Commencement of the ninth day's fight

संजय उवाच अभिमन्यू रथोदारः पिशङ्गैस्तुरगोत्तमैः। अभिदुद्राव तेजस्वी दुर्योधनबलं महत्॥
Sanjaya said Thereafter the generous hero Abhimanyu borne by excellent steeds of tawny colour, rushed against the mighty divisions of Duryodhana,

विकिरशरवर्षाणि वारिधारा इवाम्बुदः। न शेकुः समरे क्रुद्धं सौभद्रमरिसूदनम्॥ शस्त्रौघिणं गाहमानं सेनासागरमक्षयम्। निवारयितुमप्याजौ त्वदीयाः कुरुनन्दन॥
Showering an arrow downpour like the clouds showering rain. All your warriors, O scion of the Kuru race, were not able to resist that slayer of foes, that enraged son of Subhadra, who had then, armed with weapor plunged into the illimitable ocean of the Kaurava army.

तेन मुक्ता रणे राजशराः शत्रुनिबर्हणाः। क्षत्रियाननयशूरान् प्रेतराजनिवेशनम्॥
Arrows .capable of crushing the foes, O king being discharged by him in that battle, conveyed many heroic Kshatriyas to the mansion of the king of the departed.

यमदण्डोपमान् घोराज्वलिताशीविषोपमान्। सौभद्रः समरे क्रुद्धः प्रेषयामास सायकान्॥
Inflamed with rage, Subhadra's discharged in that battle fierce arrows that resembled the mace of Death, and blazing snakes of Virulent venom.

सरथान् रथिनस्तूर्णं हयांश्चैव ससादिनः। गजारोहांश्च सगजान् दारयामास फाल्गुनिः॥
That son of Phalguna, soon shattered into pieces may cars with their rider and many elephant-warriors with the elephants they rode upon.

तस्य तत् कुर्वतः कर्म महत् संख्ये महीभृतः। पूजयांचक्रिरे हृष्टाः प्रशशंसुश्च फाल्गुनिम्॥
When he was achieving these wonderful feats in battle, the rulers of earth greatly delighted worshipped and applauded the son of Phalguna.

तान्यनीकानि सौभद्रो द्रावयामास भारत। तूलराशीनिवाकाशे मारुतः सर्वतो दिशम्॥
son That son of Subhadra, O Bharata, scattered your divisions, like the tempest scattering a heap of cotton on all sides in the firmament,

तेन विद्राव्यमाणानि तव सैन्यानि भारत। त्रातारं नाध्यगच्छन्त पङ्के मग्ना इव द्विपाः॥
Thus scattered by him, your troops, O Bharata, could not find a protector, like elephants suck deep in mire.

विद्राव्य सर्वसैन्यानि तावकानि नरोत्तम। अभिमन्युः स्थितो राजन् विधूमोऽग्निरिव ज्वलन्॥
Thus counting all your troop. O foremost of men, Abhimanyu stood, O king, like a blazing fire with not a streak of smoke.

न चैनं तावका राजन् विषेहुररिघातिनम्। प्रदीप्तं पावकं यद्वत् पतङ्गाः कालचोदिताः॥
Your troops, O king, could not bear that slayer of foes, like insects failing to bear a blazing fire, when urged on by Fate.

प्रहरन् सर्वशत्रुभ्यः पाण्डवानां महारथः। अदृश्यत महेष्वासः सवज्र इव वासवः॥
That mighty car-warrior of the Pandava host smiting all his opponents, appeared like Vasava the wielder of the thunder bolt.

हेमपृष्ठं धनुश्चास्य ददृशे विचरद् दिशः। तोयदेषु यथा राजन् राजमाना शतह्रदा॥
His bow of golden stave, moving on all sides, appeared beautiful, O king, like flashes of lightning illumining the rain clouds.

शराश्च निशिताः पीता निश्चरन्ति स्म संयुगे। वनात् फुल्लद्रुमाद् राजन् भ्रमराणामिव व्रजाः॥
Arrows, well-sharpened and well-tempered, shot from that bow, in that battle, appeared, O king, like flights of bees coming out from a blossoming tree in a forest.

