The dreadful battle and carnage

संजय उवाच अभिमन्युर्महाराज तव पुत्रमयोधयत्। महत्या सेनया युक्तं भीष्महेतोः पराक्रमी॥
Sanjaya said Then for the sake of Bhishma's slaughter, the highly powerful Abhimanyu, o mighty monarch, engaged with your son supported by his large division.

दुर्योधनो रणे कार्ष्णि नवभिनतपर्वभिः। आजघानोरसि क्रुद्धः पुनश्चैनं त्रिभिः शरैः॥
Thereupon king Duryodhana waxing worth, pierced Krishna's nephew, on the beast first with nine arrows of straight knots, and then again with three shafts.

तस्य शक्तिं रणे कार्णिभृत्यो?रां स्वसामिव। प्रेषयामास संक्रुद्धो दुर्योधनरथं प्रति॥
Then in that battle, Krishna's nephew, inflamed with wrath, let go at the car of Duryodhana his lance that looked like the sister of Death himself.

तामापतन्तीं सहसा घोररूपा विशाम्पते। द्विधा चिच्छेद ते पुत्रः क्षुरप्रेण महारथः॥ तां शक्तिं पतितां दृष्ट्वा कार्ष्णिः परमकोपनः। दुर्योधनं त्रिभिर्बाणैर्बाह्वोरुरसि चार्पयत्॥
arms O majesty! Your son Duryodhana splitted up in two pieces that pierce Sakti by throwing a Kshurapra in defence when that great chariot holder saw it suddenly approaching very fast towards him. When the son of Arjuna saw that Sakti so splitted, he filled with anger and gave hard blows on the chest and of Duryodhana.

पुनश्चैनं शोरैराजघान स्तनान्तरे। दशभिर्भरतश्रेष्ठ भरतानां महारथः॥
Then the battle that raged between the two horses became awful and admirable to look at; and, O Bharata, it was gratifying to the senses and applauded by the rulers of earth.

तद् युद्धमभवद् घोरं चित्ररूपं च भारत। इन्द्रियप्रीतिजननं सर्वपार्थिवपूजितम्॥ भीष्मस्य निधनार्थाय पार्थस्य विजयाय च।
The two heroes, viz., the son of Subhadra and the chief of the Kurus, fought fiercely with one another, the former for bringing about the slaughter of Bhishma and the latter for gaining victory over Arjuna.

युयुधाते रणे वीरौ सौभद्रकुरुपुङ्गवौ॥ सात्यकिं रभसं युद्धे द्रौणिर्ब्राह्मणपुङ्गवः। आजघानोरसि क्रुद्धो नाराचेन परंतपः॥
Then that afflicter of foes, viz., Drona's son that foremost of Brahmanas encountering Satyaki in battle and waxing worth, pierced the latter on the breast with a long shaft.

शैनेयोऽपि गुरोः पुत्रं सर्वमर्मसु भारत। अताडयदमेयात्मा नवभिः कङ्कवाजितैः॥
Then that grandson of Shini also possessed of generous heart, with nine shafts winged with Kanka feathers, pierced the preceptor's son, O Bharata, in all his vital parts.

अश्वत्थामा तु समरे सात्यकि नवभिः शरैः। त्रिंशता च पुनस्तूर्णं बाह्वोरुरसि चार्पयत्॥
Thereupon Ashvathama pierced Satyaki in that battle, first with nine shafts, and next with thirty more on the breast and the arms.

सोऽतिविद्धो महेष्वासो द्रोणपुत्रेण सात्वतः। द्रोणपुत्रं त्रिभिर्बाणैराजघान महायशाः॥
Then that illustrious descendant of the Satvata race that great bowman thus deeply pierced by the son of Drona struck the latter with three shafts in return.

पौरवो धृष्टकेतुं च शरैराच्छाद्य संयुगे। बहुधा दारयांचने महेष्वासं महारथः॥
The mighty car-warrior, the descendant of the Kuru having covered that fierce, bowman, viz., Dhrishtaketu with his shafts, wounded the latter on many parts of his body.

