The prowess of Bhishma and Arjuna

संजय उवाच अर्जुनस्तु रणे शल्यं यतमानं महारथम्। छादयामास समरे शरैः संनतपर्वभिः॥
Sanjaya said Arjuna covered over with his arrows of straight knots that mighty car-warrior Shalya who had been fighting very carefully.

सुशर्माणं कृपं चैव त्रिभिस्त्रिभिरविध्यता प्राग्ज्योतिषं च समरे सैन्धवं च जयद्रथम्॥
He pierced Susharma and Kripa, each with three shafts; then in that battle, the ruler of the Pragjyotishas, Jayadratha, the ruler of the Sindhus,

चित्रसेनं विकर्णं च कृतवर्माणमेव च। दुर्मर्षणं च राजेन्द्र ह्यावन्त्यौ च महारथौ॥
Chitrasena, Vikarna, Kritavarma, Durmarshana and, o king, the foremost carwarriors from I.vanti,

एकैकं त्रिभिरानछेत् कङ्कबर्हिणवाजितैः। शरैरतिरथो युद्धे पीडयन् वाहिनीं तव॥
All these warriors were pierced each with three shafts winged with Kanka and peacock feathers, by the Atiratha Arjuna, who had been afflicting your army.

जयद्रथो रणे पार्थं विद्ध्वा भारत सायकैः। भीमं विव्याध तरसा चित्रसेनरथे स्थितः॥
Then, O Bharata, Jayadratha who was riding on the car of Chitrasena, having pierced Partha in battle, pierced Bhima also with his arrows.

शल्यश्च समरे जिष्णु कृपश्च रथिनां वरः। विव्यधाते महाराज बहुधा मर्मभेदिभिः॥
Shalya and Kripa those foremost of carwarriors also pierced in battle, Jishnu with myriads of shafts. O king, each capable to penetrating into the very vitals.

चित्रसेनादयश्चैव पुत्रास्तव विशाम्पते। पञ्चभिः पञ्चभिस्तूर्णं संयुगे निशितैः शरैः॥ आजजुरर्जुनं संख्ये भीमसेनं च मारिष। तौ तत्र रथिनां श्रेष्ठौ कौन्तेयौ भरतर्षभौ॥
Then, O ruler of men, your sons headed by Chitrasena, in that battle quickly pierced Bhima and Arjuna, O sire, each shooting five arrows of exceeding sharpness. Then these two foremost of car-warriors the two illustrious descendants of the Bharata race, viz., the sons of Kunti.

अपीडयेतां समरे त्रिगर्तानां महद् बलम्। सुशर्माऽपि रणे पार्थं शरैर्नवभिराशुगैः॥
Afflicted in battle the mighty division of Trigarta troops; thereupon Susharma pierced Partha in battle with nine swift causing arrows.

ननाद बलवन्नादं त्रासयानो महद् बलम्। अन्ये च रथिनः शूरा भीमसेनधनंजयौ॥ विव्यधुनिशितैर्बाणै रुक्मपुखैरजिह्मगैः। तेषां च रथिनां मध्ये कौन्तेयौ भरतर्षभौ॥ क्रीडमानौ रथोदारौ चित्ररूपौ व्यदृश्यताम्। आमिषेप्सू गवां मध्ये सिंहाविव मदोत्कटौ॥
And then he roared out his fierce war-cry, striking, terror into the heart of the enemy's host. ther heroic car-warriors pierced Bhimasena and Dhananjaya with straight-going exceedingly sharp arrows, all furnished with golden wings. Those two foremost descendants of the Bharata race, viz., the two sons of Kunti, sporting on their cars amidst those carwarriors, appeared beautiful, and resembled two enraged lions loO king out for flesh amidst a herd of cows.

छित्त्वा धनूंषि शूराणां शरांश्च बहुधा रणे। पातयामासतुर्वीरौ शिरांसि शतशो नृणाम्॥
Cutting off the bows and arrows of the heroes in battle, those two fierce warriors began to fell the heads of men by hundreds.

रथाश्च बहवो भग्ना हयाच शतशो हताः। गजाश्च सगजारोहा: पेतुरु। महाहवे॥
Many cars were shattered; and steeds by hundreds were slain and in that fierce conflict, elephants with their riders fell on the ground by hundreds.

रथिन: सादिनश्चापि तत्र तत्र निषूदिताः। दृश्यन्ते बहवो राजन् वेपमानाः समन्ततः॥
Here and there car-warriors and horse-men were slain; and many were seen to tremble en all sides.

