The colloquy between Uttara and Virata

वैशम्पायन उवाच धनं चापि विजित्याशु विराटो वाहिनीपतिः। विवेश नगरं हृष्टश्चतुर्भिः पाण्डवैः सह॥
Vaishampayana said Having recovered speedily his wealth, Virata, the master of the army entered delightedly the city with the four Pandavas.

जित्वा त्रिगर्तान् संग्रामे गाश्चैवादाय सर्वशः। अशोभत महाराज सहपार्थः श्रिया वृतः॥
Having defeated the Trigartas in battle and rescued the kine, the king shone there, in the inidst of the Partha's.

तमासनगतं वीरं सुहृदां हर्षवर्धनम्। उपासाञ्चक्रिरे सर्वे सह पाथैः परंतपाः॥
All the heroes, with the sons of Pritha, worshipped the heroic (Virata) the increaser of friend's joy, who was seated on his throne.

उपतस्थुः प्रकृतयः समस्ता ब्राह्मणैः सह। सभाजित: ससैन्यस्तु प्रतिनन्द्याथ मत्स्यराट्॥ विसर्जयामास तदा द्विजांश्च प्रकृतीस्तथा। तथा स राजा मत्स्यानां विराटो वाहिनीपतिः॥ उत्तरं परिपप्रच्छ क्व यात इति चाब्रवीत्। आचख्युस्तस्य तत्सर्वं स्त्रियः कन्याश्च वेश्मनि॥ अन्तःपुरचराश्चैव कुरुभिर्गोधनं हृतम्। विजेतुमभिसंरब्ध एक एवातिसाहसात्। बृहन्नलासहायश्च निर्गतः पृथिवीठ्ठायः॥ उपयातानतिरथान् भीष्मं शान्तवनं कृपम्। कर्णं दुर्योधनं द्रोणं द्रोणपुत्रं च षड् रथान्॥
All his subjects, along with the Brahmanas and the soldiers, came and adored him. Welcoming them, the king of Matsya sent away the Brahmanas and the subjects. Then the king of Matsya's, Virata, the commander of armies, enquired of Uttara and said “Where has he gone?” Then all the females and girls of the inner apartments said “The kine were taken away by the Kurus. Out o excessive bravery, the conqueror of the earth alone, with Brihannala as his help, went out to vanquish them-the six powerful car-warriors Bhishma the son of Shantanu, Kripa, Karna, Duryodhana, Drona and Drona's son, who all have come.”

वैशम्पायन उवाच राजा विराटोऽथ भृशाभितप्तः श्रुत्वा सुतं त्वेकरथेन यातम्। बृहन्नलासारथिमाजिवर्धनं प्रोवाच सर्वानथ मन्त्रिमुख्यान्॥
Hearing that his brave son had gone out with only one car and Brihannala as his charioteer, the king Virata was filled with sorrow and said to his leading ministers:

सर्वथा कुरवस्ते हि ये चान्ये वसुधाधिपाः। त्रिगर्तान् निःसृताञ्छ्रुत्वा न स्थास्यन्ति कदाचन।।१०।
“Hearing of the discomfiture of the Trigartas, all the Kurus and other kings will not surely wait there.

तस्माद् गच्छन्तु मे योधा बलेन महता वृताः। उत्तरस्य परीप्सार्थं ये त्रिगतैरविक्षताः॥
Let those of my warriors, who have not been wounded by Trigartas, go out with a highly powerful army to rescue Uttara."

हयांश्च नागांश्च रथांस्च शीघ्रं पदातिसङ्घांश्च ततः प्रवीरान्। प्रस्थापयामास सुतस्य हेतोविचित्रशस्त्राभरणोपपन्नान्॥
Saying this, the king Virata soon dispatched for his son, horses, elephants, cars, and a large number of infantry, decked with various dresses and ornaments.

