The mission of priest

वासुदेव उवाच उपपन्नमिदं वाक्यं सोमकानां धुरंधरे। अर्थसिद्धिकरं राज्ञः पाण्डवस्यामितौजसः॥
Vasudeva said These words befit the chief of the king of the Pandu race, who is unequaled in prowess.

एतच्च पूर्वं कार्यं नः सुनीतमभिकाङ्क्षताम्। अन्यथा ह्याचरन् कर्म पुरुषः स्यात् सुबालिशः॥
It ought to be done first of all by us, who desire to act on the principles of politics and the man who acts otherwise is a fool.

किं तु संभन्धकं तुल्यमस्माकं कुरुपाण्डुषु। यथेष्टं वर्तमानेषु पाण्डवेषु च तेषु च॥
But our relations, are the same with the sons of Kuru and Pandu, whatever at this present moment might be those amongst themselves.

ते विवाहार्थमानीता वयं सर्वे तथा भवान्। कृते विवाहे मुदिता गमिष्यामो गृहान् प्रति॥
We all have been invited here and you as well for the wedding and the ceremony being over we shall go well pleased homeward bound.

भवान् वृद्धतमो राज्ञां वयसा च श्रुतेन च। शिष्यवत् ते वयं सर्वे भवामेह न संशयः॥
You are the oldest among kings both in age and in learning and we doubtless are like your pupils.

भवन्तं धृतराष्ट्रश्च सततं बहु मन्यते। आचार्ययोः : सखा चासि द्रोणस्य च कृपस्य च॥
Dhritarashtra too always reveres you much and are the friend of the preceptors Drona and Kripa.

स भवान् प्रेषयत्वद्य पाण्डवार्थकरं वचः। सर्वेषां निश्चितं तन्नः प्रेषयिष्यति यद् भवान्॥
This day, therefore, tutor us in what is to the interests of the Pandavas. None of us shall question what you say.

यदि तावच्छमं कुर्यान्यायेन कुरुपुङ्गवः। न भवेत् कुरुपाण्डूनां सौभ्रात्रेण महान् क्षयः॥
If the chief among the Kurus seek peace on equal terms, there will be no injury done to the brotherly feeling between the Kauravas and the Pandavas.

अथ दर्यान्वितो मोहान्न कुर्याद् धृतराष्ट्रजः। अन्येषां प्रेषयित्वा च पश्चादस्मान् समाह्वये॥
If the son of Dhritarashtra dose not thus seek peace owing to the ignorance mixed with vanity, summon us after sending word to others.

ततो दुर्योधनो मन्दः सहामात्यः सबान्धवः। निष्ठामापत्स्यते मूढः क्रुद्धे गाण्डीवधन्वनि॥
Then the bad man Duryodhana along with his ministers and friends will meet his fate at the hands of him who uses the Gandiva as his bow and who will be fired with wrath.

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततः सत्कृत्य वार्ष्णेयं विराटः पृथिवीपतिः। गृहान् प्रस्थापयामास सगणं सहबान्धवम्॥
Vaishampayana said Then the lord of the earth Virata, having treated the descendant of Vrishni with due honours, sent him home along with his men and his friends.

द्वारकां तु गते कृष्णे युधिष्ठिरपुरोगमाः। चक्रुः सांग्रामिकं सर्वं विराटश्च महीपतिः॥
Krishna having gone to Dwarka the followers of Yudhishthira and also the king Virata made all preparations for the war.

ततः सम्प्रेषयामास विराट: सह बान्धवैः। सर्वेषां भूमिपालानां द्रुपदश्च महीपतिः॥
Then did Virata and his friends and also the king Drupada send word to all the rulers.

वचनात् कुरुसिंहानां मत्स्यपाञ्चालयोश्च ते। समाजग्मुर्महीपालाः सम्प्रहृष्टा महाबलाः॥
At the request of those lions among the Kauravas of the rulers of the Matsya and Panchala, came there cheerfully kings with large arinies.

तच्छ्रुत्वा पाण्डुपुत्राणां समागच्छन्महबलम्। धृतराष्ट्रसुताश्चापि समानिन्युर्महीपतीन्॥
Having heard that a large army was being collected for the sons of Pandu, Dhritarashtra's too brought together many rulers.

समाकुला मही राजन् कुरुपाण्डवकारणात्। तदा समभवत् कृत्स्ना सम्प्रयाणे महीक्षिताम्॥
At that time, o king the earth became crowded with the throng of kings who had come either for the Kauravas or for the Pandavas.

संकुला च तदा भूमिश्चतुरङ्गबलान्विता। बलानि तेषां वीराणामागच्छन्ति ततस्ततः॥
And the earth at time became thronged with the four elements of the army. The armies of those heroes began to pour from all quarters.

चालयन्तीव गां देवीं सपर्वतवनामिमाम्। ततः प्रज्ञावयोवृद्ध पाञ्चाल्यः स्वपुरोहितम्। कुरुभ्यः प्रेषयामास युधिष्ठिरमते स्थितः॥
And the goddess earth, with her mountains and forest seemed as if trembling. And the king of the Panchałas, who was of the same opinion with; Yudhishthira, sent to the Kauravas his own priest who was old both in wisdom and in age.