The description of Yudhishthira

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततस्तृतीये दिवसे भ्रातरः पञ्च पाण्डवाः। स्नाता: शुक्लाम्बरधराः समये चरितव्रताः॥ युधिष्ठिरं पुरस्कृत्य सर्वाभरणभूषिताः। द्वारि मत्ता यथा नागा भ्राजमाना महारथाः॥
Vaishampayana said Thereupon, on the third day, being bathed and wearing white clothes and adorned with all ornaments, the five brothers, having observed their vows in due time and placed Yudhishthira before them, appeared at the gate like five infuriated elephants.

विराटस्य सभां गत्वा भूमिपालासनेष्वथ। निषेदुः पावकप्रख्याः सर्वे धिष्ण्येष्विवागनयः॥
Having entered the assembly hall of the king Virata, they sat on thrones reserved for kings and shone there like fire on the sacrificial altar.

तेषु तत्रोपविष्टेषु विराटः पृथिवीपतिः। आजगाम सभां कर्तुं राजकार्याणि सर्वशः॥
They, having taken their seats, the Emperor Virata came there to perform his manifold royal duties.

श्रीमतः पाण्डवान् दृष्ट्वा ज्वलतः पावकानिव। मुहूर्तमिव च ध्यात्वा सरोषः पृथिवीपतिः॥
Beholding the beautiful Pandavas, who shone there like burning fire, the king thought for a moment and was worked up with anger.

अथ मत्स्योऽब्रवीत् कवं देवरूपमिव स्थितम्। मरुद्गणैरुपासीनं त्रिदशानामिवेश्वरम्॥
Then the king of Matsya's said to Kanka, who was seated there like the king of gods attended by the Maruts.

स किलाक्षातिवापस्त्वं सभास्तारो मया वृतः। अथ राजासने कस्मादुपविष्टस्त्वलंकृतः॥
You were a player at dice and were appointed by me as a courtier. Why do you, adorned with ornaments, sit on a royal throne?”

वैशम्पायन उवाच परिहासेप्सया वाक्यं विराटस्य निशम्य तत्। स्मयमानोऽर्जुनो राजन्निदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Hearing the words of Virata, Arjuna, as if smiling, said the following words to the king:

अर्जुन उवाच इन्द्रस्यार्धासनं राजन्नयमारोढुमर्हति। ब्रह्मण्यः श्रुतवांस्त्यगी यज्ञशीलो दृढव्रतः॥
This man, o king, is worthy of even sharing a seat with Indra. Respectful toward Brahmanas, well read in Shrutis, even engaged in the performance of sacrifices, selfsacrificing, of firm vows,

एष विग्रहवान् धर्म एष वीर्यवतां वरः। एष बुद्ध्याधिको लोके तपसां च परायणम्॥
He is in fact the embodiment of Virtue and the foremost of the powerful. He is of superior intelligence in this world and intent on the performance of ascetic rites.

एषोऽस्त्रं विविधं वेत्ति त्रैलोक्ये सचराचरे। न चैवान्यः पुमान् वेत्ति न वेत्स्यति कदाचन॥
He knows the use of various weapons. No creature in the three worlds, either amongst the mobile or immobile, knows this like him, nor will know it.

न देवा नासुराः केचिन्न मनुष्या न राक्षसाः। गन्धर्वयक्षप्रवराः सकिन्नरमहोरगाः॥
Neither the celestials, Asuras, human beings. Rakshasas, Gandharvas, the leading Yakshas, Kinnaras, or serpents (are like him).

दीर्घदर्शी महातेजाः पौरजानपदप्रियः। पाण्डवानामतिरथो यज्ञधर्मपरो वशी॥
He is far-sighted, highly energetic, beloved of the citizens and villagers, the foremost of car-warriors among the sons of Pandu, the performer of sacrifices, pious, and selfcontrolled.