तथैव पौरवं युद्धे धृष्टकेतुर्महारथः। त्रिंशता निशितैर्बाणैर्विव्याधाशु महाभुजः॥
Similarly the mighty car-warrior Dhrishtketu endued with great might, pierced in that battle that descendant of Kuru with three hundred shafts of great sharpness.

पौरवस्तु धनुश्छित्त्वा धृष्टकेतोर्महारथः। ननाद बलवन्नादं विव्याध च शितैः शरैः॥
Thereupon the descendant of Puru, that mighty car-warrior, having cut off the bow of Dhrishtaketu uttered a loud roar and pierced the latter with many sharp arrows.

सोऽन्यत् कार्मुकमादाय पौरवं निशितैः शरैः। आजघान महाराज त्रिसप्तत्या शिलीमुखैः॥
The latter then taking up another bow, wounded, o king, that descendant of Kuru, with seventy three sharp shafts whetted on stone.

तौ तु तत्र महेष्वासो महामात्रौ महारथौ। महता शरवर्षेण परस्परमविध्यताम्॥
Then those two fierce bowmen, both mighty car-warriors, and of gigantic proportions pierced each other with their thick arrows showers.

अन्योन्यस्य धनुश्छित्त्वा हयान् हत्वा च भारत। विरथावसियुद्धाय समीयतुरमर्षणौ॥
Then, O Bharata, those two heroes waxed up with rage, having cut off one another's bow and slain one another's steeds, and being thus deprived of the use of their cars, rushed against one another for fighting with the sword.

आर्षभे चर्मणी चित्रे शतचन्द्रपुरस्कृते। तारकाशतचित्रे च निस्त्रिंशौ सुमहाप्रभौ॥ प्रगृह्य विमलौ राजस्तावन्योमभिद्रुतौ। वासितासंगमे यत्तौ सिंहाविव महावने।॥
Then, O king taking up two resplendent shields, made of bull's hide, and embossed and decked with hundred beautiful stars and moons on the ground, as also taking up two swords of dazzling effulgence, those two warriors assailed one another, like two lions, in deep woods, both striving to consort with the same lioness in her season.

मण्डलानि विचित्राणि गतप्रत्यागतानि च। चेरतुर्दर्शयन्तौ च प्रार्थयन्तौ परस्परम्॥
Longing to get near each other, they wheeled and inoved, displaying various charming circles and various forward and backward movements.

पौरवो धृष्टकेतुं तु शङ्खदेशे महासिना। ताडयामास संक्रुद्धस्तिष्ठ तिष्ठेति चाब्रवीत्॥
Then the wrathful descendant of Puru, with his huge sword, struck Dhrishtaketu on the frontal bone, saying at the same time 'Stop, stop.'

चेदिराजोऽपि समरे पौरवं पुरुषर्षभम्। आजघान शिताग्रेण जत्रुदेशे महासिना॥
The ruler of the Chedis also, with the sharp end of his mighty sword, wounded that descendant of Puru, that foremost of men, on his shoulder joint.

तावन्योन्यं महाराज समासाद्य महाहवे। अन्योन्यवेगाभिहतौ निपेततुररिंदमौ॥ ततः स्वरथमारोप्य पौरवं तनयस्तव। जयत्सेनो रथेनाजावपोवाह रणाजिरात्॥
Then, O mighty monarch, those two subduers of foes, rushing against one another in that fierce combat, fell down, overthrown by one another's velocity. Thereupon your son Jayatsena taking up the descendant of Puru carried him away from the field of battle on his own vehicle.

धृष्टकेतुं तु समरे माद्रीपुत्रः प्रतापवान्। अपोवाह रणे क्रुद्धः सहदेवः पराक्रमी॥ चित्रसेनः सुशर्माणं विद्ध्वा बहुभिरायसैः। पुनर्विव्याध तं षष्ट्या पुनश्च नवभिः शरैः॥
The highly powerful son of Madri, viz., Sahadeva, possessed of great prowess and heroism bore away Dhrishtaketu from the field on his own car. Chitrasena having pierced Susharma with many iron shafts, again pierced him with sixty and again with nine shafts.