तथैव चरतस्तस्य सौभद्रस्य महात्मनः। रथेन काञ्चनाङ्गेन ददृशुर्नान्तरं जनाः॥
When that high-souled son of Subhadra thus careered through the field on his car of golden sides, his foes could not detect any weakness in him.

मोहयित्वा कृपं द्रोणं च सबृहद्बलम्। सैन्धवं च महेष्वासो व्यग्ररल्लघु सुष्ठु च॥
Confounding Kripa, Drona, Drona's son of great prowess, and the ruler of the Sindhus, that fierce bow-man began to move with celerity and grace on the field of battle.

मण्डलीकृतमेवास्य धनुः पश्याम भारत। सूर्यमण्डलसंकाशं दहतस्तव वाहिनीम्॥
When, O Bharata, he thus consumed your ranks, I saw his bow drawn as to resembled a circle and the solar disc of effulgence.

तं दृष्ट्वा क्षत्रियाः शूराः प्रतपन्तं तरस्विनम्। द्विफाल्गुनमिमं लोकं मेनिरे तस्य कर्मभिः॥
Beholding him fall upon them with celerity, the heroic Kshatriyas considered, in consequence of the feats accomplished by him, that the world contained two Phalguna.

तेनार्दिता महाराज भारती सा महाचमूः। व्यभ्रमत् तत्र तत्रैव योषिन्मदवशादिव॥
Thus crushed by him, O monarch, the mighty army of the Bharatas, reeled here and there like a woman intoxicated with drink.

द्रावयित्वा महासैन्यं कम्पयित्वा महारथान्। नन्दयामास सुहृदो मयं जित्वेव वासवः॥
Thus shattering the mighty hostile army and causing the mighty car-warriors to tremble, the delighted his forces like queered Maya.

तेन विद्राव्यमाणानि तव सैन्यानि संयुगे। चक्रुरास्विनं घोरं पर्जन्यनिनदोपमम्॥
Crushed by him, your troops in that battle, uttered terrible cries of distress resembling the rumbling of the rain clouds.

तं श्रुत्वा निनदं घोरं तव सैन्यस्य भारत। मारुतोद्भूतवेगस्य सागरस्येव पर्वणि॥
Then 0 Bharata, hearing that fierce distressful shrink uttered by your troops, that resembled the roar of the tempest-tossed ocean in a Parva,

दुर्योधनस्तदा राजन्नार्घ्यशृङ्गिमभाषत। एष कर्णिमहाबाहो द्वितीय इव फाल्गुनः॥
Your son Duryodhana, O king, addressing Rishyashringa's son said 'Single-handed the nephew of Krishna, O mighty-armed hero, like a second Phalguna,

चमू द्रावयते क्रोधात् वृत्रो देवचमूमिव। तस्य चान्यन्न पश्यामि संयुगे भेषजं महत्॥
Is tossing in rage my army like Vritra tossing the celestial host. I do not see any other efficacious medicine for him in battle,

ऋते त्वां राक्षसश्रेष्ठं सर्वविद्यासु पारगम्। स गत्वा त्वरितं वीरं जहि सौभद्रमाहवे॥
Save and except, ( foremost of the Rakshasas, your oneself who have seen the end of all learning. So encountering without delay the heroic son of Subhadra, do you slay him in battle.

वयं पार्थं हनिष्यामो भीष्मद्रोणपुरोगमाः। स एवमुक्तो बलवान् राक्षसेन्द्रः प्रतापवान्॥
We on the other hand headed by Bhishma and Drona shall slay Arjuna in battle.” Thus spoken to that prince of the Rakshasas, possessed of might and prowess,

प्रययौ समरे तूर्णं तव पुत्रस्य शासनात्। नर्दमानो महानादं प्रावृषीव बलाहकः॥
Complying with the commands of your son, speedily rushed to battle uttering deafening roars like those of clouds in the rainy season.