छत्रैश्च बहुधा छिन्नैर्ध्वजैश्च विनिपातितः। अङ्कुशैरपविद्धैश्च परिस्तोमैश्च भारत॥ केयूरैरङ्गदैर्हारै राङ्कवैर्मृदितैस्तथा। उष्णीषैर्ऋष्टिभिश्चैव चामरव्यजनैरपि॥
The earth there was covered with fell down many umbrellas, flags, Ankushas, hunters, the ornaments like Keyura, Angada, garland and gem-studded ear-rings, the delicate hide of Ranku stag, turbans of warriors, Rishti etc. weapons and with Camara and Vyajana etc.

तत्र तत्रापविद्धैश्च बाहुभिश्चन्दनोक्षितैः। ऊरुभिश्च नरेन्द्राणां समास्तीर्यत मेदिनी॥
The battle-field was layered fully with the cut-off and fell everywhere the sandal smeared arms and the legs of the kings slaughtered there.

हतैर्गजपदात्योधैर्वाजिभिश्च निषूदितैः। स्थैश्च बहुधा भग्नैः समास्तीर्यत मेदिनी॥
The earth become strewn over with slain elephants, and mangled foot-soldiers and chargers, and with cars broken into splinters.

तत्राद्भुतमपश्याम रणे पार्थस्य विक्रमम्। शरैः संवार्य तान् वीरान् यज्जघान महाबलः॥
In that battle we bcheld the marvelous prowess of the mighty Arjuna, in as much as, checking those heroes by his shafts, he slew troops by hundreds.

पुत्रस्तु तव तं दृष्ट्वा भीमार्जुनपराक्रमम्। गाङ्गेयस्य रथाभ्यासमुपजग्मे महाबलः॥
Mighty Duryodhana, your son himself was frightened to see that valour as exhibited by Bhimasena and Arjuna. Hence, he rushed soon near the chariot of Bhishma, the son of Ganga.

कृपश्च कृतवर्मा च सैन्धवश्च जयद्रथः। विन्दानुविन्दाबावन्त्यौ नाजहुः संयुगं तदा॥
Then Kripa and Kritavarman, and Jayadratha the ruler of the Sindhus, and Vinda and Anuvinda from Avanti, did not abandon the fight.

ततो भीमो महेष्वासः फाल्गुनश्च महारथः। कौरवाणां चमू घोरां भृशं दुद्रुवतू रणे॥
Then the fierce bowman Bhima and the mighty car-warrior Phalguna began to crush severely the dreadful army of the Kurus.

ततो बर्हिणवाजनामयुतान्यर्बुदानि च। धनंजयरथे तूर्णं पातयन्ति स्म भूमिपाः॥
Thereupon, the rulers of earth quickly began to pour on the car of Dhananjaya thousands and thousands of arrows.

ततस्ताशरजालेन संनिवार्य महारथान्। पार्थः समन्तात् समरे प्रेषयमास मृत्यवे॥
Then checking those mighty car-warriors with the net-work of arrows woven by himself, Partha began to dispatch them to the regions of Death.

शल्यस्तु समरे जिष्णु क्रीडन्निव महारथः। आजघानोरसि क्रुद्धो भल्लैः संनतपर्वभिः॥
Then in that battle, the mighty car-warrior Shalya inflamed with wrath, pierced, as if sporting, Vishnu on the breast with broadheaded and straight-knotted shafts.

तस्य पार्थो धनुश्छित्त्वा हस्तावापं च पञ्चभिः। अथैनं सायकैस्तीक्ष्णैर्भृशं विव्याध मर्मणि।॥
Then Partha having cut off the former's bow and gloves with five arrows, pierced him in his vital parts with arrows of great sharpness.

अथान्यद् धनुरादाय समरे भारसाधनम्। मद्रेश्वरो रणे जिष्णु ताडयामास रोषितः॥
Thereupon taking up another bow capable of bearing great strain, the ruler of the Madras waxing worth, pierced Vishnu in battle,

त्रिभिः शरैर्महाराज वासुदेवं च पञ्चभिः। भीमसेनं च नवभिर्वाह्वोरुरसि चार्पयत्॥
With three arrows, and the son of Vasudeva with five and Bhimasena on the breast and arms with nine shafts.

ततो द्रोणो महाराज मागधश्च महारथः। दुर्योधनसमादिष्टौ तं देशमुपजग्मतुः॥
Then, O monarch, Drona and the king of the Magadhas, both being commanded by Duryodhana, hide to that spot,

यत्र पार्थो महाराज भीमसेनश्च पाण्डवः। कौरव्यस्य महासेनां जघ्नतुः सुमहारथौ॥
Where the two mighty car-warriors, Partha and Bhimasena, the sons of Pandu, had been slaughtering the mighty divisions of the Kaurava host.

जयत्सेनस्तु समरे भीमं भीमायुधं युधि। विव्याध निशितैर्बाणैरष्टभिर्भरतर्षभ।॥
O foremost of the Bharatas, then Jayatsena in that battle Bhimasena possessed of terrible weapon, with eight sharp arrows.

