The defeat of Bhishma

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततः शान्तनवो भीष्मो भरतानां पितामहः। वध्यमानेषु योधेषु धनंजयमुपाद्रवत्॥
Vaishampayana said The warriors being thus slain, Bhishma, the son of Shantanu, the grandfather of Bharatas, rushed at Dhananjaya,

प्रगृह्य कार्मुकश्रेष्ठं जातरूपपरिष्कृतम्। शरानादाय तीक्ष्णाग्रान् मर्मभेदान् प्रमाथिनः॥
Taking up the best of bows made of burnished gold, and sharp arrows capable of piercing to the very vitals.

पाण्डुरेणातपत्रेण ध्रियमाणेन मूर्धनि। शुशुभे स नरव्याघ्रो गिरिः सूर्योदये यथा।॥
And on account of a white umbrella being held over his head, that foremost of men shone like a hill at sun-rise.

प्रध्याय शङ्ख गाङ्गेयो धार्तराष्ट्रान् प्रहर्षयन्। प्रदक्षिणमुपावृत्य बीभत्सुं समवारयत्॥
Blowing his conch and cheering up the son of Dhritarashtra, the son of Ganga encountered Bibhatsu.

तमुदीक्ष्य समायान्तं कौन्तेयः परवीरहा। प्रत्यगृह्णात् प्रहृष्टात्मा धाराधरमिवाचलः॥
Seeing him approach, that slayer of hostile heroes, the son of Kunti received him gladly like a hill receiving a cloud.

ततो भीष्मः शरानष्टौ ध्वजे पार्थस्य वीर्यवान्। समार्पयन्महावेगाञ्छ्वसमानानिवोरगान्॥
Then the greatly energetic Bhishma discharged eight quick arrows, sighing like serpents, at Partha's flag.

ते ध्वजं पाण्डुपुत्रस्य समासाद्य पतत्रिणः। ज्वलन्तं कपिमाजघ्नुर्ध्वजाग्रनिलयांश्च तान्॥
Reaching the flag-staff of the son of Pandu, those winged arrows struck the blowing monkey and other creatures stationed on the flag-staff.

ततो भल्लेन महता पृथुधारेण पाण्डवः। छत्रं चिच्छेद भीष्मस्य तूर्णं तदपतद् भुवि॥
Then with a huge and sharp dart, the son of Pandu quickly cut off Bhishma's umbrella and it fell down on the ground.

ध्वजं चैवास्य कौन्तेयः शरैरभ्यहनन् भृशम्। शीघ्रकृद् रथवाहांश्च तथोभौ पार्ष्णिसारथी॥
The son of Kunti, with arrows, struck his flag-staff, his two horses and her driver that protected his flanks.

अमृष्यमाणस्तद् भीष्मो जानन्नपि स पाण्डवम्। दिव्येनास्त्रेण महता धनंजयप्रवाकिरत्॥
Unable to bear this, Bhishma though he knew Arjuna's prowess covered Dhananjaya, the son of Pandu with celestials weapons.

तथैव पाण्डवो भीष्मे दिव्यमस्त्रमुदीरयन्। प्रत्यगृह्णादमेयात्मा महामेघमिवाचलः॥
Then discharging a celestials weapon at Bhishma, Pandava, of incomparable energy, received him like a hill receiving a huge mass of cloud.

तयोस्तदभवद् युद्धं तुमुलं लोमहर्षणम्। प्रेक्षन्त कुरवः भीष्मस्य सह पार्थेन बलिवासवयोरिव।॥
There was a mighty and hair-stirring encounter between Partha and Bhishma like that between Bali and Vasava,

सर्वे योधाश्च सहसैनिकाः भल्लैर्भल्लाः समागम्य भीष्मपाण्डवयोर्युधि। अन्तरिक्षे व्यराजन्त खद्योताः प्रावृषीव हि॥ अग्निचक्रमिवाविद्धं सव्यदक्षिणमस्यतः। गाण्डीवमभवद् राजन् पार्थस्य सृजतः शरान्॥ ततः संछादयामास भीष्मं शरशतैः शितैः। पर्वतं वारिधाराभिश्छादयन्निव तोयदः॥ तां स वेलामिवोद्धतां शरवृष्टिं समुत्थिताम्। व्यधमत् सायकैर्भीष्मः पाण्डवं समवारयत्॥ ततस्तानि निकृत्तानि शरजालानि भागशः। समरे च व्यशीर्यन्त फाल्गुनस्य रथं प्रति॥ ततः कनकपुङ्खानां शरवृष्टिं समुत्थिताम्। पाण्डवस्य रथात् तूर्णं शलमानामिवायतिम्। व्यधमत् तां पुनस्तस्य भीष्मः शरशतैः शितैः॥
The Kuru warriors, with their soldiers witnessed that encounter between Bhishma and Partha attacking each other with darts. Partha shooting arrows with both the hands, the Gandiva bow looked like a continuous circle of fire. The son of Kunti enveloped Bhishma with hundreds of sharp arrows like a cloud covering the mountain with rain. Bhishma with his own arrows counteracted that shower of arrows like banks resisting the surging deep, and covered Arjuna with shafts. Those shafts, sundered into a thousand pieces, fell on Arjuna's car. Then arose a downpour of gold-winged shafts going through the sky like a swarm of locusts. He then pierced Bhishma with hundred sharpened shafts.