महर्षिकल्पो राजर्षिः सर्वलोकेषु विश्रुतः। बलवान् धृतिमान् दक्षः सत्यवादी जितेन्द्रियः। धनैश्च सञ्चयैश्चैव शक्रवैश्रवणोपमः॥
A royal saint like a great Rishi as he is, he is celebrated all over the world. He is powerful, intelligent, capable, truthful and selfcontrolled. In wealth he is equal to Indra and in amassed wealth to Kubera,

यथा मनुर्महातेजा लोकानां परिरक्षिता। एवमेष महातेजाः प्रजानुग्रहकारकः॥
He is the preserver of the world like the highly powerful Manu himself. Highly powerful and kind to his subjects.

अयं कुरूणामृषभो धर्मराजो युधिष्ठिरः। अस्य कीर्तिः स्थिता लोके सूर्यस्येवोद्यतः प्रभा।।१६।
He is the best in Kuru dynasty and known as Dharmaraja Yudhishthira. As the pleasant and cool radiance of the rising sun, his pleasure pouring fame has been spreaded throughout the world.

संसरन्ति दिशः सर्वा यशसोऽस्य इवांशवः। उदितस्येव सूर्यस्य तेजसोऽनु गभस्तयः॥
As the sun rays spread in all directions on sun rise due to radiation, his fame with its nectar pouring white rays is spreading in all directions.

एनं दशसहस्राणि कुञ्जराणां तरस्विनाम्। अन्वयुः पृष्ठतो राजन् यावदध्यावसत् कुरून्॥
O king, during his dwelling in Kuru country, as much as ten thousand mighty elephants used to follow him.

त्रिंशदेनं सहस्राणि रथाः काञ्चनमालिनः। सदश्वरूपसम्पन्नाः पृष्ठतोऽनुययुस्तदा।॥
Similarly, thirty thousand chariots trimmed with garments made of gold and best quality horses used to follow him while in Kuru country.

एनमष्टशताः सूताः सुमृष्टमणिकुण्डलाः। अब्रुवन् मागधैः सार्धं पुरा शक्रमिवर्षयः॥
As all sages chant pray lord Indra, he was carlier prayed by eight hundred soothsayers and Magadha (clown) bearing gem-studded car-rings.

एनं नित्यमुपासन्त कुरवः किंकरा यथा। सर्वे च राजन् राजानो धनेश्वरमिवामराः॥
O king! As the gods pray Kubera, the treasurer, all kings and Kauravas used to follow his orders daily like servants.

एष सर्वान् महीपालान् करदान् समकारयत्। वैश्यानिव महाभागो विवशान् स्ववशानपि॥
This great man had made all kings tax payers like Vaishyas (by subjugation) and by directing them varied ways (viz. all kings used to pay him taxes imposed).

अष्टाशीतिसहस्राणि स्नातकानां महात्मनाम्। उपजीवन्ति राजानमेनं सुचरितव्रतम्॥
This great resolute had employed as much as eighty eight thousand learned graduates (Snatakas) and he used to consult with them daily.

एष वृद्धाननाथांश्च पङ्गुनन्धांश्च मानवान्। पुत्रवत् पालयामास प्रजा धर्मेण वै विभुः॥
He used to provide senior people, orphans, handicapped and blind people of state with proper maintenance. This king used to defend his subjects like son with all legitimate means and resources.

एष धर्मे दमे चैव क्रोधे चापि जितव्रतः। महाप्रसादो ब्रह्मण्यः सत्यवादी च पार्थिवः॥
This king has resolved to control the sensory organs, always prepared to execute all what is legitimate and has ail extreme control on anger. He is kind hearted, devotee to Brahmins and truthful.

शीघ्रं तापेन चैतस्य तप्यते स सुयोधनः। सगणः सह कर्णेन सौबलेनापि वा विभुः॥
By virtue of his valour, Duryodhana in spite of being so mighty shortly punished for his evil tricks with Karna, Shakuni and all other attendants.

न शक्यन्ते ह्यस्य गुणाः प्रसंख्यातुं नरेश्वर। एष धर्मपरो नित्यमानृशंसश्च पाण्डवः॥ एवं युक्तो महाराजः पाण्डव: पार्थिवर्षभः। कथं नार्हति राजार्हमासनं पृथिवीपते।॥
O king! His great virtues cannot be counted. He, the son of Pandu is generous and always religion abiding. Oking! Why is Yudhishthira, the son of Pandu not entitled to the position of a king in spite of the best virtues resting in his personality?