सुशर्मा तु रणे क्रुद्धस्तव पुत्रं विशाम्पते। दशभिर्दशभिश्चैव विव्याध निशितैः शरैः॥
Susharma also waxing worth in battle, O ruler of men, pierced your son with sets of ten sharp arrows each time.

चित्रसेनश्च तं राजंस्त्रिंशता नतपर्वभिः। आजधान रणे क्रुद्धः स च तं प्रत्यविध्यत॥
He also pierced Chitrasena, O king, with nine shafts of depressed knot; then the latter inflamed with rage in battle pierced the former in return (with many shafts compassing the death).

भीष्मस्य समरे राजन् यशो मानं च वर्धयन्। सौभद्रो राजपुत्रं तु बृहद्बलमयोधयत्॥
Then in that conflict for Bhishma 0 king, Subhadra's son, acquiring great fame and honour fought with prince Brihadbala,

पार्थहेतोः पराक्रान्तो भीष्मस्यायोधनं प्रति। आर्जुनि कोसलैन्द्रस्तु विद्ध्वा पञ्चभिरायसैः॥
Displaying his prowess, for helping his father Arjuna then rushing at the car of Bhishma. Then the ruler of the Kosalas having pierced Arjuna's son with five dares made of iron,

पुनर्विव्याध विंशत्या शरैः संनतपर्वभिः। सौभद्रः कोसलेन्द्रं तु विव्याधाष्टभिरायसैः॥
Once more pierced him with twenty shafts of straight knots. Then Subhadra's son pierced the ruler of the Kosalas with eight iron made dares.

नाकम्पयत संग्रामे विव्याध च पुनः शरैः। कौसल्यस्य धनुश्चापि पुनश्चिच्छेद फाल्गुनिः॥ आजघान शरैश्चापि त्रिंशता कङ्कपत्रिभिः। सोऽन्यत् कार्मुकमादाय राजपुत्रो बृहद्बलः॥ फाल्गुनिं समरे क्रुद्धो विव्याध बहुभिः शरैः। तयोर्युद्धं समभवद् भीष्महेतोः परंतप॥ संरब्धयोर्महाराज समरे चित्रयोधिनोः। यथा देवासुरे युद्धे बलिवासवयोरभूत्॥
But he could not make the latter tremble in battle before him, and so again pierced him with many arrows. Then the son of Phalguna cut off the bow of the Kosala king once more; and he struck him with thirty shafts furnished with wings of the Kanka feather. Thereupon that prince Brihadbala taking up another bow, and waxing irascible, pierced with many an arrow the son of Phalguna. Indeed, O afflicter of enemies, the battle, that took place for the sake of Bhishma, between them both, O king, inflamed with anger and both well versed in all manner of warfare, was like that between Bali and Vasava in the days of yore on the occasion of the war between the celestial and the Asuras.

भीमसेनो गजानीकं योधयन् बह्वशोभत। यथा शक्रो वज्रपाणिर्दारयन् पर्वतोत्तमान्॥
Bhimasena then fighting with the elephant division looked highly beautiful, like the wielder of the thunder bolt himself running upon the mountains.

ते वध्यमाना भीमेन मातङ्गा गिरिसंनिभाः। निपेतुरुवा॒ सहिता नादयन्तो वसुन्धराम्॥
Those elephants, huge bodied like the hills, being thus slaughtered in battle fell down on the earth in large numbers, filling the earth with their roars.

गिरिमात्रा हि ते नागा भिन्नाञ्जनचयोपमाः। विरेजुर्वसुधां प्राप्ता विकीर्णा इव पर्वताः॥
Those elephants prodigious like hills and resembling broken heaps of antimony appeared beautiful, as they lay prostrate, like so many mountains covering the earth's surface.

