Consultation after the withdrawal of troops from the ninth day's fight

संजय उवाच युध्यतामेव तेषां तु भास्करेऽस्तमुपागते। संध्या समभवद् घोरा नापश्याम ततो रणम्॥
Sanjaya said While they were thus fighting and when the sun set, the pall of hideous twilight enveloped the earth, and the battle became lost of view.

ततो युधिष्ठिरो राजा संध्यां संदृश्य भारत। वध्यमानं च भीष्मेण त्यक्तास्त्रं भयविह्वलम्॥ स्वसैन्यं च परावृत्तं पलायनपरायणम्। भीष्मं च युधि संरब्ध पीडयन्तं महारथम्॥ सोमकांश्च जितान् दृष्ट्वा निरुत्साहान् महारथान्। चिन्तयित्वा ततो राजा अवहारमरोचयत्॥
Then o Bharata, king Yudhishthira, beholding that twilight had set in and that his own soldiers, slaughtered by Bhishma, had thrown down their weapons, and that terrorstruck and repulsed from the field of battle, they are flying away in all directions; beholding also the mighty car-warrior Bhishma inflicting everybody, and seeing also the mighty car-warriors if the Somakas defeated and cheerless, pondered a while and then commanded the withdrawal of the forces.

ततोऽवहारं सैन्यानां चक्रे राजा युधिष्ठिरः। तथैव तव सैन्यानामवहारो ह्यभूत् तदा॥
Then king Yudhishthira withdrew his troops; so also the withdrawal of your forces was also done at the same time.

ततोऽवहारं सैन्यानां कृत्वा तत्र महारथाः। न्यवशिन्त कुरुश्रेष्ठ संग्रामे क्षतविक्षताः॥
Then the mighty car-warriors, having withdrawn their forces, foremost of the Kurus, entered their tents, with their bodies mangled with wounds.

भीष्मस्य समरे कर्म चिन्तयानास्तु पाण्डवाः। नालभन्त तदा शान्ति भीष्मबाणप्रपीडिताः॥
The Pandavas, afflicted with the arrows of Bhishma and thinking of the feats achieved in battle, did not obtain any peace.

भीष्योऽपि समरे जित्वा पाण्डवान् सहसृजयान्। पूज्यमानस्तव सुतैर्वन्द्यमानश्च भारत॥
Having vanquished the Pandavas and the Srinjayas in battle and adored and honoured by your sons, Bhishma then, O monarch.

न्यविशत् कुरुभिः सार्धं हृष्टरूपैः समन्ततः। ततो रात्रिः समभवत् सर्वंभूतप्रमोहिनी॥
Accompanied by the delighted Kurus, entered his tent. Then night set in, that renders all creatures unconscious (in sleep).

तस्मिन् रात्रिमुखे घोरे पाण्डवा वृष्णिभिः सह। सुंजयाच दुराधर्षा मन्त्राय समुपाविशन्॥
In the beginning of that dread time of night, the Pandavas along with the Vrishnis and the invincible Srinjayas, sat together for consultation.

आत्मनिःश्रेयसं सर्वे प्राप्तकालं महाबलाः। मन्त्रयामासुरव्यग्रा मन्त्रनिश्चयकोविदाः॥
The highly powerful heroes, accomplished in drawing conclusion from inferences, coolly consulted about what would be most profitable to them under these circumstances.

ततो युधिष्ठिरो राजा मन्त्रयित्वा चिरं नृप। वासुदेवं समुद्वीक्ष्य वचनं चेदमाददे॥
Thereafter king Yudhishthira, O king, having pondered for a considerable length of time, addressed these words to the son of Vasudeva, casting his eyes on the latter.

कृष्ण पश्य महात्मानं भीष्मं भीमपराक्रमम्। गजं नलवनानीव विमृद्रन्त बलं मम॥
Behold, O Krishna, the high-souled Bhishma of fierce prowess crush my ariny like an elephant crushing a forest of reeds.

न चैवैनं महात्मानमुत्सहामो निरीक्षितुम्। लेलिह्यमानं सैन्येषु प्रवृद्धमिव पावकम्॥
We dare not even look at that illustrious warrior when he licks, like a raging conflagration, all my troops up.