एवं स राजा मत्स्यानां विराटो वाहिनीपतिः। व्यादिदेशाथ तां क्षिप्रं वाहिनी चतुरङ्गिणीम्॥
Virata, the king of Matsya's and commander of armies, ordered out speedily an army consisting of four divisions.

कुमारमाशु जानीत यदि जीवति वा न वा। यस्य यन्ता गतः षण्ढो मन्येऽहं स न जीवति॥
He said: “Learn without delay, if the prince is still alive or not. Methinks, he, who has got an useless person for his charioteer, is not yet alive.

वैशम्पायन उवाच तमब्रवीद् धर्मराजो विहस्य विराटराजं तु भृशाभितप्तम्। बृहन्नला सारथिश्चेन्नरेन्द्र परे न नेष्यन्ति तवाद्य गास्ताः॥
Then the king Yudhishthira smilingly said to the king Virata, who was greatly stricken with sorrow. If Brihannala has been his charioteer, the enemies will not be able to take away the kine.

सर्वान् महीपान् सहितान् कुरुश्च तथैव देवासुरसिद्धयक्षान्। अलं विजेतुं समरे सुतस्ते स्वनुष्ठितः सारथिना हि तेन॥
Well guarded by that charioteer, your son will be able to defeat all the kings allied with the Kurus, as well as all the celestials, Asuras and Yakshas.

वैशम्पायन उवाच अथोत्तरेण प्रहिता दूतास्ते शीघ्रगामिनः। विराटनगरं प्राप्य विजयं समवेदयन्॥
In the meantime, the swiftly coursing emissaries, dispatched by Uttara, reached the city and announced the victory.

राज्ञस्तत् सर्वमाचख्यौ मन्त्री विजयमुत्तमम्। पराजयं कुरूणां चाप्युपायान्तं तथोत्तरम्॥ सर्वा विनिर्जिता गावः कुरवश्च पराजिताः। उत्तरः सह सूतेन कुशली च परंतपः॥
The messenger then described to the king everything-the excellent victory, the defeat of the Kurus, and the expected arrival of Uttara. He said: "All the kine have been rescued, the Kurus have been vanquished, and Uttara, the slayer of enemies, fares well with his charioteer.”

युधिष्ठिर उवाच दिष्ट्या विनिर्जिता गावः कुरवश्च पलायिताः। नाद्भुतं त्वेव मन्येऽहं यत् ते पुत्रोऽजयत् कुरून्।।२०। ध्रुव एव जयस्तस्य यस्य यन्ता बृहन्नला।
Yudhishthira said "By good luck it is, that the kine have been rescued and the Kurus have fled away. I do not consider it strange, that your son defeated the Kurus. Victory is secure to him who has got Brihannala as his charioteer.”

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततो विराटो नृपतिः सम्प्रहृष्टतनूरुहः॥ श्रुत्वा स विजयं तस्य कुमारस्यामितौजसः।
Hearing of the victory of his son of immeasurable energy, the king Virata was greatly delighted, and the hairs of his body stood up.

आच्छादयित्वा दूतांस्तान्मन्त्रिणं सोऽभ्यचोदयत्।।२२ राजमार्गाः क्रियन्तां मे पताकाभिरलंकृताः।
Then having covered the messengers with presents, he said to the ministers "Let my highway be decorated with flags."

पुष्पोपहारैरय॑न्तां देवताश्चापि सर्वशः॥ कुमारा योधमुख्याश्च गणिकाश्च स्वलंकृताः।
"Let all the gods be adored with presents of flowers. Let the princes, leading warriors, harlots adorned with ornaments."

वादित्राणि च सर्वाणि प्रत्युद्यान्तु सुतं मम॥ घण्टावान मानवः शीघ्रं मत्तमारुह्य वारणम्।
And all the musicians go out to receive iny son. Let the man who rings the bell, riding an infuriated elephant.

