेतुरार्तस्वरं घोरं कृत्वा तत्र महागजाः। आनद्धाभरणैः कार्येनिहतानां महात्मनाम्॥ छन्नमायोधनं रेजे शिरोभिश्च सकुण्डलैः। तस्मिन्नेव महाराज महावीरवरक्षये॥
over Mighty elephants fell there setting up loud yells of agony and distress. The field of battle then looked beautiful being strewn withthe ornament-decked bodies of slain warriors of high soul, as also with their heads glanced with ear-rings. In that conflict, O monarch, so destructive of mighty heroes,

भीष्मे च युधि विक्रान्ते पाण्डवे च धनंजये। ते पराक्रान्तमालोक्य राजन् युधि पितामहम्॥ अभ्यवर्तन्त ते पुत्राः सर्वे सैन्यपुरस्कृताः। इच्छन्तो निधनं युद्धे स्वर्गं कृत्वा परायणम्॥
When both Bhishma and Dhananjaya the son of Pandu were displaying their prowess, your sons beholding the grandsire strive vigorously in battle. O king, rushed at the head all of their troops. Desirous of death in battle, and loO king upon heaven as their final goal.

पाण्डवानभ्यवर्तन्त तस्मिन् वीरवरक्षये। पाण्डवाऽपि महाराज स्मरन्तो विविधान् बहून्॥
They rushed against the Pandavas in that battle destructive of many heroes. The Pandavas also, O monarch, remembering the diverse woes and hardships.

क्लेशान् कृतान् सपुत्रेण त्वया पूर्वं नराधिप। भय त्यक्त्वा रणे शूरा ब्रह्मलोकाय तत्पराः॥
Inflicted, O ruler of men, on them by you and your son and dismissing all fears, and desirous of attaining to the regions of Brahma,

तावकांस्तव पुत्रांश्च योधयन्ति प्रहृष्टवत्। सेनापतिस्तु समरे प्राह सेनां महारथः॥
Cheerfully fought on with your troops and your sons. Then that mighty car-warrior the commander of the Pandava host addressing his troops said.

अभिद्रवत गाङ्गेयं सोमकाः सृञ्जयैः सह। सेनापतिवचः श्रुत्वा समोकाः सृञ्जयाश्च ते॥
"Rush you, O Somakas, together with the Srinjayas at the son of Ganga.” Hearing those words of their commander-in-chief, the Somakas and the Srinjayas,

अभ्यद्रवन्त गाङ्गेयं शरवृष्ट्या समाहताः। वध्यमानस्ततो राजन् पिता शान्तनवस्तव॥
Through afflicted with showers of arrows rushed at the son of Ganga. Thus assailed, O king, your father, the son of Shantanu,

अमर्षवशमापन्नो योधयामास सृञ्जयान्। तस्य कीर्तिमतस्तात पुरा रामेण धीमता॥
Influenced by wrath fought with the Srinjayas. To your highly renowned father. O sire, in the days of yore, the intelligent Rama,

सम्प्रदत्तास्त्रशिक्षा वै परानीकविनाशनी। स ता शिक्षामधिष्ठाय कुर्वन् परबलक्षयम्॥
Imparted a lesson in the use of weapons that were capable of destroying the hostile ranks. Depending upon that instruction of his and thinning the ranks of the enemy,

अहन्यहनि पार्थानां वृद्धः कुरुपितामहः। भीष्मो दश सहस्राणि जघान परवीरहा।॥
The old grandsire of the Kurus, viz., Bhishma that slayer of hostile heroes day after day slaughtered ten thousand warriors belonging to the Pandava host.

तस्मिंस्तु दशमे प्राप्ते दिवसे भरतर्षभ। भीष्मेणैकेन मत्स्येषु पञ्चालेषु च संयुगे॥
One that the tenth day of the battle, O foremost of the Bharatas, from among the Matsyas and the Panchalas, Bhishma, single handed,

गजाश्वमिमितं हत्वा हताः सप्त महारथाः। हत्वा पञ्च सहस्राणि रथानां प्रपितामहः॥
Having slain ten thousand elephants, slew also seven mighty car-warriors. Then the great grandsire also five thousand car-warriors.

नराणां च महायुद्धे सहस्राणि चतुर्दशः। दन्तिनां च सहस्राणि हयानामयुतं पुनः॥
In that fierce battle in addition to all this, fourteen thousand foot-soldiers, one thousand elephants, and ten thousand steeds.