तं भीमो दशभिर्विद्ध्वा पुनर्विव्याध पञ्चभिः। सारथिं चास्य भल्लेन रथनीडादपातयत्॥
Then Bhima piercing him with ten shafts again pierced him with five, and he felled the latter's charioteer from his seat on the box of the car.

उद्भ्रान्तैस्तुरगैः सोऽथ द्रवमाणैः समन्ततः। मागधौऽपसृतो राजा सर्वसैन्यस्य पश्यतः॥
Then borne by the unrestrained steeds flying hither and thither, the ruler of the Magadhas was carried away from the field of battle even before the every eyes of the onloO king troops.

द्रोणश्च विवरं दृष्ट्वा भीमसेनं शिलीमुखैः। विव्याध बाणैर्निशितैः पञ्चषष्टिभिरायसैः॥
Then, O foremost of the Bharatas, Drona availing himself of an weakness of Bhima pierced the latter with eight keen pointed dares whetted on stone.

तं भीमः समरश्लाघी गुरुं पितृसमं रणे। विव्याध पञ्चभिर्भल्लैस्तथा षष्ट्या च भारत॥
Then, O Bharata, Bhima, that hero ever proud in battle, pierced his sire-like preceptor first with five broad-headed arrows and then with another sixty of the same.

अर्जुनस्तु सुशर्माणं विद्ध्वा बहुभिरायसैः। व्यधमत् तस्य तत्सैन्यं महाभ्राणि यथाऽनिलः॥
Arjuna also having pierced king Susharma with many shafts of iron, began to scatter the latter's host like a tempest scattering mighty masses of clouds.

ततोभीष्मश्च राजा च कौसल्यश्च बृहद्बलः। समवर्तन्त संक्रुद्धा भीमसेनधनंजयौ॥
Thereupon Bhishma, king Duryodhana himself, the ruler of the Kosalas and Brihadbala, all excited with rage assailed in a body Bhimasena and Dhananjaya.

तथैव पाण्डवाः शूरा धृष्टद्युम्नश्च पार्घतः। अभ्यद्रवन् रणे भीष्म व्यादितास्यमिवान्तकम्॥
So also the Pandava heroes, Prishata's son Dhrishtadyumna and others, rushed against Bhishma who then resembled Death with mouth wide open.

शिखण्डी तु समासाद्य भरतानां पितामहम्। अभ्यद्रवत संहृष्टो भयं त्यक्त्वा महारथात्॥
Shikhandin also approaching the grandsire of the Bharatas delightedly rushed at him, harboring no fear from that mighty car-warrior.

युधिष्ठिरमुखाः पार्थाः पुरस्कृत्य शिखण्डिनम्। अयोधयन् रणे भीष्मं सहिताः सर्वसुंजयैः॥
The Partha's accompanied by the Srinjayas, and headed by Yudhishthira himself, with Shikhandin at their van fought on with Bhishma.

तथैव तावकाः सर्वे पुरस्कृत्य यतव्रतम्। शिखण्डिप्रमुखान् पार्थान् योधयन्ति स्म संयुगे॥
Similarly all your warriors with Bhishma of regulated vows at their forefront fought with the Partha warriors headed by Shikhandin.

ततः प्रववृते युद्धं कौरवाणां भयावहम्। तत्र पाण्डुसुतैः सार्धं भीष्मस्य विजयं प्रति॥
Then the contest that ensued between the sons of Pandu and the Kauravas for the conquest of Bhishma, became terrible to the extreme.

तावकानां जये भीष्मो ग्लह आसीद् विशाम्पते। तत्र हि द्यूतमासक्तं विजयायेतराय वा॥
In that battle, O ruler of men, that may be compared to a game at dice, for the sake of victory or the reverse, Bhishma was the stake of your warriors.

धृष्टद्युम्नस्तु राजेन्द्र सर्वसैन्यान्यचोदयत्। अभ्यद्रवत गाङ्गेयं मा भैष्टं रथसत्तमाः॥
Then, 0 foremost of kings, Dhrishtadyumna urged on the troops to assail Ganga's son exclaiming, “Fear not, O excelient car-warriors.”

सेनापतिवचः श्रुत्वा पाण्डवानां वरूथिनी। भीष्मं समभ्यात् तूर्णं प्राणांस्त्यक्त्वा महाहवे॥
Hearing the words of their generallissimo, the division of the Pandavas disregarding their lives quickly rushed at Bhishma.

भीष्मोऽपि रथिनां श्रेष्ठः प्रतिजग्राह तां चमूम्। आपतन्ती महाराज वेलामिव महोदधिः॥
Like the banks receiving the surging waves of the mighty main, Bhishma also, O monarch, that foremost of car-warrior, received that assailing host of the enemy.