The mission of the priest

वैशम्पायन उवाच युयुधानस्ततो वीरः सात्वतानां महारथः। महता चतुरङ्गेण बलेनागाद् युधिष्ठिरम्॥
Vaishampayana said Then did the hero Yuyudhana of the Satvata race, of great prowess, come to Yudhishthira with a large army containing all the four elements.

तस्य योधा महावीर्या नानादेशसमागताः। नानाप्रहरणा वीराः शोभयाञ्चक्रिरे बलम्॥
His warriors of great strength, came from many countries and heroes, holding many suits of weapons, beautified the army.

परश्वधैर्भिन्दिपालैः शूलतोमरमुद्गरैः। परिधैर्यष्टिभिः पाशैः करवालैश्च निर्मलैः॥ खगकार्मुकनियूँहैः शरैश्च विविधैरपि। तैलधौतैः प्रकाशद्भिसदाऽशोभत वै बलम्॥
That army was ever beautiful for it had in it, battle axes, missiles, spears, lances, mallets, clubs, staves, cords, stainless, swords and daggers and arrows of various kinds all of the best sort.

तस्य मेघप्रकाशस्य सौवर्णैः शोभितस्य च। बभूव रूपं सैन्यस्य मेघस्येव सविद्युतः॥
The appearance of that army with those weapons was like the clouds with lightning.

अक्षौहिणी तु सा सेना तदा यौधिष्ठिरं बलम्। प्रविश्यान्तर्दधे राजन् सागरं कुनदी यथा॥
And that army, numbering an Akshauhini when it became incorporated with Yudhishthira's army, vanished as it were, O king, as does a small river when it falls into the sea.

तथैवाक्षौहिणी गृह्य चेदीनामृषभो बली। धृष्टकेतुरुपागच्छत् पाण्डवानमितौजसः॥
And in the same way did Dhrishtaketu, who was powerful as the best of the Chedis come with an army, an Akshauhini in number, to the Pandavas, of immeasurable strength.

मागधश्च जयत्सेनो जारासन्धिर्महाबलः। अक्षौहिण्यैव सैन्यस्य धर्मराजमुपागमत्॥
And Jayatsena of great strength, son of Jarasandh, king of Magadha, came to the virtuous king with an army counting an Akshauhini.

तथैव पाण्ड्यो राजेन्द्र सागरानूपवासिभिः। वृतो बहुविधैर्योधैर्युधिष्ठिरमुपागमत्॥
In the same way, Pandya, O chief among kings, came to Yudhishthira surrounded by many warriors who had colonized along the sea.

तस्य सैन्यमतीवासीत् तस्मिन् बलसमागमे। प्रेक्षणीयतरं राजन् सुवेषं बलवत् तदा॥
And all his troops being assembled, the army with its fine dress and which was very strong became an object worth seeing, O chief among kings.

दुपदस्याप्यभूत् सेना नानादेशसमागतैः। शोभिता पुरुषैः शूरैः पुत्रैश्चास्य महारथैः॥
And the army of the king of Drupada, assembled from several countries, was graced by heroic men and also by his sons of wonderful valour.

तथैव राजा मत्स्यानां विराटो वाहिनीपतिः। पर्वतीयैर्महीपालैः सहितः पाण्डवानियात्॥
In the same way did Virata, the king of the Matsya, the leader of an army come to the sons of Pandu, accompanied by a large body of soldiers, inhabiting hilly tracts.

इतश्चेतश्च पाण्डूनां समाजग्मुर्महात्मनाम्। अक्षौहिण्यस्तु सप्तैता विविधध्वजसंकुलाः॥ युयुत्समानाः कुरुभिः पाण्डवान् समहर्षयन्।
And from several directions came for the noble minded sons of Pandu seven Akshauhini carrying flags of various sorts. All of them were desirous a fight with the sons of Kuru and so caused the sons of Pandu to rejoice.

तथैव धार्तराष्ट्रस्य हर्षं समभिवर्धयन्॥ भगदत्तो महीपालः सेनामक्षौहिणीं ददौ। तस्य चीनैः किरातैश्च काञ्चनैरिव संवृतम्॥ बभौ बलमनाधृष्यं कर्णिकारवनं यथा।
In the same way increasing the delight of the son of Dhritarashtra, the king Bhagadatta gave army numbering an Akshauhini. And the army was filled with Chins and Kiratas as also with gold. The invulnerable army looked beautiful like a forest of Karnikaras.

तथा भूरिश्रवाः शूरः शल्यश्च कुरुनन्दन॥ दुर्योधनमुपायातावक्षौहिण्या पृथक् पृथक्।
In the same way, Bhurishravas and the hero Shalya, O son of Kuru, went to Duryodhana, each with an army counting an Akshauhini separately.