तस्य शब्देन महता पाण्डवानां बलं महत्। प्राचलत् सर्वतो राजन् वातोद्भूत इवार्णवः॥
In consequence of those fierce roars of his, the mighty army of the Pandavas became agitated in all parts, like the ocean becoming agitated by the tempest.

बहवश्च महाराज तस्य नादेन भीषिताः। प्रियान् प्राणान् परित्यज्य निपेतुर्धरणीतले॥
Many were they, O king, who terrified at his roars, fell down on the surface of he carth giving up their dear lives.

कार्णािश्चापि मुदा युक्तः प्रगृह्य सशरं धनुः। नृत्यन्निव रथोपस्थे तद् रक्षः समुपाद्रवत्॥
The nephew of Krishna, filled with delight grasping a bow with arrows fixed on the string, rushed against the Rakshasa, as if dancing in the terrace of his car.

ततः स राक्षसः क्रुद्धः सम्प्राप्यैवार्जुनि रणे। नातिदूरे स्थितां तस्य द्रावयामास वै चमूम्॥
Then that Rakshasa, encountering the son of Arjuna, began to crush, in rage, the latter's divisions even, those that were not far from him.

तां वध्यमानां च तथा पाण्डवानां महाचमूम्। प्रत्युद्ययौ रणे रक्षो देवसेनां यथा बलः॥
Thus slaughtering the vast army of the Pandavas, the Rakshasas mashed at it like Vala rushing at the celestial host.

विमर्दः सुमहानासीत् तस्य सैन्यस्य मारिष। रक्षसा घोररूपेण वध्यमानस्य संयुगे।॥
Great was the carnage that produced, O sire, in the ranks of the enemy., when they were assigned and slaughtered by the Rakshasas of fearful of fearful aspect.

ततः शरसहस्रेस्तां पाण्डवानां महाचमूम्। व्यद्रावयद् रणे रक्षो दर्शयन् स्वपराक्रमम्॥
Then with thousand arrows, the Rakshasas ruled the vast army of the Pandavas, displaying the superiority of the prowess.

सा वध्यमाना च तथा पाण्डवानामनीकिनी। रक्षसा घोररूपेण प्रदुद्राव रणे भयात्॥
Thus slaughtered by that Rakshasas of dreadful expression, the division of the Pandavas fled in all directions out of great apprehension.

प्रमृद्य च रणे सेनां पद्मिनी वारणो यथा। ततोऽभिदुद्राव रणे द्रौपदेयान् महाबलान्॥
Thus crushing the troops in battle bike an elephant crushing a lotus, that highly puissant Rakshasas rushed against the sons Draupadi.

ते तु क्रुद्धा महेष्वासा द्रौपदेयाः प्रहारिणः। राक्षसं दुद्रुवुः संख्ये ग्रहाः पञ्च रविं यथा।॥
Thereat inflamed with rage, the sons of Draupadi, all mighty bowmen accomplished in smiting down the foe, rushed against the Rakshasas, like the five planets rushing at the a sun.

वीर्यवद्भिस्ततस्तैस्तु पीडितो राक्षसोत्तमः। यथा युगक्षये घोरे चन्द्रमाः पञ्चभिर्ग्रहै:॥
Then that foremost of the Rakshasas sorely affected by those warriors endued with prowess, appeared like the moon affected by the five planets at the time of the dreadful dissolution at the end of a Yuga.

प्रतिविन्ध्यस्ततो रक्षो बिभेद निशितैः शरैः। सर्वपारशवैस्तूर्णैरकुण्ठागैर्महाबलः॥
Then the highly powerful Prativindhya penetrated the Rakshasas with whetted arrows, sharp as battle axes and with keen points.

स तैर्भिन्नतनुत्राणः शुशुभे राक्षसोत्तमः। मरीचिभिरिवार्कस्य संस्यूतो जलदो महान्॥
With his Armour penetrated by those arrows, that foremost of the Rakshasas appeared beautiful like a mass of rain cloud fried by the rays of the solar orb.

