Single-combats between the hostile heroes

संजय उवाच सात्यकिं दंशितं युद्धे भीष्मायाभ्युद्यतं रणे। आर्ण्यशृङ्गिर्महेष्वासो वारयामास संयुगे॥
Sanjaya said The son of Rishyashringa, that fierce bowman resisted in battle Satyaki, who clad in mail was rushing towards Bhishma in battle.

माधवस्तु सुसंक्रुद्धो राक्षसं नवभिः शरैः। आजघान रणे राजन् प्रहसन्निव भारत॥
Thereupon, O king, he of Madhu's race, wrought up with rage, wounded the Rakshasa with nine shafts, as if smiling.

तथैव राक्षसौ राजन् माधवं नवभिः शरैः। अर्दयामास राजेन्द्र संक्रुद्धः शिनिपुङ्गवम्॥
So also, O king, the enraged Rakshasa with nine shafts afflicted the illustrious grandson of Shini of the race of Madhu.

शैनेयः सरसंघं तु प्रेषयामास संयुगे। राक्षसाय सुसंक्रुद्धो माधवः परवीरहा॥
Then that slayer of hostile heroes that descendant of Madhu race viz., the grandson of Shini, excited to the highest pitch of fury, shot numerous shafts at the Rakshasa in battle.

ततो रक्षो महाबाहुं सात्यकिं सत्यविक्रमम्। विव्याध विशिखैस्तीक्ष्णैः सिंहनादं ननाद च।॥
Then the mighty-armed Rakshasa, O you uf prowess incapable of being baffled, pierced Satyaki with sharp arrows and uttered aloud his war-cry.

माधवस्तु भृशं विद्धो राक्षसेन रणे तदा। वार्यमाणश्च तेजस्वी जहास च ननाद च॥
Then that powerful descendant of Madhu's race also, though deeply pierced by Rakshasa, depending on his own energy, smiled and uttered his war-cry.

भगदत्तस्ततः क्रुद्धो माधवं निशितैः शरैः। ताडयामास समरे तोत्रैरिव महागजम्॥
Then, Bhagadatta, wrought up with wrath in battle, pierced with whetted shafts that descendant of Madhu's race, like a guide piercing a huge elephant with a hook.

विहाय राक्षसं युद्धे शैनेयो रथिनां वरः। प्राग्ज्योतिषाय चिक्षेप शरान् संनतपर्वणः॥
Then leaving alone the Rakshasa in battle, that foremost of car-warriors namely the grandson of Shini, hurled dares of depressed knots against the ruler of the Pragjyotishas.

तस्य प्राग्ज्योतिषो राजा माधवस्य महद् धनुः। चिच्छेद शतधारेण भल्लेन कृतहस्तवत्॥
Then the ruler of the Pragjyotishas with a sharp-edged broad headed shaft cut off the mighty bow of the descendant of Madhu's race, displaying great lightness of hand.

अथान्यद् धनुरादाय वेगवत् परवीरहा। भगदत्तं रणे क्रुद्ध विव्याध निशितैः शरैः॥
Thereupon, that slayer of hostile heroes, taking up another bow of great toughness, pierced the enraged Bhagadatta with sharp shafts in battle.

सोऽतिविद्धो महेष्वासः सृक्किणी परिसंलिहन्। शक्तिं कनकवैदूर्यभूषितामायसीं दृढाम्॥ यमदण्डोपमा घोरां चिक्षेप परमाहवे। तामांपतन्ती सहसा तस्य बाहुबलेरिताम्॥ सात्यकिः समरे राजन् द्विधाचिच्छेद सायकैः। ततः पपात सहसा महोल्केव हतप्रभा॥
Thus deeply pierced, that mighty bow man, licking the corners of his mouth, hurled at Satyaki an iron lance decked with gold and lapises, of great toughness, and terrible like the mace of Death. Then Satyaki with his arrows cut off that lance, O king, that had been coursing swiftly towards him, being shot by the force of Bhagadatta's arm. Then that lance fell down with force on the ground like a large meteor shorn of its splendour.

शक्तिं विनिहतां दृष्ट्वा पुत्रस्तव विशाम्पते। महता रथवंशेन वारयामास माधवम्॥
Beholding that lance to be baffled, your son, O ruler of men, checked him of Madhu's race, surrounding him with a large number of cars,

तथा परिवृतं दृष्ट्वा वार्ष्णेयानां महारथम्। दुर्योधनो भृशं क्रुद्धो भ्रातॄन् सर्वानुवाच ह॥
Then seeing that mighty car-warrior of the Vrishni race thus surrounded, king Duryodhana highly excited with rage, thus spoke to his brothers.

