The return of Uttara to his city in the Goharana

वैशम्पायन उवाच आहूयमानश्च स तेन संख्ये महात्मना वै धृतराष्ट्रपुत्रः। निवर्तितस्तस्य गिराङ्कुशेन महागजो मत्त इवाङ्कुशेन॥
Vaishampayana said-"O Janamejaya! Duryodhana, the son of Dhritarashtra again returned like an intoxicant elephant injured by goad when great Arjuna challenged him so far the bathe as his harsh words acted like a goad on him.

सोऽमृष्यमाणो वचसाभिमृष्टो महाराथनातिरथस्तरस्वी। पर्याववाथ रथेन वीरो भोगी यथा पादतलाभिमृष्टः॥
As the son of Kunti had humiliated him with harsh words, he, the chivalours warrior (Atirathi) could not endure and returned immediately with his chariot to like revenge like a snake crushed under feet.

तं प्रेक्ष्य कर्णः परिवर्तमानं निवर्त्य संस्तथ्य च विद्धगात्रम्। ॥ दुर्योधनस्योत्तरतोऽभ्यगच्छत् पार्थं नृवीरो युधि हेममाली॥
Having seen Duryodhana so returned for battle, Karna too anyhow energised his injured body, covered the left collateral of Duryodhana to defend him and marched forward so as to face Arjuna. The chivalrous Karna was duly held of a garland made of gold.

भीष्मस्ततः शान्तनवो विवृत्य हिरण्यकक्षस्त्वरयाभिषङ्गी। दुर्योधनं पश्चिमतोऽभ्यरक्षत् पार्थान्महाबाहुरधिज्यधन्वा॥
Bhishma, the son of Shantanu with a golden sheet of cloth covering his body came immediately there as he had turned chariot speedily. He was capable to defeat the enemy. He began defending Duryodhana from the attack made by Arjuna at the west or backside with his bow ready to shoot acute arrows.

द्रोणः कृपश्चैव विविंशतिश्च दुःशासनश्चैव विवृत्य शीघ्रम्। सर्वे पुरस्ताद् विततोरुचापा दुर्योधनार्थं त्वरिताऽभ्युपेयुः॥
Drona, Kripacharya, Vivimshati and Dushasana too turned towards Arjuna immediately. All of them had come hurriedly and began defending Duryodhana from Arjuna's attack at front side or east. Their bows were duly stretched to release arrows.

न्यालोक्य पूर्णौधनिभानि पार्थः। हंसो यथा मेघमिवापतन्तं धनंजयः प्रत्यतपत् तरस्वी॥
As the sun heats up severely the cluster of clouds, Dhananjaya, the son of Kunti began attacking fiercely that Kauravas army return then like a unsurprising flood.

मस्त्राणि दिव्यानि समाददानाः। न्मेघा यथा भूधरमम्बुवर्गः॥
Those warriors holding divine arms and weapons, covered Arjuna from four sides and began shooting arrow at him like the cloud start raining from all sides after a stumble at the mountain.

ततोऽस्त्रमस्त्रेण निवार्य तेषां गाण्डीवधन्वा कुरुपुङ्गवानाम्। सम्मोहनं शत्रुसहोऽन्यदस्त्रं प्रादुश्चकारैन्द्रिरपारणीयम्॥
Arjuna, the holder of Gandiva and capable to face the attacks of enemy, splitted all their arms in pieces by using his own arms and immediately got another arm Sammohana, an specific arm impossible to destroy by other.

ततो दिशश्चानुदिशो विवृत्य शरैः सुधारैर्निशितैः सुपत्रैः। गाण्डीवघोषेण मनांसि तेषां महाबलः प्रव्यथयाञ्चकार॥
That great chivalrous had then covered all directions and sub-directions with a volley of arrows having attractive wings and acute edge. The continuous sound made by his Gandiva bow with arrow shots, frightened the Kauravas' warriors.

ततः पुनर्भीमरवं प्रगृह्य दो महाशङ्खमुदारघोषम्। व्यनादयत् स प्रदिशो दिशः खं भुवं च पार्थो द्विषतां निहन्ता॥
The son of Kunti, the killer of enemy had then caught with both hands his conch (Mahashankha) known for its disastrous sound covering a distant area under its echo and started blowing. The echo of that conch gripped all directions, sub-directions, sky and the earth also.