शिक्षाबलेन नहितं पित्रा तव विशाम्पते। ततः सर्वमहीपनां क्षपयित्वा वरूथिनीम्॥
Were slain, O ruler of men, by your father through his superior education.

विराटस्य प्रियो भ्राता शतानीको निपातितः। शतानीकं च समरे हत्वा भीष्मः प्रतापवान्॥
Then reducing in number all the divisions led by rulers of earth, Bhishma slew Shatanika the dear-loved brother of Virata. Having slain Shatanika in battle, the valiant Bhishma.

सहस्राणि महाराज राज्ञा भल्लैरपातयत्। उद्विग्नाः समरे योधा विक्रोशन्ति धनंजयम्॥
Felled thousand royal warriors with broadheaded shafts. All those Kshatriyas of the Pandava host, that followed Dhananjaya,

ये च केचन पार्थानामभियाता धनंजयम्। राजानो भीष्ममासाद्य गतास्ते यमसादनम्॥ एवं दश दिशो भीष्मः शरजालैः समन्ततः। अतीत्य सेनां पार्थानामवतस्थे चमूमुखे॥
Approaching Bhishma, were dispatched to the abode of Death. Thus covering the ten points of the compass with the net-work of his arrows, as also the army of the Partha's, Bhishma remained the master of the situation.

स कृत्वा सुमहत् कर्म तस्मिन् वै दशमेऽहनि। सेनयोरन्तरे तिष्ठन् प्रगृहीतशरासनः॥ न चैनं पार्थिवाः केचिच्छक्ता राजन् निरीक्षितुम्।
On that the tenth day of the battle, achieving marvelous feats, Bhishma stayed between the two arinies, holding his bow and arrows in his hands. O king, then none of the royal warriors were able to look at him,

मध्यं प्राप्तं यथा ग्रीष्मे तपन्तं भास्करं दिवि॥ यथा दैत्यचमूं शक्तस्तापयामास संयुगे।
Who then resembled the summer sun scorching the world from the meridian. Just as in the days of yore, Shakra afflicted the hosts of the Daityas,

तथा भीष्मः पाण्डवेयास्तापयामास भारत॥ तथा चैनं पराक्रान्तमालोक्य मधुसूदनः।
So did, O Bharata, Bhishma then afflict the ranks of the Pandavas. Then beholding Bhishma thus display his prowess in battle, the slayer of Madhu,

उवाच देवकीपुत्रः प्रीयमाणो धनंजयम्॥ एष शान्तनवो भीष्मः सेनयोरन्तरे स्थितः।
That son of Devaki, joyfully addressed Dhananjaya saying. “Yonder is Bhishma, the son of Shantanu staying between the two armies.

संनिहत्य बलादेन विजयस्ते भविष्यति॥ बलात् संस्तम्भयस्वैनं यत्रैषा भिद्यते चमूः।
Slay him by putting forth your prowess, and victory will be yours. Check him through your prowess even there where he is penetrating our ranks.

न हि भीष्मशरानन्यः सोढुमुत्सहते विभो॥ ततस्तस्मिन् क्षणे राजंश्चोदितो वानरध्वजः।
None among us, O lord, is capable of bearing the shafts of Bhishma save and except your mighty self."

सध्वजं सरथं साश्वं भीष्ममन्तर्दधे शरैः॥ स चापि कुरुमुख्यानमृषभः पाण्डवेरितान्।। शरव्रातैः शरव्रातान् बहुधा विदुधाव तान्॥ ततः पञ्चालराजश्च धृष्टकेतुश्च वीर्यवान्।
Then, O king, thus urged on, Dhananjaya owning a standard bearing the device of an ape, rendered Bhishma with his standard, chariots and horses, invisible by his shafts. Then that foremost of the Kuru chiefs (Bhishma) also, with the shower of his own arrows scattered the arrows discharged by that son of Pandu. Thereupon the king of the Panchalas, and the valiant Dhrishtaketu.

पाण्डवो भीमसेनश्च धृष्टद्युम्नश्च पार्षतः॥ यमौ च चेकितानश्च केकया: पञ्च चैव ह।
Pandu's son Bhimasena, Prishata's son Dhrishtadyumna, the twins Nakula and Sahadeva, Chekitana, the five Kaikeya brothers,

सात्यकिश्च महाबाहुः सौभद्रोऽथ घटोत्कचः॥ द्रौपदेयाः शिखण्डी च कुन्तिभोजश्च वीर्यवान्। सुशर्मा च विराटश्च पाण्डवेया महाबलाः॥ एते चान्ये च बहवः पीडिता भीष्मसायकैः।
The mighty-armed Satyaki, the son of Subhadra, Ghatotkacha, the sons of Draupada, down pour Shikhandin, the highly powerful Kuntibhoja, Susharma, and Virata, these and many other mighty heroes of the Pandava host were then afflicted by the shafts of Bhishma.