शृङ्गाटकेषु सर्वेषु आख्यातुं विजयं मम॥ उत्तरा च कुमारीभिर्बह्वीभिः परिवारिता। शृङ्गारवेषाभरणा प्रत्युद्यातुं सुतं मम॥
Announce my victory at the meeting of the four roads. Let Uttara, too, encircled by many princesses, dressed and adorned in a charming style, go out to receive my son.

वैशम्पायन उवाच श्रुत्वा चेदं वचनं पार्थिवस्य सर्वं पुरं स्वस्तिकपाणिभूतम्। भेर्यश्च तूर्याणि च वारिजाश्च वेषैः पराध्यैः प्रमदाः शुभाश्च॥ तथैव सूतैः सह मागधैश्च नान्दीवाधाः पणवास्तूर्यवाद्याः। अक्षानाहर सैरन्ध्रि पुराद् विराटस्य महाबलस्य प्रत्युद्ययुः पुत्रमनन्तवीर्यम्॥
Hearing the words of the king, all the citizens, with auspicious things in their hands, with cymbals, trumpets and conchs, and gorgeously attired handsome ladies, reciters of hymns, and many other musicians, went out to welcome the highly powerful son of Virata.

प्रस्थाप्य सेनां कन्याश्च गणिकाश्च स्वलकृताः। मत्स्यराजो महाप्राज्ञः प्रहृष्ट इदमब्रवीत्॥
Having ordered out soldiers, maidens and well-adorned harlots, the wise king delightedly said these words.

कङ्क द्यूतं प्रवर्तताम्। तं तथावादिनं दृष्ट्वा पाण्डवः प्रत्यभाषत।॥ न देवितव्यं हृष्टेन कितवेनेति नः श्रुतम्। तं त्वामद्य मुदा युक्तं नाहं देवितुमुत्सहे। प्रियं त ते चिकीर्षामि वर्ततां यदि मन्यसे॥
“Bring the dice, O Sairandhri, and let us play, O Kanka.” To him then speaking, We have heard that one, in an ecstasy of joy, should not gamble . I do not wish to play with you today who are filled with joy. I always wish to do you good. If you (still wish), begin.

विराट उवाच स्त्रियो गावो हिरण्यं च यच्चान्यद् वसु किञ्चन। न मे किञ्चित् त्वया रक्ष्यमन्तरेणापि देवितुम्॥
Virata said Females, kine, gold and other riches whatever I have, nothing you will be able to keep today even if I do not gamble.

कङ्क उवाच किं ते द्यूतेन राजेन्द्र बहुदोषेण मानद। देवने बहवो दोषास्तस्मात् तत् परिवर्जयेत्॥
Kanka said "O king, O giver of honours, what have you to do with gambling which is attended with so many evils. There are many evils in gambling, and so you should avoid it.

श्रुतस्ते यदि वा दृष्टः पाण्डवेयो युधिष्ठिरः। स राष्ट्रं सुमहत् स्फीतं भ्रातृ॑श्च त्रिदशोपमान्॥ राज्यं हारितवान् सर्वं तस्माद् द्यूतं न रोचये। अथवा मन्यसे राजन् दीव्याम यदि रोचते॥
You might have heard, if not seen, that the king Yudhishthira lost his vast and prosperous kingdom, his god-like brothers, and everything at a game of dice. I, therefore, do not like this game. If you, however, like, O king, I shall begin.”

वैशम्पायन उवाच प्रवर्तमाने द्यूते तु मत्स्यः पाण्डवमब्रवीत्। पस्य पुत्रेण मे युद्धे तादृशाः कुरवो जिताः॥ ततोऽब्रवीन्महात्मा स एनं राजा युधिष्ठिरः। बृहन्नला यस्य यन्ता कथं स न जयेद् युधि॥
While the play was going on, the Matsya king said to Yudhishthira "Even so very fearful Kauravas have been defeated in battle by my son." Whereto Yudhishthira replied “Why should he not conquer who has got Brihannala as his charioteer?"