यथा घोरो महानागस्तक्षको वै विषोल्बणः। तथा भीष्मो रणे क्रुद्धस्तीक्ष्णशस्त्रः प्रतापवान्॥
The mighty puissant Bhishma, possessed of sharp weapons and inflamed with rage battle, appears like the mighty snake Takshaka of great ferocity and virulent venom.

गृहीतचापः समरे प्रमुञ्चन् निशिताञ्छरान्। शक्यो जेतुं यमः क्रुद्धो वज्रपाणिश्च देवराट्॥ वरुणः पाशभृच्चापि सगदो वा धनेश्वरः। न तु भीष्मः सुसंक्रुद्धः शक्यो जेतुं महाहवे॥
Indeed the god of Death wrought up with wrath and shooting whetted shafts from his bow, or the king of the celestial armed with the thunder-bolt, or Varuna holding his mighty in noose or the god of wealth wielding his mace, may be vanquished in battle. But Bhishma cnraged in battle could not be vanquished.

सोऽहमेवंगते. कृष्ण निमग्नः शोकसागरे। आत्मनो बुद्धिदौर्बल्याद् भीष्ममासाद्य संयुगे॥
When, O Krishna, such is the state of affairs, I am, in consequence of the weakness of my own understanding, sunk in sorrow, having to fight with Bhishma as an opponent in battle.

वनं यास्यामि दुर्धर्ष श्रेयो वै तत्र मे गतम्। न युद्धं चोरते कृष्ण हन्ति भीष्मो हि नः सदा॥
I will again retire, O invincible one, to the forests, even that is better for me now. Battle I no longer like, O Krishna, as Bhishma always slaughters our troops.

यथा प्रज्वलितं वह्नि पतङ्गः समभिद्रवन्। एकतो मृत्युमभ्येति तथाऽहं भीष्ममीयिवान्॥
Just as an insect rushing at a blazing fire reaps only death, so llave I reaped the same result having dared a combat with Bhishma.

क्षयं नीतोऽस्मि वार्ष्णेय राज्यहेतोः पराक्रमी। भ्रातरश्चैव मे शूराः सायकै शपीडिताः॥
Put as I may, my prowess forth, ) descendant of the Vrishni race, I am being Vriven to destruction for the sake of my kingdom. My brave brothers are all surely afflicted with the shafts of Bhishma.

मत्कृते भ्रातृसौहार्दाद् राज्यभ्रष्टा वनं गताः। परिक्लिष्टा तथा कृष्णा मत्कृते मधुसूदन॥
Through their fraternal affection, they had to go into exile into the woods, for me, deprived of their kingdom. So also, O slayer of Madhu, Krishna had to undergo various troubles for me only.

जीवितं बहु मन्येऽहं जीवितं ह्यद्य दुर्लभम्। जीवितस्याद्य शेषेण चरिष्ये धर्ममुत्तमम्॥
I prize life very much; and it is dear and scare to be obtained. If I can save it now, shall husband out the rest of it in the performance of excellent deeds of piety

यदि तेऽहमनुग्राह्यो भ्रातृभिः सह केशव। स्वधर्मस्याविरोधेन हितं व्याहर केशव॥
If, indeed, I and my brothers be worthy of your grace, then O Keshava, advice me what will be beneficial to me, without clashing against our prescribed duties.

एवं श्रुत्वा वचस्तस्य कारुण्याद् बहुविस्तरम्। प्रत्युवाच ततः कृष्णः सान्त्वयानो युधिष्ठिरम्॥
Hearing these many words of Yudhishthra describing the state of affairs in details, out of compassion, Krishna spoke these words in reply to console the former.

धर्मपुत्र विषाद् त्वं मा कृथाः सत्यसङ्गर। यस्य ते भ्रातरः शूरा दुर्जयाः शत्रुसूदनाः॥
O son of Dharma, do not indulge so much in grief, O you who are always firin in truth, you who have got, heroic and invincible warriors, all slayers of foes, in your brothers.

अर्जुनो भीमसेनश्च वाय्वग्निसमतेजसौ। माद्रीपुत्रौ च विक्रान्तौ त्रिदशानामिवेश्वरौ॥
Arjuna and Bhimasena are both powerful like the Wind and the Fire respectively. The twin sons of Madri equal in prowess even the Lord of the celestial himself.