समुद्धृताः फाल्गुनेन निमग्नाः शोकसागरे॥ ततः शिखण्डी वेगेन प्रगृह्य परमायुधम्। भीष्ममेवाभिदुद्राव रक्ष्यमाणः किरीटिना॥
Then from the ocean of grief in which they were sunk, they were rescued by Phalguna. Thereupon grasping an excellent weapon Shikhandin. Assailed Bhishma, being protected by the diadem-decked Arjuna.

ततोऽस्यानुचरान् हत्वा सर्वान् रणविभागवित्। भीष्ममेवाभिदुद्राव बीभत्सुम्पराजितः॥ सात्यकिश्चेकितानश्च धृष्टद्युम्नश्च पार्षतः।
Then slaying all the followers of Bhishma, and knowing what should be done in battle after what, the unvanquished Vibhatsu rushed even at Bhishma himself. Then Satyaki, Chekitana, Dhrishtadyumna of the Prishata race,

विराटो द्रुपदश्चैव माद्रीपुत्रौ च पाण्डवौ॥ दुद्रुवुर्भीष्ममेवाजौ रक्षिता दृढधन्वना।
Virata and Draupada, the two sons of Madri begotten by Pandu, all rushed against Bhishma, their attack being covered by the firm bowman Arjuna.

अभिमन्युश्च समरे द्रौपद्याः पञ्च चात्मजाः॥ दुद्रुवुः समरे भीष्मं समुद्यतमहायुधाः।
Then in that battle, Abhimanyu and the five sons of Draupadi all with weapons upraised rushed against Bhishma.

ते सर्वे दृढधन्वानः संयुगेष्वपलायिनः॥ बहुधा भीष्ममानछुर्मार्गणैः क्षतमार्गणैः।
All those firm bowmen, never receding from the fight pierced Bhishma on many parts of his body with arrows steadily directed.

विधूय तान् बाणगणान् ये मुक्ताः पार्थिवोत्तमैः॥ पाण्डवानामदीनात्मा व्यगाहत वरूथिनीम्।
Then baffling all those arrows shot by those foremost rulers of earth, that warrior of unrepressed soul (Bhishma) penetrated into the ranks of the Pandavas.

चक्रे शरविघातं चक्रीडन्निव पितामहः॥ नाभिसंधत्त पाञ्चाल्ये स्मयमानो मुहुर्मुहः।
The grandsire then repulsed all those arrows as if in sport. He did not aim any shafts at the prince of the Panchalas, but laughingly looked at him now and then.

स्त्रीत्वं तस्यानुसंस्मृत्य भीष्मो बाणाशिखण्डिने॥ जगान द्रुपदानीके रथान् सप्त महारथः।
Remembering Shikhandin's femininity Bhishma sped not a single arrow at the former. But that mighty car-warrior then slew seven of the best car-warriors of Draupada's division.

तत: किलकिलाशब्दः क्षणेन समभूत् तदा॥ मत्स्यपाञ्चालचेदीनां तमेकमभिधावताम्।
Then as the Matsyas, the Panchalas and the Chedis rushed against that single-handed warrior, loud became the din and confusion that then arose.

ते नराश्वरथव्रातैर्मार्गणैश्च परंतप॥ तमेकं छादयामासुर्मेघा इव दिवाकरम्।
Then like clouds covering the sun, all those heroes, O afflicter of foes, covered on all sides with foot-soldiers, horse-men and car-warriors and with a network of arrows,

भीष्मं भागीरथीपुत्रं प्रतपन्तं रणे रिपून्॥ ततस्तम्य च तेषां च युद्धे देवासुरोपमे। किरीटीभीष्ममागच्छत् पुरस्कृत्य शिखण्डिनम्॥
That single-handed son of Bhagirathi, viz., Bhishma, who was then scorching the foe in battle. Then in that battle between Bhishma on one side and all the Pandava heroes on the other-battle that resembled the one between the gods and the Asuras-Kiritin placing Shikhandin in front of him began to pierce Bhishma,