इत्युक्तः कुपितो राजा मत्स्यः पाण्डवमब्रवीत्। समं पुत्रेण मे षण्ढं ब्रह्मबन्धो प्रशंससि॥
At this, being enraged, the king of Matsya's said to the son of Pandu: “O wretch of a Brahman, you speak highly of an eunuch as compared with my son.

वाच्यावाच्यं न जानीघे नूनं मामवमन्यसे। भीष्मद्रोणमुखान् सर्वान् कस्मान्न स विजेष्यति॥
Have you not an idea of what is proper and what is not proper? Forsooth, you insult me. Why should he not defcat all the heroes headed by Bhishma and Drona?

वयस्यत्वात् तु ते ब्रह्मन्नपराधमिमं क्षमे। नेदृशं तु पुनर्वाच्यं यदि जीवितुमिच्छसि॥
For the sake of friendship, O Brahmana, I forgive you for this offence. You must not speak so again, if you wish to live."

युधिष्ठिर उवाच यत्र द्रोणस्तथा भीष्मो द्रौणिर्वैकर्तनः कृपः। दुर्योधनश्च राजेन्द्रस्तथान्ये च महारथाः॥ मरुद्गणैः परिवृतः साक्षादपि मरुत्पतिः। कोऽन्यो वृहन्नलायास्तान् प्रतियुध्येत सङ्गतान्॥
Yudhishthira said There, where Drona, Bhishma Drona's son, Vikartanas son, Kripa, the king Duryodhana, and other kings and car-warriors are, and where Indra himself is surrounded by Maruts, who else, save Brihannala, can fight with them, all collectively.

यस्य बाहुबले तुल्यो न भूतो न भविष्यति। अतीव समरं दृष्ट्वा हर्षो यस्योपजायते॥ योऽजयत् सङ्गत्तान् सर्वान् ससुरासुरमानवान्। तादृशेन सहायेन कस्मात् स न विजेष्यते॥
None has been and none will be his equal in strength of arms. It is he only who takes delight on seeing a mighty encounter. Why should he not come off victorious, being aided by him who defeated all the celestials, the Asuras and the human beings, assembled together?

विराट उवाच बहुशः प्रतिषिद्धोऽसि न च वाचं नियच्छसि। नियन्ता चेन्न विद्येत न कश्चिद् धर्ममाचरेत्॥
Virata said “Although prevented by me repeatedly, you do not control your speech. If there is none to govern, who will practise virtues?"

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततः प्रकुपितो राजा तमक्षेणानहद् भृशम्। मुखे युधिष्ठिरं कोपान्नैवमित्येव भर्सयन्॥ बलवत् प्रतिविद्धस्य नस्तः शोणितमावहत्। तद्प्राप्तं महीं पार्थः पाणिभ्यां प्रत्यगृह्णत॥
Vaishampayana said Saying this, the king, worked up with anger, siruck Yudhishthira on the face with a dice, and remonstrated with him in anger. Having been struck with great force, blood began to glow from his nose. But Partha held it in his hands so that it mighty not fall on the ground.

अवैक्षत स धर्मात्मा द्रौपदी पार्श्वत: स्थिताम्। सा ज्ञात्वा तमभिप्रायं भर्तुश्चित्तवशानुगा॥ पात्रं गृहीत्वा सौवर्णं जलपूर्णमनिन्दिता। तच्छोणितं प्रत्यगृह्णाद् यत् प्रसुस्राव नस्ततः॥
The pious Yudhishthira then looked at Draupadi who was standing by his side. Understanding his intention, that faultless one, ever obedient to her husband, brought a golden vessel filled with water, and held the blood that flowed from his nose.

अथोत्तरः शुभैर्गन्धैर्माल्यैश्च विविधैस्तथा। अवकीर्यमाण: संहृष्टो नगरं स्वैरमागतः॥
In the meantime, Uttara, covered with various perfumes and garlands, slowly entered the city with delight.

