BHUMI PARVA: Chapter 12

The Uttara Kurus in the Bhumi

संजय उवाच उत्तरेषु च कौरव्य द्वीपेषु श्रूयते कथा। एवं तत्र महाराज ब्रुवतश्च निबोध मे॥
Sanjaya said O descendant of Kuru, O great king, I shall tell you what is heard of the island in the north. Hear.

घृततोय: समुद्रोऽत्र दधिमण्डोदकोऽपरः। सुरोदः सागरश्चैव तथान्यो जलसागरः॥
There is that ocean the water of which is Ghee. Next to it is the ocean, the water of which is curd. Next is the ocean, the water of which is wine, and then comes a ocean of water.

परस्परेण द्विगुणा: सर्वे द्वीपा नराधिप। पर्वताश्च महाराज समुद्रैः परिवारिताः॥
O king, the island are double in area of one another as they proceed further towards the north. O king, they are surrounded by these oceans.

गौरस्तु मध्यमे द्वीपे गिरिर्मान:शिलो महान्। पर्वतः पश्चिमे कृष्णो नारायणसखो नृप॥
In the middle island, there is a large mountain called Goura which is made of red arsenic. O king, on the western island, there is a mountain, called Krishna; it is a favourite abode of Narayana.

तत्र रत्नानि दिव्यानि स्वयं रक्षति केशवः। प्रसन्नश्चाभवत् तत्र प्रजानां व्यदधत् सुखम्॥
There Keshava protects celestial gems. From that place, when gracious, he bestows happiness on creatures.

कुशस्तम्बः कुशद्वीपे मध्ये जनपदैः सह। सम्पूज्यते शाल्पलिश्च द्वीपे शाल्मलिके नृप॥
O king, along with the kingdoms in these islands, Kusha grass in Kushadvipa and the Salami tree is Shalmalikadvipa are worshipped.

क्रौञ्चद्वीपे महाक्रोञ्चो गिरी रत्नचयाकरः। सम्पूज्यते महाराज चातुर्वर्येन नित्यदा॥
O king, in the Krauncha island the mountain called Maha Krauncha which is a mine of all kinds of gems is always worshipped by all the four orders of men.

गोमन्तः पर्वतो राजन् सुमहान् सर्वधातुकः। यत्र नित्यं निवसति श्रीमान् कमललोचनः॥ मोक्षिभिः संगतो नित्यं प्रभुर्नारायणो हरिः। कुशद्वीपे तु राजेन्द्र पर्वतो विद्रुमैश्चितः॥
O king, there is the mountain called Gomanta which is huge in size and which consists of all kinds of metals. On its summit lives Narayana Hari with those they have obtained salvation, graced with prosperity and possessed of eyes like lotus. O great king, in Kushadvipa there is another mountain abounding in corals.

स्वनाम नामा दुर्धर्षो द्वितीयो हेमपर्वतः। द्युतिमान् नाम कौरव्य तृतीयः कुमुदो गिरिः॥
It is called after the island, this mountain is made of gold and it is inaccessible. O descendant of Kuru, there is another greatly effulgert mountain called Kumuda.

चतुर्थः पुष्पवान् नाम पञ्चमस्तु कुशेशयः। षष्ठो हरिगिरि म षडेते पर्वतोत्तमाः॥
The fourth mountain there is called Pushpavati, the fifth Kusheshaya, the sixty Harigiri. These are the six chief mountains.

तेषामन्तरविष्कम्भो द्विगुणः सर्वभागशः। औद्भिदं प्रथम वर्षं द्वितीयं वेणुमण्डलम्॥
The intervening spaces between one another of these six mountains increases in the ratio of one to two, as they proceed further and further towards the north. This first Varsha is called Audbhida, the second is Venumandala.