मां वा नियुक्ष्व सौहार्दाद् योत्स्ये भीष्मेण पाण्डव। त्वत्प्रयुक्तो महाराज किं न कुर्यां महाहवे॥
Out of the friendship that exists between lis, employ me also (to perforin the task of slaying Bhishma). O son of Pandu, I will fight Bhishma. For you, O mighty monarch, what could I not do in battle.

हनिष्यामि रणे भीष्ममाहूय पुरुषर्षभम्। पश्यतां धार्तराष्ट्राणां यदि नेच्छति फाल्गुनः॥
Summoning that foremost of men Bhishma in battle, I will slay him, even before the very eyes of the Dhritarashtra's troops, if indeed Arjuna desists from slaying the former.

यदि भीष्मे हते वीरे जयं पश्यसि पाण्डव। हन्तासम्येकरथेनाद्य कुरुवृद्धं पितामहम्॥
If, O son of Pandu, by the slaughter of Bhishma you see victory certain to yourself, then even this day riding on a singie car, I will slay the venerable grandsire of the Kurss.

पश्य मे विक्रमं राजन् महेन्द्रस्येव संयुगे। विमुञ्चन्त महास्त्रागि पातायष्यामि तं रथात ॥
Behold, O king, my rowess in battle, o be cqual to that of tl.. great Indra himself. I will overthrow nim (Bhishma) from lus car, in spite of his shooting mighty weapons.

यः शत्रुः पाण्डुपुत्राणां मच्छत्रुः स न संशयः। मदर्था भवदीया ये ये मदीयास्तवैव ते॥
He that is inimical to the sons of Pandu, is surely also to myself. Those that are friendly to you are also so to me and those that are friendly to me are also so to you

तव भ्राता मम सखा सम्बन्धी शिष्य एव च। मांसान्युत्कृत्य दास्यामि फाल्गुनार्थे महीपते॥
Your brother, Arjuna, is my friend, relative and pupil; O ruler of earth, I can cut off and give away my own flesh for Arjuna's sake.

एष चापि नरव्याघ्रां मत्कृते जीवितं त्यजेत्। एष नः सपयस्तात तारयेम परस्परम्॥
This foremost of men also will lay down his own life for my sake. This O sire, is our understanding, that we will protect one another.

स मां नियुक्ष्व राजेन्द्र यथा योद्धा भवाम्हम्। प्रतिज्ञातमुपप्लव्ये यत् तत् पार्थेन पूर्ततः॥ घातयिष्यामि गाङ्गेयमिति लोकस्य संनिधौ। परिरक्ष्यमिदं तावद् वचः पार्थस्य धीमतः॥
So, O most excellent king, command me so that I may fight for you. The vow that formerly Partha took at Upaplavya saying 'I will slay the son of Ganga' before the presence of all creatures, even that vow of intelligent Partha should be kept inviolate.

अनुज्ञातं तु पार्थेन मया कार्यं न संशयः। अथवा फाल्गुनस्यैष भारः परिमितो रणे॥
But if the son of Pritha permits me, I will with certitude do it for him. As it seems to me the task of Phalguna is easy and it is not difficult for him to perform.

स हनिष्यति संग्रामे ीष्म परपुरञ्जयम्। अशक्यमपि कुमुद्धि रणे पार्थः समुद्यतः॥
Arjuna will slay in battle, Bhishma that conqueror of hostile cities. Putting forth his energies in fight, Partha can achieve what is incapable of being achieved.

त्रिदशान् वा समुधुक्तान् सहितान् दैत्यदानवैः। निहन्यादर्जुनः संख्ये किमु भीष्मं नराधिप।॥
Arjuna is capable of slaying in battle, O ruler of men, the very immortals along with the Daityas and Danavas, exerting their best in the fight, what to speak of Bhishma.

विपरीतो महावीर्यो गतसत्त्वोऽल्पजीवनः। भीष्मः शान्तनवो नूनं कर्तव्यं नावबुध्यते॥
The highly puissani Bhishma the son of Shantanu, now perverted in his judgment, decayed in intelligence and in vitality surely knows not what he ought to do."

