The retreat of Duryodhana in the Goharana

वैशम्पायन उवाच भीष्मे तु संग्रामशिरो विहाय पलायमाने धृतराष्ट्रपुत्रः। उत्सृज्य केतुं विनदन् महात्मा धनुर्विगृह्यार्जुनमाससाद॥
Vaishampayana said After Bhishma had fled away from the battle-field, the illustrious Duryodhana, hoisting up his flag, approached Arjuna with bow in hand, and sending up a loud roar.

स भीमधन्वानमुदप्रवीर्यं धनंजयं शत्रुगणे चरन्तम्। आकर्णपूर्णायतचोदितेन विव्याध भल्लेन ललाटमध्ये।।
Then with a dart shot from the bow drawn to the ear, he wounded, on the forehead, Dhananjaya of fierce energy, and a terrible bowman ranging in the midst of the enemies.

स तेन बाणेन समर्पितेन जाम्बूनदाग्रेण सुसंहितेन। रराज राजन् महनीयकर्मा यथैकपर्वा रुचिरैकशृङ्गः॥३
And wounded with a sharp golden arrow on his forehead, that illustrious hero shone like a hill with a single peak.

अथास्य बाणेन विदारितस्य प्रादुर्बभूवासृगजस्रमुष्णम्। स तस्य जाम्बूनदपुडचित्रो भित्त्वा ललाटं सुविराजते स्म॥
Severed by his arrow warm life-blood gushed out of the wound. And piercing his forehead, that golden shaft appeared beautiful.

दुर्योधनश्चापि तमुग्रतेजाः पार्थश्च दुर्योधनमेकवीरः। अन्योन्यमाजौ पुरुषप्रवीरौ समौ समाजग्मतुराजमीढौ॥
Duryodhana of fierce energy, attacked Partha, and Partha attacked him. Thus two foremost of men, born in the family of Ajamidha, struck each other in the battle.

ततः प्रभिन्नेन महागजेन महीधराभेन पुनर्विकर्णः। रथैश्चतुर्भिर्गजपादरक्षैः कुन्तीसुतं जिष्णुमथाभ्यधावत्॥
Then supported by four cars, Vikarna rushed on an infuriated elephant, huge as a mountain, against Jishnu, the son of Kunti.

तमापतन्तं त्वरितं गजेन्द्र धनंजयः कुम्भविभागमध्ये। आकर्णपूर्णेन महायसेन बाणेन विव्याध महाजवेन॥
Seeing him come quickly, Dhananjaya struck that elephant-chief on the head, between the temples, with a fierce iron shaft, discharged from the bow drawn to the ear.

पार्थेन सृष्टः स तु गापत्र आपुलदेशात् प्रविवेश नागम्। विदार्य शैलप्रवरं प्रकाशं यथाशनिः पर्वतमिन्द्रसृष्टः॥
Like thunderbolt, hurled by Indra, smiting a hill, the arrow, with vulture wings, shot by Partha, penetrated up to the very feathers into the huge elephant.

शरप्रतप्तः स तु नागराज: प्रवेपिताङ्गो व्यथितान्तरात्मा। संसीदमानो निपपात मह्यां वज्राहतं शृङ्गमिवाचलस्य॥
Struck by the arrow that elephant-chief, greatly pained began to tremble; and being cxhausted, it fell down on the earth like a nountain summit clapped by a thunderbolt.

निपातिते दन्तिवरे पृथिव्यां त्रासाद् विकर्णः सहसावतीर्य। तूर्णं पदान्यष्टशतानि गत्वा विविंशते: स्यन्दनमासरोह॥
All on a sudden, getting down in great fear from the car, Vikarana ran full eight hundred paces and got on the car of Vivinshati.

निहत्य नागं तु शरेण तेन वज्रोपमेनाद्रिवराम्बुदाभम्। तथाविधेनैव शरेण पार्थो दुर्योधनं वक्षसि निर्बिभेद॥
Having killed with that thunderbolt shaft, that elephant, huge as a hill, and resembling a mass of clouds the son of Pritha struck Duryodhana on the breast, with another arrow of the same kind.

ततो गजे राजनि चैव भिन्ने भग्ने विकर्णे च सपादरक्षे। स्ते योधमुख्याः सहसापजग्मुः॥
The elephant and the king having thus been both wounded and Vikarana having fled away with the followers, other warriors, smitten with the shafts discharged from the Gandiva, fled from the field in panic.

दृष्ट्वैव पार्थेन हतं च नागं योधांश्च सर्वान् द्रवतो निशम्य। रथं समावृत्य कुरुप्रवीरो रणात् प्रदुद्राव यतो न पार्थः॥
Having seen the elephant slain by Partha, and all other heroes running away, Duryodhana, the foremost of Kurus, turning his chariot, immediately fled where Partha was not.

तं भीमरूपं त्वरितं द्रवन्तं दुर्योधनं शत्रुसहोऽभिषगात्। प्रास्फोटयद् योद्धमनाः किरीटी बाणेन विद्धं रुधिरं वमन्तम्॥
While Duryodhana was thus taking to his heels, in great terror, pierced by that arrow, and throwing up blood, Kiritin, still eager for battle and capable of withstanding every enemy, censured him.

अर्जुन उवाच विहाय कीर्ति विपुलं यशश्च युद्धात् परावृत्य पलायसे किम्। न तेऽद्य तूर्याणि समाहतानि तथैव राज्यादवरोपितस्या॥
Arjuna said Renouncing your great fame and glory, why do you take to your heels? Why are not your trumpet blown in the same way as when you started from your kingdom.

युधिष्ठिस्यास्मि निदेशकारी पार्थस्तृतीयो युधि संस्थितोऽस्मि। तदर्थमावृत्य मुखं प्रयच्छ नरेन्द्रवृत्तं स्मर धार्तराष्ट्र॥
I am the obedient servant of Yudhishthira. I am the third son of Pritha, standing here for battle. Turning back, show me your face. Remember the conduct of kings, O son of Dhritarashtra.

मोघं तवेदं भुवि नामधेयं दुर्योधनेतीह कृतं पुरस्तात्। न हीह दुर्योधनता तवास्ति पलायमानस्य रणं विहाया।१७।।
The name Duryodhana, given to you, is thus made meaningless. Where is your persistence in battle-time. Your run away leaving the battle-field.

न ते पुरस्तादथ पृष्ठतो वा पश्यामि दुर्योधन रक्षितारम्। अपेहि युद्धात् पुरुषप्रवीर प्राणान् प्रियान् पाण्डवतोऽद्य रक्ष॥
O Duryodhana! As no guard is seen either in front or back of you. Hence, O chivalrous man! Immediately depart from the battle-field and save your life before you die in the hands of Arjuna.