विषक्तैः स शरैश्चापि तपनीयपरिच्छदैः। आHशृङ्गिर्बभौ राजन् दीप्तशृङ्ग इवाचलः॥
Struck with those arrows furnished with golden wings, the Rishyashringa, O king appeared beautiful like an immovable hill with its crest on fire.

ततस्ते भ्रातरः पञ्च राक्षसेन्द्रं महाहवे। विव्यधुनिशितैर्वाणैस्तपनीयविभूषितैः॥
Thereafter the brothers, in that fierce conflict, that foremost of the Rakshasas, with whetted shafts furnished with golden wings.

स निर्भिन्नः शरैोरैर्भुजगैः कोपितैरिव। अलम्बुषो भृशं राजन् नागेन्द्र इव चुक्रुधे॥
Thus pierced by those dreadful arrows resembling furious snakes, Alambusha, O king, became infuriated like a prince of elephants.

सोऽतिविद्धो महाराज मुहूर्तमथ मारिष। प्रविवेश तमो दीर्घं पीडितस्तैर्महारथैः॥
Thus, O monarch, deeply pierced and sorely afflicted by those mighty car-warrior within a few moments, the Rakshasas remained unconscious in a swoon for, a long time.

प्रतिलभ्य ततः संज्ञां क्रोधेन द्विगुणीकृतः। चिच्छेद सायकांस्तेषां ध्वजांश्चैव धनूंषि च॥
Thereafter regaining consciousness, and swelling through fury to double his dimensions, cut the bows, arrows and standards of his adversaries.

एकैकं पञ्चभिर्बाणैराजघान स्मयन्निव। अलम्बुषो रथोपस्थे नृत्यन्निव महारथः॥
Then that mighty car-warrior Alambusha as if dancing on the terrace of his car, wounded every one of the brothers with five shafts each, smiling all the while.

त्वरमाणः सुसंरब्धो हयांस्तेषां महात्मनाम्। जघान राक्षसः क्रुद्धः सारथींश्च महाबलः॥
Then that highly powerful Rakshasas excited to the highest pitch of fury slew the steeds and charioteers of his high-souled foes, with great activity.

बिभेद च सुसंरब्धः पुनश्चैनान् सुसंशितैः। शरैर्बहुविधाकारैः शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः॥
Then again, waxing worth, he pierced them with arrows duly-whetted, of diverse shapes, and discharged by hundreds and thousands.

विरथांश्च महेष्वासान् कृत्वा तत्र स राक्षसः। अभिदुद्राव वेगेन हन्तुकामो निशाचरः॥
Then that Rakshasas that ranger of the nights, depriving those mighty champions of their cars, rushed against them desirous of slaying them.

तानर्दितान् रणे तेन राक्षसेन दुरात्मना। दृष्ट्वार्जुनसुतः संख्ये राक्षसं समुपाद्रवत्॥
Seeing brother thus afflicted by the wickedsouled Rakshasas in battle, he son of Arjuna rushed the former.

तयोः समभवद् युद्धं वृत्रवासवयोरिव। ददृशुस्तावकाः सर्वे पाण्डवाश्च महारथाः॥
Then between them commenced a combat that resembled that between Vritra and Vasava. Your troops as also those o! the Pandavas, all mighty car-warriors, then began to at that fight.

तौ समेतौ महायुद्धे क्रोधदीप्तौ परस्परम्। महाबलौ महाराज क्रोधसंरक्तलोचनौ॥
Those two highly powerful heroes, O monarch, meeting one another dreadful fight, both bring with rage and with eyes red in rage,

परस्परमवेक्षतां कालानलसमौ युधि। तयोः समागमो घोरो बभूव कटुकोदयः॥ यथा देवासुरे युद्धे शक्रशम्बरयोः पुरा॥
And both resembling the All destructive fire, began to eye one another. That encounter between them became dreadful and destructive forces, like that in the days of old between Shakra and Shambara, during the battle between the gods and the demons,