तथा कुरुत कौरव्या यथा वः सात्यको युधि। न जीवन् प्रतिनिर्याति महतोऽस्माद् रथव्रजात्॥
“Do you all so strive, O Kurus, that this Satyaki may not return back with his life from this mighty host of chariots.

तस्मिन् हते हतं मन्ये पाण्डवानां महद् बलम्। तथेति च वचस्तस्य परिगृह्य महारथाः॥
If he be slain, I may then consider the whole host of the Pandavas as nothing more than slain.” Then accepting his words by saying 'yea', the mighty car-warriors,

शैनेयं योधयामासुर्भीष्मायाभ्युद्यतं रणे। काम्बोजराजो बलवान् वारयामास संयुगे॥ आर्जुनिं नृपतिविद्ध्वा शरैः संनतपर्वभिः। पुनरेव चतुःषष्ट्या राजन् विव्याध तं नृप॥
Stationed in front of Bhishma began to fight with the grandson of Shini. Then the powerful ruler of the Kambojas checked, in battle, Abhimanyu who had been vigorously advancing against Bhishma. Then the son of Arjuna having pierced the king with arrows of depressed knots,

सुदक्षिणस्तु समरे पुनर्विव्याध पञ्चभिः। सारथिं चास्य नवभिरिच्छन् भोष्मस्य जीवितम्॥ तद् युद्धमासीत् सुमहत् तयोस्तत्र समागमे।
Once more wounded the king with sixty four arrows. Thereupon Sudakshina also, desirous of saving Bhishma's life in battle, pierced Abhimanyu with five shafts and the latter's charioteer with nine arrows. Then the battle that ensued consequent upon the encounter of those two heroes, exceedingly pierce.

यदाभ्यधावद् गाङ्गेयं शिखण्डी शत्रुकर्शनः॥ विराटदुपदौ वृद्धौ वारयन्तौ महाचमूम्। भीष्मं च युधि संरब्धावाद्रवन्तौ महारथौ॥ अश्वत्थामा रणे क्रुद्धः समायाद्रथसत्तमः।
Shikhandin that grinder of foes rushed against the son of Ganga. The two old mighty car-warriors, Draupada and Virata, inflamed with rage, rushed to fight with Bhishma, holding at bay the army of the Kauravas as was they advanced. Thereupon that foremost of carwarriors namely Ashvathama, wrought up with wrath confronted both those warriors in battle.

ततः प्रववृते युद्धं तयोस्तस्य च भारत॥ विराटो दशभिर्भल्लैराजघान परंतप।
Then, O Bharata, a dreadful fight ensued between him and the old heroes. ( afflicter of foes, with ten broad-headed shafts Virata wondered.

यतमानं मद्देष्वासं द्रौणिमाहवशोभिनम्॥ दुपदश्च त्रिभिर्बाणैर्विव्याध निशितैस्तदा।
The mighty bowman, the son of Drona, the ornament of the field of battle as he advanced with velocity towards them. Draupada also with his sharp arrows pierced Ashvathama.

गुरुपुत्रं समासाद्य प्रहरन्तौ महाबलौ॥ अश्वत्थामा ततस्तौ तु विव्याध बहुभिः शरैः।
Then Ashvathama pierced with numerous shafts those two mighty warriors who having neared the son of the preceptor, had been wounding him with arrows.

विराटद्रुपदौ वीरौ भीष्मं प्रति समुद्यतः॥ तत्राद्भुतमपश्याम वृद्धयोश्चरितं महत्।
Still the heroes Virata and Draupada advanced towards Bhishma; we then beheld an admirable feat achieved by those two old warriors,

यद् द्रौणिसायकान् घोरान् प्रत्यवारयतां युधि॥ सहदेवं तथा यान्तं कृपः शारद्वतोऽभ्ययात्।
In as much as they repulsed all the dreadful arrows shot by Drona's son. Then Kripa the son of Sharadvata rushed against the advancing Sahadeva,

यथा नागो वने नागं मत्तो मत्तमुपाद्रवत्॥ कृपश्च समरे शूरो माद्रीपुत्रं महारथम्। आजधान शरैस्तूर्णं सप्तत्या रुक्मभूषणैः॥ तस्य माद्रीसुतश्चापं द्विधा चिच्छेद सायकैः। अथैनं छिन्नधन्वानं विव्याध नवभिः शरैः॥
Like one infuriated elephants rushing against a compeer in the same state, in the woods. Then the heroic Kripa quickly pierced that mighty car-warrior the son of Madri with seventy shafts all decked with golden wings. Then the son of Madri burst his bow in twain with his strong shafts.