ततस्ते कुरवः सर्वे साधु साध्विति चाब्रुवन्। दुष्करं कृतवान् भीष्मो यदर्जुनमयोधयत्॥
All Kauravas at that moment thanked Bhishma by saying-"Hurrah! Bhishma has showed this rare valour as to wage battle against Arjuna. a

बलवांस्तरुणो दक्षः क्षिप्रकारी धनंजयः। कोऽन्यः समर्थः पार्थस्य वेगं धारयितुं रणे॥ ऋते शान्तनवाद् भीष्मात् कृष्णाद् वा देवकीसुतात्। आचार्यप्रवराद् वापि भारद्वाजान्महाबलात्॥
Arjuna is mighty, young, efficient and quick in shooting arrows. Hence, who otherwise than Bhishma, the son of Shantanu, Srikrishna, the son of Devaki or Drona, the son of Bharadvaja, mighty and great preceptor (Acharya), can face Partha in battle.

अस्त्रैरस्त्राणि संवार्य क्रीडन्तौ भरतर्षभौ। चढूंषि सर्वभूतानां मोहयन्तौ महाबलौ॥
Both the mighty warriors, crown to the Bharata's dynasty were detouring or splitting the weapons shot by each other as if it was a play not war for them and the spectators were dazed to see it.

प्राजापत्यं तथैवैन्द्रमाग्नेयं रौद्रदारुणम्। कौबेरं वारुणं चैव याम्यं वायव्यमेव च। प्रयुञ्जानौ महात्मानौ समरे तौ विचेरतुः॥
Both of the great warriors were thus engaged in battle-field by shooting the weapons Prajapatya, Aiendra, Agneya, Raudra, Kaubera, Varuna, Yama and Vayavya.

विस्मितान्यथ भूतानि तौ दृष्ट्वा संयुगे तदा। साधु पार्थ महाबाहो साधु भीष्मेति चाब्रुवन्॥
All spectators to that battle could not resist them saying frequently, Ogreat warrior Partha! we thank you. O great warrior Bhishma! We thank you (viz. we appreciate your war-craft and expertise).

नायं युक्तो मनुष्येषु योऽयं संदृश्यते महान्। महास्त्राणां सम्प्रयोगः समरे भीष्मपार्थयोः॥
The great use of specific divine arms and weapons as it is being seen in the battle of Bhishma and Partha, impossible to anywhere and amid other warriors.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवं सर्वास्त्रविदुषोरस्त्रयुद्धमवर्तत। अस्त्रयुद्धे तु निर्वृत्ते शरयुद्धमवर्तत॥
see O Janamejaya! a battle with divine arms between Bhishma and Arjuna both experts kept on incessant for a certain time. A battle with arrows then started.

अथ जिष्णुरुपावृत्य क्षुरधारेण कार्मुकम्। चकर्त भीष्मस्य तदा जातरूपपरिष्कृतम्॥
The victorious Arjuna then marched closer to Bhishma and cut in pieces the gold studded bow of him by shooting an arrow having sword like blade.

निमेषान्तरमात्रेण भीष्मोऽन्यत् कार्मुकं रणे। समादाय महाबाहुः सज्यं चक्रे महारथः। शरांश्च सुबहून् क्रुद्धो मुमोचाशु धनंजये॥
The great warrior Bhishma with his huge arms picked-up just at an eye-wink another bow, tied it with string and shot a volley of arrows at Arjuna in sheer anger.

अर्जुनोऽपि शरांस्तीक्ष्णान् भीष्माथ निशितान् बहून्। चिक्षेप सुमहातेजास्तथा भीष्मश्च पाण्डवे॥
Arjuna, the great valorous also shot several acute arrows at Bhishma and Bhishma in reaction also shot numerous arrows at Arjuna.

तयोदिव्यास्त्रविदुषोरस्यतोर्निशिताञ्छरान्। विशेषस्तदा राजल्लँक्ष्यते स्म महात्मनोः॥
O king! both of the warriors were expert in divine arms and weapons and therefore, shooting at each other acute arrows. No difference anyway was seen them at that time viz. both were equally valorous.

अथावृणोद् दश दिशः शरैरतिरथस्तदा। किरीटमाली कौन्तेयः शूरः शान्तनवस्तथा॥
Arjuna, the son of Kunti holding a crown on head and Bhishma, the son of Shantanu, both were Atirathi warrior. They had covered the directions, ten in number with the arrows shot at each other.

अतीव पाण्डवो भीष्मं भीष्मश्चातीव पाण्डवम्। बभूव तस्मिन् संग्रामे राजंल्लोके तदद्भुतम्॥
o king Janamejaya! it was really a phenomenon to see of this world that at one time Arjuna, the son of Pandu was seen overlapping Bhishma while Bhishma overlapping Arjuna on the other moment.