युधिष्ठिर उवाच एवमेतन्महाबाहो यथा वदसि माधव। सर्वे होते न पर्याप्तास्तव वेगविधारणे॥
Yudhishthira said It is even so as you say, O mightv-armed descendant of Madhu's race. All these (universe) taken together are not capable of bearing your force.

नियतं समवाप्स्यामि सर्वमेतद् यथेप्सितम्। यस्य मे पुरुषव्याघ्र भवान् पक्षे व्यवस्थितः॥
I am sure of obtaining all those things that I may desire, I, O foremost of men, on whose side you are staying.

सेन्द्रानपि रणे देवाञ्जयेयं जयतां वर। त्वया नाथेन गोविन्द किमु भीष्मं महारथम्॥
O foremost of those that are ever victorious, with yourself as our master, we can conquer in battle, even the celestial with Indra at their head, what to speak of Bhishma that mighty car-warrior.

न तु त्वामनृतुं कर्तुमुत्सहे स्वात्मगौरवात्। अयुध्यमानः साहाय्यं यथोक्तं कुरु माधव॥
For my own glorification, I dare not falsify your words; so do you render me assistance, O Madhava, as promised, without fighting on my behalf.

समयस्तु कृतः कश्चिन्नमम भीष्मेण संयुगे। मन्त्रयिष्ये तवार्थाय न तु योत्स्ये कथञ्चन॥
Before this battle there was an understanding between me and Bhishma. He said 'I will give you good counsel, but will not fight for your interests.

दुर्योधनार्थं योत्स्यामि सत्यमेतदिति प्रभो। स हि राज्यस्य मे दाता मन्त्रस्यैव च माधव॥
I shall fight for the interests of Duryodhana; this I speak to you, O lord, for certain.' Therefore, O you of Madhu's race, he may offer us salutary advice which will enable us to obtain the kingdom.

तस्माद् देवव्रतं भूयो वधोपायार्थमात्मनः। भवता सहिताः सर्वे प्रयाम मधुसूदन॥
Therefore once more accompanied by you, Oslayer of Madhu, we shall repair to Bhishma for inquiring of him the means of his own death.

तद् वयं सहिता गत्वा भीष्ममाशु नरोत्तमम्। नचिरात् सर्वे वार्ष्णेय मन्त्रं पृच्छाम कौरवम्॥
So, O descendant of the Vrishni race, repairing speedily with you to that foremost of men Bhishma, we shall seek counsel from that descendant of Kuru's race.

स वक्ष्यति हितं वाक्यं सत्यमस्माञ्जनार्दन। यथा च वक्ष्यते कृष्णे तथा कर्ताऽस्मि संयुगे॥
He, O Janardana, will truly offer us salutary advice; and O Krishna, in battle we will do, what he shall advice.

स नो जयस्य दाता स्यान्मन्त्रस्य च दृढव्रतः। बालाः पित्रा विहीनाश्च तेन संवर्धिता वयम्॥
O you of firm vows, he will give us counsel as well as victory. We became fatherless when we were mere children. It was he who reared us.

तं चेत् पितामहं वृद्धं हन्तुमिच्छामि माधव। पितुः पितरमिष्टं च धिगस्तु क्षत्रजीविकाम्॥
O Madhava, even such an aged grandsire, I want to slay-him who is the father of our dearloved father! Fie on the life of a Kshatriya.”

संजय उवाच ततोऽब्रवीन्महाराज वार्ष्णेयः कुरुनन्दनम्। रोचते मे महाप्राज्ञ राजेन्द्र तव भाषितम्॥
Sanjaya said Thereupon, O mighty monarch, he of the Vrishni race, said to that delighter of the Kuru race, O highly wise king, your words find an echo in soul.

देवव्रतः कृती भीष्मः प्रेक्षितेनापि निर्दहेत्। गम्यतां स वधोपायं प्रष्टुं सागरगासुतः॥
Devavrata of fierce Vows, is wellaccomplished in weapons. He can consume the foe even by his glances only. Let us go to that son of the ocean-going Ganga for asking the means of his death.

वक्तुमर्हति सत्यं स त्वया पृष्टो विशेषतः। ते वयं तत्र गच्छामः प्रष्टुं कुरुपितामहम्॥
It behooves him to speak the truth, specially when questioned by you. Therefore let us go to the grandşire of the Kurus for asking him about the means of his death.

