The fierce battle and carnage

संजय उवाच शिखण्डी तु रणे भीष्ममासाद्य पुरुषर्षभम्। दशभिर्निशितैर्भल्लैराजघान स्तनान्तरे॥
Sanjaya said Then, O foremost of men, Shikhandin having encountered Bhishma in battle, pierced the latter on his breast with ten broad-headed shafts of great sharpness.

शिखण्डिनं तु गाङ्गेयः क्रोधदीप्तेन चक्षुषा। सम्प्रेक्षत कटाक्षेण निर्दहन्निव भारत॥
Then the son of Ganga looked at Shikhandin with his eyes blazing in rage, and O Bharata, he seemed to burn the latter by his glance only.

स्त्रीत्वं तस्य स्मरन् राजन् सर्वलोकस्य पश्यतः। नाजधान रणे भीष्मः स च तन्नाववुद्धवान्॥
But, O king, remembering his femininity, Bhishma did not wound him before the eyes of all in that battle. The latter however comprehended it not.

अर्जुनस्तु महाराज शिखण्डिनमभाषत। अभिद्रवस्व त्वरितं जहि चैनं पितामहम्॥
Therefore, O monarch, Arjuna said to Shikhandin, “swiftly rush at the grandsire and slay him.

किं ते विवक्षया वीर जहि भीष्मं महारथम्। न ह्यन्यमनुपश्यामि कञ्चिद् यौधिष्ठिरे बले॥
What is that you want to speak, O hero? Slay the mighty car-warrior Bhishma, I do not see a man in the whole army of Yudhishthira,

यः शक्तः समरे भीष्मं प्रतियोद्भुमिहाहवे। ऋते त्वां पुरुषव्याघ्र सत्यमेतद् ब्रवीमि ते॥
Who is able to fight with Bhishma in battle, except yourself, O best of men? This I say to you forsooth."

एवमुक्तस्तु पार्थेन शिखण्डी भरतर्षभ। शरैर्नानाविधैस्तूर्णं पितामहमवाकिरत्॥
Thus spoken to by Pritha's son, O foremost of the Bharatas, Shikhandin speedily covered the grandsire with arrows of various description;

अचिन्तयित्वा तान् बाणान् पिता देवव्रतस्तव। अर्जुगं समरे क्रुद्धं वारयामास सायकैः॥
But disregarding those arrows, your sire Devavrata, wrought up with wrath engaged to fight with Arjuna by means of his shafts.

तथैव च चमू सर्वां पाण्डवानां महारथः। अप्रैषीत् स शरैस्तीक्ष्णैः परलोकाय मारिष॥
That mighty car-warrior also dispatched the forces of the Pandavas to the other world, O sire, with his sharp-pointed shafts.

तथैव पाण्डवा राजन् सैन्येन महता वृताः। भीष्मं संछादयामासुर्मेघा इव दिवाकरम्॥
On the other hand, O king, the sons of Pandu, supported by mighty divisions covered Bhishma over, like clouds covering the orb of the day.

स समन्तात् परिवृतो भारतो भरतर्षभ। निर्ददाह रणे शूरान् वने वह्निरिव ज्वलन्॥
Then, O foremost of the Bharata, that chief of the Bharatas thus surrounded on all sides, began to consume those heroes in battle like a raging conflagration burning the woods.

तत्राद्भुतमपश्याम तव पुत्रस्य पौरुषम्। अयोधयच्च यत् पार्थं जुगोप च पितामहम्॥
Then we beheld the wonderful prowess of your son as much as he simultaneously fought with Arjuna and protected the grandsire.

कर्मणा तेन समरे तव पुत्रस्य धन्विनः। दुःशासनस्य तुतुषुः सर्वे लोका महात्मनः॥
Then all people were gratified with the feat achieved by your high-minded son Dushasana wielding his bow;

यदेकः समरे पार्थान् सार्जुनान् समयोधयत्। न चैनं पाण्डवा युद्धे वारयामासुरुल्बणम्॥
For then he, single-handed, fought with the Pandavas including Arjuna himself; he then fought so fiercely that the Pandavas were unable to resist him.

दुःशासनेन समरे रथिनो विरथीकृताः। सादिनश्च महेष्वासा हस्तिनश्च महाबलाः॥
In that battle car-warriors were deprived of their cars by Dushasana; mighty horse-men and highly powerful elephant-riders,

विनिर्भिन्नाः शरैस्तीक्ष्णैनिपेतुर्वसुधातले। शरातुरास्तथैवान्ये दन्तियो विद्रुता दिशः॥
Mangled with his shafts, fell down on the surface of the earth. Huge-tusked elephants afflicted with arrow-wounds in all directions.