युधिष्ठिरो महेष्वासो मद्रराजानमाहवे। महत्या सेनया गुप्तं पीडयामास संगतम्॥
Then king Yudhishthira that great bowman, protected by a mighty division encountering the Madra king in battle began to afflict him sorely.

मद्रेश्वरश्च समरे धर्मपुत्रं महारथम्। पीडयामास संरब्धो भीष्महेतोः पराक्रमी॥
The highly powerful ruler of the Madras also, for the sake of rescuing Bhishma began to afflict that mighty car-warrior the son of Dharma in battle.

विराटं सैन्धवो राजा विद्ध्वा संनतपर्वभिः। नवभिः सायकैस्तीक्ष्णैस्त्रिंशता पुनरार्पयत्॥
The king of the Sindhus having pierced Virata with nine shafts of straight knots once more pierced him with thirty shafts of keen edges.

विराटश्च महाराज सैन्धवं वाहिनीपतिः। त्रिंशद्भिर्निशितैर्बाणैराजघान स्तनान्तरे॥ चित्रकार्मुकनिस्त्रिंशो चित्रवर्मायुधध्वजौ। रेजतुश्चित्ररूपौ तौ संग्रामे मत्स्यसैन्धवौ॥ द्रोणः पाञ्चालपुत्रेण समागम्य महारणे। महासमुदयं चक्रे शरैः संनतपर्वभिः॥ ततो द्रोणो महाराज पार्षतस्य महद् धनुः। छित्त्वा पञ्चाशतेषूणां पार्षतं समविध्यत॥ सोऽन्यत् कार्मुकमादाय पार्षतः परवीरहा। द्रोणस्य मिषतो युद्धे प्रेषयामास सायकान्॥
Then Virata also that leader of a division, O king, in return pierced the ruler of the Sindhus with thirty sharp arrows between his breast. Then those two kings of the Matsyas and the Sindhus, both of charming appearance and both furnished with beautiful armours, weapons and standards, and both wielding excellent bows and swords, appeared highly resplendent. Then Drona being engaged in that dreadful battle with the son of the Panchala king, fought on fiercely with arrows of close knots.

ताज्छराज्छरघातेन चिच्छेद स महारथः। द्रोणो द्रुपदपुत्राय प्राहिणोत् पञ्च सायकान्॥ ततः क्रुद्धो महाराज पार्षतः परवीरहा। द्रोणाय चिक्षेप गदां यमदण्डोपमां रणे॥
Then Drona, O mighty monarch, having cut off the mighty bow of Prishata's son pierced latter with a set of five shafts. Then that slayer of hostile heroes namely Prishata's son, took up another bow, and then he hurled at Drona a terrible mace resembling the bludgeon of Death himself.

तामापतन्ती सहसा हेमपट्टविभूषिताम्। शरैः पञ्चाशता द्रोणो वारयामास संयुगे॥ सा छिन्ना बहुधा राजन् द्रोणचापच्युतैः शरैः। चूर्णीकृता विशीर्यन्ती पपात वसुधातले॥ गदां विनिहतां दृष्ट्वा पार्षतः शत्रुतापनः। द्रोणाय शक्तिं चिक्षेप सर्वपारसवीं शुभाम्॥
Then Drona with fifty shafts, in that battle repulsed that mace decked with plates of gold as it flew swiftly towards himself. Then, O king, that mace cut into fragments by the arrows shot from Drona's bow, and splintered and shattered into pierces, fell down on the surface of the earth. Beholding his mace thus destroyed that afflicter of foes viz., the son of Prishata hurled at Drona his lance, excellent, and made of iron.

