Prowess of Bhima,

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच कथं द्रोणो महेष्वासः पाण्डवश्च धनंजयः। समीयतू रणे यत्तौ तावुभौ पुरुषर्षभौ॥
Dhritarashtra said How did those two foremost of men, those two fierce bowmen, namely Drona and Dhananjaya the son of Pandu encountering each other with each other to the best of their abilities?

प्रियो हि पाण्डवो नित्यं भारद्वाजस्य धीमतः। आचार्यश्च रणे नित्यं प्रियः पार्थस्य संजय॥
Then son of Pandu is very to the highly intelligent son of Bharadvaja; so also, O Sanjaya, the preceptor always dear to Pritha in battle.

तावुभौ रथिनौ संख्ये हृष्टौ सिंहाविवोत्कटौ। कथं समीयतुर्यत्तौ भारद्वाजधनंजयौ॥
Those two foremost of car-warriors ever delighting in battle, namely Dhananjaya and the son of Bharadvaja, how did those two heroes, like two fierce lions encountering one another, fight one another putting forth their energies?

संजय उवाच न द्रोणः पार्थं जानीते प्रियमात्मनः। क्षत्रधर्म पुरस्कृत्य पार्थो वा गुरुमाहवे॥
Sanjaya said In battle neither Drona regarded the son of Pritha as dear to him, nor does the son of Pritha, keeping in view the duty of Kshatriyas, regard the preceptor as dear to him.

न क्षत्रिया रणे राजन् वर्जयन्ति परस्परम्। निर्मर्यादं हि युध्यन्ते पितृभिर्धातृभिः सह॥
Kshatriyas, O king never shun any one in battle; they fight with their fathers for them.

रणे भारत पार्थेन द्रोणो विद्धस्त्रिभिः शरैः। नाचिन्तयच्च तान् बाणान् पार्थचापच्युतान् युधि॥
Then, O Bharata, Drona was pierced in battle with there. shafts by the son of Pritha; but the former regarded not those arrows shot from Arjuna's bow.

शरवृष्ट्या पुनः पार्थश्छादयामास तं रणे। स प्रजज्वाल रोषेण गहनेऽग्निरिवोर्जितः॥
Once more did the son of Pritha cover him in that battle with a shower of shafts; and Drona, then blazed then blazed up with anger like raging forest conflagration,

ततोऽर्जुनं रणे द्रोणः शरैः संनतपर्वभिः। छादयामास राजेन्द्र नचिरादेव भारत॥
Within a short while straight jointed shafts, covered Arjuna in that battle, O foremost of kings, O Bharata.

ततो दुर्योधनो राजा सुशर्माणमचोदयत्। द्रोणस्य समरे राजन् पाणिंग्रहणकारणात्॥
Thereafter king Duryodhana commanded king Susharına to protect in battle the flanks of Drona.

त्रिगर्तराडपि क्रुद्धो भृशमायम्य कार्मुकम्। छादयामास समरे पार्थं बाणैरयोमुखैः॥
Thereupon the ruler of the Trigatas waxing wroth, and stitching his bow full, covered the son of Pritha, O foremost of king, with many shafts tipped with iron.

ताभ्याः मुक्ताः शरा राजन्नन्तरिक्षे विरेजिरे। हंसा इव महाराज शरत्काले नभस्तले॥
Those arrows, O king discharged by Drona and Susharma, shone, O mighty monarch, in the heavens like a row of crane in the firmament in Autumn.

ते शराः प्राप्य कौन्तेयं समन्ताद् विविशुः प्रभो। फलभारनतं यद्वत् स्वादुवृक्षं विहङ्गमाः॥
Those arrows, reaching, the son of Kunti, entered into him, like, O lord, a flight of birds entering a tree bending with the burden of its tasteful fruits.

अर्जुनस्तु रणे नादं विनद्य रथिनां वरः। त्रिगर्तराजं समरे सपुत्रं विव्यधे शरैः॥
Thereupon Arjuna, that foremost of carwarriors, uttering his war-cry in battle pierced the ruler of the Trigaretas and his son with myriad's of shafts.