यथाग्निरिन्धनं प्राप्य ज्वलेद् दीप्तार्चिरुल्बणम्। तथा जवाल पुत्रस्ते पाण्डुसेनां विनिर्दहन्॥
Just as fire fed with fuel fiercely blazes forth with terrible flames, so did your son consume the troops of the Pandavas.

तं भारतमहामात्रं पाण्डवानां महारथः। जेतुं नोत्सहते कश्चिन्नाभ्युद्यातुं कथंचन॥ ऋते महेन्द्रतनयाच्छवेताश्वात् कृष्णसारथेः। स हि तं समरे राजन् निर्जित्य विजयोऽर्जुनः॥ भीष्ममेवाभिदुद्राव सर्वसैन्यस्य पश्यतः। विजितस्तव पुत्रोऽपि भीष्मबाहुव्यपाश्रयः॥
ran None of the heroic car-warriors of the Pandava host, O Bharata, was then able to vanquish, nay to encounter, that warrior of gigantic stature, except Arjuna the son of the great Indra, having white steeds and owning Krishna for his charioteer. Then, o king, the ever-victorious Arjuna defeating Dushasana in battle, rushed against Bhishma even before the very eyes of the people assembled there. Though vanquished, your son then depending greatly upon the strength of Bhishma's arms,

पुनः पुनः समाश्वस्य प्रायुध्यत मदोत्कटः। अर्जुनस्तु रणे राजन् योधयन् संव्यराजत॥
Furiously fought with the Pandavas comforting his own troops at the same time. Arjuna also, O king, engaged in battle appeared very beautiful.

शिखण्डी तु रणे राजन् विव्याधैव पितामहम्। शरैरशनिसंस्पर्शस्तथा सर्पविषोपमैः॥
Shikhandin also, O monarch, pierced the grandsire in battle with sharp arrows, of which the touch resembled that of the bolt of heaven and which were mortal like the virulent venom of snakes.

न च स्म ते रुजं चक्रुः पितुस्तव जनेश्वर। स्मयमानस्तु गाड्नेयस्तान् बाणाञ्जगृहे तदा॥
These shafts, O ruler of men, did not cause any the slightest pain to your father, and then the son of Ganga received those arrows with a smile.

उष्णातॊ हि नरो यद्वज्जलधाराः प्रतीच्छति। तथा जग्राह गाङ्गेयः शरधारा: शिखण्डिनः॥
Just as a man burning with thirst eagerly welcomes a shower of rain, so did also the son of Ganga receive the shower of arrows discharged by Shikhandin.

तं क्षत्रिया महाराज ददृशुर्घोरमाहवे। भीष्मं दहन्तं सैन्यानि पाण्डवानां महात्मनाम्॥
Then, O mighty monarch, the Kshatriyas beheld Bhishma look terrible as he consumed the ranks of the high-souled Pandavas.

ततोऽब्रवीत्तव सुतः सर्वसैन्यानि मारिष। अभिद्रवत संग्रामे फाल्गुनं सर्वतो रणे॥
Then your son commanded, O sire, all your troops saying. “Assail from all sides the heroic Phalguna.

भीष्मो वः समरे सर्वान् पालयिष्यति धर्मवित्। ते भयं सुमहत् त्यक्त्वा पाण्डवान् प्रति युध्यत॥
The valiant Bhishma conversant with all duties will protect us in battle.” Then those troops of yours dismissing all fears fought on with the Pandavas.

हेमतालेन महता भीष्मस्तिष्ठति पालयन्। सर्वेषां धार्तराष्ट्राणां समरे शर्म वर्म च॥
(Again did Duryodhana say) “Yonder is Bhishma, with his tall standard marked with the device of a golden palmyra, striving for saving the honour and armours of all the Dhritarashtra warriors.

त्रिदशाऽपि समुधुक्ता नालं भीष्मं समासितुम्। किमु पार्था महात्मानं मर्त्यभूता महाबलाः॥
Even the celestial striving vigorously cannot overcome the mighty and high-souled Bhishma in battle, what to speak of the sons of Pritha who are mere mortals.

तस्माद्रवत मा योधाः फाल्गुनं प्राप्य संयुगे। अहमद्य रणे यत्तो योधयिष्यामि पाण्डवम्॥
Therefore, O warriors, do you not run away getting Phalguna as an adversary in battle. I myself, putting forth my best energies, shall day battle against the Pandavas,

सहितः सर्वतो यत्तैर्भवद्भिर्वसुधाधिपः। तच्छ्रुत्वा तु वचो राजंस्तव पुत्रस्य धन्विनः॥
United with all these rulers of earth, all exerting their best in battle.” Hearing those words of your son wielding the bow,

सर्वे योधाः सुसंरब्धा बलवन्तो महाबलाः। ते विदेहाः कलिङ्गाश्च दासेरकगणाश्च ह॥
All the valiant and highly powerful warriors wrought up with rage, belonging to the clans of the Videhas, the Kalingas, the Daserakas, and many other tribes,