सभाज्यमानः पौरेश्च स्त्रीभिर्जानपदैस्तथा। आसाद्य भवनद्वारं पित्रे सम्प्रत्यवेदयत्॥ ततो द्वाः स्थः प्रविश्यैव विराटमिदमब्रवीत्। बृहन्नलासहायश्च पुत्रो द्वार्युत्तरः स्थितः॥
He was welcomed by the citizens, females and villagers. Arrived at the gate, he sent news to his father. The waiter, approaching the king Virata said: “Your son waits at the gate with Brihannala as his help.”

ततो हृष्टो मत्स्यराजः क्षत्तारमिदमब्रवीत्। प्रवेश्यतामुभौ तूर्णं दर्शनेप्सुरहं तयोः॥ क्षत्तारं कुरुराजस्तु शनैः कर्ण उपाजपत्। उत्तरः प्रविशत्वेको न प्रवेश्या बृहन्नला॥
The king of Matsya then said with delight to the porter. “Bring them here-I am anxious to see them.” Then Yudhishthira whispered to the porter. “Let Uttara alone come, and not Brihannala.

एतस्य हि महाबाहो व्रतमेतत् समाहितम्। यो ममाङ्गे व्रणं कुर्याच्छोणितं वापि दर्शयेत्। अन्यत्र संग्रामगान स जीवेत् कथञ्चन॥ न मृष्याद् भृशसंक्रुद्धो मां दृष्ट्वा तु सशोणितम्। विराटमिह सामात्यं हन्यात् सबलवाहनम्॥
That mighty-armed hero has taken this vow that whoever shall wound my body or shed my blood except in battle, shall never live. Greatly angered, he will never see me bleeding but will kill Virata with his counsellors, horses and soldiers."

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततो राज्ञः सुतो ज्येष्ठः प्राविशत् पृथिवीट्टायः। सोऽभिवाद्य पितुः पादौ ककं चाप्युपतिष्ठत॥ ततो रुधिरसंयुक्तमनेकाग्रमनागसम्। भूमावासीनमेकान्ते सैरभ्या प्रत्युपस्थितम्॥
Vaishampayana said Then the eldest son of the king, Bhuminjaya, entered there. Having saluted the feet of his father, he approached Kanka. He saw him there, bathed in blood, sitting on the ground, at one end of the court, attended upon by Sairandhri.

तत: पप्रच्छ पितरं त्वरमाण इवोत्तरः। केनायं ताडितो राजन् केन पापमिदं कृतम्॥
Uttara, then, in a hurry, asked his father “Who has struck him, Oking? Who has committed this iniquity?"

विराट उवाच मयायं ताडितो जिह्मो न चाप्येतावदर्हति। प्रशस्यमाने यच्छूरे त्वयि षण्ढं प्रशंसति॥
Virata said : “This wily Brahmana has been struck by me. He deserves even more than this. When I was speaking highly of you, heroic as you are, he praised a eunuch.”

उत्तर उवाच अकार्यं ते कृतं राजन् क्षिप्रमेव प्रसाद्यताम्। मा त्वां ब्रह्मविषं घोरं समूलमिह निर्दहेत्॥
Uttara said: "You have committed a great sin. Please him soon so that the deadly venom of Brahmana's curse may not consume you to the very roots.

वैशम्पायन उवाच स पुत्रस्य वचः श्रुत्वा विराटो राष्ट्रवर्धनः। क्षमयामास कौन्तेयं भस्मच्छन्नमिवानलम्॥
Hearing the words of his son Virata, enhancer of the state begged pardon with the son of Kunti, radiant like fire within ashes,

क्षमयन्तं तु राजानं पाण्डवः प्रत्यभाषत। चिरं क्षान्तमिदं राजन् न मन्युर्विद्यते मम॥
Seeking forgiveness him, the son of Pandu said the king that I have taken the vow of pardon, so I have no anger in my mind.