गत्वा शान्तनवं वृद्ध मन्त्रं पृच्छाम भारत। स वो दास्यति मन्त्रं यं तेन योत्स्यामहे परान्॥
Repairing to that aged son of Shantanu, we shall seek counsel of him. And following the advice he will offer we shall fight with the enemy.

एवमामत्र्य ते वीराः पाण्डवाः पाण्डुपूर्वजम्। जग्मुस्ते सहितः सर्वे वासुदेवश्च वीर्यवान्॥
Having thus consulted, the heroic Pandavas, together with the highly powerful son of Vasudeva, went, O elder brother of Pandu,

विमुक्तशस्त्रकवचा भीष्मस्य सदनं प्रति। प्रविश्य च तदा भीष्मं शिरोभिः प्रणिपेदिरे॥
Towards the tent of Bhishma, having previously cast off their armours and dresses. Then entering the tent, they all touched his feet with their hands.

पूजयन्तो महाराज पाण्डवा भरतर्षभम्। प्रणम्य शिरसा चैनं भीष्मं शरणमभ्ययुः॥
Then, O mighty monarch, the Pandavas, saluting that foremost of the Bharatas with their bent heads, sought his protection.

तानुवाच महाबाहुर्भीष्मः कुरुपितामहः। स्वागतं तव वार्ष्णेय स्वागतं ते धनंजय॥
Then the mighty-armed Bhishma the grandsire of the Kurus thus addressed them saying “All hail, O you of Vrishni's race, all hail, O Dhananjaya.

स्वागतं धर्मपुत्राय भीमाय यमयोस्तथा। किं वा कार्यं करोम्यद्य युष्माकं प्रीतिवर्धनम्॥
Welcome to the son of Dharma and also to Bhima and the twins. What act enhancing your delight shall I do now?

सर्वात्मनापि कर्तास्मि यदपि स्यात् सुदुष्करम्। तथा ब्रुवाणं गाङ्गेयं प्रीतियुक्तं पुनः पुनः॥
I shall do it with all iny soul even if it be exceedingly difficult of being accomplished' When the son of Ganga had thus repeate addressed them with afflictio..

उवाच राजा दीनात्मा जीतियुक्तमिदं वचः। कथं जयेम सर्वज्ञ कथं राज्यं लभेमहि॥
King Y hishthira with a cheerful heart spoke these words to him affectionately. “O you who are acquainted with all these things, how shall we conquer and how shall we acquire our kirgdom?

प्रजानां संशयो न स्यात् कथं तन्मे वद प्रभो। भवान् हि नो वधोपायं ब्रवीतु स्वचमात्मनः॥
How may stop be put to this destruction of creatures? Say, O lord, all this to me. Tell us yoursell the means of your own death.

भवन्तं समरे वीर विषहेम कथं वयम्। न हि ते सूक्ष्ममप्यस्ति रन्धं कुरुपितामह॥
How, O hero, shall we be competent enough to withstand you in battle? You do not disclose even the slightest weakness to your enemy, O grandsire of the Kurus, whereby to overthrow you.

भरतर्षभ। मण्डलेनैव धनुषा दृश्यसे संयुगे सदा। आददार संदधानं विकर्षन्तं धनुर्न च॥
You are always seen in battle with your bow drawn to a circle. None can mark when you take up your shafts, place them in the bowstring or draw the string for shooting them.

पश्यामस्त्वां महाबाहो रथे सूर्यमिवापरम्। रथाश्वनरनागानां हन्तारं परवीरहन्॥
O slayer of hostile heroes, slaying as you do, car-warriors, horsemen and elephant-riders, we behold you, O mighty-armed one, as a second sun on the chariot.

कोऽथ वोत्सहते जेतुं त्व पुमान वर्षता शरवर्षा ग संयुगे बैशसं कृतम्॥
What person, O foremost of the Bharatas, dared variquish yi" this day, when showering a arrows downpour, you spread havoc among my troops.

क्षयं नीता हि पृतना संयुगे महती मम। यथा युधि जो चां यथा राज्यं भृशं मम॥
My mighty army is every day being reduced by you in battle. How could we vanquish you in battle, hov. could sovereignty be ours?