तां द्रोणो नवभिर्बाणैश्चिच्छेद युधि भारत। पार्षतं च महेष्वासं पीडयामास संयुगे॥ एवमेतन्महायुद्धं द्रोणपार्षतयोरभूत्। भीष्मं प्रति महाराज घोररूपं भयानकम्॥ अर्जुन: प्राप्य गाङ्गेयं पीडयन् निशितैः शरैः। अभ्यद्रवत संयत्तो वने मत्तमिव द्विपम्॥ प्रत्युद्ययौ च तं राजा भगदत्तः प्रतापवान्। त्रिधा भिन्नेन नागेन मदान्धेन महाबलः॥ तमापतन्तं सहसा महेन्द्रगजसंनिभम्। परं यत्नं समास्थाय बीभत्सुः प्रत्यपद्यत॥
Drona, O Bharata, cut off that lance with nine arrows in the battle; and he then began to afflict the great bowman, viz., Prishata's son on battle. Then, O mighty monarch, for the sake of Bhishma, regard the fierce battle between Drona and Prishata's son, battle that was dreadful to the extreme and terrible in its aspects. Then Arjuna sighting the son of Ganga rushed at him discharging sharp arrows, like an infuriate elephant rushing in the woods at a compeer in the same state.

ततो गजगतो राजा भगदत्तः प्रतापवान्। अर्जुनं शरवर्षेण वारयामास संयुगे॥ अर्जुनस्तु ततो नागमायान्तं रजतोपमैः। विमलैरायसैस्तीक्ष्णैरविध्यत महारणे॥
The highly puissant king Bhagadatta confronted Arjuna, and held the latter in check with a thick shower of arrows. Thereupon Arjuna pierced the elephant of Bhagadatta rushing towards himself in battle, with many keep pointed and iron made arrows, all bright as silver.

शिखण्डिनं च कौन्तेयो याहियाहीत्यचोदयत्। भीष्मं प्रति महाराज जोनमिति चाब्रवीत्॥ प्राग्ज्योतिपस्ततो हित्वा पाण्डवं पाण्डुपूर्वज। प्रययौ त्वरितो राजन् दुपदस्य रथं प्रति॥ ततोऽर्जुनो पहाराज भीष्ममभ्यद्रवद् द्रुतम्। शिखण्डिन पुरस्कृत्य ततो युद्धमवर्तत॥ ततस्ते तावकाः शूराः पाण्डवं रभसं युधि। समभ्यधावन् क्रोशनतस्तदद्भुतमिवाभवत्॥ नानाविधान्यननीकानि पुत्राणां ते जनाधिप। अर्जुनो व्यधमत् काले दिवीवाम्राणि मारुतः॥
The son of Kunti, O king, urged on Shikhandin, saying “Advance, advance upon Bhishima and slay him.” Thereupon, O elder brother of Pandu the ruler of the Pragjyotishas abandoning Pandu's son in battle, rushed swiftly, o king, towards the chariot of Draupada. Thereat Arjuna, O mighty monarch, quickly advanced towards Bhishma, with Shikhandin in front of him, and then there raged a (dreadful) fight. Thereupon, in that battle your warriors, uttering fierce yells, rushed quickly at the son of Pandu. Then all this appeared marvelous. Then, O ruler of men, the army of your sons consisting of various divisions Arjuna began to scatter away like a strong gale scattering away clouds in the walk in.

शिखण्डी तु समासाद्य भरतानां पितामहम्। इषुभिस्तूर्णमव्यग्रो बहुभिः स समाचिनोत्॥
Then Shikhandin confronting the grandsire of the Bharatas, pierced patiently the latter with myriad's of shafts.

रथाग्यगारश्चापार्चिरसिशक्तिगदेन्धनः। शरसंघमहाज्वालः क्षत्रियान् समरेऽदहत्॥ यथाग्निः सुमहानिद्धः कक्षे चरति सानिलः। तथा जज्वाल भीष्मोऽपि दिव्यान्यस्त्राण्युदीरयन्॥
Then Bhishma began to consume the Kshatriyas in battle, like a fire, having his chariot for its fire-chambers, his bow for its flames, his swords, lances and maces for its fuel and his numerous shafts for its dreadful scintillation's. Just as a conflagration fed with a constant supply of fuel leaps from house to house being aided by a breeze, so also old displaying his weapons of celestial make.