तृतीयं सुरथाकारं चतुर्थं कम्बलं स्मृतम्। धृतिमत् पञ्चमं वर्ष षष्ठं वर्ष प्रभाकरम्॥
The third is Suratha, the fourth is Kambala, the fifth is called Dhritimat, and the sixth is named Prabhakara.

सप्तमं कापिलं वर्ष सप्तैते वर्षलम्भकाः। एतेषु देवगन्धर्वाः प्रजाश्च जगतीश्वरः॥ विहरन्ते रमन्ते च न तेषु म्रियते जनः। न तेषु दस्यवः सन्ति प्लेच्छजात्योऽपि वा नृप।।१५।
The seventh is called Kapila. These are the Seven successive Varshas. The celestial and the Gandharvas and other creatures of the universe take pleasure to sport in them. The dwellers of these Varshas never die. O king, there is not any robber or any Mlecchha race there.

गौरप्रायो जनः सर्वः सुकुमारश्च पार्थिव।. अवशिष्टेषु सर्वेषु वक्ष्यामि मनुजेश्वर॥ यथाश्रुतं महाराज तदव्यग्रमनाः शृणु। क्रौञ्चद्वीपे महाराज क्रौञ्चो नाम महागिरिः॥
O king, all the dwellers are generally white in complexion. They are very delicate. O ruler of men, I shall describe all that has been heard by me. O king, hear with attention. O great king, there is a great mountain called Krauncha in the Krauncha island.

क्रौञ्चात् परो वामनको वामनादन्धकारकः। अन्धकारात् परो राजन् मैनाकः पर्वतोत्तमः॥
Next to Krauncha is Vamanaka, next to Vamanaka is Andhakaraka, next to Andhakaraka is that foremost of all mountains which is called Mainaka.

मैनाकात् परतो राजन् गोविन्दो गिरिरुत्तमः। गोविन्दात् परतो राजन् निबिडो नाम पर्वतः॥ परस्तु द्विगुणस्तेषां विष्कम्भो वंशवर्धन। देशांस्तत्र प्रवक्ष्यामि तन्मे निगदतः शृणु।॥
O king, next to Mainaka is that best of mountains called Govinda, next to Govinda is the Nibida mountain. O perpetuator of the Kuru race, the intervening spaces between one another of these mountains increase in the ratio of one to two. I shall speak of the countries that are situated there. Hear as I tell of them.

क्रौञ्चस्य कुशलो देशो वामनस्य मनोनुगः। मनोनुगात् परश्चोष्णो देशः कुरुकुलोद्वह॥
The country near Krauncha is called Kushala, that near Vainana is Manonuga that next to Manonuga, O perpetuator of the Kuru race, is called Ushna.

उष्णात् परः प्रावरकः प्रावारादन्धकारकः। अन्धकारकदेशात् तु मुनिदेशः परः स्मृतः॥
Next to Ushna is Pravaraka, next to Pravarka is Andhakaraka, next to Andhakaraka is named Munidesha,

मुनिदेशात् परश्चैव प्रोच्यते दुन्दुभिस्वनः। सिद्धचारणसंकीर्णो गौरप्रायो जनाधिप॥
Next to Munidesha is Dundubhisvana frequented by the Siddhas and the Charanas. O king, the people of this regions are white.

एते देशा महाराज देवगन्धर्वसेविताः। पुष्करे पुष्करो नाम पर्वतो मणिरत्नवान्॥
O king, all these countries are inhabited by the celestial and the Gandharvas. In Pushkara (island) there is a mountain called Pushkara, full of gems and jewels.

तत्र नित्यं प्रभवति स्वयं देवः प्रजापतिः। तं पर्युपासते नित्यं देवाः सर्वे महर्षयः॥
There dwells the divine creator of the worlds himself. All the celestial and great Rishis always worship bim.

वाग्भिर्मनोऽनुकूलाभिः पूजयन्तो जनाधिप। जम्बूद्वीपात् प्रवर्तन्ते रत्नानि विविधान्युत॥
With gratifying words and respectful adoration. o king, various gems from Jambudvipa are used there.