मम सैन्यस्य च क्षेमं तन्मे ब्रूहि पितामह। ततोऽब्रवीच्छान्तनवः पाण्डवान् पाण्डुपूर्वजः॥
How also could my troops he saved from this destruction? O grandsire, tell me the means for accompiishing all these ends." Thereupon, O elder brother of Pandu, the son of Shantanu said these words to the Pandavas.

न क चन कौन्तेय मयि जीवति संयुगे। जयो भवति सर्वज्ञ सत्यमेतद् ब्रवीमि ते॥
“O son of Kunti, so long as I am alive, you will not be able to obtain victory, O you who know everything. This I tell you truly.

निर्जिते मयि युद्धेन रणे जेष्यथ पाण्डवाः। क्षिप्रं मयि प्रहरध्वं यदीच्छथ रणे जयम्॥
When I shall be slain in battle, the Pandavas will surely win victory, in battle. Smite me down without delay, if you at all long to have victory in this war.

अनुजानामि वः पार्थाः प्रहरध्वं यथासुखम्। एवं हि सुकृत मन्ये भवतां विदितो ह्यहम्॥ ते मयि हतं सर्वं तस्मादेवं विधीयताम्।
I permit you, O sons of Pritha, to strike me as you please. Indeed I consider it to be a favourable circumstance for you that you know me (to te invincible). When i shall be slaughtered, all eise will be slaughtered. So do as I tell you."

युधिष्ठिर उवाच ब्रूहि तस्मादुपायं नो यथा युद्धे जयेमहि॥ भवन्तं समरे क्रुद्धं दण्डहस्तमिवान्तकम्।
Yudhishthira said Tell us the means by which we may be able to vanquish your enraged self in battle-you who resemble the vely god of Death himself wielding the mace.

शक्यो वज्रधरो जेतुं वरुणोऽथ यमस्या॥ न भवान् समरे शक्य: सेन्ट्रैरपि सुरासुरैः।
We can vanquish the wielder the thunder-bolt, or Varuna, or Yama himself, but you are incapable of being defeated by the celestial and Asuras rnited together with Indra at their head.

भीष्म उवाच सत्यमेतन्महाबाहो यथा वदसि पाण्डव॥ नाहं जेतुं रणे शक्य. सेन्ट्रैरपि सुरासुरैः। आत्तशस्त्रो रणे यत्तो गृहीतवरकार्मुकः ७६।।
Bhishma said O son of Pandu, O mighty-armed one, what you have said is indeed true. I am indeed incapable of being vanquished by the celestial and the Asuras united together with Indra at their head,

ततो मां न्यस्तशस्त्रं तु एते हन्युर्महारथाः। निक्षिप्तशस्त्रे पतिते विमुक्तकवचध्वजे॥
When with my weapons and my excellent bow in hard I engage myself in battle with care. But when I lay aside my weapons, even these mighiy car-warriors may slay me.

द्रवमाणे च भीते च तवास्मीति च वादिनि' स्त्रियां स्त्रीनामधेये न विवले चैकपरिणे॥
One who lays his weapons aside, one who is fallen, one whose armour and standard have been shattered, one who flies away, one who is panic-struck, one who say “I am yours”

अप्रशते नरे चैव न युद्धं रोचते मम। इमं में शृणु रजेन्द्र संकल्पं पूर्वचिन्तितम्॥
One who is a female, one who bears a feminine designation, one who is disabled, one who has got only one son, and one who is a mean fellow, with these I do not like to fight.

अमङ्गल्यध्वज दृष्ट्वा न युध्येयं कदाचन' य एप द्रौपदो राजंस्तव सैन्ये महारथः॥
Hear also, O foremost of kings, about the vow that I had formerly taken. Beholding any inauspicious sign I would under no circumstance fight.

शिखण्डी समरामर्षी शूरश्च समितिञ्जयः। यथाभवञ्च स्त्री पूर्वं पश्चात् पुंस्त्वं ममागतः॥
That mighty car-warrior, O king, that son of Draupada, who belongs to your army, who is known under the name of Shikhandin, who is wrathful in battle, valiant and ever attended with victory,

जानन्ति च भवन्तोऽपि सर्वमेतद् यथातथम्। अर्जुनः समरे शूर पुरस्कृत्य शिखण्डिनम्॥
He was female before, but afterwards attained manhood. You all know truly how all this came to pass.