अभिपेतुर्निषादाश्च सौवीराश्च महारणे। बाह्रीका दरदाश्चैव प्रतीच्योदीच्यमालवाः॥ अभीषाहाः शूरसेनाः शिवयोऽथ वसातयः। शाल्वाः शकास्त्रिगाश्च अम्बष्ठाः केकयैः सह॥
Fell upon Arjuna in battle. The Nishadas, the Souviras, the Balhika's, the Daradas, the Westerners, the Northerners and the Malavas, Abhishahs, the Shurasenas, the Shibis, the Vasatis, the Shalavas, the Shakas, the Trigartas, the Ambasthas with the Kaikeyas,

अभिपेतू रणे पार्थं पतङ्गा इव पावकम्। शलभा इव राजेन्द्र पार्थमप्रतिमं रणे। एतान् सर्वान् सहानीकान् महाराज महारथान्॥ दिव्यान्यस्त्राणि संचिन्त्य प्रसंधाय धनंजयः। स तैरस्त्रैर्महावेगैर्ददाह सुमहाबलः॥ शरप्रतापैर्बीभत्सुः पतङ्गानिव पावकः। तस्य बाणसहस्राणि सृजतो दृढधन्विनः॥ दीप्यमानमिवाकाशे गाण्डीवं समदृश्यत।
Then rushed upon the son of Pritha like a flight of insects rushing at the flames of a fire. Then, O mighty monarch, that highly powerful hero Dhananjaya, always dreaded in battle, invO king celestial weapons, fixed them on his bowstring, and aiming them at those hundreds of enemy's divisions of car-warriors swiftly consumed them all, by means of those powerful dares of great velocity, like fire burning down a fight of insects. Then the bow Gandiva of that resolute bowman appeared resplendent as he shot myriad's upon myriad's of arrows from it.

ते शरार्ता महाराज विप्रकीर्णमहाध्वजाः॥ नाभ्यवर्तन्त राजानः सहिता वानरध्वजम्। सध्वजा रथिन: पेतुर्हयारोहा हयैः सह॥ सगजाश्च गजारोहाः किरीटिशरताडिताः। ततोऽर्जुनभुजोत्सृष्टैरावृताऽऽसीद् वसुन्धरा॥ विद्रवद्भिश्च वहुधा बलैः राज्ञां समन्ततः। अथ पार्थो महाराज द्रावयित्वा वरुथिनीम्॥
Then, O mighty monarch, those Kaurava warriors with their tall standards splintered into pieces, ventured nor, even in a body, experienced against Arjuna owning the standard marked with the device of an ape. S011 Afflicted with shafts by the diadem-decked Arjuna, car-warriors fell with their standards, horse-riders with their horses and elephantriders with their elephants. Then the earth become soon covered with divisions of kings flying in all directions in consequence of the shafts shot by the arms of Arjuna. Then having completely crushed the enemy's ranks, the son of Pritha,

दुःशासनाय सुबहून् प्रेषयामास सायकान्। ते तु भित्त्वा तव सुतं दुःशासनमयोमुखाः॥
Sped numerous shafts at your Dushasana. Those iron-tipped arrows, having pierced Dushasana.

धरणी विविशुः सर्वे वल्मीकमिव पन्नगाः। हयांश्चास्य ततो जघ्ने सारथिं च न्यपातयत्॥
Penetrated the earth like so many snakes entering their holes in ant-bills. Then Arjuna slew the steeds and charioteer of the latter.

विविंशतिं च विंशत्या विरथं कृतवान् प्रभुः। आजघान भृशं चैव पञ्चभिर्नतपर्वभिः॥
Then that valiant hero deprived Vivingshati of his car with twenty shafts and wounded the latter with shafts of straight knots.

कृपं विकर्णं शल्यं च विद्ध्वा बहुभिरायसैः। चकार विरथांश्चैव कौन्तेयः श्वेतवाहनः॥
Then the son of Kunti, owning white steeds, having pierced Kripa, Vikarna, and Shalya with many iron arrows, deprived them of their cars.

एवं ते विरथाः सर्वे कृपः शल्यश्च मारिष। दुःशासनो विकर्णश्च तथैव च विविंशतिः॥
Thus deprived of their chariots, O sire, Kripa, Shalya, Dushasana, Vikarma and Vivingshati,

सम्प्राद्रवन्त समरे निर्जिताः सव्यसाचिना। पूर्वाह्ने भरतश्रेष्ठ पराजित्य महारथान्॥
All fled away from the field of battle being completely worsted by Savyasachin. Then, O foremost of the Bharatas, having vanquished the mighty car-warriors at the forenoon,

प्रजज्वाल रणे पार्थो विधूम इव पावकः। तथैव शरवर्षेण भास्करो रश्मिवानिव॥
Partha then blazed forth in battle like fire without even one curl of smoke. He then, in consequence of his pouring arrows showers, looked like the sun scattering his myriad rays in all directions.