द्वीपेषु तेषु सर्वेषु प्रजानां कुरुसत्तम। ब्रह्मचर्येण सत्येन प्रजानां हि दमेन च॥ आरोग्यायुःप्रमाणाभ्यां द्विगुणं द्विगुणं ततः। एको जनपदो राजन् द्वीपेष्वेतेषु भारत।
O king, in all these islands Brahmacharya, truth, self-control, also health and length of life are in the ratio of one to two as the island are more and more remote northwards. O king, O descendant of Bharata, the land in all these islands is but one country.

उक्ता जनपदा येषु धर्मश्चैकः प्रदृश्यते॥ ईश्वरो दण्डपुद्यम्य स्वयमेव प्रजापतिः। द्वीपानेतान् महाराज रक्षस्तिष्ठति नित्यदा॥ स राजा स शिवो राजन् स पिता प्रपितामहः।
For it is said to be the one country in which is scen but one religion. The supreme lord of creation himself, lifting up the rod of chastisement always lives there and protects! these islands. O king,. he is their ruler, he is their source of happiness, he is their father, he is their grandfather.

गोपायति नरश्रेष्ठ प्रजाः सजडपण्डिताः॥ भोजनं चात्र कौरव्य प्रजाः स्वयमुपस्थितम्। सिद्धमेव महाबाहो तद्धि भुञ्जन्ति नित्यदा॥ ततः परं समा नाम दृश्यते लोकसंस्थितिः।
O foremost of men, it is he who protects there all mobile and immobile creatures. O descendant of Kuru, cooked food comes there of itself and all creatures eat it every day. O mighty-armed hero, next to these regions is seen the region named Shyama.

चतुरस्र महाराज त्रयस्त्रिंशत् तु मण्डलम्॥ तत्र तिष्ठन्ति कौरव्य चत्वारो लोकसम्मताः। दिग्गजा भरतश्रेष्ठ वामनरावतादयः॥ सुप्रतीकस्तथा राजन् प्रभिन्नकरटामुखः!
It is like a star in shape having four corners. O king, it has thirty three Mandalas. ) descendant of Kuru, there live four great clephants adored by all, o best among the Bharata race, they are Vamana, Airavata, Supratika with rent temples and also another.

तस्याहं परिमाणं तु न संख्यातुमिहोत्सहे॥ असंख्यातः स नित्यं हि तिर्यगूर्ध्वमधस्तथा।
I cannot venture to calculate the proportions of these four elephants. Their length, breadth and thickness have ever remained umascertained.

तत्र वै वायवो वान्ति दिग्भ्यः सर्वाभ्य एव हि॥ असम्बद्धा महाराज तान् निगृह्णन्ति ते गजाः। पुष्करैः पद्मसंकाशैविकसद्भिर्महाप्रभैः॥ शतधा पुनरेवाशु ते तान् मुञ्चन्ति नित्यशः।
O king, winds blow in these regions irregularly from all directions. These winds are scized by these elephants with the tips of their trunks, which are like to lotus in complexion, which are very bright and which they are capable of drawing up in this way. As soon as they scize them, they let them out.

श्वसद्भिर्मुच्यमानास्तु दिग्गजैरिह मारुताः॥ आगच्छन्ति महाराज ततस्तिष्ठन्ति वै प्रजाः।
O king, having been thus let out by these clephants, these winds come over to this earth, and for their coming creatures breathe and live.

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच परो वै विस्तरोऽत्यर्थं त्वया संजय कार्तितः॥ दर्शितं द्वीपसंस्थानमुत्तरं ब्रूहि संजय।
Dhritarashtra said O Sanjaya, you have told me in detail about the first subject. You have also told me the position of the islands. O Sanjaya tell me now the rest.