सोऽन्यत् कार्मुकमादाय समरे भारसाधनम्। माद्रीपुत्रं सुसंहृष्टो दशभिर्निशितैः शरैः॥
Then the former pierced the latter whose bow has been cut asunder with nine shafts. The latter then taking up another bow capable of bearing great strain.

आजघानोरसि क्रुद्ध इच्छन् भीष्मस्य जीवितम्। तथैव पाण्डवो राजञ्छारद्वतममर्षणम्॥
And desirous of saving the life of Bhishma and excited with anger, struck cheerfully on the breast the son of Madri with ten shafts of exceeding sharpness.

आजघानोरसि क्रुद्धो भीष्मस्य वधकाझ्या। तयोर्युद्धं समभवद् घोररूपं भयावहम्॥
So also, O king, urged by the desire for slaying Bhishma, the son of Pandu also worked up with rage struck the wrathful son of Sharadvata on his breast.

नकुलं तु रणे क्रुद्धो विकर्णः शत्रुतापनः! विव्याध सायकैः षष्ट्या रक्षन् भीष्मं महाबलम्॥ नकुलोऽपि भृशं विद्धस्तव पुत्रेण धीमता।
Then ensued a fierce fight of terrible aspect and capable of inspiring terror. Then that afflicter of foes viz., Vikarna, desirous of rescuing the grandsire, and waxed up with rage, pierced Nakula in battle with no less then sixty shafts. Thus deeply pierced by your highly intelligent son, Nakula also.

विकर्णं सप्तसप्तत्या निर्बिभेद शिलीमुखैः॥ तत्र तौ नरशार्दूलौ भीष्महेतोः परंतपौ। अन्योन्यं जघ्नतुर्वीरो गोष्ठे गोवृषभाविव॥
Penetrated Vikarna with seven and sixty sharp arrows. Then for the sake of Bhishma, those two foremost of men, those two afflicters of foes,

घटोत्कचं रणे यान्तं निघ्नन्तं तव वाहिनीम्। दुर्मुखः समरे प्रायाद भीष्महेतोः पराक्रमी॥ हैडिम्बस्तु रणे राजन् दुर्मुखं शत्रुतापनम्। आजघानोरसि क्रुद्धः शरेणानतपर्वणा॥ भीमसेनसुतं चापि दुर्मुखः सुमुखैः शरैः। षष्ट्या वीरो नदन् हृष्टो विव्याध रणमूर्धनि॥ धृष्टद्युम्नं तथाऽऽयान्तं भीष्मस्य वधकाक्षिणम्। हार्दिक्यो वारयामास रथश्रेष्ठं महारथः॥ हार्दिक्य: पार्षतं चापि विद्ध्वा पञ्चभिरायसैः। पुनः पञ्चाशता तूर्णं तिष्ठ तिष्ठेति चाब्रवीत्॥
Those two heroes began to assail one another like two heifers among a herd of kine. Then for the sake of protecting Bhishma, the mighty Durmukha confronted the Rakshasa Ghatotkacha, who had been advancing to the fight slaying your troops. Then, O king, the son of Hidimba excited with wrath, struck that afflicter of foes viz., Durmukha on the breast with an arrow of straight knots. Then the heroes Durmukha, having cheerfully pierced Bhimasena's son with sixty keep-pointed arrows, uttered his war-cry, standing at the van of the army. Then that mighty car-warrior, the son of Hridika checked that foremost of carwarriors Dhrishtadyumna as he was advancing desirous of slaying Bhishma. Then the son of Prishata having pierced Hridika's son with five iron dares,

आजघान महाबाहुः पार्षतं तं महारथम्। तं चैव पार्षतो राजन् हार्दिक्यं नवभिः शरैः॥ विव्याध निशितैस्तीक्ष्णैः कङ्कपत्रैरजिह्मगैः। तयोः समभवद् युद्धं भीष्मरुतोर्महाहवे॥
Once more quickly struck him between his breasts with fifty shafts. Similarly, O king, Hridika's son pierced the son of Prishata with nine arrow's exceedingly sharp and effulgent and furnished with wings made of the feathers of Kanka birds. Then for the sake of Bhishma, a pierced battle raged between them,