मामेव विशिस्त्रैस्तीक्ष्णैरभिद्रया, दंशितः। अमङ्गल्यध्वजे तस्मिन् स्त्रीपूर्वं च विशेषतः॥
Let the heroic Arjuna clad in mail placing Shikhandin in front of him assail me with exceedingly sharp shafts

न प्रहर्तुमीप्सामि गृहीतेषुः कथइन। तदन्तरं समासाद्य पाण्डवो धनंजयः८४॥
Beholding them an inauspicious man in the person of him who was female before, I will not strike though I may be armed with arrows.

शरैर्घातयतु क्षिप्रं समन्ताद् भरतर्षभ। न तं पश्यामि लोकेषु मां हन्याद् यः समुद्यतम्॥
Availing himself of that opportunity, let Pandu's son Dhananjaya quickly pierce me, O foremost of the Bharatas, on all sides.

ऋते कृष्णान्महाभागात् पाण्डवाद् वा धनञ्जयात्। एष तस्मात् पुरोधाय कञ्चिदन्यं ममाग्रतः॥
Except the illustrious Krishna or Dhananjaya the son of Pandu, I do not find any one in the three worlds who can slay me in battle.

आत्तशस्त्रो रणे यत्तो गृहीतवरकार्मुकः। मां पातयतु बीभत्सुरेवं तव जयो ध्रुवम्॥ एतत् कुरुष्व कौन्तेय यथोक्तं मम सुव्रत। संग्रामे धार्तराष्ट्रांश्च हन्याः सर्वान् समागतान्॥
Therefore let Vibhatsu armed with weapons and excreting in battle to the best of his abilities and wielding his excellent bow, overthrow me in battle, placing (this Shikhandin or) any one else before him. Thus victory will be yours with certainty. O foremost of kings, O you of chaste vows, do as I tell you. Then you shall be able to slay in battle all the Dhritarashtra assembled together.

संजय उवाच तु ज्ञात्वा ततः पार्धा जग्मुः स्वशिबिरं प्रति। अभिवाद्य महत्मानं भीष्मं कुरुपितामहम्॥
Sanjaya said Then, the sons of Pritha, ascertaining all these things, went back to their own camps, having saluted the high-souled Bhishma the grandsire of the Kurus.

तथोक्तवति गाङ्गेये परलोकाय दीक्षिते। अर्जुनो दुःखसंतप्तः सर्वीडमिदमब्रवीत्॥
When Ganga's son ready to repair to the regions of the departed, had thus spoken, Arjuna, afflicted with grief and with his face covered with blushes of shame, said :Arjuna said

गुरुणा कुरुवृद्धेन कृतप्रज्ञेन धीमता। पितामहेन संग्रामे कथं योद्धाऽस्मि माधव॥ ते
"How, O Madhava, shall I fight in battle, with the venerable and aged preceptor of the Kurus, the grandsire of accomplished understanding and intelligence.

क्रीडता हि मया बाल्ये वासुदेव महामनाः । पांसुरूषितगात्रेण महात्मा परुषीकृतः॥
O Vasudeva, while playing in the days of childhood, I used to soil the garments of the high-souled and illustrious one by climbing on his lap with my body smeared with dust.

यस्याहमधिरुह्याङ्कं बालः किल गदाग्रजा तातेत्यवोचं पितरं पितुः पाण्डोर्महात्मनः॥
O elder brother of Gada, in my childhood, climbing on the lap of the high-souled father of Pandu (our father), I used to say 'Father';

नाहं तातस्तव पितुस्तातोऽस्मि तव भारत। इति मामब्रवीद् बाल्ये य: स वध्यः कथं मया॥
I am not your father, but your father's father, O Bharata' even these were the words he used to say in reply to me. Oh he who used to treat me thus how could he be now slain by me!

कामं वध्यतु सैन्यं मे नाहं योत्स्ये महात्मना। जयो वाऽस्तु वधो वा मे कथं वा कृष्ण मन्यसे॥
Let him slay all my troops. I will not fight with that high-souled one, whether thereby I reap victory or death. What do you, O Krishna, think?