संजय उवाच उक्ता द्वीपा महाराज ग्रहं वै शृणु तत्त्वतः॥ स्वर्भानोः कौरवश्रेष्ठ यावदेव प्रमाणतः।
Sanjaya said O great king, I have described to you all the islands. O Kuru chief, now hear what I say about the heavily bodies and about Svarbhanu.

परिमण्डलो महाराज स्वर्भानुः श्रूयते ग्रहः॥ योजनानां सहस्राणि विष्कम्भो द्वादशास्य वै।
O king, it is hcard by us that the planet Svarbhanu is a globe. Its diameter is twelve thousand Yojanas.

परिणाहेन षट्त्रिंशद् विपुलत्वेन चानघ॥ पष्टिमाहुः शतान्यस्य बुधाः पौराणिकास्तथा।
And because because it is very large, its circumference is forty two thousand Yojanas. O sinless one, thus say the learned men of old.

चन्द्रमास्तु सहस्राणि राजन्नेकादश स्मृतः॥ विष्कम्भेण कुरुश्रेष्ठ त्रयस्त्रिंशत् तु मण्डलम्। एकोनषष्टिविष्कम्भं शीतरश्मेर्महात्मनः॥ सूर्यस्त्वष्टौ सहस्राणि द्वे चान्ये कुरुनन्दन। विष्कम्भेण ततो राजन् मण्डलं त्रिंशता समम्॥ अष्टपञ्चाशतं राजन् विपुलत्वेन चानघ। श्रूयते परमोदारः पतगोऽसौ विभावसुः॥ एतत् प्रमाणमर्कस्य निर्दिष्टमिह भारत।
O king, the diameter of the moon is said to be cleven thousand Yojanas. O Kuru chief, the circumference of our this famous planet of cool rays is said to be thirty-cight thousand and nine hundred Yojanas. O descendant of Kuru, we have heard that the diameter of the beneficent, fast-going and light-giving sun is ten thousand and Yojanas, and O king, its circumference is thirty-five thousand cight hundred miles, O sinless one, O descendant of Bharata, these are all the calculations of Arka.

स राहुश्छादयत्येतौ यथाकालं महत्तया॥ चन्द्रादित्यौ महाराज संक्षेपोऽयमुदाहृतः।
The planet Rahu on account of its great bulk covers both the sun and the moon in due tiine (during eclipses). I tell you all this in brief.

इत्येतत् ते महाराज पृच्छतः शास्त्रचक्षुषा॥ सर्वमुक्तं यथातत्त्वं तस्माच्छममवाप्नुहि।
O great king, with the help of the eye of science, I have told you all that you asked me. Be blessed.

यथोद्दिष्टं मया प्रोक्तं सनिर्माणमिदं जगत्॥ तस्मादाश्वस कौरव्य पुत्रं दुर्योधनं प्रति।
I shall now tell you of the construction of the universe as narrated in the Shastras. Therefore, O descendant of Kuru, pacify your son Duryodhana.

श्रुत्वेदं भरतश्रेष्ठ भूमिपर्व मनोनुगम्॥ श्रीमान् भवति राजन्यः सिद्धार्थः साधुसम्मतः।
O best of the Bharata race, hearing this delightful Bhumi Parva, a Kshatriya obtains prosperity, the fruition of all his desires and approbation of the pious.

आयुर्बलं च कीर्तिश्च तस्य तेजश्च वर्धते॥ यः शृणोति महीपाल पर्वणीदं यतव्रतः। प्रीयन्ते पितरस्तस्य तथैव च पितामहाः॥ इदं तु भारतं वर्षं यत्र वर्तामहे वयम्। पूर्वैः प्रवर्तितं पुण्यं तत् सर्वं श्रुतवानसि॥
The king who hears this on the full-moon or the new-incon day and observes the vows with care, obtains long life, fame, and prowess. His ancestral manes become pleased. You have now heard of all the merits that flow from this Bharata Varsha in which we live.