पाण्डवेन हताः शूरा भीष्मस्य स्थरक्षिणः। शेरते स्म तदा राजन कौन्तेयस्याभितो स्थम्॥
O king! the chivalrous soldiers protecting the chariot of Bhishma were fell down dead both side of that chariot as Arjuna had killed them.

ततो गाण्डीवनिर्मुक्ता निरमित्रं चिकीर्षवः। आगच्छन् पुडसंश्लिष्टाः श्वेतवाहनपत्रिणः॥
The arrows bearing wings then started moving forward at their release from the bow named Gandiva of Arjuna rode on the white chariot. They started coming from all sides as if intended to make this entire universe free from enemies.

निष्यतन्तो रथात् तस्य धौता हिरण्यवाससः। आकाशे समदृश्यन्त हंसानामिवपङ्क्तयः॥
The white arrows with golden wings appears as a row of swans in the sky when they flew from the side where Arjuna's chariot was existed.

तस्य तद् दिव्यमस्त्रं हि विगाढं चित्रमस्यतः। प्रेक्षन्ते स्मान्तरिक्षस्थाः सर्वे देवाः सवासवाः॥
Arjuna was shooting divine arms capable to pierce the heart in an excellent manner and Indra etc. all gods were watching his war-craft from the sky where they had come and stood to see this phenomenal battle,

तं दृष्ट्वा परमप्रीतो गन्धर्वश्चित्रमद्भुतम्। शशंस देवराजाय चित्रसेनः प्रतापवान्॥
The chivalrous Gandharva Chitrasena was impressed highly with Arjuna and he said Indra, the king of gods in appreciation of his excellent and phenomenal war-craft.

पश्येमान् पार्थनिर्मुक्तान् संसक्तानिव गच्छतः। चित्ररूपमिदं जिष्णोदिव्यमस्त्रमुदीर्यतः॥
O sovereign king! see that forwarding swiftly and compact with each other on release from Arjuna's bow. This arrows strategy of Arjuna is really excellent and splendid as he is expert in using divine arms.

नेदं मनुष्याः संदध्युन हीदं तेषु विद्यते। पौराणानां महास्त्राणां विचित्रोऽयं समागमः॥
As this arm is not with other people, they cannot use this divine arm for battle. An excellent conglomeration of the powerful arms has been made only in this battle here.

आददानस्य हि शरान् संधाय च विमुञ्चतः। विकर्षतश्च गाण्डीवं नान्तरं समदृश्यत॥
Nobody could measure the difference of time between the acts of picking up arrows from holster, putting on bow, shooting and giving tension to the bow.

मध्यंदिनगतं सूर्यं प्रतपन्तमिवाम्बरे। नाशक्नुवन्त सैन्यानि पाण्डवं प्रति वीक्षितुम्॥ तथैव भीष्मं गाङ्गेयं द्रष्टुं नोत्सहते जनः॥
The soldiers on part of Kauravas have lost courage even to see straight way at valorous son of Pandu as nobody can gaze at the sun glowing in sky with acute rays in the noon. Similarly, nobody can dare to look straight at Bhishma, the son of Ganga.

उभौ विश्रुतकर्माणावुभौ तीव्रपराक्रमौ। उभौ सदृशकर्माणावुभौ युधि सुदुर्जयौ॥
Both warriors are famous for their excellent deeds through the world. Both are aggressively valorous. Both equally chivalours and tough to defeat in the battle.

इत्युक्तो देवराजस्तु पार्थभीष्मसमागमम्। पूजयामास दिव्येन पुष्पवर्षेण भारत॥
O Bharata! Indra, the king of gods revealed honour for this excellent battle between Arjuna and Bhishma with showing flowers on them when so reported by Chitrasena.

ततः शान्तनवो भीष्मो वाम पार्श्वमताडयत्। पश्यतः प्रतिसंधाय विध्यतः सव्यसाचिनः॥
Bhishma, the son of Shantanu suddenly penetrated the left collateral of Arjuna's body who had wounded the Kauravas' army in course of the fierce battle so fought. are

ततः प्रहस्य बीभत्सुः पृथुधारेण कार्मुकम्। चिच्छेद गार्धपत्रेण भीष्मस्यादित्यतेजसः॥
The smiling Bibhatsu with sharp shafts furnished with vulture feathers cut off the bow of Bhishma resembling the sun in effulgence.

अथैनं दशभिर्बाणैः प्रत्यविध्यत् स्तनान्तरे। यतमानं पराक्रान्तं कुन्तीपुत्रो धनंजयः॥
Then with ten shafts Dhananjaya, the son of Kunti, wounded him, brave as he was, on the breast.

स पीडितो महाबाहुर्गृहीत्वा रथकूबरम्। गाङ्गेयो युद्धदुर्धर्षस्तस्थौ दीर्घमिवान्तरम्॥
Thus assailed, the powerful son of Ganga stood leaning for a long time on the pole of the car.

तं विसंज्ञमपोवाह संयन्ता रथवाजिनाम्। उपदेशमनुस्मृत्य रक्षमाणो महारथम्॥
Beholding him senseless, his charioteer remembering his instructions took away the mighty car-warrior.