ते वध्यमानाः पार्थेन कालेनेव युगक्षये। पार्थमेवाभ्यवर्तन्त मरणे कृतनिश्चयाः॥
Thus pierced by Partha who then looked like the Destroyer himself at the end of a Yuga, they rushed even towards Partha himself resolved die in battle.

मुमुचुः शरवृष्टिं पाण्डवस्य रथं प्रति। शरवृष्टिं ततस्तां तु शरवर्षेः समन्ततः॥ प्रतिजग्राह राजेन्द्र तोयवृष्टिमिवाचलः। तत्राद्भुतमपश्याम बीभत्सोर्हस्तलाघवम्॥
They also poured a shower of arrows towards the chariot of Pandu's son. Then the we son. latter received that shower of arrows, O foremost of kings, with another shower discharged by himself, like a mountain receiving a shower of rain. Then in that battle beheld the wonderful lightness of Vibhatsu's hands.

विमुक्तां बहुभिर्योधैः शस्त्रवृष्टिं दुरासदाम्। यदेको वारयामास मारुतोऽभ्रगणानिव॥
In as much as, single-handed, he baffled the indefeasible shower of arrows poured by many, like the wind scattering masses of clouds.

कर्मणा तेन पार्थस्य तुतुषुर्देवदानवाः। अथ क्रुद्धो रणे पार्थस्त्रिगर्तान् प्रति भारत॥
The celestial and the Danavas all become pleased with that feat of Pritha's Thereafter Arjuna waxing worth on the Trigaretas, O Bharata,

मुमोचास्त्रं महाराज वायव्यं पृतनामुखे। प्रादुरासीत् ततो वायुः क्षोभयाणो नभस्तलम्॥
Discharged, O monarch, the Vayavya weapon at the head of the hostile ranks. Thereupon raged a tempest agitation the whole welkin,

पातयन् वै तरुगणान् विनिघ्नंश्चैव सैनिकान्। ततो द्रोणोऽभिवीक्ष्यैव वायव्यास्त्रं सुदारुणम्॥
And felling rows of trees, and killing hosts of troops. Thereat Drona beholding that fierce Vayavya weapon,

शैलमन्यन्महाराज घोरमस्त्रं मुमोच ह। द्रोणेन युधि निर्मुक्ते तस्मिन्नस्त्रे नराधिप।॥
Discharged, O mighty monarch, a terrible weapon named Shail. When, O ruler of men, that weapon was shot by Drona in battle,

प्रशशाम ततो वायुः प्रसन्नाश्च दिशो दश। ततः पाण्डुसुतो वीरस्त्रिगर्तस्य रथव्रजान्।॥ निरुत्साहान् रणे चक्रे विमुखान् विपराक्रमान्। ततो दुर्योधनश्चैव कृपश्च रथिनां वरः॥
The wind subsided, and points of the compass shone brightly. Thereafter that heroic son of Pandu, made the car-division of the Trigaretas despondent and destitute of prowess, and compelled them to turn their faces away a from the field of battle. Thereat Duryodhana, and Kripa that foremost of car-warriors,

अश्वत्थामा तथा शल्यः काम्बोजश्च सुदक्षिणः। विन्दानुविन्दावावन्त्यौ बाह्निकः सह बाल्हिकैः॥
Ashvathama, Shalya, Sudakshina the ruler of the Kambojas, the two Avanti princes Vinda and Anuvinda, and Balhika with the Balhikas,

महता रथवंशेन पार्थस्यावारयन् दिशः। तथैव भगदत्तश्च श्रुतायुश्च महाबलः॥
These warriors, along with a mighty division of cars, surrounded Pritha's son on all directions. Also Bhagadatta and Shrutayusha, endued with great strength,

गजानीकेन भीमस्य ताववारयतां दिशः। भूरिश्रवाः शलश्चैव सौबलश्च विशाम्पते॥
With mighty elephant division, surrounded Bhima on all directions. Also, O ruler of men, Bhurishravas, Sala and Subala's son,