ते शङ्खनादेन कुरुप्रवीराः सम्मोहिताः पार्थसमीरितेन। उत्सृज्य चापानि दुरासदानि सर्वे तदा शान्तिपरा बभूवुः॥
The sound was so loud that it fainted all warriors fighting for Kauravas and they stunned in unconscious state so deep as the arms/weapons in their hands were dropped down when the conch was blown by Arjuna.

तथा विसंज्ञेषु च तेषु पार्थः स्मृत्वा च वाक्यानि तथोत्तरायाः। मुवाच यावत् कुरवो विसंज्ञाः॥ आचार्यशारद्वतयोः सुशुक्ले कर्णस्य पीतं रुचिरं च वस्त्रम्। द्रौणेश्च राज्ञश्च तथैव नीले वस्त्रे समादत्स्व नरप्रवीर॥
Just when those warriors were fainted, the facts told by Uttara came to Arjuna's mind and he instructed Uttara, the son of Matsya king to slip carefully out from that place before they could regain conscious. He further said that Uttara should take-off white clothes from the body of preceptor Drona and Kripacharya, the yellow garment from Karnas body and blue garments from the body of Ashvatthama and king Duryodhana.

भीष्मस्य संज्ञां तु तथैव मन्ये जानाति सोऽस्त्रप्रतिघातमेषः। मेवं हि यातव्यममूढसंज्ञैः॥
(Arjuna again instructed) I understand, Bhishma, our grand-father knows the method to take Sammohana off and he would still in conscious. As the method to walk through vicinity of warriors not lost of conscious envisages, you should leave (cross) his horses at the left.

रश्मीन् समुत्सृज्य ततो महात्मा रथादवप्लुत्य विराटपुत्रः। वस्त्राण्युपादाय महारथानां तूर्णं पुन: स्वं रथमारुरोह॥
The son of Virata immediately left the rein of his horses and jumped down from chariot. He collected the clothes of those warriors and again rod on his chariot.

ततोऽन्वशासच्चतुरः सदश्वान् पुत्रो विराटस्य हिरण्यकक्षान्। ते तद् व्यतीयुर्ध्वजिनामनीकं श्वेता वहन्तोऽर्जुनमाजिमध्यात्॥
The son of Virata then drove those four attractive horses duly decorated with gold trimmings and yoked with his chariot. Those white horses passed through the middle part of battle-field with Arjuna on chariot crossed soon the circle of army of chariot riders with flags fixed on them.

तथानुयान्तं पुरुषप्रवीरं भीष्मः शरैरभ्यहनत् तरस्वी। स चापि भीष्मस्य हयान् निहत्य विव्याध पार्थो दशभिः पृषत्कैः॥
Bhishma shot an arrow at Arjuna and injured him when he saw him leaving that place so hideously. Arjuna on his part killed his horses and injured him by shooting ten arrows.

ततोऽर्जुनो भीष्ममपास्य युद्धे विद्ध्वास्य यन्तारमरिष्टधन्वा। न्मेधं विदार्येव सहस्ररश्मिः॥
Arjuna with his mighty bow left Bhishma on battle-field, shot hard his charioteer with acute arrows and thus, came out safely from the circle of chariots. He graced like sun god shining after the clouds shattered.

लम्वा हि संज्ञां तु कुरुप्रवीराः पार्थं निरीक्ष्याथ सुरेन्द्रकल्पम्। रणे विमुक्तं स्थितमेकमाजौ स धार्तराष्ट्रस्त्वरितं बभाषे॥
The warriors fighting for Kauravas got conscious soon and saw Arjuna standing lonely outside the circle of chariots. He seemed valorous like Indra, the king of gods. Having seen him alone, Duryodhana, the son of Dhritarashtra enquired immediately.

स्तथा प्रमनीत यथा न मुच्येत्। तमब्रवीच्छान्तनवः प्रहस्य क्व ते गता बुद्धिरभूत् क्व वीर्यम्॥ रुत्सृज्य बाणांश्च धनुर्विचित्रम्॥
"O Grandfather! How had he escaped from your hands? Churn him so badly as he could not escape." Bhishma, the son of Shantanu toughed and replied Duryodhana "O king! Where had your wit gone when you fell down unconscious here and your bow and arrows left aside? Tell me that where was your valour at that time?

