Description of the duration of life in Bharatavarsha

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच भारतस्यास्य वर्षस्य तथा हैमवतस्य च। प्रमाणमायुषः सूत बलं चापि शुभाशुभम्॥ अनागतमतिक्रान्तं वर्तमानं च संजय। आचक्ष्व मे विस्तरेण हरिवर्षं तथैव च॥
Dhritarashtra said 0 Sanjaya, O Suta, tell me in detail the length of life, the strength, the good and bad things, the past, present and future of the dwellers of the Bharata Varsha and of the Himavat Varsha and also of Harivarsha.

संजय उवाच चत्वारि भारते वर्षे युगानि भरतर्षभ। कृतं त्रेता द्वापरं च तिष्यं च कुरुवर्धन॥
Sanjaya said O best of the Bharata race, there are four Yugas in Bharatavarsha, namely Krita, Treta, Dvapara and Kali.

पूर्वं कृतयुगं नाम ततस्त्रेतायुगं प्रभो। संक्षेपाद् द्वापरस्याथ ततस्तिष्यं प्रवर्तते॥
The first of the Yugas in Krita. O lord, after the expire of the Krita comes Treta, after Treta comes Dvapara. after the last of all comes Kali.

चत्वारि तु सहस्राणि वर्षाणां कुरुसत्तम। आयु:संख्या कृतयुगे संख्याता राजसत्तम॥
O foremost of the Kurus, O best of kings, the length of life in the Krita Yoga is four thousand years.

तथा त्रीणि सहस्राणि त्रेतायां मनुजाधिप। द्वे सहस्र द्वापरे तु भुवि तिष्ठति साम्प्रतम्॥
O ruler of men, the length of life in Treta is three thousand. In the present age, in this Dvapara, persons remain on earth for two thousand years.

न प्रमाणस्थितिहस्ति तिष्येऽस्मिन् भरतर्षभ। गर्भस्थाश्च म्रियन्तेऽत्र तथा जाता म्रियन्ति च॥
O best of the Bharata race, in Kali there will be no fixed period for men's life on earth, they will die even in the womb or after birth.

महाबलाः महासत्त्वाः प्रज्ञागुणसमन्विताः। प्रजायन्ते च जाताश्च शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः॥ जाताः कृतयुगे राजन् धनिनः प्रियदर्शनाः। प्रजायन्ते च जाताश्च मुनयो वै तपोधनाः॥ महोत्साहा महात्मानो धार्मिका: सत्यवादिनः। प्रियदर्शना वपुष्मन्तो महावीर्या धनुर्धराः॥
O king, in the Krita Yuga, men are born and beget children by hundreds and thousands they possess great strength and power and wisdom, wealth and beauty. Great ascetic Rishis, capable of great deeds and possessing highsouls, virtuous, and truthful are born in that age. The Kshatriyas of that age are handsome, able bodied, greatly energetic, accomplished in archery, highly skilled in battle and very brave. O king, in the Krita Yuga, all the Kshatriya kings were lords paramount.

वराह युधि जायन्ते क्षत्रियाः शूरसत्तमाः। त्रेतायां क्षत्रिया राजन् सर्वे वै चक्रवर्तिनः॥
In Treta age are born brave Kshatriyas who are subject to none who are long-lived, who are heroic, and who wield the bow in battle with great skill.

सर्ववर्णाश्च जायन्ते सदा चैव च द्वापरे। महोत्साहा वीर्यवन्तः परस्परजयैषिणः॥
O kings, when Dvapara comes in, all the four orders of men become capable of great exertions. They possess great energy and they desire to conquer one another.

तेजसाल्पेन संयुक्ताः क्रोधनाः पुरुषा नृप। लुब्धा अनृतकाश्चैव तिष्ये जायन्ति भारत॥
O king, the men born in the Kali Yuga possess little energy. They become highly wrathful, covetous and untruthful.

ईर्ष्या मानस्तथा क्रोधो मायाऽसूया तथैव च। तिष्ये भवति भूतानां रागो लोभश्च भारत॥
Jealousy, pride, anger, deception, malice, covetousness, O descendant of Bharata, are the characteristics of men in the Kali age.

संक्षेपो वर्तते राजन् द्वापरेऽस्मिन् नराधिप। गुणोत्तरं हैमवतं हरिवर्षं ततः परम्॥
O king, O ruler of men, the portion of the Dvapara Yuga that still remains is very small. The Varsha called Haimavat is superior to Harivarsha in all attributes.