सोमकांश्च रणे भीष्मो जघ्ने पार्थपदानुगान्। न्यवारयत तत् सैन्यं पाण्डवस्य महारथः॥ सुवर्णपु?रिषुभिः शितैः संनतपर्वभिः। नादयन् स दिशो भीष्मः प्रदिशश्च महाहवे॥
Then that mighty car-warrior Bhishma, holding in check the division of the son of Pandu (Arjuna), slew those Somakas in battle who followed Partha, with arrows furnished with golden wings and of great sharpness and depressed knots; and he filled the points cardinal and subsidiary of the compass with the echoes of his war-cries.

पातयन् रथिनो राजन् हयांश्च सहसादिभिः। मुण्डतालवनानीव चकार स रथव्रजान्॥ निर्मनुष्यान् रथान् राजन् गजानश्वांश्च संयुगे। चकार समरे भीष्मः सर्वशस्त्रभृतां वरः॥ तस्य ज्यातलनिर्घोषं विस्फूर्जितमिवाशनेः। निशम्य सर्वतो राजन् समकन्यन्त सैनिकाः॥ अमोघा न्यपतन् बाणाः पितुस्ते मनुजेश्वर। नासज्जन्त शरीरेषु भीष्मचापच्युताः शराः॥
He dislodged car-warriors from their cars, and felled, O king, horsemen with their chargers; he also made the mighty car-division look like Palmyra groves, with trees deprived of their leafy heads. Then Bhishma that foremost of all wielders of weapons deprived, 0 king, the cars, the chargers and the elephants, of their respective riders, in that battle. The troops then, O king, began to tremble, hearing the twang of his bow-string and the slap of his palms, that resembled the thunder itself. Indeed, O lord of men, the arrows of Bhishma did never fail to hit their marks. Shot from his bow, the arrows did not stick merely on the skin of warriors and animals.

निर्मनुष्यान् रथान् राजन् सुयुक्चाञ्जवनैर्हयैः। वातायमानानद्राक्षं ह्रियमाणान् विशाम्पते॥
Then, O king, O ruler of men, we beheld cars deprived of their riders, dragged on all side, with the velocity of the wind by the fleet steeds that were yoked to them.

चेदिकाशिकरूषाणां सहस्राणि चतुर्दशा महारथाः समाख्याताः कुलपुत्रास्तनुत्यजः॥ अपरावर्तिनः शूराः सुवर्णविकृतध्वजाः। संग्रामे भीष्मपासाद्य सवाजिरथकुञ्जराः॥ जग्मुस्ते परलोकाय व्यादितास्यमिवान्तकम्। न तत्रासीद् रणे राजन् सोमकानां महारथः॥
Full fourteen thousand high famed mighty car-warriors of illustrious extraction, ready to sacrifice their lives in battle, and unretreating and heroic, and owner of standards adorned with gold, all belonging to the race of the Chedis, the Kashis and Karushas, confronting the heroic Bhishma who them appeared like Death himself worth mouth wide open, were swiftly dispatched to the other world with all their cars, elephants and chargers. There was not a single mighty car-warrior, O king, among the Somakas,

यः सम्प्राप्य रणे भीष्मं जीविते स्म मनो दधे। तांश्चं सर्वान् रणे योधान् प्रेतराजपुरं प्रति॥ नीतानमन्यन्त जना दृष्ट्वा भीष्मस्य विक्रमम्। न कश्चिदेनं समरे प्रत्युद्याति महारथः॥
Who having confronted Bhishma in that battle, was able to return alive from the engagement. Beholding all those warriors dispatched to the domain of the lord of the departed, people then thought high of Bhishma's prowess. No car-warrior then ventured to encounter that hero.

ऋते पाण्डुसुतं वीरं श्वेताश्वं कृष्णसारथिम्। शिखण्डिनं च समरे पाञ्चाल्यममितौजसम्॥
Save and except that heroic son of Pandu, owning cream-coloured steeds, and having Krishna for his charioteer, and that prince of the Panchalas, Shikhandin of immeasurable energy.