त्वेष बीभत्सुरलं नृशंसं कर्तुं न पापेऽस्य मनो विशिष्टिम्॥ त्रैलोक्यहेतोर्न जहेत् स्वधर्म सर्वे न तस्मानिहता रणेऽस्मिन्। क्षिप्रं कुरून् याहि कुरुप्रवीर विजित्य गाश्च प्रतियातु पार्थः। मा ते स्वकोऽर्थो निपतेत मोहात् तत् संविदातव्यमरिष्टबन्धम्॥
Arjuna cannot behave cruelly as his mind never entangles in coming vice. He cannot abandon his religion even if enticed for ruling on trio-worlds. This is the reason, he did not killed us at that unconscious state. O one of pioneer warriors in Kuru race, go back to Kuru state immediately. Let Arjuna return to his destination with cows. Keep in mind your own interest and don't become cause for defeat of your own purpose. All of us should do whatever may ensure our welfare.

वैशम्पायन उवाच दुर्योधनस्तस्य तु तन्निशम्य पितामहस्यात्महितं वचोऽथ। अतीतकामो युधि सोऽत्यमर्षी राजा विनिःश्वस्य बभूव तूष्णीम्॥
Vaishampayana said-O Janamejaya! King Duryodhana gave up an idea to continue fight any more following the advice of grand-father in his interest. He kept mum in the matter sobbing deep with in heart for the humiliation suffered.

तद् भीष्मवाक्यं हितमीक्ष्य सर्वे धनंजयाग्निं च विवर्धमानम्। दुर्योधनं ते परिरक्षमाणाः॥
All other warriors affirmed the advice of Bhishma as they guessed of eruption of fire more and more in the form of Arjuna. Finally, they arrived at a conclusion to go back at their state with duly defending Duryodhana.

तान् प्रस्थितान् प्रीतमनाः स पार्थो धनंजयः प्रेक्ष्य कुरुप्रवीरान्। अभाषमाणोऽनुनयं मुहूर्त वचोब्रवीत् सम्परिहत्य भूयः॥
Dhananjaya, the son of Kunti filled with joy within heart when he saw Kaurava's army moving from there. He kept mum for more than half an hour without saying anything in request and submission.

पितामहं शान्तनवं च वृद्धं द्रोणं गुरुं च प्रणिपत्य मू । ज्छरैर्विचित्रैरभिवाद्य चैव॥ दुर्योधनस्योत्तमरत्नचित्रं चिच्छेद पार्थो मुकुटं शरेण।
He then saluted with his head bowed on the feet of grand-father Bhishma and preceptor Drona and talked on certain matters for a while. He then saluted through application of arrows varied ways to Ashvatthama, Kripacharya and other respected Kauravas (Banahika, Somadatta etc.) and cut the excellent gem-studded crown off from Duryodhana's head through an arrow.

आमन्त्र्य वीरांश्च तथैव मान्यान्। गाण्डीवघोषेण विनाद्य लोकान्॥ स देवदत्तं सहसा विनाद्य विदार्य वीरो द्विषतां मनांसि।
He similarly, bid farewell with other respected warriors, spreaded echo on stretch to his bow through out the world and threatened the enemies when he blew his conch Devadatta.

ध्वजेन सर्वानभिभूय शत्रून् सहेममालेन विराजमानः॥ दृष्ट्वा प्रयातांस्तु कुरून् किरीटी हृष्टोऽब्रवीत् तत्र स मत्स्यपुत्रम्। आवर्तयाश्वान् पशवो जितास्ते याताः परे याहि पुरं प्रहृष्टः॥
Thus Arjuna attained special grace with ecstacy of victory on all enemies. The flag trimmed with garland of gold duly erected on his chariot seemed as if humiliating his all enemies. Arjuna with a crown on head; exhilarated observing return of Kauravas from there. He said Uttara, the son of Matsya's king-"O Prince! Turn your horses back now. Your cows are won and enemies have departed. Hence, move now towards city with pleasure.

देवास्तु दृष्ट्वा महदद्भुतं तद् युद्धं कुरूणां सह फाल्गुनेन। जग्मुर्यथास्वं भवनं प्रतीताः पार्थस्य कर्माणि विचिन्तयन्तः॥
The gods enjoyed with ecstacy the fight between Arjuna and Kaurava and returned to their respective palaces with Arjuna's valour on their lips.