कृतवर्मा च हार्दिक्यो भोजान्धकुकुरैः सह॥ अक्षौहिण्यैव सेनाया दुर्योधनमुपागमत्।
Kritavarman, the son of Hridika in company with the Bhojas, the Andhak and the Kukuras, went to Duryodhana with an Akshauhini of troops.

तस्य तैः पुरुषव्याप्रैर्वनमालाधरैर्बलम्॥ अशोभत यथा मत्तैर्वनं प्रक्रीडितैर्गजैः।
His army, with those foremost among men, graced with garlands of wild flowers, looked charming as a forest run about by wild elephants.

जयद्रथमुखाश्चान्ये सिन्धुसौवीरवासिनः॥ आजग्मुः पृथिवीपालाः कम्पयन्त इवाचलान्।
And others, the people of Sindhu Sauvira, under the leadership of Jayadratha and also other rulers of the earth, came as if shaking the mountains.

तेषामक्षौहिणी सेना बहुला विबभौ तदा॥ विधूयमानो वातेन बहुरूप इवाम्बुदः।
And their large army looked beautiful at that time like various sorts of clouds shaken by the winds.

सुदक्षिणश्च काम्बोजो यवनैश्च शकैस्तथा॥ उपाजगाम कौरव्यमक्षौहिण्या विशाम्पते। तस्य सेनासमावायः शलभानामिवाबभौ॥ स च सम्प्राप्य कौरव्यं तत्रैवान्तर्दधे तदा।
Oking! Sudakshina, the ruler of Kamboja with the Yavanas and the Shakas came to the son of Kuru, with an Akshauhini of troops. His army looked beautiful like locusts. And having entered the Kaurava army it vanished at the time.

तथा माहिष्मतीवासी नीलो नीलायुधैः सह॥ महीपालो महावीर्यैर्दक्षिणापथवासिभिः।
So did Nila, the resident of Mahishmati, a king of great strength along with the residents of the southern countries with blue weapons.

आवन्त्यौ च महीपालौ महाबलसुसंवृतौ॥ पृथगक्षौहिणीभ्यां तावभियातौ सुयोधनम्।
And so did the two kings of Avanti surrounded by large forces, each with an Akshauhini of troops came to Suyodhana.

केकयाश्च नरव्याघ्राः सोदर्याः पञ्च पार्थिवाः॥ सहर्षयन्तः कौरव्यमक्षौहिण्या समाद्रवन्।
The five rulers of the earth, the sons of the same mother, the best among men, the Kaikeya princes, causing delight to the son of Kuru, came there with an Akshauhini.

ततस्ततस्तु सर्वेषां भूमिपानां महात्मनाम्॥ तिस्रोऽन्याः समवर्तन्त वाहिन्यो भरतर्षभ।
O you foremost among the race of Bharata, from the large minded kings of other countries, there came three other armies.

एवमेकादशावृत्ताः सेना दुर्योधनस्य ताः॥ युयुत्समानाः कौन्तेयान् नानाध्वजसमाकुलाः।
In this way Duryodhana was surrounded by an army eleven Akshauhinis strong. All of them were desirous of a fight with the sons of Kunti and filled with banners of various sorts.

न हास्तिनपुरे राजन्नवकाशोऽभवत् तदा॥ राज्ञां स्वबलमुख्यानां प्राधान्येनापि भारत।
Oking, In the city of Hastinapura, there was not space, even for the principal leaders of the king's own army.

ततः पञ्चनदं चैव कृत्स्नं च कुरुजाङ्गलम्॥ तथा रोहितकारण्य मरुभूमिश्च केवला। अहिच्छत्रं कालकूटं गङ्गाकूलं च भारत॥ वारणं वाटधानं च यामुनश्चैव पर्वतः। एष देश: सुविस्तीर्णः प्रभूतधनधान्यवान्॥
O son of Bharata, for this reason the country of the five rivers, Krishna, Kurujangala and the forest of Rohitaka and the desert of Kevala and Ahichhatra and Kalakuta and the bank of the Ganges and Varana and Vatadhana and the mountains of Yamuna, all these extensive tracts containing large quantities of corn and wealth became exceedingly crowded with the army of the Kauravas.

बभूव कौरवेयाणां बलेनातीव संवृतः। तत्र सैन्यं तथा युक्तं ददर्श स पुरोहितः॥ यः स पाञ्चालराजेन प्रेषितः कौरवान् प्रति॥
There the priest saw the army of this description-the priest who was sent by the king of Panchala to the Kauravas.