अन्यानपि महाराज तापयामास पार्थिवान्। पराङ्मुखीकृत्य तथा शरवधर्महारथान्॥
He felled also, O mighty monarch, many rulers of the earth all mighty car-warriors, having compelled them to turn their faces away from the field of battle.

प्रावर्तयत संग्रामे शोणितोदां महानदीम्। मध्येन कुरुसैन्यानां पाण्डवानां च भारत॥
Then, O Bharata, between the armies of the Kurus and the Pandavas, he crushed a mighty river of bloody current to flow.

गजाश्च रथसङ्घाश्च बहुधा रथिभिर्हताः। स्थाश्च निहता नागैर्हयाश्चैव पदातिभिः॥
Large bodies of elephants, steeds and carwarriors were slain by car-warriors; and many were the car-warriors slain by elephants and many the horse-men slain by foot-soldiers.

अन्तराच्छिद्यमानानि शरीराणि शिरांसि च। निपेतुर्दिक्षु सर्वासु गजाश्वरथयोधिनाम्॥
In all directions then fell many heads and bodies cut in the middle, of car-warriors, horsemen and elephant-riders.

छन्नमायोधनं राजन् कुण्डलाङ्गदधारिभिः। पतितैः पात्यमानैश्च राजपुत्रैर्महारथैः॥
The field of battle, O king, became strewn with fallen and falling bodies of many royal car-warriors even then decked with bracelets and graced with ear-rings.

रथनेमिनिकृत्तैश्च गजैश्चैवावपोथितैः। पादाताश्चाप्यधावन्त साश्वाश्च हययोधिनः॥
The field was also covered over with many bodies mangled by car-wheels and trampled upon by by elephants. Foot-soldiers, and horsemen with their chargers fled away in all directions.

गजाश्च रथयोधाश्च परिपेतुः समन्ततः। विकीर्णाश्च रथा भूमौ भग्नचक्रयुगध्वजाः॥ तद् गजाश्वरथौघानां रुधिरेण समुक्षितम्। छन्नमायोधनं रेजे रक्ताभ्रमिव शारदम्॥
Elephants and car-warriors left in all directions. Many were the gore of elephants, horses and car-warriors, appeared beautiful like the autumnal sky covered with specks of red cloud.

श्वानः काकाश्च गृध्राश्च वृका गोमायुभिः सह। प्रणेदुर्भक्ष्यमासाद्य विकृताश्च मृगद्विजाः॥
Dogs, crows, vultures, wolves, and jackels and other beasts set up loud yields, at the sight of food that was then before them.

बवुर्बहुविधाश्चैव दिक्षु सर्वासु मारुताः। दृश्यमानेषु रक्षःसु भूतेषु च नदत्सु च॥
Then, when Rakshasas and evil spirits were seen to roar there, various kinds of winds began to blow in all directions.

काञ्चनानि च दामानि पताकाश्च महाधनाः। धूयमाना व्यदृश्यन्त सहसा मारुतेरिताः॥
Strings of gold and precious standards were seen suddenly to be fluttered by the wind, and began to tremble,

श्वेतच्छत्रसहस्राणि सध्वजाश्च महारथाः। विकीर्णाः समदृश्यन्त शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः॥
Thousands of white umbrellas and many mighty car-warriors with their standards, were seen strewn on the surface of the earth.

सपताकाश्च मातङ्गा दिशो जग्मुः शरातुराः। क्षत्रियाश्च मनुष्येन्द्र गदाशक्तिधनुर्धराः॥ समन्ततश्च दृश्यन्ते पतिता धरणीतले।
Many huge elephants with the flags unfurled on their back started running in all the four directions because of severe pain caused to them by hard blows of arrows. O king! A number of Kshatriyas with gada, sakti and bows in their hands were seen fell down on the earth everywhere.

ततो भीष्मो महाराज दिव्यमस्त्रमुदीरयन्॥ अभ्यधावत कौन्तेयं मिषतां सर्वधन्विनाम्।
Thereupon, O mighty monarch, Bhishma having invoked into existence a celestial weapon rushed at the son of Kunti even before the very eyes of all bowmen.

तं शिखण्डी रणे यान्तमभ्यद्रवत दंशितः॥ ततः समाहरद् भीष्मस्तदस्त्रं पावकोपमम्।
Then clad in mail Shikhandin confronted him rushing in battle. Whereupon Bhishma withdrew that dare resembling fire itself.

त्वरितः पाण्डवो राजन् मध्यमः श्वेतवाहनः। निजघ्ने तावकं सैन्यं मोहयित्वा पितामहम्॥
Meanwhile Kunti's son owning white steeds having confounded the grandsire began to slaughter your forces.