अन्योयातिशये युक्तं यथा वृत्रमहेन्द्रयोः। भीमसेन तथाऽऽयान्त भीष्मं प्रति महारथम्॥ भूरिश्रवाभ्ययात् तूर्णं तिष्ठ तिष्ठेति चाब्रवीत्। सौमदत्तिरथो भीममाजघान स्तनान्तरे॥
As they struck one another with great ardor, like that between Vritra and the great Indra. Bhurishravas speedily came upon the mighty Bhimasena who had been falling upon Bhishma. Then the son of Somadatta wounded Bhima in the centre of his chest,

नाराचेन सुतीक्ष्णेन रुक्मपुड्वेन संयुगे। उरःस्थेन बभौ तेन भीमसेनः प्रतापवान्॥
With a long shaft of great sharpness and golden wings. With that shaft struck on his breast, the puissant Bhimasena appeared beautiful,

स्कन्दशक्त्या यथा क्रौञ्चः पुरा नृपतिसत्तम। तौ शरान् सूर्यसंकाशान् कर्मारपरिमार्जितान्॥ अन्योन्यस्य रणे क्रुद्धौ चिक्षिपाते नरर्षभौ। भीमो भीष्मवधाकाक्षी सौमदत्तिं महारथम्॥
Like the Krauncha mountain, O foremost of kings, in the days of yore bearing the lance of Skanda. Then these two foremost of men, inflamed with fury, sped at one another, arrows of solar effulgence and burnished by the forgers themselves. Then Bhima desirous of slaying Bhishma fought with that mighty carwarrior viz., Somadatta's son,

तथा भीष्मजये गृनुः सौमदत्तिस्तु पाण्डवम्। कृतप्रतिकृते यत्तौ योधयामासतू रणे॥
Similarly the latter longing for the victory if Bhishma, struggled with the former, both striving to counteract one another in his feats.

युधिष्ठिरं तु कौन्तेयं महत्या सेनया वृतम्। भीष्माभिमुखमायान्तं भारद्वाजो न्यवारयत्॥
The son of Bharadvaja held in check that son of Kunti, Yudhishthira, who was coming upon Bhishma, surrounded by his large division.

द्रोणस्य रथनिर्घोषं पर्जन्यनिनदोपमम्। श्रुत्वा प्रभद्रका राजन् समकम्पन्त मारिष॥
Then, O king, hearing the clatter of Drona's chariot, that resembled the rumble of the raincloud Parjanya, the Prabhadrakas, O sire, quaked (with fear).

सा सेना महती राजन् पाण्डुपुत्रस्य संयुगे। द्रोणेन वारिता यत्ता न चचाल पदात् पदम्॥
Thus assailed by Drona that mighty division of the son of Pandu could not stir one step forward, though striving vigorously.

चेकितानं रणे यत्तं भीष्मं प्रति जनेश्वर। चित्रसेनस्तव सुतः क्रुद्धरूपमवारयत्॥
Then your son Chitrasena, with a fearful expression, checked in battle Chekitana advancing, O ruler of men, against Bhishma.

भीष्महेतोः पराक्रान्तश्चित्रसेनः पराक्रमी। चेकितानं परं शक्त्या योधयामास भारत॥
Then for the sake of Bhishma, that mighty car-warriors (Chitrasena) endued with prowess and a praiseworthy quickness of hand, fought, O Bharata, to the best of his abilities, with Chekitana;

तथैव चेकितानोऽपि चित्रसेनमवारयत्। तद् युद्धमासीत् सुमहत् तयोस्तत्र समागमे॥
Similarly Chekitana also fought with him with equal ardor. Then fierce was the battle that commenced consequent upon their encountering each other.

अर्जुनो वार्यमाणस्तु बहुशस्तत्र भारत। विमुखीकृत्य पुत्रं ते सेनां तव ममर्द ह।।५६।
Then, O Bharata, Arjuna though resisted by your son, repulsed the latter's divisions and began to crush your troops.

दुःशासनोऽषि परया शक्त्या पार्थमवारयत्। कथं भीष्मं न नो हन्यादिति निश्चित्य भारत॥
But Dushasana resisted Partha to the best of this powers, determined, O Bharata, that the latter might hot slay Bhishma.

सा वध्यमाना समरे पुत्रस्य तव वाहिनी। लोड्यते रथिभिः श्रेष्ठस्तत्र तत्रैव भारत॥
Thus the army of your son being thus slaughtered, the foremost of car-warriors began, O Bharata, to betray sings of agitation.