शरौर्घविमलैस्तीक्ष्णैर्माद्रीपुत्राववारयन्। भीष्मस्तु संहतः संख्ये धातराष्ट्रैः ससैनिकैः॥
With a shower of resplendent shafts of exceeding sharpness, resisted the two sons of Pandu. In that battle Bhishma, supported by Dhritarashtra's sons along with their divisions,

युधिष्ठिरं समासाद्य सर्वतः पर्यवारयत्। आपतन्तं गजानीकं दृष्ट्वा वृकोदरः॥
Reaching near Yudhishthira, surrounded him on all sides. Then Vrikodara the son of Pritha, beholding the elephant division advance towards himself,

लेलिहन् सृक्किणी वीरो मृगराडिव कानने। भीमस्तु रथिनां श्रेष्ठो गदां गृह्य महाहवे॥
Licked the corners of his mouth, like the king of beasts in the forest. Thereafter that foremost of car-warriors, grasping his mace, in that fierce battle,

अवप्लुत्य रथात् तूर्णं तव सैन्यान्यभीषयत्। तमुद्वीक्ष्य गदाहस्तं ततस्ते गजसादिनः॥
Speedily jumped down from his car and struck terror into the hearts of your troops. Then those elephant-warriors, beholding him stand with mace in hand,

परिववू रणे यत्ता भीमसेनं समन्ततः। गजमध्यमनुप्राप्तः पाण्डवः स व्यराजत॥
Surrounded him on all sides with great carefulness. Then that son of Pandu, standing in the midst of that elephant division, appeared beautiful,

मेघजालस्य महतो यथा मध्यगतो रविः। व्यधमत् स गजानीकं गदया पाण्डवर्षभः॥
Like the sun shining in the midst of a mass of clouds. Then that foremost of the Pandavas, began to agitate that division of elephants,

महाभ्रजालमतुलं मातरिश्वेव संततम्। ते वध्यमाना बलिना भीमसेनेन दन्तिनः॥
Like the tempest scattering away a mighty network of clouds. The those tuskers, slaughtered by the highly powerful Bhimasena in battle,

आर्तनादं रणे चक्रुर्गर्जन्तो जलदा इव। बहुधा दारितश्चैव विषाणैस्तत्र दन्तिभिः॥
Began to utter distressful shrieks like masses of roaring clouds. Mangled with the tusks of those elephant in many parts of his body,

फुल्लाशोकनिभः पार्थः शुशुभे रणमूर्धनि। विषाणे दन्तिनं गृह्य निर्विषाणमथाकरोत्॥
The son of Pritha appeared beautiful like a blossoming Ashoka tree. Catching the tuskers by their tusks, he rooted the tusks out,

विषाणेन च तेनैव कुम्भेऽभ्याहत्य दन्तिनम्। पातयामास समरे दण्डहस्त इवान्तकः॥
And with those tusks wondering the elephants on their frontal globes felled them in battle, like the Destroyer himself wielding his mace.

शोणिताक्ता गदां बिभ्रन्मेदोमज्जाकृतच्छविः। कृताभ्यङ्गः शोणितेन रुद्रवत् प्रत्यदृश्यता॥
Wielding his mace bathed in blood, with his person be spattered with fat and marrow, and smeared with gore Bhima appeared beautiful like the Rudra himself.

एवं ते वध्यमानाश्च हतशेषा महागजाः। प्राद्रवन्त दिशो राजन् विमृदन्तः स्वकं बलम्॥
Thus slaughtered, the surviving remnant of that huge elephant division ran away in all directions, O king, crushing their own ranks.

द्रवद्भिस्तैर्महानागैः समन्ताद् भरतर्षभ। दुर्योधनबलं सर्वं पुनरासीत् पराङ्मुखम्॥
Then, O foremost of the Bharatas, owing to those huge elephants running away in all directions, the army of Duryodhana was once more compelled to turn their faces away from the field of battle.