प्रतिज्ञाय वधं जिष्णो पुरा भीष्मस्य संयुगे। क्षत्रधर्मे स्थितः पार्थ कथं नैनं हनिष्यसि॥
O Vishnu, having promised to slay Bhishma in battle, how can you desist from slaying him without transgressing the duties of a Kshatriya?

वासुदेव उवाच पातयैनं रथात् पार्थ क्षत्रियं युद्धदुर्मदम्। नाहत्वा युधि गाङ्गेयं विजयस्ते भविष्यति॥
Vasudeva said Overthrow, O son of Pritha, this Kshatriya ever invincible in battle, from his car. Without slaying Ganga's son in battle you can not hope to win victory.

दृष्टमेतत् पुरा देवैर्गमिष्यति यमक्षयम्। यद् दृष्टं हि पुरा पार्थ तत् तथा न तदन्यथा॥
It have been foredoomed, O Partha by the gods that Bhishma shall go to the abode of Death. That must come to pass which has been destined by the gods.

न हि भीष्मं दुराधर्षं व्यात्ताननमिवान्तकम्। त्वदन्यः शक्नुयाद् योद्धमपि वज्रधरः स्वयम्॥
Except yourself, O invincible one, none including the wielder of the thunder bolt himself will be able to fight with Bhishma who resembles Death himself with wide open mouth.

जहि भीष्मं स्थिरो भूत्वा शृणु चेदं वचो मम। यथोवाच पुरा शक्रं महाबुद्धिवृहस्पतिः॥
Do you slay Bhishma, with great coolness. Hear also these words of mine which were said to Shakra formerly by the highly intelligent Brihaspati.

ज्यायांसमपि चेद् वृद्धं गुणैरपि समन्वितम्। आततायिनमायान्तं हन्याद् घातकमात्मनः॥
One ought to slay even an aged man, or a person who is older than himself, or one who may be endowed with all virtues, if he comes as an enemy, or indeed any one else who comes for destroying him.

शाश्वतोऽयं स्थितो धर्मः क्षत्रियाणां धनंजय। योद्धव्यं रक्षितव्यं च यष्टव्यं चानसूयुभिः॥
This, O Dhananjaya, is the eternal duty prescribed for Kshatriyas viz., they should fight, protect their subjects, and perform sacrifices, all without any maliciousness.

अर्जुन उवाच शिखण्डी निधनं कृष्ण भीष्मस्य भविता पम्। दृष्ट्वैव हि सदा भीष्मः पाञ्चाल्यं विनिवर्तते॥
Arjuna said Surely, O Krishna, Shikhandin has been born as the Death of Bhishma; for as soon as Bhishma sees the Panchala prince, he desists from striking.

ते वयं प्रमुखे तस्य पुरस्कृत्य शिखण्डिनम्। गाङ्गेयं पातयिष्याम उपायेनेति मे मतिः॥
Therefore, placing Shikhandin in front of him (Bhishma) and stationing him in our van, we shall, by this means, overthrow the son of Ganga. This is my opinion.

अहमन्यान् महेष्वासान् वारयिष्यामि सायकैः। शिखण्ड्यपि युधां श्रेष्ठं भीष्ममेवाभियोधयेत्॥
I will preclude the attack made by the great archers through arrows I shot on them. Shikhandi too should carry battle against Bhishma, the best warrior.

श्रुतं हि कुरुमुख्यस्य नाहं हन्यां शिखण्डिनम्। कन्या ह्येषा पुरा भूत्वा पुरुषः समपद्यत॥ इत्येवं निश्चयं कृत्वा पाण्डवाः सहमाधवाः। अनुमान्य महात्मानं प्रययुर्हष्टमानसाः। शयनानि यथास्वानि भेजिरे पुरुषर्षभाः॥
I have heard that foremost of the Kurus viz., Bhishma say, 'I will never strike Shikhandin, in as much as formerly born as a daughter he attained manhood subsequently." Having formed this resolution the Pandavas with him of Madhu's race went back to their tents with cheerful hearts, and with the permission of the illustrious Bhishma.