यदि ह्येतत् पतेद् भूमौ रुधिरं मम नस्ततः सराष्ट्रस्त्वं महाराज विनश्येथा न संशयः॥
Forsooth, If the blood comes out from my nose, and falls on the ground, O king, you with your kingdom would have been destroyed.

न दूषयामि ते राजन् यद् वै हन्याददूषकम्। बलवन्तं प्रभुं राजन् क्षिप्रं दारुणमाप्नुयात्॥
O king! Do not censure anybody and killing of others is a sinful act, but sometimes mighty king as you is bound to take this cruel step.

वैशम्पायन उवाच शोणिते तु व्यतिक्रान्ते प्रविवेश बृहन्नला। अभिवाद्य विराटं तु ककं चाप्युपतिष्ठत॥
Vaishampayana sajd When the bleeding had stopped, Brihannala entered the room and having saluted Virata and Kanka, stood silent.

क्षामयित्वा तु कौरव्यं रणादुत्तरमागतम्। प्रशशंस ततो मत्स्यः शृण्वत: सव्यसाचिनः॥ त्वया दायादवानस्मि कैकेयीनन्दिवर्धन। त्वया मे सदृशः पुत्रो न भूतो न भविष्यति॥
Having pacified Yudhishthira, the king began to praise Uttara in the hearing of Arjuna. "O descendant of Kaikeya, in you I have truly got a son. Like you I never had nor shall have a son."

पदं पदसहस्रेण यश्चरन् नापरानुयात्। तेन कर्णेन ते तात कथमासीत् समागमः॥ मनुष्यलोके सकले यस्य तुल्यो न विद्यते। तेन भीष्मेण ते तात कथमासीत् समागमः॥
O son! How did you fight with that Karna who on his one target releases arrows for thousand targets unfailingly. And how did you meet in battle with who is unequal to any person in this world.

आचार्यो वृष्णिवीराणां कौरवाणां च यो द्विजः। सर्वक्षत्रस्य चाचार्यः सर्वशस्त्रभृतां वरः। तेन द्रोणेन ते तात कथमासीत् समागमः॥
O son! How did you fight with that twiceborn Drona, who is preceptor of the Vishni heroes and sons of Kurus, preceptor of all the Kshatriyas and the foremost among the armed soldiers.

आचार्यपुत्रो यः शूरः सर्वशस्त्रभृतामपि। अश्वत्थामेति विख्यातस्तेनासीत् संगरः कथम्॥
How is the battle was that of Ashvatthama with you, the son of your preceptor who was the best among the warriors and armed heroes.

रणे यं प्रेक्ष्य सीदन्ति हतस्वा वणिजो यथा। कृपेण तेन ते तात कथमासीत् समागमः॥
As a Vaishya becomes much distressed on destruction of his wealth, the warriors seeing Kripa become f}accid. How did you fight with them.

पर्वतं योऽभिविध्येत राजपुत्रो महेषुभिः। दुर्योधनेन ते तात कथमासीत् समागमः॥
O son, how was that your encounter with prince Duryodhana, who had broken the hills by his great arrows.

अवगाढा द्विषन्तो मे सुखो वातोऽभिवाति माम्। यस्त्वं धनमथाजैषीः कुरुभिम्रस्तमाहवे॥
O son! The Kuru sons had been kidnapped the kine wealth, you regain it. I feel great pleasure, wind also delighted me.

तेषां भयाभिपन्नानां सर्वेषां बलशालिनाम्। नूनं प्रकाल्य तान् सर्वांस्त्वया युधि नरर्षभ। आच्छिन्नं गोधनं सर्वं शार्दूलेनामिषं यथा॥
Forsooth, o foremost of men, having routed the enemy of having great streinght but afraid, you have snatched away from them by precious kine like a tiger his prey.